Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, June 23, 1949, Page 17, Image 17

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    " Skit Scratches
BY FRED ZIMMERMAN, Capita) Journal Sports Editor
Farley for Commish!
"Sport Magazine" hasnatched Jim Farley's hat off hii head
and tossed It into the baseball commissioner'! ring even though
"Happy" Chandler (till rules the roost In that particular occupa
tion. Conceding' that "Happy" Is "personally charming" and
knows politics and law, Sport asserts "the man simply has not
proven himself to be astute enough to run baseball. He may be
the best husband, a shrewd politician, and a passionate lover of
the game, but those things are not enough. The press box fell
around his ears last April and a man who cannot command the
confidence and respect of the country's baseball writers is not
a good bet to run the game." The article further states Happy
"has a persistent penchant for putting his foot In his mouth." The
magazine is taking a poll of its readers as to whether Chandler
hould be ditched at the end of his term.
Fishing Pressure
With Oregon's streams having been fished to the point
where there is little use in casting a line in them after the
first few weeks of the season, anglers are turning their
attention to the lakes. This was particularly true last week
when Crane Prairie reservoir, East and Paulina lakes were
swarmed under with fishermen. In spite of the hordes of
anglers, with Californians predominating, limit catches were
plentiful. What they will be a week later in problematical.
One Salem angler visited East lake Sunday and Monday and
found at least 400 boats on the water. The shore of the lake
was virtually encircled with campers, many of whom either
slept fitfully In their cars or sat up around a fire where they
kept warm while fighting mosquitoes.
Beavers Surge
Baseball fans may grouse and moan, swear they will never go
near the park again, but once their favorites are on the upswing
they respond with enthusiasm. Such is the case in Portland where
the Beavers, relegated to nothing better than the sub-basement of
the Coast league, have turned on their early season tormentors
with a vengeance. The surge may be short lived, but the diamond
Alberts are making the most of it. As a publicity release from
the Beaver domain points cut, "Never in recent Coast league his
tory has a single ball club turned in such an abrupt right-about-
face as have the Beavers since June 3." Return to anticipated
form of pitchers and recovery from injuries on the part of others,
have played a prominent part in the revival. Attendance of 70,000
during the recent two weeks at Vaughn Street is evidence that
financial rewards follow diamond successes.
Perhaps the Salem Senators can become inoculated with
the winning spirit shown by the Beavers. However, it isn't
the lack of spirit that keeps the Solons out of the win column.
It's failure to get good pitching and hard hitting on the same
program. Certainly one can't find too much fault with the
mound work in recent games. No one has been given an un
merciful lacing but it would seem Dame Fortune would smile
on our side on occasion.
Power At The Plate
The column headed "TB" in the long list of things that go into
'team batting" is a fairly good Indication of the progress a club
Is making toward the top of the heap. "TB" means total bases
ana in mis connection Yakima has amassed 888. Wenatrhee In
and out of the first division virtually every other night, is second
wiin bi wnne the bpokane Indians rate third with 817. The Sen
ators trail with 734, 17 bases behind the Tacoma Tigers.
Charles Ready to Meet All
Comers After Decision
Major Standings
Bv United Frtu
W L Pet. W L Pet.
Brooklm -00 NfW York 10 W
Louu 1M4 I9S Cincinnati as 31 .
Phildlpnift S 31 .SS PittiburiB 34 M .t
Bolton I 31 H Chleato 11 II .37
W L Pet. W L Pet.
New York M .633 Hew ton 11 31 .525
Detroit 14 .567 Waj.htr.ltii 3 30 .482
PMlidlphU 14 11 BS7 Chlcano 15 17.403
Cleveland 30 37.516 81. Loula 11 43.300
Remit! Wrdnriday
Philadelphia 3, Pituburth 13.
Boston I, Chlcaio 9.
Brooklyn 3. Cincinnati 4. (11 lnnlniJ).
New York I. St. LouU 11
St. Louti 3-1. New York 1-10.
Detroit 11. Boaton 4.
Chicaao 4. Wahlntoa 1.
Cleveland T, Philadelphia, S. (14 lnn-lnsai.
Chicago, June 23 UP Ezzard Chatiei won the National Boxing
association's recognition as world heavyweight champion by out
pointing Jersey Joe Walcott last night, and ht was ready today
to fight any other contender to prove himself undisputed cham
The slender Cincinnati Negro
won a close 15-round decision
over 35-year-old Walcott before
25,032 fans at Comiskey park
in a fight that was generally en
tertaining although it slowed in
the late rounds. It drew a gross
gate of $246,540, and $35,000
for television receipts.
Charles, outweighed by 134
pounds but younger by eight
years, won the verdict of the
three ring officials because his
margins of victory in the vart-
Salem, Oregon, Thursday, June 23. 1949
Senators Drop Second
Game to Tacoma, 4 to 1
Tacoma, Wash., June 23 A vastly Improved Tacoma Tiger
baseball club took advantage of the Salem Senators' continued
impotency at the plate to collect its second straight win over
the squad from Oregon's capital Wednesday night, 4 to 1.
Gordon Waldron who was relieved in the eighth because of
a sore pitching arm, stood the
ous rounds were greater than
those of jersey Joe. TVe three
officials voted total of 233
points for Charles and 217 for
At a victory party immediate
ly following the fight, Charles
manager, Jake Mintz announced
that he was going to London for
the September 6 bout between
Lee Savold and England's Bruce
Woodcock to fling a challenge
at the winner for a fight with
the new NBA champ.
He said he hoped to arrange
to have the fight scheduled for
late September or early October
in London or New York.
A meeting between Charles
and the London winner would be
recognized as for the undisput
ed crown by the New York and
Massachusetts commission and
by the British boxing board of
control none of which recog
nized Charles as results of last
night's battle.
er the infield as he fashioned
an excellent job of short-stop
ping for the Tigers.
Victoria nosed the Wenatchee
Chiefs, 4-3 in 12 innings while
Manager Bill Brenner crashed
three home runs to lead his
Vancouver Capilanos to a 13-11
decision over Spokane. Bremer
ton edged Yakima 4-3 as John
Marshall posted his 14th win of
the season.
Official Box
! IP
Correct for Newport
11:08 p.m.
1:38 l.m.
1:13 p.m.
1:32 a.m. -.s
13:41 p.m. 1.3 : p.m. 3 5
7:03 l.m. -1.0
1:33 p.m. f.4 3:43 p.m. 3.6
0:30 p.m. S.T TtS a.m. 1.3
3:14 p.m. 8.8 1:34 p.m. 3.1
Senators off without much dif
ficulty with the exception of the
second when they tallied their
only run. Ken Clary came in to
finish the job.
Gene Peterson took the rap
for Salem. He walked six while
striking out five and all four
runs scored off him were earn
ed. The Solons scored in the
second after two were out when
Bob Hedington singled and was
pashed on around to third on
successive walks to Marty Krug
and Swede Carlson. Gene Peter
son then bounced a single over
Waldron's head which Al Cohen
knocked down but couldn't re
trieve in time to complete the
Walks to Cohen and Glenn
Stetter got Peterson into a hole
in the fifth and before the side
could be retired two Tiger runs
had romped home. Singles by
WIL Standings
(By the Associated Preas)
W. L. Pet.
Yakima 43 20 .663
Vancouver 37 27 MS
Spokane 33 31 .516
Wenatchee 32 34 .485
Salem 29 32 .475
Tacoma 30 36 .455
Bremerton 29 37 .439
Victoria 24 40 .375
Rt-sultH WednesdaT
Tacoma 4. Salem 1.
Bremerton 4, Yakima 3.
Vancouver 13, Spokane 11.
Victoria 4, Wenatchee 3 (13 Innings)
Dick Greco and Eddie Barr
turned the trick.
Jerry Ballard's single, Al
Spaeter's sacrifice bunt, Joe Ka
ney's double and Al Cohen's
base blow gave the Tiges a brace
of runs in the sixth.
Cohen, fresh off the Univer
sity of Oregon club, was all ov
galea l
Oriel!, rf
Waaley. U
Cherry, ef
Krui. 1
Carlson, e
Q Pet ran. p
4 Tacoma
0 3 0
4 3 IS
11 tt 13
4 0 14 Cohen, U
4 12 4 Stetter.U
4 12 0 Sheet. c
3 0 10 Greco, rl
4 110 Barr. cf
4 112 Ballard.l
2 10 0 Spaeter,2
2 S 7 3 Kaney, 3
3 10 1 AaldtD. P
1 0 0 0 Clary,
0 0 0 0
32 6 24 13 Total
Fanned for O. Peterjion In Oth.
Rao (or Carlson Id Oih.
Salem 010 000 0001
Tacoma 000 032 00 4
win nine pitcher: Waideo.
Pitcher Ip B H R Br So Bb
O. Peteraon 0 30 11 4 4 S
Walden 74 20 0 1 1 3 3
Clary iv, 4 0 0 0 3 1
Left on bae: Balem 8, Tacoma 9. Three
On jo htM: Kaney. Two bajie hlti: Kaney.
Runa batted : O. Peterson, Greco. Barr,
Kaney. Conn. Sacrifice: SheeU, Spaeter.
Stolen bMM: Cohen. Oreco. C. Peteraon.
Doubts playa: W. Peterson to C. Peteraon
to Kmc; floaeter to Cohen lo Ballard;
Htdlnttnn to W. Peteraon to Kruc. Time:
3:00. Umpire: McCullouih avnn Nent-ilch.
iv. - -am
J? W
Charles Gives
Praise; Walcott
Tosses Out Mud
Chicago, June 23 UP) Having
flung his leather at Ezzard
Charles without avail, Jersey
Joe Walcott has decided to fling
some mud.
While Charles, newly-crown
Close Jersey Joe Walcott (right) just reaches Ezzard
Charles with a long right in the first round of their 15-round
bout at Comiskey park in Chicago. Charles decisioned Wol
cott to win the National Boxing association-recognized world'!
heavyweight championship. (Acme Telephoto)
nauon (8), R. Bnydcr (8) and Brtnn.r.
Yakima 003 000 0013 4 1
Br.m.rtoD 010 000 013 t t 1
Pow.ll and OrUlg. Tornar (3); alar
shall and Neal.
w.natciiee 1H 000 000 3003 t 3
Vlclona OIO 000 000 3014 13 3
McCollum and Wmt.ri Ward. Locua (11)
and Morgan
ed NBA heavyweight boxing
champion, was paying somewhat
of a tribute to loser Jersey Joe
by saying "he can take it," Wal
cott called the 27-year-old Cin
cinnati belter "a sneaky puncher."
Weary Walcott, a shopworn
contender who missed his third
try at the crown at Comiskey
park last night on a unanimous
decision, told a dressing room
crowd that Charles Is not
great fighter he's a sneaky
puncher who hit coming out or
the clinches. When the referee
broke us, I stopped fighting, but
that dirty fighter kept banging
Felix Bocchicchio, Walcott'f
manager, chimed In:
"Charles kept hitting low ev
ery round they were punches
that hurt my boy." ;
Davey Miller, veteran referee,
discredited Walcott's charge.
Stinrt Beorra:
Spokan. 000 301 83011 13 3
v.ncouv.r 110 470 Oox 13 18 1
T.aaan. Blahop (8), Hnward 8, Bab
bitt 48) and Parka; Ktndafathcr. Gun-
Values Special Savings Smaller Down Payment
dtV aJm
ce ser C&t I M i K
ofy 'yL I M 1 1
9.3 Cu. Ft. Freezer
Storage Capacity 372 lbs.; freezing capacity 55 lbs. in 1 2 hours
dimen.ions: width 29", length 53 Yi, height 3934.
RES. 419.95 18.5 CU. FT. FREEZER.
Storage capacity 740 lbs. Separate freezing compartment. Tem
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Shop Until 9:00 P. M. Friday
6.2 Cubic Foot Size
OLD PRICE 219.95
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A compactly designed CoMspot that holds a big amount of
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484 State St.
Phone 3-9191
Your 01' Buddy . . . Boyd "Suds" Babbitt
Yes, that's right! "Suds"
the housewives friend, has
found another deal to
make that buck go
WILL RECEIVE A GENEROUS BAG OF SOAP, (enough to do at Last 4 wash,
ing) FREE!
Check These Features
No. 1 93 pure, not the 88 soap you are now
No. 2 This soap is made by very famous Soap
No. 3 Perfect for Laundry and dishes
No. 4 When It comes to re-ordering (we know
that you will) check the price . . .
3 v
P.S. This is not a
wartime product! It's
fresh, pure soap!
Check This Price Against
Any Soap on the Market
'TIL 9
Except Sat.