. SHORTAGES CRIPPLE SYDNEY Things 'Down Under' Slow To a Walk Over Troubles By GORDON TAIT Sydney. June 21 W Australia li no land of plenty'on this mid wintur't rinv rinwn under. Take a look at Sydney, a city of 1,500,000 one-fifth of all the peonle in Australia There Is no household gas for cooking or heating. Electric power It on only part of the time. You can't buy coal or coke to heat your house. You get only one-third of your normal order of milk. Fresh vegetables are scarce. Later in the week it's going to be just about Impossible to buy all the bread and meat you want. Hundreds of factories are clos ing. Tens of thousands of men are being paid off. Train service is running -at half schedule or less. The position Is much the same in other big towps of Hew South Wales. Cities in other states will be affected almost at once. In Melbourne, for Instance, (as can be used only for cooking and only for three and a half hours a day. There art three reasons for these shortages: not enough . coal, too much rain, too much : , wina. - Australia's coal shortage Is long story. There It plenty un derground, but for years there has not been enough to (o around up top. Miners' policy It to prevent stockpiling of coal on the sur face. They reason that lack of reserves strengthen tneir oar- gaining position, and it does. Result is that one day's stop. page at the mines sometimes brings rationing of gas and elec tricity to eke out available coal Last Thursday coal miners ah over Australia stopped work for a day. They decided at meet ings to begin a general strike June 27 if their claim for more pay and less work is not granted. They seek 30 shillings (7.80) a week more pay ana cut in working hours from 40 to 35 a week. On top of that, heavy rain flooded coal fields and there was a big production loss on Friday. Gales stopped colliers taking coal to Sydney and Mel bourne from fields. The government, trying to conserve coal, ordered transport and public utilities to cut con sumption by BO per cent. In dustry using coal was given a 75 per cent cut. But wind and rain have pre vented utilities getting enough coal to operate at even half out put. Today the New South Wales cabinet ordered drastic gas cuts. It banned the use of electricity for Industry and for public lighting and amusement. It rationed gas and electricity to houses. Only two lights in each house are permitted at night and heating is banned. Cooking by gas (if there Is any) and electricity Is restricted to two periods in the morning and evening, totalling three hours. Effect of the restrictions will be to bring almost all Industry to a standstill. This will throw 250 to 300 thousand men out of work. At the same time, housewives will blame floods for a short age of milk ana vegetables Bread will be short because some bakers rely on gas. Meal will be short because of a strike at killing works. All In all, Australians are un happy today. Summer Arrived at 9:03 This Morning Summer arrived Tuesday morning. At exactly 9:03 o'clock, stan dard time, It came. At that moment the northern .axis of the earth, or tht north ning through the earth trom pole to pole, was slanted as far to ward the sun as it ever gets. And that meant the longest day of the year for people In the northern hemisphere. The sum mer solstice, it's called. Master Contract Signed Santa Barbara, Calif., June 21 Manasement and union representatives have negotiated a new west coast master con tract on ship repair work. The pact calls for no Increase in I wages. Nothing Down Pay Monthly VENETIAN BLINDS And Shade W ttlM tub, rttfM. Miat mm4 mlal roar !) TimUii kitatW. ELMER, Tht Blind Man Can aaytime far Free btisoaUt Phena l-Mtl III! Bate t. Test Salem We give SAH Green Stamps $$ MONEY $$ 4H Real Estate Loans Farm or City Personal and Ante Loans State Finance Co. It 8. Hifh St Lie. Bit l-ttt WHY PAY MORE! When You Can Have Completely Automatic 5 Year Warranty (on sealed-in-trantmission) Exclusive Water Savir No Boltinf Down Cleans Itself Westing house Laundromat Trade-in allowance for your old OOO QC washer ; . Foi Only JmWW- VV SALEM'S EXCLUSIVE APPLIANCE STORE YEATERAPPLIANCECO. 255 N. Liberty Street MILLS puts More Men to Work BpBJBM WWWs H W eWPPWwTWl IVWVVIIII wfm OPfMTf TRII MIMI-ksM., oivnsirrou manumctukino- OfVflOP NIW BftO0UCrS- i tviM) hi 1Mb Haj Mff pttJutJE1 t49)n Htjfv ftt)e)tjy pvsjQa DIVflOP PfMMANINT MAKKITS- Woi ltvM 4RdJ hf)dj, rVf) Wt)f tpWOPtf fJftBBtSJPst MR mAt)! itiiMUliiwjtajwigiiiiiitiisMiid) IawuvI lynri boards from round logs lMYet found wood net VMblt fcr himber. Our program of diversified m&ntffcaBtotra and the building of different kinds of mills at sfa of our snfil sttM will enable ui to use al theee raluabie materials. The by-products of one plant beoome the raw material for another plant next deer. It it neceeaary to "group" mills in this manner to take advantage of savings on transportation and power big items in processing the timber crop. It is not economically sound to ship heavy materials from one mill site to another. So we plan to put a group of mills at each site to take care of all by-products, enabling us to utilize completely the tree farm harvest Naturally, this diversification provides more jobs. It gives the public more needed items. It also promotes continuous operation and security for all of us. YOU ARE ALWAYS WELCOMEl' Weyeriaeueer extends e cord;. Invita tion to tht pubUe to viiit our mill. Trained' guide will glmdlj mhow you through. Tours: Morning and arernoon, Monday through Friday, Plant foes ted: In Washington: Everett, Longviaw, Snoqualmia Fall. In Oregon: Klamath Falh, Springilold. eyerhaeuser Timber Company WORKING IN THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST TO CREATE PRODUCTS, PAYROLLS AND PROHTS Capital Journal. Salem. Oreenn. Tuedav. .Tune 21. 1919 9 at PE WHY'S SALEM, OREGON mid season on the second floor WOMEN'S SHORT COATS REPRICED Special buys at a special price all wool fabrics In clear color block plaids beautiful solid tones. Every coot worth much more. PENNEY'S SECOND FLOOR 88 ONE GROUP OF Women's Suits Reduced Your chance to save smart check pattern in summer style. goo PENNEY'S SECOND FLOOR ONI GROUP OF Women's Suits Reduced From our higher priced lines at a price to clear. Hurry! Igoo PENNEY'S SECOND FLOOR WOMEN'S SUMMER LONG COATS REDUCED! All wool gabardine and all wool tweed coats, drostically marked down to clear. Bargains! PENNEY'S SECOND FLOOR 18 00 SPECIAL SAVINGS! WOMEN'S RAIN COATS New low price on smart rayon satin raincoats in season's smartest colors. Buy now ond save. 1675 PENNEY'S SECOND FLOOR REDUCED PRICE! CHENNILE ROBES Thick, fluffy chenille tufting in beautifully styled robes. Bargains! 588 PENNEY'S SECOND FLOOR SPECIAL GROUP OF WOMEN'S BLOUSES Gorgeous selections of white, soft pastel or print blouses at large savings. Check this bargain now. PENNEY'S SECOND FLOOR 2 00 REDUCED! Girls' Blouses Smart blouses from our higher priced lines, S to ex, 7 to 14. 137 FENNIT'i SECOND FLOO REDUCED! Girls' Skirts Every one a stylet that girls like. 157 nwNrri rr.com floor WOMEN'S Cotton Skirts Soft pastel three color skirts In tiered style. Lota e flare. 298 PENNET'i SECOND FLOOR GIRLS' DRESSES AT A REDUCED PRICE! Pretty dresses for girls at huge savings. Prints and solid tones. Every one a bargain! PENNEY'S SECOND FLOOR 1 37 GIRLS' LACE TRIMMED Rayon Panties Malta or blue daintily trimmed with lace. Good quality rayon 37C PENNEY'S IKCOND FLOOR ONI GROUP OF Toddler Coats Drastic reductions on Better quality coats for toddlers 1 to 4. 287 PENNEY'S SECOND FLOOR SPECIAL SAVINGS ON Girls' PERCALE PAJAMAS Gay prints in fine quality 2-piece style pajamas. Bargains! 177 PENNEY'S SECOND FLOOR WOMEN'S COTTON 3-tone Blouses Worth much more, styled for summer. 98c PENNEY'S SECOND FLOOR REDUCED PRICE! Girls' RAIN COATS Buy now and save at this LxR low price. 7 to 14. J PENNEY'S SECOND FLOOR It Pays io Shop Penney's and Save V. 1