Tenting- on Auio Top Homer Carley, Jr. (on ladder), and Robert O. Bickel, of Cedar Rapids, la., designed this car top sleeper containing two mattresses and electric lights. .Polk Considers Annual Budget Dallas Polk county budget meeting will be in the court house Friday at 10 o'clock when the public discusses items in the estimates for the coming year. The budget will be read, and any objections will be consider ed. It is possible to remove any budgeted items at the meeting, but no item may be increased mores than 10 percent, nor can those present authorize an in crease in levy above the six per cent limitation. The budget as adopted by the committee calls for a levy up to the limit of the legal six percent. Total of all funds for the bud get brings an estimated expen diture of $707,012 and the total levy is estimated at $300,028. Chairman of the budget com mittee is Charles A. Evans. E. B. Hamilton is secretary and W. Frank Crawford is the third member. The county court are also members. American Business Sways Affairs in European Areas By SAM DAWSON New York. June 22 0P Just how much of the near-miss of the four powers at Paris can be chalked up to the American business slump is anyone's guess. But Russian and Western European obsession with America's economic health is growing and probably has a lot to do with their political decisions. Russia, 1 particular, frankly bases much of her world plans on a belief that the United States is cracking up. The slump here may have led her to change back from conciliation to what many regard as renewal of her stalling tactics. It is also notable that Moscow and Wall Street vie with each other these days in seeing which can take the darkest view of the American business future. This may come as a surprise to most American, especially those far removed from the nervous canyons of New York. American generally are aware that the boom is over and a slump on, but they see nothing yet to justify the term "crisis, nor the likelihood of one. Moscow jubilantly reports every sign of recession here. It calls the slump "the deepening United States crisis" and consid ers it the beginning of the end for the whole free enterprise system. The Kremlin notes with pleasure that each drop in prices on the New York Stock Ex change, no matter how few shares of stock actually are sold, brings on a sympathetic shud der in the London Exchange. Moscow doesn't like British so cialism any better than it does American capitalism. The British are reported watching the American slump with fear and trembling. Their economic fate is much more r Something new has been added ... IT'S THE AT M. K. N. HERE'S HOW IT WORKS: This special "SAVINGS WINDOW" was mode especially for our dollar-wise friends. Any merchandise in the star that is not sold in 90 DAYS is put in our special "SAVINGS WIN DOW." And, any merchandise found in this window, regardless of original price, is sold for 13 OFF. When one piece is sold, another will move in and take its place. The SAVINGS WINDOW is the window to the right of the Philco Appliance display. Drive over ond watch this window frequently ... it will be changing all of the time . . this is your big opportunity! Off Drive Over and Realize These Savings! FOR EXAMPLE: Davenport & Chair $1 9730 Reg. Price $295.95 f OPEN EVENINGS 'TIL 9:00 M.K.N. FURNITURE 1425 Edgewater St., in West Salem (On Salem-Dallas Highway) Phone 2-5456 Phone 2-4413 FREE PARKING FREE DELIVERY closely tied with ours now than it was before the war. Too, a tightening economy here may spur congressional economy in handing out money to Europe. Americans long have been used to, if always a little sur prised at, the exaggerated views of American life taken by Euro peans. For example, any Chi- cagoan travelling in Europe long ago became accustomed to being regarded as the constant target of gangster bullets on his home streets. Now, it seems, Europe takes the same exaggerated view of each advance in the Jobless total here, each drop in stock prices, each slide in commodity prices back toward a less inflated level. The American businessman probably doesn't realize to just what extent he is news these days in the European press. And he probably doesn't share, nor deserve, the dim view of his competence and levelheaded ness currently fashionable in Wall Street and Moscow. Wall Street's views are not, as are Moscow's, built on any lack of faith in the free enterprise system. But the Street does sub scribe to the belief that after a boom must come a slump. And it does take the view that this business recession is being aided and abetted by government policies unfriendly to business, and it fears that the rebound in which it has real faith will be delayed by government policies it considers aimed at creating a welfare state. That Is why you hear the word "depression" in Wall Street, and don't hear it often in the larger and calmer sectors of American life. For it's a street of exaggera tions, too. When it puts on glasses, they are apt to be dark - . yours or rosier than yours. Commie Hecklers Arrested Paris, June 22 I Police ar rested 40 demonstrators in cluding 15 communist national assembly deputies last night when they interrupted a show ing here of the American film' "The Iron Curtain." All were released after questioning. Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, June 32, 1949 11 Type KAY writer Co. Aaents 11 Roval Tvntwritera 11 ictor Adding 1 1 I Machines Vt'll IIU'lTlitV I 223 North Hlth St. il (Across from Sena I tor Hotel) rn. j-hu95 WINDOW SCREENS All Metal "NU-FRAMI" Window Screens Require no fitting . , come ready to install . are of permanent all-steel con struction . need no paint ing or upkeep . will not rot nor separate at the corners . . . made to fit any standard window . they are the finest flat screen that money can buy yet they Cost No More Than Wood Frame Screens DICK MEYER Lumber Company 15 Lana Ave. Phone 1-4931 2 blocks north, 1 block MinderDass A Million-Dollar Expansion Program Brings You the Beer with the million- DOLLAR FLAVOR ii.li n m ''ftwJELj I fMy -Mi nQiAn rMll w EOT Sow taste for yourself the re sult! of years of painstaking re search flut more than a million dollars worth of new equipment. Added to slow Age-Mellowing . . Old -Cpuntry know-how . . , they make this fine beer better than ever before. ...Try LUCKY LAGER today Enjoy that rich, mellow "MIL. LION-DOLLAR FLAVOR" every, one's talking about I Distributed by Chappel-Marshall 347 N. Front St. Phone 2-3442 SALEM, OREGON ttcnSpot SPRINKLERS MAKE LAWN CARE EASY Each Oroen Spot sprinkler hat boor cloflttfkal1y designed to do its job exceedingly trail. Cheats the model best suited f yov requirements with lh ssuranc thai ft wilt water your lawn thoroughly. fvmfpot TWO-ARM ADJUSTABLE SPRINKLER 395 The aristocrat of al iprifiMarl and1 alto tho most vtrMtii. Will wtttr any or ship rt up fo 44' in diimo ttr. Spray can bo adjulttd from fin. milt to a coarse haaw rain. Solid bran arm and nonnH. Here's a Lightweight Easy to Push Lawn Mower With 5-16 inch crucible steel blades. Has 10 inch rubber tired wheels. En closed gears and ball bearings that assure quiet and smooth operation. A mower that will SAVE YOU MONEY. 1335 Mirro-Matic Aluminum Pressure Cooker and Conner with Automatic Gouge 4Qt. Six. 1395 1895 , Vs.. ffuenSpot THREE-ARM SPRINKLER Tho finest three arm sprinkler. Pro vidti correct waftr coverage for belt growth of ores. Weters ore 40 in diemeter. Solid bress movino, pertt; ceit Iron bete c n't tip. wis meics FEATURE Aluminum CLOTHES DRYER For Outside Installation BUILT TO LAST With strongly braced channel . pressed, . non rusting support arms. . . Made to fold ond be eas ily removed for storing. Weighs only 6V1 lbs. tHoanS.ini feet i,rong eot You Sore 3.80 Regular 11.75 NOW 795 GALVANIZED Fly Screen 14 Mesh Choic of Widths 8C Sq. Ft. Specials for Masons and Plasterers Baker Trowel .T..'now Nichols Trowel JYiT now Aluminum Floats . now Rubber Floats Rtf. 1.9S NOW Brick Trowels now Pointing Trowels now Margin Trowels Re(. i.o Wood Hawks Ref. 1.15 .... Edgers Ref. 85c NOW Groovers Floats Reg. 1.25 NOW NOW NOW Re-. 2.60 NOW 269 289 79 l19 30 15c 79c 69 59 89 99 5-Foot Step Ladder Made from carefully se lected lumber. Each step is reinforced with o steel tie rod. Has bucket shelf. Light in weight. SPECIAL 369 JUPf R-fCHHOSt C0UPIING 35c pr. REDUCED PRICE ON Rubber Hose 50 feet of black rubber hose in standard Vi inch size with reinforcing cot ton braid. Factory coupled. 525 G00JI NECK SlwpllfiM Km. fm.t. Cm Stop Hose Kinking Protects Hose 95C BRONZE Non-Rusting Fly Screen In Several Widths Reduced to 13C q -ft. Nesce Blue Enameled Cold Pack Conner With holding rack. Made to process seven quart jors ot o time. Regular 1.98 NOW 155 Adjustable Brass Hose Nozzle 49c Cmmfpot "Y" CONNECTOR XeoM two oceeertes or hotos oomo, e tho leme timo. Artechei to feucet or od of hoio eiteftiion. loHHo ett Wees, feefc-orooO 85c TTGEORGE e Ph. 3-3106 8 Qt. Siie. 236 N. COMMERCIAL ST. SALEM, ORE.