Storage Loans Help Farmers Farmer! who need additional torage bins on or near their farms are advised to get In touch with the local agricultural con servation committee for Infor mation on the government's new farm storage loan program. W. M. Tate, chairman of the Marion county committee, said today that the necessary forms have been received in the local office and the program Is now ready to get under way. Under the storage construc tion plan, the Commodity Credit corporation will either guaran tee loans made by local lending agencies, or, if producers cannot or do not wish to obtain credit from other sources, CCC will make the loans direct. Loans will cover up to 85 per cent of the cost of the storage structure or 45 cents per bushel of the rated storage capacity, whichever is the smaller. The loans will be repayable on an annual installment plan, over a period of not more than five years. Provision is made for ex tension of these loans in 1 n stances of crop failure, etc. The proposed structure must be an eligible storage structure under the government's price support loan program. Storage payments earned on the struc ture will be applied against the construction loan. Also, pro ceeds from price support loans or purchase agreements will be applied up to the amount of the annual payment. To help farmers who lack storage space, special CCC "dis tress" loans will be available on wheat stored on the ground or In other temporary ways by farmers who agree to build or acquire satisfactory farm stor age within 90 days. Seventy-five percent of the full support level will be advanced to the farmer at the time he takes out the dis tress loan: he will receive the balance of the full price support loan when the grain is in his new storage structure. Banks and other lending insti tutions wishing to take part in the storage loan program may obtain the necessary forms and instructions from the county agricultural conservation com mittee. After approval by the commodity office of the produc tion and marketing administra tion, the names of such approved lending agencies will be obtain able from the county ACA office. In 1900, the average Ameri can ate 151 pounds of meat, or six pounds more than in 1948. North Salem to Get Feeder Line A 24-inch feeder line to run from Mill street to Salem Gen eral hospital is being laid by the city water department and Is expected to give higher water I pressure in north Salem. The cost will be about $60,000. An eight-ton section of the line was laid under Mill creek at Trade and 24th streets Wed nesday. At the hospital it will connect with another 24-inch line that was laid about a year ago. Capilal Journal. Salem, Oregon. Thursday. June 2."?. 191 19 lAooULU 1 EL Y I ! I 3 arr - - - X SAVE 0 ) M ( )j ESSERTTS . ( (I No Mik- ' J Sugar -Eggs or UX; Shortening needed 1 8 ' - V because 1 i ; .- M Cinch cake m i x t j ..Xjy f contain! all thtj fine, high, ' , ?fw V 1 quality ingredient you I "v T""' 1 ""S. -' need to make a I f fr r df ' delieiou cake fl TTMgMM t' i every time. If I I II M zMJ ADD ONIY WATER II JLJZmfllT I - Mak two deep 8 -Inch layers i I V A DIIICIOUS ,1, " i i . ? V I 4 KAVORS wiT ' TIRE STORE S. E. Corner Trade and High PRE-FOURTH New "Cold Robber" Riversides Wear Longer Than Ever! TRAIL BLAZERS SAVE WITH SAFETY Not at wide or deep a tread as Wards Riverside but every ounce first quality materiolsl Yes, Trail Blazersare depend able you can trust them! And at this low sale price you save plenty! Buy nowl WARDS RIVERSIDE FIRST QUALITY Truly, a first quality lirel Not only is the Riverside mode of first quality materials, It's first quality in tread depth ond width and cross-section and size. Compore it onfv with first-line, original-equipment quality tires! RIVERSIDE DELUXE PREMIUM QUALITY Here's a tire that's better than first-line, original-equipment quality tires! Why? It's pre mium quality throughout! Yet you pay no more for premium quality ol Wards you pay (ess mucli est during thit sale! Premium Quality Delwe h your best "buy" better buy Deluxe nowl j f UQfel WW1 '111 tAX m tr sin bIazw rvoi dhuxi 4755.00-19 f 95 IH.95 5.005.25-17 IMS 11.95 4 00-16 1.75 1D.S5 111.55 6.50-15 11.10 14 55 6.256.50-16 1195 115 14.15 7.00-16 16.Z5 17.45 $liwf Prhm H4. litre TIRES MOUNTED FREE . . . 1.50 WEEKLY BUYS FOUR WARDS TIRE STORE OPEN FRIDAYS FROM 8:30 A. M. TO 9 P. M 5 afi P2 POSITIVELY!!!! THE GREATEST IN OUR HISTORY! Regular $59 to $65 Coats 3N YOUR CHOICE OF ANY COAT IN THE STORE! 2? YOUR GAIN 1 is OUR LOSS STARTING FRIDAY MORNING 9 o'clock Kayys 460 Irate St.