SP Orders Big Diesel Engines Southern Pacific announced today that orders have been placed for 87 diesel locomotives of various types, at a cost of more than $23,000,000, in furth erance of Its extensive improve ment program. In making the announcement, A. T. Mercier, president of the railioad, said the new orders will raise to approximately $241,000,000 the company's post war expenditures for new roll Ing stock, nearly $90,000,000 be ing for 263 diesel locomotives. Deliveries of the newly order ed diesel locomotives are sched uled to start in October of this year, and when the current order Is completed In June, 1950 Southern Pacific will have a total of 402 diesel locomotives of various types in operation on Its lines, Mercier said. Of 196 diesel locomotives pre viously ordered since V-J Day, the railroad had received 153 by mid-June, of which number 54 are of 6000 horsepower for main line freight and passenger ser vice. Remaining to be delivered on previous orders are 26 freight diesels and eight passenger diesels, mostly of 6000 horse power. The company's present ,Jleet of 238 diesel switchers is one of the largest of its kind in the country, the railroad presi dent pointed out. Included among the 67 diesels just ordered will be 28 of 6000 horsepower, each, for main line freight service; 17 road switch locomotives, each 1500 horse power; and 22 switchers, each 1000 horsepower. The company also is acquiring an additional passenger diesel unit. Fighting Parsons Forget Differences Kansas City, Mo., June 23 UB A Presbyterian minister today forgave the Methodist clergyman who poked him In the nose dur ing an argument over who was going to perform a wedding. The Rev. Ellis J. Hough, Kan sas City Presbyterian, dropped a $30,000 damage suit against the Rev. Kenneth J. Bressler, Meth odist of Fairfax, Mo. Hough said he had received an apology from Bressler that offered as much consolation as a court settlement. Hough's nose was broken in the one-punch battle. 40 2000 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE George S.AVav Company Established 192S OUR PHONE NO. Has Been CHANGED to 27001 ihi j tni' mm I r LEE A J FURNITURE REPAIRING REMODELING CANING BROS. FURNITURE REFINISHING CO. 4020 I. State St Salem, Or. Your Prescription Store WHIN YOU THINK DRUGS THINK SCHAEFER "It Pay to Trad at Schaefer's" 7599 Prescriptions Accurately Filled 1949 EVERYTHING FOR THE BABY We have a complete line of medical needs for babies. Let js fill your prescription. EMERALD MINTS Summer Coated 59c LB. BY SOCIETIE SCHAEFER'S DRUG STORE The Original Ye.low Front Drug And Candy Special Store in Saiem 135 N. Com'l. St. Phone 3-5 If 7 or 2-9123 Capital Journal, Salem, Oreenn. Thursday. .Time 23. f1 H s Assorted havors I 3- 17c .ifl eU lA IGA , I fed i Ti.NX . i m m mm MONEY you mam i So crtmv-tmoofK IM rich fUvortdl Compart with any for quality and vlu Quart JLlLlll BEST FOODS MAYONNAISE Pint 43- MM on. f.r tnH Newhtra will vou find froihor. botttr loo ma vtattbli or finor quality fruits than thow IGA bring you . . . diroct from garden and orchard. What's mora . . . you'll find that IGA pricos ara coo sittantly low . . . making it possibla for you to buy mor of tha bast without a strain on your food budgat. Specials For Friday & Saturday WATERMELONS Finest quality at Lowest Market Price. SUNKIST ORANGES L Dozen 49c Get your fill of vitamin C daily with a tall glass of delicious Sunkist Orange juice. FRESH CARROTS 2 ... 15c Local grown and brought to you crisp and garden fresh. FRESH CABBAGE . 5c Crisp and sweet, so good for your favorite salads. NEW POTATOES 10 - 43c U. S. No. 1 A Size. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS SPECIAL LOW PRICE. CANTALOUPE Each iff These ore large size, vine ripened with that sweet delicious flavor. Armour's Star VIENNA SAUSAGE iCjJJ? 4 at. can ifrlS J 19c ARMOUR'S STAR DEVILED HAM 3V4 oz. con 4 I 19c SunsM me 29c $m GERBER'S CEREAL oi. Oatmral-Barlev kg. Cooked Cereal If V Strained or Chopped Foods 3 can. 25C pep asfSf WW THESE SPECIAL LOW PRICES SAVE YOU MONEY SHORTENING SNO-KREEM 3 83c A pure all vegetable shortening for more successful biking. ENRICHED FLOUR "iV09 1.89 A blend of select wheats. Gives you the baking re- suits you are looknig for. . I L COFFEE Chase & Sanborn 53c lis new, tne secret blend, "Selecciones" that makes early morning angels. 16c Sunny Morn COFFEE 5js m BUY LOTS of 6 SAVE MONEY IGA CREAM STYLE CORN . 2,or35c 6, or 98c Thick, rich and creamy. Fancy grade. TASTY PAK CREAM CORN S-'V. 2,or27c 6, or 75c Priced to save you money. MISSION TOMATO E S & each 15C 6 f.r 85c Fine for cooking. ELSINORE DIMPLE PEAS SaV.03 e.chl8c 6 ,.r$1.05 Small tender peas. Flavored just right. IGA GREEN BEANS Can eachJC O for l.wJ Small tender peas. Flavored Just right. IGA GRATED TUNA FISH Can rach JJC Ofor '.'J Delicious chunks of white meat tuna fish. ELSINORE APRICOTS Can each Jt O for l.tJ Whole unpeeled fruit in heavy iweet lyrup. TASTY PAK PEACHES Can each J C for !. Golden halves of yellow cling peaches in tweet yrup. PITIR PAN Peanut butter i"0!'" 35c PAPER PLATES PLASTIC SPOONS SODA STRAWS Pkg. 8 Lotus Pkg. 12 Colored Home Package Teddy 14c 14c ''15c Bear 1 PORK & BEANS va3m3camnps 2 25c sunshine lemon drops ;c 19c Buy .11 you want at this low price, for lunches, snack, or picnic. Pul the de"c'ou "mon ""dT dr0P 0" hPP 1 IIDCT mm mm.i'SimmiM: (wm. Pip Vi Price TAB Sal. oni ra. h nici mm you buy OKI tsj; fXO. AT MOUIAI PIICI fOf Both for t W3 3?cj 39c B0RAX0 9c 4 01 Pkg. One package at M price when you buy one package at the sprciai low price or zic. Leaves the hands clean, soft and smooth. Borax Powder1,'.?-He CASHMERE BOUQUET SOAP 2 , 17C With the fragrance men love. PEETS GRANULATED SOAP Large pkg. 35c Not a soap powder. YEL Like no soap Lf you've ever lC used. Large pkg.' V Pamolive Soap Bar 3 'or 25C FRUIT JARS JELLY GLASSES BALL JAR LIDS Case 12 Pint Reg. Ball Mason Cose 12 Vi Pint 89c 57c B 10c is - V BORAX j SfMPCHIB, Soap Chips 22 os. pkg. IGA ROYAL GUEST COFFEE pb9 48c A niprrinr blend of coffer in the whole bean, ground fresh as you desire. 29c Spangles 35c FREE ADVERTISING - IGA TOP TRADES Available to you u ft public swrvlrr by four ne iRhborhnnd IOA Store. If you have mmethinr to ell, atop at jour nelshhorhood I(A Store, auk for Vnsi Card Form. Write your advertisement on thU card and mall; and your ad will be brnadrant on IGA Top Trade pros ram without charfe, I Limit S5O0 value). If you wih to buy anythlnf listen to thin program. 7:45 P.M. DAILY, KSLM IULAVilJ:im.4IA'Ji:sf,W41l Pearson's Food Mkh Independence Broadway Grocery Lemmon's Market 294 No. Commercial Food Market Brdwt. tt Mkt.-Open Sundij S9S N. Commercial 8t Independence, Oregon Model Food Market , , Krueger Kash & Karry Quality Food Mkt. I7S North High St. iCIO tOOd Market E, Center at 40tb Open Sun 11th and Center Scto, Oregon r l'.u', Highland Market Conner's Grocery Carter's Market North River R..d Hfhind A (ierv.ls. Oregon n,h and Market St. Central Cash Market Ken Go,ljet Equall's Grocery State Street Market Monmouth. Oregon Mrhma 0r,, 0p( 8nn(lll, Woodburn. Oregon lo Stat. St