14 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, June 23, 1949! I' -.I-,, 1 J To Albany Mission Use Organic Fertilizer The Right Way to Rebuild Soil Free of Weed Seeds. Odorless rtsA KS $5.00 Bulk 1 ton $10 00 2 tons 17.50 Free delivery anywhere In Salem Area Phone 3-8127 After 8PM Phone 243B7 all of Portland. Miss Beulah Deuteher and Edward Byrns of Portland were guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Al yea, 4000 E. State St. Mr. and Mrs. C O. Cilming and son Jerry were called to Au burn, Calif, by the death of Gil ming's brother, Lloyd C. Gil ming. Four Corners People Have Guests From Out of State Four Corners, June 23 Many Four Corners homes are enter taining out of state visitors. In the Leroy J. Stewart home on E State St. are Mrs. Stewart's sister and family, Rev. and Mrs. Thomas Allport and children Mary, Stephen and Paul Allport of Bellingham, Wash. Rev. Allport is returning to his pastorate at the St. Marks Lutheran church of Bellingham while Mrs. All port and the children will con tinue their visit for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Wing, 3985 E. State St. will have as their house guests this summer, Mrs. Wing's sister, Mrs. Jon Trast and small daughter Lynn of Rochester, Minn. Miss Eleanor Davis and Miss Lenora Jensen also of Richester. Minn:, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Newell Sanders, 3060 E State St. for several days. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Burns of Mason City, Iowa, are visi'.lng their son's family, the Robert Burns', 4355 Durbin Ave. Hosts to the Krazy Kard Klub were Mr. and Mrs S. H. Cable, 300 S. Elma Ave. Pinochle was played and dessert refreshments were served to Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Chrisman, Mr. and Mrs. William Fiestcr, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Os born, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Bales, Mr. and Mrs. Jess Mcll nay. Honors went to Mr. and Mrs. Chrisman. Visitors in the Jess Mcllnay home were Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ka pen and Mrs. Martha Parilek lege In Portland three year' and took his senior year s Berkeley. The Rev. E. W. Hughes, who ed as assistant to the rector of The Association of American eade dthe mission here for the Eugene church, taking over Railroads has figured out thai veral vears has been appoint- his duties July 1. to make the steam which blows i locomotive whistle costs about wo-thtrda of a cent per toot, or wice as much as it used to. Albany James Kingsley, a recent graduate of the Episcopal church divinity school at Berke ley, Calif., has been appointed by the Rt. Rev. Bishop Benja min Dagwell, Oregon diocese, to head St. Peter's mission here He will open his first service here Sunday, July 10. Klngslty attended Reed col- MAKES 10 BIG COLD DRINKS SALEM LAWN SPRINKLER CO. Salem's Own . . . Salem's Exclusive . '. . with the experience that counts Phone 3-4537 734 N. High St. iff YOUR 600P W0WJlN6HABfT! Good! Kellogg'i new Improved 40 Bran Flakea are crUper, tastier. Kellogg-fresh I Supply whole-grain vftamlna, minerals, and extra bulk. Just what many diets need to help prevent constipation. Dellciom way to encourage "good morning" habits. Try Kellogg' $ Bran Flakes ... In the famous white, red and green package 1 MOTHER KNOWS 1 BEST! Special Friday and Saturday Special Quality Meats PEERLESS MARKET 170 NO. COMMMERCIAL Market Hours 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. (AT THE NEW BUS STOP) Courteous Special . Friday and Service c t ' . Saturday phone 3-5704 Special BEEF Frankfurters ROASTS JSB JC lb. 35C lb. COTTAGE SWISS CHEESE STEAKS Fresh Daily 9c ib 23c ib. FRESH CUBED POTATO Boneless Beef SALAD For Stewing or Braising 35C lb. 59c ib. We Have 4 lURE Large Ground Beef Assortment 39c p or Lunch Meats 3 lbs. $i ffi and for l.lU Summer Sausages 11 iSl SUGAR CURED SLICED BACON 49c .b. BACON SQUARES For Seasoning 10c b. JOWL BACON 25c ,b PURE LARD 2 b 25c PURE PORK SAUSAGE 39c .b NUCOA 27c ,. CORNED BEEF Made from Steer Beef 49c lb. Fresh Dressed FRYERS HENS and RABBITS ouri$ihg?Yes GoocFesyes Mode lh9 genuine Ketfogg way REMEMBER YOU SAVE MORE MONEY AT 4200 NORTH RIVER ROAD -SALEM NEAR BEAUTIFUL MANBRIN GARDEN DISTRICT FOR THIS WEEK-END VELVEETA CHEESE a 83c PREM 35c MIRACLE WHIP 29c NEW POTATOES 10 ,n 29c WALDORF TISSUE 2 15c MILK J TALLCN llC OREGON BACON ssru 47c HOCKLESS PICNICS 55c BEEF ROASTS 53c Ssw-SSti r ar- zr ?n : -.- i v i .-, .;-... -.7 Wn&je. n mWm n ih nan jvmiw ! wmr 1 -; ! H Mm I '" It's been true over 40 yeart . . . it's trut today ... it will be true in the future. YOU'LL NEVER BUY A BETTER BREAD THAN FRANZ. Finest ingredients, baking skill and every modern technical improvement are used at all times to make FRANZ the good, fresh bread it is. OREGON'S MOST POPULAR BREAD! I