Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, June 22, 1949, Page 3, Image 3

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    k Impressive Ritual Marks
Installation of Officers
Independence Officers of Bethel No. 34, International Order
of Job'i Daughters, were installed at an impressive and beauti
ful ceremony at the Masonic hall.
Manaret Aynes, retiring queen of Bethel No. 34, was installing
honored queen. She was assisted by Joan Roach, past honored
aueen of Bethel No. 9 of Port
land; Ann Baker, past honored
queen of Bethel No. 34; Roberta
Gildow, Marilyn Miller and
Patsy Perkins, all of Bethel No
Th following officer! were Installed:
Honored queen, Uariaret till; senior
princess. Phrllls Parlrttfe; Junior prin
ce!. Clem Broem lulde, Jlmmi Lou
Ullchfttt; marshal, Peesr Bell: first
messenser, Ktrlene Kvans: eceond mewen
er, Mollr Mwerds; third messeneer,
Lorn. Ven Den Botch! fourth messenser.
Joenn Davis; recorder. Patsy Pertrld;
treasurer. Donna Tompkins: librarian,
Betty Foster; musician, Helen Smith;
chaplain, Earlene Conker: senior cus.
todlan, Bather Hotel; Junior custodian,
Patricia Price: Inner luard. Jean Davis,
outer suard, Joyce Orlce; assistant musi
cian, Marian Wilson: asslatant recorder.
Louts Bennett; pase, Judith Stapleton;
stats reporter, Barbara Hamann. Three
other officers were not Installed du to
Members of Tillicum chapter,
Order of DeMolay, were in
charge of the crowning cere
mony and Queen Margaret II
was crowned by Richard Hew
itt, master counsellor of Tilli
cum chapter.
Escorted and honored in the
' east were Jean Herrick, queen
elect of Bethel No. 35, Salem;
Joan Roach, past queen of Beth
f' el No. S, Portland; Ann Baker
' and Margaret Aynes, past
queens of Bethel No. 34; Yvonne
Breding, senior princess of Be
thel No. 3 and Barbara Peter
son, junior princess of Bethel
No. 5, both of Portland; Marie
Scheideman and Henry Schei
deman, guardian and associate
guardian of Bethel No. 5,. Port
land; Clara Van Loan and Rex
Gildow, past guardian and past
associate guardian of Bethel No
34; Walter Smith, dad advisor
of Tillicum chapter Order of De
Molay; A. L. Koch, worthy pa
tron of Adah chapter, Order of
Eastern Star.
Gifts were presented to Mar
garet Mix, queen, and Margaret
Aynes, retiring queen, by the
members of Tillicum chapter of
A degree of memories was
given Margaret Aynes by sever
al girls from her Bethel. Mar
garet Mix presented her with a
bouquet of gladioluses and with
her past queen's jewel, gifts
from Bethel No. 34.
The honored queen then pre
sented each of her installing of
ficers with small gifts of appreciation.
Refreshments were served In
the dining room, following the
installation, with Helen Smith
in charge. Tables and lodge
rooms were decorated by Mrs.
Rex Gildow and Roberta Gildow.
Zone Matters
Get Action
The city planning and zoning
commission, meeting Tuesday
night, again delayed considera
tion of a petition for a zone
change that would make way
for an apartment house in east
The petitioner, J. Minty, was
represented by Paul R. Hen
dricks, who said the list of peti
tioners was subject to revision.
Tentative approval was given
request by Alfred Loucks for a
change in zone classification at
North Commercial and Jeffer
son for business purposes. A
public hearing will be held at
the next meeting.
Elmer Amundson requested
the commission to recommend
to the city council the purchase
of two blocks between Oxford
street and Rural for use as a
city street. He was advised to
take the matter to the city coun
cil. Tentative approval was given
a proposed vacation of two
streets in Wyatt's View tracts in
Polk county, location of the
KSLM radio tower.
At the next meeting hearing
will be given a request of Jack
Watson for a change of zone at
1240 Center street. A request
from the City View Cemetery
association for a vacation of
ground was referred to the city
Proposal of Wallace Bone
steele for a subdivision plat at
Silverton road and Lansing was
given tentative approval. Appro-
Lebanon City
Budget Healthy
Lebanon Reflecting one of
the most healthful financial
standing in many years, the bud
get for the city of Lebanon for
the fiscal year 1949-50 has been
announced, establishing the to
tal figure at $373,341.10. but af
ter deducting known estimated
receipts, leaving a balance of
only $29,730 to raise.
Budget makers listed known
receipts, collectable at $343,
611.04, leaving a balance of less
than $1000 more than last year's
val was given a request by
Maude Gobert for a variance
permit for a house at 1695 North
16th street.
figure, and with i probable less
millage rate due to increased
valuation of property.
Receipts Include assessments
against property owners for
street paving, sewer installa
tions, drainage and curbing, as
well as state gasoline refunds,
parking meter collections, po
lice fines and like measures.
Included in this year's bud
get is the entire cost of paving
all intersections, included in
this year's paving program,
which will include approximate
ly 40 city blocks.
Every anticipated expense the
city will incur has been includ
ed in this year's budget, thus
saving taxpayers several hun
dred dollars in interest on bonds
and lower bids on improvement
construction, it is announced by
the city councilmen.
Benefits in the new financial
Capita Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, June 22, 19491
setup will enable committees to
better function at their respec
tive tasks, and will assure am
ple funds to meet all expenses
as they become due, rather than
necessitate a waiting period
while bonding measures are be
ing initiated by the city.
Expenses of the city govern
ment were compared with the
needed $29,730, general tax fig
ure, by the salaries of city em
ployes. A total figure on city
salaries shows $54,600 annually.
Broken down, this figure lists
police salaries, $22,200; firemen,
9000; street department, $14.
200; recorder and office help,
$6200; engineer, $1000; city at
torney, $1500 and treasurer,
Lark Club Invited
Kitchin Residence
Falls City Mrs. Lillian Kit
chin was hostess to the Lark
club at her home. A no-host
dinner was served to Mrs. Mag
gie Loflus, Mrs. Jessie Jones,
Mrs. Emma Frink, Mrs. Neva
Poland, Mrs. Eva Powers, Mrs.
Fay Frink, Mrs. Ora Wilson,
Mrs. Jeysie Moyer, Mrs. Ethel
Teal, Mrs. Christine Lehnert,
Mrs. Lillian Ketchin, Mrs. Or
phic Gilbert. Invited guests
were Mrs. Marie Sullivan and
Mrs. Dorothy Auburn. A picnic
dinner will be served for the
July meeting at the Riverside
Woodburn Graduates
Plan Reunion Picnic
Woodburn Members of the
1922 graduating class of Wood
burn high school will hold
their annual reunion and picnic
at Settlemier park at Woodburn
Sunday, June 26, beginning
with a no host picnic dinner at
1 o'clock. Those attending are
asked to bring their own table
service and food. Coffee will be
All graduates previous to 1922
and soon after are invited and
all former teachers of the high
school. All old time graduates
are welcome.
Harley Hughes, president of
the 1922 class, Is chairman of
the reunion.
The first steam carriage on
record was made in 1769 by
Capt. Nicholas Cugnot, a French
it ti Mat
taste !
NfttJoiikl DUtlllm FrodMti Corp., Ntw York, N.Y. Blended Whisker. M lrMf
fl Griln N tra1 Spirits
ent A Truck
and SAVE
We Furnish
1. GAS
2. OIL
3. Special Refrigerator Trucks
4. Hand Trucks & Dollies
Reserve A Truck or Passenger Car
for the Week Day or Veek-end
Located et
Smitty's Clipper Service
Phone 3 9600
Penney's H
mmmrf fKKaK Irsmm &'S?T ITil
ill ffil eru
That "made for you" look in
You ... so erlip, so cool, so summer-fresh
in our wonderful woven cords, sheer roy
on bembergs and soylorized cotton
sheers. Weor them to the office , .
pack them in your vocation wardrobe .
they're smart anywhere! And you know
how they keep their clean, precise lines
their fresh good looks even on the
hottest days! Just port of our great big
cash-and-carry-priced collection of sum
mer dresses with liies, styles and prices
for everyone!
Penney's Downstairs Store
tw cash;.. CAnrcy it... vou save r