, Governor Put Car in Hock Tallahassee, Fla., June 22 (If) Gov. Fuller Warren, who will be married Sunday, Tuesday hocked his 1948 Cadillac sedan for $3,000. Because of Florida's financial plight, Warren said he is going to postpone drawing his $1,000 a month salary for three months and today he signed a note put ting up his auto as security for money he said would be neces sary to tide him over. State legislator, Rep. Marcus Frank of Ocala, called the gov ernor's gesture "ham acting. " He offered to lend Warren the money he Intended to keep him irom starving. The governor replied: "Marcus, my frugal friend, as to ham acting you should know. He called Frank a "propagan dist and suggested the leeisla tor give his help to the "old peo ple, dependent children and blind who will be cut in July because the state does not have lunas to pay tne money ap propriated by the legislature." Florida's legislature adjourn ed a few weeks ago after okay ing a $240,000,000 biennial budg et but did not set up sufficient reans to finance it. Warren will fly to Califor nia where he is to be married Sunday to Barbara Manning. Insurance Agents Confer Mt. Angel Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Butsch accompanied by Mr. i and Mrs. Frank Hubbs of Silver ton went by car to Mt. Ranier, Paradice Inn, Saturday to attend the Oregon Mutual Fire Insur ance agents' convention. They returned home on Tuesday evening. mVv Red Victim Laszlo Rajk, 40, former minister of foreign affairs in Hungary, was de nounced as an American spy and arrested. The accusation came from the official news paper of the Hungarian work ers (communist) party. (Ac me Telephoto.) British Ship Again Rained With Bullets Hong Kong, June 22 UP) The beached British steamer Anchis- es was machine-gunned again this morning, a radio message to the ship's agents here report' ed. The message said there were no casualties. The plane was not identified. The Anchises was bombed and machine-gunned by a Chinese nationalist plane on the Whang- poo river at communist-held Shanghai yesterday. Learn How to Iron A Shirt Beautifully in 3 Minutes EVERYONE CORDIALLY INVITED J u N E 23rd 2:30 P. M. M E Z Z A N I N E F L O O R Ironing with Ironrite is no more tiring than playing the piano. Just sit down, relax, feed in the gar ments, and Ironrite does the rest. Old-fashioned hand-ironing is eliminated because Ironrite's two completely usable open ends let you iron anything you can wash. Compare Ironrite with any other ironer. You will agree that its features and performance stand alone. Why not attend this demonstration and bring in your most difficult garment to iron and let us show you how easy it is. Safeguard your health ... let an Ironrite automatic ironer take over your hardest household task. I WIUAMETTt fJILLET'l LEMUNC iirPllARCt t I0ME rDRNIIHElt I I SALEM OREGON CITY J Woman Wins School Post Lebanon For the first time Lebanon will have a woman di rector as a result of the school election here which gave Mrs. Mary Mabel Herron a place on the board. She defeated George Britton, incumbent, 105 to 76. Mrs. Herron is the wife of Dr. Ralph E. Herron and has been active in the PTA and Mothers' club of the high school. An ex cess of the 6 percent limitation law was approved 137 to 46. Other school board elections placed Harry Elkini back on the board at Fairview; Lloyd Row ell, in the Gore district which approved $1500 for a school lot but turned down a proposal to hire an architect for the build ing; Lawrence Parker, Crowfoot school and Katherine Schmidt at Millersburg, succeeding Floyd Fisher after 18 years. Amity District Elects Amity J o h n Allison of the Fairview community, was elect ed to a three-year term for the grade school district with P. E. Meeker named to the one-year position to fill the vacancy caus ed by the resignation of Clifford Dobbins, who leaves the com munity July 1. A levy of $6200 in excess of the six percent li mitation was approved 28 to 6. Mrs. Edna Strout will continue as clerk. Board Family Affair Wheatland Mr. and Mrs. Eu gene Wilson, who have served as a member of the board and clerk for more than 16 years, were replaced by their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Denzil Wilson by unanimous vote. Pratum Makes Change Pratum Alvin Zielesch was named director, replacing Cor nelius Bateson. The other direc tors are Claud Trent and Peter Bishoff with Willis Goebel, clerk. I JSJ l5i ?' 'Ail i r BUILT TO SERVE! Our Improved Screens are built to provide great er protection, for far long er time, at lowest cost. Full window ventilation, with full protection against even smaller insects. Let us tell you more about our easily priced, Complete Comfort Screens! SALEM WOODWORKING CO. n lite r Ph. 3-5953 f BLENDED WHISKEY StW $3.30 x. 45 quart Li P,NT TO Capital Journal, Salem, Ore.. Wednesday, June 22, 1949 9 BLENDED WHISKEY 86 PROOF 70 GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS JOSEPH S. FINCH & CO, ALADDIN, PA. KAY Typewriter Co. NEW LOCATION 223 NO. HIGH ST. (Just Across from Senator Hotel) PHONE 3-8095 AGENTS FOR Royal Typewriters Victor Adding Machines FORMERLY AT 357 COURT ST. Kwr-To-uHf-Wnf DAYSTO0M STA-SHINE CHROME COMFORT CURVED CHAIRS EASY-TO-CLEAN DURAN DAYSTROMITE TOP resists heat, chipping, stains and acids. Relax! With Daystrom Handsomely styled, spring-filled lounge with plastic arm rests. 4750 DAYSTROM -IN THE GRAND MANNER There's candlelight and smart con versation in the graceful lines and smart colors of this smart group. Table extends to 74 in. x 35 in. Prac tically banquet size. 139.50 5-Pc. Set THE BEAUTY AND THE BUDGET Here's the answer to a decorators prayer! Practical, beautiful, luxurious, at a price designed for your budget. The oval and center extension table ' with 12 inch leaf extends the table to a spacious 62 in. x 35 in. Fashion able color range and styling. 5-Pc. Set 139.50 WHISTLE WHILE YOU WORK Here is a new way to relax while you Iron, cook or have a snack. The seat is counter height 24 inches from the floor. And you'll love the support for your A Ap feet and the comfortably curved bock for . J style for color! Out of this world. Elch FOR SITTING PLEASURE There is a dreaming plea sure in this unusually comfortable club chair. You'll marvel at' slick lines which make it right for practically every room in the house. OQ75 A Bargain! J,g HAVE YOU EVER SAT ON A CLOUD? Here's .comfort you'll love and cherish. The spring-filled cushions ease you gently into complete relaxation. The seat is at easy-rise height. You can ar range this richly colored settee in clever ff AA ways in your living room, porch, play MM II II room or den. Everyone is delighted with it. ' Something NEW and BEAUTIFUL for your windows CBC30 ;nl'iUil:.l: Here are Venetion blinds with oil' the fea tures you could ever wont for your win dowseasy to cleon, 4 cord construction, choice of 1 4 pastel shades, famous LEVO LOR hardware, Rusco topes, and longer lasting FLEXALUM oluminum slats. iff MADE to your ORDER-Ask for FREE ESTIMATES TERMS TO FIT ANY BUDGET A