(Capital JmtmI, Balm, Oregon, Tuesday, June t, 149 I- k'Wl I V A Pension Plans Bring Protest Wed Paul Robeson, Jr., 21, ion ot the Negro baritone, and hii white bride, Marilyn Greenberg, after their wedding ceremony in New York. The wedding look place amid an at mosphere of tnion created by the elder Robeson'a deter mined opposition to press coverage of the event. (Acme Tele-photo.) Bean Festival Wants Floats Stayton Local buainesi peo ple are being urged by the San tiam Bun Festival association to prepare floats for the grade pa rade which will be held Satur day evening, July 0, terminat ing four days of Stayton's an nual salute to the growing of nap beans in this locality. Parades of the last two years have been large, with many in teresting entries, and it is hoped that this year's parade will be even larger with many floats representing various businesses rather than trucks and imple ments. The Browning Amusement! company of Salem, which is eel-1 ebratlng its 40th year in the bu-J sine.il, will set up here during the festival, as it has done for many years in the past. Much Interest Is being dis-1 played In the horse show which will be held on Saturday after noon during the festival. Local horsemen are working on a pro-1 gram for a real show as well as a parade. ' The festival will be featured over radio stations KF.X, Port-1 land, and KOCO and KSLM, Sa lem, at dates to be announced late, Gene Maleckl of Salem, festival manager, states. Riders of Silverfon Take Part in Rodeo S.lverton Members of thr Silverton Saddle club of which Anton Sncher la pre I dent, were ctivt patents at the rodeo tn the two day event at Lane Maple near Mill City, Saturday and Sunday. Silverton members winning firrt award In the flag race were Max Pitney, Mel Stolten berg and Hubert Peck ham. Scoring second for the state bending award were Walt Heat er, Max Pitney, Mel Stoltenberg and Walt Peckham. Among the fans were Mr. and Mrs. Bob Morris and Bobby, Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Pitney and Max and Ronnie, Bob Kemper and Bob, Jr., Milton Thostrude, Maurice Mulkey, Mr. and Mra. Elder. Mulkey, Mr. and Mrs. Walt Heater, Hubert Peckham and Mr. and Mrs. Mel Stolten berg. who pledged his party's support and explained what has already been done by the progressives to refer the law in question to the people. Also speaking briefly was Warren Gill, Linn's represents- Lebanon Three political par- tive to the legislature. ties sent representatives to. the Acting as master of ceremo Lebanon city hall to protest the nies was William Goo Id who passing of the old-age pension conducted a question and an bill by the last Oregon leg is la- swer period after the meeting. ture. All speakers voiced objec- tiona to the so-called lien clause which would require all persons applying for old-age assistance to forfeit any property they own to the state, before receiving benefits. Walter J. Pearson, state treas urer, spoke against the measure. as 'did Joe . Dunne. Portland attorney; Roy Hewett, Salem; Monroe Sweetland, state demo cratic national committeeman 01 Newport, and several others. Referendum petitions were; circulated at the close of the meeting to meet the July 15 deadline on all referendum mea sures, j State Democratic National Committeeman Sweetland said, "Oregon republicans have giv-' us an example of the crud est hypocrisy in the history of Oregon politics. State Treasurer Pearson em phasized that Oregon is the "most solvent and in as good fi nancial condition as any state in the union." Also speaking was Tom Moore, executive secretary of the progressive party in Oregon, life BUMPS AWAY! YOUR CAR'S APPEAR ANCE REFLECTS YOUR CHARACTER HOW DOES YOUR CAR LOOK? Straighten out those dents and "rouRh spots" . . . needed body repairs you've I been putting off for so InnR! Have our bodv speci alists give YOUR CAR that NEW LOOK again! . . . at low cost ton' Americans Drank Less Liquor in '48 Washington, June 21 P Am ericans apparently drank less in toxicating liquor last year. It's certain they spent less on their drinking. This was reported yesterday by the commerce department, which said the total 1948 out lay for whiskey, beer and wine was an estimated $8,000,000,000. The figure was 8.7 per cent be low 1947, and marked the first time since 1938 that the nation's drinkers had spent less than they did the preceding year. Deep Sea Divers Seek Sunken Gold Point Pleasant, N. J., June 21 (U.ej Two young deep sea divers saw a 13-year dream of finding $250,000 in sunken gold treas ure coming true today, Floyd Sharp. Jr.. SI. and Wil- mm' ' imiiiiiij t 2L Open Trash Burner Causes Second Fire Lebanon For the second time within two weeks, fire broke out Sunday afternoon in brush near the Crowfoot lumber mill, with origin the same also - an open trash burner, according to Fire Chief Elmer Fitzgerald. Two Lebanon fire trucks were employed to fight the stubborn blaze. It required more than two hours of effort and 3000 gallons of water to douse the fire, which was fanned by a strong wind. Chief Fitzgerald said the state fire marshals office had order ed the mill closed within a few days unless a burner was In stalled. Firemen reported the sprln- Railroad Head Walter S. Franklin, 63, six feet six, and 225 pounds, has been elected president of the Pennsylvania railroad, largest in America, with 1.15.000 employes. liam Conway, 25, reported they had found the 51-year-old wreck of the Liner S. S. Delaware, be lieved to have a quarter of a mil lion dollars in gold aboard, and have begun exploring it. "We've found some signs of the gold aboard," Conway said. "But we'll have more to say about that sometime next week." He refused to elaborate. kling system was no! In opera-ltion when the fire occurred. Palmistry Readings Wilt tell your past present and future. Will advise on love, marriage and business. Answers all questions. Are vou worried? Why be In doubt? Special Readings. nnen B a.m. 'm e1 lo 10 p.m. Moved from 466 Ferry to 173 8. Commercial You bake your best when you bake with (Crown Try the Flour Supreme for every baking purpose fin sold on new PEETS for says Mrs. Leslie Damman 3035 E. 94th St., Seattle State Motors 4A North llitjh f ? vo Mi ,-. , UfKANUlATBoY "NEW FEET'S SURE PROVED ITSELF TO ME," ays Mrs. Damman. "I noticed a big improve ment in my wash the very first time I used new Peet's Soap. My white things came out so snowy white! And mv colors were brighter and fresher than ever!' You'll be sold on new Peet's, tool SEE THE DIFFERENCE... OR DOUBLE YOUR MONEY BACK! New Peet's will prove itself to you. Try it. If it doesn't give you the whitest, brightest wash vou ever had. simply send the unused portion of the package to Colgate-Palmolive-Peet Co., Berkeley 10. California, with your name and addremt. and the price you paid. We'll send you double what Peet's coat you. L WALLPAPER QUICKEST DRESS UP FDR ANY ROOM 11 enjoy coWuf "V aww boxloroono1 eVT" See our lorge selection of smart modern wallpapers Over 1000 Smart New Patterns m Off to a good start with PING-FREE POWER CHSfR0N SUPREME y GASOLINE J For today's high-compression engines You cant buy a better gasoline! It'i unorl start, and good going when the right car meet, the right gasoline Chevron Supreme. This, premium-quality fviel given you faater atartu, apedier getawaya, pint ping-fm performane. You get them wherever you buy Chevron Supreme blended for each alti tude and climate tone of the Went. Try a tankful today. EASY ffni7 yaM it (bony pUflif2B!" DR. HARRY SEMLER Dentist Ym Jea't Kavi H eoy ceth far nw Deatel PletuI Dr. Scmler'i Liberal, - Leaf Term Credit flea tnabltt you te tart veerinf your ajinturej RIGHT KOW . , anti you ten pay for rhim LATER, in Small Weakly er Month ly Amount. There are ne fiied terras t Dr. Samltr's . , . payment! t fit year awa budget art toiily and quick ly arranged, without delay or red tape J tilt tell Dr. Ssmler how imolT you wnt yeur payment! to be, and you can Take as Long cs 57015 Months fo Pay Dr. Semler offers Friendly, F!lfc'n Credit Terms, measured te fit YOUR needs. WEAR YOUR PLATES WHILE PAYING NEW PLATES in 1 DAY W m ettrectleii Is required, com In befere 10 e. at. I any day ticopt Saturday) and yeur Dental Plotei will be ready for you by 5:30 p. m. THI SAMI DAY. A convtnient, timeiaving itrr ico at all 1 Dr. Semlor Dental Offices. LIIERRl "Premst Otmf Car. I.r YOU h Impailant," uvt D. Samlep. "r.ym.nt ne coma LATER! S.aaiJ. leta yaep financial circumtranc.i, I want re H keo. Hie Dental Care yn naaa1 ncneer r m4 it. Taha eeVenteae at my likaral CttJrt flan ana MT AFTER y.ut watk It completed. MAKE YOUR OWN REASONABLE TERMS Ask Your Dentist . . . about the msny Important advan tge o( the beautiful new Trantparent Palate Dentures that are io true-to-life in every detail of appearance, they can help you overcome embarrassment and plate-consciouineii. Learn how they are scientlfically.fitted tor Added Comfort and Vigorous, Healthful Chewino Pow. er. See the samples at Dr. Semler'i. pap In most caiet, Plate Repairs (including, replacing of mining or broken teeth) completed within a few hours. On.-D.y lanka f.r Camalcte Plata Kalininf ft m m ar WATIRS-ADOLPH lDO STATE t C0MMEROAL SaUrn, Orofen UU-P-f UUCR i. CO 171 S. Liberty Just South of Slot, 3 3311 We take better care of your car WOfet JO AM f $:i0 t . . . Wemi AM 1PM W