16 Capital Journal, Salem, Only the Brave By PAUL EVAN LEHMAN (JhmpUr 13 As Jeff pushed back his chair he neara a itnocic ou uie suircneu owi "Who in it?" "John Stover." He opened the door and the town marshal came in. "Gieason not home?" . , Jell explained that Olenn hadn't returned from Briscoe. "Come In and have some supper, he Invited 'Thanks: I might at that." Sto ver entered and sat down at the ?tace Jeff had fixed for Olenn hey ate a while in silence, then Stover spoKe. "I been looltin' for Oleason the best Dart of the week. Never seem to find him home. There's a cou-'l pie points I got to get straigm ux.ui mat ioison moului. "What Doints?" "Well. Sam's position, for one. Seems kinda funny that Bud Bny der should find powder mark& around the wound. "I can exDlaln that. I heard about the powder marks and asked Glenn about U. bam wasn t in tne aoor way: he'd Juat trot a nun from thai table by the bunk and handed it to Glenn. He took a step or two towards tne door and uienn couia see him against the light outside It was dark in the cabin, and it looked as though Sam was standing In the doorway, but in reality he was only five or six feet from the w'ndow. Slug probably Just pushed his gun through the pane and let hint have It. That way the muzzle of the gun wouldn't be much more than two feet from Sam's head." "And right clow to Gleason's," added the marshal dryly. "It was. He said It was. "Hm-rn. Might be the way you ay." "Anything else?" "Yes. The gold. It disappeared and Gleason was alone with Sam while the others ran up on the bench. And Oleason knew Sam had It, for he played poker with bun nearly every night." This was news to Jeff, but he hid his surprise. "At the cabin?1 "No. At Mike Pacheco's place across the street, played a right sun game. too. one 01 me ooys that sat in with him said Gleason musta dropped six. seven hundred dollars in a couple nights." Jeff mentally stiffened. There was nothing to say to this except to deny it, ana mac would De looi Ish without first talking with Olenn But he was sum the one who told Stover this must have exaggerated Glenn didn't have six or seven hundred dollars to lose to begin witn. unless He felt a slow anger kindle with In him. If Glenn had lied to him when he said he was broke. If he had gambled away the money Jefl had worked so hard to provide nun witn -i The marshal went on. "But that ain't all that's puzzlln' me." He shoveled a knlfeful of beans Into his mouth, chewed energetically, then washed them down with a swallow of coffee. "Gleason emp tied his gun through the window at Slug, accord! n' to his story. Now there were five fired cartridges in that gun. The fellers seen him punch 'em out while he told them the story, and he borrowed five fresh ones to reload it with. That means he fired five shots. But If Slug shot Sam. he musta fired a shot. too. Tli at makes six shots In all. Of all the fellers that that heard those shots, only one of 'em had sense enough to count 'em. And he only counted five." "Meaning Just what?" "Well, if only five shots were fired, and Olenn fired all of them. Slug didn't shoot Sam." "Which Is the same as saying that Glenn did." Cold anger stir red in Jeff, but he spoke calmly enough. "The fellow was mistaken; or one of those cartridges could have been fired by Sam before he gave tne gun to uienn. "Maybe said Stover, but Jeff could see that he was skeotlcaL "Look here, John: If you're try ing to pin Sam's murder on Glenn, you might as well forget It. The ooy naa no motive ior Killing oam Slug did. It was common knowl edge that Slug intended to get Sam and there Isn't any doubt that he was In the gulch and that he'd left his horse on the bench." That's what Oleason says. No body else seen that horse." "But It wasn't Oleason who shot at the men who ran up there! Oosh man, you're stubborn. Then Olenn wherever you are Mr 11 WmMm Ore., Wednesday, June 22, 1949 uidn t know where Sam kept his gold; if Slug was watching the place, as we're pretty certain he was. he could have seen Sam dui it in that cigar box. And 1 found. out mat biug couid get tne dust out oi that box by stretching his arm uirough the broken window. If you don't believe me, go down mere ana try it yourseu. Stover pushed back his chair and got to his feet. "Well, you sure make out a fine case for Oleason. You ought to be the lawyer instead of him, I'll drop in some other Urne and talk to Gleason; mean while I got a couple other hunches to follow up. Thanks for the meal. I'll be seein' you." He went out and Jeff heard the thud of his boots in the alley. Vov ten. fifteen seconds he stood there, turning over in his mind the questions that Stover had raised. He was still a bit stunned at the knowledge that Glenn had been playing poker for big stakes. And then the eveninr oulet wa shattered by a shot. It came from the direction of me alley an-1 sound ed only a short distance away. He opened the kitchen door and stood looking up me dark alley, Liieu went out ana siartea toward the 'point from whence the shot had come. He saw a dark figure enter the alley from the direction of the street, and a moment later a match flared In the darkness. He broke into a run, noticing that the man who had struck the match was bending over looking at some thing on the ground. He was lying on his face. Jeff leaned over and turned him, know ing as he did so who it was. The man, beside him sucked in his breath. "Holly smoke! It's John Sto ver." "Bv lacks! Sliiir Jtwnt-tt he'rl tret1 him, and he sure did!" (To Be Continued) i 2400 SIZES 10 20 Double Rale Its brief matching I bolero makes a smart fto-every-l where ensemble out of this new I scoop-neckilne dress I No. 3400 Is cut in sizes 10. 12. M.I It) 18 and 20. Size 18 dress. 4 1B yds. 35-ln.: bolero. 1 yds. 35-ln. Send S5c for PATTERN with Name, Address and Style Number. I state sue desired. Cottons again strike a high fash- Ion note. They are Inexpensive to make, easy to handle, send now for the SUMMER FASHION BOOK which Includes In Its 150 pattern designs, a big selection of alluring suggestions for cotton fashions fori every age and occasion. Price Justl 20 cents. Address Capital Journal am Mission St.. san Francisco 6.1 uam. R2266 Pattern No. R226C Summer Linens Quest room linens take on new glamour when decorated wKh lace and embroidery. Pretty pineapple motif butterfly and flower bowl designs have matching crocheted edging to ac centuate the colorful embroidered flowers. Pattern Envelope No. R3366 con tains hot-iron transfer lor em broidery, crocheting instructions stitch Illustration, material re quirements and finishing directions To ootain urn vjnra send 10c in coins giving pattern number youi name addrrws and cone n um bel to Peggy Roberts Capital Jour tia 828 M Luton street San Fran cisco 1. Calif I THE COUNTERFEIT SHOVERS LIVED J HERES ONE ARTICLE J 7H LATHER ON IT IS VM TRYING TO M ITI S HEBE TrVO WEEKS, ACCORDING TO I THEY FAILEO TO GET STILL MOIST, SO (T WAS RECALL WHAT MY vJ THE HOTEL CLERK--YET THIS ROOMX.RI0 OF-IF IT MEANS. USED RECENTLY BUT TM ADVERTISING J 1 T HASN'T A FINGERPRINT OR A SCRAP ANYTHING AFRAID IT CAN NEVER MANAGER AT "V ti-A t nc OAncn .m it r M " a " LEAD US TO THE BIRDSB0TSHOT MAGAZINE I f JmISX rT7ySTff XfSmwEr&l 11 N I WHO LEFT IT HEReJTOLD ME ABOUT IT lift LJY(r IT aK,ecvs-BscHot' Tatme! ujok! V 1 1 dunnoi"ve seen em t thev seem J B W KM OH. BW! THflT MUKPS BUT HERE AMONG S B OP SOU CRAB A BAG flUD I WHO ARE f AROCJNO FOR A FEW DO6- 1 TO rUVE BHTY 1 I TEN lOADSOtorY WEAE THESE BOCKS AND I WeU. mKE IT DOWN T3 D THOSE TWO' v THEY rxiNT U10K (MN0EH0US-II CCTJtSglO gg J P I OWPJEDOUTO'TH'CWE BUSHES NO ONE 0t I Mt UOUSTTS OFFICE A CHARACTERS? J JUST NOS I CUESS- J NOSY' I H I TWCHT--THOT OUGHT TO CUESS FROM WHEM I ( FOR TH PWROVJL IV S J JL ( NOW THAT WEUeVWAIT, AMBROSE ! JWHY-YOO DID! T TUtfTS RI6UT.lWANTEDf BOI THAT AINT POSSIBLE ENGAGED COULD I WHO SAID WE VOO SAID I TO SAVE VOU THE EMBAR- I VOL) CANT TRIFLE WTTW T r) (I PLEASE Kl SS AWERE EN6A6ED5DIDMT M AFTA XRASSMENT. 1M ENSA6ED J MV AFPECTIOIS , H M vi9' t0 SIRL5 -Tra TfERTOSE'CAUSEVTO SOMEONE ELSE(J-f? VTWATAUJAy ! pfpLEASE, . 'S ) NOT . " OUNnNTW,'Tr!I 7?TMZODDWMElTTfI ' JVt MiHWK)M2UTa WE'RE. ff EJACKU MA'M ) ' MAM S. sA SHE FIRST SAW ME. SHE WILDCAT, SllINQ ITS ALONE.- ) TV4AR S CSM " I WAS fct.; DANGERCXJSI.Y I CHANCC AT IAST I 7 OOST--THE J ( THRE.C O'Y Mn" WIDE-AWAKE BUT- N COOiLf TWO CF f V us. J ' , t SUDDENLV, FOR NO REASON 1 JHlWBi.V . jos.'.' r-S T , iW CMokC.Vi at all-she. tall 1 mmr A JV)3 I . VVfc.'. AM BETTER BE GlTTIN' Jft t, jgg ' " i , iiniwil rwKcj.i I WEU..U3IEN mawi f ri VV,rf TAy I -i hi W I IT, MU1 I p(p(l GONNA Wise GUV. lrlt I ujncLU ocjii JFU I nc wan 1 3 t T lr-rSPB I P""0" TSr I'D LIKE; OPPORTimiTyJ Tf YOU UP? T TO,PONCH i , . V VyiC I'M SURE I LEFT tW yr-OX. SOON FINP OUT IF IT A I LISTEN, PATTY THAT V HE'S CALLIN3 SOMEBOPyJ L'-.-.---a HjZ-Zrj DOOR SHUT...IVE 60T VMS SIMS OH BLAND.' IT'S I MAN WENT INTO THAT J V ON THAT RAPO ir&JV R A FEELING SOME BOWS TIME FOR ONE OF THEM TO ROOM RI6HTVVHERS 1 , I 5ZI7 ''for the . ' ' - - X PvfeJrV- SC X)Vn- THIS BA3f LAST TIAAE, : - IfTi o S77T JS3 ASf fess-ure wHose ba6 (J I ''' 7 j i .wLrrv mm vm mm. I JUNIOR!. -WMfRtMAVt wtWtMDANCINS ll I FRltNM, AWOCIATE5,GENTLtMCN - -l06 JAM?-. .QU0KTA CALL IT ) M3U BEEN?. -ITS TIME TO 1 0'N THE TERRACE, 4 Of THE PREW- -WE COME NOW TO THE l -LOSANMHRY JAM.!"- I COU10 UNVtfl BB5 PAINTING! J WD! -A5K THE BANOj J E"? I.?.E4HNT PWNTA !ETTER PICTURE M'SELF- J M TTvfrTX'-p f fOR A 64 FAT ?!Sl!Sl!I!..!tL rf WITH A BUTTER KNIFE AND A JAR . II tjr A ,'T V FAN FARE.' I LACR055E. .AND HER WINNING ENTRY OF MARMALADE 1 , i w 'V RADIO PROGRAMS WiONISDAY P.M. IKSLM UK KGW 5i9 FmIUs UwU, Jr. Wu Mertt Ebrtba liub Art Hum lit Fntak HtMlBfw? 0 ! tld Ebrlba aaa Ultlt bmm :M FtMiM Prft Cb'ck F'ttn, Nwt Bin! CfMb Clab ta. CBS :U Caraif Cayallalr H. Kalteabra Iwrt Pm E4w. E. Marraw 6rM SiMrau Blaaala Caadl LUbl aa Knn Maaatas Sihwh Blandla Bllvtr Bcalah :M T B A Maielal Cckta!U Newi Chtt BMllay M Tom Mil Elaw PUwa TropUiaa Ntwt ia Gbrt BaalUr Daffr'l TaTtra LmI W Prctt Caantr Palt :l Nartbai Nwa Daffr't Tra Eddl LaHar Counir Pair tM Matla aaiitld Colaiaa Tp Band This la Broadway lit Maala Ronald Colaian Top Band Thla la Bra adway Jk :M :oai( SarTtr Tha Blf Slaty Bandstand Thla la Braadway D:ia Coaal R array Tba Bit Stary Bandiland Tbta b Braadway fl:W Ciaca Kid Cartala Tina Duioat Don H'wead Maa, Hall w;4fl CUca Kid Curtain Tlma Baaeball U wood Maa. Bail 9 m Wbat'a tba Nana Bappar Clab Baaaball LowaU Tbaaaaa :1ft ( thai Saaf Nawa f Warid Baaaball Jack Snltb lba iM Varlaty Tlma Arabia Aadrawa Baaaball Dr. Cbrlatlaaj M Varlaty Tlma Archla Aadrawa Baaeball Dr. Chrtotlaa ajja. :M Ncwa Cb'ck P'ltar Nawa Baaeball Fire Star Pinal 111 18 Selact Laaal Nawa Saorti Paaa Pinal Baseball lt'a 'My BaUal M: Newa Mr. Dlat. Attarney Nawa Yoa and Sacartty ' -M Wntte Mr. Dlat. Attorney Track 14M Lat'a Daaaa :00 Faltoa Lewi. Jr. Stn Harre. Eep. Track UM Serenade 1ft Bab Paala Ibow Wai Maeeaaa Track I4M Vaa a tba WatM :M Bab Paala Shew Was Mate a at Track UM Orcbeetrm :4ft Malta Wa Mmmm Traek UM Orctaeetra :M Sign Off SUaT'oif glaa Off silent ' THURSDAY A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. Newa Hoaxa Padta Yawn Patrat Hodie Padaa Hadaa Fadea Knaaaa. Newa Nerthweet Newa March Tleaa T lAA Tawn Palral Yawn Palral Yawn Palral Nawa Farm Tlma Farm Time Tba Old Bonn Knaaaa w. Newa Fred Warlnf Fred Waring Rld'ri P'rp. Sam Hares Nawa Breakfast Ganf Breakfast Oaa Top Trade Ba rials Can n tar Victor Undlabf Sana af Plaaaai Mnile Tha Second Cap Tba Second Cup Jack Bereb Kneaaa w. Newa Nortbweet Newa Kate aallb Patlor'a Cal N. T- Honeymoon N. f. Henejmeoa Tom D'raay Sbow Tom D'racy Show CbarlU Splyah Nawa Benala Walker Tom D'raay ("hew Tom D'raey Sbow Today'a Children Tha Brifhter Day Wiles OraanalHIaa WaiU Berenade 12 Top Trades Newa Qaaaa fat a Day Doable Nothing Doable r Nothing Knaaaa w. Nawa LJsbt af Warld Qaeea far a Day Ladles First Lira Cn Ba Bntlfl ' Ma Perklna Pep. Yoang Pass. Bight ta Ha'p'ness Ladlea Flrat Northwest Newt Bob Ebarly Sbow Tell Nelfhbsrs Jabaaan Family Backstage Wlfa Stella Dallas Lorenao Jonea Yng Wldder Brwn Onan Reveries Bint Sinn 3i 4J Aralnal tba Stem Aralnat tba Storm When 01 ri Mar'las Portia Facca Life Just Plain BUI Front Pg. Parrel) Mnsla Mnile Say It Wltb Maalc Road af Ufa Lor a Lawtoa Aaat Mary Wo Lore A Learn I Say II Wltb Maala Sanaa af Tlmee Newa DIAL LISTINGS: REX, 1190; KOAC. 559 ry Wednesday P.M. :M. Saalrrd l tA cagot ft:Mt Johnny Lajaeki :M, Keeping VP Wltb Snortsi d:lfl. Boms Edi tion i :, Cballearo af Yakoait 1:M. wto & HUh 1:1s, Elmer Dasut VM. Mnsla Timet Una Raogsri S M. Anatear Hoar; S:M. Lawroneo Welki 10:00. Rick field Report eri 10:15, Intsrmenoi 10:80, Concert Heart 11:80. Mama to Tomorrow: lt:00, Xtra Hosrt 1:00, Sign Oft. If C Y Thuradsr A. M. 0:00. Rarly Bird: IV C A 1:00. Newa I 1:11, Bob Johnson i 1:80, Bob Has en Sbowi 1:46, Time Tempos i 0:00, Myrt and Msrgci S:15, Martin Agronskyi S:M, Zko Man nerat 8:45, Eaey Acesi 0:00, Breakfast ninht 10:00. Newa i 10:15. Stars af Today t 10:80, Kay Kysars KoBsgai 1140, Ted Burial Board Amity There will be a meeting of the board of direc tors of the Amity Cemetery as sociation Saturday, June 23 at 2 p.m. at the Amity city hall. ACROSS IL Dormant L Timber UM ST. Am.rlaui 4. Fr8h aupply Indian . Headplec. It, Probabilities IS. Old card smm. 40. Anglo-Saxon IS. U.eful ilav. It, Qoddeai of 41. Bobblna h.alln, 41. Oraanland IS. Ampl. ettltm.nt 17. Cautloul 41. Kind of rd IS. Amarlcao dy. nov.llat 49. C.remoDtM It. Reach to a 4S. Pal. bdght SO. Oroedy. SL Not. of th IS. P.rtalnlns to Mat. rlTr banks 11. AocordlDS t it. Alrplan. fact throtu. IS. Oil ot rooa ST. Ir. Ktala St. Greak IslaaA r M. Urn 10. Plod 0. Color 12. Wrath SI. Summar: IX. Sourc. of llcbt Franeo . M ZJZ--- 11 111' w zf-frmw ir m?r rr M 'Ml 1 iM r ZL-ZWL" TP5" 35 W't 3 ROOM AND BOARD ' TH ONLY THINKS I CAN PlGU5 TUaVT TUlC "aij PC i iccn F5fsB CORING TW' CENTER. OuT Of A J 20 BUT THEY WEREN'T PINEAPPLE ' BUT I AOUL0nT V INTERESTED IN THOS6 1 GIVE VOU A DIME FOR IT- DRATTED THINGS "-AMD -WHY I CAN CO ANYTHING SAW IkOIN News KOIN Klssk KOIN Klssk KOIN Klock Tes Bitter KOIN Klack Newa Nawa Fred Book Newa a Spools Top O' Homing Ncwa Saca Western Melodies Western Melodies Home SltiKer Chrch In Wlldwd Conanmer News Art Baker Robert Q. Lewis Robert Q. Lewis listen af Real Haven of Beat " Fcstars SUry Newa Grand Slam Rosemary Maale Wltbaat Wards I Coffee Caa Wendy Warren Ann! Jenny Helen Trent Onr Gal Sinday Nartbweat Report Rhapsody is Rhythm Glass Was Glaee Waa Glase Was Glsaa Wax Big Slater Ma Parking Yoang Dr. Melons Galdlng Light Hollywood Muile News Come a Dot II Norsk Drake Makes Yoa Tlsk Hollywood Masls Newa Tad Dais Presents Mac'a Melodlea Mac'a Melodlea Mac'a Melodlea Mac's Melodies Ind Mrs. Barton Perry Msasn Pat O'Briaa Shaw Alr-flo Mac's Melodies Mae's Melodlea Mae's Melodies Mae'a Melodlea Newapapar af Air Newspaper af Air Winner Take All Tunefully Yoara Mac'a Melodlea Mac'a Melodies Mac'a Melodies Mac's Melodlea Nrwa Meet Iks Mlssas Meet ths Mlssas Arthur Godfrey Woman's Paga Arthar Godfrey Arlhav Godfrey Arthar Godfrey Arthar Godfrey btlosopbey Spotllto an Miaie spotlite an Muilo unions t 11 :io union urasei 11 :sw, atr Tms Starr. (Listed Paclfls Standard Tlaaa) YfkC PMS:M. Oa uw Da. IM Beati ft:5s. SM Sports Qabl :M, Tba Newai :15. Helodloai :M Chemistry i 6:48, Gaest Start 1:M Farmers Union; 1:1ft. Farm Boari 11:00, 4-H Radio Raraof S:M. Vet'a Newsi 8: tli. Newsi 9:M. Maslct 9 AS. Medltatlonsi 10:00, Adventures In Rcaearebi 10:16, Bar en a del 10:46, Newsi 11:00, Sign Oft. Psoitis Standard Tims) KOAC Tbars. A.M 10. News; 10:10, For Women i 11:00, Conosrt Hath 1:00, Newai lt:15, Noon Farm Hoari 1:00. Rlde'em Cowboy t 1:15. Variety Timet 1:M, Melody Lane; 0:00, 4-H Clab Assam b.yt 1:00, News. Anyone interested in the up keep of 'the cemetery is invited to be present and offer sugges tions or plans on the future care of the cemetery. C A D ri B DflPO L LI I P tlA T Eu R j AH dam Ala t sup i t ee 1.5 0 IBM 8IR l lCjj3 H"tT N TiEQR A I lTT NI8 SSst? ittk i cohr a tms Jl e T B QTT T N Eg E V A O 6 loZJllA C T O RB E 8 O N A R P AflN A R RATE obes1e1Ip E clit L Y Solution of Yesterday's Puxzl DOWN I. Period of tlma t loutbere etatet 4. Horelmpollu abbr. . Orsek letter I. Weep 000. eulalvelf a. cross pieca aboTo a doov or window T. Singing; vole t. Pronoun t. Sailors 10. Atmospbtrw U. Attempt IS. Famous 17. Rainy 10. W itty fallow 11. Happen asalo 71. Puff up 24. Accustomad) 18. Sphere of action IT. Drive awa? 29. Cxprasslnc contsmpt 21. Hop kiln 14. Unable to And one's way SO. Composer of "The Merry Widow" 10. Pattern . Cover 44. Cornltant 47. Sea earls 49. Rase ball team M Eporh 11. Unfilled carltw In a loda U Wrltlns Implemsnt S4. River Island U. Biblical potri- arcbi variant IT. B Bv Gen Ahrn IS A WACXVAR STDftE TOOK.1 V VtV lTVi wtiEDC avia WITH f-l I KAVk lOOO OP ?o K0C0