8 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday. June 22. 1949 FormerSalem Man Wed Of Interest to Salem friends Is announcement ot the marriage ot Lois Beatrice Douglas, daugh ter of Mrs. L. R. Sisson of Port land, to Dr. Harold R. B. Hut chinson, son of Dr. and Mrs. Robert A. Hutchinson, formerly of Salem and now of Hood Ri ver. The wedding took place at noon Saturday In the First Presbyterian church, Portland. The ceremony was performed by the bridegroom's father, Dr. Robet A. Hutchinson, assisted by Dr. Paul S. Wright, minister of the church. Dr. John Stark Evans was at the organ. The bride wore an ashes of roses wool taileur with mist gray accessories and carried bride's roses and pink painted daisies She was escorted to the altar by her brother, Dr. Merrell A. Sis son, San Francisco. She was at tended by Mrs. A. J. McLean, Portland, who wore a tie silk print with fuchsia and gray ac cessories and carried Rubrum lilies. The bridegroom's brother, Raymond A. Hutchinson, served as best man and., ushers were Dr. Donald Deans. Vancouver, B. C, Dr. John S. Skirving, The Dalles, Leonard T. Hutchinson, Seattle. L. Richard Steeves, Hood River, Dr. T. Kinersley, Spring field. At the reception those assist ing Included Mrs. Harry Means Crooks and Mrs. L. R. Steeves, Hood River, Mrs. R. M. Lehto, Salem and Mrs. N. Mann, Port land, Mrs. Raymond Hutchinson and Mrs. Leonard Hutchinson. The wedding party was en tertained at the University club for luncheon, guests being pre sent from British Columbia, San Francisco, Seattle, Eugene, Port land, The Dalles, Hood River and Salem. The couple left for New York and plan to sail in mid-July for the British Isles and Europe. They will return to Oregon in October. The new Mrs. Hutchinson Is a member of the faculty of the University of Oregon Dental college. The bridegroom resided In Salem for a number of years when his father. Dr. Robert A. Hutchinson, was minister of the First Congregational church. His atudent career at Willamette university was interrupted by five years' service In the medi cal detachment of the U. S. army In World War II. He saw mill- YOUNGSTOWN KITCHENS Free Estimates Phone 25643 Pumilite - West Salem fer I V If ' v At Convention Mrs. Mae Wilder, president of Marion auxiliary, Veterans of Foreign Wars, is attending the state convention of the group at Coos Bay this week, the event to conclude Saturday. Wedding Set For July 10 Announced for Sunday, July 10, is the wedding of Miss Velo ra Venlta Williams and Gordon Morris. The ceremony will be at 4 o'clock In the afternoon in the Jason Lee Memorial church, the reception following to be in the church parlors. The engagement of the couple was announced the past winter. Miss Williams Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Williams of Salem. She attended Willam ette university and is now par ish assistant in the Pendleton Methodist church. Mr. Morris, son of the late Rev. C. G. Mor ris and Mrs. C. G. Morris of Cave Junction, was graduated from Willamette and received his master of arts degree at Ore gon State college. He served in the air force during the war. Brother, Sister Leave on Trips Two graduates of this year's class at the University of Ore gon, Miss Jean Claire Swift and her brother, George H. Swift, Jr., have left this week on trips. tary service in Italy, France Germany and Austria. On his return he completed his schol astic training at the University of Washington and the U. of O. Dental college. He is affiliated with Phi Delta Theta and Delta Sigma Delta fraternities. MAYFLOWER Milk and Cream Homogenised Milk 1 OX Milk 8 Milk. Cottage Cheese Cheddar Cheese Butter lea Craam AT YOUH STORE J ct AT YOUR DOO Phone 39205 Miss Swift has gone to Call-I Al f roan rnia with some of her Gamma .VI55 VJlcBn Tells Betrothal fornia Phi Beta sorority sisters and while in the south will visit her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Seth Payson Smith (Alice Swift). Miss Smith plans to return home in mid July. George Swift, Jr.. left Tuesday for Chicago and Quebec where he is to join a group of college students to sail for Europe. The group will bicycle through sev eral European countries and England, planning to sail for the States on August 31. LEAVING Tuesday for B I r mingham, Alabama, was Miss Mildred Christenson to visit at the home of her sister, Mrs. Lewis M. King. Announced last evening at a dinner party at the American Legion club was the engagement of Mii Georgia Green to Charles Domogalla. The news was re vealed at a party honoring Mr. Domogalla's parents, - Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Domogalla, on their wedding anniversary. Miss Green is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde L. Woodruff. No plans are announced for the wedding. Miss Green attended schools In Toronto, Ontario, Canada, and Mr. Domogalla the Salem schools. He is now a first class pharmacist's mate In the navy, stationed at the naval reserve Take a Kodak Camera With You On Your July 4th Outing Wt have Kodak Cameras for all pic ture - takers be ginners or advanced amateurs; prices as low os $2.75 includ ing Federal Tax. Ask to see the Kodak Tourist Camera with Kodet Lens ... a smart new folding camera that makes full-color or black and - white picture raking easy. Tokes Kodak 620 Films. Now only $24.50, including F e d e r al Tax here. Salem's New, Modern CUSTOM CANNERY NOW OPEN Bring your fruits and vegetables into our modern spot less kitchen; wash them, blanch them, and prepare them for canning on our special tables ... in a few hours we seal them in tin cans and pressure cook them for only a few cents a can. For canning hours and other information Ph. 33582 BLUNDELL KANNING KITCHEN South 13th and Wilbur Telephone 33582 air base at McNary field. I AMONG vacationers at JasperlMrs E. At the announcement dinner Park lodge have been Mr. andMrs. L. were Miss Green, Charles Do-1 - mogalla, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Domogalla, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Domogalla, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde L. Woodruff, Miss Irma Brise bois and George E. Day. A group of friends joined the party later A. Murphy and Mr. and V. Clark of Salem. THE WOMEN'S Bible class of the first Methodist church is ar ranging a class party for Friday at 2 p.m. at the home of Mrs. A E. Lee, ISIS State street. Co hostesses will be Mrs. Irene Clingman, Mrs. Lena Lisle and Mrs. Eva Bonesteele. Salem Lawn Sprinkling Co. Our Price Is Right Our Work Is Right Our Estimates Are Free 10 years of exclusive experience in Salem area. Call 3-4537 734 N. High. St. f CAKES ROll-F) PIES BREAD Tcook if ill ;ti lit fl :i: :l: f J EH itchen rafi our WORKS WONDERS WITH ANY RECIPE! For your favorite cakes... for all your home baking At your Safeway Store better baking results or your money back Having a Coke Is Better Than Thinking About It C H J ) Stop now. . Shop now for t sNtCjjHJ . .i . L a is. fi--r . x tin isjuww i j xr . I new "umjjnniica r Big t Ask for it tUhtr nay . , , both tradt-markt mtan the samt lhin. IOTTIID UNDtl AUTHORITY Of THI COCA-COU COafANT IT COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPA NY OF SALEM, SALEM, OREGON O !t, TW C C AT CAST! can bake in any rack position! OVEN BIGNESSI OVER-ALL BROILING! SEE IT! SEE ITI SEE ITl The big Westinghouse gives you perfect baking results anywhere in its spacious Miracle Oven . . . See this Btst Looking design that brings a New Look to your kitchen . . . Try this Be$t Cooking performance for real mealtime satisfaction! as a bushel of potat oca holds eight loaves of bread, a 30-pound turkey! mealtime capacity more things per fectly done in lest, time! Single and Two Oven models. NEW SURFACE COOKING CAPACITY Four, speedy full size Westinghouse Corox Units! New, bonus working space between units permits the use of four 10-inch utensils at one time without crowding! New, super-sized broiling element cooks the outer edgea of food to the same tantalizing perfection as the center . . . Smokeless broiling that's waitt-hight NEW, Simplified COOKING CONTROISI ...Outofth Steam Zone No more reaching over hot utensils . . . Tel-A-Glance Switches for every type of surface cooking, Single Dial Control for easier oven meala. fa can At Jf..yJr"Vstinghouse SEE YOUR WESTINGHOUSE DEALER TODAY TUNE M TED MALONE . : . Every Day, Monday through Friday . i . ABC Network