20 Capital Journal, Salem, Only the Brave By PAUL EVAN LEHMAN (Chapter 14) Ken came running and some boay letcliea a lauitrn. Joan Stover, liae Sam Tolaon, had btxu ahol m tne bacx ol Uie head. "Uauinl" sua Jell kuddenly, and the crowd husned. i"rom lar be yond the town came the lamt tou ot iiooli "Tfiai'd be Slug," eeid aomebody. Be (wore to get bam and h rmon to get John." Jell ent back Into Glenn's house. He was thinking aoout stover anu the auestioiu he would never . A horse came walking- along the passageway beside the house and baited at the stable, and Jell went to the door In time to see Glenn awing to the ground. "Got tied up in Briscoe and dldn t leave until after noon. Jell. I think I've struck a gold mine over there. How's tricks?" "Tell me about yourself. You say jou got some business?" -Yea. Little Mult, mostly Wills, deed, and some oriels tor a law llrm. But It'll grow." "Good. By the way. John Sto ver was shot a ahorl time belore you pulled In." Olenn looked up quickly. "Sto rer? The marshal?" His lace har dened. "So Slug Benjamin got him t last." "Probably. John had supper here With me Just belore It happened." "What was Biover aomg jjbicc "Looking lor you." -Yes?" He wanted to clear up the num ber of shots you fired at Slug Somebody swears there were Just live. You were seen to reload Sam's gun with five fresh shells, and If you fired all five shots John de clares Slug couldn't have shot Sam. Do you remember how many you Jlred?" "Sure. Four. The fifth time I pulled the trigger there was Just click. I know there were five empties In that gun. but Sam must have fired one himself. The fel low counted correctly, but Slug most certainly did kill Sam. There 1 no doubt aoout tnai at an. .Toff f.lt relieved. He got up and walked to the window. He hated to do what he had to do. but fairness to uienn demanded It. He turned suddenly and came back to the table. "Sto ver said one of the boys told him you'd dropped something like six or seven hundred dollars In a few nights. Now that Isn't true. Is it?" Glenn didn't reply for a mo ment. "I'm afraid It Is, Jeff," he aald at last. "Not auite that much In all I lost something like live bundred and twenty dollars. "But you aald " "That Slug didn't pay me. 1 know." He was looking at Jeff with drawn face and eyea that seemed to plead for understanding. "I sat In the gam the night you gave me the twenty Just to pass away the time. I lost It. and It made me mad. I went down to see Slug and got a live-hundred dollar re tainer out of him. For a couple rilghti I held my own, then I had a run of bad luck and lost It all. I hao to lie to you, Jeff. I had to tell you that Slug hadn't paid me. It was rotten, I know, and I've wor ried about It ever since, especially alnc I know you can't afford to give me what you have. But I'll make It up to you. 1 swear I Willi" Jeff reached over and slapped him on the shoulder. "Forget it. What's done is done." Jeff finally aald good night and left. Wolranger's was atlU open, and he went In to buy some necessary aupplles. He gave his order to Hank, then turned at the sound of a voice stt his shoulder. Tlnd your Hereford yet?" It was Chuck Oils who had epoken. He searched the man's face and for the life of him could read only honest Interest. "Yes." Think I took 'em. don't you?" Tf you were in mv place what would you think?" Jeff looked at him steadily. "Before you leave town tonight you might drop In at the hotel and ask Ed Payne where me and mv boys spent last Sunday. Ed's aouare; he wont He to you." He nodded shortly, and left the tore. Chuck had an alibi as tiitht as a drum. He and his six men had remained In town Saturdav night, and had hung around the hotel all day Sunday, leaving for home after dark. On Thursday, Glenn rode unex pectedly up lo where he was work- lnioV June 1949 ing. "Jeff he said, "how about rid- inr to Briscoe with m and see ing the new layout? We can make it by tonight .and you can stay over tomorrow and ride back Sat urday with me. Doggone It, I've made a little money and I want to show you a good tune. You need a holiday." Jeb debated a moment, then de cided to go. They arrived In Bris-1 coe in time to eat a numeo sup per and attend a performance in I the Opera House. Friday they spent I In wandering about the town and In Olenn's ofltce. Jefr was per suaded to remain over night In or der to witness another performance. I btit on Saturday morning, against Glenn protest, he started for nome. His horse took the branch In I tne trail which led to the home stead, and Jeff gazed eagerly to ward the place where hi cattle usually grazed. Then he gave gasp of dismay and spurred his norse to a last run. The Hereford were around the cement pool he had built for water ing them. They were lying on their sme still and swollen In death -roisoneai" The word was torn from Jeff's tight .set Hps. Somebody had de libertelv poi.soned the water in the pool, with the intent to destroy his cattle. For a moment he stood staring as though he cauldn't credit that which he was seeing: then he I sagged to nis knees and burled his lace in nis arms. Tnere is a limit to every man s courage. (To Be Continued) 3020 SIZES .10 . 20 Halter Top One of Summer'g. most popular aun styles the ver satile halter-top dress with Its very own bolero! For the accent that adds interest make hat and bag set No, 3859 In matching or con trasting fabric. (Two separate pat terns;. No. 3020 Is cut In sizes 10, 12, 14, 1C 18. and 30. Blue 16 dress. 4 yds. 35-ln.; bolero. 1H yds. 35-ln. No. 3859 is out in one size. Hat, yd. 35-ln.; bag. yd. 35-ln. Cottons aura In strike a hitch fash- Ion note. They are Inexpensive to make, easy to handle. Send now or the SUMMER FASHION BOOK which Includes In Its 150 pattern ileMima. a big selection of allurlns suKKestlons for cotton fashions for every age and occasion. Price Just 20 cents. Address Capital Journal 552 Mission St.. San Francisco 6, Calif. R2831 Pattern No. R2S31 Dainty Dalslea DellcatelT ahari. ed dalslea are Honed together with sheer knot stitches to form this delightful vanity set. Easy crochet' lng. even for a beginner, the set Is nanosom enougn to grace tne dln ing room outlet. Pattern Envelope No. R3831 eon. Oregon, tains complete crocheting instruc tions lor large mat measuring io br 141 and small mat Ski bv material requirement, it Itch Illus trations and xinianing direction. To ootain thai itciem send 30c in cxjims giving pattern number your name, address and tone n um bel to Peggy Roberta Capital Jour oa. (28 Mission Street San Fran cisco i. Calif iWU?H .-......,.,-.,. WERE GETTING SOME BREAKS Y0U MEAN" KEENO BLAD&5 ACE A NEW PK50UCT THE I f THE MAN WHO CAN MAKE THE rJEST USE-' , NOW THE ADVEBTISING MANAGER) ABOUT THE . MANUFACTURER PUT ON A TEST CAMHVK5N Of THAT FACT IS THE CHIEF Of SECRET . OF SflOTSHOT MAGAZINE WAVRAZOR BUM IN ONI MAR KET AREA TO INTRODUCE THEM- SERVICE.' LET'S OET IT TOHIM--FAST J T STILL IN THE OFFICE ANCVvU FOUND IN SO, THE ONLY PLACE THE CROOK COULD t T r i f , HE DEALT ME AN ACE JTHE COUNTERFEITERS' HAVE BOUOHT THIS BLADE WAS XESBHk T fW i rnm i i ' n?iu mmoi i i d -4IEAF I II I ,y "oa 1 RACE f ; I " ' "' 1 m up O f. ' , S LET'EM GO OH THOSE TWO. 1 I f O. K.-HUNWEM O-SMWrr O-COURSE, 1 f LEOPIN' UZfiRDS J.1ST W flU. TRVIN' TO 1 I CUESSlN'-rM JJST I 6fXRS-l UW I I I 6SS3 BERKE 'EM LOOKED Lrrs OURS MOW! 1 I UWOTTrrHBiDUHES-. GUESS WHB TH' I NOTTPLKW-Wa I tM GCtl THROUGH I I I fop. VEflPSWt BJED- VnVWW-WE I d I evoA-PiopEi?-cii?piatJoES-l cewe is-hcvi A I jfound n-rr 1 TH'ouo otvv III thev ootrr look n J coixn rr I f SOVOOSEE 1M T "N l HAVE SEEM OR.SO "1 SOOtS I TURN MY BACKf"-" J REALLY NOT TO aVEARS ASO! MEBBE IF MOO MlMl WEWTjNOW ITS MVlf YOU SO lOOkSM' UP QCjsMeeas T . (BLAME, AMBROSE JSEE HIM YOU VJONT EVEKl. WITH HIM THE aL. FAULT.', VSCHXOLCHUMS.liELOOED' ' 1 HAO MO IDEATUIS OLDrfes IIXE HIM NO MOREX VJEQCVOO JTmaJ ( VOL) SORE A1NTME UR AMBROSE H SWEETHEART OF MINE Tfe? f7 VDIOMTCALL WTV VVEKV TRUSTV ! VpttASE TCy TO E WOULD TURM OPMfJjS I ' y-V iA I l ( ff!:.-c " y- ORCUtKlVIT FLOPPED ) HATES T'LEAVE IT HERE.. X I K., ir 4 f1 V I Sri" ) UMCONSHtJSAT MAH FEET.T ALL ALONE.'.'- ??.'r THARS ) i " 4; 4 I ?-OMCrHIN' I "AttIXv Sj0. T" FUNNV THINQ-tVEPrVftOCry J SOME FELLAS WORKIN' K ' 4', IKJSTA WENT L "Y TTLC.r Zl!Si!- J AM MEETS, LATELY, FLOPS DOWN IN THET LONESOME ) V jYO V WRONG IN THET . LT ?.,., ' 7 -33 ONCONSWOS SEWER. MEBBE THEY'D S tVkVi IP llkw Sm - llP Wm mm I ' " 1 17 YlMFi2r.. I II . V Y MO. IM HOT PRACTICIN BM1 EXERCISE ANO GOOD VFtatS WHY I'M V T WHAT? POT l'LL BETCHA n X w! 1 M DAMeiNG - I'M KEEPIM' IN FOOO. PLUS HEALTHY SO TROMO I A HT TLvZLX r J SilVS'J Vo K MUTT' SHAP6-TRAIHIH0! ffLEAN LIYIHO BOILOS r- TWAIN MAKEME LAUSH!) ' CA Jijni, - ' "F t? . lr li in f'JL - V7 eTHATOU,SIMST..THIS JPJ, fJJL J BB THOSE TVVO KIPS. PALMER, ARKANS4VV I '"T " 'f3 WRKLE...LISTEN...IEOI1PTHO "OS T KH k MEANS T-IM 1 ANPTHEBLAkS6lRLAR6ALLHERE.TEX J U rtl WORSES TIED CVT51PG...ANVBOCV Cff-Zl ' PURPY ANP THE VOUNcj VET WENT OVER If '13 11 FROM SADDLE HCCN RANCH RIPS vl i ? 1 ID CACTUS KNOB. THE KIPS ARE VI 5 FaBLV "'V ''rWAf ' C TELEPHONES. ) "XO I COWPLAIMT jL -I " I 1 " IPV I ft trt I I MtWMW U I I T I ii II ft -vw X I K-S J J r 11 t I C0MPNY ( GOTTA PERFECT Rl' 5p5 LET ME HANDLE. j5.Ii5JT!!!!3'iTV,L BACKW0O05 TV A, L-l M ''if 11 T W TMIS.' -S'WAinOiTOCK-''THIS! rrl2SiSPG,7i AMP WHO IWSXy, C "5 Wx a- 1 I Kl'C-i? lJ u HOIOCR5 MONEV.filVIN PRIZE KNOCK" i Tl TTT MR P0IW"N VT'WON MCAU4E iE 7 VfLS" li 5r T2jL rCl 1A ( III1 " . Wflfcl ivvr SPECIAL ' U RADIO PROGRAMS i . 1 THURSDAY P.M. 'KSLM "KGW -yolKOCO '.r'KOIN oS 5:N Fallon UwU, Jr., WrasB'a Itrl Rbrtlm Bneb Carl Huur :11 Frtnk Bmlnrww lunr ' Kbrtba Rftack Ultlt Bb :M PsulBf Fftnto Nw CrF Clk 11, CM M Nwt lthr Wrham w rw K4. B, Mttw ToM MIi Strlw trfnd Csndl Llfbt Mil HuatM . lift B-Bar-B Sftarh Striae torensd Uf Bcslfth ff:M B-Br-B BBh Mutcftl C.rkHO. Ns Cbrl HiatUr V ift T B A Vmtt Tttttfn BiU ll.ri 7.M Gftbrlal BMltn Nka Iddr G" lr 3toM :1ft NortfawMl Neva N1mm Eddy Cddlc UMu 'W"M iM Mail Dcrslbr Lsmr BndUnd Crim Photo. til MutU Dorotbr Lamoor Qndttind Cilift FhoHf. 8 M Mrdlcltu Du Bcnos Gvlld Pmoil Do0 Firrt NlcbUf 1ft Mail Hobm Screoa Gvtld Bib.U First N lib Mr : Moriu Haar Prod Wr.ni BMbll Orthootr :U MwiullMtir Prod Waring BtiebdU Orchitr 9iM Hop Alone CoMidy FiHr Clmb Brtall Low til ThtnH :U Hob Aloni Cauldr Now H Wori Baaobnll Jack milk Ikvi ISO Coatt 8imr Aldricb Panttly Bairball Mr, Kra I i Coat Barvey Aldrltb PamUr Bawball Mr. K a M Newt Nowa BaMbaU Plv Star Ptaal " 1111 8"f Ntwi 8pc.rU Ptft Plaal FBI, Pao-Har 111:30 Newi Band of Land Track HfM FBI, Pao Wll iU Mule Band Waion Track HW Lat'ft Dan nOO Pa It an LewU. Jr. Sam Barn Track MH Rcranada 1 Bab Pool Show Wai Masoaai Track UtfO Tan Jj lk WftrU :M Bob Poole Sbow Was Muatuta Track UM Orcboatra ;ft Marina Band Was Mutenm Track 1IW Orihwtra It. 99 Bitn Ott Sin Off O" Sllaait ' " FRIDAY 6 A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. m tO Newt Hodra Podea Ntwi . tlft Yawn Patrol Hodta Podia KOIN Klock rj)i0 Nortbwett News Nowa KOCO Klack KOIN Klock Idfl March Time Hedaa Podn KOCO Klock KOIN Klock 7:00 Vawn Patrol Farm Tima Tos Bitter KOIN Kloak :15 Vawn Patrol Farm Tlma Nowa A ft aorta Nawa iM Vawn Patrol Tba Old Bonn To a Morn Los Ntwa M Newt Nawi Nowa Fred Beth 8:M Nawa rrad Warlna Wtatcrs Mdodlca Caninmar Ntwa :1ft Brcakfaal Oanj Frad Warlm Hcilcra Mtlodlaa Art Baker SO Music Bldara o( Baca Horn Sinters Babert Lcwla ia Tey Tradaa Ban Hayes Cbarcb In Wild Bobert Lcwla 9;0 Bartaln Coantar Sacand Cup Melody Tlma Vocal Varieties :lt viator Undlakr Seeand Cup Melody Tlma Nw : Bona al Planaaea Jack Bcrcb Molo H Una at Grand Slaja ' Musle News Ward Boscmarr m Northwest Nawa Hostess Houta Coffee Cup Wendy Warren II V10 Ku 8Bltb 8bn Haetaaa Hons Northwest Bcparta Aan J'nny iJ19 Paatar! CaO Toaaaar Doner Bbapsody In Helaa Trent ' ' Wiles Walta Tommy Porser Rbylhaa Oar Oal Sunday n Nawa Tommy Doner Glsse Was B, Slater .-IS Gospel Sin sera Tommy Doner Glass Was Ma Parkins :S0 Parry Coma Today's Children Glass Was Vouns Dr. MalaaM i Walts Serenade Brlthter Day Glass Was Gulfllnt Light fBrn :B0 Tap Trades Double ar Nothlns Everybadr'a' Ideas Nw I "J :15 News Double aff Nothina Hnlljwood Music Coac H I -M Qaeen far Day News Newt Norab Draba 1 ;tt Queen fat a Day Lliht af World Ted Data Prttenla M'bca Tea Tick 1 Udles Pint Llfa beaatlfal Mac's Mrlodlct tnd Mn Bartaaj :1 Ladles Flnt Ma Perkins Mae'a Melodlea p,rry Mason :S0 Northwest Newt Peprr Young Mac's Melodlea pa O'Brien lb mm- :ta Bob Eberly Shaw Happiness Mac's Melodies Alr-flo ?M Tell Neighbors Backstage Wlfa Mac's Mrlodlcs Newspaper af Alr 1S Johnson Family Stella Dallas Mac's Melodies Newspaper ef Air 0 Organ Reveries Lorensa Jones Mae's Melodlea Winner Take All 140 Bins Sings Wldder Brown Mac's Melodies Tunefully Tonra 3 :W Against tba Storm A Girl Marries Mae'a Melodies"" News " :i ba Storm Portia Faces Llfa Mae'a Melodlea Meet the Mis sua M Salem Hish Ju.t Plain 6111 Mae'a Melodlea Meet the Mlaena Nayeltlcs on Par. Pront Page Farretl Mac's Melodies Arthur Godfrey 4 Bay It With Maale Ho.fl af Llfa Women's pTge ArMj.r Godfrae? :1S Bay It With Masle Lara Law ton Philosopher trthar Godfrey :S0 Bongs c Our Aunt Mary Spotlite sa Musle Arthur Godfraw :ftft Nawa Wa Lotq Learn Spotllto an Music Arthur Qodfray DIAL LISTINGS 1 KEX Thursday P.M. S:00, Squirrel Casai S:M, Shy Ktngi 0:00. Keep ing Up With Sports i :lt. Bona Edition i :, Green Hornet i 1:00, Edwin C. Hllli 7:15, Elmer DstIsi 7: SO. Name tba Movlei S. Ceuntenpri S:M, Time for Mnslri . Milton Berlei :30, Damon Bunvon The atrct 10, ft iefa field Beportcri lt:4S, InUr meno: 10:SO, Concert Henri 11:80, Memos to Tomorrow) 12:00, Xtra Honrj 1:00, Sign Off. fCY PH. A.M. a. Early Blrdi 6:45. Dirt Farmer t 7, Lawson MsCalli 7:18, Bob Jabnsant T:S0, Bob Hatent 7:45, Farm Newst S:00, Mrrt and Margei S:1S, Martin Aaronskyt S:M, Zeko Manners: 11:15, Easy Aceai 9:00. Breakfast Clnbi 10, News; 10:15. Stars af Todari 10:30. Kay Kraer'a Kollegei 11, Ted Malone: 11:15, Ga len Drakei 11:M, True Bsoryi 1t:00. Bet ty Crockeri 1S:16, Newst 12:30, Baukhage: It :44, Nancy Cralgi 1:00, Northwest ern en; 1:S0, Kay Westi t:00. Breakfast In Army Family Visits Grand Island Chaplain and Mrs Rnhprt TtnHnll mrf Rohrt anH .Tnhn an1 rlanorira i Jane, of McChord field, near Ta- coma. came Friday lor several ACROSS t. Surround 4. Couchea 9. Operated 12. So. American Indian II. Got up 14. Female aheap 15. Try 17. Swiftly 19. Affectedly Sky 20. Exist 21. Sailor 22. Large weight 24. Break without warn Ins 24. Body of A cburcb IS. Article 29. Cohered 11. Broad shallow yesse) 12. Shrill cry 14. Governments) St. BeTermxa 17. Ill will . The Greek M 40. Margin 42. Unite 42. Knot 44. Bullfinch 46. Thus 47. Plant of the vetch family 41. Making the most Dolae II. Hawaiian greeting 6). Knack 64. tn tne lead (6. Novel 17. Afflrmatlva l. Lets 9. Mountain In Alaska DOWN 1. Garden Implement ' I3 I3 I5 l 7 ie r ; I? io w Wi- 35 3?Tt m , 35" 5a Ti si S4t" siT ROOM AND BOARD KEX, 1190; KOAC. S50 (Listed Pacific Standard Tlma) ItfOAP Thursday p.m.) ft. Opftoaii r. WMV 8. VI Spurt a Clm, 9 The Newsi 0:15. Dinner Melodlea, :, Bound tbe Campflrc; 7:1ft. Beenlns Farm Houri 1:0, House Number Sereni ft :1ft. Great Songs: S:4S, The News; t:M, tatlons: 10:fK. Serenade, 10:45, The News. 11:00, Sign Off. (Listed Pacific Standard Tina) KOAC rrldr - : p.m lWA m-oo. The Newai 10:1ft, fto peelally for Women: 11:00. The Concert Hall; It:0O, Newsi 11:15, Noon Paras lloan 1:00. Ride 'ran Cow boy t 1:1ft, Varleln 1:M. Melody Lane; 1:00. Es pecially for Womeni I:S0, Memory Book al Music: 8:00. Newt. Hollywood: t:K, Talk Tour Way Oat af Iti S:0U, Surprise Parkage: S:!Ul, Bride and Groom: 4:00, Welcome Traeelersi 4:80, Art Llnklrtter. days' visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Will. Miss Ellen Atherton of Los Angeles, Calif., was Monday overniRht guest of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Will. TelLsMiEiT AJH W Ai M POM HI 1 AlR GIG TENIN Solution of Yesterday's Puuls I Settled comfortably I. Stoneworkar 4. Utter (. Alternatlye 4. Requiring fuS dress T. Third king of Judab L Clan I. Cover with cloth again 10. Piercing tool 1L French marshal If. Forever It. Masculine name 20. Animate aen ta rn ent being 22. Flavor 21. Sewed Joint X4. Tropical American plant It. Covered with a glossy coating 2T. Follow 29. A brother of Odin 2ft. pier 33. Highly seaaonee) stews S6. Ourselves i 3S. Try to hear 41. Olden times 43. Crystalline solium car bonata IS. Fruit 47. Aerial railway! cnlloq. 4K Ballad 49. Seaweed W. That woman CI. Public notice S2. The mllkdsh &&. Near Bv Gene Ahem A S HWE1LAYH(AT l bJoU ut TtCTfe i r aTb upIaIntBwairIy BSS U itbiw, 1 1 r H C a'n'D LEHa S LiC!E