10 Capital Journal. Salem, Oregon, Thursday. June 23. 1949 '525Q.000 IN SUNKEN GOLD Cornuff in Bagpipe Band Independence Pvt. L o r n Cornutt, drummer for the f imt Scotch bagpipe band in the Unit ed Statei army, and the concert band of the 2nd Infantry Divi sion Band at Fort Lewii, Wash, pent the weekend visiting hit family and friends. Pvt. Cornutt. ton of Mr. and Mrs. John T. Cornutt, has been In the service for 10 Vi months. Ho was a member of the local hiKh school band for two vears playing bass drum and cymbols ! prior to being graduated with' the class of 1948. j The "Scotch Kilters" was or ganized in January under the direction of CWO Nicholas Frank. It is the bagpipe unit of the 2nd Infantry Division Band and numbers 16 member CWO Frank, who has been in army service for 35 years, has I been transferred to Yokohama, Japan so the "Kilters" are now under the direction of Sgt. Le Duc. v This unique organization has appeared in many concerts along the west coast. In May they traveled by plane to Presidio, Calif., to play a concert for General Mark Clark's surprise anniversary party. Later, at a party given by General Clark in Los Angeles, they played a con cert which was also broadcast. Among other places, they have appeared in Yakima and Seattle, and Portland. The week following July 4 they will go to the east coast to present con certs In New York City and Philadelphia. The 80 piece concert band, under the direction of Warrant Officer Anderson, spent a week In May at the various high schools in Portland giving con certs, and marched in parade formation downtown showing rip CM; fMt If It V m m m a Pvt. Loren Cornutt marching manuevert. They have also appeared in Tacoma, Wash., in addition to their regular camp appearances. the money spent in the United States for business, repair and personal services Is spent in New York State. Two Young Divers Find Signs of Lost Treasure Point Pleasant, N. J. UP Two young deep-sea divers saw a 13-year dream of finding $230,000 in sunken gold treasure coming true today. Floyd Sharp Jr., 31, and Wil liam Conway, 25, reported they had found the 51-year-old wreck of the liner S. S. Delaware, be lieved to have a quarter of a million dollars in gold aboard, and have begun exploring It. "We've found some signs of the gold aboard," Conway said. "But we'll have more to say about that sometime next week." He refused to elaborate. He is married and hii family of his wife and small daughter will make their home in Salem. After spending the summer at Camp Pioneer, where he will be in charge of the waterfront, Klapp will go to the Shift train ing school in New Jersey for scout executives. -Sharp explained that his in terest in the wreck began in 1936, at the time Simon Lake, the late inventor of the sub marine, led an expedition to re cover the treasure, but ran out of funds before locating it. Sharp, who was then 18, dreamed of someday finding the treasure for himself. He begn to collect all the information he could about the matter, and re solved to become a professional deep-sea diver. ' A letter he wrote to the War Steamship Line, owner of the vessel, verified that the $250,000 gold had been aboard when the Delaware sank on July 9, 1898. He found five men still alive in Point Pleasant who remem bered witnessing the sinking of the ship. From them he got bearings on where they thought the wreck was. He made charts. And he went into partnership with his old friend Conway who helped him purchase $4,000 in salvage equipment. Severrl months ago they be gan working with a dragger In the vicinity the witness had pointed out. And on June 10 they found the wreck lying In 68 feet of water Just off the coast. "We've been diving down al most every day since," Sharp said. "The hull is rotten and only about 100 feet of the 200 foot vessel still are intact. The rest of the ship is spread around the bottom." Dallas Coach Is Scout Executive John Klapp, Dallas junior high school coach, has been ap pointed to the position of field scout executive for Cascade area council. He replaces Jerry Scott who recently was assigned to the Spokane office. Klapp, an Eagle scout, became Dallas coach after finishing his service with the marine corps. in M.C.P. M Jam Jelly PECTIN "Mill-"". COME-SEE-HEAR FRIDAY NIGHT JUNE 24, 7:45 P. M. REV. fir MRS. MONCIVIAZ MISSIONARIES TO MEXICO FOURSQUARE CHURCH Between Chemeketa & Center BIG N E W 'BATH SIZE LIFEBUOY I OFFER NOW AT W STORE SAVE ON NEW V ) ftATH SIZE UttBUCY AIi'l WHOlCjJANTlTlES"! I 1 iherSzcT Lifebuoy with its Purifying Ingredient GETS SKIN CLEANER Stops "B.0." as no other leading soup can I Doctors proved II In 820 tests! The cleaner you get your kin, the safer you are from "B O." (hody odor). After comparing daily bathi with different soaps, the doctors found you are cleaner, safer front "1) 0." when you bathe daily with Lifebuoy, It's mtrt tjjttlin ibim any tbtr hailing toap against the "invisible dirt" that brings on "B.O." Lifebuoy is mildtr, faster-lathering, too! Be pop ular. ..bathe with Lifebuoy Health Soap ntry tiny! lava an llfaaaey nawl Stock ap on huwiotu bath site Lifebuoy at big saah savings in thli special sale. But art fast while shipments last! ANOIMU UNI PRODUCT Of IIVU aiOTMMt COMPANY Palmistry Readings Will tell vmii n.t. nnunt and future. Will advlsa on love, marriage and business. Answers all ? questions. Are you worried? Why h In doubt? Special Readings. Moved from 466 Ferry to 173 S. Commercial sa 1 Shoots Own plane Down Moses Lake Air Force Base Wash., June 23 U.PJ A national guard aviator accidently shot himself down yesterday when a bullet he fired on ground str.f ing maneuvers struck a rock and ricocheted Into his airplane's cooling system. WLEN SPECIALS!! Men's Suits $2500 to $5000 o Men's Slacks & Pants $500 to $J650 o Auto Robes $400 to $750 260 SOUTH 12TH STREET 'OPEN SATURDAYS 4990 N. River Road Phone 2-8230 keizer super market Save Every Day - Shop the Easy Way These Prices Effective Friday -Saturday -Monday ADO ONIY WATIR A FLAVORS Onil'i f tidgo V O Wh;i. J7L a Goldta Spic PIS PKO. DURKEE MARGARINE 2 , 39 2 ... 79c KRAFT VELVEETA CHEESE GREEN VALLEY ICE CREAM ,T33' PARD- DOG FOOD 3 can, 41C Super Suds Large Size 2 pkgs. 39c C&H CANE SUGAR 100 lbs. 25 lbs. . 8.69 2.29 SNOW DRIFT SHORTNING 3 ti 79c 2Vi lb. Pkg. 43c sBISKIT S) MIX Wesson-Oil 57c The Teammate to Snowdrift Short ning. QT. SunsAine "JT""" KRISPY i 71 " CRACKiaa M CANNED MILK Armour Brand Can 11c PARAWAX Lb pkI; 18c KERR LIDS 2 Pkfs. 21c JAR RUBBERS SUe. . . 2 pkfs. 9c JELLY GLASSES d., 55c LOCKER CARTONS cn. ate lJVC dos. Qta, WWW dos. N'eslile Fts. Garden-Fresh Vegetables Fresh Carrots 3 bunches 19c Beets bu nch 5' No. 1-A New Spuds 10 fbs. 43c Red Rip Tomatoes 2 lbs. 25c Fresh Picked A 4 Corn on Cob e I c f 10 ib,. 85c I y& i on a utACptto nout 25 Ibl. 1 W Enriched . B wSsWw'J I Jia 50 lbs 3o69 KEIZER MARKET Cascade Large Franks ib. 45c Eastern Bacon Squares 29c Fresh Oysters 69c Fresh Ground t i Pork Sausage ib 4 c AVING ( OLENTER Stores SALEM Vi Mile North of Underpass WEST SALEM At Foot of Bridge Specials for hi, Sal, and Sun. Bath Stores Open from 8 A.M. to 10 P.M. ICE CREAM: 0T 33c COFFEE Rod Dot Pound . . 35c TOMATO JUICE Welch's 46 oz. can 5 fori 00 El Allll Occidental (Towel Bag) gfk rLUUK 25 lb. bag I.U7 ROCK FISH 3T29c FRUIT COCKTAIL ST 2- 35c Produce Department Ice Cold Watermelons KLONDYKE ond STRIPES SWEET CORN 6. -35c TOMATOES Field Grown .... 2 lbs. 15c Or 2.00 per Lug ORANGES II of Juice 7 dz- 1.00 . Or 4.25 Crate CUCUMBERS "..do 2 9c Meat Department Quality Meat at Quality Price Now and thru This Week T-BONE STEAK, 59c PORK ROAST LB. Sheuldtr Curs. . . . 39c PORK CHOPS 59c Choose your lunch meats from our large assorted self service display. aving (Renter Stores At the Foot of The Bridge Vl Mile North Of the Underpau WEST SALEM I SALEM