FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS SILK DRESSES aim 1 U 14. HIM Ilka ntw. la ach. B.a Scout uniform, alia It. it. 155 Unlvgraur. nHS- VARY CLOTHES. Hftndmtdt dreaaaa. ln ant thru strt 1. II. lft and up. SIESTA OIFT SHOP. I'a ml. N. of undarpaa. Phona 3-0061. BUT Motorola Car Radios Fits Most Cars $39.95 MARR RADIO 2140 S. Com 1. Ph. 2-1611 ! WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WE WANT strawberries Market price la cash. Contact jory Packing Co at Ter minal Ice. 29 D St Phone 3-4590. na WE NEED Junk batterle. Paylni 00c. Retread Ttrt Service, 320 60. Lncutr. Rm WANTED furniture to glue epe,lr L Brae Punt Raflnlenlng Co ph 1-1001 CSED PT'BNtTURR Phone 99190 PERSONAL PROFESSIONAL advisor Mrs. PhtUlp re turned to Salem. Appl. dally. 330 S. 14th St. Pi IT AN LET HOME Product. 535 Cro St Pb. J-5440. Pl AUTOMOBILES '40 FORD COUPE, A-l eond., R, ft H Make offer. Ph. 39853. 1S30 8. 13th. q!4T CLEAN dependable 3fChMr. Recently re conditioned motor. Oood tire. 4175. Bee at Sllverton Rd. At McCain Ave. Bo 404. Ph. 25153. P4' 1847 PONTIAC t Redan Coune. very cleen. low mileage. undercoatinc. new Air Ride tire, many rtthur fTtrfts, nrmnal owner. 41775. 171 Grant St, Woodburn, Ore. or phone Main 120. inn CHEVROLET Sedan, tood condition 915 South 13th. QlM WANTED TO BUY: 4 wheel drive Jeep pickup. Ph. 48ZKX Newport. BY ORIGINAL owner: 1940 Chev. Cony. Like new; low mileage. 11895. Call eve. 879 N. Liberty, Apt. 9. . q!49' PRIV. OWNER. '.15 FORD 4-dr, led. Heat er. seal beam lit, new tires, good mo tor. Body In perfect eond. Very clean 1395. Ph. 3-5812. qHB 4 NASH Amb. Fully equipped, like new. 10,000 ml. Priced to aeU. 365 S. ICth. ql47 19Sf CHEV. 4-Dr. Sedan. General over haul. Good tire. 1335. See Bert Dou. 3600 State St. 4140 41 STUDE. Champion 3-Door. Oood condition. Ph. 3-7319. Heater q!4T 1941 PACKARD Sdn.. new paint. Sale or trade 00 cheap car or real aetata. Cat) 3-S483. 4147 '47 CHEV. Conv. RAH. $1550. Take ear In trade. 3300 Te Ave. Ph. 3-1744. qUI BUICK'S THE BUY 1949 BUICK AS LOW AS $2312 Completely Equipped Delivered at the Factory Save from $272 to $293 OTTO J. WILSON CO. Commercial at Center ql54 EXCEPTIONALLY CLEAN 1931 Willy Knight sedan, 1 owner. 099. in. q!47' 19S7 CHEV. SEDAN. Very clean. Perfect condition. 3135 Portland Rd. a.149 'M FORD, new paint, upholstery, brake, front end. Ph. 30133. 9.149' )t5 FORD Panel. S new tire. Engine good eond.. 1200. 1157 N. Capitol. q!4 1947 BUICK Buper-Sedanette Excellent condition, only 27,000 miles. Call owner, Darbr Sermon 3-7701 daytime only. $1695. 0.149 4t G.M.C. 6x0. Equipped with Bauah man Um spreader. Ph 3-0594. qI61 OLD DODGE Sedan. 539 Statesman St. 4140 '07 PONTIAO sedan. Original owner. Ex cellent eond. Mechanically nearly ai good a new. Priced to sell. See It, drive It. 130 W. Owen. Ph. 34330. 4140 '48 JEEP for sale or trade. 10.000 miles. Fully equipped top. Rt. 0. Box 200. Ph. 33303. 4140 FOB QUICK SALE BELOW MKT. PRICE 1041 Chev. Sedan, exceptionally clean. Oood mechanical 1745 KIT Chev. Sedan, new paint- Good mechanical 3375 TRUCK SALES b SERVICE CO. Ph. 3-9131 550 N. Front St., Salem 4149 Eisner Motors to Sell ZEEB'S USED CARS BUT SELL TRADE TERMS m Pair rounds Road Phone 1-04 1 WANTED clean need ears. Bob Iterr 3 ISO . Coml 4' Tilt Time It's HVDSONI Serric - Bales - .arU ltm ot Good Deo.' Cam S.TROCTf MOTOR CO OJfevrati Chemeketk Sta. PR, tH01 Eisner Motors to Buy Eisner Motors Fine Cars P0NT1ACS 47 Sdn. cpe $1443 41 Spt. cpe 895 47 Ford D.L. ipt. cpe. 1395 39 Nash coupe $395 '36 Chevrolet sdn 295 TERMS TRADES Herrall-Owens Co. J. UbK n Hiu 1937 DODGE 4 door sedan, radio At heater. Clean upholstery, good tire. v $495 1397 State McCALLB Dial 1-0100 4149 1948 FORD t Dr. Bed.. 0 cyl. Jet black paint. New air ride tires, low mileage. $1395 111 stala McCAtxa Dial S-Sins 1941 PLYMOUTH 4 Dr. Del- Sod.. Radio and Heater. $895 1317 Staia UcCALLS DUO 1-I1M 1939 MERCURY Motor lust reconditioned, radio, heater, new paint. $795 1107 Stat UcCALLS Dial t-1100 Ol40 Special For This Week 1940 GaMC !i Ton 4 Yr. Dump. New Motor, 2-Speed Axle, a real money maker only 1949.00 A large stock of Pickups. 1' ton Chas sis At Cab. Used School Buses tor haul Ing farm workers. Dumps, Lot era. Log tint Trailer. TRUCK BALES It SERVICE CO. Phono 3-9131 - 519 N. Front ST. Seletn MOTORCYCLES, SCOOTERS Indian Cushman MuiUng Whizzsr Shrock Motorcycle Sale, JW Portland Rd. Pb 31433 a $ HMAN SCOOTFE. Motor overhauled! J New brakes. Oood eond., 191. Ph. 17Te 41140 Journal Want Ads Pay BOATS It FT. BOAT Trailer. 3363 N. Front. Ph. 3-47.17. qql40' FINANCIAL FARM AND CITY LOANS 4' and 5 tOCU OWN TERMS of repayment within reason Ceab for Real Estate Contract ant Second Morttatrs CAPITOL SECURITIES CO 101 Pioneer Trust Bids Ph 3-7101 r" $ CASH $ $25 to $500 FURNITURE. LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT LOANS DP TO 1300 Oar loans up to 1500 Come In or phone Hollywood Finance Co. 1991 Fairgrounds Road Aero street from bank No Parking problem Phone 37032 Lie N U3S9-8291 Floyd Kenron. Mir r Buy Real Estate Mortgages for Your Savings Investment 5 net Properties Salem St Vicinity See State Finance Co. 153 S. High St. GENERAl FINANCE CORP. LOANS Lie S-138 and U-331 and ROT R SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS 130 S Commercie St Tel 3-9101 f PRIVATE MONEY Special rate and term on lariei loans lone and short tine payments ROY H SIMMONS 130 Sov'b Commercial St Phone 3-0101 AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO 103 8 Church Parking a Plenty Ph. 3-1457 . Lie No M-159 S-I54 ' SEE US FOR ATTRACTIVE PARM LOANS ONLY 4 OR 4V4 INTEREST I to 40 Years and No Commluion Leo N Childs, Inc. REALTORS 344 State St Phone 1-3663 r TRAILERS MODERN TRAILER, lights, gas, water In cluded, 113 per week. Green Apple Trailer Court, 1 miles nortb on 99E. tl40 ltttt tl-rt. Airfloat house trailer, dolly. 1 room. Philippine mahogany finish, outane ranee, oil healer. Priced for quick sale. Very aood condition. Rt. 1. Jefferson, acroM from Talbot store. tl51 It FOOT Trailer House. 1295. Elbert Col lins. 1009 Front St.. Woodburn. t!47 I'M. CLEAN, newly done. 81. 4. 13' Air float. Ivan Martin. 3-4419. tlSO' DIRECTORY 4DDINO MACHINES All makes used machines eotd. renter) repaired Roen 409 Court Phone 1-0773 ALTERATIONS Dressmaking ft alt. 300 State St. olOO APPLIANCE STRVft'l ELECTRIC HOME appliance repair service Free estimates Trade -ins accepted on new appliance Vloce's Electrle, Phone 1-9230 157 8 Liberty St. o' AT CR DOOR GRINDING 'awnmowir sharpening and repairing Dexter' Ph 36033 o AUTO RADIOS Authorised Warranty Repair Station for all makea of Auto Radloa Morrow Radio Co.. 153 8. Liberty Ph 1-6955. o' MARION MOTORS NASH SERVICE Towing service day phone 1-9200 Nlgnt 2-1804. 333 Center. 0 Mike Panek. 375 8. Com'L Ph. 35161 Brake and Wheel aligning apeclallsu ol50 BUILDINO CONTRACTOR! Alt Bros Also bouses raised New foun dations. Phone 35909. Q13T BULLDOZING Dean Robinson. Ph. 36511 BuUdotlng, leveling, road bldg.. clear ing, teeth for brush. Vlrill Husker, 1010 Falrvlew Ave. Ph. 11146. Salem. o-IOO Light crawler doling. Ph. 1-3130. oiefl CASH" REGISTERS Instant delivery of new ROA aash register Al' makes gold, ranted, re paired. Roen 450 Court Ph 30771 o EMENT CONTRACTOR General cement eont. Honest work at Honest prices. Pb. 1-1141 er 3-7407 9104 CHIMNEY SWEEP Furnace chimneys vacuum cleaned Enstey TT1 8. 31st. Ph. 3-7170. oH6" CEMENT WORK Building foundation, remodeling, paint ing. Klang Brag., Ph. 33393. O150 Let us do your cement work NOW Drive wars, aid walks, patios, M. Ph 3-4411. O140 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING Vlrjce Electrle for electrical wiring, contracting, repairing 101 Liberty Ph 1-9330 O EXTERMINATORS Cockroach, Moth, Exterminator Service Ph. 3-3050. Lee Cross. 1SSS PearL ol50 Bralthaupt's for flower Dial 1-0170. o HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS J R Watktns Co products Pre te ivery 1717 Center Pb 3-5395. o LAN DSC Apr NURSERY P A. Doerflar ft Sons, Ornamental. 150 N Lancaster Dr at 4 Cor Pb 1-1321. o LAWNMOWERS Sharpened, guaranteed service. Mew power and hand mowers. Call Kerry W. Scott, 147 So Com l St OlSS LAWN MOWER 0BARPENINO Fireplaces, chimin re ft block laying Ph. 33960. O MATTRESSES Capita. Bedding Phone 14040 MUSIC LESSONS Spanish and Hswellen Oultsr. Mend-v Its. Banjo, cm. 1111 Court St Ph. 1-7M9 O102 OPFIC-E ri'RNTTt'RE ft SUPPLIES Dek ghalra. fUeo and filing supplies safes, duplicators and supplies, denk lamps typewriter stands brief cue ierco Wire Recorders, Roea 4M Court OIL CIRCULATOR SFRT1CR Call Cy Younger. Ph. 1-0071. PAPERHANGING PAINTING AND PAPER HANGINO Call 330 for your Painting ft Paper Hanging. Attractive rate. ol7I Painting and paperhenglng Free ett mate. b. 3-0913. 057 Shipping. el43 PICTURE FRAMING Pteture f rtming Rutcneoo Paint Store Phoua 1-4017 Puher, 144 S. Com l. Ph. 3-3019. PRUNING SPRAYING L. W. Caudie. Ph. J.7t. 0171' Philip W. Bcila. Pa. 1-1304. sill DIRECTORY RADIO REPAIR Oeneral Elee. home appl. repairing, also radio repairing. Broadway Appl. Co. 453 Court St. Salem. Ph. 3-1545. e 1 0 J Complete serv, rra rates. Free pickup St est. John's Radio Shop. 350 Court St Pn 30715 t 33410. 0150 RADIATOR REPAIR Cleaned, impaired. J. C. Balr ft Son. Pb 21193 Br Dme-in Theatre B.nce UU7 0143 REFRIGERATION APPLIANCE REPAIR SAND ft CRAVfcL Garden Soli crushed rock Shovel and dragline excavating Walling Band ft O ravei Co Phone 1-0340 a Valley Sand ft Gravel Co Silt, sand ft Ml dirt Excavating 10B shovel ft eat Tractor scoop ft trucks for dirt moving Ph office 34003, res 37140 o Salem Saw Wrlu ?h. 2-7603 1393 N 5th SEWERS AND SEPTIC TANKS Electrle Roto-Rooter Exclusive Paunt ftatof iherp Steel Cutttni Biade Clean lewer et Drains Sept la Tnk Oleanad Rea h t-5321 er 1-0400 SEPTIC TANKS K P. Hamel. Septic tanks cleaned. Electric machine service on sewer and drain linei. Guaranteed work. 1113-Sth St.. Weit Salem. Ph. 3-7404. 0171" M'ke's Septic Service Tanks cleaned. Roto Rooter Service on Sewers. 1019 Elm St. W. Salem Ph 9-9461 1-5337 Ol5 SEE MIKE'S SEPTIC SERVICE about in stalling the new approved 500 gallon concrete septic tank. We lay drain line also. Ph, 3-9460. 0149 TOOLS FOR RENT Howser Bros. Your power tool rental head quarters. New address 1410 8. 13th Ph. 1-3040. O10? TYPEWRITERS Smi:h Corona, Remington Royal. Under wood portables Aii make used machine Repair and rent Rten, 450 Court o TRANSFER ft STORAGE Vocal ft Distance Transfer, storage Burner oils, coal ft briquets rruck to Portland daily Agent for Bekina House hold good1 moved to anywhere In O 8 o. Canada Larmer Transfer ft Storage Ph 1-3131 o VENETIAN BLINDS at Phone 17320 9alem Venetian Blind made to order oi reflnUhed Reinboldt ft Lewis 1-3939 WELL DRILLING Fred Wymora. Rt 3. Bos 317. Ph. 1-9 2505 0159 WEATHERSTRIPPING Pre estimate. T. PULLMAN, Ph. 1-5964. 150 WINDOW SHADES Washable. Roller Made to order. 1 Del Reinholdt ft Lewis Ph 33639 WINDOW CLEANING Acme Vlndow Cleanera Windows, wall ft woodwork cleaned Floors cleaned, waged and pollihed. Ph 1-1137 347 Court. Langdoo, Culbertsoo and Mather WOODSAWING WOOD A SAWDUST Weal Salei. Fuel Co. Ph 2-4031. LODGES I-O.O.F. meet every Wed nesday olght Visitors wel cums. A Ainsworth Lodge No. 301, A.P. yf$& AM., Tuesday, June 21st. P.C. Degree, 8 pjn. 147 A Salem Lodga No. 4. A.F. fc Kp A.M. P.C. Degree, Wednesday. Juns 22, 7:30 pm. 148- LEGAL NOTICE OF INTENTION TO IMPROVE JASON STREET FROM CENTER STREET TO A POINT 75 FEET NORTH OF NORTH LINE OF GREAR STREET. Nolle nerebv liven that the common council ot the city of Salem, Oregon, deems It necessary and expedient ana hereby declare It purpose and Intention to Improv Jason Street from the nortb line of Center Street to a point which Is 73 feet north of the north line of Orear Street, in the City of Salem. Marion Coun ty, Oreaon, at the expense of the abut ting and adjacent property, except tne street and alley interjection the expense of which will be assumed oy tne city oi Salem, by bringing said portion of said street to ths established grade, con structing eement concrete curb, and pav lng said portion of said street with a 2lk inrh asphaltlo concrete pavement 14 leet wide In accordance with the plans and specifications -therefor which were adopted bv the eommon council June 11. 1949. which are now on file In the office of the city recorder and which by this reference thereto are mad a part hereof. The common council hereby declares Its purpose and Intention to make the above described improvement bv end through the street Improvement department. By Order of the Common Counell June 11, 1949. ALFRED MUNDT. City Recorder Date of flrai publication hereof la June 15, 1949. June 13. 14.30.97th. 1949 NOTICE OF INTENTION TO IMPROVE WESTERLY ALLEY, BLOCK I. THE OAKS ADDITION, MOV BELMONT STREET TO MARKET STREET. Notice hereby Is given that the eommon council of the city of Salem, Oregon, deems it necessary and expedient and hereby declares Its purpose and intention to Improve the westerly alley In Block 1. The Oak Addition, from the nortb line of Belmont Street to the south line of Market Sreet. in the City of Salem. Mar lon County. Oregon, at the expense of the abutting and adjacent property, except the alley intersection the expense of which win be assumed by tb city of Ba lem. by bringing said alley to the estab lished grade, and paving xitd alley with a 9-lneh Portland concrete cement pave ment 10 feet wide, in accordance with the pans and specifications therefor which wer adopted by the common ounrll June 13. 1949. which are now on (lie in the office of the city recorder and which by this reference thereto arc made a part hereof. The eommon council hereby declare its purpose and intention to make the above described Improvement by and through the street improvement department. By order of the Common Council June 11, 1949. ALFRED MUNDT, City Recorder Date of first publication bereof la June 15. 1949. tune 15.1bM7.19 10.31. 31.14 35.17th. 1949 NOTICE-OF FINAL HEARING A administrator with the will and an nexed of the estate of LIDA E. CRAN STON, deceased, the undesigned has filed In Circuit Court of Oregon for Mar nn County. In Probate, it final ac count in astat of said decedent, and July 19. 1949. ten o'clock, a.m.. Pacific 4landsrd Time, and courtroom of said eou-t nave been appointed by said court Tor hearing of objections to said ac count and settlement thereof. PIONEER TRUST COMPANY By K. E. WENOER, It Secre tary end Trust Officer ADMINISTRATOR WITH THE WILL ANNEXED AFORESAID Mian O Carson and Wallace P. Carson Attorneys for Administrator with the Will Ann ted jjne 14. 31. 20. July I. II 141 EXECUTORS FINAL NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN that DAY TON D. KAY. a executor or the estate of WILLIAM H. KAY, deceased, ha filed hi f.nel aecount a such, and by order of the Circuit Court ot th eXato of Ore gon for Marlon County. July 19. 1949. at 10 00 o'clock la the forenoon ot said da ha been f.xd a the tlm. and the court room of aitd court ha ben ftved as the :ace for me bear;ng of ob-eetlona to ssid final account and the settlement of said estate). DAYTON D. KAY. Executor of the Estate of William H. Kay, deceased. RHOTEN ft RHOTEN SAM F RPEERSTRA P.oneer Tr iat Building Salem, Oreeon Attorney for Eterutor. Juno 14. II, la, July I, 11 Stocks Advance Irregularly New York, June 21 MV-The stock market just barely main tained headway today after an opening rally failed to take hold. tnanges euner way were mostly in minor fractions. The general tendency was upward but so many key stocks were either lower or unchanged that a definite trend failed to jell. Turnover was at the rate of around 800,000 shares for the full session. The initial buying was a car- ryover from yesterday, when a sudden pick-up in demand gave the market a substantial lift. The market dropped to a 4'i- year law a week ago Monday and since then has made a cou ple of quite successful rallies. Today's tn- represented a fol low-through, i Higher most of the day were! Bethlehem Steel, Republic Steel, Chrysler, Studebaker, Goodrich, Sears Roebuck, Douglas Air craft, Lockheed, American Smelting. Union Pacific, and Twentieth Century-Fox. Yielding to mud pressure at times -were U.S. Steel. Good-! year, Montgomery Ward, Wost-i inghouse Electric, Du Pont, U.S.! Gypsum. American Woolen. Northern Pacific and Standard Oil (NJ). Judith Coolon Ends Testimony Washington, June 21 Wi Ju dith Coplin completed her long, repeated denial of espionage ac tivity today and was turned over to the government for cross examination. After she had test! led for about 12 hours undre the guid ance of Defense Lawyer Archi bald Palmer, Palmer suddenly turned to Prosecutor John M. Kelley, and said "Your witness. Mr. Kelley." This occurred about ten min utes before the usual noon re cess, but Kelley told Federal Judge Albert L. Reeves that he was ready to state the examina tion immediately. Miss Coplon's story added up io xnis: She never passed any govern ment secrets to Valentine A. Gubitchev. a Russian engineer with whom she was arrested, and he never asked her to do so. Papers found in her purse were not for use in espionage activity but In connection with (1) a book she said she was writing, (2) a civil service ex amination she planned to take March 15 and (S) her work as a political analyst in the Justice department. She repeatedly swore that she had no intention of disclosing any of the papers to anyone. Today she said she destroyed a manuscript for the book rath er than have it fall Into the hands of the FBI. Medical Missionary Discussed by Group Silverton The Woman's Mis sionary Federation of Immanuel Lutheran church held its eve ning meeting at the fireside room of the parrlsh house with hostesses Mrs. Ole Meland, Mrs. Kenneth Henlum, Mrs. John Kinney and Mra. B. E. Gaffey. Mrs. Arthur Dahl presented the topic: "Louis Braafladt Medical Missionary", Mrs. Jonas Byberg told of her year's work as cradle roll supervisor and secretary. A panel discussion on Alask an missions on stewardship was given by Mrs. John Overlund. Mrs. E. V. Swayze, Mrs. R. Pov erud and Mrs. Elmer Johnson. Rev. S. L. Almlie directed de votional. Mrs. Clarence Holverson Is WMF president. The federation if made up of four circles, Ladies Aid, Bethany, Zion and Mizpah. The July 21 meeting is plan ned for an out-door affair at the country home of Mrs. C. E. Jor- genson. Secretary Acheson Back in Washington Washington, June 21 P! Secretary of Slate Acheson re turned today from the Big Four foreign ministers conference at Paris. He got a personal wel come home from President Tru man. Vice President Berkley and other notables were with Mr. Truman at the airport when Acheson's plane landed at 10:09 a.m. (EST) after the trans-Atlantic flight. Five New Polio Cases San Angelo, Texas, June 21 Five new polio victims were in hospitals today, bringing to 6S the number under treatment at this stricken west Texas city. Houston reported three new cases. So did Dallas. San Antonio had one new case of polio. LEGAL nine for painti4q brooks t ItOOL ROI OE. DMTRirT No. II. To ens of paint, siding ns:td and -.en1. Bids fl Jttne 37th. 149 Con-ti-t A. C. Otic hr 1st, chairman. Phone Jus 10, tU JklsV ... Re-married in Church Lucille Ball, film actress, and her band leader husband, Desi Arnaz, were re-married in The Lady of the Valley church at Canoga Park, Calif., with the Rev. Father John J. Hurley officiating. They were married in a civil ceremony at Greenwich, Conn., in November, 1940. (AP Wirephoto.) MARKET QUOTATIONS Salem Llvealaee Mark spring lambs 133.00 to $23 oo Feeder lamb oio cutter cow .. to tn.ooi rat dairy cows ,V0,. I i on'0" of its substation at 355 Jef- Calves, good O00-450 lbs.) 11 T OO to 119.00 Veal U0-300 lb. I good . .tIO.00 to 333.00 jg prices palfl within c ol Por .nd price for each tvpe Top. 170-335 .b Portland Eatttlde Market Red raspberries sold for 3 a 13-cup fls. on the Portland Eatlde Farmers Wholesale Produce market today. Blackcap moved at 13. -V) to 13.00 a flat. Lomnberrle brought 11.15 a flat. 8f rawberrlf were I3.1& a flat. Btn cherries cleared at 13 cents a pound. Pie cherries brought IS cent a pound. Currant were 13.00 a 13-cup flat. Roundhead cabbage was auoied at 32.30 io 13.50 an 00-lb. crate. Lettuee wa TO cent to SI. 00 a Crete. Asparagus sold for 94.00 a 30-lb. pyra mid. Piirt Ian Predaew Bdlt erf at Tentative, ousjecl to Itnme dlate change Premium quality mailmum to 30 to 1 percent acidity delivered in Portland 01-0tc ib. first quality (0-03c b. second quality 41-BOc Valley route end country point to less than first Butter Wholesale FOB bulk cubes to wholesale: grade AA 93 'core Al-A?c A 93 score 60-0 me: B, 90 score. Sle lb.: C, 09 score, 56c lb. Above prices are strict ly nominal Cbeeae Selling price to Portland whole ale Oregon amities, SH't 49'fco Oregon 0 Ib loaf. 41-BOVio: triplets He lea than tlnglee Egga IT Wholesalers t A grade large 58-56" A medium, 5311-551 grade B, laree. 4Si-Me. Portland Dairy Market Better Price to retallerar Orade AA prints 00c: AA carton CTe: A print We. A carton. 07c; B print. 03e. Ogga Prt to retailer- a large : V9e; certified A lane. Me: A lane Me: AA medium. SO-57e: certified A me dium 07e; A medium, 9S-50c; cartons 3c additional Cheese Prloo U retailers. Portlee Oregon alngles 40-SOc Oregon loaf. -,b 4303Saei triplet IVa las than aln glee faaltry Live Chickens - No 1 quality PO olants. No I broilers under I'a lbs 9l-39e lb ; fryers m-S lb. 31-Jlc; 1-4 lbs. 3313c; roaster 4 Ib. and over 31-lle lb.; fowl. Leghorn under 4 lb. ll-33e: over 4 lbs. 33-34c: colored fowl, all weight. 35 30c: roofltera. all weight. 19-19c. Rabbit Average to growers; live whites, 4-1 lbs., 19-31C lb.; S-0 lbs. 17-19c lb.: col ored 1 cent lower; old or heavy does, I 14c: dreed frver to butchers, &0-59c. Torkeja iPrleea quotes aie tot to the producer on a dressed weight assist - 0 B grade A young torn 11 03e Ib : No 1 young hens, nominally OOe Dreeaed tarkeye to retailor. Utade A toung bene. TO-lle New Vorr style dreae ed A trade jewne tome 90-00 Portland Mieeellaneeae 4 aseara Bark Dry 13'te ib.. green 4e lb Weel Valley coerce and medium grades 40e Ib Mohair ISg lb. on 11-month growth. nominally. Hides en Ives. tOe lb., according to weight. Hp 300 lb., beef 0-t0e lb., bull 0-Tc lb. Country buyers pay 3c less. Nat Quotations Walnut FY anquet tea first flualiu (urn oo, 34 7c, large. 33 70: medium. 37 3c; tee ond quality Jumbos. 30 3c. tOige 39 3e. medium 30 3o: baby 93 3c. oft she! first quality large. 30 1e, medium 30 3a: sec ond quality Urge. IT 2c; medium 34 7. nabv 33 3c rilberte - Jumbo. Me Ob ; large lie medium. I0o; email, lie Quotation above supplied n Norta Portland Oral Portland. Junt 31 'A Cash wheat (hide ; Soft white 3 30; soft wnite leacludlni re i ' 3 JS, White elub 3 35; western red 2 35. Hard r-d winter: Ordinary 3 35: 10 per! rent 2 35: It per cent 2.37: 13 per cent 3.29. Hard white baart: Ordinary 9 30: 10 n-r cent 3 29; 11 per cent 3 32; 13 per cent 3 3 today's ear receipt- Wriest 100: barley 3; flour I; corn I: net 3: mill feed 10. Portland Livestock Poriland. Ore., June 31 fUPl Livestock Caitle stable 100 holdover 000: calve W: market very slow, few bid on een ner and cutter cows fully M cent lower st 9 W to 11 00: few medium beef cow to 14 VI; common to med:um bulls 17 40 to 19 75, good beef bulla Monday to 1100. no early sales veeleri. good and eholce -moled steed- at JS OO to 34 00; late Mon day heavy fed ateers fully 3 00 lower: aeveral loads 1150-1307 Ib. weight 34 40 to 35 00: eitreme top Monday 30 30 for few head tood 1014 Ib : carlot top 39 39 Hots salable 140; market aetlve. ateadv; cood and ehei-e 100-330 lbs 92 H to 23 74. few good 310-100 Ib tows tra1y at is oo to 17 00; liehter weiaht 17 W. good and ehotee feeder ptaa salable to 23 SO; small lot under 40 lbs held considerable hlerier. Sheep salable 040; market slow: asking leadr or to 35 44 for oood and choice spring lam he; most buver talking un evenly lower: few feeder steady at 14 40 to 90.00. good light ewea salable I 90 to 7.00. Cbleae Llveateek Chicaao. June 31 'P) -MfSDA t Salab' hoes 0 044; modraiely active and uneven but generally 34-50 cent hie. her both butehera and sow: mist advance en butchers under 340 Ib and on sow under 171 ib top 31 75; good and choice 170-35O lb 30 75-21 45. 340-290 lb 3D 00-31 04 hear e ants scarce. mll lot 374-150 !b l 50.19 50 140-400 Ib 10 75-IS OO . Thou ten da now ehe ateak, laiifth, talk irnoet oo if the dtdnt have false toeth I They ue STAZS, a ma ting new trmam I. .in hand tuba. STAfE aoala edge TIOHTI Helps keep out fond particles. Oet 31' STA?R McmfT-boek riorant. TASK mm fucm noams. tamm PGE Get Permit For $15,000 Station The Portland General Elec tric company received a permit Monday afternoon for contruc- feron street. The station is to cost about $15,000. To get authority to build on the location it was nee essary for the company to get J change of zone classification through the city council. This was opposed by some of the residents In the district who re monstrated. Petitions for the change were in the majority The utility company said that after completion of the station the grounds would be landscap ed. Other permit today: Dan Sheets, to reroof a one-story dwelling at 585 North 19th, $50 C. F. Noakes, toalter a 1-i-story dwelling at 1388 North Cottage, $400. N. A. Scott, to reroof a one-story dwelling at 710 Breys, $150. Cattle Prices Down Portland, Ore.. June 21 U. Cattle prices broke as much ar $3 a hundred pounds yesterday a.t the largest cattle supply since 1946 hit the North Portland market. Market sources predicted low er meat prices to consumers by the end of the week. Sharpest declines were re ported on grass fat cattle, al though good fed steers were $1 to $2 lower. Finn-Jap Pact Signed Tokyo, June 21 j Finland and occupied Japan today sign ed a $5,000,000 trade agreement. It runs for a year starting Au- gust 1. under 100 lb IT 71-19 71: f 10 40: 375. 440 Ib 10W-1T40; 434-471 lb 14.00-10 34 540-550 lb 13 70-14 71: heavier welsht down u around 13 00 far 400 lb Salable cattle 4. MO: salable calve 040: market a foreed affair due to very Hint receipt: beef aieers 24-79 cent hie her: he I (era 50 cents lo 100 higher; cow 24-40 cent higher; bull and vaalers sfadv to urong; small lot hlgh-cholc medium weleht steers 29 40; three load choice 1.137-1,240 lb steer 39 00: bulk aood and choice steers 25.40-37.71: load mixed aood and choice 1,440 lb weight 34 50: mint medium ta low-iood steers 23 00-35 25: load common 11 ht erasers 31 04; load choice 1,147 lb fd heifers 37 50; few aood beef cows 19 50-34 50: common and medi um cow 10.40-19.40; cannem and cutters 13.00-14.74; practical top mod welihty jeans se bulls 31 50; common to choirs vealers 19.00-34.00; stackers and feeders dull. Sulsble sheep 400: native els lighter lamb mostly 1 00 miner; lop 31.00 to .'mall killers: b;g killers Inactive; wes dull and steady at 4 00-4 oo. Salem Markets Completed rrofa reports era for t1e galdane atem deal t Capital ' dally I. inarnal Reader. evil Retail F-ew Pnrea In Meah -tVu Rabbit Pelltta -H 34. Dairy Feed 13.14. Peahen b ivm trie Of arte a eolo ed lens, 35c; grade A Lea horn hen. 33 cents: Orade A colored frver. three pounds and up, lie. Orade A old roosters 19 eat if Bttylog Prleee Extra large AA. 44c; large AA. 49e: lerge A. Il-ltr, medium AA Ole: medium A, 44 44c; pullet 10-lie Whaleaaie Prleee Rao noiese.e priest 4 1 cent im?i tnese prlee above Orade A gentrallr quoted at OOe; mi d um 4M. Batterfat Premium. Ole. No, I, lloi N t. 44 9e 'buving price!, Bitter - Wholesale trad A. 09c. re .an 71 It's here! the K.iiscr Traveler Teague 355 N. Liberty it. Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Wheat Bounds Upward Tuesday unicago, June zi w wneat bounded upward at the Board of Trade today, and $2.00 prices) were marked up for the first time in a month. The demand for the flour grain was broad, the result of re ports of rust in unharvested winter wheat sections and light yields where the harvest is in. The weekly government weather report said that spring wheat is generally only fair to in the north central area and suf fering from drought in the north west. Feed grains advanced in wheat, but corn was retarded by excellent growing wheat over the main corn belt. Bookings on a two-arrve basis were placed at 65,000 bushels. At the close wheat was 2 1 i to 31 higher than yesterday's close, July $2.00-00 !,g. Corn was i4 lower to V higher. July $1.32 o-U. Oats were unchanged to 4 higher, July 60 Ni. Rye was 2 to 2W cents higher, July $1.39 'V Soybeans were unchang ed to P higher, July $2.33-j 33 and lard was 3 to 10 cents a hundredweight lower, July $11.30. STOCKS American Am Pow ft Lt .... Am Tel at Tel .... Anaconda lendti Aviation .. Seth Steel toeing Airplane Jnllf Packini .... Canadian Paclflo .. Jase J 1 Caterpillar ?hrrlr ....... ?omwlth At Sou .... Con Vultee Continental Csn ., Crown idle rise b .. Curtis Wright .... Ooutlas Alrcrift .. Oupont de Nem .. General Electrio .. Jeneral Food Oeneral Motora .... 3oodear Tire .... Int Harvester .... Int Papet Kennecoit . Llbby McN ft L. ... Lon Bell "A Montgomery Ward Nash Keivlntaor .. Nat Dairy NY Central Northern Pacific .. Pae Am Pish . ... Pae Oa ft Eleg .. Pac Tel ft Tel .... Penney J C ftadio Corp ........ Rayonler Ravonter Pfd ...... Reynolds .... Richfield Safeway Btore .... 3ear Roeouck . .... southern Paclflo Standard Oil Co . .. Studebaicer Corp ., Sunshine Mining ., Traiisamenca . .. . Union Oil Cat .... Union Paclflo United Airline .... 0 B Steel Warner Bros Plo . Wool worth 33 ;4 OBITUARY Rennelb D. Handy Albany Oraveji id service wre held at the Willamette Memorial park cemetery Monday for Kenneth D. Handy. 505 Lyon atreei, who died at birth In (he Alba Oeneral hoanltal Friday. Surviving are the paren: and grandmother, Mr. Nellie Putman, Albany, Martarel Meant Obrlat Albany Mrs. Margaret Means Obrlat. 04. nstive of Iowa but a resident of Oregon tinee jhe wa II veers old and of Linn county I) years, died at th Willamette hospital Saturday, funeral service werr held Tuesday from the Piher funeral home. Mr. Ohrlst was born March 15. 1449, at Andrew, la. She came west with her parent in 1170, settling first at The Dalles, where she we married to Wllllom O. Ohrlst March 19. 1440. He died In 1913. Surviving are six children. Mr. Ellaabelh Stoat, Portland: Alvln OrrUt, Roseburg; Carev Obnat, Wheeler. and Lloyd end John Obrlat and Mrs. Anna Propst, Aibanv: 13 grandch.ldren and 14 treat-grandchildren. Burial will take place In the LOO P, cemetery at Setem. Howard M. Miller Albany Funeral services for Howard M. Millet, 31. are beins tranced by the FiAh- er funeral home, the date to be ennounced Ister. Miller wa fatally Injured eerly Sun day morning when hu motorcycle went out of control end crashed through the railing on the north approach of the Wil lamette river brldie, plunalng more than !40 feat Into Ihe Albany soil course area. Th deceased was born November I, 1930, at Hoe u I am. Wash. Surviving are the widow. Mrs. Olslre Msnn Miller; a daugh ter. Kathleen, three stepchildren, Mere dith. Iris and Muriel Msnn. all of Albany, a brother, five suters and hi parent. Mr. end Mrs. Oeorge Miller. Los Aneei. Miller wa a veteran of World War n. Lore C. Rarferd Lebanon La rite for Lore C. Burford. who died In Soda vl Ha on June 11. were held a the Howe-Huston chap I Monday. Horn Jan. 10. 1900 In Newton, III he had inert In Lebanon for 34 year. Rev. Lrle Iach of the Lebanon Evaniellcal rtvirch BUSINESS WOMEN LOANS r o fltenmrapn era. Secretaries Cashier. Book Keeper, o'e. , to women iteartlh employ td Per on I offers s Special Servlee J 1 Loan made oaf;, alary no out - Men tnvnlverl . -4w 110 40 per repavs 4140 mntn dpsdsl :-,nrh hour aervlee lor folk rirrr Phon f l rat for faster service jk for Mrs. Boyd Bus In as Women ept Personal Finance Co. Me S 122 M IAS Ph. Z-2464 Motor Co. Sal.m, Or. Phon 2-4173 igsaawajBjiai Tuesday, June 21, 194917 will conduct ths service and pall beirsra ill be members of the Elk lodge. Burial Ul be in the Powell cemetery. Survivors sre hi wife. Oeoraia of Lebanon! eliur, Mr Lorene Barton of Vtritnla, and step mother, Mrs. Alice Bur ford of Albany. Elmer LeKer Oallea Leoanoo service for Elmer LeRojr ()!, Pic . ho died a a reult of injuries in ct.on in the Po vti'.tr. It .r. on April 30. 1945. will be held on Saturday, June 3. at the Oate cemetery. Mill Ciiv, at 11 a.m.. day'. Urn tint. The Hoe-Husion ehspel of Lebanon, in riierit. oi arrangement, received the body irora oterafa lor final Interment. The Mill V.F.w. will conduct the military ojrial. The young man was born Oct. 33, 1321 at M11 City and enlisted from there In 1943, Irainlni at Camp White and Camp Aduir. He went oversea with the 301st In fantry of tne 91M division In 1943, Bur in or are hu motnrr. Mrs. Etta Ma Oallea of Lebanon: brothers, Ollbert of Lebanon and Everett ot Sweet Home; ! 'er. Gertrude William. Sweet Home, Sarah Hayes and Dora Mae Morford Ol Lebanon, and Violet Beemer of Albany. Job MiiUr Lebanon Funeral services for John Ltt--r. 13. a resident of Lebanon for 00 ream, will be held at the Howe-Huston chapel in Lebanon on Wednesday at 3 p.m. Born Dec. 33, 1900 in Indiana, IM psed away in Portland on June 10. Timothy Dewe Stavton - Oravejiide service were eon due; M by Rev. Willlard Buckner of Stay ton BapttM church Monday, in Lone Oat. cemetery for Timothy Dowe, newborn son of Mr. and Mrs. Letter Dowe of route 1, Aumavllle, The Infant was bom June 19. at Salem Memorial h&'pHal. bill lived only a short while. Survivor. beldei the par ent are brother and Liter, Oerald, Betty. Jean, Ronald and Judy; grand parent,, Mr. and Mr. Pred Coniatockt of Turner route, and Fred Dowe of Stavton. DEATHS i-red K. Miner In Portland June 19. FreJ E. Miner, late r-ldent of Mi S. !3th street, at the sta of 60 jeer-. Survived by wife. Evelyn Miner and a son. Stewart Miner, both .r ainil a litter. Mr. Hasel Thompson' of Port Towniend. Wait). Ber vlrfs will be hell Wednreday. June 33. at 1-30 p.m. in W.T. Hlcdon cnanei wwn the Rev. Brooks Moore officiating. In terment In Belemt Memorial park. Charlea E. WtlUn.a Charlei E WillUmi. late resident of 175 South Church street, at a local hoa pital. June 19. at the age of 79 yean. Survived bv three daughters. Mra. Earl Vte.Wo of Salem, Mr. Oladya Edwarda of Portland and Mra. Juaniu Oallegot of Denver. Colo.; three atepclSltdren. Mr. Bryan Branstetter, Earl Mllborn and Tom Milborn, all of Pendleton; tnrefc grandchildren and two a-reai erenaenu drcn. Services will be held Wedntidey, June 22. at 110 p m. at the Clouih-Bar-rick chapel with Rev. Dudley Strain of ficial ;nw. Interment In the City View cemetery. Chrlit Gruenfetder Christ Uruetilelder. at hia home In Ta coma. June 19. at the aae of 00 year. Survived by a dauehter, Mrs. R. N. Coul son of Toledo. Oregon; a son. Alvln Oru enf elder oi Tacoma; two grandchildren and one great grandchild. Services were held from the Howell-Edwarda chapel Tuesday, June 21, at 3 p.m. with inter ment in Belcreat Memorial park. Earl Baker Hatfield Earl Baker Hatfield, late resident or 3435 Center street. June 20. at the age of 58 year. Survived by wife. Ethel Hal- Held; three daughters, ftin. Mary Vir ginia Cooley. Mra. Helen Sharpnark and Jean Hatfield: and father, Hugh Hat field, all of Salem; brother. Harry Hat field of Tillamook: two alitera. Mrs. Nat- die Tirheu of Salem and Mlaa RUla Hat field of niarkfoot. Idaho. Member of the PI rat Baptut church. Announcement of tervicea later by the Howell-Edwards chapel. MY WIFE HAYING LEFT ME Rue, I sura do miss you. And I admit I've been hard to take. But, hon, there was a reason for my mean dis position. I was "out of order" and dependingupon harsh laxatives. Now you'd see a big change. Yes, I've found relief from constipation caused by lack of bulk in the diet by eating right. Kvrry day now, I have me s bowlful of KKLLOGG'S ALL-BRAN and follow through by drinking plenty of water. What relief, what joy, to be able to give purgatives ths go-by t That crisp whole bran tastes just fine and keeps mo regulated. But, Sua, life isn't right without you. Come back, you're the only girl for ms. Your loving JOE. (Advertisement! Druggists' Prescription For Relief of Itch When voui skin is Irritated with pimples, red nlotches and other skin blemishes from ex ternal causes you're crazy with itching torture, try Sanltone Ointment Itching stops prompt ly Smarting disappears Imme diately Sanltone Ointment is also wonderful for Itching feet, cracks between toes and Ath ete s foot For Sale at Vt'illett's Capital Drug Store state at Liberty PSone 3-3111 BACKACHE, LEG PAINS MAY BE DANGER SIGN Of Tired Kidneys When 1inrnr of kidney frjnetlon permits poltonoua matter to remain in jour blood. It may eauae naarving backache, rheumatio pajna, leg pain. In of p P ami eneriry, get ting up nights, avrpllinir, pumnee under the) eyes, headaches and di'.mci. Frequent of scanty panaattea vilh a marling and burning gometimea shows there (a aome thing wrong With your kidneys or bladder. Iion't wait ! Aak your drugirlet for Doan'S Pilll, a stimulant diuretic, uaed ucceafull by million for over 44 years. Doan'a rivo happy relief and will help the 14 miles of kidney tube flush nut D"""nou watfnal your blood, (ict Uoan'o PU1. Was In Torture With Gas Pains "Everv lime I tried to eat t would bulge and bloat with gas until I was In torture," said a lady recently: "1 hart agonmng am pains which would shoot up into mv chest around my heart. A hot, bitter watery brash would rise in mv throat. Finally I got KAI.-O-OEX and now my sour, icidioul stomach is relieved and all the gas bloating is gone. I feel fine Rgain." KAl.-O-DEX is an Herbal for mula of S Juices from Nature's Plants. It has relieved many x-ople who had never been really helped before by any medicine. Taken shortly before meals it mixes with your food, helping lo eliminate the poisons that fostor .tomach trouble. It will cleans th bowels, clear gas from .tomach, enliven intestines and remove old, sickening bile from the svstem. So don't go on suf fering! Get KAL-O DEX at (11 Drug Stores.