Coplon Not to ! Face Witness Washington, June 23 U.B The prosecution today spurned Judith Coplon's challenge to confront her with the justice de partment lawyer who was her companion in two hotel room trysts last January. As the girl was recalled for further cross -examination at her spy trial, Prosecutor John M. Kelley, Jr., said he has no intention of putting Harold P. Shapiro on the witness stand. "I have laid proof through her admissions from which the jury must conclude that her conduct with Shapiro was whol ly inconsistent with the love she professed for (Valentin A.) Gu bitchev," Kelley said. Miss Coplon, 28-year-old for mer justice department analyst, has admitted spending the night with Shapiro in hotels in Balti more and Philadelphia, but has denied being intimate with him. She charged that Shapiro is part 01 an tm "frameup to "brand me as a harlot." Miss Coplon is accused of stealing top secret government information for transmission to Russia through Gubitchev, a So- ' viet engineer who has been sus pended from his United Nations job. The girl, denying the charge, has testified that she was in love with the Russian. 0 )tp-r: - V Stroke Fatal To Southwick Rolland S. (Rollie) South wick, long a familiar figure about the streets of Salem, and known widely in the state because of many years of service as an attache of the Oregon legisla ture, died Wednesday night. He was 72 years old. firaduate at Ftirna Pleasantdale Miss Marilyn McFarlane ernrlnatAH at tho state university at Eugene. Her parenis, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Mc Farlanp nf thi riitrf.t. v.a cle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. John Allison of Fairview; her grand- motner, Mrs. c. B. Newhouse of the Neck district, attended. It Was Hot Judith Coplon. (above) mops a perspiring brow after a session in her espionage trial at Washing ton, D. C, in which she ac knowledged she spent two nights with a man in Phila delphia and Baltimore hotels. Under cross examination by prosecutor John M. Kelley, Jr., Miss Coplon first shouted a denial and then cried: "Why are you doing this in front of my mother?" (AP Wirephoto) Exercises Are Given Gervais Children's day serv ices were held at the Presbyter ian church fallowing Sunday school. A Father's day sermon was delivered by Rev. Ernest Tremblay and special music giv en by Shirley Rondeau, Luzerne Hanes and Viola Bierly. Next Sunday, June 28, there will be communion services. Rosa, Calif., July 15, 1877, where the Southwick family lived be fore coming to Oregon when he was a small child. His father, the late Frank B. Southwick, was a building con tractor, and as a member of the firm of Hutchins & Southwick built the Salem City hall, for which the city sold bonds in 1893. Rollie Southwick followed his father in the building occupa tion, operating as contractor or working as a carpenter at vari ous times. Until a few years ago he took an active interest in politics and at a dozen or more legislative sessions was successively ap pointed to positions in the legis-' lcture. For several years he was doorkeeper of the house of representatives. In earlier years he was a member of the Salem fire de partment. As a young man he was athletic. A few months ago he suffer ed a light cerebral hemorrhage, but after a few days in hospnai was again on the streets. Yes terday he suffered another stroke at he Pioneer club, 356 State street, where he was em ployed, and died a few hours later in a hospital. He is survived by a brother. Ralph W. Southwick of Salem, and a sister, Mrs. R. A. Cox of San Mateo, Calif. Funeral services will be held were Crook which sold 19 per-' at the W. T. Rigdon chapel Fri- cent of its quota during me day, June 24, at 1:30 p.m. In- week and Gilliam wnicn sola terment in City View cemetery. l6 percent. This was the second Desi weeK in uregun uuiiiig mic opportunity drive. During the week ending June 18, the people of Oregon bought $666,298 worth of E bonds. Total sales at the end of the first five weeks of the drive amounted to $7,023,128 or 71 percent of the state s quota. While the state is slightly be hind schedule in its quota as signed by the treasury depart ment, there is a reasonable ex pectation that it will go over the top. Week's Sales Total $10,430 Sid Stevens, chairman for Marion county in the opportun ity bond drive, said today that Southwick was born in Santa I the county has reached S3 per cent of its quota, with sales for the week ending June 18 amounting to $10,430. The fifth week of the oppor tunity drive closed with substan tial increases in U.S. savings bonds sales registered through out Oregon. The two counties showing the greatest increase The big cattle-producing states are Texas, Iowa, Nebraska, Kan sas, Missouri, Illinois, Minne sota, California, Wisconsin and Oklahoma. Seth Thompson To Step Out Seth B. Thompson, slate in surance commissioner, will step out of office June 30. Before departing for Seattle Thompson confirmed reports that he would not accept reap pointment, although Governor Douglas McKay urged him to do so. Thompson did not reveal his future plans. The name of Robert B. Tay lor, who is with a general in surance agency in Portland, has been presented by the Oregon Association of Insurance Agen cies as a successor to Thompson. In urging Taylor's appoint ment, the association officers Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, June 23, 1949 11 point out that Thompson, who has held office since 1940, is a ife insurance man, and it is felt that the new commissioner should represent the general in surance field. Governor McKay is in Wash ington to testify against estab lishment of a CVA in the north west. He is expected home Sat urday or Sunday and will prob ably name Thompson's successor early next week. training center at McChord field near Tacoma with a corollary unit program and establishing a new center at Portland. ; jMj l . You can always be assured the utmost in quality " L r'T 'Y INCREASING YOUR FOOD SAVINGS Jr depending on us for the BEST FOR LESS! I flJrnVxj w TV Thrifty housewives know they can always find a I Ir "VL ( GREATER CHOICE. ..GREATER SAVINGS... yJJ V f il BY DOING ALL THEIR FOOD BUYING AT jW Midget Market . Salem's Retail Packing Plant . 351 State St. DON'T MISS THIS The Qualify and Variety will tempt you. The prices will please. It means meat on your table bearing the inspection label. The Great est Meat Values Since O.P.A. Beef Roast Shoulder Curt lb. 37c Boneless Roast Easy to Slice n No Waste D- 53c Beef Steak Tender Blade lb. 45. Rib Steaks From Young Cattle lb. 55c MILK FED VEAL At this season of the year veal is at its best. The quality it supreme. FROM IN SPECTED CALVES. SUGGESTIONS: BREADED VEAL CUTLETS with Tomato Sauce or Cream Gravy; VEAL ROAST: Hot for dinner or slice cold with potato talad. Econom ical at this week's price? Pork Roasts Picnic Cuts lb. 37c Pork Stealc Small Lean lb. 45 Loin Pork Chops h 59c Lunch Meats Summer Treats lb. 45 PURE PORK SAUSAGE FRESH GROUND BEEF 40' lb. 38' ib. These are prepared from fresh cuts of Inspected Meat. USELESS TO PAY MORE RISKY TO PAY LESS Small Weiners Tasty Tender 39c Boiling Beef ib 25c FOR YOUR LOCKER Or deep treeier. select your favorite roosts and steaks ot our counter. In doing to you will not hove any unwanted cuts to use up. You can't go wrong at present prices. NO CHARGE FOR WRAPPING. When You See It In Our Ad, It's So Training Facilities for Air Reserve Enlarged Washington, June 23 (UB Facilities tor training air force reservists will be increased at Tacoma, Wash, and Portland Ore., Col. William T. Smith, USAF, said today. The air force is replacing Its It vcxl Rain Drops and mcrt Uib of your favorite loap gives you mors, better, harder-working tudi than any loap or detergent alone ! f GuoianitibyA WOU w SUPER SUDS TOMATO JUICE Erickson Super Markets Fri.-Sat.-Sunday Specials Washing Powder 2 Lg.Pkg. 39C Ball Crest Fancy Large 46 ox. can I 7C (Chevy Chase No. 2 can 10c) orange juice ?:rrM on 39c 29c 31c 2Pko 25 c LOCKER CARTONS 100 , 95c GRAPEFRUIT JUICE EST- CAKE MIXES Large 20 ox. pkg rice krispies ssi:: ?J 11 Armour's Branded BABY BEEF FRONT QUARTERS Ik HIND QUARTERS D. 49, ino charge tor cutting or wrapping This it yearling Hereford beef from Eastern Oregon. Just right for your lockers. Quarters everoge 80-85 lbs. STEAKS Armour's Branded Beef Round, Sirloin, Rib CO or T-Bone lb. JjC ROASTS oVdTe'nd-160" lb. 53c Branded beef from Eastern Oregon Herefords Sliced Bacon Ends 2 ibs. 49c Sliced Bacon 0 , nn Rind on Q Ibs. I.UU HAM Shank Cuts 39c ib. CHICKENS Large Colored Fryers 1.49 each New Store Hours 9 A. M. fo JO P. M. Effective Friday 89c CHICKEN FRICASSEE Lynden's Large 29 ox. can. 1 Ib. can 53c BONED TURKEY Rancher's Pride, 1 ox. AO ft Keg. V4 ean tC MEAT BALLS with GRAVY 39c Haley's 1 lb. can VEGETABLE STEW WITH BEEF Haley's Ige. No. 2'i can VEAL LOAF Swift's Premium 7 oz. can CORNED BEEF HASH Swift's Premium No. 2 can BEEF STEW Hormel's Dinty Moore Large 24 os. can RAVIOLAS Lynden's 1 lb. jar , 39c 27c 35c 39c 18c Kraft Mayonnaise n Shrimps i ox. can 4-r J ntJar OC Delicious for Salads & Cocktails JLVC pkg. APPLE JUICE Tree Top, Drink it for health. Quart bottle CANNING SUPPLIES PORTO PECTIN 8 ox. bottle SURE JELL PECTIN 3 pkg PEN JEL J PECTIN W JELLY GLASSES Kerr or Ball, doxen PAROWAX Accepted 12 ox. pkg PAROWAX Tavern 1 Ib. pkg JAR LIDS Kerr or Dome JAR CAPS Kerr or Dome BERNARDIN CAPS Mason MASON JARS Pints, doxen KERR OR BALL'S DOME Quarts, doxen 3 2 2 pkg. pkg. dox. 17c 10c 33c 33c 53c 10c 19c 33c 49c 37c 89c 97c KRUSTEAZ The popular pie erust mix Large 17 ox. pkg 5IC HOUSE' Kitchen Queen flour Family Hard Wheat " ' I romuvjipur I 10 Ib. bag . . . 25 Ib. bag . . . 50 bag . . 85c I79 , 355 At IJllSiSi LARGE IVORY SOAP 14c MEDIUM A tr IVORY SOAP 17c or 13C PERSONAL IVORY BREAKFAST FIGS Argo brand. No. 2 can. . APRICOTS, NaturSweet Halves In Syrup. No. 2 Vi PEACHES, Freestone. Calvale in syrup. No. 2Vi FRUIT COCKTAIL OO Welch's Fancy. No. Z'i MANDARIN ORANGES II os. can Food Crest-Ideal Breakfast Fruit BARTLETT PEARS No. 2', 4 can Llbby's Rosedale 14c 19c 19c 15c 33c .in Syrup CRUSHED PINEAPPLE 5Q Del Monte, No. (can... 'C For quality, freshness, and low prices shop our fruit anil Vegetable Department. Fresh Tomatoes ... 2 tubes 25c Fancy red ripe delicious in salad. Cucumbers Hot house 3 for 14c Crown locally adds ri(ht touch to lad, Green Peppers 4for19c J lint rijrht for stuff Inf. Green Corn on the Cob 6 for 33c Gardrn fresh finest quality. Potatoes U. S. No. l's California bhafers MISSION BRAND Macaroni or Spaghetti all types Srringless Beans Green or Wax Frenh from Thr lialles tirw tow Trice. 3 3 ,19c FOOD 25c PLAYFAIR DOG FOOD tall cans PLEASE DOG FOOD tall cans GAINES DOG FOOD Meal or Kruncheon 2 Ib. pkg A'C BEANS 'N' HAM Kingwood 1 Q No. 2 cans. J- for I 7C PORK AND BEANS Von O ,0" OO- Camp's... O cans J w C No. 2i can 23 C SAUERKRAUT Columbia 4) 1 Q No. 2't Aeons I 7t DEL MONTE PEAS, sweet and tender O No. 303 con JL cans DEL MONTE CORN, cream style y Mm IVORY FLAKES 26c IVORY SNOW 26c O CAMAY Bar 12c Bath Site LAVA SOAP Bar 9C O S ft 1 I 17 A UUI. 2 ,k. 29C No. 303 con Mm can. J It 1.11 " wxr.. 26c lO- LW. 14 oi. Big Value Egg Noodles 12 o. pkg 19C 3060 Portlond Rood 3720 East State Street