1 12 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, June 23, 1949 ALL FOR A CRIPPLED SON Former Beauty Starts On a Wheelbarrow Trek Jacksonville, 71a. (fl-Mn. Julia Roka St. Clair, 47, "Miss Hungary of 1918," hoisted the handles of a wheelbarrow loaded with her boy and headed for Detroit Tuesday. EDIT PAGE Former She started the 1,200-mile journey from Jacksonville to Michigan, pushing her six-year-old crippled son, Adolphius, In a brand new wheelbarrow. She made three miles In the first 43 minutes. She's doing it for "Dolphle" who wants to see his 82-year-old grandmother in Detroit before It's too late. Mrs. St. Clair said she expects to arrive In Michigan in "about a month," cooking by the road tide and taking "pot luck" in the sparsely populated mountain regions along the route. She will atock up with food when the distance between "pot lucks" Is too great. A broad-shouldered, strong armed woman, Mrs. St. Clair wore blue overalls and sandals when she started the journey Dolphie, seated in the wheelbar row facing his mother, also wore blue overalls, his legs dangling between the handles of the vehicle. He clutched a book of poetry his mother hoped he would memorize on the long journey. A few miles outside of Jack sonville, the boy, born with a crippled arm and leg which has been responding to Mrs. St. Clair's constant treatment, left his cramped position in the wheelbarrow to walk a while. Mrs. St. Clair said they plan ned to while away the highwuy hours by singing and "having fun." "And I'll be slim and beautiful when I get there," she said. Bread Strike Averted Portland, June 23 m A late hour settlement kept bread roll ing today from this city's major bakeries to stores here and up state. With a strike of AFL truck drivers scheduled to start at midnight, agreement was reach ed with bakery operators last night. Its principal provision was a $5 raise to $73 weekly for drivers. Oregon Early To Bar Tucker Oregon was one of the first states to deny the Tucker Cor poration permission to sell its stock according to a statement just released by Maurice Hud son, corporation commissioner. The corporation commission notified the Tucker Corporation on July 10, 1947, that it must necessarily deny their applica tion. Tucker Corporation had applied to sell $300,000 worth of stock to Oregon residents, or 60,000 shares at $3 per share At the time the Oregon com mission denied this application Tucker Corporation had obtain ed permission to sell Its stock in 18 states, and later other states also gve this right. The Oregon decision was bas ed upon an examination of the report of the securities and ex change commission, from which it was concluded that the sale of Tucker Corporation stock in this state would not be fair, just and equitable for the people of Oregon. "Subsequent events have In dicated that this is true," Hud son said today. In 1934, average meat con sumption by Americans dropped to 117 pounds, compared with 145 pounds In 1948 and 131 in 1900. I -ft 6 British Bolster Hongkong Forces British troops dis embarked from the troopship Empire Halladale tr bolster land forces in Hongkong. Most of the troops were of the first bat talion, Royal Leicestershire regiment. The colony is busily building defenses against possible invasion by Chinese com munists. (Acme Telephoto) Unemployment in Oregon Still High The utate unemployment com pensation commission reported today that seasonal employment gains of more than 50,000 had cut the number of those actively seeking work in Oregon in half since February. But it added that recovery was still slightly below that of last year. Reports from 731 employers from all parts of Oregon had an optimistic note, the commission said. But June unemployment of nearly 40,000 remained nearly 5000 more than last year at this time. E VISION IS PRICELESS New Location 725 Court St. Ph. 2-4469 Dr. Scott A. Wheatley OPTOMETRIST YOU'LL BE SURPRISED When you find out how much there is to do at our resort, without high prices. Hot mineral water for drinking and bath treatments, excellent massages. Swimming - Dancing - Hiking - Fishing - Horses Big Bonfire and Radio Every Evening HOTEL CABINS TENTHOUSES STORE AND MARKET Open Until October 1st Road from etroit to Bruckman's Open 1:00 to 2:00 p. m. and 5:00 p. m. to 7:45 a. m., I)ST Monday thru Saturdays and all day Sunday and Holidays For Reservations and Price List Phone Detroit 871 Write: BRUCKMAN'S BREITENBUSH SPRINGS Breitenbush, Oregon Salem Man On Safety Council Portland, June 23 UB Six men from Portland and one each from Corvallis and Salem have been appointed to the board of governors of the Western Safety Council, it was announced to day. The council will hold it' 11th annual conference at the Multnomah hotel June 28-29 in Portland. Portland men Include John L. Carpenter, vice chairman of the Portland Traffic and Transpor tation Commission; Otto Hart wig, safety director of Crown Zellerbach Corporation; Capt. J. A. Hazelwood, Commission of Public Docks; Sidney King, Ore gon State Motor Association; Frank E. Landsburg, Interstate Commerce Commission; and Roy Owen, chairman of the Portland Aviation Commission. The other two Oregon Safety Exclusive with us service for ffiZ-i 3'" Qf' wonderful new idea in Knowles Ensemble Dining Scrrieea You'vt Mn this nrhantt ttbla fashion in tha leading nuguioat, nd now yon can it for yowHtf in our china department Each lovely piece of Rom Path i indi vidually designed to enaetnbl with the other piece in perfect table harmony for any meel Maw ad miniature rosea border the flatware, accenting the tingle delicate roaebnd spray on the hollowar. Open atock. '.eaders are Robert M. Evenden, lirector of the State Industrial Occident Commission's accident revention department, Salem, nd Professor Bob Glenn of the Department of Highway Engi leering, Oregon State College. The conference is part of a week of saftey meetings stali ng Friday with a two-day sec tional meeting of the institute of traffic engineers. Delegates from the 11 western states, Ha waii, Lower California, British Columbia, and Alaska will at tend the conference. Observes 100th Birthday Portland, June 23 (At Mrs. Marguerite Trahan Turgeon started on her second century here today. Friends and rela tives, including two daughters, helped her celebrate her 100th birthday anniversary yesterday. Bids Received for Detroit Turbines Portland, Ore., June 23 (UK) The corps of engineers today said Baldwin Locomotive Works, Philladelphia, Pa., was the "ap parent low bidder" on two 70,000 horsepower hydraulic turbines for the Detroit dam on the north Santiam river. Coi: O. E. Walsh said the Phil adelphia firm bid $1,312,465 but did not equal the Woodward Governor Co.'s, Rockford, 111., bid on governing equipment for the turbines. Woodward was "apparently low" with an offer of $61,107. The contract specifications ( NO OTHER KIWD I OF WORK WILL DO "Y- THAN CLASS"! feMfff 1 SERVING llp VOU J Get one package of new liZl U II fl ffjrl Super Suds with Pyray for I I fl when you buy one package I(K3 lflff rjWBL5a at dealer's regular price! WW JfeyJ h Zm0v MMm VTr SUPPLY LIMITED! Colgatt Palmolive - Peet makes this offer to introduce Ren Super Suds with the amazing, new ingredient, Pyrayl New Super Suds with Yes, thafs fact I New Super Suds with Pyray actually MAKES ALL YOUR CLOTHES LOOK NEWERI New Svper Suds washes your white clothes WHITER THAN NEW I Makes colon BLOSSOM OUT bright as day! Tow'll be amaiedl No womin could picture luch wonderful whiteness, luch unbelievable brightness before scientist! dis covered this amaiing, new tvpe ui ingredient! e Hurry I Get four new Super Suds with Pvray NOW) This special money-saving offer good only while your dealer's special supply of half-price Super Suds lastsl coLOti eiu.po.ivi-rtii torn r ami, tvnvi cm a. us, called for delivery of the first turbine May IS, 1952 and the second, May 1, 1953. Some of the earliest clay tiles ever set in Italy were used in the 14th century to adorn the alstar step riser in the upjer church of St. Francis at Assifi. Typew KAY rirerCo. Aeents RoVal Typewriters Victor Adding Machines . NEW LOCATION i 223 North Hifh St. (Across from Sena- I tor Hotel) Th. 3-8095 Plump Y juicy and all meat! Tuti how food plump and Juicy Armour Frankfurter aral They're made) frasb avary day in Portland aaaaonad just tba way you Ilk 'am bar in Oregon. Armour Prankfurtara ara iIAmtif, loo-nothing but tine beef and pork and sea toning i Portland-made to Oregon's taste U. S. GOVERNMENT INSPECTED tS Frankfurters -o leader in America's finest line of sausage Phone I JI lJ L Oil 1288 S-6489 W V W i I 1 I i (State St. Priced "Kosh and Karry"-Less Cash More Carry MEAT PRICES ARE WAT DOWN AT RANDALL'S. At no sacrifice in quality we are offering: some unprecedented values in all meat items especially fresh beef. You have looked to ns for leadership in food economy, and a (lance at these prices will prove that we do maintain that leadership. THESE PRICES GOOD THURS., FRI., SAT., ONLY! Freshly Ground Hamburger lb. 33c EASTERN OREGON HEREFORD BEEF ROAST Arm Cuts 0) Blade Cute ) Rump lb. 35 EASTERN OREGON HEREFORD T-BONES ROUND STEAK b 59c Sugar Cured Sliced Baco n . 39c REAL VALUES! HAM SHANKS ' PORK SHANKS lb. 29c MILK FED mg VEAL STEAK ,. 5VC Fresh Country Sausage ib. 33c EASTERN OREGON HEREFORD BEEF STEAK Ribs Ground Round . , .lb. 49c EASTERN OREGON HEREFORD BEEF o;;er CUBES All Meat Ib. 49c Tender Skinless WIENERS ib. 39c Lean Meaty Short Ribs ib. 29c All of the Choice Cuts in LAMB, VEAL, PORK, BEEF, HAM, BACON, LUNCH MEATS LOCKER BUY IT N0W! Same high qual iry Eastern Oregon Hereford DCCr 'ean tender. Lb. 35c BASINGER'S FOOD MARKET In the University Shopping Center 1288 State Street TOMATOES Field Grown Vino Ripened 3 fc 25c GOLDEN MEATED Large, Solid CANTALOUPE Ib OC LETTUCE Head 5c MARSHMAU.OVS Wonder Food Whit or Colored ... 10c Halves, In Heavv Syrup f I Waldorf a APRICOTS 19C TISSUE 3 r,s 20c CORN FLAKES ;, Alber's Carnation if 13 01. package. 2 , 20c DDT Al s,i"d Whiu DKCAU Hilb. loaf . 19c BUTTER Grade A Ib. 67c I If Armour's Tall Cam MILK Limit .each 10c Prices Effective Thurs.-Fri.-Sat. June 23-24-25 Shop and Save at BASINGER'S 13th t STATE STS. 9