t I t "Walking Man" To Meet Horse Lebanon Anno uncement was made Tuesday by Paul Smith, nationally known "walk ing man" irom Mill City, that -his 75-mile cnntpat with a hm has been officially set for July ai me Lebanon Meadows race track. Identity of the horse which will compete with Smith has not yet been revealed by the Santi am Wranglers. Smith said he had conceded that the horse might use his own favored gait, but that he would employ his usual steady walkinr Bait. He art 14 hours as his maximum for covering the distance but is con fident he can complete the 75 mile stretch in considerable less time. Smith believes that he has a good chance of winning inas much as the horse will nroH in top for food and water, while ne plans to eat and drink as he travels. Tentative time for start of the race has been set for 6 a.m. Live Steam Kills Five Seamen Dunkerque, France, June 22 WV-Live steam killed five Bel gian seamen, trapped in an en gine room, wht i the cross-channel vessel Process Astrid struck a mine last night and sank four miles off the French coast. Twenty of the 415 passengers were hurt in the disaster. ( The blast ripped a hole in J the underside of the ship and i smashed pipe fittings in the en i gine room. The rush of escaping I steam fatally scalded the five h screaming crewmen whose bod- ies went down with the ship, j Five other seamen were hurt by , the steam. Eighteen minutes after the ; Astrid sent out a distress signal the first rescue vessel pulled alongside. An hour and 10 min- utes later all 415 passengers had ' been removed. The first survivors began ar ; riving in Dover, England, this ' morning. They had taken the night ferry across from Dunker , que. Building Trades for Contractors' License i Protection of the public from poor work by incompetent con tractors is the purpose of a con tractors license law which got the support of the Oregon Build ing Trades council at the state convention in Eugene last week end, according to F. D. Van Sweringen, executive secretary of the Salem council. Another recommendation of the convention was increase of minimum wages under the na tional law to 75 cents an hour. Charles Crary, a former resi dent of Salem, now of Medford, was elected president of the state council, Joe Willis of Eu gene was elected vice president, and Volney Martin of Portland was re-elected secretary-treasur-' er. Boy Aims at Bird; Hits Woman in Hip Prineville, June 22 !fl A mall boy took a shot at a black bird the other day and got Mrs. Charles 'Smith in the hip. That's what Sheriff Ralph Jor don said today after an investi gation. The bullet whizzed through a screen door and hit Mrs. Smith as she was ironing. The bullet was nearly spent, and caused only a flesh wound. The sheriff Mid hr and state police dug six other .22 caliber bullets from the woodwork of the Smith home. Then he found the vounffster. who admitted 4) shooting at birds. The youth was turned over to Juvenile authori ties, but no charges are expected to be filed. Thr aaawars ta tirydJ Har1nc vkahhaartailr la Ika aalla. aaar laat im ban U ".Ira" aalara raa aaa "W" mm taHarlaa alaa Wat la thaaa mmn 1 aaawlaitllai ami mil wi aa taallr lalarartaa ra raaa. IM tha aalatlaaa to laarr awa aaa lhtr aalahaara' ararvaar rataraaea araalaaw. aralara to trr aaajatalai a intla mtwtmmU tattaalar HH vatk lata aararllilat raara win ta aarataa aa aa ta a aaraaM af aaatitoaa aai aatwafa aa laaaraaea araMaaM wakfc ara aa ta Ika llfaa af all al aa. rtaaklr. 'ah aalaaia win aa ra Hwlf a farm at aarariialaa aat taa affar ta aaawar raar baaaraaaa aaaitlaat wlla aat akarra ar akllaallaa la aaaalaa aa kaa aa atrlata attatkaS. Wt'H raalrr aaaraatata aa aaaartaaMr to at af aarTla to raa. a II tn'u aodrtat reur aa tniuraiica maaMeaa to UUa afllet, wa'n In to Ira m tha aorrart aaawart mm4 than IH kt a akarra ar aHlollaa at mmt alaa. fit N. Chareb , Ti Milt fmtiynf Central f AmrU C'. PR - V'Ve 'V V f MaaaaxaaMkaVVakaaaaaakaaxai George Manolis George Manolis Dies in Gates George Manolis, 58, until re cently leasee of the restaurant at the capitol, died at noon Tues day while operating a tractor near Gates where he was help ing in the construction of a re sort he intended to open this summer. With him was D. M. Walker, of Silverton. His body was taken in charge by the Ek man funeral home at Silverton where he was in the restaurant business for many years. Manolis was widely known throughout the valley for his ac tivities in politics, civic affairs and veterans' affairs. He was a past president of the Silverton Chamber of Commerce and also a past commander of Delbert Reeves post No. 7, American Le gion, and a member of Marion county voiture 153 of the 40 et 8 societie of the American Le gion. He was a member of the Marion county republican cen tral committee, Masonic and Eagles lodges and of the Greek Orthodox church. Born in Greece Sept. 12. 1891. he came to this country when six years old, living with an uncle in Chicago for a number of years, coming west as a young man and working in Vancouver, Wash., and Salem before locat ing in Silverton. He served for the duration of the first world war. He entered the restaurant business in Silverton in 1925 and after making extensive im provements to. his property there, took over the manage ment of the capitol restaurant here in 1945, leaving this in May to start construction of his new resort in the Santiam canyon. Manolis married Jacqueline Josephine Luper in Seattle, Feb. 18, 1920, who survives with one son, George Manolis, Jr., with the national guard at Ft. Lewis for the summer training pro gram; a granddaughter, Michele, and two brothers, Tommy Ma nolis, formerly of Salem but now of Portland, and William Manolis, in Greece. Woman Killed in Two Long Leaps Chicago, June 22 (U.R) Mrs. Helen Koscielny must have wanttd to die very badly, po lice said' today. When she jumped from the 25th floor of the corn products building, where she worked as a charwoman, Mrs. Koscielny landed on a ledge at the 23rd floor. A trail of blood showed how she dragged herself over a para pet to continue the drop to her death in a parking lot on the ground. scientifically designed to promote better body mechanics-to give you natural abdominal support. You'll feel better and look better, too. Our expert fitter is ready to serve you. Capital Drug Store Store 4 Liberty "On the Corner" Cp Krf tf1 lejpfjurH PltfW Industry Cuts Down Inventory Washington, June 22 U.n The federal reserve board reported today that business and industry are retrenching all along the line, paralleling the general slump In prices, production and sales. The June issue of the board's monthly bulletin said business men are cutting down on their inventories and trimming their spending on new plant and equipment. The bulletin said that so far this retrenchment has been large ly seasonal but that it is expected to continue in the second half of the year, when the trend nor mally is the other way. A major factor in the outlook for the coming six months, the bulletin said, is that many post war expansion and moderniza tion programs have been com pleted or are approaching com pletion. Valuation Up In Lincoln A valuation gain of $100,865 over last year is shown in a summary of the Lincoln county assessment roll for 1949-50 as submitted to the state tax com mission by Wade Osburn, of Toledo, county assessor. Utility appraisals, a function of the tax commission, are not included but substantial in creases in utility valuations arc expected as a result of large system expansions of the peo ples' utility district, Pacific Tele phone & Telegraph company and the Mountain States Pow er company. Structural improvements in creased $325,890 but to partly offset this gain a loss of $225, 025 occurrtd in personal prop erty valuations, chiefly in log ging and sawmill machinery, boats and livestock. Present assessed valuation of Lincoln county is $16,705,030, not including utility charges; 50,872 acres are under reforest ation, 20,800 acres are listed as tillable, 200,000 acres as pri- vately-held timber lands and 4225 acres are platted, an in crease of 2725 acres of new townsites in less than ten years Execptions totaling $93,545 are being received by veterans and widows. Pres. Truman Vetoes Flood Relief Bill Washington, June 22 W) A bill that would have allowed the federal district court for Ore gon to decide on claims of Ore gonians for damages from a May 7, 1942, flood was vetoed yesterday by President Truman. The claimants said the flood resulted from failure of spillway gates operated by the bureau of reclamation in the Vale irriga tion district. President Truman vetoed the bill because of "sweeping terms" that he said could deprive the United States of making sub stantive defenses against the claims. If You Sell Magazine Subscriptions Fall ar Part Tim. It Will Par Voa ta Contact Me LEIGH M. RAILSBACK Are you tired of feeling tired? If your doctor hasn't told you about unnatural posture and poor body mechanics-how they can cause unuiual fatigue and back ache maybe you should aik him about it. Camp Support arc recommended by doctors as an aid to posture because they're Ytitt Doctor's PrtmrlptieMi F-J firfiiMriMTlarafflaimfaftli ffikTktMMIraaMktal ' Babich at Prison Gate Milton Babich, 19, just before he entered Wisconsin state prison at Waupon, Wis., to begin life sentence for murder of his wife's 16-year-old sister, Patricia Birmingham. Babich was convicted of first degree murder and was on his way to prison 45 minutes after sentence was pronounced. Others (left to right), Milwaukie county jailor Frank Callan and Sheriff Herman Kubiak. (AP Wirephoto) Uranium Loss Denied by AEC Oak Ridge, Tenn., June 21 U.R) The atomic energy commis sion today flatly denied that any uranium for atomic bomb pro duction has been "lost" at its Oak Ridge installation. In a terse statement prepared by the commission at Washing ton and released here, the com fa YOU'LL BE SURPRISED When you find out how much there is to do at our resort, without high prices. Hot mineral water for drinking and bath treatments, excellent massages. Swimming Dancing - Hiking Fishing - Horses Big Bonfire and Radio Every Evening HOTEL CABINS TENTHOUSES STORE AND MARKET , Open Until October 1st Road from Detroit to Bruefunan's Open 1:00 to 2:00 p. m. and 5:00 p. m. to 7:45 a. m., DST Monday thru Saturdays and all day ganday and Holidays For Reservations and Price Ltvt Phone Detroit 871 Write: BRUCKMAN'S BREITENBUSH SPRINGS Breitenbush, Oregon (t'iH:ini!iin tVJtm $7.04 mm Caajo la far RSI aaay, "COtOK DYNAMICS far Toot Nana Outstanding Values in FINE WALLPAPERS I Hundradi of attract. v ptittarna daaignad to go with an? atyi of room decoration. Chooio from Unitxl Stylo Album and Salon aolactiona Dorothy LoibtM Waavaa lovoly band prima, btwutiftil, long lotting budgat pattarna. 39c tO headquarhrsX I For th Finest In I Points IrvtUi J WoflpoBr J mission said "the technical facts on accounting for source and fissionable material at Oak Ridge have been reported to the joint congressional committee on atomic energy." The AEC made it clear that its statement was "in response to press inquiries." The AEC and the Carbide and Carbon Chemicals Corp., the operating company at Oak Ridge, stated that no A-bomb uranium is lost at Oak Ridge, as has been reported in press dispatches," the statement said. Backed By Years of Satisfactory Performance! o When you want a gleaming white finish for your stucco, con crete, stone or brick home that really stays white for years and years-use Pittsburgh CEMENT HIDE. Here's a modern type of coating specially designed for such surfaces. Its low sheen mini mizes surface irregularities and provides great resistance to dirt collection. Also comes in ft colors. KM aoTtfofUroJl PITTSBURGH PLATI MASS COMPANY 2S4 No. Commercial Phono 3-S636 Plucky Man May Survive Vernal, Utah, June 22 U.B Hospital attendants said that a plucky 73-year-old Vernal man has a good chance to live despite three nights in the wilds with a broken back and a pain-biting crawl of more than a mile. Charles Swain endured in tense pain in his wilderness bat- tic for life after his horse threw him and trampled him last Thursday at Little Brush, 17 miles northeast of Vernal. Swain huddled alone in a dug out without water or food until Sunday night, waiting for help that never arrived. Then he painfully manipulat his legs and arms so as to pro pel his body for about a mile and half along a rough trail to the nearby Gladys Evans ranch. Hospital attendants at Salt Lake City said his condition is "fairly good," despite the brok en back. "Vince's Electric" Vacuum Cleaner SALES SERVICE REPAIRS RENTALS On All Types Household or Commercial Also Waxers ALL WORK FULLY GUARANTEED Free Pick-Up and Delivery PHONE 3-9239 NOT this but THIS EASY TERMS DRIVE IN, TRADE IN NOWI Doolittle Master Service Station Center A Commsrclol AND Gorman Shell Sorvica 1101 I. Commercial 8t, Lyles Shell Service State Jt Cottage St. Warrick Shell Service Uth Mission St. Capital Journal. Salem, Ore., Tillamook Votes Bonds Tillamook, June 22 " Til lamook is assured of a new high school to be constructed in the southeast part of town. Voters approved an $800,000 bond is sue Monday, 638 to S2S, to fin ance construction. Work on the FLAVOR '-Kj'Divor to pleaseV "', everv aste- Ask lor 1 AT ALL y' V Ardcn Tlamr-Frab' J ARDEN DEALERS swICE CREAMT Everything a tire can do . . . SuperCushion does better! That's right Super-Cushion outperforms conventional tires in TWELVE important ways I Come In and let us work out a trade deal lor your present tires. These bigger, soller Super-Cushion Tires will lit your wheels , . . make your car rid belter than newl TWO LOCATIONS THI FOLLOWING ASSOCIATE Robinson Shell Service Center V Cottage St. Douenhouer Shell Service 3990 E. Center St, Prism ft Coipell Shell Servict 15th SUte St. Warner Motor Co. 430 N. Commercial St. Wednesday, June 22, 1949 15 18-acre site will begin this sum mer. Construction of the build ing will start next spring. Production of canned meat to. tailed 1,099 million pounds in 1047, most of It being pork prod ucts. Hr -rf-i -ML. la Capitol Court DEALERS Shrock Motor Co. 316 N. Churrh St. Salem Auto Co. 4.1.1 V Commercial St. W, L. Anderson. Inc. 160 Marion St. FRESH Ston Baker Motors 525 Chcmrkrta St. t5S0tt