12 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, June 22, 1949 HORROR CHARACTERS DEPLORED 'Bogey Men' Called Bad In Small Fry's Entertainment By JOHN ROSENBl'RG (United Prew staff Correspondent) New York U.R) Alfred Wallace, producer of children'! plays, believei the "bogey man" should be eliminated from entertain ment for small fry. He advocated that such class ics as "Hansel and Gretel," "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" and "Cinderella" be banned for young audiences be cause "they feature a 'horror type of villain." "The villain who makes chil dren scream with fear has no place in their entertainment," he said. "Children are extreme ly impressionable and have vivid imaginations. Many vil lain parts in plays for young sters create a fear of the dark and the unknown and stimulate bad dreams. He said some parts warp a child's attitude toward the aged and persons who are not perfect physically. "In many plays, elderly wo men are depicted as witches," he explained. "They kill little children and even cook them and devour them, according to the story. "That's not a very healthy psychological diet for a child. This type of character often causes a child to identify all elderly women with witches." Wallace, supervisor of Wal lace Puppet Productions, said he has been giving children's shows for 12 years and has several troupes touring the United States, Canada and South Amer ica the year round. "I've discovered that children learn the so-called 'moral' of stories much better by laughing at their characters," he added. "It is absolutely unnecessary to frighten them. "Naturally, the element of conflict has to be present in every story. But why make a deformed person, a person with an Impediment in speech, or one who is ugly the villain of the piece?" He said villainly could be por trayed without scaring children and still be effective "from the lesson standpoint." 'Selfishness, untruthfulness. uncleanliness and stupidity can. and should be substituted for the usual type of villainy," he said. Wallace said he thought the five best plays for children "Uncle Remus" dramatiza tions "Raggedy Ann', "Peter and the Wold," "Tubby thej Tuba," "Toddle, the Railroad Train." Church Has Picnic Hopewell The Hopewell United Brethren church observ ed Father's Day with a special sermon and singing followed by a basket dinner served in the Williamson state park in Wheat land district. First Commencement At Vocation School Klamath Falls, June 22 W) Oregon Technical Institute, the state's vocational school here, holds its first annual commence ment exercise Friday, The graduation program in the evening will conclude a day of open house for visitors at the school, which occupies the sprawling wartime marine bar racks plant. Dr. Rex Putnam, state super intendent of public instruction, will be the commencement speaker. Diplomas will be hand- $$ MONEY $$ 4H Real Estate Loans Farm or City Personal and Auto Loans State Finance Co. 153 8. High St Lie S2I 3-5221 o;,i-! vwiiltfi Hotinshinq: fLAKESl ed out by Oscar Paulson, held of the state department of vo cational education. Winston Purvine, OTI direc tor said that 223 graduates will be honored. Of the number, 208 are veterans. VFW Open Convention Coos Bay, June 22 W The - state Veterans of Foreign Wars opened their annual convention here today. It will continue ' through Saturday. About 900 delegates are expected before ' the close. ! The wise, fashion conscious gal picks her glasses as she does her costume for style. Enjoy expert eye care. 7 Men Do Make Passes When Girls Wear Smart Glasses Dr. E. E. Boring 383 Court Optometrists AT BORING OPTICAL Dignified Credit Bit Dr. Sam Hughes Phone 3-6506 mm F io)n irauuu THESE AUCTION auirer - Bogardws Furniture South 12th St. Junction In Dickson's Shopping Center BRINGS YOU ITS FIRST GREAT WW at - AUJCITDOMfl tfW 11? A Id) A Starts Tomorrow Thursday June 23rd at 2 p.m. Sharp and Again In The Evening at 7:30 and Continues Daily at 2p.m. and 7:30 Evenings Until Our Stock Has Been Reduced. "i DON'T MISS IT FOR ANYTHING DOORS OPEN AT ONE p.m. SHARP Let nothing on earth keep you from being here to morrow when the auctioneer's hammer sounds the opening of this sensational sale of fine quality fur niture! It's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to save! Come in, select the pieces you want! YES, COME - IT'S REALLY TRUE! Entire stock to select from in this great AUCTION SALE! Beautiful living room suites, bedroom suites, dining room suites, dinette sets, lamps, mirrors, chests, springs, mattresses, chairs, desks, radios, some appliances hundreds of other articles! HOW TO BUY AT THIS AUCTION! Come select any items you wish! They will be placed on the auction block for immediate sale. Every item sold carries the same guarantee as if sold at regular retail! 2 BIG AUCTIONS DAILY Afternoons at 2 P.M. and 7:30 Evenings SALE IN CHARGE OF SAM KLINE Nationally Known Furniture Auction Specialist MAURER - BOGARDUS FURNITURE CO. So. Prh St. Junction In Dickson's Shopping Cnpr