t 18 fapllal Journal, Salem, CJJtSUIFlED ADVUTUIhQi Pwt Line 15 Per Unt I timet 40 Per Lln 4 time ...40e Per Lint 1 month 13 00 Outside at Salem IS per tint p Attn. 101 time mln timei mln II JO No Refunds READIILtt Lb Local Kiwi CeL Ob!i Pel Un 0s To Plact an Ad Phons t-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES BY OWNER: Newly redecorated 8 in ntwUrn hmiu. Price 14500. Ph. 1-7947 1149 ftT OWNER: 2 Bd. rm, Alice Avt. Ptl. I40. Tliw horn. 246 al49 OR BALE: 2 bedroom houM completely furnished, electric stove, reins, in iudd CsDltola addition, but service 84500. Will accept late model car as part equity. Ph. 3007 evenings. " 8tT nwNFi! Lire nouse. I rmsTdown, ' $ bp. 4 lots, Irult nut trees. Could h muli Into toll. Price 14800. Sack Scbell, P. O. Boi 23. Gervela. a. 59 ' f'OB "bale BY OWNER:" New a bdrm home.P.HA. Urn, .75. down. Phone 1-2880. ItlNGWOOD HT8. 2 bdrm. home, base, merit, rumpus room, oil heat, two lire place. New carpeting. F-H.A. Call own er J-8542. P80' LEAVINO FOR H ALI FO R NI A SACRIFICE NEW 4 BEDROOM HOME Til kitchen, bath upstairs grid down - Hardwood floor through out. Full plas- - tered garage. Lota of storage apace. Terraced back yard. Coat over 118,- 000 to build. Will aell for 114,800, 'some term. Alao will consider cheaper houae In trade. For more inlormatlon Inquire at Stevens Uaed Car, 678 8. 13th Bt gl54 CANDALARIA, bdrm. home. Bj owner. 220 Candalarla Blvd. Ph. 31341. al61' BT OWNEB: Eng. atyl 6 rm. hse. 2 B.R., brk, nk.. P C J, auto oil. 1880 Bo. Hih Phone 38788. - "2' WALNUT PARK BY OWNER Nearly new home. Full basement. Fire place In basement ft llvlni rm. Large lot. Plenty ahrub ft flower. Over 1.400 ft. floor pace. Beside taraie. Immeo. poss. Price low. For appointment Ph 3-3734. FOR SALE BY OWNER: New 2 bdrm. home. Close In ft well built. Ph. 354)8 or call at 809 N. Cottage. a!46 BT OWNER: 2 bdrm. house. Oood loca tion. Completely remodeled. Oil heat. Utility room. Good buy. Phono 3-9560 b148 NEW 3 Bd Rm. houae on large lot. Llv lnt, dining rm.. kitchen ind nook. Hard wood floor. Man tag oil furnace. V. blinds. 630 Illinois off Center Bt. a!48 l ACKES. 2 In timber. Lovely view. 3 bdrm house. Newly remodeled. Recently paint 4 trlor. New 164 ft. Well pump. 1 itove ft daveno io. 8 mile from Ladd ft Bush bans on in statue urcea r. 83975. Ph. 2-2029. " at ante, hnuai atarted. you flnlah. Well witer. Full price 11.050. Rt. 7, Box 230 K. ml. eat of Totem Pole, turn left. 8th house and Inquire. Henry Steward. BT OWNER, Hollywood dUL 2 BR, ranch type. 795 ooutn at. a-tiui stm Hm. 2 B R. 1 dn.. 1 up, kitchen. L.R., D.R., excellent location on paved road. Drilled well, Jet pump. Keizer uiai, 1250 Dn. MOO or best cash offer. Very nice I BR Mint nnl aitir basement. L.R.. B.N. Full bath. hwd. firs., auto furn. 2 lots located Krister Dlst. on paved rd. Keizer Real Estate & Ins, Ones S. Olson C. R. Rlckard Soft Chemawa Rd.. H Ml. W. Keller Sen. Phone 2-1380 or 2-4313 149 TRADES Take Trailer houe up to HMO as dwn. paymt. on this unfinished but llve thl 2 bdrm. hse. with unlln. upstra. Wired for range, elec. wtr. htr., city wtr. 3 Iota. Price 13150 or sell tor appro. 1650 dwn. SEE MK. FYL. a in acre With modern 2 bdrm plastered hse north. Trade for home In town around game price I (mo. s-ikb. riTV HOME In choice location, nearly new, price 81000. Trade for suburban house north or east close in with ' to I1 acre, round aame price. SEE MR. PYLE. 40 ACRE FARM I mile east. Older bulldlnas. Price 111. 800. Trade for small acrenae close in N Or B around same price. 8KB MK. PYLE. SUBURBAN LOTS BARGAIN PRICE, as down pymt on city home. SEE MR. PYLE. TRAILER HOUSES AS PART PAYMENT ON YOUR HOME BEE MR. FY LIE COLBATH LAND CO., REALTORS I Open Eve. Till .30! 1883 4nter St. Pb. 34552 aI48 " tlt.ftov Nice large home 4 bd. rm., den. full basement, dble. gar. Near HI ft -- Parrlah schools. tU.MiO Lovely new 2 bd. rm. home on " Fatrmount Hill, fireplace, Hdwd. lira., pallo, lame lot. Call Harvey Huff. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtora 341 Chenieketa St. Ph. 39271 Eve. 39441 $1,600 Or Less Down For thia almost new ft well constructed 2 bedroom home; nice living room auto " heal overslte lot: located suburban " northeast, bal. payable 155 per month Inc. prln.. Int., taae A ins. Full price ' 18,750. Call Mattson & Rothlin REAL ESTATE Ph. 2-38:18 331 N High Iven. Ph. 2-7534 3-1734 3-7433 a 148 FkIVE BT i10Ro' ltth street, then fall to look at this nice 2 B R. home and extra lot for only I8S00 on. Goodwin and McMillin Realtors - Ph. I470T 484 Court - 34773 - 372M - al49 -' LEO NTCHILDS, INC7 -: REALTORS I ROOM plastered houe. Laree living rm Cement basement; anadiiM furnsee. Close tn bus, school and store, tiitlewootl Dtst. Prtre 16350 COZY PRACTICAIXY NEW 2 bedrm home. Hdw. flnorai elec. heal: Insulat ed. Lara aerate. Good location N.I Pared street. Price only IROOO. . UtBAION BOITOM 34 A. fsrm. 30 A cultivated; about 3 A. timber. Small .. lake. rm, plastered house. Barn. ... ehiekrn house. Tractor and attach- n.nU ItvluilMl In otli nt tlH flftO. Leo N. Childs, Inc. Realtors . W State St. Ph. 2-3863 Brentnga: f 4007, 3-4510, or 2-8101 al49 W. 6F HAIJIM. 3 A, all under cultlvaT tkm. Haa 2 bedroom collate, bath, liv ing room, kite hen, S m ' 1 e to 0 rede chool. high school bus. 15:50. I BEDROOM home In N E S4lem, with ll bath, living room, dtnlne room, " kitchen, fireplace, automatic oil heat. double garage. Close to schools and bus. 112.800. l)BtrRBAN--EAerT-Plastered 1 bedroom home, bath, living room, dining room, - kitchen, fireplace, automstlc oil fur- pare, unfinished attic, attached tar- ova. Near school and H block to bu. 1M1. licit, Kealtor 381 ClemeMeta SI. Ph. 2-1 Mi, 3-4808, Ee. 3-7583, 3-8 14S ST OWNER : Small houie to he moved. 4rms bath. Corner of Hollywood Dr. " ft Sunny view Ave. Rt. 8. Boa 703 ' 141 WKT SALEM All modern 3 bdrm. bungalow built 3 rrt New 34x24 ft. gar. framed but not fin ished. Close to sch , bus A stores. Own er wants place in county, A good rai se for 15500 HOUSE AND I LOTS ery clean 8 bdrm. home with large att gar. Price Just bren reduced 31,000. Call Ron Clear? Walter Muserave Realtor s...w.ur Pb ....i. -H2JJ Ore., Wednesday, June 22, 1949 FOR SALE HOUSES CLOU TO mi Medical Cllnit. Modern 2 bdrm. late-built. Hdw. fin., full but men t. Beautiful yd. Piped OU hut. Immd. pou. 63. Catterlln Ave. 2-5389 der. EN OLE WOOD DIST. NEAR HI SCHOOL Leaving town, most cell. 2-yy. old 3- bdrm. home. F place, V. blind, screen, bdwd. firs Flowers ft ahrub. Kit. you should aee. Don't delarl 130 18tb. Owner. sl" NEW S bdrm. home. Small down pay mem. uai. on terms, can s-ejui 36832. alSl SI0.M0. NORTH Englewood. Nearly new 2 bedroom homi. Living room, dining room, Kitchen, fireplace, oil rurnace. r.n.A. terms u aesireo. fJJMO. NEW 2 bdrm. with unfln. attic, nice lie. L.R.. kit., dinette, gar,, lg lot. Name your own down payment witnin reason. 87SM. BIB. N. New 2 bdrm.. nice LR kitchen, nook, utility, hdwd. flrs. Oood terms. Mi. ftOM Down. 8 per mo. Hew borm. Home, LR, kit., utility, oood terms. . woo. L.R., kitchen, bdrm., bath, nice large lot with trees and lawn. OMEK'S REAL ESTATE 480 N. 13th Pb. 25091 i Wallace Road Special t Acre, modern 4-bdrm. houae, large garage ana wore shop, le.soo. Term. B. Isherwood, Realtor 3007 N. Capitol St. Office Ph. 3-3883, Zve. 2-3147 or 2-8838 a 148' $1,500 DOWN New 3-bdrm. home. Large llv. rm., din rm., kitchen, utility rm., coved celling barge, beautiful kitchen, as clean a whistle. Total price 17.350. Call Bert land Art Madsen Realty Co. 1338 State St. Ph. 3-8013 or 3-55B0, Eve. 3-6431. a 141 BY OWNEB: Good 4 bdrm. home. Ph. 39395 BT OWNER: 2 bdrm. home. Fruit ft tree. 14500. 1795 8. 13th. a Small Down Payment Move In ft complete. Plumbing ft wir ing roughed In. Well. 2 bdrm. Att. Oar. Vs A. good olI. Full price 13300. C. W. Reeve, Realtor 46 S. Com ml. Ph. 2-4690. Eve. 3-0530 a 149 $500 Down lit 40. I rm. hse. with attic. A. Close to store ft bus. Apple ft pear tree. Beat of soil. North. C. W. Reeve, Realtor 43 S. Comm'L Ph. 3-4590. Eve. 3-9536 149' Today's Best Buys BDRM. HUME. Large garage. North 14800. Low down payment for state vet. OI.DKR TVPE 8 BDRM. home With full basement. Just the place for a person handy with saw. hammer and paint brush. Large landscaped lot with fruit ft nut tree. $6500. Joe L. Bourne, Realtor 1140 N. Capitol. Ph. 38318. al OWNED LEAVINO. Sacrifice 3 bdrm. home. Fatrmount HIU close to Leslie. Bu to Bush. Basement, fireplace, oil floor fur nsce. Corner lot. 16950. Ph. 3-0806. 1595 Saginaw St. al72' CELEBRATE THE 4TH IN A NEW HOME and we list a few good buy with low down payment, balance like rent. 34500 and 3 bdrm. Modern, Ige. lot. Nice lawn. North l mile. 35000. lust off State. 1 BR. lie., nook. 1 fireplace, a cute little bungalow partly rurnuheo. iiooo down. 35300. Sub. north. 1 BR. Hdwd. floors. Fireplace. Plaater. Close store, school, a real nuy. aiooo down. 140 month. 14000. New 2 bdrm. modern hse. loc. In In dependence. Over 4000 q. ft. floor apace. 31000 down and move In. WE HAVE OTHERS E. M. Hunter Real Estate 770 S. Com'l. Ph. 2-3649 - 2-6497. al49 ROOM HOUSE on lot 78x120, all elec tric. Vt block from bu. By owner. Ph. 23797. al50 BT OWNER: 2 Rm. House, unfinished but livable. Vi acre, 33360. 3300 Dn. Phone 36058. al50 DON'T WAIT ACTr 2 bedroom home with floored attic, double aaraat, outdoor fireplace, sprink ling aystem in lawn, corner lot. You can't beat thl for 17,000 on FI1A com mittment 1 applied for and will be through any day. No. 252. NEW & LOTS OF ROOM 2 bedroom with additional unfinished room. Large living room, excellent bath and utility room. 1 acre with lot of berries, fruit and nut. Located north. Price 17.000. No. 405-A. MADISON STREET Lovely pre-war constructed home with hardwood floor and completely finished basement. Thl Is a home you can be proud of. Call today for appointment. No. 40S. F.H.A. Loans - Multiple Listings Reimann for Real Estate 301 S. High St Ph. 3-9203 Bun. ft Eve. 2-8241, 2-3532, 3-6903, 2-3738 alts $7400 NEW At last a houae that Is priced right. 1 block to school. Lot 75x166. 6 rooms Plus unfinished 3 rooms upstairs. Mod ern kitchen and utility room. Oak floor, largg garage, private well, Joe Hutchison, Realtor Phone 3-3638 Craig 3-6053 also NORWAY BT. Here Is a comfor table small home, ideal for couple. Living room, dine lie. bedroom, kitchen and room suitable for den or small bedroom. Large bedroom finished in knotty pine tn garaae. Also utllllv. room with Bendli washer. Nice fenced yard. This t an exceptionally good buy at 16.500. Severin Realty Company in n. High Bt WHY PAY RENT? NEW 2 & 3 BEDROOM HOMES H W. floor, furnace, ITT room, gar aae. laree lot. paved at., flit water, sewer, but. Low as 1350 down. L. E. Klumpp, Real Estate 9 N. Church Ph. 3-7843. Eve. 2-0136 151 One In basement FOR SALE LOTS LOT. BOI TH. 60x160. .476 for quirk sale Ph. 35539. aal46 310 PCWN! lOTS WTTH WATCH, Bra SERVICE. riOflE TO CHOOL Balance 61. per month. See them today! Reimann for Real Estate 341 South Htih Rt Phon J.S501 Eve. ft Bun, 3-17JB, ...341, 2-26J2, 3-5908 aa!49 VIEW LOTS, .00 blk Tuna Ave WOOIV RU LOTS. 800 talk. Ratcllff Dr Re Mrteted, cltv water Ph 2-4384. aa Moe. Rr..M'Ttri'Lhigh. "tlewpbuiMIng site. N end Crotaan Canyon. Abundant sit water. About . A. Ivan Martin 2-44l9. aal.V)' Lots ho now And He month bus you large suburban let N t from 1)00 on up iTtwse are selling fast. If interested aee them todav. COLBATH LAND CO. REALTORS Ooen Ete. Till 6 )0 1883 Center St. ph 14M aal48 LOTS Any site la fine resident lal district New addition to eitr above W. Salem on the htll or south In Salem Hts diet net Priced to sell Easy terms. Call owner Earl Hr der. Dart call 33484. eve. 3Stfl aal4 journa Want Ads Poy FOR SALE HOUSES OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS Ideal Opportunity to buy 1 acre of land en the Olaxtei Road with a eut 4 room home, with basement, for only 15000. The iwiatlon la good, ha a swell family orchard and a good eblcken house. Drive By and See This large 2 bedroom hoane with the 14x39 living room. 10x18 dining room, kitchen and bath, floored attic, basement and furnace, all room are spacious, the lot U 0x306. The address u 1672 State St. Please do not disturb tha tenant. Lots of Atmosphere Here Lovely secluded setting, lot of tree, shrubbery and flower, rustle 2 bedroom home, attractive and roomy, ha good dark room, email chicken bouse. Only 31000. Small down payment. Spacious Family Home Ideal location to grade. Jr. HI and HI School (within 8 blocks). 4 hug bedroom, double plumbing, large basement with swell play room, exceptionally good bard wood floor, corner lot. Tope in location. Englewood District Drive by 1160 N. 13th St. and look over thl modern 6 room home, complete with full basement, furnace and fireplace, well-kept yard, extra deep lot, tiled kitchen and bath 113.000. Please call and let us show you thru. Income Property 2 complete units, each with 1318 living-room, 1 bedroom, kitchen, utility room and bath Uhlrd one lust being completed) lot 1 63130 rent for 3300.50 a month a sound In vest meat located at 1870 to 1890 N. 5th St. OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS 477 Court St. Phone 24115 - 24118 Eve. Phone 28093 2S998 - S3632 23488 GRABENHORST SPECIALS FILBERT TRACTS These tract ranee from 1 acre to 2 '.4 acre located on paved road, 4 ml. from Salem, close to Prlnalc School. Elec. lliht available. The tract are priced from 31.250 to 12,350. Reasonable terms. If you are looking for a country homeaite, do not fall to aee and consider these. A FINE LISTING 2 bedrooms, llv. rm.. din. rm., hall, bath, bdwd. firs., fireplace, full ceiled basmt., with Inside ft outside entrances, lie. dble. garage, beautiful land scaped yard, located high overlookina Salem, Priced to sell. Call Roy Ferris. ACREAGE 2 yr. old. 2 bdrm, all leec. home on acre of good soil, top condition, fully Insulated, Inside utility rm., dble. garage, located East. Price 87,000. Call Peter H. OeUer. GOOD LOCATION CLOSE IN FOR LEASE Oood 2 bdrm. home with den, automatic sprinkling ytem In yard. We can show you thl home at any time. GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 South Liberty Street Office Phone 2-2471 Sunday and Evening Call Roy Ferris 2-8010 Peter H. Oelser 3-9968 Earl West 3-1232 al4 FOR SALE FARMS g a. FARM, will take trade. Ina. 607 N. Capitol Apt. 6. bl4B Today's Best Farm Buys 40 acre, grade B barn wnn u stan chion and drinking founts, grade "A' milk house, two tile chicken houses, three bedroom house, modern kitchen and bath. Building all good. Very pro ductive Willamette goll, creek through pasture, 33 acre cultivated, family fruit, nlentr of good pure water; good dairy cows, one heifer; full get farm equipment Including tractor and hay chopper, all item oT machinery. Full price 318.000. It' worth your time to Investigate. SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 140 N. Hiah St. Phone 3-7660 Eve. Ph. 2-4581. 2-8805 b!48' Suburban 21 A. & bdrm. home. Large LR. fireplace. DR, B nook. Dble. plumbing. Bsmt. Oood trout stream. Family orchard. Berries. C. W. Reeve, Realtor 148 B. Comm'l. Ph. 2-4580. Eve. 3-9S36. bl49 FOR SALE ACREAGE ACRE, 4 rm. unfln. hse. Small barn, strawberries ft raspberries, 34250. 1420 Candlewood drive. bbl49' t ACRES with 600 feet blway frontage on So. 90. Older type name witn out buildings, fruit and hade tree. 84950. Phone 2-8110. i ACRES Attractive new uncompleted cottage in pretty WOODED SETTING N.E. of Salem. 36000. Walter Socolofsky Real Estate Ph. S-B835, bbl49 ACREAGES, CLOSE IN 10 A. ALL in cult, and crop. No bldgs. Good bldg. lte. 13DUO. email oown pay ment. S A. NORTH. Smalt modern houae. Paved highway. 4-50. 116 FT. FRONTAGE close in on Silver- ton hwy. Small clean plastered nouse. Ideal bus. property only t5500. "t A. CLOSE In suburban. Excellent FHA house. Bssement, oil furn., psrty room. City bu at door. 1mm. possess Ion. 313.500. R. E. MEREDITH, Realtor or B. M. MASON 171 S. Commercial Ph. 3-6841 bb150- REAL ESTATE George W. Hubbs Co. J. Zeeb, Mgr. 1853 N. Capitol. Ph. 3-3031 UNFINISHED house on 3t acres with good view. In good district. Just oil vvl hiway. Oood 100' well. May exchange for 1 or 3 bdrm. houae on acreage. 13300. ACRE with 3 bdrm. bung.. LR, K, b'ln. bath. Garage. Very good location, corner lot on Lancaster Drive. Will exchanee for about 10 to 30 acre with good soil ft good houae. 16650. 90 ACRES all stocked A equipped 30 acres in rultv. With 4 bdrm. house, priced at 19500 Incl. 10-20 McCormick Deer Inn tractor, new cover crop dlc ft ate. 6 stanchion barn Incl. 5 cows ft 2 calves. 2 horse model A 14 ton truck. Elec. water system. 18 ACRES on well traveled hiway. good lo cation, cloae in. Danry for subdivision. 3 acres berries. Contact us for more In formation. At TO COl'RT with 8 cabins, 3 cottaaes, 2 sleeping rooms, living quarters. Bus de pot ft restaurant. Very nice picnic eroumla with a 40'x0' building all modem Lou of shade trees. Would con aider house or acreage in trade. For more Information see one of our sales- HOMRB on large lot. Use one as your own home, ft other as income to .50 per mo One house has I1W floors, all plastered nice K. utility room. Other hou.e has 2 bdrm. LR. DR. K. lots ol b ins, double garaae. A real buy at tt.ooo. HOME WITH EXTRA KITCHENETTE Near Leslie school, good prewar home, 3 bdrm. down, 1 bdrm. with kitchenette up, tidad. fir.. V. blinds, tr. htr., at tached ear., paved sl am. lot. Ideal spot for (earlier A friend Only ffitOO. EUUIPPKIl OARAOE. SFRVICB STATION A 2 HO MRS This Is an ideal opportunity for serv ice station operator A auto repair man Bur loinlty or buy aub-lease. All ne equipment. Ideal local ion for expand ing bus mess. Can be handled witii only 84400 OUTSTANDING 110 ACRE FARM All in cult. No better looking crop any wnert. Wheat, oata. vetch, barley ft summer tallow. Water under pressure to house A barn from good spring. Also creek A .-acre pasture, Good mod. l-rm. home, 3 baths, lee. good barn, new 40x30 chtcken hse, new brooder hse.. Ige. hog house On paved rd Price only SM 000 with aU eropi. If you are Interested In a good farm don't fall to see these crops. NELSON & NELSON Multiple lasting Realtors Prrsonsl Service by Men Sieela!tre 03 N Hia.i Pi 3-4t:a C148' T OWNER: Smal' hevse, 1500. isV 34Hb. PB. (TOls. al.l IFOR SALE HOUSES 14t REAL ESTATE BEST BUYS 4 BEDROOMS Older type home In a select location, Walking dUtance from State House, lh baths, very clean. Will exchange foi equal value In suburbs. Total prele only 86500. Eve. Ph. 20473 or 33558. 17500 BARGAIN New close in N. Elec. heat, attached garage, private well, corner lot. Well worth the money. Eve. Ph. 20478 or 33558. KINO WOOD Select view, about 6 year old. Oood condition. Owner leaving city. Reduced to 19500. Reasonable offer accepted. Eve. Ph. 20473 or 33558. FARMS 20 ACRES Select view, choice building site. If you are looking for suburban acreage close to Salem thl 1 It. A bargain for 38000. Term. 150 cherry tree, 10 apple. 60 pear and 300 prune tree. Eve. Pb. 39403 or 33558. S ACRES EAST Almost new 4 rm. house. Excellent soil, choice for berries. Only 16 minute from downtown. Well worth 36000. Would ex change for city home with 2 or 3 bed rooms. Eve. Ph. 39403 or 33558. Al Isaak & Co;, Realtor 3035 Portland Rd. Ph. 37820. 24598 el 40 fOR VOL'R SAVINGS Investment buy B first mortgage on real estate. Salem ft vicinity. Examine security yourself. Amount 3500 to several thousand dou lara, net investors h. We make all col lection for you If desired. STATE FINANCE CO, 153 S. High. LAND BARGAINS Government ft State ranch ft timber lands In Calif., Oregon, Washington 11.75 to 15 acre. FREE LITERATURE. Pacific Lands. Box 3350-CT, Hollywood 28. Calif. c!48 HERE IT IS New room home on 100x100 ft. viek lot. 2 nice bedrooms, hwd. floors thru-out, fireplace, elec heat, only 110.000. Has an .B.000 FHA at 155 per mo. NEAR LESLIE JR. HIOH 2 bedrm. Eng. style home with full basmt. ft new oil furnace, large llv. rm. d rm., fireplace. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 960 S. Commercial Phone 23849 Ive. 35360 C150' .lO.tttO New 3 bed rm. home with stairs to attic, aingle garase. terms. Slt.Aoo pour bed rm. home, double gar age, l' baths, on acre, only 2 yrs. old. Call Ivan SIvers. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor WANTED REAL ESTATE 1 OR t LOTS that will pass FHA. City wat er. In vicinity of 1800. Ph. 3-7743 after 5 3. pm. or Inquire at 192. Maple ave. ea!48 WE ARE In need oi good bouses to eel) tn or near Salem If you wish to Ust your property fir sale aee--ORARKNHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 a Liberty St. Phone 3-3471 ea NOTICE) If your property is for sale. rent or eichanae list it witn us We have all kind,i of cash buyer STATE FINANCE CO, REALTORS 1"3 8 Htvb St ea EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE Trading Corner NO. I m ACRES HOP FARM. Oood ground. Owner retiring, want city home. NO. t 70 ACRES OOOD DIVERSIFIED farm. Owner wants city home. NO. 8 M AIRES OUT HOWELL Prairie way. Exceptionally good bulldlnas ft land. Owner wants city income property. NO. 4 HOME. OIL STATION, GARAOE. Owner wants small suburban acreage. WE HAVE A COMPLETE farm ft city loan service. 4 to 5 interest. Your own term within reason. Financing arrang ed or above deals. Joe L. Bourne, Realtor 1140 N Capitol Ph. 3-8218. cb!49 CAI.IF. TRAOF 3 bedrm., din. rm.. llv. rm.. ptaMered, hardwood firs., etc. Re stricted location In West Covins, 30 mln. bus service to L A. Want Salem proper ty bua bldg. or renldential. Must be good. Contact us before Frl. P. O. Bog 498 or Phone 2-6515 and leave message for occupants of Oft t aee No. 19 cM48 RESORT PROPERTY IDEM. VACATION SPOT. Ocean View Beach Cottage. Completely turn. Ac commodates familr of 4. Roads End Beach Near Ocean Lake. Weekly or monthly reservation 847 50 per week Call at 316 N. Capitol or Ph. 2-35J7 after 8pm ecl48 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES PTRMftHt II office apace on mevianlne with around floor display window tf wanted. Call 3-4016. edt4B lUVt INCOME PROPER TL tn CorvallU. 2 blocks from college. i trade for 2 or 3 bedroom home In Salem. Write Rich ard Hi.i. 3818 Van Bureau CorvallU edlW BIAUTT SHOP for aale 9. Verv tdl48 rvMwanie. cwa swrvt 4 FOR SALE HOUSES MANBRIN GARDENS Beautiful 2 Bed Room Home. Large Living Room with Fireplace. Good Dining Room and Roomy Kitchen. Full Basement with Auto Oil Heal and Air Condition. Large Oarage. Lot has fine lawn and shrub. Paved street, bus by door. This will carry an FH A. loan of 19.500.00. SEE A. W. McKILLOP McKILLOP REAL ESTATE Center and High St. Phone 38620 Evening Phone 31243 a BEAUTIFUL NEW 3 BEDROOM RANCH TYPE HOME Weather stripped and fully Insulated with fiber glass. Fireplace, hardwood floors throughout, automatic elec. heat. Large view windows, double gar age, cement drive, automatic washer ft dishwasher, lawn, shrubs, trees already In. Lane let and large, deep well, pump. Thl house ft lot cost 312,000 to build. Mr Job has been transferred, will sell thl week for 19.600.00. Real good term. 437 ILLINOIS - OFF CENTER STREET BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES INVESTMENT PROPERTIES HOME AND Income. 1 seven rm. houae. newly decorated and a 4 rm. cottage. 2 lots. 89000. 11 APT 8. all furn. except caretakers. Bu- ainess location, nearly gtoo mo. income. 824.000. Terms. B. Isherwood, Realtor 2007 N. Capitol Bt. Office Ph. 23862. Eve. 22147 or 38838 Cdl48 FOR BALE OR TRADE by owner, 12 unit apt. court, new, eiectric neat, electric ranges, refrlg. Income 3720 per mo. Will take approx. 135,000, apply at 1553 Mc Coy, 'Salem. cdl49 RELIABLE MAN OR WOMAN to service this territory with Nationally Advertised Product. We place vending machine. You Service. Full or part time. Steady week ly income. 3725 investment. Fully se cured. Box 422 Capital Journal. cdlSl RESTAURANT ft Fountain, fully eqpt. EMab. 10 yrs. Several million dollar pro lect Just starting, living qtr. Very rea sonable. 14250.00. Mill City Cafe, Mill City, Oregon. cd!50 NEW SERVICE Station, repair shop and trailer park, for sale or trade for home In or near Salem. 70 Eaton St., Leb anon. Ph. 1862. cdl50 FOR SALE OR TRADE MARKET AND GROCERY STORE Attached living quarters and garage. Gross last year over 166.000. Owner 111, has to aell. Will take home In Salem area as part down payment. Easy term on remainder. See Mr. Ross. DINE AND DANCE CAFE At highway Intersection. Approx. month ly gross 14.000. Will take city or su burban property as down payment. See Mr. Ross. A REAL MONEY MAKER Downtown candy shop. Located so It sets moat of the theatre trade. See Mr. Ross. COLBATH LAND CO.. REALTORS (Open Eves. Till 8:30) 1882 Center St. Ph. 34553 Cdl48' COMPLETE sun equipment and stock for Tune-up Shop. Everything brand new Ha other Interest. Phone 3-9000. 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. or 2-7664 evenings. Ask for Tom. cd!49 TAVERN Club privileges, restaurant, draught beer, good building, long lease at 175 monthly rental; all good equipment; ftne business and possibilities. Ask 1 Bean to tell you about this place. SALEM REALTY CO, REALTORS 14. N. High St. Phone 3-7660 Eve. Ph. 2-6603, 2-4591 Cdl48' SMALL fountain lunch. First class equipment. Cash or terms. Not able to run. Must sell in 5 days. Bee owner at City Hall. West Salem. cdl49 FOR LEASE: Meat Dept. Inq. Schauta's Market, 2715 s. com 1. cdl49 819,7.10, over 1250 mo. Inc. plus llv. rm.. i-pic. Din. rm., kit., nook, pvt. bath lor owner Apt's are furn., full basm., hot wtr. ht., hollow tile con s. Nice tree ft shrubs. Lot 100x150. Ph, 26880. 112,500. HOLLYWOOD DIST. 1105 mo. Inc. from 2 apt's plus Ig. llv. rm., din. rm., f-plc, kit., nook, 2 br., pvt. bath for owner, nice outside f-plc. Trees ft shrubs, full basm., oil bt. Walls ft ceiling are Insl. Ph. 26680. ED. LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 440 N. 14th St. edl52 127.500 CLEANING AND PRESSINO This Is a good one. Everything in top cond. Buss!, showing steady Increase. Ph. 26680. TO DISSOLVE PARTNERSHIP This tavern loc. at junction of 2 good hi-ways had gross sales of 11D0.000 last yr. Is listed at over 120.000, but reas onable offer will be con's. Ph. 2f680. ED LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 440 N. 14th St. Cdl52 RESTAURANT $1000 Located on 99E. Known as the Pig ft Whistle. Includes some equipment and leas. Can be shown anytime. Make cash offer. Call Allen Jones or Mabel Needham, Realtors 241 State St.. Rm. 4, Upstairs Ph. 3-9201 cdl47 SERVICE station for lease with Inven tory and equipment. Hollywood district United Petroleum. Call EAst 1106. Port land. Ask for Mr Moore or Mr Sykes. cd FOR LEASE separate rm. 660 aq. ft floor space. 12th St. Paint Shop. 1095 6. 15th. Cdl51 RICHFIELD OIL CORP. offer for lease new station In thriving coastal com munity Low Inventory. Rental arrange ment. For retails see Mr. Holden. PH. 3-9i33 Cdl48' HIGH INCOME! 2 unit apartment and ground lease Large valuable let, 75x150 In No. 3 buslneu gone. Full price only 810.000. No 734 HIGH VALUE! Motel on 99E With 170 feet of h'.way frontage. 2'i acres of ground. 8 cabins and 3 room home. Everything for only 115.000. No. 756. Reimann for Real Estate 201 8. High St Ph, 3-970 Eve. ft Sun. 3-8241, 2-3533, 3-5905, 3-3738 edl48" FURNITURE FOR SALE UNTAINTED furniture, closeout prices WOODROW'B. 450 Center St. d AUCTION FRIDAY JUNE 24, 8 P. M. Furniture, tools, miscellaneous of all kinds TRADER LOUIE 3055 Portland Road WANTED FURNITURE tnnHVT PRICES paid Phone Olenn at Woodry Auction Market Ph .-.110 da AUCTIONS FURNITURE Auction tonight. 7 p. m Lane Sudtella Auction Sale Yard, lo cated I ki miles east of Fairgrounds on Sllverton Rd Ph. 3-8096. 148 LIVESTOCK WANTED W TFD Good younc m Llk goat, 1I0 8 ea!49 Simmer St. Ph. JJsae. 8ONDKD ft Llt'ENsFtl livestock buver S. 43. McCBSMUk, 1137 8X 3s. Fa. 1-8147 alaf F0R SALE HOUSES PETS ROLLER CANARY bird. 110.00. Ph. 25929. ecl57 HOLMAN'S Pure Bred Cocker pupple. Rt. 1, Boi 163 DD, Stayton. Near auction house. ecl54 GERMAN SHEPHERD dogs. 7 months. Reg. A.K.C. ch. stock. 160 to 385. Ph. 3-3338 alter 6 p.m. ec!48 FULL COCKER pups. Black or brown. Ph. 24978. ecl48 FOR SALE to a good home only: Red fe male cocker spaniel pup, 2'i mo. old. pure-bred without papers, very small and frisky. 3130 North River road af ter 6:30 p.m. week days; all day week ends, eel 33 PURE BRED collie pupple 120 each. Ph. 2-5153. Sllverton rd. ft McCain ave., rt. 7. box 404. eclSO FUEL YEW WOOD posts ft anchor posts, any dia. or length. Rt. 3. Box 141. Dallas. eel52 TRi-crrr fuel Fresh cut sawdust. Prompt delivery. Ph 27442. We give S ft H Green Stamp Green 16 in. mill wood ee CALL HIOHWAY FUEL FOR Dlejel and Stove Oils. FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Dry Plainer Ends ft Block Wood. Ph. 36444 WEST SALEM FUEL CO. Block, planer ft alab wood ft dust. Ph. 34031. FOR SALE POULTRY NEW HAMPSHIRE chicks every Thurs day. Ph. 2-2861. Lee's Hatchery. I PRODUCE GOOD QUALITY MARSHALL STRAW- BERRILS U-PICK AT 8C LB. GO N. ON 99E TO TOTEM POLE. EAST l'i MILES TO NEXT 4 CORNERS. NORTH ON VAN CLEAVE RD. k MILE. PH. 25165 OR 31907. ffl48 STRAWBERRIES U-PIck. Last chance. 7c. U mile N. of Sllverton Rd. on Lancas ter Dr. W. D. Gardner. !! Box CHERRIES, U-Pick. 3 cents a pound. Bring containers. Marshall farm, ml. west of Keiier school. Phone 3-1163. ft 148 FRESH RASPBERRIES. Delivered for 82. Ph. Cherry 21532. ff!52 STRAWBERRIES -U-pick. lOe. Bring con tainers. Out Sllverton Rd. 34 mL to Middle Grove School. Turn right w, ml Herr ft Rlensche. ff RASPBERRIES. U-Plck. 10c lb. Bring containers. Rt. 4. Box 1010. ff 152 ROYAL ANN CHERR1L8, U-Plck, 5c per lb. Ph. 36973 after 6 p.m. ffl49 IMPROVED Willamette raspberries. Ph. 3-4379. 3745 Brook street. ffl53' RASPBERRIES V PICK 10c. Rt. 2. Box 443. s mi. W. of 99E on Chemawa cutoff road. ffl53" CHERRIES. Royal Anne ft pie cherries. 5c lb. U pick. J. C. Savage at Wa conda. J. C. Savage, Brooks, Rt. 1. Ph. 3-1344. ffl33 IOU PICK CHERRIES 3c lb. Royal Anns and pte cherries. J. C. O'Reilly. Rt. 4, Box 692 Near Prlnale school south. ffl53 MARSHALL strawberries U pick 6c lb. Ex cel, picking Wed. ft Thurs. Joe Henny. box 216 On mile east of Brook - mile north. ffl50 CHERRIES 2c lb. Ph. 2-S II148" HELP WANTED WANTED: SAWYER for small mill. Pippin Mill. Independence. (148 CHERRY, BERRY, BEAN pickers, 13 yrs. and over, To Join platoon call Mrs, wal- ter Germain. Ph. 2-4544. gl49 STRAWBERRY harvest Is not over. Pick ers needed. 5c lb. Stanley Sneed, Rt. 2. Box 450. mile west of Portland high way on Chemawa cutoff road. On Keiier Chemawa bus line. (152 WANTED Cherry Pickers: 5 ml. W. of Salem. Orchard Heights Rd. Start June 20. Phone 17F12. James Beat, Rt. 6, Bos 633 8149 :HERRY PICKERS, good crop, now pick ing. Aspinwall Orchards at Brooks. 8150' WANTED CIIKRRV pickers for young Royal Ann orchard. 3c per lb. 2't mile south of Liberty on Skyline Rd. Carlton. g!49 LOGANBURRIY PICKERS wanted. mi N. of 99E. Ph. 2-3322. gl50 CHERRY PICKERS starting bow. Ph. 3-4379. gl48 HELP WANTED jMALE I X P. COST accountant. Must be qualified to fUure factory Job costs. Excellent opportunity for right person. Oreion Flax Textiles, West Salem gal49' HELP WANTED FEMALE WOMAN OR girl for housework. Liberty. Call mornings. gblSl STENOGRAPHIC vacancies now eiist tn several State Depts. at Junior and sen ior levels. Starting salary 1180 and 1195 per mo. respectively. 40 hra week. Ap plicant must have an examination which I now open. Certification to a position can be anticipated in two or tviree weeks. Apply State Civil Service Commission. 444 Center St. ibl50 HOUSE-KEErki wanted.Must"like chlN dren ft be efficient ft reliable. Board, room ft good wage. Pb. 1-633. after 10 a m gblW EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES OrriCS AND CLERICAL POSITIONS CONTACT Commercial Placement Agency S0 Stat St Ph 8-1411 gf WANTED SALESMEN SERVICE SALESMAN To line bp heating repair obs for our service dept. A good paying opportunity for a man who wants to prepare himself for advancement ft security. HOLLAND FURNACE CO. World s Lanes Furnao Installer IM Kearney S4. ttltt WANTED SALESMAN STERLING INSURANCE company wants representatives to write lifetime benefit accident and health, blanket doctor bill Insurance, and life. Good future for riaht men. or women. For appointment phone Salem: 2-4884 or 3-7393. ggl53 MEN OR WOMEN with car. Not house to house. Excellent pay. Full time. Ph. 36741 for appt. gel 49 Help Wanted f need 6 men part-time who want 876 per month extra Income for 2 evening Interesting work each week. We train you. Call Mr. Olrtman. 24.17 between 8 30 and 10 a.m. only. e151' AN EXPERIENCED Real Estate aleman. An excellent opportunity for the right party, write Bog 411, Capital Journal. ggl40 WANTED POSITIONS EXPERIENCED WOMAN want house work In Salem. Permanent If possible. Writ Capital Journal Bos 499. hl48 CEMENT WORK wanted. Ph. 3-4850. h TYPING tn my home. Neat work guaran teed. Call 3-3911 day or eves. hl70 SERVICE STATION attendants, full or part time. Ph. 36803. hlSO PAINTING & DEC. Expert color harmonising. Ph. 8-7553. bl86 BABY SITTER. Ph. 2-0580. CHILD CARE. 1180 Shipping. Pb, 2-9934 hl66 r RE-DENTAL student needs steady Job for the summer with part time work alter school start. Phone 1-2826 alter 6:30 p.m. hl4S CEMENT CONTRACTING. Best finish work in town, by Journeyman. All wont guaranteed. Call Frank, 38110, hl.2 IRONING, my home. 75c br. Pb. 2-6897 niu MOWING ft RAKING. New power mower ORDERS TAKEN for needlepoint. Write capital Journal Box 434. h!50' CHILD CARE, day time, ft days a week. aaooeraie rates, en. 2-5117. hl50' CUSTOM HAY balelng, rake with Job. auo win mow. Ph. 27103. hl62 WANT HR. WORK. Ph. 3-4767 after 6 hl74 CHILD CARE DAYS. Ph. 2-6811. hl50 PLASTERING, PATCHWORK and chim ney nuiMlng. Pb. 2-4389. Free estimates. bl61 CARPENTER WK. New, repair. Ph. 2-2093. b!61a LAWN maintenance. Rebuilding and put tlng In pew ones. Ph. 3-2608. hl58 GRADER WORK by the hr. or Job. Streets, roads, subdivision. Ph. 2931S or 23B97 eve. hi 58' POE'S mimeographing, typing service, Prompt service, quality work, lower prices. 003 rt. mm. fa. 3-3043. H155' TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN. 34 hr. serv- ice. former phone opr. Ph. 3-9072. hl52' LANDSCAPING Pruning RototilUng. New lawns, tree worg.. Kicnara isoyer. Ph 2-8110. hi 49' INTERIOR PAINTING. Exp. Ph. 2-6736 bl48 SEWING and alteration. Ph. 2-4854. hl48 AUTO PAINTING just a shad better by nay stter can enrocl Motor Co. 3-9101 FOR RENT ROOMS ATTRACTIVE rm. private home. Gentle- lan. Msa . Bummer. Ph. 36388. Jkl48' SLEEPING ROOMS. Hot and cold water. 4oi rt. Hign. Jkl48 2 BDRMS. Ground floor. Modern home. On bus line. Ph. 3-7990. 74. Hood before 9 a.m. or after 6 p.m. Jkl50 HOLLYWOOD rm. 3035 McCoy. Phone a-euw. Jkl73 SLEEPING ROOM. Ph. 2-4336. LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING room for gentle. man. .17.50 month. Ph. 2-3028. Ik 160 ROOMS TO RENT WEEK OR MONTH HOTEL SALEM Tel. 3-3161. FOR RENT APARTMENTS S RM. Unfurn. Apt. upstairs. Prlv. ent. 1045 N. Cottage. Ph. 35998. Jpl48 MODERN 2 RM. turn. apt. Utility turn Ph. 2-9138. Jpi49 FURNISHED APT. 8 rooms ft bath. Apply Hollywood theatre. jpl49 SMALL CLEAN furn. apt. 350 8. Cottage at. Jpl49 FURN. .VP T. ft sleeping rm. with kitchen privileges. 1933 N. Capitol. Jpl49 2 RMS. Close In. Part furn. Adults. Ph 3-4469. JP148' ATTRACTIVE small apt. for 1 or 2 girls. Reasonable. 435 N. Winter. Jpl49 I RM. FURN APT. Elec. stove. 1 or 2 ad ults. West Salem. Ph, 2-8626. Jpl49 NICELY FURN. 2 rm. apt. cool, comfort- toie. close in. Adults. 1434 perry. Jpl49 3 RM. APT. Partly furn. Ph. 3-3330. Jpl49 CLOSE IN. Cogy 1 rm. apt. with electric grange, refrlg., daveno. 535 N. Winter. JP142 RM. furn. apt. Bath ft outside ent. 130. 594 N. 12th. Close in. JP150 NICE LARGE 2 rm. furn. apt. 137.50. Ph. 3-8519. jpl48 t RM. APT. cloce In. Private bath. Adults only. 160 S. Cottage. Jp150 FOR RENT HOUSES 2 BDRM. house for rent. 820 Cascade Dr. Kmgwood Hts. 882.50. Ph. 2-1236. Jml48' B.R. HOUSE for lease 4 miles" S. on Croisan Creek Rd. Creek, spring, fam ily orchard and acreage. Capital Journ al Box 497. ml48 HOUSE ON Fairmont Htll furnLihed, 3125 per month on least. 367 N. High. Jml49 FURN. COTTAGE. 321. Portland Rd. )mI71 ..MUX MOD. house. Poss. Aug. 16th. Ph. 37098. JmlSl SPARKLING NEW 2 B R. unfurnished duplex, all electric, convenient location, 17500. Phone 2-3649. JmlSO' RM. HOUSE, partly furn. Not mod. 63 Williams Ave. Jml48 EW I B.R. hse. Vacant June 25. Phone 343tS. Tifwf srrtstss tjTsssi FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS RENT Singer electric sewing machine by month In your home. No extra charge fcr delivery ft pickup of machine. 18.00 per mo. Ph. 33513. 1166 EXCELLENT LOCATION for Used Car lot or drive-in. Only 150 month. Long lease available. Phone 3-7301. 1149 OFFICE spaces and desk spates. Ph. tftOSt. GROUND floor rooms, suitable for of fice or stores STATE FINANCE CO. Ph. 34131 J V DRIVE trucks cars Ph 2-9101 f POWER TOOL rental tor borne ft tn dustrlai use Bowser Bros Pb 12646 r TRAILERS. 12 00 per day Howeer Bros 1410 S. 12th. West Salem J BUSINESS 8LM for rent. H. L. Stiff, f GOOD USED PIANOS. H L. Stiff. P FLOOR SANDER tor rent Montgomery Ward ! TO DO a good Job rent a good floor Band er. We veil everything la eomplete the HOWSER BROS -Ph 8-3848 WANTED TO RENT LOT 41. business man detire to lease a S room modern suburban view borne with some acreage. Might consider option to buy. Adult family. Will pay 6 months rent In advance If desirable. Call 3-4016 or Eve. 3-8318. Jal49 t B.R. modern furn. noon by Sept. 1. Couple with t. me, old child. Excellent Ret Call 38648. Jal48 To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 WANTED TO RENT t BDRM. furn. or partly furn. hse., chil dren . 2590 Simpson. Ja 150 S-BliftM. HOUSE. Will furn. damage bom! If desired. Phone 3-3353 or 3-7923. Jal49 SINGLE WORKING gtrl deslreg gmalt fur or partly furn. Apt. Close Is. Reason able rent. Ph. 34041. Jal49 LOST AND FOUND LOST: Girl's light blue one-piece bath ing suit. Between 4 lb ft Ollnger pool Monday. Ph. 2-3157. kl60 MISCELLANEOUS LES SPRINGER, men's hatter. 484 Court. We close Saturdays 13:30. ml 56 DENTAL PLATS REPAIR 3 HR SERVICE IN MOST CASR8 DR. HARRY 8 EULER DENTIST Adolpb Bids. State ft Commercial Sis. SALEM Phone 3-3311 aa HAVE YOUR SINGER Sewing machine repaired by a qualified Singer repraaeo-ta"-a. Ph 1-3.12 for free pick ap and delivery service on all makes af ma chine. Pros estimate gtrven before work Is started. Singer Sewing Mantling Co. 130 N. oom'l. m BUILDING MATERIAL SAVB ON ROOFTNQ Let Wards give row eompteto Of STALLED price on your roofing needs. Wide range of colors. Can our outside salesman for free estimate. Fbong 3-3191. MONTGOMERY WARD CO. SALEM. ORSOOM DOORS, INTERIOR t panel doors, at the great special purchase bottom price, bargain of only 16.60 each. Keith Brown, Fornt ft Court SuH Salem. ma ALUMINUM ROOFTNQ I ft. width la the following length! r 1174 r 3 33 10 3 90 ir a 48 Ask about Installation eervlce MONTGOMERY WARD ft CO. SALEM. OREOOH INSULATED side wall shakes, I colors. wuiametM valley Kooi Co., 30 Lena Av. ma 148" STEEL AND Aluminum Window Frames. casements, Double Hung ft Commercial types. PUMILJTE, West Salem. mal48 FIREPLACE MATERIALS Superior Heat form ft Bennett-Ireland fireplace circulators. All fireplace and masonry materials. PUMILTTE - West Salem. ma!48 NEW WINDOWS and frames. Hundreds 01 sasn. New nrst quality doors. 16.50; screen doors 16 50 up. H Inch fir 5e ft. Used window screens, your choice 25c. Oak flooring and all thicknesses of Plywood. Used toilets and lava selrot.C. plywood. Used toilets and lavatories. C. O. Long. Ph. 3-5831. 1 ml. N. of Keizer. mal53 ROCKLATH, Plaster and Stucco Materials. lompiei line, quality material. PUM ILITE - West Salem. m148 CEMENT MIXER for rent. Ph. 3-9409. ma 188 $8.50 per square No. 1 cedar shingles. No. 2 I. cedar wall shakes and andercourse, 112.80 painted. No. 1 un painted 19.00. No. 2 88.50, Ted MuUer. Ph. Salem 2-1196 ma SHEETROCK. new shipment. "4" ft V. ow us ior new iow caso prices, Keltn Brown, Front ft Court. ma AI-UMA - LOCK ALUMINUM LOCK SHINGLE. The modern permanent roof ing. See your dealer or Call DUL 2-6401. ma 158 NEW SHIPMENT plast board H" 64ei i . wj it- kocb tatne ea aa, fa. .1.75 MONTGOMERY WARD 88X111 ma FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE: Aster plants, 25c per dozen. nja center street. Ph. 2-9345. nl50 SALEM SAND ft ORAVEL COMPANY Contract Work Road - Clearing - Ditching Sewer ft Basement Equipment Rental IS B H yds. 12.00 per hr. 10 B yds 9.80 per br. D-T Cat ft Doeer 10.50 per br. D-6 Cat ft Doser ..40 per br. D-4 Oat ft Dozer 1.00 per br. Phone Days 1-2408 Eves 3-828 or 3-4400 Balem Oregon n USED sewing machine. Ph. 33139. nloi SLIGHTLY USED Ken more Washer with pump, opotiess. am enameled. 156.00. Ph. 34975. 11148 COWLIER KENMORE baby buggy. Reas- onaoie. ea 334M. nl46 FENCE POSTS, poles, all type. Shingles, icii.incr 01 iiHtrocK. runups Bros, Kt. 6, Box 118. Ph. 68P32. D FULLER brushes. 1743 Grant Ph. .8337. MSI FARMERS ATTENTION Fence controll ers, mux pasteurizer, al close-out prices. Yeater Appliance Co. n!48 NO WAXING REQUIRED when you use riasu-Kote, tne cellophane-like finish for your floors or Unoleum. Yeater Ap pliance Co. nl48 DEEPFREEZE home rreerers. 1129.9. and up. Tester Appliance Co nl48 ELECTRIC 8EWINO machines. (Frse-Wea- tinghoiuei Yeater Appliance Co. n!48 EXHAUST FAN'S Close-out prices. Yeater Appliance co n!48 USED REFRIGERATORS, washing ma- c nines, ran (tea. water Dealers. Tester Appliance Co. nl48" STEEL clothesline posts. .11 ft up. Rail ings in stock, copper lanterns ft vanes at reduced prices. 114. N Liberty. nl52 USED plumbing fixtures. Cheap. Judson's, n . com i. nl48 GAS RANGE. Ph. 2-6611. AUCTION FRIDAY JUNE 24, 8 P. M. Furniture, tools, miscellaneous of 1 kinds. TRADER LOUIE 3055 Portland Road GENERAL ELECTRIC Crosley, OlbSOS ano nomas appliance at oeruru 14 CL FT. CHEST freeser New .330 00. rn s-'zsa 0 NEED A cheap battery Six months guar. reouiits, arp. 1 site. 15.95 exchange. Retread Tire Service, 320 So. Lancaster. B172 COMPLETE CAMPING and fishing out- nt. collapsible camp trailer, sleeps 4. Boat ft motor, must be seen to be sp preclated. 1159 Union. nI49 CHERRY GROWERS attention. Two 14-ft, taocer no each. One extension ladder, 19 ft sections, 835. In good condition. If all are taken. 137.30. n!50 SINGER Sew Machine. Frlgldalre. Zenith naoio. 2 cameras MO, LadieS-Men Wrist Watch. 33 and 32 Colt. 22 Rifle. Two-Wheel Trailer. 54 N. Liberty. n!49 LOOKINO FOR A VACUUM CLEANER? wny ouy someone else's old headache. Stop In at your local Sears store and see the BRAND NEW Kenmore line. Prices start at 39.93. Phone 39161 for demonstration tn your own bone, day or evening. a 150 PRUNE DRYER Equipment. Includes 2f n r. electric motor, new Miller traylng machine, Sturdevant fan and other equipment. Call or see J. J. Foster, .40 I St. Telephone 2-5364. a 141 CHEAP. CHOICE light weight topping taiter ror enemas. Oregon Fuel Co, a 149 HO GAUGE model railroad equipment, aD new Aiso men a oaiioon tire bike, fan condition. CaU 2-2344 between am and noon. Ask for BUI. a 141 WALUNO SAND ft GRAVEL CO CRUSHED ROCK tor roads and drtvewayg cement, ready mix concrete, garden sand Bulldoilng dram age and ditching. -yd. ahovel and drag Un Ph .9249. SINGER Sew Merhlne. Frlgldalre. Zenith Radio, 1 cameras 120. Ladles. Men'g Wrist Watch, 22 and 38 Celt. 33 Rifle, j Two Wheel Trailer. 648 H. Libert, n'.ffjl HE4T MATFR roaster with timer, oa stand with storage space. 14 C hemes. ts. ph. (Continued on Page 19)