7 14 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, June 22, 1949 r -1 ys . i ,3iJw l4w X4 v.- Failure of Ace Mound Star Remains Mystery ar th AMoelitMl PrM The mystery of Johnny Sain and hii loss of pitching magic growl deeper every time the former Boston ace takes the mound. Veteran observers, who watched the 30-year-old curve-balling righthander ring up 24 victories for the Braves last year, are at a loss to explain his all too numerous dismal performances this season. Sain yesterday dropped his , , n t it junior Daseoaii 'B' Division to Open on June 28 fifth straight and his eighth of the year as the Chicago Cubs downed the Braves, 8-4, in the National league's only day game. I The defeat, coupled with Phil adelphia's 9-4 triumph over the Pirates in a night game, drop ped the Braves into fourth place. Sain, who has won four games, went the distance for a The "B" division of the city's junior baseball league will open competition the evening of June 28, according to an agreement reached during a conference of change but was pummelled for)!oop of(icial, Tuesday. Because nine hits, six of them for extra bases. SPmnH HnmPr Din0 KralelH. (right), playing his second j&iuiiu uuiiiti major eafue Kimt after his ,ransfer from San Francisco Seals to Pittsburgh Pirates, crosses home plate for his second home run off Warren Spahn In re cent Pittsburgh-Boston game at Pittsburgh. Team mates Ralph Kiner, (left), and Stan Rojeck, ( No. 6), greet the former Pacific league star, who's two homers helped the Pirates come from behind to win 8 to 7. AP Wirephoto). Bevos Continue Victory Skein over O'Doul Seals San Francisco, June 22 (If) Frank Joseph "Lefty" O'Doul, perennial pilot of the San Francisco Seals, once said that the toughest thing in baseball was to manage a club into a pennant. He was right. Last night the veteran manager watched his sagging seals be littled 6-4 by the fast improving I riL brandings 9 Portland Beavers. And today's Pacific Coast league standings find the bay city club cooling its heels next to the cellar door. The O'Doulmen, who are In one of the worst positions more than a decade, were snuff ed under by the six-hit pitching of Knuckleballcr George Diehl In a series opener at San Fran cisco. Two home run clouts by Mickey Rocco and Walt Judnich for three of the Seals' four tal lies and kept them in the game for awhile but the Beavers had on their hitting togs. They touched Jack Brewer for 11 hits, five of them doubles, and they bunched the safeties in the right places. The biggest hitting barrage of the evening took place at Los Angeles where the Angels stall ed the Seattle Rainiers by a lop sided 17-0. Booker "Cannon ball" McDaniels, fresh from the Kansas City Monarch, made his first appearance before the hometown crowd and pleased them with a six-hitter. Sacramento played host to Oakland and nipped them 7-3 in see-saw ball game. The Solons broke up the game in the sev enth with a four-run attack fea tured by two singles and dou bles by Pete Coscarart and Fred Marsh. It was the Ulh win for Solon Pitcher Frnnkie Dasso as he tossed six-hit ball. The league leading Hollywood Stars handed the faltering San Diego Padres their seventh straight loss, outlasting them 9 6 it the border town park. The Pads outhlt the Stars 14-13 but went under when Hollywood rallied for five runs in the ninth. The Padres came back in the last of the ninth to score three runs on two singles, a double and Max West's 2ith ho mer but the six-run lead was too much top. Hollywood -t tW Sin Dlcio Oakland (Br tht Associated Pre- W L Fct. W L Pet Sfl 33 .630 Picramnto I 43 .494 4 .557 Portland 43 43 500 SnFrncjieo 43 41 .WO LaaAnifU Rrulla Ttffid Portland i, flan PrancLro 4. Aacramrnto 7, Oakland 1. Loa Ann elr 17. Seal II 0. Hotlvwnod 9, ftan Dlfao 8 31 4.S AM 3 48 .443 36 41 .407 Portland 103 000 300 HIU 304 001 31011 San Pranclae 000 301 010 4 KilJi 010 10) 021 Pi l fl her Ip B R H Ir fib Bo Dltilil 9 33 4 4 3 1 Brwr 9 31 I 11 II I Rtii)' Marquti, impe. Thomas 3. Ruck r. Piahl, ChMo, Judnich 3, Rocco. Er ror: Lodlilanl. Left on bajira: Portland 7, San Franc l.vo 4. Two ba. hlta: Sliupt. Thorn, Hiirker 3. Baatnxkl. Homt runs: Rocco. Judnich. Stolen buca : aiiolner. Runa battrd In: Thomu 3, Rucker I, Baa Inskl, Judnich. Rocco 3. Doubt plava: Auatln-fihupr. Tlmr 3: 10. Umplrra: Bar bour, Bent and Powell. Attendance 3,338. Official Box Portland - flan R H O A Marquer.lf 113 0 Chr.io Ah it pel 4 3 14 0 Vaiithin.ir 4 ThomS a 3 1 1 Jtifliilclt.cf 3 Rufker ct 3 3 10 Rocro. 1 4 Urnvia rf 4 0 3 0 fthnfnir J 4 Bajtiiukl 3 4 3 1 4 I.ndinant.3 4 PernanW.e 3 0 10 Paries, c 3 Auatln.AJi 4 13S Nirelv, t 3 Die hi, p 4 10 1 Brewer. p 3 Tha ahorUcorei: Seattle .000 000 000- 0 3 Amelea Sao 107 30a 17 30 1 Schani. Hoffman (1) and White; lie- Danlela and Ualona. Hollywood 301) 300 0050 13 0 San Dieio 000 301 003 0 14 3 RamftdtJll and Unaer, Florca, Mooir (li and Moort. Oakland 100 003 000- 3 0 Sacramento 000 030 40k 7 10 1 Jon. Cecil (7) and Padgett; Dawo and Ralmondl. Jary's Defeat Rosebuds, 8-2 Behind very effective pitch ing of Lsvonne Shotwell, who allowed only one scratch hit, Jary Flurifits Rirls Softball team defeated the Rosebuds of Port hind at Norma ndale park Tties day night. The Rosebuds were currently tied with Jary's at the top with no losses. Jary's is the only undefeated club at this time. Among the nine hits collected by Jary's, who batted around in the first inning to score five of their eight runs, were a home run by Wndsworth and two dou- Mnx hv Dnrnlhv RirhnrHvnn Thn (c9 i Florists go back to Portland Thursday evening to meet Wa FranrlAf a - . tint b h o a shougal at Buckman field ' o'Jackie Gardner is slated to hurl J Dthis one for the Salem girls, 7 Jary's A 9 Rosebuds 2 Major Standings (By tht Aacociated Praia AMEBICAN LCAGL'E W L Pet. W L Pet New York 37 31 .033 Cleveland 39 37 ,511 Phlladlpn.9 34 36 .347 Waahinitn 39 39 .300 Detroit 33 38 9 59 Chlcaio 34 37 .303 Boaton 31 37 .334 St. Lout 17 41 .393 leialls Tveada Boaton I. Detroit 1. Waahlniton 9. Chleato 3. (Ntiht Philadelphia I. Cleveland t. INlitit) Only aamaa acheduled. NATIONAL LEAGl'E W L Pet. W L Pet. Brooklyn 3 33 .010 New York 30 31 .517 St. LouU 34 34 .588 Cincinnati 34 34 .414 PhlladlphU 35 37 .36S PltUbunh 33 38 .300 Boaton 34 37 .557 Chlcaio 31 38 .358 RmuIu Tuaadar Chlcaio 8, Boaton 4. Philadelphia 9. PlttAburtth 4. New York 0. St. LouU 3. (13 lnnlmai Brooklyn 9, Cincinnati 4. definite information concerning a needed sponsor for a "C" group club was not available. action concerning operations in this division was postponed. First games of the 'B" divi sion next Tuesday evening: Kei zer Merchants vs. Salem Heights at Keizer; West Salem Lumber vs. Mayflower Milk at dinger: Capitols vs. Salem Realtors at Leslie. Brooklyn increased its first place lead over the St. Louis Cardinals to a game and a half, defeating the Reds in Cincin nati, 0-4, while the New York Giants were downing the Cards, 6-5, in a 12-inning thriller in St. Louis. Willard Marshall tripled in the top of the 12th, then crossed the plate with the Giants' win ning run of Wes Westrum's long fly. A grand slam homer by Joe Lafata, subbing for the slump ing Johnny Mize at first, kept the Giants in the game. Willie (Puddin' Head) Jones Mootry's Edge Wools in Makeup Softball Game Labor-Farmer Vote Sought Salt Lake City, June 22 Young republicans prepared to day to court the two voters' groups who ganged up against the GOP in last year's presi dential election. Separata panel discussions on the responsibility of the repub lican party . . . "To labor and the farmer" were slated for the national convention of the Young Republican Notional Federation which opens here tomorrow lor three days. It was the GOP's answer to efforts of the democratic party to consolidate its recent farm vote gains in the midwest. Key spokesmen of organized labor and agriculture are on the panel program. Chairman Hugh D. Scott. Jr of the republican national com mittee will address the conven tion at 12:30 p.m. Saturday Rep. John Davis Lodge, (R, Conn.), will deliver the keynote address at 12:30 p.m. tomor row. Top congressional speakers in clude Sen. Owen Brewster, (R., Me.), Sen. George Malone ,(R., Nev.). Sen. Arthur V. Watkins, ,R., Utah); Rep. Walt Horan, (R., Wash.); Rep. Donald L. Jackson, (R., Calif ), and Rep. Thurston Morton, (R., Ky.) Post Noble Grands Will Picnic in July Falls City The Past Noble club were entertained at the home of Mrs. Christine Lehnert. A short business session was held by their president, Mrs. Ora Wilson. The July meeting will be with Mrs. Nellie Mack at Oak Crest Park with a picnic no-host dinner. Mrs. Lehnert served refreshments to Mrs. Jessie Moyer, Mrs. Ethel Teal, Mrs. Lillian Ketchin, Mrs. Ora Wilson, Mrs. Nellie Mack, Mr. Chester uurbank, Mrs. Dorot Auburn and Mrs Christine Le nert. Taking advantage of five er rors on the part of their oppon ents, Mootry's edged Rock Wool, 3-1 in a City Softball league game Tuesday night. The game was a makeup affair from an earlier postponement. George Roth, losing pitcher, gave up but two hits as compared with the three Jim Rawlins yielded. Mootry's scored two runs in the second and picked up an- nll !h .. , L 1 Tl 1- II, , lone marker came'in the fourth r-sed movi"8 the The reeular leaime schedule Tne community is to be tak- will be picked up Thursday enat government expense night with the Marine Reserves,from ,he Columbia river bank to meeting Randle's at 8 o'clock OUIn OI -ne u'a -regon and OP&P tangling with Rock " n-iinway. Wool an hour later. The Teamsters overcame early game deficit to nose Inter- Peace Reigns in Celilo Indian Town Portland, June 22 W) There was peace in the Indian village of Celilo again today. At least, Indian service offi cials here believed there was af ter a conference intended to set tle the latest protests ovej- the "l University Bowl state, 5-4 in an Industrial loop Slammed two home runs to lead contest Tuesday evening. The industrialists will take over the Leslie field facilities Wednesday night with Lake Labish playing Naval Reserve at 7:30. An hour later Post Office will meet Clear Lake. i i i 0 I 3 1 I Robert (Red) Rolfe scored j.'rVi," 1 . o rlM" in 18 consecutive game: out. m ii it m Trttau ii f7 7 rr the New ork Yankees in lZc'"oL;;r,::,'Z ,19:,fl. " American League rec lord. Wouldn't you rather drink Four Roses? Reduced in price' $395 $245 4J QUART PINT Flnt Bltnittd WhnVy, 90 5 proof. K I'iin ntulisi pints. Fnnklort Distillers Corp., N.Y.C. ron a the Phils to their second straight win over the Pirates, 0-4 The Philadelphia Athletics moved Into second place in the American league, winning their second straight over Cleveland. 8-2. They moved past detroit by a half game and trail the front running New York Yank ees by four. Lefty Lou Brlssie limited the Tribe to four hits a triple and home run by Bob Kennedy for his seventh triumph. Elmer Valo contributed the scoring punch, grand slam home run off los ing pitcher Bob Lemon. He also had two singles and two stolen bases. Lefty Mel Parnell pitched the Boston Red Sox into fourth place, 6-1, against Detroit. Ted Williams helped the Red Sox stretch their winning streak to six straight, hitting his 17th home run off Art Houtteman in the sixth with two aboard. Sid Hudson pitched a four- hitter as the Washington Sena tors whipped the Chicago White Sox. 9 3. The Yankees and St. Louis Brown had an off day. IntPMttte ... Tftrnftiar Krtft nd Bock. Moolry .021 000 0-3 J Bork Wool 000 100 0 1 3 Rawllni and Hrntry; Roth and Sinner, ..310 000 04 3 ..100 310 x 5 8 Michael and UCLA, Portland and San Jose State replace SMU, Michigan State and Nevada on Santa Clara's football schedule next fall. i LADIES Al'MMEft LEAOI'E Edna Me Elrtaney. bowllni for Lovt'a Jewelau, jeorr-d a 173 tame while Bet Davcy, a Randall kealer. recorded a 4S8 Merits for the Individual htthi. The Plank Blank eonatructloo team aeored a 1601 aeriea. With row Hardware (3 MavU Jonw 432. BUle Furrer 200. Etai Williamson 248. June Lemon 415. Vanity Box 0 Jean Aniore 344. Leona Kufner 310, Jean Ml Chaud 33B. Oen Lonaen 217. Are'i Barber Knot 2l Del Delaney Sad, Ocil Smith 356. Ruth Welch 3.18, Mary deafly 3S-V Slat Street Market 1 Mary Folic 338. Leota Vlobert 278, Dorothy Tlce 373. June Carper 28B. Randall'! Fine Meati (2) Bea Davey 488. Dorothy Maextrett 231. Evelyn Ev an 427: I'nlled Wheel Allrnment fit Kaihr Hn.tkitu 290. Irene Lough 303, Cathy Cooper 282. Ann Olbb 373. Plank Blank Conitrartion (21 Ruby Onrrlaon A29. Etta Koppeji 384. Mildred Plank 378. Betty Schroeder 412. Lovea Jeweler 1 Edna McElhaney 390, Alice Lorken 334. Hacel Mark 303, Ardta Pred erlckxon 320. 'lOOf'1000 on MORS Auto or Personal 'commercial credit fia.n BlNCORPORATIDa 4 0 N. Church St Ph. S-4161 I "x TmT J IS? tt I f U.V .ri 1 thrill Blitz Weinbrd is the leer lor relaxation. Next time ijou ease up, settle back with a cool glass of Blitz Weinhard. Discover for oourself its light and lively flavor. 3i pg p IIITI WIINMAD COMPUNT fOIIUND, OIIOON r v mm mm Quick aniwer toT surface, that drink up ordinary paint This fills th pores Moll out weather beautifies r with fresh colors IN A HURRYI FULLER Otie'Coat STUCCO PAINT. 5 60 TWittk. oaLinS'. fA m CU-P-fUUR t CO 171 S. Liberty Just South of Stale t Here's Fun! Model Your Own Figurines Bowls, Book Ends, etc. with MODELING CLAY Bakes to i Durable ' ? Strength in i Kitchen Oven- Make gifts for your friends thot they'll cher ish forever. Complete in structions furnished. lis Objects may be glazed ond lacquered before baking. We have a complete stock of glazes, rainbow, lacquers, and modelling tools. 5 Mb. pkg.. for Fjltw ' 90c ART DEPT. THIRD FLOOR ( f - II ENDS JULY 2 ( I6BBESI MK D7VEHBS! B.F.Goodrich SILVERTOWM 9 DAYS ONLY Ave NOW amc first qua I iff tim i idardeqaip- Yes -the i line, lop qua I it that standai mem oa the arwest can at this record breaking low price. OTHER SIZES IT RS SAVINGS TOO HERE NOW VZ?r:r. MEGoodricI RutfmRide MOtl MlttS MMt COMTOVT MOM MPfTT JI7I 4.00-1 f Jf. )ef mm Combination Special ' s Lawn Mower $i lirass Cateher Both Only 17.5! j $1.80 Down$.2S e Weak i Fine quality lightweight lewn t mower with solid rubber tin plus handy detachable grass catcher at this sale price. OTMii mo wins 20.95 to 23.95 B. F. Goodrich Spark lMugs lc SALE Sare 2.5 on a set of eitfht. Buy one at the regular price of 65c. Gft another for only one cent. Installation extra. Rri. :9.9s Tahle Radio Combination 54.95 Ret. 11.95 Table Radio 10.95 Reg. 11.95 Electric Fan (.95 Rrf. S.79 Garden Hose S.39 Rrf. 9.75 Seat Coven 7.45 Ref. 15.95 Seat Coven 11.95 Reg. 41.95 oiv face $3S.9S 3.60 Down 1.50 A Week vS4hwlnn-nnllt' 5P1TFIIIE HIKES These are the famous Schwinn-Built "Spitflres" with new features that make them some of the finest biket ever built. Equipped with kick stand, reflector. AVAILABll IN MEN'S OR WOMEN'S MODELS Corner of Commercial & Ferry Sts. "Across From the Marion Hotel" PHONE 3-9156 SALEM, ORE. DISTRIBUTED BX GIDEON 8TOLZ CO.