16 Capital Journal, Salem, CLABS1FUD ADVEBTlalNQl pt Lin im Per Line I time .40c per Line I time .60 Per Line I month I! 00 Outside of fliltn IB per Un per day tflB lOei lime Bin Mo time mln II 30 No kef una SIADVKft Ib Local New CL OpIti Per un . . . .0 To Place an Ad Phone 2-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES BY OWNKR: Newly rrdecorated ft rn i mmWn houiia. Prlc 14500. Ptl. 31041 114ft It OWN KB: 2 Bd. rm, view home. ' Alice Ave. PH. 34408. al4 foB-MLIiTi bedroom house completely furnished, electric Wove. rung. r eluded. Capltola Addition, bus ervice. f 14300. Will Accept lute model car a E equity. Ph. 3007ft evening, al '-- Zl ACRESVr Howell Prairie Land, unrir cultivation. Oood hous A out' building. Irrigation right In Pudding river. Equipment A om itock. Thi to a dandy. Do you havt suburban or city noma to trade lor a 73A farm cios 10 oaiemr s Ask ua about thl. i Geierer Real Estate Itna Portland Rd. Ph. 31071. Kvt. 38163 140 BY OWNKR: Larse nouse, 8 rm. down, 1 up. 4 lout, fruit A nut trees. Could be made Into apt. Price 8400. Ku SchelL P. O. Box 223. Gervai. a 159 - tOR SALE BY OWNKR: 'New 3 bdnn. home.FKA. trm. 7M down. Phone 1-2880. aiou IlNGWOOD UTS. 2 bdrm. home. base '. ment, rumpus room, oil heat, two fire place. New carpeting. F.H.A. Call own er 1-8542. W LKAVTNO WOB CALIFORNIA - SACRIFICE NEW BEDROOM HOME Til kitchen, bath upstair and down. - Hardwood floor through out. Pull plaa- ' tered garage. Lot of torss apace f Terraced back yard. Com over 118, r t)00 to build. Will aell for 114.1100, aome " term. Also will consider cheaper house In trade. For mora Information Inquire a,t Steven Uaed Car. 678 8. 13th St CANDALARIA, 1 bdrm. home. By owner. 320 Candalarla Blvd. Ph. 31341. mini' BY OWNER: Eng. tyle 6 rm. hse. I B.R.. brk. nk.. PCB, auto oil, I860 Bo. Hixn Phone 38788. mini WALNUT PARK BY OWNER Nearly new home. Full basement. Fire place In bailment living rm. Large lot. Plmt ahruha A flower Over 1.400 ft floor apace. Besides garage. I mined pom. Prlc low. For appointment Ph 1-3734, I fnoo DOWN. Modem 3 iHTrm. home. Lge. lot. Bu. 3810 Monroe. al47 BEAUTIFUL VIEW HOME on Klnxwood Height. Reasonably priced, pn. a-atia. e!47 inn half. RV OWNER: New 3 bdrm. - home. Close In A well built. Ph. 25438 or call at 309 N. Cottage. 148' ' BY OWNER: 3 bdrm. houjie. Oood loca tion. Completely remodeled. Oil heat Utility room. Oood buy. Phone 3-0510. - a 148 ttrw t Rd Rm. house on large lot. Llv- Ing. dining rm., kitchen and nook. Hard wood floor. Montag oil furnace. V blind. 530 IlllnoU off Center St. a!48 TaCBEB. 2 in timber. I-ovely view. 3 bdrm. house. Newly remodeled. Recently paint ed exterior. New 164 ft. well A pump. t stoves A daveno go. I mile from Ladd A BuAh bank on the Battle Creek dr 13975. Ph. 3-2029. 148 V ACRE, houa started, you flnlh. Well water. Full price 11.050. Rt. 7, Box left, 6th bouse and inquire. Henry Steward. a!48 BY OWNER, Hollywood dlst. I BR, ranch type. 7u5 South fit. al49 8150. 8m. Hm. 3 B R. 1 dn., 1 up, kitchen. L.R.. DR.. excellent location on paved road. Drilled well, let pump. Kfhter Dial. 1250 Dn. RAMI or best cash ofter. Very nice I B R Home, unf. ttic. basement. L.K.. B N Full bath. hwd. fir., auto furn. t lot located Keler Dlst. on paved rd. Keizer Real Estate & Ins. On a fl. Olson C. R Rlrkard 63 Chemawa Rd . '4 Ml. W. Keiier Sell. Phone 3-1380 or 3-4312 a 1 49 TRADES Taka Trailer house up to 11300 a dwn. paymt. on this unfinished but live able 2 bdrm. hse. with untln. upatr. Wired for range, etec. wtr. htr., city wtr. 2 lots. Price 13150 or fell for approx. 1550 dwn. SEE MR. PYLE. 610 ACRE With modern 3 bdrm plastered hue north. Trade for home In town around m price, 16750. 8KB MR. PYLE. CITY HOME In choice location, nrnrly new. price I U,000. Trade for suburban house north r eat clone tn with 4 to l' acre, round mm price SEE MR. PYLE. 40 ACHE FARM I mile east. Older building. Price 111, 300. Trad for small acrcaee close tn N r I around nimr price. PEE Mlt. PYLE. 8PHUHHAN una BARGAIN Pit ICE, a down pymt en city home. 8KB Mil. PYI.E. TRAILER HOUSES A8 PART PAYMENT ON YOUR HOME BEE Mlt. PYLE COLBATH LAND CO. REALTORS Oien Eve. Till 8 30 1M3 Center Bt. Ph. 34553 148 tt, IMte Nice large home- 4 bd. rn full bafteinrnt, dbl. gar. Near PHrrlsli schools. den. flA.tMMt Lovely new 3 bd rm home on Fatrmount Hill, fireplace. Hdwd. fir.. patio, lane Int. Cull Harvey Huff. Huff Real Estate Co, Realtors 341 Chemeketa Ph. 371 Ete. 39441 alltt $1,600 Or Less Down For this almrvit new A well constructed 3 bedroom home; nice living room -auto heat overslre lot: located suburbnn northeast, bnl. pavnhle 155 per month Inc. prln Int., taxv A in. Full prlc $8,75(1 Call Mattson & Rothlin HEAL KSTATK Pli 3-51t:K 331 N High Ern. Ph. 3-7534 - 1-1134 - 3-1413 al4R fclUVB BY 1320 So. 14th treet,then call to look at thl nlca 3 n H, home and extra lot for only IflMWi 00. Goodwin and McMillin Realtors Ph. 11701 414 Court . 1477 t:3M TECTnTc 1 1 1 LDS7l N C." REALTORS DOOM petered hm.e. Lara hung rm Cement basement ; sawdust furnace Close to bus. school and store. Englewood Put. Price ItviM) OOZY Pit 4CT1CAI.LT NEW 1 bedrm home. Hdw. floors, elec heat: Insulat ed. Ire aatan. Onod Wallon N I Pared street l'r:ce nnlr i)00 MISSION Borrow 36 A. farm. 20 A cultivated, about 3 A limber. Small lake. rm. plastered hoiut, llarn. ernrken hu. T: act or and attacb sent tnrliidVd In pnre of IIS M0. Leo N. Childs, Inc. r..-i. 44 8ta Pt Ph J Jflgj Evenint.: 3-4001, 3-4310, or 3-1101 at) RE. OF NAHM, 3 A. alT'under'cuitiva. tlon. Ha 3 1x1 room roitaae. bath, liv ing room, k Hr Hen, ' m ! to grade school, hlnh school bus IMMJ. I BEDROOM home In N K ft1em. Wttli llj baih, th ins room, dining room kitchen, t ire r! are. .hiomatir oil hest double garaae. Clone to school and bus. 113 MOO 'BITRBAN EAST Pla)ered 3 bedroom home. bath, living room, dining room, kitchen, fireplace, automatic oil fur are, unfinished aiilc, etiactied gar aae. Near clioou and H block to bu. P. H. Realtor 31 ChemrfcM St Ph. 3-1 54. 8 4B4. Km, 3-7 SI I, -fl 140 Oregon, Tuesday, June 21, 1949 FOR SALE HOUSES BY OWNER: Small faouM to be moved. 4rma. A bth. Comir of Hollywood Dr. sunnyvlew Av. Rt. i. Box ICS. 14ft WEST SALEM Alt modern 3 bdrm. bungalow built 3 yrs New 34x24 ft. gar. framed but not fin ished. Close to ch., bu A tore. Own er wants place In county. A good val ue for 15500. HOUSE AND 3 LOTS Very clean 3 bdnn. bom with Urge att gar. Prlc Just been reduced 11.000. Call Bon Clearr. Walter Musgrave Realtor 1311 Edge water Ph. 8-5109. . 3-9939 14ft CLOSE TO new Medical Clinic. Modern 3 bdrm. late-built. Hdw. firs., full basement. Beautiful yd. Piped oil beat. I nimed. poa. 633 CatUrlln A. Ph 3-5289 day. a 150' ENOLEWOOD DIST. NEAR HI SCHOOL Leaving town, must sell. 2-yr. old 2 bdrm. home. F place, v. blinds, screens, hdwd. fir. Flower A shrub. Kit. you hould see. Don't delay) 730 N 16th. Owner. 150 t-BDRM. modern home, ga rang, auto, water heater. 13850. Term. Al Bau min. Oervat. 147 IN KEIZER DISTRICT You'll be proud to own thl attractive country home In It setting of lovely oak and shrubs. 6 room down, un finished upstair; double garage, chicken house, S acre, garden In, and loti of fruit. City and school bus past your door. Located In our finest suburban district on pavement 1 mil east of Keixer School. At 114.000. compsre It with any auburban homo for al today. Possession July 20. A. N. DUNCAN. 12 Ladd A Bub Bid. Ph. 3-9658 or 3-5319 147 BY OWNER: 3 Acre. Near Brush College tscnooi. o Km. House, variety oi fruit. Price fl000. (2000 down. Ph. 3-6269. al47 NEW t bdrm. home. Small down pay ment. Bal. on term. Call 2-8301 or 36833. al51 II0.S0O. NORTH Englewood. Nearly new 2 bedroom home. Living room, dining room, kitchen, fireplace, oil furnace. F.H.A. terms If desired, iftoo. new 3 bdrm. with unfln. attic, nlca lge. L.R., kit., dinette, gar., lge. lot. Name your own down payment within reason. 7SAO. SUB. N. New 1 bdrm.. nice LR. kitchen, nook, utility, hdwd. fir. Oood term. IAMM. 30M Down. 350 per mo. New 3 bdrm. home, LR, kit., atlllty. Oood terms. 8Jum. L.B., kitchen, bdrm.. batb. nice largo lot with trees and lawn. OMKR'I REAL ESTATE 4M N. 13th Ph. 25091 aI48 Wallace Road Special I Acre, modern 4-bdrm. house, large garage and work ahop. 16.800. Term. B. Isherwood, Realtor 3007 N. Capitol St. Orflco Ph. 3-3863, Eve. 3-3147 or 3-8836 148 $1,500 DOWN New 1-bdrm. home. Large II. rm., din. rm., kitchen, utility rm., coved celling. Large, beautiful kitchen, as clean a a whUtl. Total price (7.350. Call Bergland. Art Madsen Realty Co. i3 (state at. Ph. 3-8813 or 3-5580, Eve. 3-6438. a HERE'S A NEW ONE 1900 down payment. New 3 bdrm. home h. w. floor, oil heat, garage. Furnished 4 bdrm. auburban home. This i m ouy. mh. L. E. Klumpp Real Estate i n- vnurcn. jn. 2-T643. Eve. 3-1026 147' BY OWNER: Oood 4 bdrm. home. Ph. 39305 aisin BY OWNER: 3 bdrm. home. Fruit A nut tree. 14500. 1795 8. 13th. a 152 Small Down Payment Hove In A complete. Plumbing- A wir ing roughed In. Well. 3 bdrm. Att. Oar. Vi A. Kood soil. Full price $3200. C. W. Reeve, Realtor 43 8. Comm'l. Ph. 3-4590. Eve. 3-9536 $500 Down $3150. 3 rm. hse. with attic. A. Close to store A bus. Apple A pear tree. Best of soil North. C. W. Reeve, Realtor 94B 8. Comm'l. Ph. 3-4590. Ive. 3-9536. al49 Today's Best Buys BDRM. HOME. Lane garaae. North 14800. Low down Payment for atala vt 01.IH-R TYPE 3 BDRM. home With full basement. Just the place for a person handy with .taw, hammer and paint brush. Large landscaped lot with fruit A nut trees. $5500. Joe L. Bourne, Realtor 1140 N. Capitol. Ph. 38216. a 1 49 OWNED LEAVING. Sacrifice 3 bdrm. home. rairmount mil close to Lejtlle. Bus to Bush, Basement, fireplace, oil floor fur nace. Corner lot. 16950. Ph. 3-9605. 1595 Saginaw St. al72 LOW DOWN PAYMENTS on 3 nlee house. (2 vacant). 13700, 14950. A 14993 Also have several trades WILLAMETTE REAL EST AT B I 8. Liberty Ph. 3-7113. 147 $G500-$1000 dn. $50 mo. 3 bdrm. home furnished, full base ment. Automatic sawdust furnace. Large lot. Immediate possession. Call Allen Jones or Mabel Needham, Realtors 341 State St . Rm. 4. upstairs PH. 3-9201. Res. I-433S, 3-8033. BY OWNER: 2 bdrm. home, centrally lo cated. 631 N. 17th St a 152 CELEBRATE THE4TH IN A NEW HOME and we list a few good bur with low down payment, balance like rent. 14500 and 3 bdrm. Modern, lie. lot. Nice lawn. North 1 mile. 15000. lust olf State. 1 BR. llr . nook, kit . fireplace, a cute Utile bunaalow parti tiirnuhed. 11000 dnan iw. Sub. north 2 BR Hdvd. floor Fireplace. Platter. Close store, school, m real buv. $1600 don. 40 month 14000. New 3 bdrm. modern hse. toe. In In dependence. Over 4000 q, ft. floor apace $1000 down and move in. WE HAVE OTHERS E. M. Hunter Real Estate 170 8. Com l. Ph. 3-3643 . 3-5497 a 149 FOR SALE LOTS LOT. 01TH. MUM. 1111 for aulrk ..lr " -' Mill LOTS Anv sire In fin residential district New addition to city above W. Salem on the hill or south In Salem Ht. district Priced to sell. Easy term. Call owner larl Kelder. Day eall 33484, eve, 33911 aal48 $16 POWNI IOTS WITH WATER. BUS SERVICI CI.OMR TO CHOOL. Balance $1$ per month. See them todayl Reimann for Real Estate 10 1 South Hltjh fit Phnni -m Ee. A Bun.. 2-3731, 1-3241, 3-35J3. 3-SW9 aal4 VIEW I.OT $00 bit.. YWta Are WOOD-" ru LOTS. $00 Oik. Rateltff Dr Re tneted. citv waler Ph 3-4334. aa WPS- RFAI'TIETI. "high, vifw.nhulidin, site. N end Crotsan Canyon. Abundant apt eater. About A. Ivan Martin aalSO- LOTS $20 DOWN And l! mnmh boys yon la ret auburban lot N t. from Moo en up iTrteee are gelling fast. If interested aee them toda COLRATtl LA Nil CO. XT M TORS (Open Eta. Till I 30' KM Center St. fn, iig Bl48' LOTS Anv if in tin residential district New addilion to eity above W Salem on th hill or aouth in Salem Ht dutriet Prieed to sell Eas term Call owner JXart HMr. Days call 33414, e mm M14f FOR SALE HOUSES OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS Ideal Opportunity to buy ; acre of land on the Claxter Road with a cut 4 room home, with basement, for only 45000. The location 1 good, ha a jwel family orchard and ft good chicken house. Drive By and See Thl large 2 bedroom home with the 14x20 living room. 16x11 dining room, kitchen and bath, floored attic, basement and furnace, all room are spacious, th lot 1 30x303. The add res la 1573 Stat St Please do not disturb th tenant. Lots of Atmosphere Here Lovely secluded aetttnx, lot of tree, hrubbe.ry and flower, rustic 2 bedroom home, Attractive and roomy, ha good dark room, amall chicken house. Only 17000. Small down payment, Spacious Family Home Ioea! location to grade. Jr. HI and Hi School 'within I block). 4 huge bedroom, double plumbing, lerxe basement with smell play room, exceptionally good bard wood floor, corner lot. Top in location. Englewood District Drive by 1130 N. 13th St. and look over this modern B room home, complete Mtii full basement, furnace and fireplace, well-kept yard, extra deep lot, tiled kitchen and bath 112.000. Plea call and let us how you thru. Income 3 complete unit, each with 1315 living -room. 1 bedroom, kitchen, utllltv room and bath I third one Just beinc completed) lot 1 33120 rent for 1300.50 month a ound lnvetment located at 1870 to 1800 N. 3th St. OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS 477 Court St. Phone 24115 . 24118 Eve. Phone 28053 - 25996 - 33632 - 23488 FOR SALE LOTS ACRE In lty. Agt. -7ll3. FOR SALE FARMS M A. FARM. Will Ukl trad. Ina- SOT N. Capitol Apt. . P" Today's Best Farm Buys 40 acre, grade "B" barn wltb 11 tan en ion and drinking fount, grade "A" milk house, two tile chicken houses, three bedroom house, modern kitchen and bath. Building all good. Very pro ductive Willamette oll. creek through pasture, 33 acre cultivated, family fruit, plenty of good pure water; S good dairy cow, one heifer; full set farm equipment Including tractor and har chopper, all Item of machinery. Full price $18,000. It worth your time to Investigate. SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 140 N. High St. Phono 3-7660 Eve. Ph. 3-4591. 2-6605 bl4B Suburban 31 A. S bdrm. home. Large LR. fireplace. DR. B nook. Dole, plumbing. Bsmt. Oood trout stream. Family orchard. Berries. C. W. Reeve, Realtor 945 8. Comm'l. Ph. 3-4590. Eve. 3-9536. bM9 FOR SALE ACREAGE HIGHWAY FRONTAGE. 4? acre on 99E. 8. 3'4 ml. Salem. 1 bdrm. house. Other bids. $6500. Term. Trad for Portland property. Rt. 4, Bog 496. Owner. bb!47 1 ACRE, 4 rm. unfln. hse. 8mall barn, atrawberrle A raspberrle. 34250. 1420 Candlewood drive. bbl4ft' 3! ACRES with 500 feet htway frontage on So. 99. Older type nome witn out building, fruit and hade tree. $4950 Phone 2-8110 bblSl" REAL ESTATE FOR YOl'R SAVINGS Investment buy a first mortgage on real estate. Salem A vicinity. Examine security yourself Amount $500 to several thousand dou lar. net mvetor ftv w make all col lection for you If dealred. STATE FINANCE CO, 153 8. High. BY OWNER: Small bouse, $6500. 1355 N 18th. Ph. 37622. CIS1' NELSON NEWS HOLLYWOOD DIST , HOME $4950 3 bdrm. home, extra lice. LR. kit. (12x12) mil. rm.. full bath, elec. wtr. htr., gar. paved St., sidewalk, Jot 30x125. fruit A nut tree. A WAKE UP BARGAIN If you have wished for a home next to dense native timber and yet on a paved rd. A only a few minute out of town, here' your chance: Rancho type home LR with beamed celling, wide plank floors, knotty cedar wall, attractive f place, DR, kit., nook, 3 bdrm., full both, bsmt. with L tray, furnace, etc. Now only 18000. IDEAL FOR ALL AROUND MECHANIC There I no better Place for a general auto repair and fix-it shop around Sa lem than thl 'a A. at a well traveled 3 rd. section across the street from one of the largest grade school' In the Sa lem school dlst. 25x30 portioned stucco building with office enclosure, 3 bdrm. home, elec, wtr. htr., elec. heating y tem. mod. bath, l acre land with am. grove Ideal for family park. $5500 and the owner will tnke ear a down paymt. 10 ACRES FURNISHED HOME 10 acre In Franquet walnut In good condition. Good 3 bdrm. home with LR. DR. f place, wired for elec. range, elec. wtr. htr.. fully furnished with good a new furnishing, Including refrlg., range, tashlne machine, din. rm. stt, well with elec, pump practically new. car-port, new lawn. lawnmower, garden hose, etc.) A real country home deluuxe, readv to move In. Oood crop of walnut In siaht. NELSON & NELSON Multiple Listing Realtor Personal Servic by Men Who Bpeclallr.e 702 N High Ph 3-4622. cl47 WANTED REAL ESTATE 1 OR 3 LOTH that will pass FIIA. City wat- . In vicinity of 1800. Ph 3-1743 alter $ p m or Inquire at 1933 Maple ave cal48 WANTED ACREAGE 1 to ft acre Within mile Salem. Box 403 Capital Journal cal47 WE ARE In need oi good house to aell In or near Salem If you wutb to list your property tor lale see r.R ABKMIORXT BROS.. R Al TOR. 134 S Liberty 81 -Phone 3-3471 . ra- NOTICE! If pour property ts for sale 'nt or exchange list it wnn u W avp s), kinds ol ra.h Olivers MTAll EIWNtl tO REALTORS ISS 8 tilth St ea EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE Trading Corner NO. 1 AIRES HOP FARM. Oood ground. Owner retiring, mania city nome. NO. ttm ACRE OOOD DIVERSIFIED farm Owner wants eity home. O. 8 AO ACRE OCT HOW El I. Prairie way. Exceptionally good butldina A land. Owner want citv income property O. 4 HOME. OH. flTITION. G4.RAOE. Owner a ant small suburban acreage. WE HUE A COMI'IETE farm A city loan aervlre. 4 to 5', interest. Your own terms within reason. Financing arrang ed or above deal. Joe L. Bourne, Realtor 1I40J4 Capitol Ph. 3-8313. fbl40 CAMP. TR4HE-3 bertrm.. din. rm.. lie. rm . plBMrreo, hardwood firs., etc. Re stricted location In West Covin. 30 mm. bus service to L A. Want Salem proper ty but bldg. or residential. Mutt be good, contact us before Frl P. O. Box 498 or Phone 3-6.M3 and leave message for occupants of Cntiaie No 1 eh!48 RESORT PROPERTY IDF M V AC .TtON SPOT. Ocean View Begrh Cottage. Completely turn. Ac commodate lam ll- of 4 Roads End Beach Near Orran take Weeklv or monthly reervatlon 34 7 50 per week Call at 316 N. Capitol or Ph. 3-3MT after p m rr!4- BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FI'RNISHED office pae on measanlne atlh ground floor dtaplay window if vented. Call 1-4013. edI4t To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 IFOR SALE HOUSES Property BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES INVESTMENT PROPERTIES HOME AND Income. 1 seven rm. house. newly decorated and a 4 rm. cottage. 3 lotn. $9000. II APT8. all furn. except caretakers. Bu siness location. Nearly 3400 mo. Income. j!4.ouq. -lerma. B. Isherwood, Realtor 3001 N. Capitol St. Office Ph. 23863. Eve. 33141 or 38836 cdl48 FOR SALE OB TRADE by owner, 13 unit apt. court. New, electric heat, electric range, re frig. Income 1720 per mo. Will take approx. $23,000, apply at 155S Mc Coy. Salem. cdl49 RELIABLE MAN OR WOMAN to service thl territory with Nationally Advertised Product. We place tending machine. You Service. Full or part time. Steady week ly Income. 3725 Investment. Fully me cured. Box 422 Capital Journal. cdl51 FOR SALE Ori TRADE MARKET AND OROCERY STORE Attached living quarter and garage. Gross last rear over $66,000. Owner 111. ha to sell. WIU take home In Salem area as part down payment. Easy term on remainder, see Mr. Ross. DINE AND DANCE CAP7E At highway Intersection. Approx. month ly grow 14.000. Will take city or au burban property a down payment. See Mr, Rom. A REAL MONEY MAKER Downtown candy shop. Located so It gets most of the theatre trade. See Mr. Ross. COLBATH LAND CO., REALTORS Open Eve. Till 8:30) 1683 Center St. Ph. 34552 cdl48 BEAUTY SHOP for sale or lease. Very reasonable. Call 38704 or 20953. cdl49 COMPLETE sun equipment and stock for mne-up onop. Everything brand new. Ha other interest. Phone 3-9600. 8 a.m. to S p.m. or 3-7664 evening. Ask for Tom. edits ARE YOU interested In the errlce sta tion ouines7 I have one for sale at Inventory price In Monmouth. Ore. Con tact Warren Doolittle. Distributor Gen eral retroieum product Plant No cdI47 TAVERN Club privilege, restaurant, draught oeer. goon building, long lease at monthly rental; all good equipment; fine ouaines and possibilities. Ak M Bean to tell you about thl place. SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 149 N. High St. Phone 3-7660 EVe. rn. a-6605. 3-4391 cdl48 MODERN, Insulated alx-unlt auto court, 100 ft. from beach, paved street, com pletely furnished, hardwood floors. Fin est automatic oil furnace, reasonably pricea ana wu itraoe in residence In Salem. Your chance for an easy living and income beside. Write Box 70, Nels cott. Ore. cdl47 A SMALL fountain lunch. First clasa equipment, uaan or term. Not able to run. Must cell tn 5 day. See owner at uiit nan, west aaiem. cdl49 FOR LEASE: Meat Dept. Inq. Schaubs iuarxei, ztis a. Com ). edl49 NEAT ATTRACTIVE cafe, new equipment urn mi. rt. aatem. Ph. 33326. cd!52 $1.7fto, over $250 mo. Inc. plu llv. rm.. i-Pie.. din. rm., kit., nook, pvt. bath for owner Apt are turn., full basm., hot tr. lit., hollow tile con'. Nice tree a ahrubx. Lot 100x150. Ph. 26680 $12,500. HOLLYWOOD DIST. '103 mo. inc. from 2 apt plus lc. llv. rm.. din. rm., f-plc, kit., nook. 2 br.. pvt. bath for owner, nice outside f-plc. Tree A hrub. full basm.. oil ht. Wall A Ceiling .ir Insl. Ph. 26680. ED. LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 440 N. 14th St. Cdl52 $27,500 CLEANING AND PRESSING Thl Is a good one. Everything In top cond. Bussl. allowing ateady Increase Ph. 26680. TO DISSOLVE PARTNERSHIP ThU tavern loc. at Junction of 3 good hi-way had gros sales or $100,000 last yr. I listed at over $20,000. but reas onable offer will be con's. Ph. 26680. ED LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 440 N. 14th St. - edl52 RESTAURANT $1000 Located on 99E. Known as the Pig A Whistle. Include some equipment and leas. Can be shown anytime. Make cej-h oltvr Call Allen Jones or Mabel Needham, Realtors 341 State St.. Rm. 4. Upstair Ph. 3-9101 cdl47 SERVICE station for iea.e with Inven tory and equipment Hollywood district United Petroleum Call FAt tlOe. Port land. Ask for Mr Moor or Mr Svkes rd' FOR LEASE floor space. 8. 13th. separate rm. 660 sq. ft. I3!h St. Paint Shop, 1095 Cdl51 RICIIEIEI.D OIL CORP. offers for lease new Mat ion In thriving coastal com munity Low inventory. Rental arrange ment For retail see Mr. Holden. Ph 3-9V1S fdl48 FURNITURE FOR SALE I'NFAINTEO furniture. cloeoul WOOOHOWS. 4!S0 Center St WANTED FURNITURE IIK.IIFST F RICE 9 paid Phone Glenn at Woodry Auction Market. Ph 3-5110 da AUCTIONS FURNITURE AUCT. TUE8 JI'NK SIST 3 PM. OLENWOOO BAI LROOM 5OO0 VPS. NORTH OF CHEMAWA 4 CORNERS HIGHWAY t9E CONS1PTINO OP NUMEROUS ITEMS OF Ft RNrrt'RE A APPLIANCES AS FOLLOWS A B Apt Rang Mot Point elec rang Flee. aher Vacuum cleaner. Mr. and Mrs. bedroom suit, bleached walnut. Watnut bed suite. Hell wood bed In cluding Simmon springs A Innemprlng mattre. Rest-a-Ouet daveno. love seal aire. Maple rhest. J floor lamp 3 piece breakfast set. Occ. chair. Coil sprtn cot $ piece walnut dinette et. I piece chrome dinette set. TJed beds complete linoleum, ruav new daveno suites, swing rorkers. 8 piece bleached dining room u te. Maple fahion How dek. Table radio CaMnrt radio. New bomprlntu A lnnerprmg matlress del me 3 4-drawer walnut chel. 1 3-drawer ehent. 3 913 Aminer carpet pads. Many other Items nol listed Don't mtsa this sal. All goes, no reserve. GLENN WOODRY. AVCT. PH 351 19 tl I. ON COMMISSION OR WllL PAT YtfP TMK I'ASH dd!47' Journal Want Ads Fay AUCTIONS Furniture & Livestock AUCT. WED., JUNE 22 AT 10 A.M. & 7 P.M. Admiral radio A phonograph combina tion. 3 da vena. 1 pc. dinette set. Mr. A Mr, chest. Telephone seat. Desk. 3 floor lamp. Child's wardrobe, 9x13 rugs, chrome sink. Bath tub. f ft. Mont gomery Ward refrlg. Table lroner. Cab inet radio. Child bed. Dreuers. Wash ing machine. Antique chest A sideboard. Ant. Que clocks, ft pc. breakfast set. New gas ranges. Many article of mlc. Produce, machinery A trailer. Chicken A rabbits. Calve, pig A veal. Heifer, cow and feeder stock LANE SUDTELL," Auc't. Sale yard. 14 ml. east of Salem on Si I vert on road. "TO BUY OR SELL CALL 3-6098" dd!4T LIVESTOCK WANTED WANTED Good young milk goat. 2580 8 Summer St. Ph. 23889. e149' BONDED A LICENSED livestock buyer I. O. McCandlUh. 1121 8 35 Ph 3-8147 PETS ROLLER CANARY bird. $10 00. Ph. 35929 C157 BOSTON Bulldog Pup $15. Ph. 2-3642. HOLMAN'S Pure Bred Cocker puppies. Rt 1, Box 103 DD. St ay ton Near auction house. cl 54 GERMAN SHEPHERD dog. 1 month. Reg. A K.C. Ch. Stock. $60 to 185. Ph. 3-3358 after 6 p.m. ecl48 Black or brown. ecl48 FUEL FRESH CLEAN sawdust. Phone 2253 Dallas collect. Summer rate. eel60 YEW WOOD poet A anchor post, any dia. or length. Rt. 2, Box 141, Dallas. eel 52 TRl-CITY FUEL Fresh eut sawdust Prompt delivery. Ph 27442. W give 8 A H Green Stamp Green 16 In. mill wood ee CALL HIGHWAY FUEL FOR Diesel end Stove Otis. FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Dry Plainer End A Block Wood. Ph. 36444 ee WEST SALEM FUEL CC Block, planer A slab wood dust. Ph. 24031. FOR SALE POULTRY NEW HAMPSHIRE chick every Thurs day. Ph. 3-2861. Lee' Hatchery. f PRODUCE GOOD QI'ALITY MARSHALL STRAW BERRIES U-PICK AT 8c LB. OO N. ON 99E TO TOTEM POLE. EAST V'i MILES TO NEXT 4 CORNERS. NORTH ON VAN CLEAVE RD. Vt MILE. PH 35163 OR 31907. ff!48 STRAWBERRIES U-Pick. Last chance. 7c mile N. of Sllverton Rd. on Lancas ter Dr. W. D. Oardner. ff!48 RASPBERRIES $2.00 crate. Rt. 2. Box 390, north Chemawa. Ph. 3-1386. ff 16ft- CHERRIES: Royal Anne A pie cherries, 5c lb. U pick. J. C. Savage at Wa conda. J. C. .Savage, Brooks Rt. 1. Ph. 31344. ffl47' STRAWBERRIES, you pick. Be lb. Plenty ui Drrnes. joe nenny, I mu east oi Brooks, mtle north. II147' FOR SALE STRAWBERRIES, U-PIck, 8c lb. R. P. Barnwell, 4930 N. River Rd.. Keizer. ffUl CHERRIES, U-Plck. 3 cent a pound. Bring container. Marshall farm, i ml. west of Keizer school. Phone 3-1163. ff 148 FRESH RASPBERRIES. Delivered for $2. Ph. Cherry 21532. ff!52' STRAWBERRIES 10c lb. you pick. Excel, large berries. Now ripe A ready for locker A lam. Recent rain didn't In jure them In the least. Come out any time or after work. Our patch I right on paved road. l'i mile N. of Keizer school on Clear Lake rd. Heavy foliage has kept these berrle fresh A plump. There are lot of be me left. Come out tonight after work. T. A. Brewster. Rt. 2. Box 261C. Ifl47 STRAWBERRIES -U-PICX. 10c Bring con tainer. Out Silverton Rd 3'i ml. to Middle Grove School. Turn right "4 ml Herr A Rleruche V PICK late atrawberrle. Lancaster drive FtRN 1 RM" Upstair Apt Ph. 20858. A99E. l mi. N. of town. R. F. Carothers. ipW 11147 Fl'RNISHED APT. 3 room A bath. Apply ROYAL ANNE cherries sc lb. or Pick 5 Hollywood theatre. Jp149 lbs. take 3 free. Rt. 3, Box S02, Dallas SMALL CLEAN furn. apt. 250 8. Cottage Highway. ff 147 St. jPn9 RASPBERRIES. U-Ptck. 10c lb. Brlrg FI RS. APT. A sleeping rm. with kitchen containers. Rt. 4. Box 1010. f!152 privilege. 1935 N. Capitol. Jpl49 lb. Ph. 36973 after 6 p.m. HELP WANTED WANTED: SAWYER for small mill. Pippin rain, iiiarprnaenre. g!48 John Archer, CHERRY, BERRY. BEAN picker, 13 yra, and over. To Join platoon call Mr. Wal ter Oermaln. Ph. 2-4544. gl49 STRAWBERRY harvest Is not over. Pick ers needed. 5c lb. Stanley Bneed. Ht. 2 Box 4,i0. '4 mile west of Portland high way on Chemawa cutoff road. On Keirer Chemawa1 bus line. gl32 WANTED Cherry Pickers: ft ml. W. of Salem Orchard Height Rd. 8tart June 20, Phone 17F12. Jame Best, Rt. I, Box 622 g!49 rHERRY PICKERS, good crop, now pick- ing. Aspinwau orchard at Brook. giso POSITION OPEN for ; an A wife to live tn and manage an 1cm. Ph. 3-3393 fo Interview ipt. house In Sa appointment fo: gl52 WANTED CHERRY picker for young Royal Ann orchard. 3c per lb. 2'i miles ioum 01 Liberty on Skyline Rd. Carlton gl49 WANTED: Cherry pickers starting June uin. uooa camp ground Ammon once Rt. 3 Box 393 Orchard Height Rd. Ph I6F15. CHERRY 3-4279 PICKERS starting now. S14S CHERRY PICKERS wanted. Ph. HELP WANTED MALE I X P. COST accountant. Must be qualified to figure factory Job costs. Excellent opportunity lor right person. Oregon Flax Textile. West Salem g149 HELP WANTED FEMALE WOMAN OR girl for housework. 699 Linerty. ran mnrnlne b EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES OFFICE AND CI FRK'AL POSITIONS CONTACT Commercial Placement Agency 360 State St Ph 3-1488 tf WANTED SALESMEN ATTENTION SALESMEN Old established national food concern de.ir- the service of an experienced alesman to ell to th grocery trade In Salem and vtflnlly. Must lire In Salem Must be between 33 and 40 year of . have good car. furnutt bond for which we win pgy. Position pava salary and expense.. An excellent opportunity for man who can qualify. Application will not he considered unlea following In formation t given Age. married or single experience In detail, and salar expecied Write to R C Crampton, 303 8. I Aider St., Portland. Oregon 'El47 WANTED an aireiv young man. ex perienced in e'.'..ng real e.itate Most bavo car P H BelL 361 Chemeketa St eg SERVICE SALESMAN Te tne up heating repair Job for our ert(ce dPt A vx1 paving opportunity for a irin ho ant to prepare himself (or adi ancmrnt A securnv HOLLAND FIRNACE CO. World Ureeet Furnace Installer ISO Kearney ! WANTED SALESMAN MEN OR WOMEN with car. Not house to nous. Excellent pay. Pull time. Ph. 38741 for appt. ggl49 Help Wanted - Salesmen I need 3 men part-time who want $75 per month extra income for 3 evenings Interesting work each week. We train you. Call Mr. Olrtman. 24517 between 8.30 and 10 a.m. only. ggt51 AN EXPERIENCED Real Estate salesman An excellent 'opportunity for the risht party. Writ Box 411, Capital Journal g!49 WANTED POSITIONS EXPERIENCED WOMAN want house work in Salem. Permanent If possible Write Capital Journal Box 499. hI4E CHILD CARE. 183 8. 18th. Ph. 3-6876. hill' WOMAN 31 with girl 1 wants housework a motherless home. Pauline Carter, Y W.C A. hi 47 TYPING In my home. Neat work guaran tees fin s-381 1 day or eve. hlio PATCH plastering, cement work and fen- eral repair. O. E. Ray, 1073 8. 11th St Ph. 3-8876 after 6 p a, h!47 EXPER. TRICK mechanic, combination welding and frame man. can give excell. ref. Call Ed Stubbs, 3-4381. or write, box 797. Rt. 3, Salem. h!49 PAINTING & DEC. Expert color harmonlxlng. Ph. 3-75! DAY AND night nursery. Excel. Phone 2-3 1 72. Reasonable rates. BABY HITTER. Ph. 3-058O CHILD CARE. 1180 Shipping. Ph. 3-9924 hi 66 PRE-DENTAL student needs steady Job for the summer with part time work liter school start. Phone 3-2826 after 3:30 p.m. hl49 CEMENT CONTRACTING. Beat finish work In town, by Journeyman. All work guaranteed. Call Frank, 38110. hl52 IRONING, my home, 73c nr. Ph. 3-6897. h!52 MOWING A BAKING. New power mower Ph. 3-7133 or 3-1404. h!51 Cl'STOM HAY balelng. rake wltb Job. also Will mow. Ph. 27103. hl62 PLASTERING, PATCHWORK and chim ney building. Ph. 3-4369. Free estimate hl6l CARPENTER WK. New. repair. Ph. 1-2' LAWN maintenance. Rebuilding and put ting In new one. Ph. 2-2608. hl58 GRADER WORK by the hr. or Job Street, road, subdivision Ph. 39315 or 23897 eve. h!58 FOE'S mimeographing, typing lerrlee. Prompt service, quality work, lower Prices. 66S N. 16th. Ph. 3-3643. hl5S TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN. 24 hr. err lce. Former phone opr. Ph. 3-5072. h!52 LANDSCAPING Pruning Rot ot tiling. New lawna. tree work. Richard Boyer. Ph 3-8110. hl49 INTERIOR PAINTING. Exp. Ph. 3-6796 bl48 SEW1NQ and alteration. Ph. 3-4854. M48 At'TO PAINTING Just a shad better by Ray Etter Call Shrock Motor Co 3-9101 FOR RENT ROOMS ATTRACTIVE rm. private home. Gentle- inn. uua n. summer. Pn. 36368. Jkl48' sleeping ROOMS. Hot and cold water i . Hign. Jkl48" BDRMS. Ground floor. Modern home. On bu line. Ph. 3-7990. 745 Hood before 9 a.m. or after t p.m. Jkl50 HOLLYWOOD rm. 2033 McCoy. Phone 3-6093. Jkl73 SLEEPING ROOM, close In. Close to cof fee shop and bu line. Ph. 28526. Jkl47' SLEEPING ROOM. Ph. 3-4335. LIGHT IIOt'SEKEEPING room for gentle man 817.50 month. Ph. 3-3028. JklSO Bt'SINESS DIST. Nice sleeping; room. Hot a -o.q water, jds center. Jk.147' NICE SLEEPING room (men l. ter St.. rear Woodrow Bldg. 448 Cen Jkl47 ROOMS TO RENT WEEK OR MONTH HOTEL SALEM Tel 3-3161 FOR RENT APARTMENTS Unfurn. Apt. upstair. Prlv. ent. t. Cottaxe. Ph. 33398. Jpl48 MODERN 3 RM. turn. apt. Utility furn. 2-9138. Jpi49 Reasonable. 435 N. Winter. l RM. Fl'RN APT. Elec. stove. 1 or 2 ed ult. West Salem. Ph. 2-8626. JpI49 NICELY Fl'RN. 3 rm. apt. cool, comfort able. Close In. Adults. 1434 Ferry. Jp149 3 RM. APT. Partly furn. Ph. 3-3530. Jpl49 CLOSE IN. Cozy 1 rm. apt. with electric range, refrlg., daveno. 535 N. Winter. JP149- FOR RENT HOUSES RM. modern furn. cottage. Ph. 2-6618. Jml47 FIRN. CABIN for adults. Shady, qulef. bus service. Ph. 33814 ve. Jml47 3 BDRM. house for rent. 820 Cascade Dr. Kingwood Hts. 362.50. Ph. 2-1235. Jml48 B.R. HOUSE for lease 4 miles'" 8. "on Crolsan Creek Rd, Creek, spring, fam ily orchard and acreage. Capital Journ al Box 497. Jml48 Hot SE ON Fairmont Hill furnished. II2S per month on least. 367 N. Hich. JmH9 Fl'RN. CO T T A ( i ZS 21 5 Port la nd"" R d JmlTl RM. IIOI'SE. partly 63 Williams Ave. Not mod. Jml48 EW 1 B.R. hse. Vacant June 23. Phone 3313. Jml49' 41.L ELECTRIC 2 room furnished house In city ith bath, electric ranee and e:c. ,17 Mi month. COLBATH LAND C "MCcnter 8t jm147' FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS RENT Stneer electric sewing machine by month In your home. No extra charge for delivery A Pickup of machine (6 00 per mo. Ph. 33512. J1B6 EXCELLENT LOCATION for Used Car lot or rive-in. Only 150 month. Long lease available. Phone 3-7301. Jl49 OFFICE spaces and desk spaces. Pb. IA9t J GROl'ND FLOOR room a suitable for of- free or store STATE ETNA NCI CO Ph. 34121 J V DRfYI truck ears Ph 3-8103 POWER TOOL rental Tor bom A tn dustrigj as Bowser Bros Pb 3-3846 r TRAILERS. 12.00 per day Howser Bros 1410 8. 19th, West Salem J Bt'SINEse rm for rent H L, Stiff. j GOOD t'SED PIANOS H U Stiff. for rent Montgomery TO DO a good Job rent a good floor Sand er, w everything te goenelete the Job BOWSER BROS -Ph t-S64 T WANTED TO RENT LOCIL Vislnex anan desires to lease S room modern auburban Mew home with some acreage. Miatit consider option to bu. Adult fam.lv W :i pay 8 months tent m advance If desirable. Call 3-4016 or Ive, 3-1213. Jal49 1 B R. modern furn. tievee by Sept 1 Couple with It me, old child. Excellent Rel call 36648. jai4 To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES GRABENHORST SPECIALS S. 12th STREET Corner lot. No. 3 business gone, lot 45x133, 3 bdrm with burnt . auto-oil heat, wired tor range. Oreat possibilities. Price only $6,000. Call Richard I. Grabeohorst. NEW S BDRM. HOME Located East, on large lot, fruit trees, lawn A shrub. 1460 sq. ft. floor pace, auto-forced air heat. 3 large bedroom, hardwood floor thruout. Tnl u a real buy at $12,500. Call. Carl West. A FINE LISTING 3 bedrooms, living room, dining room, hall, bath, hardwood floor, fireplace, full ceiled basement with inside and outside entrance, large double garage, beautiful landscaped yard, located high overlooking Salem. Priced to seU. Call Roy Ferris. GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 111 Llb.nr at. Offk. Phnu I-I4U fund.? n4 BTtnlnt, Oill nor rrrU l-loio TtM H. OtlMT 1-tMl srl Wul J-1JS1 UT MANBRIN GARDENS Beautiful 3 Bed Room Home. Large Living Room with Fireplace. Oood Dining Room' and Roomy Kitchen. Full Basement with Auto Oil Heat and Air Condition. Lam Oarage. Lot has fine lawn and shrubs. Paved street, bus by door. This will tarry an PH.. loan of . 500.00. 8E8 A. W. McKtLLOP McKILLOP REAL ESTATE Center and High St. Phona M630 Evening Phone 31343 g HELP WANTED 200 CHERRY PICKERS WANTED To Start Monday Moining - June 20th Good Picking ROSS W. CLARKE Orchard Heights Road Dial 24265 WANTED TO RENT t BDRM. furn. or partly furn. hen dren. 2590 Simpson. chll- Jal&0 3-BDRM. no USE. Will furn. damage bond if desired. Phone 3-3253 or 3-7922. JSI49' SINGLE WORKING girl desires small fur. or partly iurn. Apt. uiose in. Reason able rent. Ph. 24041. Jal48' LOST AND FOUND WILL PARTY who Picked up package men's short In lady' rest room, Mon day, please return to Ward' office. kl47 MISCELLANEOUS LES SPRINGER, men' hatter. 464 Court. We close Saturday 12:30 B DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 3-HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY 8EMLER DENTIST Adolpb Bids. Stat A Commercial St SALEM Phone 3-3311 HAVE YOl'R SINGER Sewing maohln repaired by a qualified Singer represen ts'-e. Ph 3-3513 for free pick bp and delivery service 00 ah make of ma chines. Pre? estimate given before work u started Singer Sewing Machine Co 130 N Coml BUILDING MATERIAL SAVE ON ROOFTNO Let Ward glv you complete STALLED prlc on your roofing need Wide range of colors Can our outside salesman for free estimate Phone 3-3191 MONTGOMERY WARD A CO. SALEM, OREGON ma DOORS. INTERIOR 3 panel door, at th great special purchase bottom price, bargain of only 36.60 each. Keith Brown. Fornt A Court St., Salem. ALUMINUM ROOFTNO 3 ft width Id the following lengthai r .1174 r 3.33 10- 3 90 IT 3 4 Asg about Installation service MONTGOMERY WARD A CO. SALEM. OREGON CEMENT MIXER for rent. Ph. AETNA STEEL Door Frame Assembled, one unit. Low Installation cost. PUM ILITE - West Salem. m147 REINFORCING STEEL! Blok-meh In B". 8" A 12" Width. PUMILITE, West Baiem. ma 14 7 ROCK LATH, Plaster and Stucco Materials, Complete line. Quality materials. PUM ILITE 1 West Salem. mal47 $8.50 per square No. 1 cedar shingle No. 3 13 cedar wall naxe and under course. 112.80 painted No. 1 on painted 39.00. No 3 36.30. Ted Muiicr. Ph. salem 2-1196 1 SHEETROCK, new shipment. V A See us for new low casb prices. K Brown. Front A Court. 1 UTMA - LOCK ALUMINUM LOCK SHINGLE. The modern permanent roof ing See your dealer or Call Dlst 3-3401 mal5 NEW SHIPMENT piast board V Hc 4' f iq ft Rock lathe 43 aa rt II 75 MONTGOMERY WARD 83X111 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE: teter Plant. 25c per dogen 3435 Center street. Ph. 3-9345. n!50 SALEM BAND A GRAVEL COMPANY Contract Work Road - clearing Dltehlng Sewer A Basement Equipment Rental IS B-H yds 1300 per br 10 B S yd 9 60 per hr D-7 Cat A Doaer 10 SO per nr D-f Cat A Doter 8 40 per br D-4 Cat A Dose- 7.00 per br Phone Days 3-9403 aTvaa 3-13 or 3-4403 Salem Oregon fSED sewing machine. Ph. 33139. n!68' skill type portable saw. Cheap. t6 Cedar Way. Ph. 3-3790. rii47' EASY Splndrler washer. 3-0103. P147 4803 Bailey Rd. SLIGHTLY VSED Km more Washer with pump, bpwiivm. mi enameieo. I3l.oo . ph.. MAJESTIC RE FRIGE BATOR. Hopewell store. Inquire at nl47 COWLIER KENMORE baby buggy. Rets- onauie. rn s-mzj. ni48 FENCE POSTS, pole, all types. Shingle fertiliser A flauock. Phillips Bros, Rt 3.Box 116 Ph. MF32. B Fl'LLEB brushes. 1743 OraoL Pb. 36357 niM FARMERS ATTENTION Fence control!. era. m.lg pateumer. at cloee-avt price Teter Appliance Co. bus NO WAXING REQl'lRED when you we r tn ceiiopnane-like flnUh for your noon ee linoleum. Teeter Ap Pliance Co. ales DEFPFBEE8 home Tree! era. 1123 33 and ira.t-i upp.nnce 1,0 nl4. KLECTRIC fttWINO machine. (Frte-We-t:nhouet Tester Appliance Co. nl48 ixm 4VST FANS Oom -out ptle. Tetter SSI IFOR SALE HOUSES (HELP WANTED FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS USED REFRIGERATORS, washing ma chines, ranges, water beater. Tester Appliance Co. nl4S STEEL clothesline posts. 111 A up. Rail lng In stock, copper lanterns A vanes at reduced prices. 114B N Liberty. nl53 GENERAL ELECTRIC Crosley, 01h0B and Montag Appliance at Oevurta. NEED A cheap batteryt Six months guar, rebuilt, Orp. 1 lze, 18.95 exchange. Retread Tire Service, 820 80. Lancaster. B173 LOOKING FOR A VACUUM CLEANER Why buy someone else's old headache. Stop In at your local Bears store and aee the BRAND NEW Kenmore line. Prices tart at 39 6. phone 39191 for a demonstration In your own home, day or evening. nlBO PRUNE DRYER Equipment. Include 30 H.P, electric motor, new Miller traylng machine, Sturdevant fan and other equipment. Call or see J, J. roster, 340 E St. Telephone 3-5284. nl49 CHEAP. CHOICE light weight topping letters for cherries. Oregon Fuel Co. B149' HO GAUGE model railroad equipment, an new. Also men's balloon tire bike, fair condition. Call 3-2244 between S a.m. and noon. Ask for Bill. nl49 L'SED PLUMB IN O fixture. Cheap. Jud- B147 NIGHT CRAWLERS, fish bait, 35 e per do. s. 1. ssoney, 2253 Lee at. Ph. 38309. nl47 REFRIGERATOR TYPE Ice box, 110.00. 3372 Stat St. Anytime before 7:00 p.m. nl47 WALLXNQ SAND A OR VET. cn CRUSHED ROCK for road and driveways cement, ready mix concrete, garden sand. BulMosini, drainage and dltohlng. 4-?d. shovel and drag Una. Ph. 3-9249. 8xl BEBKENWALD walk-In cooler and compressor, 1 iv a 18 neat case. Oood condition, S730take all. Terms If desired. CaU Columbia Food Store, Leb anon. Org. 111,47 ARB YOU Interested In the service sta tion ousinexsr 1 nave one for sale at ln ventory price In Monmouth, Ore. Con tact Warren Doolittle, Distributor, Gen eral Petroleum Products. Plant No. BUT MUST SELL 7 ft. elec refrlg. Best cash oner, pn. 37093. nl49 GARDEN SAND, gravel, crushed rock. onovei a arag-lln excavating. WALL INO SAND A GRAVEL CO Ph. 3-9249. SINGEB Sew Machine. Frig Ida Ire. Zenith a 0.10, 2 cameras 620, Ladles'-Men a Wrut Watch. 33 and 38 Colt, 33 Rifle. Two Wheel Trailer. 549 N. Liberty. n!4 USED WASHERS, various makes. "om b oo to M B Used Refrigerators 99.50 to 114.80 New OE Refrigerators. 6 cu ft 1B9.78 new pacilie apt. Sire Electric Ranee 139.91 New Wedge wood Oa Rang with 1 uriddlc. 1948 floor modeL a is Itt.MA Close 1 Out Popular Brand Oil Heater l lioor sample. Re. 126 M onlv 74.58 Used Electric Range ..... 37.541 to 39.50 uea console Radio, a dandy 23.00 OEVURTZ I N. Liberty pb. 1-4311 nl47 REMOVAL BALE Must vacate by Jun 30. n,"". recoraere. oinc intcr-eom, ap pliances, furniture, fixtures, safe, etc Brgin price. 357 Court St. B147 PEAT MOSS: Pull bale. 131. Poultry. 1505 N. Front. n!7t ANTIQUE chair. I fir tide bench up holstered with needle point. 8M each. 458 University. Bl48 BUNK BEDS. Oov't. Snrplug 30 lnrh. Mattressea 333 98. Complete with Sp. i Oreen Stamps Salem Home Furn. CO. 1ST 80. Com'l. 0143 TKOR Automatic Oladlroa. 168 N. 13th. B147' RICH MA HOG. finish corner cabinet. Olast doors. Reg. 879 M. To close out at 159 33. Oreen Stamp. Salem Home rum, Co. 1ST 80. Com'l. . n!4l' HOYT ST. SURPLUS IRRIGATION Pt'MP. 140 pm Oa. WU- conain I n P. Low Bed TrUr. 3 x30. Klertric Water Heaters. Apt. Sit Re frigerators. Special on Younc D Lux Washer. Bedside Oak Table 14 00. Swi vel Chalra 15.00. Wall Safe 16.00. Cast Iron Lavatorlea with chrome fitting, new, 127.30. Toilets, Tubs, Pipe. Soil Pipe. Cauldlng Lead 18c. House and Ouutde Wire. Rang Cable ind Ranee Out leu. Service Entrance Conduit. l'T O M.C . 47. lone wheelbase. II bed. Int. K3. 1943. Oil Circulator 835 00. Furnace. Elec. Heater. Bunk Bed M W pair. 1', Qt Prreen Fir Ext in gulsher Elec. Bakery Oven. Spud Peeler. Steam Kettle. Hotel sis Dun Waaher. Laundry Trays. Com south a 18th to large HOYT 8ION. Turn Vest block. Tel. 37911. nl50 COMB. Radio-Phono. PortaM. Tan leath III -I P,M 3- CToet out tj 327 S3. Only two In tocg, Oreen 8trr-f Salem Home Puna. Co. 137 Bo. com'l? ni43' (Continued on Page 17)