Capital Women i Edited by MARIAN LOWKX F1SCHEK I Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, June 22, 1949 2 to Honor Miss Myers Entertaining for brides-elect continues to make up much of the social news. One of the popular brldes-to-hr who is being feted at nu merous affairs preceding her is Miss Janice Myers, who is to be married July 17 to Llnvd V. Lewis nf Eugene Mrs. C. W. Parker and her daughter, Mrs. Gerald Robison, will entertain next Monday evening at the Parker home at party for Miss Myers. Dessert will be served, follow ed bv an informal evening and a pottery shower for the bride- elect. Surprise Given For Mr. Scharbach A surprise father's day event honored Alex Scharbach, 1630 North Winter, his family meet ing at a no-host supper arranged hv his son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester, Jr., Sunday. The honoree, 82 years old, has had both legs amputat ed in the past 10 months. Attending the dinner gather ing were Mr. and Mrs. Sylves ter Scharbach and children, Janice. Diane and Linda, Mr and Mrs. Forest Eckles, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Burington and daughter, Virginia, Mr. and Mrs Leslie Ladd, Joe Kahut, Sr., Mr and Mrs. Tony Kahut and on Rodney of Woodburn, Mrs. B Moison of Brooks, Mr. and Mrs Sylvester Smith, Jr. and chil dren, Julie, Sylvester III, and Alvin. Later in the evening om er friends calling to greet Mr. Scharbach included Mr. Isaac, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Schar bach and Miss Florence Schar bach of Silverton. Mrs. Mover Hostess Falls City The WSC Society of the Methodist church held their June meeting at the home of Mrs. Jessie Moycr with the business in charge of the presi dent Mrs. Fred Hughes. Mrs. Chester Burbank led the devo tionals. Refreshments were serv ed to Mrs. Fred Hughes, Mrs. Margaret Thompson, Mrs. James Roycr, Mrs. Oscar Rich, Mrs. Chester Burbank and the host ess, Mrs. Jessie Moyer. DAYTON A surprise brid al shower was given Friday eve ning for Miss Irene Valek at the home of her mother, Mrs. Wes Valek, In Unity, with Miss Lau ra Mae Goodrich of Dayton and Miss Jean Bailey of Willamina and Mrs. Robert Wright as host esses. The evening was spent play ing games. Most of the guests were friends from the Oregon Mutual company where Miss Valek has employment. Miss Valek is the bride-elect of Charles Jackson of Dayton They have planned their wed ding for July 2. Refreshments were served to the following guests: Mcsdames Helen Wright, Audrey Zcntner, Norma Patterson, Lois Hibbs, June Asquith, Miss Mary Ann Shelburne and Miss Maxine Gile, all of Dayton; Miss Alice Hardy, Mrs. Dorothy Banke, Mrs. Arlene Luoto and Mrs. Ka theryn Wright of McMinnville; Mrs. Nina Lane and Mrs. Arlenc McLeod of Yamhill; Mrs. Mar ian Grey and Mrs. Roma Eich- orn of Carlton. PAST PRESIDENTS club of the American Legion auxiliary is to meet for a picnic on Thurs day evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Palmatecr, Au burn road. Husbands arc to be guests. tmmm Other Hanrcl men's watches from '29'" Other llarvcl ladica' watches from 24" Ceaveeleet lde Tama taelly Anmnf ed STEVENS & SON JEWELERS SILVERSMITHS Llvesley Bldg. 390 State St, Anniversary Duo Honored Mt. Angel More than four hundred relatives and friends greeted Mr. and Mrs. Roland Gottsacker, silver wedding cele brants, at a reception held at their country home between Woodburn and Mt. Angel, Sun day afternoon and evening, marking the anniversary of their marriage at St. Francis Catho lic church, Portland 25 years ago. Guests arrived from Seat tle, i Wash., Portland, Eugene, Salem, H a r r i s b urg, Stayton, Salem, Harrisburg, Stayton, Sublimity, Woodburn, Mt. Ang el, Aurora, Gervais, Silverton and other cities. Special guests were the Rev. Fathers V. L. Mof fenbier of Woodburn, Martin Doherty of Gervais and Hilde- brand Melcholr of Mt. Angel. Roland Gottsacker and Lela Frichtl were married on June 18, 1924, and lived in his native city, Portland, where he was in business. Their seven children were all born in Portland, Mrs, Joseph A. LeDoux of Mt. Angel, Miss LaVelle Gottsacker, Del- bert, Darlcen, Judy, Mel, and Billy all at home. The family moved into the new home on Elliot Prairie road about two years ago, after residing a few years at Woodburn. Mrs. Gottsacker wore a silk afternoon dress in antique sil ver, with an orchid corsage gifts from her husband for the anniversary celebration. Their daughters, Mrs. J. A. LeDoux and Lavelle Gottsacker wore baby orchids, and Darlene and Judy wore corsages of carna tions to match the buttonaires of their fathers and brothers. The flowers were gifts from their father who wore a new silver grey suit for the occasion. Mr and Mrs. William Frichtl and Mrs. C. N. Gottsacker all of Portland stood in the receiving line with their children, Mr. and Mrs. Roland Gottsacker. At the reception held in the home and garden, Mrs. Joseph LeDoux, Miss Lavelle Gosstack er and Miss Darleen Gottsacker cut the large four tiered cake which was guarded by an ar rangement of flowers and light ed tapes in candlebra. Delbert and his sister Judy opened the girts at the gift table centered with all white aster reed daisies, larkspur, and silver leaves. Pouring were Mrs. Frank Al- tenhofen of Portland, Mrs. Leo Schwab, Mrs. Al Lulay and Mrs. J. J. Penner at hour in tervals. Serving were Mrs. J. L Wachter, Mrs. Joseph Butsch. Mrs. John Bigler, Mrs. Alfred Aicher of Woodburn and Mrs. L. Nuss of Seattle, Mrs. Louis Le Doux was in charge of serving. and the graduates of Mt. Angel academy assisted about the kitchen. serving refreshments were Al Lulay, J. J. Penner, Leo Sch wab and Joseph Butsch, STAYTON Plans were made when the executive committee of the Stayton unit of the Amer ican Legion auxiliary met in the hall to form an installing team which will ofticate at the in stallation of Silverton'! officers July 11. Appointed to the team were Betty Ward, installing presi dent; Grace Keirsey, first vice; Clorinda Titus, second vice; Al ice Keirsey, treasurer; Mabel Senz, secretary; Berniece Fair, historian; Thelma Biever, ser-geant-at-arms; June Ruggles, chaplain. A practice night was arranged for Friday, June 24, at the hall. Discussed also, were plans for a float to represent the Legion and auxiliary in the Santiam Bean Festival parade, as well as a concession. ANOTHER FINE PRODUCT In Our Store Barrel Watches have long been famous (or their expert crafetmanehip, their preci ion timing and their exclu live styling. We suggest 70a top in and look at onr 6ne election of llarvcl Watches for men and women. A beanlifql 17 Jewel sold filled ladioe'watcb wlfh gleaming bracelet. tai imM Aa raqnUlte bridal Mi, in gold, with I fine diamond, oat m tha now Bob tail fatbloa. Miss Wade To be Feted Among affairs being given for Miss Corinne Wade preceding her marriage to Richard Kuhn of Portland on July IS will be the shower for which Miss Pa tricia Viesko and Mrs Reed Vollstedt (Maryana Bollinger) will be hostesses on Saturday. The party will be at the home of Miss Viesko's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Viesko. Bidden to honor the bride- elect are Miss Barbara Craw ford, Miss Kathleen Hug, Mrs. Roger Schnell, Mrs. John H. Johnson, Miss Nancy Montgom ery, Mrs. Robert Elgin, Mrs. Jack Spease of Corvallis, Mrs. Harold Gardner, Mrs. Stanley Kinney of Corvallis, Miss Lou ise Lister of Portland, Miss Ed ith Vollstedt of Albany, Mrs. Mabel Pontius of Albany, Miss Ruth Mellbye of Silverton, Mrs. Herbert Booth, Miss June Young, Mrs. Robert Moe, Mrs. Charles F. Bollinger, Mrs. Fran cis T. Wade, Mrs. Edward Vies ko. Miss Wade was honored at a shower given last Friday in Portland by Mrs. James Meece, Jr. Civic Players Initiate Five Salem Civic Players met for a no-host supper and Informal evening Sunday at Mayflower hall, 20 attending. Mrs. Nathan Stcinbock and Mrs. James Lu cas arranged the supper. Later, five new members were intiated, Miss Delma Davis, Mrs, Charles Hill, James Simpson, George Hall and LeRoy Kreu ger. The new members pre sented readings, skits and a one- act play. Later, the group en joyed dancing. Shower Given A surprise bridal shower was given recently in compliment to Miss Irene Bisanz of Silverton, whose marriage to Marvin Tot land, also of Silverton, was an event of June 21. Hostesses for the affair were fellow employes of Miss Bisanz in the state tax commission. The shower, which was a miscellaneous one, was held in Willson park during the lunch hour. The guests included: Margaret McRae, Elaine Frank, Jane Wat- kins, Joan Phillips, Marjorie Price, Marccil Stewart, Janell Johnson, Dolores Anderson Phyllis Wyant, LaVerna Soren- sen, Peggy Arnaz, Kay Smith, Anita Rhodes, Beth Morisky, Mildred Lilligh, Stella Gilman, Dorothy Bond, Lucille Robbins, Billie Scott, Connie Michaels, Betty Keppinger, Dolores Brown. Genieve Anderson Edith Dunn, Sylva Willard, Mil dred Preissler, Mabel McDannel, Mary Jean Boedigheimer, Neva Goercs and Julie Miller. VISITING here from Bur bank, Calif., are Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Reed and daughter. They are guests of Mr. Reed s mother. Mrs, Pearl Reed, and while north will also visit in Portland with Mr. Reed's brother, E. W. Reed. Mr. Reed has been with Lockheed company at Burbank as a designing engineer for the past 12 years. RECENT guests at San Fran cisco's Balalaika were Mr. and Mrs. Dale C. McLellan of Salem. LJLSL5IPLSIS r ; , ) f 4 very tima. "fTffjX VMok owp .tad,- loy-f til'ijj yH to 4,4,,. -n " 'tla1"aid!aaaam O Mat afimi 42 Engagement Announced Miss Betty Jean Seder, daughter of Mrs. Kay Seder, recently announced her engagement to John Lloyd Cowan, son of Mrs. Pearl Cowan. The wedding Is planned for October 1. (Kennell-Ellis studio picture.) White Shrine's Meeting Monday Several visitors attended the meeting of Willamette shrine, No. 2. White Shrine of Jerusa lem, Monday evening. Mrs. Pearl Speer, supreme de puty for the order, and mem ber of the local group, and Miss Katherine Blood, worthy high priestess of Oregon shrine No. 1, Portland, were given special honors Mrs. Ida Henshaw and Mrs. Lucille Lansing of Bethle hem shrine No. 4, Eugene, were also visitors. Following the meeting and an informal program of community singing, refreshments were served. 'The committee for the evening included Mrs. Dan Roth, Miss Edith Wilkinson, Mrs. Hollis Hill, Mrs. Bessie Sutton, Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Shreve, Mrs. Lawrence Gorman and Mrs. J. Palmer. On July 28 the Shrine will hold a special meeting in honor of supreme Shrine officials who will be here. WOODBURN The Mothers' circle of DeMolay will hold its June meeting Thursday eve ning, June 23, at 8 o'clock in the Masonic parlors. Members are reminded to bring tea towels for the Masonic kitchen. Following the meeting refreshments will be served to the DeMolay boys and advisers. The committee in charge of serving will be Mrs. Harlow C. Dixon, Mrs. M. G. Henderson, Mrs. Raymond Krie ger and Mrs. Arthur M. Burt. m C4- .Taam1 vjieuurcjui IS ASPIRIN T ITI BEST ' i INDEPENDENCE The home of Mrs. Earl Riha was the set ting for a shower, honoring Mrs. Harlan Smith (Betty Mae Pey ree) of West Salem. Multi-col ored sweetpeas and pink booties were used as decorations about the rooms. The lace covered ta ble was centered with a pink bootie filled with with sweet peas and pink candles. The evening was spent play ing games, with Mrs. Loren Irv ing, Mrs. Adolph Riha and Mrs. H. W. Peyree winning prizes Mrs. Smith then opened the gifts that were presented to her in a large pink bootie. Refresh ments were served iy the host ess, assisted by Mrs. Robert Riha and Miss Phyllis Trosper. Those present or sending gifts were Mrs. John Rye, Miss Marge Trosper, Miss Phyllis Trosper, Mrs. Oscar Trosper, Mrs. Loren Irving, Mrs. Adolph Riha, Mrs. Robert Riha, Mrs. S. D. Alexan der and daughter, Mrs. H. W Peyree and daughter, Mrs. Dick Hathaway and daughter, Mrs. Earl Proctor, Mrs. Alexander Adams, Mrs. Mildred Yung of Salem, Mrs. Carl Conover, Mrs. Oscar Bynum, Mrs. George Noyes and Mrs. Al Leach. WOODBURN The first meeting of the newly installed officers of the Woodburn De Molay chapter will be held on Thursday evening, June 23, at the Masonic temple. Practice of the degree work will be the main business of the evening. s ssc I w brinks,-. .'FLAVORS' L! I SMI 1 1 Two Honor Miss Nickens Misses Gloria and Barbara McClintock will be hostesses Thursday evening at an infor mal bridge party to compliment Miss Patsy Nickens, who is to be wed next Sunday to Robert Schroeder of Portland. Guests will include a group of former high school friends. In the group will be Miss Nick ens, Mrs. Ernest C. Hobbs, Mrs. Budd Coons, Mrs. H. L. William son, Miss Jane Carson, Miss Midge Newton, and the two hostesses. Friday Event Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Nickens, parents of the bride-elect, have arranged an informal gathering triday evening at their home, following the wedding rehear sal, guests to include members of the bridal party. The wed ding is Sunday afternoon in St. Paul's Episcopal church. Violette-Jones Independence Miss Glenna M. Jones and Joseph B. Violette Jr., will be married July 1 in a double ring candlelight cere mony in the First Methodist church of Burlingame, Calif. The bride will be attended bv Mrs. John Colvin and Mrs. Ed ward Wiltrout. Dr. Lowell Eddy win be best man for his brother. Both of the young people are graduates of the Independence mgn school. The bride-elect received her bachelor's degree from Oregon college of Education and at tended Oregon State collese. She is now doing graduate work at Stanford university. The future bridegroom is graduate of OSC and received his master of engineering de gree from Yale university. He is the son of the late Mr. and Mrs Joseph Violette Sr., of Indepen dence. Mr. Violette is now asso ciated with the Standard Oil company in San Francisco. After a wedding trip to Car mel by the Sea the couple will make their home in Burlingame INDEPENDENCE Mr and Mrs. Homer Wood, Mrs. A. L. Thomas, Mrs. Dalvina Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. John Donaldson and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Robinson of Tillamook, and Mrs. Pearl Jones of Portland attended the wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Wood's granddaughter. Yvonne Aire daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Agee, who was married June 12 in the Evangelical church at Al bany to Norman Riggins of Eu gene. They attended the reception following the ceremony held in the church. Mrs. A. L. Thomas, aunt of the bride, presided at the punch bowl. Mr. and Mrs. Riggins are graduates of Cascade college. Mrs. Riggins will teach in the kindergarten at Oak Grove in Portland. Mr. Riggins will con tinue his studies at Cascade. KAILES Mid-Summer CLEMM3CE Our annual clearance of Quality Women's Apparel to make room for Fall Stocks now in Manufacture. All newest styles to wear now and later at rock-bottom prices. STARTS THURSDAY, JUNE 23rd Come Early for Women's COATS GREATLY Group 1 Values to $54.50 Fine wool gab ardines, Forst- 5 29" mann and oth ers to clear SHORTIE COATS Includes Forstmann, Pacific and JULLIARD Gabardine Shorties in seasons most pop ular colors ana wnite. Women's SUITS RE-GROUPED Group 1 Values to $69.50 Your choice of our better suits. Gabardine, Men'i Wear and apAA 35 Sharks H n 1 to clear at Many Unadvertised Bargains! iceairt 320 1 VITOtlS Rebeka Event Monday Evening The "last day of school" was the theme for the meeting of Sa lem Rebekah lodge No. 1, Mon day evening, at the IOOF tem ple. A "Question bee" and "spell ing bee," as well as musical numbers, poems and dances, fill ed the evening's program and prizes were awarded to Mrs. Walter Larson as the best dress ed, to Mrs. Ed Owen for the prettiest costume, Mrs. Lora Groves as the most original, Mrs. Pearl Swanson as the funniest hair style, George Naderman as the most ridiculous, and to Mrs. W. L. Newton, who was in charge of the program, the prize for the funniest costume. Mrs. Victor Koop was taken into the lodge by transfer and the following announcements were made: The ladies auxiliary to the Patriarchs Militant will hold its annual homecoming, Thursday, at 6:30 p.m. at the IOOF temple. The Three Links club picnic, their last event until fall, will be held Friday noon at the home of Mrs. Lulu Wilson, Route 6 Box 305, Salem. Cars will be leaving the IOOF temple at 11:30 a.m. for those wishing transportation. Cards will be in play follow ing the lodge meeting next Mon day, and visitors will be wel come. Also announced for next Monday was a "housewares" shower for Mrs. Gwendolyn El wood, whose home was destroy ed by fire recently. Following Monday's meeting and program, the "youngsters" enjoyed their lunches and cof fee was served. NOW SHOWING Art Galleries 3rd Floor EXHIBITION OF OIL PAINTINGS and ETCHINGS By Charles Heaney 340 Court ' witk BRAKE BLOCKS-LININGS FRICTION BLOCKS Dependable Product! that are "Kind' to Your Equipment and Ovorhood CHAMPION FRICTION CO. WOM, OttOON Best Selection! BIG SAVINGS! REDUCED Group 2 Values to $37.50 Fine all wool tweeds to clear at 245 95 25 GREATLY REDUCED! Re-Priced to Clear Group i Values to S44.S0 One group fine A jQ( 24' e r e p e 1 and tweedi to clear at AflfS omit lirMI iMmmiti 4 UOff kPPMH, Court St Phone. 2-0512 Smudinq ICE CREAM AND PICKLES will go fine with your much-in-good-taste MARIAN SUE MATERNITY DRESS. It's of wonderful Sanforized Dan River Fabric, has much eyelet embroidery about the neckline and is comfort itself with the convenient snap-adjustment. Cottons, crepes and sheers in sizes 9-15 and 10-20. This one is 7.95. (Others from 5.95 to 12.95 at JOHNSON'S) IT'S JUDY BOND and it'l a Jacket-blouse in White Pique. It'l newsy and new with big open throat lapels and four fat buttons down tl)e front. Short sleeves, , slash pockets in sizes 32-40. Wear this with any of your skirts . , , you'll look smart as you are . . for the price Is just 4.98. WATER, WATER all-around and everybody's a bathing beauty in this ROSE MARIE REID two-plecer. Has boxer trunks for casual comfort and relaxing halter bra. In white and powder blue, this one'i fashioned of novelty weave rayon. Sizes 10-16. A real Rose Marie Reid for 7.951 EV'RYWHERE YOU GO. let'l hope that sunshine follows you ... in any case you'll be summer Itself in thii WRINKLE RESISTANT Majestic rayon sharkskin . . . Incidentally it loves to travel and you'll want to trot it out for all afternoon! or evenings. Straight tailored skirt and two stylei available; lizei 12-16 and a JOHNSONS better buy at 1495. FOR EVERYTHING IN FASHION'S AT onmotft 1 ALSO IN ORTUNDAIIANTIUOINI AMtm.CuquJ