., ..-a .j-kjjj.,.-?.. .1 ...... yv. Strong- Man Strong Made It It was a tough, hard stunt, but Jim Strong, (above) 38-year-old freight handler for the New York Central, pushed 800 pounds of sand from Paines ville to Cleveland, Ohio, for a distance of 29.2 miles. He did it on a bet. In this picture at Cleveland he is shown with the sand container and the 100-pound truck he used. (AP wirephoto) Salem Looking Ahead to Next Census Due in 1950 Salem really has something to look forward to come the 1930 census. Maybe the old town won't quite have doubled its population in the last 10 years, but it will be very close to it. Just now it s about 52.000. For people keep coming here to live. The Chamber of Com merce is listing the newcomers at an average of 18 Vi a week. But that isn't all. Nearly every one the chamber lists has a wife, or wife and children, and rep resents by scientific computa tion 3.8 persons. That makes an actual average of 66.6 persons a week. Last week was short. Only 14 family heads were listed by the Chamber. But here are tne new comers for the last four weeks, showing where they come from, what they are doing here, and their Salem addresses: East Salem Family Holds Reunion; Coloradoans Here East Salem, June 21 Mr. and Mrs. George Hardy have as their guests several relatives from Colorado and on Sunday a large family reunion was held at their home on Silverton road. Present were Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Pickerel, Delbert Pickerel and Eldon Pickerel from Pueblo, Colo.; Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Stark and son, Anthony and daugh-' ter, Shirley from Denver; Mr. and Mrs. Green Brown from Eu gene; Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Pickerel and son, William of Sa lem, Mr. and Mrs. James Burk hart and daughter, Bonlta of Salem, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pickerel and daughters, Leigh and Sue Jo of Lancaster drive. Mrs. Earl Wood of Lancaster drive entertained members of Hraba Is President Dayton Lions Club Dayton The Dayton Lions club met for its regular meeting at the Riverwood Country club. Officers for the ensuing term were elected as follows: Adolph the Garden Road Neighborhood "b" ''f?d P"fid"L club at her summer home on the Little North Fork of the San tiam above Mehema Friday. Go ing up for the day were Mrs. Glenn Larkins, Mrs. Paul Lynch, Mrs. A. R. Tartar, Mrs. A. C. Schaffer, Mrs. Richard T. Wicklander, Mrs. W. E. Rich ardson, Mrs. William Hartley, Mrs. R. B. De Lapp, Mrs. Lester De Lapp, Mrs. Edward Bran die and daughter, Mrs. Woods and guests, Mrs. C. K. Bowes, Mrs. William Judson and daughter, Julit, Mrs. V. R. Ballantyne and William Hartley. Guests this week in the home M Mr. and Mrs. Rex Peffer on Hollywood drive are their daughter, Mrs. John Baldridge and children of Payette, Idaho, and Mrs. Ptffer's sister, Mrs. succeed Harold Lewis; Robert Tedd, first vice president; Claire Heider, second vice president: Leon Gardner, third vice presi dent; Gordon King, secretary- treasurer; Pat Carey, lion tarn er, and Bob Stilwell, tail-twister. Ernest Boichel, Jr., and Harry Stoller were named two year directors of the club, Installation of the new offi cers will be held at the next meeting of the group, June 27, at the country club. The club voted to donate $30 to the youth conservation pro-1 gram, which will be used to help in purchasing new swings for the city park. Andy Shanks of Oregon City. J. Kleeman is seriously ill at the hospital in Salem. Week of May Chirlei V. Bean, Woodburn. plasterer, 325 Weit Wilton. Robert L. Brink;. BoUi, Idaho. Boric land Lumber company, 1360 South nth. Fay ette O. Brownson, Lebanon, confectionery owner, 066 Oak. Francli L. Cimtninn, WUlamlna. mechanic at Crolian quarry, 1301 sown i&tn. wiuiam j. (,-anon. ldi Antelii. occupation not flven, 141 North Liberty. James Dana Gayer. Corvalll. salesman. JiQ uriievue. h. uaie tinocrn, Turner, occupation not given. I7S Mar ket. Thomas F. Humes, Spokane, Capital Journal, 981 North Cottage. Clarence H. Jones, Corvalln. carpenter. 1436 Trad. Loretta L. Juedes. Hubbard, clerk at water department, ISftS Nortb Wlnttr. Bt. Elms Massing a le, r;vanaion, ui., voca uoia company. Route 3, Box 85B. Mattiew g. Mccauley, Seattle, farmer, Kouie a. box trans o. Miner, cugene. construc tion, 1580 Trade. Richard E. Nason. Len alni, Mich., announcer KOCO. 336 Che- awe) rosa. Jtssie u. racx. roruana. owner of Lee Seed, 380 South 16th. Elsie Pattern, Silverton, State . House, South Water. James Richmond, Corval- Hb, United Products company, 010 North 13th. Roscoa L. Roberts. Kansas City. photo engraver, 251 South 17th. Uelvln Fred Shaw, Corvaills, Oresonlan, 134 North 16th. Robert F. smith. Ban Ra fael. Calif.. caDtain In air force. 1431 Tradt. James R. Stanley. Bakerifleld. Calif., Oregon Cement company, 1S20 cross. Week of May 31 James A. Chandler, Burns, service station attendant, 891 South 12th. Ernest Davis. Solertad. Calif., employed with Homer Ooulet. 73 Williams. Arthur L. Bentler, Portland, occupation nor, given, iim Berry, nugn E. JJwyer, Rapid City, 8.D., longer, 317ft D street. John M. Frederick. Dallas, plumber. HI Mill. R. O. Glasspoole, Seattle, naval re serve, iodu Bomn urn. uienn narxness, Sherwood, truck driver. Route I. Box 314- D. Otis C. Holmes, Roseburg, occupation not given. 1380 North 34th. William R. Houck. Prlneville, janitor for state high way department, 1375 North Commercial. Frank J. Huber, St. Paul, Minn.. Sunshine Biscuit, 1665 Orant. WUUara T. Levlnson, Florence, Oregon state police. 1110 South lth. Carl E. Lower, Newport, Wadhams x co.. Koute l. box 7. Henry D. 11 a on v. McCall, Idaho, superintendent of Noble Fixture, Reserve street. Don A. Nelson, Renton, Wash., baker, 3M Columbia. W. Ray Nickels, Corvaills. manaeer Fire stone store, Aso Bluer. Donald M. orange, Caldwell. Idaho, district manager Hydro- tex, 21M) Brooks. Em 11 Person. Corvaills. photo portrait, 249 South Cottage. Robert i-eierson. Arusia, cai.. larmer. 435 pine. Louis R. Tlndall, Portland, Falrvlew home attendant. 15 Roberta. David p. Weitnn Portland, salesman. 1720 McCov. Carolvn siocum, Portland, stenographer, state nignway department, 910 Oak. ween oi June e aeorge a. Barker, Portland, foreman. Oraa-on Flaz enmm, ny, 1555 Broadway. Marion Camp. Olden. Utah, truck driver, 13404 Rovt. Louis O. Epfteln. Portland, part owner Rao wars, 049 catteriin. Clarence J. Foster, Hillsboro, sawmill worker, Route 1, Box wajiaca uamwritnt. Tacoma. da trlct manager Mayflower dairy, 1385 North Cottage. Rinnis T. Hardin, Bremerton. wasn., irucx onver, nil cross. Craven F. Harris, Hot Springs, Ark., Kelley-Far. quhar company, 776 North Commercial. William Martin, Hubbard, used car deal er, 3855 Bacon. Lloyd Mason. Los Angeles, farmer, Rout 4, Box f12. Charles North nets. Dallas, Arrow Mill Lumber com pa ny, Route I, Box 932. Oil Ontttn, Corval ll.". clerk at Merkey Drug store. 331 Fair view. Roy J. Ovarley, fiilveiton. Donut shop. Route I. Box 401. Karl O. Plauta, Portland, Capital Journal. 457 University. Paul Hippie, Centralla. Waah., Montgom ery Ward. Route . Box 834. Ronald H. Schuh, Chicago, self employed, 1000 Don na. Jack M. Todd, Oatci. Mont Bros 767 South 35th. Vernon Wheeler, Newport, with Fred S. Shearer, Route I. Box 431. Fred L. Wood, Sacramento, Red Star truck, 4 North 93rd. Week of June 13 Oordoa D. Bailey. Mtiwaukie, guard at state penitentiary, 241 North Liberty. Marlon K. Bland. Nam pa, Idaho, Falrvlew home, til Cross. Joe S. Bonawltl. Portland, Roberts Bros.. 1M0 D street. Donald Brought. Portland, ana. che -ile at Salem Linen mills, 2770 North Front. Jesse C. Forbes, Ben merlon. Wash., electrician, KIO South Bummer. Jack B. Fuller ton, Port Anieles, Wash., state in dustrial aecldent commission. ftM Knapp. Robert K. Hagerty. Kannewlck, Wash.. C. J. M on tag & Sons, 727 Center. Bill O. Hastinss. Sorlnafleld. naval nmtvm IBM Cross. Qeorge L. Houston, Albany, owner oaicm Tvuiamaiie supply, otu Mill. How ard Lee, Raymond. Wuh. lineman far POK, 1991 Fairgrounds. Andrew H. Lud- wig. umg isiann, N.Y.. printer. 360 North Winter. Wayne J. Peterson, Mesa. Aria., baseball player, 902 North Commercial. William R. Reinhart, Corvaills. graduate OSC. 1165 South High. John A. Schlag, Gaston, farmer. Route 9, Box 30. Children Register For Play Season Independence All children in the Independence area be tween the ages of six and 14 years are invited to take part in me playground program Inaugu rated at the grade school Mon day afternoon and will run lor a period ol seven weeks. Eighty cnnnren nave already registered tor the program. The program, which is beinE sponsored by the Independence Parent-Teacher association, has oeen made possible largely through the generosity ol Fred Swift ol the Independence Lum ber and Manufacturing compa ny who has been donating $1 to the playground lund from every load of luel wood sold by his ilrm. Swings, slides and other equipment have been Installed for use by the kiddies and play will be supervised by Sam Mc Keever and Marciel Osborn, both experienced in recreation al activities. Hours of the playground pro gram will be from 1 to 8 p.m every day except Sundays. Scio Garden Clubs Will Seat Officers Scio Mrs. Bess Philippi will be. installed as president of the Scio Garden club July 7 when the group meets with Mrs. Pa tricia Densmore. Other new of ficers to take their places that day will be vice president, Bir delle Phillips, and secretary treasurer, Mrs. Wilms Crow. The Garden club has elected officers for the coming year to include Alice Sprague, presi dent; Florence Drushella, vice '. president; Myrtle McDonald, secretary-treasurer. The group will meet July S with the new officers in place at the home of i Mrs. Mabel Lens. confll Ktrnii ..mitt It's nighty good, podner. You ain't help hankering for its rich, beefy Savor, its tender beans and spicy sauce. Lay in s supply of Sinclair's fidelity Chili Con Csrne today. PACIFIC FRUIT & PRODUCE COMPANY soli wholesale distributors Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday. June 21. 194 S By Popular Demand! WE ARE RESUMING OUR G-E FREEZER CLINIC TOMORROW 1:30 P.M. Learn the fascinating secrets of frozen food preparation and meal planning that pay off by reducing your food bills as much os 20 ... by mak ing possible more delicious meals . . . and giving you more hours of leisure time. Conducted by MARTHA TABER, our home economist, who was formerly with the Mary Cullen Cottage in Port land. G-E MODEL KITCHEN BASEMENT Free Demonstration of Technique of FREEZING FRUITS -VEGETABLES BRING YOUR FREEZER PROBLEMS TO MARTHA She's a frozen food specialist . . . and she's in the appliance dept. every day to help you. Free Prize Drawing If you don't own a home freezer, plan to drop in for complete information. See the various size models and ask about our easy payment plan. GENERAL Q ELECTRIC MARTHA TABER Your Own Williams Oil-0-Matic Dealer Presents GREATEST ADVANCE IN OIL HEAT HISTORY tt YHG n I JOHN S. KINNIDY noted reporter , "" -y-ytyy--, ,. . end I , M " y. -A! . semmentotor I rraf 'm I mm'f 4 l2 II 1 V, I low i 4?JU t Jfressur, J I SIAIIO THRIFT rttit Model WM1 "I Hvi MIN IT I I want you toN know the new eomfort, the amaz ing convenience, and the sensational dollar saving fuel economy it will bring you. Ask your Oil-O-Matlc dealer to show it to you today!" WITH ALL OF THESE NEW FEATURES SEAIED THRIFT UNITI -marvel ef precision englnMrlne AMAZINO VAIR-O-MITiRI perfectly i ynchronli.d air supply HYDRAULIC SHUT-OFF VAIVEI p.altlve, apllt-s.c.nd control f S.000,000 Oll-AIR NOZZIEI non-clogging , , , trouble-free CUSHION COUFUNOI smooth, silent power tranimHsi.a CAPACITOR START MOTORI Instant p.wer r.tp.nto r FUEL OILAND DOLLAR S AVI NO NEVER BIFORI POSSIBLE SIND FOR 1 TO0AVI j Jt.n I. Hmt4r' fnMM Mwy ml Hw j MmahMtlflfl .ms4(ihmantt la ala w jjnr. MAIL COUPON NOWI COMPUTE UNITS t faf NmmbV (4 $A Sow MODil 70 lt ModU 10-A, 1S-A WINTIR AIR CONOITIOMIXS UmiTY MODIL I ri, MM t.J CaUlag IwtpanaM wmna AIR : : CONorrioNiRS HOWARD J. SMALLEY OIL COMPANY 1405 Broadway Ph.3-5606 MODfl MO STICt (OKtR RURNfR' UNIT r ..-'. it. ) '-. i' . MODfl CJ h MMIl C-4, C-S. C-0 CAST FROM OIliR RWtNH yNIT Howard 1. Smaller Oil Company IMS araaSwar rh. S-Saaa P1n mA mi ll Jokn I. Kmnriy "RFPORT ' HOMK OWNKIIS ' . . . hi. , inalvni .f ika a Fifty-Tw Oil-O-M.ti. tm4 iha m aeAplMa aaita. Schlesinger & Co. WD CLEARANCE SALE NOTHDMG EiESIEVIED! ' GIGANTIC SALE NOW GOING ON! COATS SUITS DRESSES COATS One group, 100 all wool, - ,nnB, , shorties ond long. Volues One group at a new low. One group, large variety. Une group, luUo all wool. 15oo inoo 700 2400 Now Now "V Now Now - DRESSES COATS SUITS DRESSES One group, pastels, prints, . ,..0, , n , , 9ne 9roup' FranciS Dext,er Bemberg sheers and failles. One group, 100 all wool One group, all wool, famous dresses, crepes, pastels, Values to 22.95. gabardine. Values to 59.00. brand. Bemberg sheers. Values to ooo ?900 1 000 1300 Now Now Now Now DRESSES SUITS COATS DRESSES One group, Francis Dexter Q , rf 0ne ,00 woo. One group prints, pastels in dresses in gabardine. Values wnB SruP mn 1 worstea oy crepes and sheers. Values to 19.95. Rosenblum. Regulor 49.95. gabardine. Values to 79.50. to 29.95. 1100 3400 3900 1500 Now Now t Now Now DRESSES SUITS BLOUSES HOSIERY One group two-piece silks. One group 100 all wool Vanity Foir Values to 1 95. Values to 34.95. ... ... . , One group. Values to 6.95. gabardine. Values to 79.50. ..1700 ,,.3900 -3W ...99c All Sales Final No Refunds or Exchanges Schlesinger. & Co. AOMItl- 409 COURT