Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, June 21, 1949, Page 6, Image 6

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Edited by MARIAN
S Capital Journal Salem, Oregon, Tuewday. June 21. 1949
Miss Sharkey
Wed Today
At aimple rites performed t
1:30 o'clock this afternoon In the
Tint Congregational church wu
solemnized the marriage of Miss
Patricia Sharkey and Thomas U
Livejley, Dr. Seth R Huntington
officiating. Member! of the fam-
lliea attended the wedding. The
bride if the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Graham P. Sharkey and
Mr. Liveiley ia the ion of Mra.
Thomas A. Llvesley and the late
Mr. Llvesley.
The bride wore a pink faille
dress with pink picture hat and
shoes, and she carried a Dou
auet of dark red lilies.
Miss Zora Rice attended the
bride. She wore a blue eyelet
dress and flowers in her hair
and carried a bouquet of lilies.
Millar Finlayson of Vancouv
r. B. C . was best man.
Jean Hobson Rich played the
organ for the service.
Following the church cere
mony a reception was given at
the Sharkey residence.
The couple have gone for a
stay at the Metolius dude ranch
and later will go to AbboUford,
B. C. to make their home.
Are Told
Among summer brides will be
Miss Delores Hathaway, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Phil Hath
away of Champoeg, whose en
gagement and approaching mar
riage to William W. Tremaine,
son of Mrs. Estclla Tremaine of
Woodburn, are being announced
The wedding Is planned for
July SO.
Mrs. Opal Cutler is announc
Ing the engagement of her
daughter, Miss Phyllis Cutler,
to Richard VanOsdol, son of Mr
and Mrs. E. A. VanOsdol, all of
Salem. No date is set for the
H umphreys-Harold
Stayton Miss Nelda Marie
Harold, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Ralph Harold, and
Blyn Humphreys, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Humphreys, all of
Stayton, were married In a
double ring ceremony In the
First Methodist church of Reno,
Nev.. Saturday, June 11, at ft
p.m. Rev. Don S. Fleming,
pastor of the church officiated.
The bride wore a dressmaker
auit of blue with which she
used white accessories. Her
corsage was of red and white
The couple were attended by
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cole of
Salem. Mrs. Cole is the former
Miss Antia Humphreys and Is a
sister of the bridegroom. She
wore a brown suit.
Following the ceremony, a
wedding dinner was served in
Reno's Grand restaurant and the
two couples spent, the evening
sightseeing in the Nevada city
Returning to Oregon by way of
Mt. Lassen park, the ncwlywcds
re now at home in the Killlan
The bride has been attending
Btayton high school. The bride
groom was graduated from the
same school in 194.1 and served
two years with the army engi
neers. Kidner-Pirkl
The marriage of Mrs. Blanche
Pirkl, daughter of Anthony Bren
of Snlenv to T. C. Kidner of
Portland was solemnized recent
ly In the First Christian church
at Eugene, the Rev. Hugh Mc
Cnlhim, pastor, officiating.
The bride wore a white suit
with black hat and black acces
sories, and a corsage of pink
rosebuds and stephanotls.
Miss Ila Baarstad of Eugene
was the honor attendant and she
also wore a white suit. Her ac
cessories were In pink and her
corsage of pink rosebuds.
Ernest Pratt was best man.
Following the ceremony, a re
caption was given at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Nog
ler. Later, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Baarstad entertained the wed
ding parts; at a dinner.
Two Hostesses
Hoeteseef this evening at I
buffet supper and bridge party
will be Miss Echo Yeater and
Miss Elise Schroeder, the two
entertaining at the home of the
former to honor Mrs. William
Langston, Miss Yeater's sister,
who has Just returned from sev
eral months' stay in New York
Guests will Include Mrs
Langston, Miss Mariorle Ches
ter, Miss Genevieve Cockerllne.
Mrs. Mary Thomas, Mrs. l.Iovri
Griffiths, Mrs. Warren Doolit
tle, Mrs. Wayne Gilmore. Mrs
Edward Dyck, Mrs. Arthur
Sprague, Mrs. M. K. Hughes.
BEINO welcomed home Is
Mrs. Elmer O. Berg, who has
been taking advanced work at
the University of Oregon the
past year for a master of arts
degree, and teaching. Mr. Berg
and their son, Jerry, were in
Eugene for the commencement
Fete Goldenweds
Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Davies
will be honored on the occasion
of their golden wedding anni
versary, Sunday, their son and
daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
L. M. Davies of Salem and their
son-in-law and daughter, Mr.
and Mrs. G. H. Taylor, to enter
tain at the Taylor home In Port
Another son to Join the group
will be Paul E. Davies of La
Grande. There are also six
grandchildren in the family.
Mr. and Mrs. Davies came to
Oregon 37 years ago from Van-
Wert, Ohio. Mr. Davies is re
tired from the confectionery
Wedding at
The Dalles
The marriage of Miss Barbara
Corey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs
Glenn L. Corey of Seaside, to
William Carson McCammon
son of Mrs. H. C. McCammon of
Salem and the late H. C. Mc
Cammon, was solemnized Sat
urday evening at 8 o'clock in
St. Paul's Episcopal church, The
Dalles. The Rev. E. E. Taylor
officiated at the service. Mrs
William H. Wilhelm was organ
ist and Mrs. Stanley Sawyer
the soloist.
Mrs. Lawrence Scroggs light
ed the tapers. White gladioluses
and delphiniums decorated the
church for the service.
Mr. Corey gave his daughter
in marriage. She wore a blush
pink slipper satin gown, design
ed with a bertha embroidered
in seed pearls, a tight fitting
bodice, and train. The finger
tip veil was of imported French
Illusion, held in place with a
blush pink slipper satin coronet
embroidered In seed pearls. For
ner flowers the bride carried a
cascade bouquet of gardenias
with stephanotis.
Mrs. Joseph D. Kelly, sister
of the bride, was matron of
honor. She wore a Dink sown
in slightly deeper color than
that of the bride and with it a
heart-shaped picture hat of pink.
She carried a pink parasol en
twined with garlands of garden
ias ana pink bouvardia. Mrs.
H. W. Sexton, also a sister of
the bride, was the bridesmaid,
and her gown and hat were
Identical to those of the matron
of honor, and the carried the
parasol with flowers.
Frances Kelly, niece of the
bride, was the flower girl.
John Lewis of The Dalles was
best man. Ushering were
Charles Poindexter of Astoria
and Lawrence Phipps of The
For the wedding, the bride's
mother wore a rose floor-length
oiue lace gown with matching
accessories and corsage of gar
denias. The reception following was
at Remington hall. Mrs. B. C.
Olinger of The Dalles and Mrs.
Walter A. Barsch of Salem pour
ed. Mrs. Wallace Carson of
Salem cut the cake. Assisting
in serving were Miss Lorna Rob
erts of Portland, Misses Ann and
Jane Carson of Salem, Miss Bar
bara Smith and Miss Marita
Hendricks of The Dalles.
For traveling the bride wore
white gabardine suit with
navy blue accessories.
Following a trip to California
the couple will be at home in
MR. AND MRS. Victor Heiley
of Grand Haven, Mich., have re
turned to their home following
a two weeks visit with Mr. and
Mrs. James A. Wright at Aums
vllle. newest modal the handieet
, - 1 i i m
f SPECIAL OFFER )7 U Semi-Casuals... H M I
imixmm ill lu -p,ayShoes" Jiff any j i
I HlJIJUnn f. ) No Exception! They all go at D - jT K
Inir r if M ythi$ new ,ow s,osd "ice! uvwa6 -
Olllu GllCy ) ItzCrS America's Greatest Shoe Value! fA O
f iLSDjV t Z 7 OOMPHIE Play Shoes I Pi
last think a! HI Hoover's 0 " U' ""'" Pr,tM " ! '
America costs only $49.93 and your old cleaner
(cleaning tools extra). It's triple-action Hoover it
beats, as it sweeps, as it cleans yet H weighs only 13
pounds. See It in action in your own bom. Call today
there's no charo, no obligation.
Capital Unit Elects New
Officers; Chooses Delegates
New officers were elected at the meeting of Capital unit, No. t
American Legion auxiliary, last evening. Mrs. Walter L. Spaul-
ding is the new president for the group and she will succeed
Mrs. Helen McLeod in the office. Others named to serve with
Mrs. Spaulding are:
Mrs. Clara Poland, first vice
president; Mrs. Anson Ingels,
second vice president; Mrs. Ted
Borkman, recording secretary;
Mrs. Allan Carson, correspond
ing secretary; Mrs. Don Apper-
son, treasurer; Mrs. jonn r,.
Wood, finance officer; Mrs. Mal
colm Cameron, Mrs. Clark M.
Craig. Mrs. George Manning,
executive board.
Delegates named from the
unit for the state convention In
Salem. August 3-8, include: Mrs.
Helen McLeod, Mrs. Walter L.
Spaulding, Mrs. Don Apperson,
Mrs. A. W. Lovcik, Mrs. Merle
Travis, Mrs. Malcolm Cameron,
Mrs. George Manning, Mrs. Ray
Bassett, Mrs. Anson Ingels, Mrs
Michael Panek.
Serving as alternates will be
Mrs. Frank Marshall, Mrs. Clark
M. Craig, Mrs. Ella Voves, Mr.
Clara Poland, Mrs. Ted Bork
man, Mrs. John TeSelle, Mrs.
John E. Wood, Mrs. Edward F.
Voigt, Mrs. Walter Osborne.
Mrs. Austin H. Wilson.
At the Monday meeting,
Misses Marilyn Hall and Dwyn
Anne Herberger, the two sent by
the unit to Girls State, gave re-
ports. Mrs. George A. Hall was
a visitor. For music. Miss Bar
bara Miller played piano num
At the social hour members of
the executive board were host
esses. Mrs. Clark M. Craig ana
Mrs. A. V. Lovcik poured. On
July 18 the unit will hold a
meeting for initiation.
Family Picnic
A family reunion, the first in
25 years for the group, will be
held next Sunday, June 26, a
picnic being planned at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
N. Morris (Bertha Kertson), 374
Several from out-of-town will
attend, including Mr. and Mrs.
C. E. (Clem) Kertson ana chil
dren, Danny and Rosemary.
who are visiting here from San
Diego for the next two weeks at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mor
ris, also at the home of Mr.
Kertson's parents, Mr. and Mrs
E. T. Kertson on Oak street. Be
sides the visitors and the Mor
rises and E. T. Kertsons, others
attending will include Mr. and
Mrs. George Kertson of Salem,
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Kertson and
son, Carol, of Spokane, Mr. and
Mrs. Glenn Drager (Evelyn
Kertson) of Portland and their
children, Kathy Jo and Mike,
and Mr. and Mrs. W. Constantine
(cousins) of Forest Grove,
Art Event
Invitations have been receiv
ed from the Portland Art asso
ciation to attend the preview of
the exhibition of the work of
artists of Oregon, 1949, and a re
ception for exhibiting artists on
Saturday next
The event will be held at 8:30
p.m. in the museum.
cleener In
Y2 price 6 VV' TieS beautijul Jit 3T 5
" YCS! EVCry NatUrdiZer She in Ur y-C
li f BLACK BLUlf C?frJ ijf f&S
Downstair. Oregon Bldg. i S I J BROWN T GREEN V" IlilH
State and High 3-8631 I f &M RED M TWO-TONES 1 1 ' Bjgf Si
- - - - w . , Drw mm
,TTZz.n Blurt x I
I Ialsjm OaiCOM Citv J . I a. - . I
, , , . . .
fA CC Afrit" If"!
To Wed Soon
The engagement and ap
proaching marriage of Miss
Beula Arnold, daughter of Mr,
and Mrs. Lloyd H. Arnold, to
James Williams, son of Mrs. Har
old Dickey, were announced at a
barbecue supper party at the Ar
nold home, Sunday.
The wedding is planned for
August 21, the ceremony to be
in the Knight Memorial church
For the announcement party
guests were seated at a long ta
ble centered with a wishing well
and ivy, a card bearing the
names of the engaged couple
and the ring being hidden In
the bucket. Date for the wed
ding was written on the cake.
Miss Arnold is a graduate of
Salem high school and is with
the Pacific Telephone and Tele
graph company. Mr. Williams
has been attending Willamette
university, being a member of
Beta Theta Pi on the campus,
and will continue his work at
Santa Rosa Junior college next
year. The couple will make their
home at Santa Rosa.
Invited to the announcement
party were: Miss .Gayle Juve,
Miss Crystal Huntington, Miss
Irene McLeod, Miss Joan Hoer
eth. Miss Josephine Caughell,
Miss Janet Lindley, Miss Jean
Pickens, Miss Nancy Snyder,
Miss Marian Carson, Miss Ruth
McCall, Misa Ruth Holtzman,
Miss Marilyn Nichols, Miss Eva
McMullen, Miss Frances Baum,
Miss Patricia Burrell, Miss Elsie
Cannon, Miss Virginia Lewis,
Miss Janyce Baker, Miss Mary
Arnold, Mrs. Robert Wagers,
Mrs. Harold Dickey and Mrs.
Lloyd H. Arnold.
ENJOYING the week-end at
the beach at Oceanlake were
Mrs. Harry W. Scott, Mrs. David
L. Scott and the latter's mother.
Mrs. Fred S. Peters, who is vis
iting from Forest Hills, N. Y.
g g
'y Hat lm1 1
Pps, Straps, &-5J i
11 W VV; J KeinharM Life Stride Romps Including Genuine P
iS v3Ss ' "A Johdns. Ve.abond,, p.n.j. R'l"lle s1"" '"P C
is! it4ejs. ! n' 'll',',
wi f , utrruu cme 3. "
Hm "v sirvnvi nw unaniiu . ..... NO TELEPHONE CALLS. PLEASE w
.... ..... ITS B 3 A K 31. ' . -
Lea J
Graduates Miss Betty Lu
cille Meyer, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Otto Meyer of Ger
vais, was graduated in the
class at Good Samaritan hos
pital school of nursing this
past month.
Mr. and Mrs. Merle D. Bruck-
man announce the engagement
of their younger daughter, Miss
Mary Lou Bruckman, to James
A. Shelley, son of Mr. and Mrs.
George L. Shelley, all of Salem.
No date is set for the wedding
but It is planned for the early
VFW Auxiliary's
Meeting Reported 1
Members of Marion auxiliary
Veterans of Foreign Wars, who
plan to attend the departmental
convention at Coos Bay this
week with their husbands are
Mrs. Ralph Harlan, Mrs. Arwin
Stayer, Mrs. Charley Hunt, Mrs.
James Beall, Mrs. Bob DeLapp,
Mrs. Mel Clemens, Mrs. Joe
Hornnefer, Mrs. Leon Hansen,
Mrs. Douglas Parkes, Mrs. Le
Roy Simpson, Mrs. Russell
Mudd, Mrs. Mae Wilder, Mrs.
James Hartley.
Mrs. Leon Hansen, communi
ty service chairman, announces
the committee will, with other
members of the auxiliary, assist
the Cherryland association with
the sale of the festival buttons,
Saturday, June 25.
Miss Smisek
Mt. Angel on
Mt. Angel St. Mary's Catholic church, Mt. Angel, was the
scene of the wedding of Miss Severina Smisek of St. Paul, Minn
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Smisek of Mt. Angel, and
Richard Blghley, son of Mr. and
St. Paul, Minn., on Saturday
Father Damian Jentges, Q.a.B.,iMniwi,niiaBi!ui u '.'" ft..,,u.'" ,
read the vows and the double
ring service, and officiated at the
mmtial hitfh man
Th. hi.h .lor anrf unrlmrv
.uh.n. ih. hririal oroim knelt
were decorated with white ma
donna lilies and white hy
drangeas, and lighted by cathe
dral candles. Miss Helen Keber
played the processional and re
cessional marches and was ac
companist to the St. Mary's
choir singing the mass and Miss
Pauline Saalfeld and Miss Eus
tele Bauman who sang before
and after the ceremony.
Mr. Smisek gave his daughter
in marriage.
Her wedding gown was in tra
ditional satin, fashioned on prin
cess lines, with inserts of French
lace from neckline to hem, and
at the shoulder line of the longl
sleeves. The same wide lace in
edging encircled the long train
Matching lace edged the tulle
veil in finger-tip length, which
was held with a coronet of seed
pearls. She carried a spray bou-
quet of white roses and stock
tied with white satin streamers
Miss Irene Smisek was her
sister's only attendant, wearing
a marquisette gown in pale rose
pink. The gown was made in
empire style, with square neck
line, puff sleeves and full floor
length skirt dotted with tiny
ribbon bows. She wore a pink
net shoulder length veil,' held
with a tiara of twined net, and
carried a spray of white and
pink carnations and blue delph
iniums, tied in long blue stream
ers of satin.
George Smisek of Colfax,
Calif., served as the best man,
and ushers were another brother,
Wilfred Smisek of Truckey,
Calif., and Thomas Jefferson of
Colfax, Calif.
The wedding breakfast and
dinner for about 20 guests and
the reception were all held at
the home of the bride's parents.
Mrs. Thomas Jefferson passed
the guest book and Mrs. Wilfred
Smisek cut the cake. Miss
Dolores Hackett assisted at serv
ing the guests. The young couple
will visit at the home of the
MOST! . .
Bride at
Mrs. Clarence Bighley, all of
morning at 9 30 o'clock. Rev
Home ffOm CoTip
Returning from a week of
Isummer camp at the Smith
ureeK recreational area on ouii
day were 35 girls of the Salem
court of the Junior Catholic
Daughters of America.
Mrs. Harry Corey, Salem Jun
ior chairman, was In charge of
the group with Mesdames Lade
Koutney, J. D. White and Jo
seph Thomas assisting. Mrs. Ed
mund Silbernagel, RN of Stay
ton was camp nurse for the
Mrs. Weddle
A S r r
Mrs. Arthur Weddle of the Sa
lem Business and Professional
Women's club is the new region
al director for the Western
states in the National Federation
of BPW clubs, ejections having
been held this week-end at the
regional session in Seattle. The
region takes in seven western
states and Hawaii and Alaska.
Mrs. Weddle is the immediate
past president of the Oregon
Federation of BPW clubs.
Oregon's Invitation to enter
tain the 1951 regional meeting
was accepted.
Mrs. Natalie Burns of Toledo
club will serve as regional vice
chairman and Miss Betty Elof
sen of Salem club as secretary.
Accompanying Mrs. Weddle to
the meeting in Seattle were Mrs.
John Versteeg, president-elect
of the Salem club; Mrs. Eugene
Estes and Miss Elofson.
meeting Wednesday at 8 p.m. at
the home of Mrs. Herman Berg
ner, 635 Thompson. Miss Betty
Jean Bergner is to assist her mo
bride's parents, with sight-see
ing trips in Oregon, before re
turning to St. Paul where they
will reside. They expect to leave
here Wednesday.
A 1 i I) ft
Miss Clarkson
Wed Recently
The marriage of Miss Roberta
Clarkson, daughter of Mrs. Han
nah Clarkson of Salem arid
formerly of Prestwick, Scotland,
to Keith M. Rebo, son of Mr.
and Mrs. George Rebo of Aums-
vflle, was solemnized the eve
ning of June 10, in the First
Congregational church, the Rev.
Seth R. Huntington reading the
vowi at 8 o'clock.
Pastel flowers, gladioluses,
peonies and deipniniums, Dec
orated the church for the serv
ice and the altar bouquets were
of carnations.
Jean Hobson was at the organ.
The bride, given in marriage
by her brother-in-law, Kenneth
Vaughn, wore a pale blue silk
suit with blue accessories and
a blue-flowered hat. She carried
a bouquet of white carnationi
with an orchid in the center.
Mrs. Robert Vaughn was ma
tron of honor for her sister.
She wore a pale pink silt suit,
a black hat with pink trim, and
black accessories. She carried
a bouquet of varied pink carna
tions with an orchid in the cen
ter. Jack Muchrldge was best man.
The reception following was
at the future home of the couple,
450 Academy street. Mrs. Rob
ert Geddes, Mrs. Clarkson and
Mrs. Vaughn assisted.
FINAL meeting for this year's
board of the Salem Business and
Professional Women's club will
be Saturday at the home of Mrs.
Charles Forrette, president, at
1968 Ferry street, a no-host sup
per to be given at 8:30 o'clock.
All officers and committee
chairmen are invited for this
GUEST at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Ted Gordon has been
Dr. Ethel Sanborn, nationally
known authority in paleobot
any. Dr. Sanborn has been trav
eling to several new fossil flora
locations in the Sweet Home
area, as well as to some in the
Salem area.
week-end with Mrs. Berg.