Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday. June 22, 194917 f I 1 tWJM 1 - Mew, i r married in Germany Clyde Harris, Amarillo, Texas, in terior decorator, strolls through the garden of the royal Hohenzollern castle at Hechingen, Germany, with his bride, the former Princess Cecilie, daughter of Germany's Crown prince Wilhelm, and a granddaughter of the Kaiser of World War I fame. The couple was married in a scene of pomp re calling the glitter of the once-mighty house of Hohnzollern. (AP Wlrephoto via radio from Frankfurt) Lodge Emblem Day Observed Sllverton Flag day and the significance of the emblem were program observances for the regular meeting of Home Tem ple No. 21, Pythian Sisters, Mrs. Albert Grinde and Mrs. Helen Burrier planning the special program and ceremonials, and with Dorothy Hadley, M. E. C, were in charge of the business hour. Mrs. Wanda VanCleave was nominated as grand representa tive, with her alternate Mrs. Henrietta Loe. The group decided to hold one meeting in July and discontinue following that session, until September 15. Named on the entertainment committee for the July meeting were Miss Merle Bowen and Mrs. Jennie Cook. On the July refreshment com mittee will be Mrs. Ralph Ad ams, Mrs. Ed. R. Adams, Mrs. Wava Axley and Mrs. Lillian Anderson. During the supper hour, with hostesses Mrs. Ida Winslow, Mrs. Helen M. Wrightman, Mrs. Jack Tuggle and Mrs. Cecil An derson in charge, a specially colorful decorated table was centered with a large birthday cake, with members whose an niversaries were in April, May, June, July or August, being seated and honored. Renwick Graduation Attracts Relatives Sllverton Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Allen and Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Renwick attended com mencement program Sunday evening for the graduating class from the University of Oregon, Don Renwick, a son of the Ren wicks and a nephew of the Aliens, received his BA degree in a major of business adminis tration. Also attending the University of Oregon is a son of the Aliens, Kenneth, Just completing his year as a Junior in business ad , ministration, and Bruce Ren wick, brother of Don, in his junior year in business adminis tration. The three young men are affiliated with Phi Kappa Psi. Young Allen is remaining in Eugene for the summer taking special refresher courses. Annual Flower Show Date Set Silverton Arrangements for the annual flower show were well under way with chairmen and committee personnel an nounced at the Monday evening business meeting of the Jay cettes at the home of the presi dent, Mrs. Virgil E. Pettit in 414 High street. The show is announced for Saturday, August 13, all day and evening at the Eugene Field school auditorium. General chairman of plans is Mrs. Wayne Grodrian with her assisting chairman, Mrs. Bob Edgerton. Committee on registration Include Hn Virgil E. Pettit. Mrs. Wllllem Duncen, Hri. Bcott end Mrs. John Middle. mlaa. Classification committee chairman ! Mri. Bob Edgerton; containers com mlttte, Mrs. William Duncan, Mrs. John Mlddlemlss; ribbons and trophies, Mrs. Jim Jones and Mrs. Jim Nelson; enter tainment, Mrs. Howard Morrison and Mrs. William Hanson; contact commercial houses. Mrs. Elvln Almqulst; and working chairman, Mrs. Jack Eastman. During the social and supper hour Mrs. Elvin Almquist, co hostess, assisted Mrs. Pettit Mrs. Olaf Paulson, Jr., served the group as secretary. The flower show benefits are an nounced for a special shelf in the city library. 1 1 1njured in Racial Clash St. Louis, June 22 W) A ra cial clash between Negroes and whites flared in a St. Louis park yesterday over a non-segregation order. Eleven persons were injured, two seriously. Police redoubled their watch today to prevent a new out break. The series of fights started over whites and Negroes using the same swimming facilities a city owned pool in a North St. Louis park. The Negroes were swimming in the pool under a new rule that opened the gates to them. At the peak of the outbreak, an estimated crowd of between 4,000 and 5,000 was at the scene After the first report of vi olence, Mayor Joseph M. Darst rescinded the order allowing Ne groes and whites to swim to gether. Albany Man Is Held in South Albany, June 22 Word was received at police headquarters Tuesday and also at the sheriff's office that Roy Grant Arneson, 35, wanted here on a charge of assault and being armed with a dangerous weapon, was arrested Monday at Grants Pass on a drunken driving charge and is being held there in the county jail. Arneson was arrested here on September 10 by Volunteer Po lice Reserve Officer J. P. Quinn on U.S. highway 99 along with Arneson's nephew, Willis Web ster Moore, 21, Molalla, after the officer had spotted them in a stolen Cummings Transfer company truck. While Quinn was taking the two to police headquarters in his car Arneson, Quinn reported, suddenly poked a .32 calibre gun In his ribs and commanded him to drive to Eugene. When the police car neared the Fisher Implement company plant Quinn tried to disarm Ar neson, whose gun was .accident ally discharged, wounding Moore in the leg. Quinn pushed Arneson out of the car, leaped upon him and grappled with him, but Arneson escaped into the darkness and had not been seen since. Moore Is out on $200 bail as a material witness. District Attorney Melvin Goode said Arneson will proba bly be prosecuted here. Deputy Miller plans to take the prison er Into custody as soon as he can arrange to go to Grants Pasi I in i. ii i, ii ii . f -trtwwHajf i K,Ma3i msj Owner-Model Joan Ben nett shows her new evening gown of white brocade with silver hand embroidery, pink ribbons and roses, at Fontana Fashion House, Rome, Italy. e Keenan Slated For Air Probe Washington, June 22 im Jo seph B. Keenan, Japanese war trials prosecutor and a one-time new deal crime buster, may head congress' investigation of na tional air power policies. The Washington attorney, is was learned today, has been of fered the Job of chief counsel for a broad study planned by the house armed services com mittee. As the allied prosecutor in the Tokyo trials, Keenan sent seven high Japanese war crimi nals to the gallows, among them Premier Tojo. Keenan conferred with rank ing members of the armed serv ices committee more than an hour yesterday. Afterwards, Chairman Vinson (D.-Ga.) would say only that the legal staff will be announced "at an early date." The investigation will cover the military value of the air force's huge B-36 bomber, as well as a general survey of the respective roles of the air force and naval aviation. Krug Collapses During Hearing Washington, June 22 (P) Secretary of the Interior Krug was taken ill while testifying before a house committee to day but recovered after about a half hour rest. Krug, who is 41, was escort ed from the committee room in to an adjoining office when he interrupted his testimony to ask for a brief respite. Reps. Jack son and Mitchell, Washington democrats, attributed his illness to a heart condition. He suffered an attack about a year ago, and was compelled to rest. Krug appeared before the public works committee in sup port of legislation to set up a Columbia valley administration. Speaker Van Dyke To Oppose CYA Plan Medford, June 22 VP) Frank Van Dyke, speaker of the state house of representatives, will be among Oregonlans o p p o s 1 ng CVA in congressional hearings this week. He left here last night for Washington, D.C. The trip is sponsored by the Southern Ore gon Conservation and Tree Farm association. ROOFING Now is the time to order that new roof before the busy summer season. Expert workmanship with the highest quality material. Free estimates without obligation. McGilchrist & Sons 255 No. Commercial Street Salem Phone 38478 s The epidemic which struck this west Texas city about a month ago has taken eight lives. Albany Avoids Write-ins Albany James K. Weather ford was the unanimous choice of Albany school district No. B for membership on their board of directors. Of the ?04 votes counted, Weatherford received every one, rendering this one of rare elections in which there .-ri no written-in names. Mrs. Moseng Hospitalized Silverton Mrs. Nels Moseng is a patient at the Silverton hos pital under treatment for a heart condition. A daughter of Mio. Moseng, Miss Margie Moseng, is making satisfactory recovery from a severe heart attack, is able to be at the family home to complete convalescence. I Moving Service V ACROSS TOWN OR J ACROSS THI NATION M Whether you're moving in town or to a distant city, we offer the finest in worry-free moving serv ice. Our local storage and mov ing facilities are unexcelled. And as representatives for Allied Van Lines we can place at your disposal the know-how of the ' world's largest long-distance moving organization. Allied ' expert packers, handlers and drivers safeguard your posses sions every step of the way. Call us for estimates. Red Star Transfer Liberty & Belmont Ph. 3-8111 AOINT ro Htp Kg , ug hi chin hide good. Harder make car fright like tun. So I go to Pontile dealer for by Pootioc Service Experts WE PICK UP AND DELIVER No need to tell the Modern Salem Housewife about the dozens of New JtlTCH'lt ANDY ccessorles she wants from Keith Brown's Housewares De partment. Each one is specifically designed to make the job of caring for a home easier, safer and many, many times more efficient. Look at the: VERTICAL LID HOLDER FLAT WIRE SHELVES TWO-COMPARTMENT DRAWER WIRE CUP SHELVES FRUIT AND VEGETABLE BINS CABINET DOOR PACKAGE SHELVES and the dozens of other Kitch'n Handy accessories . ... All available, at that convenient location -IUMIII lAja Berry Queen Jacquelyn MacKenzie, high school sen ior and strawberry queen of Abington, Mass., holds bas kets of berries she picked on the farm of Albert S. Lynde. Polio Cases in Texas Total 203 San Angelo, Tex., June 22 (UP.) The number nf nnlin mcm In the year's worst epidemic rose to 203 today. Six cases wprp rilaffnnc-prl vo. terday and admitted to Shan non Memorial hospital. Only two patients were discharged and the polio census at Shannon at midnight was 63. Six cases also were admitted Monday. Fur storage during the warm weather It a MUST for fine furs. Don't delay and risk a neediest lots. Protection From lis North Liberty 'plumbing J; CC NTH ACTING ti Featuring Crane !! and Standard Fixture !; C Call 3-8555 Salem Heating & 'i Sheet Metal Co. J; 1085 Broadway J FREE ESTIMATES Ve---:':::-';::.::e::--..V AND NOW, JMOK- CAfyOi 7U ME WHERE S THE BEST PUCE TO BUY OR SELL A CAR? " Of Course- Soundwriting Inc., of Son Francisco, Wast Distributor for the Gray Audograph, announce the appointment of Needhomt as their exclusive agent for Marion and Polk Counties RUDOGRRPH? Have you seen it? Heard it? Tried it? Do you know what it icon do for you? TELEPHONE RECOROINO - Snap switch and both ends of important phono con versations art permanently recorded. Here ll in entirely new kind of electronic Business Recorder especially created to help you grf ihing$ dont mor tttily, quickly, convenitntly. Here Is an instrument that recordl dictation, telephone coaversationa, meetings and conferences on pa per -thin, virtually indestructible plastic discs you can slip fo an envelope and mail disc that cost but a few penoiea yet record for evr 60 minuttt. Moreover, the AUDOGRAPH fa incredibly light the smallest and lighcat of all dictating instruments, lighter than most portable typewriters, taking far leas space than a letter tray. No turntable. No recording or playing arms to manipu late. Just simplicity itself a masterpiece of American manufacturing resourcefulness, star-studded with revolu tionary new features never before available in any instrument. And rugged? why you can bounce it, jar it, operate if anywhere at home or on trains, planes, and in your car. In any position, at any angle v even upside down without affecting Its superb performance in any wayl Before yon decide oo any dictation Instrument Vr larre- yew are Itt AUDOGRAPH Im xtionl Phone or write for FREE dernoaatration and FREE TRIAL in jtm office oo your dealt oo obligation, of course. CONFERENCE HECOROINO-On The-Spot recordings of every word. Only AUDO GRAPH discs have full hour capacity. IN YOUR CAR - Salesmen, Aeld rtpro entativoe, traveling executives dkrere reports, letters mail to noma office. AT HOME OR ON TRIPS - icny to carry - lightest made, only 16 lbs Worka perfectly on trains, planes, at at homo. I NEEDHAM'S 465 State Street I I Salem, Oregon Phone 2-248S i ' I wanton AUDOGRAPH demonstration ' Please tend literature and prices. I Nam. and Titlt . Firm. I Business Address ; Herrall-Owens Co. PONTIAC 460 N.Liberty Ph.2-4113