AUTOMOBILES "McKay's Corner" WANTED Used-Chevrolets, Fords and Plymouth, s WILL PAY CASH OR TRADE Drive in, See V. L. Sloan Used Car DePartment Douglas McKay 550 No. Commercial FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS Mt'HT SELL 1 ft. flee, offer. Ph. 7092. ROOFING Willamette Valley Roof Co., 30 Lam Ave GARDCN SAND, gravel, crashed rock Shovel ft drag-line excavating. W ALL IN Q 8ANO ft ORAVEL CO PH I-34 PEAT MOSS: Full btlei. 135. Poultry. 1S05 N. Front. N. W. 1 ANTIQl'E chi In, 1 fire aid bench up holstered with needle point. 60 each. m University. nl8 BUNK BEDS. Gov't. 8urplui 30 Inert. Complete with Bp. ft Mattresses 23. Oreen Stamps. Salem Home Furn. Co. 137 Mo. Com'I. nl" RICH MAHOG. flnlih corner cabinet . Olan doors. Reg. 170.50. To elou out at I50-8S. Oreen Stamp. Salem Home Furn. Co. 13T So. Com'. nl4' HOYT ST. SURPLUS IRRIGATION PUMP, 140 torn Ou, Wls coniin H P. Low Bed Trailer. VxlV Electric Water Heater. Apt. Silt Re frlgfgtora. Special on Younf De Lux Washer. Bedside Oak Table 14.00. Swi vel Chair t! to. Wall Safes IB. 00. Cst Iron Lavatories with chrome fittlms, new, $21.50. Toilet; Tuba. Pipe. Soil Pipe. Cauldln Lead ISc. House and Outside Wire. Ranae Cable and Range Outlet. Service Entrance Conduit. I'jT O.M.C., 47, Ions wheelbase, 15' bed. Int. KS. 1943. Oil Circulator 129.00. Furnace. Elec. Heater. Bunk Bed 56.50 pair. l'i Qt. Pyreen Fire Extin guisher. Elec. Bakery Oven. Spud Peeler. Steam Kettle. Hotel size Dih Washer. Laundry Tray. Come aouth on 13th to large HOYT SIGN. Turn East one block. Tel. 37915. nl50 , COMB. Radio-Phono. Portable. Tan leath erette case. Reg. price 555. Close out at 17.88. Only two 'in stock. Green Stamps. Salem Home Furn. Co. 137 So. Com'I. nl4 SILK DRESSES site 13 ft 14. some like new. i each. Sea Scout uniform. size IS. 85. 455 University. n!48 Motorola Car Radios Fits Most Cars $39.95 MARK RADIO 2140 S. Com'I. Ph. 2-1611 ni4 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WE WANT strawberries. Market price in cash, contact jory racaini lu minal Ice. 249 D St. Phone 3-4590. na WI NEED junk batterle. Paring Oc. Retread Tire Service, 320 So. Lancaster. nal72 WANTED furniture to glue ft repair Lei Bros, Furn ReflnUblng Co "h 3-7001 na USED FURNTTtmr Phonc 1-918B. na PERSONAL rmoIXSSIONAL advisor MM. PMUIP1 t ..,. in Atlem. ADPU. daily. 130 8 lKh St. '14, v.viw nnui n-.1i,r t ,s& Croil St Ph. S-6MB. P1M AUTOMOBILES SPECIAL SELECTION 1949 Buick Super Sedanct. Slightly used, lots of extras, gala green finish, white tires. 1948 Buick Roadmaster sedan $2395 1R48 Cadillac 62 Sedan 1947 Buick Super Sedanet 2295 1995 19411 Buick Super Sedanet 1845 1B48 Buick Super Sedan 1845 1948 Olds 76 Sedan 1795 1946 Pontiac Convertible 1795 1947 Chevrolet Sport Coupe 1535 1947 Mercury Sedan .... 1495 1942 Buick Sedan 1125 1940 Roadmaster Sedan 895 1941 Ford Tudor 790 1939 Nash Coupe 495 1937 Chevrolet 4 ton PickuD 425 OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM OTTO WILSON CO. Commercial it Cent.r Qlfto ri.rN rt.n.nrt.hl, -31 ChFV. R.r.ntl, eonfl'ltlon.d motor. Ooort tlrn. 1175. a. t Sllvtlton Ha. UcOUl Avt. Bn 404. Ph. 2S1H. .! 1947 PONTIAC 1 Sedan Coupe, very clean. low mileage undereoating-. new Air Ride Urn. many other eitras, original owner. 11775 00 171 Grant St., Wood 6 urn. Or, or phone Main 130. 0151 Y ORIGINAL owner: 1948 Chev. Conv Like new; low mileage. 61893. Call " HI w Liberty. Apt. 6. 0,149 PR1V. OWNER." siTrosn'a.'dr. sed. Heat er, seal beam lite, new lire, rood mo tor. Body in perfect cond. Very clan 1305. Ph. 8-5813. m am ST CHEV. 4-Dr. Sdn. Oenerat over haul. Oood tire. 1335. See Bert Dos. 3600 Sute St. a.141 '61 OLDMOB1LE I pas. Club coupe. Oood cond. 0ner buying new ear. Can be s'en at 360 E. Rural after 6. P.i 3-0964. 1940 FORD Coupe tor 4.1. S2S. Woodburn. Ror S..1 Prion. B'.ick PACKARD Sedan. Good meter, lire nd heater. 1300. Mrs. E J. M Uer. Rt. Bo 46. Turner, Ore. Parish Oap P1 148 Ml CHEV. rDAN. Very esn. ceediuo. 3134 Portland R4. rrfeM ! AUTOMOBILES Chevrolet Co. Phone 33175 qua AUTOMOBILES BUICK'S THE BUY 1949 BUICK AS LOW AS $2312 Completely Equipped Delivered at the Factory Save from $272 to $293 OTTO J. WILSON CO. Commercial at Center ejiM' 17 NASH Amb. Fully equipped. One owner Low mileage. Excellent condition. Ph 3-1358. 4130 M FORD, new paint, upholstery, brake, front end. Ph. 38133. tjiw S3 FORD Panel. 5 new tire. Engine good cond.. 8200. 1157 N. Capitol. 4149 IW7 BUICK Super-Sedanette Excellent condition, only 27.000 miles. Call owner, Darby Sermon 3-7701 daytime only. 11695. 4149 I G.M.C. 6xfl. Equipped man lime apreader. Ph. with Baugh- 3-0594. 4181' OLD DODGE Sedan. 538 Statesman St. ql4B i7 PONTIAC aedan. Original owner. Ex. eel lent cond. Mechanically nearly a. good a new. Priced to sell. See It, drive It. 130 W. Owen. Ph. 34320. qlB '48 JEEP for aale or trade. 18,000 mile, Fully equipped top. Rt. I. 23302. Box 360. Ph 4148 FOR QUICK SALE BELOW MKT. PRICE 1941 Chev. Sedan, exceptionally clean. Oood mechanical 1745 193T Cnev. Sedan, new paint- Good mechanical 1375 TRUCK SALES ft SERVICE CO. Ph. 3-9131 550 N. Front St., Salem 4149' Eisner Motors to Sell ZEEB'S USED CARS BUT - SELL TRADE TERMS 333 Fairground Road Phone 1-6454 used cara Bob Marr Thl Tim It's HUDSON I Service Sales Parts Borne of Good Osel Cara 8HROCK MOTOR CO. Church ft ChemekeU St. Pa. 1-9101 Eisner Motors to Buy Eisner Motors Fine Cars PONTIACS '47 Sdn. cpe $1445 '41 Spt. cpe 895 '47 Ford D.L. spt. cpe. 1395 '39 Nash coupe $395 '36 Chevrolet sdn 295 TERMS TRADES Herrall-Owens Co. M0 N. Liberty Ph 14113 1937 DODGE 4 door edn. radio upholatery, good tire. $495 139T Stt McCALLS heater. Clean Dial 1-6108 4149' 1948 FORD S Dr. Sed.. 6 cyl. let black paint. New air ride tire; low mileage. $1395 1397 Stat McCALLS Dial 1-8108 ql49 1941 PLYMOUTH 4 Dr. Del. Sod., Radt and Heater. $895 1397 Stat McCALLS Dial 1-8168 0.149- What's In a Name? In New York it's Tif fany's for Diamonds In Salem It's TEAGUE'S for Fine Used Cars 35 Fine Used Cars Here Are a Few: 1B4S DO DOE SEDAN 1141 KAISER SEDAN 1141 CHEVROLET 4 DOOR 1(41 CHEVROLET STATION WAOON 146 MERCURY TUDOR .947 FORD SEDAN 1141 PONTIAC I PU1. TorKdo Bodr 1144 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 11(4 HUDSON SEDAN 144T PORD CONVERTIBLE 1(41 OLDS t PASS COUPE 1141 OLDS I PASS COUPE 1141 NASH I PASS COUPE 1141 DESOTO SEDAN II3S CHEVROLET COUPE lt PLYMOUTH SEDAN 1911 PORD 4 DOOR TWO LOCATIONS ISI N. Cemmcrcll! - 1140 Portlind Roftd TEAGUE MOTOR CO. PHONE 2-4173 !M' Snecial For This Week 1640 OMC 3 Ton 4 Yr Dump. New Motor. 1-Steed Aslt. real money maker only !W M A large stock of Pickup. l' ton Cha. sis At Cibe, Ud gVhool Buses for haul Int farm worker. Dump. Logger. Log' gin Trs 'er TRL'f'K SALPS SEPVtCE CO PBOO 3-6131 454 N, Front m'm AUTOMOBILES SPECIALS 47 STUDEBAKER 2 Door Regal Deluxe. R&H St overdrive $1495 47 STUDEBAKER 4 DOOR CHAMPION, Heater 1495 41 STUDEBAKER 4 DOOR CHAMPION 695 41 STUDEBAKER COUPE . 40 STUDEBAKER 3 PASS. CHAMPION 595 40 STUDEBAKER 4 DOOR COMMANDER, R&H 895 40 BUICK 5 PASS 595 38 PLYMOUTH SEDAN, New Motor 350 38 PLYMOUTH COUPE 395 48 PLYMOUTH SEDAN, R&H 1495 48 6TUDEBAKER 1 TON PICKUP 1195 47 STUDEBAKER 4 TON PICKUP, Canopy Top 1195 41 CHEVROLET TON PICKUP 795 39 FORD 2 SPEED, CHASSIS CAB 695 Bonesteele Sales & Service S70 N. CHURCH AUTOMOBILES 1939 MERCURY Motor lust reconditioned, radio, heater, new paint. $795 1397 Stat McCALLS Dial 1-8108 4149 DM STANDARD FORD cpe. RftH. A-l condition. 1495. Ph. 20380 alter 5:30 p.m. 4135 FOR SALE OR TRADE '36 Ford. RftH. Ph. 3-43B9. 1245. 0.158 I' RED TRACTOR TIRES, popular aire. 13 00 and up. Moniiomery ward ft co., Salem. 0.150' MOTORCYCLES, SCOOTERS Indian Cushman Mustang Whizzer Shrock Motorcycle Sales 3007 Portland Rd Ph 1-1423 Oft' Ct'RHMAN SCOOTER. Motor overhauled. New brake, oood cond., a. rn. BOATS ft Trailer. 2363 N. Front. ql48a FOR SALE: Neptune outboard motor 1, horsepower. 130. Ph. 2-2736. qqiso- 19m SCOTT ATWATER 4 H.P. outboard motor. Perfect condition, $85 Ph. 3-1270 41150 1 FINANCIAL FARM A Nil CITY LOANS 4'tj". and t TOUR OWN TERMS of repayment within reason Cash for Real Estate Contract and Second Morttaie CAPITOL SECURITIES CO. 301 Pioneer Trust Bldg Ph 1-7163 r VACATION LOANS YOUR WAY and FAST Get a vactlon loan from personal Finance Co. where It' "ye" to 4 out of 5. Cash on salary, furniture, or car. No coiner necessary. Phone or vie It the YES MAN TODAY. You'll appreciate the consideration be ll show you. PERSONAL Finance Company Sit State St., Rm. 135. Ph. 2-3464 Lie. S-133-M-165 C. R. Allen. Ye Manager rl49 $ CASH $ $25 to $500 FURNITURE, LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT LOANS OP TO 1500 Car loan up to 3600 -Com In or phone Hollywood Finance Co. 1091 Fairground Road Aero street from bank No Parking problem Phone 37032 Lie N M369-8341 Floyd Kenyon. Mir. r1 Buy Real Estate Mortgages for Your Savings Investment 5 net Properties Salem & Vicinity. See State Finance Co. 153 S. High St OENERAL FIN A NCI CORP. LOANS Lit S-Ill and M-134 ' and ROY R. SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS 136 S. Com me re la St Tel. 1-4161 PRIVATE MONEY Special rate and term on larger loan long and short tlm payment ROY H SIMMONS 116 Sofb Commercial St Phoo 1-4161 AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. 183 S- Church Parkins g Plenty Ph. 1-1451 Lie. No M-159 8-154 J SEE OS FOR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ONLY 4 OR 4 '4 INTEREST I to 40 Year and No Commission Leo N. Childs, Inc. 344 Stat St TRAILERS MODERN TRAILER, Mints, gas. water In eluded. 113 per week. Oreen Apple Trailer court, l mile north on ME. t!48' 1943 tl-ft. Alrfloat house trailer, dolly. S room. Philippine mahogany finish, Butane ranee, oil healer. Priced lor quick ate. Very good condition. Rt. 1. Jefferson, across from Taioot store. t!51 4. 11' Atr tlftO 11 FT. TRAILER house, custom made. Ex cel, cond. Fully equip. 170 Hlway Ave t15b 01 R ECTOR t ADDING MACHINES All make oaed machine sold, rented repaired Roes 456 Court Plwm 1-4113 ALTERATIONS Dressmaking alt. 360 Stat St. el64 APPLIANCE RERV1CI ELCCTRIC HOME appliance repair service Pre estimate Trade-In accepted on new appliance Vlnce' EiectrW phone 1-933 157 S Libert St o AT IE DOOR GRIND I NO and repairing AI'TO RADIO Authorised Warranty Repair Station for all make of Auto Radio Morrow Radio Co. 133 S Liberty Ph 3-8953 MARION MOTORS NASH SERVICE Towing service day phone 4.6344 1-1804 33' Center Mike Pa nek 375 8. Com'I. Ph. 3-5161 Irak and Wheel aligning gpeclaluta 166 RMLD1NG CARPENTRY Remodei. repair that home nr. Terms No down payment. Phone 3-46. o HI I lD I N GC O N T R tXTOR Building a new home? Let Sullivan 8 Taylor hnm builder buiid It for vou Ph. 3-44?t or 1-7379. Ol47 All Bros Also houses ralaed He1 datton PMan 3 Slot feun- 1SV Journal Want Ads Pa J -4 (AUTOMOBILES 795 PH. 3-9277 ql4A DIRECTORY Bl'Ll.DOZINQ Dean Robinson. Ph. 36537 Bulldozing, leveling, road bid., clear Ins, teeth for brush. Virgil Huskey, 1010 Fairvlew Ave, Ph. 3-3146, Balem. o-l0' Lltht crawler dozing. Ph. 3-3330. CASH REGISTERS Instant delivery of new ret 1st et Al mike sold. pa:ed. Roen 456 Court PI RCA cash rented. 3-6771 CEMENT CONTRACTOR Oeneral cement cont. Honest work at honest price. Ph. 1-1565 or 3-7487 Ol64a CHIMNEY SWEEP Furnace chimney vacuum Ensiey 771 8. Hit. Ph. 1-1176. CEMENT WORK For eipert guaranteed satutfactlon new or repair of foundation, aide walks, driveway, patio, curb, wall, etc. Call 3-48M. oa Let ua do your cement work Driveway, aide walk, patio. U 1-4413. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING Vlnce Electric for electrical wiring, contracting repairing 157 S Liberty Ph 3-0339 o EXTERMINATORS Cockroach. Moth, Exterminator Service Ph. 3-3056. Lee Cross. 1533 Pearl. ol56 Brelthaupt's for flower Dla' 1-9179 o HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS LANDSCAPr NURSERY t A. Doerfler A Rons, Ornamental. 1 N Lancaster Dr at 4 Cor Ph 1-1333 LAWNMOWERS Sharpened, guaranteed service Nee power snd hand mowers Call Ha rn W Scott. 141 So Com ! St OI3V LAWN MOWER SHARPENING chimney 4t block laying. MATTRESSES Capita. Bedding Phone 4-4069 MUSIC LESSONS Spanish i.nd Hawaiian Guitar. Mando lin, Banjo etc. 1533 Court St Ph. 4-1569. 0163 NURSES REGISTRY Practical Nurse, dar-nlght. OFFICE FURNITURB SUPPLIES Desk chair, file and filing supplies. safe, duplicator and aupplle. desk lamp typewriter stand, brief ease letce Wire Recorder. Rota. 456 Court OIL CIRCULATOR SERVICE Call Cy Younger, Ph. 1-6013. FAPERHANGING Expert Paperbanglng and painting. H I Woodwoi-th. ph. 3-5866 Pre est. ol46 flfitrom' are equipped painting Phone 1-3493 to do your PAINTING AND FAPERHANGING Catl 13608 for your Painting; St Paper hanging. Attractive rates. ol71' Painting and paperhanglng. Pre eMI- mate, h. 3-9313. 667 Shipping. o!63 PICTURE FRAMING Picture framing! Bntehoon Patnt Store PhOCg 1-6681 o PLUMBING Pis her, 844 8. Com'I. Ph. 1-3019. PRUNING SPRAYING L. W. Caudle. Ph. 3-7900. Philip W. Be Ilk. Ph. 1-1308. RADIO REPAIR Oeneral Elec. home appl. repairing, also radio repairing. Broadway Appl. Co. 433 louri bi. naiem, pn. z-lb6a. 0163' Complete aerv., reaa rate. Free ptckup A est. John' Radio Shop, 350 Court St Ph 30715 St 23416. O150 RADIATOR REPAIR Cleaned, repaired. J. C. Balr At Son. Pb 31193 By Drive-Id Theatre. 1911 0149 REFRIGERATION tft APPLIANCE REPAIR SAND Si OR Am. Oardrn Soil crushed rock Shovel and dragline excavating Walling Sand 4i Gravel Co. Phone 1-9346 e Valley Sand it Gravel Co Silt, sand Si f II dirt Excavating 10B shovel At cats Tractor scoop truck for dirt moving Ph office 34003, res 17146 Salem Saw Wrk. Ph. 2-7603 1291 N Sth ol51 SEWERS AND SEPTIC TANKS Elec trio Roto Rooter Exclua' Patni Raeor ?harp Steel Outline Blades Clean Sewer or Drams Sep tie Tank Cleaned Rt Ph 1-5321 or 4-6466 SEPTIC TANKS K F. Heme!. Septic tanks cleaned. Electric machine service on sewer and drain tines. Guaranteed work. 1141-lth St . West Salem. Ph. 3-7404. ol71 M ke Septic Service Tank cleaned Roto Rooter Service on Sewer. 1079 Elm St W. Salem. Ph 4-4464 1-5337. 0156 SEE MIKE'S SEPTIC SERVICf about IB stallin the new approved 506 gallon concrete septte tank. W Lay draia lines also. Ph. 3-4468 ol4t TOOLS FOR RENT Howser Bros. Your power tool rental head quarter. Hew addrea 1410 8. 13th Ph. 1-3646. el63 TYPEWRITERS Smith Corona, Remington Royal. Under wood portable All make ued machines Repair and rent Roen. 456 Court 0 TRANSFER STORAGE ral es Distance Transfer, atorage Burner ell, coal 41 briquet Trucks to Portland dally Aiant foe Be kin House hold good moved to anywhere in 0 8 o. Canada Larmar Transfer Si Storage Ph 3-3131 VENETIAN BLINDS Made H Salem Pre ast r.mer the Blind man 4a!em Venetian Blinds made to order u re finished Rclnnli j Lewi 4-3639 WELL DRILLING Fred Wraaor Rt Z. Bog 317 Ph. l-tlll IBS J A Sneed at Sej. m; OrLlUns 1505 BrooU St . Salem. Ph. 1-66W 1S6 I I Wt ATHERaTRIPPINO Corn Advances, Wheal Lower Chicaiio. Jnue 22 (rVi Wheat fell back on the Board of Trade I today, giving up the market's leadership to corn. The latter grain moved ahead in fairly brisk trade following an agri culture department forecast Of whODOinC blE Cliff rcOD thisl year. Some selling in wheat repre sented profit-taking by longs. In part, the lessened enthusiasm for wheat was based on a report from Kansas State college agri cultural experts that damage to the wheat crop has not been as great as some crop observers have asserted. The pig crop forecast caused some selling in lard, but this was partly offset by trade advices that Mexico was in the market for 3,500,00 pounds of American lard. Rye scored fair gains, soy beans were ahead most of the day and oats were unable to do anything. Wheat closed 4-1 lower, July $1.99 H-1-!, corn was 1 to 1 Vt higher, July $1.33 Sr-, oats were higher, July 6034, rye was lr4-l4 higher, July $1.41,2, soybeans were s lower to 1 cent higher. STOCKS tBr the Aaociaud Praasi American Can 89't Am Pow ft Lt 9'ti Am Tel 4t Tel HB'i Anaconda ' Brndix Aviation 3" Beth Steel 34' Boeing Airplane 19l Calif Packlni 31 anadlan Pacific U Case J I 32 Caterpillar 38 '. Chrysler ' wOmwlth At Sou 3' Cons Vulte 9' Continental Can 32 Crown Zellerbach 22'i rtis Wright 8'a Douglas Alrcrsft 56 Dupont de Nem 46 Oeneral Electric 35'; Jeneral Food , 43 Oeneral Motor 54. Ooodvear Tire JB'i Harvester 3l Int Paper 44'. Krnnecott 43 Libby McN L 7 Lon Bell "A" 16j Montgomery Ward 48 Nash Kelrlntaor Ilia Nat Dairy J0' NY Central 10 Northern Paclfie 13'i Pac Am Fish Pae Oa A Eleo II Pae Tel St Tel n Penney J C 46 Radio Corp 10S Rayonler n Rayomer Pfd 2T- Reynold Metal . Richfield 33' Safeway Store 22 , 3ear Roebuck 38' southern Pacifl 35'. Standard Oil Co 57'i Studebaker Corp 17S Sunshine Mining , 1, Transamenca 11 Union Oil Cai n Union Pacific le'i United Airline 1314 u a steel am "iurr nro fig 1 Woolworth , DIRECTORY WINDOW SHADES WINDOW CLEANING Acme Vlndow Cleaner WlnCnw, wttls A woodwork cleaned. Floor cleaned, waxed and polished Ph 3-3337 347 Court. Langdoo. Culberuon and Mather WOODKAWING At kin Cross. Ph. 1-1674 or 1-1174. 0168 WOOD if, SAWDUST West Salet Fuel CO. Ph 3-4031. LEGAL NOTICE OF INTENTION TO IMPROVE JASON STREET FROM CENTER STREET TO A POINT 75 FfcET NORTH OF NOR11I LINE OF (1REAR STREET. Nolle hereby elven thst the common council of the city of Salem, Ores deem It necessary and expedient a hereby declares it purpose and Intention to Improve Jason Street from the north line of Center Street to a point which Is 7 feet north of the north line of drear .Street In the City of Salem, Marlon Coun ty, Oreion, at the expense of the abut ting and adjacent property, except the street and alley Intersection the expense of which will be assumed by the city ol Salem, by bringlnx said portion of sa;d street to the established grade, con structing cement concrete curbs, and pav lni said portion of said street with 3'i inch asphalt tc concrete pavement 34 feet wide in accordance with t he plans and specification therefor which were adapted be the common eounrll June 13 1949 which are now on file In the offlre of the city recorder and which by this reference thereto are made a part hereof The common council herebv declares its purpose and Intention to make the abote described improvement by and through the street Improvement department. By Order of the Common Council June 13. 1949. ALFRED MUNDT. City Recorder Date of first publication hereof la June 16. 1949. June IS. 16. 17. 18. 20. 31, 23. 33,14. 35,27th, 1949 NOTICE OF INTENTION TO IMPROVF WSHTFRI.Y ALLEY, BLOCK I. THK O AKH ADDITION. FROV Br I.MONT STKtET TO MARKET KTRFFT. Notice hereby Is flven that the common council of the city of 8 I'm. Ore on deems It necessary and expedient and hereby declare it purpose and Intention to improve the westerly alley in Block 1. The Oaks Addition, from the north line nt Helm nnt Jit root In tria .nulrt Una nf Market Sreet. In the City of Salem, Msr - ton county. orer,n. at in expense or tne abuttln and adjacent properlv. except wnirn tii or unia dt me t.'j m na lem. by bringing said alley to the estab lished grade, and pavlni said alley with ment 10 feet wide, in accordance the plans and specification therefor wmch wera adopted bv the common .'.mjfKil June 13. 1949. which are now on file in the office of the cltv recorder and which by thl reference thereto are made a part hereof. Tne common council hereby declare Its purpose and Intention to make the above descr.bed improvement br and through me street improvement department. By ord 11, 1949 By order of the Common Council June ni'""" "I'nin, liij rfcoroer Oat of first publication hereof i June June 1S.1I1T.1I 30.31 IS 34. JS 7th. ! Bin. roa niiTKu rrooxs Sf-HIMIL HOI'.P.. nisIRII'T Ka. m. Two cn.i. or paint, .dim nail,4 and rl.anMl. Bid. c!n.,il Jan. 1rh. IBIB Cnn tact A. c. UUcnrut, cnairmin. Phonr l-lftll. Jun. lt. 33 LODGES j I.O.O.F. mem every Wed- iirauNjr iiiiiib, viaiwrg wei Come. Balem Lod Degree, Wednesday. June 31, 1:10 pji. 148 A PTiiie"LodeNo'r"6orA F." M. E A. Degrea Frlflsv Jun. 14, 1 pJtt. ! MARKET QUOTATIONS 1 By Valley Hacking Compeari flprini Umbs It 1 00 to 123 00 Feeder lamb 116 00 to 118 00 Z 00 to 15.00 ." !" n bu:i tisoo to 119.00 Cahe good (3O0-4S0 lb. I (17.00 to 119.00 Veal ( 150-300 lbs. good .110 00 to 133 00 too price paid within 35c or Pori .nd prices (or each ip Top. 170-335 t rarllsnd Kail tide Market Raspberries sold lor t 3M a 12 cup flat on the Portland Eastside Farmer Wholesale Produce markri today. Loganberries were 61 IS a flai. Strawoerries were offered at 13.70 to 13 75 a list. Bine cherries moved at 11 to 12 cents a pound. Lambert and Rots! Ann cherries wrre 7 lo I rents a pound. Summer squash a quoted at 12.50 a lui Lettuce brouiht 75 cents to 1.00 a crate. Carrol were listed at 60 to 65 cent a dozen bunches. Grrrn Onions were 40 to 50 cent a dot en bunchr. Currants sold for 11 75 to 13.00 a flat. Portland PreOar Bnltfrfal Teniatt. tusiect to tmma dlat chang Premium quality maximum to .36 to 1 percent acidity delivered to Portland 6164c to., lirxi quality 59-63c b. second quality 57-60e Valley routes nd country points 3c less than first Batter Wholesale FOB oulk eubes 10 wholesale. grade A A 93 sjora 61 -63c. A 93 scor 60-61 'iC; B. 90 score. 57c lb.; c, 89 score, 56c lb. Above price are strict ly nominal Cheese Selling price to Purl land whole ale Oregon singles. 3IW-46llie Oregon 6 lb loaf. 41-60s: triplet te lew than Inglea Eggs (To Wholesalers i A grade targe 56-56s: A medium. 53i-531i; grade B, larse, 48' --51',-c rtland Dairy Market Salter Price to retailers Orad A print 66c; AA cartons 67c. A prints 66c. A carton. 67c; B print. 63c. Egga PrUe to retailers A large ,)9c, certified A larse. 58c: A larse jSc: AA medium. 59-5 it. certified A me dium 57c: A medium, 65-56c; carton 2c d'.tW.nal Cbeet Price to retatlera. Portia on oreson singles 40-5o1tc Oregon loal. 4J'ri-531ic; trlpleU l, last than sin gles Poultry Live Chicken - No I quality fob plants. No l broilers under 3's lbs 21-38e fryers 3', -3 lbs. 31-33c; 3-4 lbs. 33-33c: roaMrrs 4 lbs. and over 33-33c lb.: fowl, Leshorns under 4 lbs. 31-32c; over 4 lbs. 23-34c: colored fowl, alt weiiht, 35- c; roosters, all welahts. 18-10c. Rabbits A vert 1 e to growers; live white. 4-6 lbs.. 19-Sle lb.: 5-8 lbs. 17-19c lb.; col ored 2 cent lower; old or heavy dors, 6- Ic; fryers to butchers, 5fi-S8c. Torkeya (Prices quoted aie 101 to the producer on a dressed weight basis 1 - e grade A young toms ti oae 10 ; nn young hens, nominally 60c Dressed turkeys ! raiallera: Uiade A young hens 70-71c New t'ore siyl dreae A grade jtun tome ae-ft Portland Mlteellaneows 1 ascara Bark Pry 13'ie 10.. creen 4c lb. Wool Valley coarse and medium grade I5e lb Mohatr 25e lb. on 13-month growth. nominally. Hides Calve. 10c lb., according to weight, kips 20c lb., beef 9-10c lb.. bulU 8-7c lb. Country buyer py 2c less. Nnt Qoetslleua tainul rranquettee rirsi quailli him 1. 34 7c, large. 32 7. medium. 37 2e, see- ond quality Jumbo. 30 2c. targe 16 3e, medium. 36 2: Da by 13 2c. soft shel first -quality targe, 39 7c, medium 36 3c: sec ond quality largo. 17 3o; medium 34 7s Oaby 22. So. Filberts - Jiimbo. 20 m ; targ. 14 medium. 16e; small, 11 Quotation above aupr.lea n North Portland drain Portland, Ore.. June 11 UP) Cash wheat bid): unquoted. Hard red winter: 11 per cent 1.36; 12 per cent 2.37. Hard white baart: Ordinary 2.28; 10 per cent 3.39; U per cent 3.33; 12 per cent 3.35. Today' car receipt: Wheat 89, barley 1; flour 6; corn 6; millfeed 1. Portland Livestock Portland. Ore., June 92 flJ Livestock Cattle salable 150; holdover 230: calves 65; market slow; early sale steady; sup Ply good heavy fed steer not moving: few common steer 17.00 to 19 00; mediums 22.00 to 23 00 or above; common heifers 16 00 lo 18 50; canner and cutler rows 10 00 to 11.50; shells down to 6.00: cutter and common sausage bull 15 50 to 17.00, unsold; Rood veeler 25 00: choice 26.00. Hoe salable 150: market lexs active: steady to weak: aood end choice 160 to 230 lbs. limited supply, mostly 23.50 to 22 16 250 to 370 lbs 3000 to 20.75: eood 3S0 to 500 lb sows 16 00 to 17 00: aood and choice feeders quoted 32.50 to 33.50. Sheep salable 600. market very slow; aood and choice sprint lambs 50 cents be low late Tuesday or 100 under Monday at 34 00; tenerally askln 18 00 to 20 00 medium and ood ewe and wether feeder lambs: lot carryinx bucks: salable around 15.00 down: medium Old crop lamb 19 00 ood lis tit ewes quotable 6 50 to 7.00 heavyweishts salable around 5.00. Chiraxo Livestock Cliirntio, Juno 22 tr -USDA Livestock market; How: Salable 9 000. Moderately active generally 25 cents lower; uneven oi butchers, particularly nn small supply over 300 lbs; top 21.50, most nod and choi.-e 170 to 240 lbs. 20.75 lo 21.35; 350 to lbs, 30 00 to 20.75; few 390 to 330 lbs, 18.15 to 19.75; odd lot up to 400 lbs, low as 18.50: sows under 360 lbs. 17.50 lo 18.50; 375 to 400 lbs. 16 35 to 17 35: 435 lo 475 lbs, 14. 75 to 15.75: few odd heavier sows a low as 12.75 for around 600 lb a ver se e.v aood clearance. Cattle: Salable 8.000. Calves 500. Arttve, bull steady lo atroni; market ener1ly 35 to mostly 50 cent his her: few loads of hish choice Haiti and medium welth steers. 38.73 and 39 00: top 39 00: bulk tood and Choice ters. 36 00 to 38.00, choice 1400 lb weitht. 36 00: medium to low aood steers. 33 00 lo 35.75: mot good to low choice hellers, 36 00 to 37 50: load 835 lb iflih's, 37.75: common and medn . ows. 16 50 to 19 50: canner and cutte IS 50 to 16 50; medium and good i aae bull. 19 50 to 31 M). common lo choice ve-aier. 20 00 to 25.00. Salem Markets Completed frm repnrt f Salem deal era for II. e gatdanre i Capital Joernal Readers. (Reelte dally). Retail Feed Price r Meh l i bb. Rabbit Pellex 14 35. Dairy Feed 13.85. Psultrvi h ivins tr. cm Orade A eolo ed hens, 34c: grade A Leihorn hens, 22 cents: Orade A colored frvers. thee pounds and up, 32c, Orade A Old roosters lfl 'en is ffft ,,,, PH, tt1tM , AA 4p 'r(je t,3C; rp Ai sj.sjr. medium AA ts lfl-32c, Whelesale Prleea tit wnoiessi prleer enfs above these pr:res Orade generally quoted at 40c; mo sc. Belter'as 61c. I te buying prices I (lei No I. . Hatter - Wholesale grade A. .all lie. Stayton School Bond BitM Stavton. Orr.. Junp 22 Thr First National bank of Portland ; WBff low birifW on the S 2 B0, 000 ;bond issue for Imp construction I : Of tllP flPW Union hifih school ui..iiit. i.u. -j mit-ii uimh were! jopened Tuesday night. The bid was 2 9325. The second bid was a combination one offered by the U. S. National bank of Port land and Blythe ti Co. It was for 3 09. ' Artv. rl . 1 r . "i ta I Capital Journal, Salem, Or?., Stocks Decline Irregularly New York, June 22 The stcok market moved into lowrr price ground today and stayed there throughout the session. Losses ranged from fractions to around a point. Numerous stocks, at the same time, failed to appear on the ticker tape at all or inched ahead. The market opened without Conclusive trend but almost immediately started tilting low er. The decline was soon check ed and very faint signs of a comeback showed up here and there. There was no urgency to the buying or selling. Business was the slowest thus far in the week, with turn over in the neighborhood of 600,000 shares for the full ses sion. This would be well below the figure that Wall Street claims is needed on which to operate profitably. Lower most of the time were U. S. Steel, Bethlehem Steel, General Motors, Studebaker, U S. Rubber, Sears Roebuck, Douglas Aircraft, Santa Fe, Standard Oil (NJ) Mission Corp., and Loew s. Earl T. Newbry Acting Governor Secretary of State Earl T. Newbry was acting Governor of Oregon today, and will keep the job for the reit of the week. Governor Douglai McKay ii attending the national governors conference In Colorado Springs, Colo., and will return Saturday night. The next two In line of suc cession to the governorship are Senate President William E. Walsh, Coos Bay, and House Speaker Frank J. Van Dyke, Medford. They left by plane last night for Washington. D. C, to attend congressional hearing on the proposed Columbia valley authority. AFL Voles for More Security Eugene. June 22 The in dependent spirit of delegates to the State Federation of Labor convention was more in evi dence today. Once again delegates on the floor overrode recommendations of their officials yesterday, pass ing a resolution that had been turned down by Eugene Allen's committee on laws and legisla tion. The day previous they had voted for outright appeal of the Taft-Hartley act. ignoring ad vice from officials. The vote yesterday came on a resolution that advocates exten slon of social security to all workers. It proposes lifting con tributions from I to 5 percent lowering of old age limits from 65 to 60 years, and payments of $75 monthly to recipients, The committee recommended against the bill, arguing that the national AFL should 5et the pol Icy. Confusion would result If each state worked up its own idfis, the committee said. Proponents convinced delp gates, however, with statements that the program would reduce welfare costs, eliminate the need lor retirement and insurance systems by providing a decent retirement pay. Members of the Salem labor council proposed a resolution to; invite the CIO to return to the! AFL. The national AFL has Is sued such invitations repeatedly.! The resolution is to be consider-, ed today. 1 It asserts there Is a need for "closer co-operation of all bran-1 ches of labor independent.! ArL and CIO and that "through co-operation on the economic and political field, it can ko fj,r toward elimination of anli-lnbor legislation." Delegates passed a resolution calling for repeal or modifica tion of the state's fl percent lim it on property tax increases. They also condemned the "sales tax" principle in the fed eral luxury tax on telegrams and in wartime excise taxes still in existence. They propos ed that these taxes be abolished Adv.rlmm' nti Sr.hlMI I, hllhlT ,.n- ITCH t.fl... and ..ll .... I(n. f.r Itr, If a.l (...a. II, ..I, ..... ( In, lira - atlt. .lift n'V .V,hJl "'h; mr' ',,u?1' I 'eeelred. . ..VL."!-" attende rm Merer ntmn flerdana and alb- er (.OOD lire mm jm I f L E S HtMOMHOIDtl trrii AND COLON AILM1NTS STOMACH DISOROfRS Ttuti. Irtkett "iirtii Inn mi Mon, through ri. ; lOo m. to 5 P m fveningi' Mon., wed end n until t Wnf ore oil tor 'Ml dtwrlpfive booklet The Dean Clinic In Our 39th Yr N I. Center I. lurwild mm4 Ceend Ao. Telaoheea lAtt ! ertlrti 14. Ore C I Dm M 0 Journal Want Ads Pay Wednesday, June 22, 1949 lp Landslide fits Train Anchorage. Alaska, June 22 UP.) A landslide crashed into an Alaska Railroad diesel pas senger car yesterday near Birch wood, Alaska, injuring 24 pas sengers. The train was struck at mile 193 from Palmer, Alas ka, on the run to Anchorage. DEATHS Winfield C. twin) Clark In this city June 31, Wlnfte'.d C. (Winl Clsrke, late resident of 230 Richmond ae nue. al t:ie ace of 43 years. Survived by mother. Mrs. Winifred Rigdon Herrick Sslem. . er. Mrs. Thomas A. (Elifabeth Annei BrinKerhoff of Nsppa. Calif.: brother. Leon L. Clarke of Oakland. Calif arwt een ianU and uncles. IS Lis Leila Riidon. Mr. Harriet R. Mercer. Lloyd T. Bit don and Rosroe Clarke, all of Sslem, Mrs. W. H. McCall of Boiemsn. Mont, Mrs. Usuries Bullock of Sprtnsfield, Mas., and Mrs. Mildred Oore of S.lverton. Service will be held Saturday, June 35, si 10 30 a m. at the W. T. R.xdon Chapel with concluding service in the View cemetery. Rev, Brooks Moore will ol Heists at the rites and ritualistic services at the chapel will be under the direction ! Sa lem lodge of BPOE No. 336. Graveside serv ices under the direction of Capital post No. 9, American Lesion. Earl Raker Hatfield Earl Baker Hatfield, late resident ot 3435 Center street. June 30, at the age of yean, Survived bv wife, Ethel Kst- tteld: three daughters, Mm. Marv Vir ginia Coolev, Mrs. Helen Sharonerk and Jean Hatfield; and father. Hush Hat field, all of Salfm; brother. Harry Hat field of Tillamook, two sisters, Mrs. Nai die Tsrhen of Salem and Mis Rilla Hat field of Black foot. Idaho: and three grand children. Member of the First Baptist church. Services will be held at Howell Kdwardx chapel Thursday, June 33 al 1.30 p.m. with the R"v. J. R. Turnbull otficiat ine. In lieu of fiowers friend are requcM i to make donation to the First Baptist missionary fund. Narrisse LaRant N a retire LsKaut, at the re.sidrnce at TS5 N. Church st . June 31 at the ast ol S3 years. Survived by the aidow, Mr. Lucy A. LaRut. Balem: a dauahter, Mr. Kath leen LaRsut Wrenn. Minneapolis, Minn.; wo sisters. Mrs. Ida V. Smith and Mr. Ethel M. Lew J, both of Eugene: seven tramkhlldren and five sreai grandchil dren. Services will be held at the Cloush Bsrrlck chapel Thursday, June 33 at 10:00 a m. with Rev. Brooks H. Moore. In terment at Wilbur cemetery it Wilbur, Ore . at 3 SO p.m. OBITUARY Frances P. Dodele Albany Mra. France P. Dodele, 7T. died at the Albany Oeneral hospital Tuea day. Funeral service will be held Friday 1:30 p.m.. from the runer lunerai home. Mrs. Dodele wsa born October 21, 1971, at Liberty, Mo., but had lived In Oregon since she was three year old, llv- in first at Sheridan. Pee Dee, at Kln Valley and at Albany the past 40 year. She was married to Oeorg Stover Do dele, October 1. 1903. at Buver. He died December 38. 1933. Burvivln are two chil dren, Mr. Pearl Summer, Tonasket. Wash., and W. Pernal Dodele, Albany; A biother, 8. I. Bush, and a sister. Ida Bush, both of Independence, and one grandohild. Robert Lyman Hall Albany Robert Lyman Halt. 19. Albany, died at the Albany Oeneral hospital Tue day fo'Jowin a hort Illness. Funeral ar rangement In chane of the Fisher fu ll home will be announced. Hall was born May IT, 1910. at Bloomfleld, Nebr and had been a reatdent of Albany for 11 years. Cm June 8. 1940 at Vancouver, Wash., he married Fern Templer Who wr ite a two siepcmioren, tommy Templer. Albany and Kenneth Templer, Livermore. Cel., hi mother, Mr, orace Hall. Jefferson, and two brother, Mar ion Hall, Harrison, Nebr. and Maynard Hall. Circle. Mont., and two sisters, Mrs, Doris Metstnaer and Ruby Hal I. Jelter- son, He was a member of Albany Lodge No. 359 B P. O B. Oeorta Manolla Si 1 vert on Oeorg a Ms noil, US, formerly of Silvarton, died euddrnly at Gates Tues day noon from a heart attack. He was born In Greece Sept. 12. 1891 and had been In this country since six years of ace, the last quarter-century In bustnes her and Salem. Surviving are hi widow, Mr. Jacqueline Josephine ManolU, whom he married In Seattle In 1930: a son, Oeorae Manolis, Jr., and granddaughter, all of SUvertun: two brothers. Tommy Manolis. formerly of Salem but now of Portland and William Manolis. In Greece. He was a World War I veteran. Bervice will be held here at the Memorial chapel of the Rkman Funeral home Friday. June 14, at 3 p.m. Interment will be in Belcrest Memorial park in Salem. Rev. Frank Zook of Sheridan will officiate. iver. - Soften Up Hard Stinging Callouses If from another da burn inn foot In the million cool frch rt'. Gel Ire-Mint Horn people no .1 to t l-ils frost v- - at all ' K rune action. Get lea-Mint today (Advert lem"nt i "Saved my Life A C.J.nH far GAS-HEARTBURN" w n.n rrrm .rom.' h ,rM r.uw. painful. mi(Tnr,f In, A.,iur .(orti.i h hrtl,iirn. l'Hn,n,iuuall, (vnititnmMlcrTll.f nimMnr.iik.thM-ln nM. TAMrtl. N l.t.tlv. B.II4DI tirtri,, P.imrnrl I llfTy or rwurti h,,U. in n.r, r(1".ii,, mnn.v A BEU.-ANS forAcid Indigestion 25i (Adv.rtl 5 doctors prove this plan breaks the laxative habit If you take laxative regularly here' a hov you ran atop! & New York drwtore an have proved you may brt-ak the laiative habit. And aatalilith ynur natural power of regularity. Kiyhty-lhree per cent of theraetts tested did It, Bo ran you. Stun taking whatever you nnw take. In stead. Kvery nitfht for one mrrk take 2 Carter's Pills, rtecond wetk -one earh night. Thirrl week on- every other night. Then -nnthing! Kvery day; drink eight f laaaea of water; sat flafinito tuns fur rranlarit v. rive ."trw . (irk mwinra proven mis pia can break the laiative habit. How an a laxative bi-fak the laiative habit? Because Carter's I'llla "un block" the lower dilutive tract and from thn on let It make use of ita own natural riwrs. Kurthff- ( arter'a Pilla contain bo habile forming druga. Hrtak the laiative habit . . . with Carter Pills . . . and be regular naturally. When worry, overeating, overwork make you irrrfiilar ifmporanlv laka ('arter'a I'llie tern Hrar ilv. And nvr gt the La t alive habit. Ot ("arter'a Pillt at artv drufM'.re fne 31 today. You'll be grateful the rat of your Ul a. GALL BLADDER ftUFFf tt HID Cute FOR WIHXT ! tftf .bed Here $Hret RefeU New rrlief for iallt.laldr infffrera iark- Ing heetthy bile fa seen t'-iay in annnnnce- mnt of wonderful .r-tiaratmn which an with femariiabl efTrrt. Sufferer wib avnniring eolic, stomach and taliblalttr eniery d t lar k of hnlthy bile now trl 1 of remarkaMt rrsnlte after imirk thu mdi. nn whirh haa amaunr -.rr lo atimulate flow of health bile. GAUUSIN ia a vrf (lienlv meiiririe, tnit onmrlering rein Ita, the it eoata ia only pennies per doee. ALIUIIN (rsMtion, uae only a dirrtel ! li sold wit full BKaf haah gueranM tr trhsr-fer Drug, I.U hm, t'emmerelal il Order HI led 'AdverlLemnti Long-latting Relief for Itchy Skin Irritation Hre"s Ho' eVi man people depend efi I Rji riol () nimrnt to reneie amartina Hrh j o' rlr e,'ema, rnsf'na. lommon rash, tt mail be eed. Al all druasists. The ot It am 11 relief M great. Try it I