14 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, June 21, 1949 Only the Brave By PAUL EVAN LEHMAN (Chapter 12) Alter a jifrue vvim at led he aceuieu m liow uiu uer. out antaiuea tmU wipea uw tew, Iraui uei iitce uiu aaueu uemuiuue- "There. that's over. Jell, I wa- never mj bcuitxi ui niy uie, lut ciui i over a LAuUatiua ieet xugu Ve cu it, iiit 'jluupuib-ou piftce, VViiat ever iiuppeiicu k ouv ' utt U)iu her yaieuy, uiuuinuuifc hi danger m uiucu tut wtu pob- inev Intended to drive me over, ol course, out i uutuuKea u lanu on uiul icane. i"oor xteu; e's down at uie ooikom. ueao. ' It was nomoiei ihe ones that did it utsbeivu juuuiki" 'Tney'li net uieir desert if 1 ever run into Uieni. iu 1 oon t Jluow wno uiey are, Conine: uon even know u Uiey were jnuc men or a bunch 01 those squutiri wno orive ctuue up nere. i uiun set eyes on oie 01 uiem irorn utr to lunan. Isow we'd oetter et ou ox here. Win your pony cany double'" "She never has before, but she will li I win it ner to." There was a aght in the kitchen when they roue into uie Crown yarn, uuu as tney auietiy uu mounted' unu came to uie bac& door. Mis. King opened it lor them. "Tnank ttuounes you're bacKl" sne exciaunea. ana tne strain 01 her viftii was in her voice. "Jeo wanted to know wnere you were and I told him you'd be late and id sit ui) lor you. He let Connie led the story, and as she Droure&ed he saw Uie antter kindle in Mrs. King s eyes, "its uie most cowardly tnin i ve ever heard tell ol." sne declared. "Jeb must hear about it as soon as he gets up. Now you two rest while i iix you some oreaiciast. ' They had hardly finished when Jeb came into Uie kitchen. He stared at them in astonishment. They told the story to him while lie ate, and when he had heard the wnoie 01 it ne not up and went out- aide and the., heard him calling to his foreman. There was a deal Of activity at tne corrals and shortly tnereaiter Jeb re-entered uie house. "Got a horse all nutted for you. Jeff. Reckon you'd better come along ana lead uu to Uiat Dark . You women no to bed. There'll be no daiiKer; the crown has twelve men to Chuck s six." Jeff followed him outside to find ten grim cowboys armed and mount ed, jeb took tne rein ol a hand some gelding from one of them and handed it to Jeff. "Here's an extra nag we been feedln", Jeff. Take him and welcome." The sun was high when they readied Uie place. The Crown men were prepared for action, their rifles over Uleir knees; but there came no Interfering shot, no chal lenge, and Jeff himself led the way into the fissure in Uie rock wall. The narrow passage twisted and turned, but the trail was much used and gave evidence that cattle had recently passed over it. He made a final turn and emerged In a circular basin. There were about a hundred head of cattle grazing there. The party halted and Jeff rose In his stirrups to let his gaze romn about the basin. Hope died a quick death. He saw duns and browns and reds, but not a single white face. He looked at Jeb and shook his head. The Herefords were not here. "Let's have a look at ' those brands,' said Jeb. Every animal wore the big Circle O of Chuck Gale. Reluctantly they rode back Into the valley. Jeff left them at the Junction of the trails and set out for the homestead, his heart heavv Within him. His head was lowered In gloomy thought as he reached the Rate; then the bawl of a cow snapped him erect. He stared un believingly. Along the newly erect ad fence were six of his whltefaces. One of them had its neck through the wires crowing At the grass within. He recognized it with b triumphant yell. It was his Here ford built He looked quickly about, his face flowing. Over to hts left he saw our more of them; a little distance beyond, three more. He leaped from his saddle and swung wide the gate, then took his rope and cut behind the ones at the fence. They moved slowly ahead of him and turned Into the gateway, trotting toward the water hole ai though glad to be home. Jeff's whole outlook on life was abruptly changed. He whistled as he cooked dinner. He wanted to ride to the Crown and tell Connie, but decided to postpone that until later. This was Saturday and he hadn't seen Olenn since the early part of the week. He decided to ride to Cougar that evening and learn now tne boy was maxing out witn nis new on ice. Jeff reached Cougar around six But Olenn was not at home and the stable was emoty: evidently he naa not Deen aoie to get away from his office at Briscoe as early as was usual. Certain that his brother would arrive before very long, Jeff went about preparing supper for the two of them; but when eight o'clock came and no Glenn, he went ahead with the meal alone. (To Be Continued) Mrs. Lindsay Ward and son, Kent, and Mrs. E. D. Long spent part of the week at the -coast. Cherry harvest is on this week in the Perry Wells, McGowan, Grubes and Gray and Massey orchards. Country or City Trim sun-dress in the button -down -the-front stvle plus the briefly stated bolero . . . winning combination that will take you to town or country settings with equal ease. No. 3995 Is cut In sizes 12. 14. 16. 18. 20. 36. 38. 40. 42, 44, and 46. Size 18 dress. 3 yds. 35 -in.: bolero. l' yds. 35 -in. Send 25o for PATTERN with Name, Address, and Style Number. State Size desired. Cottons again strike a high fash ion note. They are inexpensive to make, easy to handle. Send now for the SUMMER FASHION BOOK which Includes in its 150 pattern designs, a big selection of alluring suggestions for cotton fashions for every age and occasion. Price Just 20 cents. Address Capital Journal. 552 Mission St.. San Francisco 5. Calif. f$S 1 LA7 &y R2833 r.llfrn No. R2M1 wvftV Klor.l MLi H.r. are two lovely . 1L J f'r- fll.t piece, you won't be able to XBfJ' nvtt They are unusual. In that f-"', ' . wv- Ule '"' cenlem combine with w Mi. . . V?l)lCz "oral bordera to form the beautiful tjk $d XV l,ce T1,e ov1 P"0' measures 18' vT 1 by 28', Inchen, the aquare 17 ' Irak . V l' Inchea. Vary the lw by changing mCJr 1 f,ner or heavier thread. W , , Jll Yf I Pattern Envelope No. R28J3 con- V f tj' I tln filet charts, crocheting In- X 6 I "tructlona. material requirements ' I snd ",uhln direction. "r' A I r obtain Uib pattern tend 20c V V50 l n CO'N8 (iving pattern number gi I . gMm l Tau name addreat and tone num- J. U'i V bei to Peggv Hoberu Capital Jour- rnj na. tl Mlwlon street 8an Fran- -CUSTOMER SAV "TAKE WE TO HOTEL Mill DUE;'' YVUNTUN REACH FDR kADIO PHOiME-- BCWG CUSTOMER CONK WUN TUN W TH GUN BUTT" CAB TRY TO CLIMB WALL LIKE UJCKKUACH. THE HOTEL MILL DUE I PI FA TDAD li'l TCmt ON LET'S HIGHBALL OVER THERE MAYBE WE CAN RE-FOS5E55 WUR THOUSAND-BUCK ROCK AFTER ALL. CHARLIE 1 n j ... j, Ac iAj aoaent, m the lnxxx Station, two apparent a strangers irehoidux 9 side-of-the wouth 4 conversation yBTTImfi hj-.i , ouKCf wnciv tne fIfWH0 BO KAY 70 F5DfiAL DICKS 6ET MEET L$"DtD MOU KTHERE THEY WON'T 1EAVE THE ROOM CIEAN fJEVEN FND A FLAKE 1. -r- - x V?" r'- 5 0 J- - ( BUT ORE VOtT ( MOPg-TVY HUT HgRg- i'' BUT C0UU3NT ONE NO!SANWTJLVW1 . J WHEN YOU HUE &J Ttm WHY 1 I UETTIN' Uiaa NO KEEP ANYONE ELSE S f TH" QUCROS MetyBE ( HERE AND KEEP AN j A LOT OF MONEY MM I HIRED A I J KNOW WHERE ( FPOM RXJLOWIN" US ) SNOOP AROUND PND I EYE ON TH'GUABPS . 1 ' y ( 1 GOTTA LOT 13 I THEM "T NOPE". 1 COME 1 f VOL) AN' ME T 1 AGREE, I VOU MEAW YOU kttCWEti I TO SAV BUT PERUAPS 1 UUERE TO SAV AllJT SETTIM' AMBSOSEJ WUAT 1 WANTED TOT T MV HEARTS SO SK1PPV 1 SUOULDTALK Y1" AMD I AlMT ANY VOUNSER tTU ATS WUATl SAVAU'lDoTBAMBROSE M JIM HAROLV TALK.ROSlEy PIRST. AMBROSE) SOMUA . I ANOtTS TIME 1 WANTED WAPTA PtR-FTUATS WUV I ItTT V GIRL- r -y WEAMEMf WE SETTLED TO TELL PSZcTU WANTED TO E F S22!iy W-0Oa''- YsO AH IS-CUSS THASS WHOHOUUXW? Wr-SPEAKIN' TERRIBcTT AND, NOW-WE'RE 5" NOW THAT I'M MAH PERFECKLY AH GOTTA GO C -THEY'RE. LIKE O SMOOTH THINGS Jy HARD, J ALONE OUST THE , UP CLOSE - I 1 FORMED T'NOO YAWK.T ) THAT STATUE ' MA'M-HAIMT IT YOU .TWO OF US rZf fc SEC THAT YOU J JL-HIDE' T'SEE CARY OF APOLLO . HARD T'DniVH J THOUGHTFUL -p, RJJltjLE'1tACKLy 1 ARC THE MOST .mt GRANITE, TH' Y AT THE SMOOTH-WIF J BOY AMifKlfLSr MA'M PERFECTLY FORMED ytjJA ) SCULPTOR. A METROPOLITAN ONE ARM ISO-LETS &'Ilwr THAR'S L SOY IN THE , ' ?f'iJ -HE NEEDS )-AS SMOOTH X . V STOP.-T j fS ITUDFF UBT YP 7 jl BUT I ALWAYS V NO, DEAR, WELL STBAM6ER. MY WIFE AND I ' I POT TWO NAMES IN 1 IT V IS IT J i t'o. V. THE BOOL! M WANTED A BABY 1NAMB HIM HUGO ARE TRYING To DECIDE ON MV HAT I WILL M0U I ,-too?IhUOO? HP PICKED OLT 1 U NEP WTOWTWMEM A NAMFTOR OIJR BABYJ EyK i JXsmri "f Va " THE TAG GIVING I s!!l! y ymiK II 1 ON J-J I 60 com I I l 11 HM-M .'THEY'PE NOT IN HERE f . THAT IS A MAN YCLLIN3--1flL C"JC J ZJ I L N. WHAT IN SAM HILL WERE J R COME ON, PATTY WE 60TTA FW mtuihKMr, . I THOSE HORSES POIN6 OUT ) Z::---JZ I ti'll ploat! I " 1 1 1 1 IamJTT IT'S Y LATEST INVENTION.' ei"liSS,A , I - Tf D ABSOLUTELY FOOLPl?00 -4 yffS'JSCORKl ' t f T f WKT o 5 Cmr 7X313, w c rr "-ST ?!a T r-v r,. SCPf'' .' .1.. - . . 1 In. h Kl nll l, I I I L HOW D0V0U tint ) WELL- M't5TAiB L i t A6REE HtARTay.ON 60Th I HEY1 WAIT WAN MtEUOOT' M H T0P OtFACINCi t. FAIR MAID! FJtlN&AOUEMOf A.GREENWOO0t(;A COUNT!--BUT I HAY St JUNIOR TEIL ME TO WATCH FOR J WE'RE NOT 4UFP05EB TO UNL TWMTVCOOGNoTmAN AND PREJUDICED. HWACTER WHO UM1 fiEN I Till MlDN.GHTjjT M IACROSSE ' JUNIOR EE A VERY . -X V HE1 IAT NAME AND RHYMES . jjJfcvAA NICE YOUNG MAN ! K WITHEET...! I ' MUN,--ROBEtNHOOo! RADIO PROGRAMS TUESDAY P.M. KSLM ffo'KGW olKOCO "? KOIN m :M rll Uwli Jr. WmD't 8Mri Kbrlba Baacb Cmti Mumi Eiltlrraak Hwnmy KbrthM LiltU Sb 1 U puiiat Pf4 Nw Bine CrMbf Clb 11 i Newt Klchir Hrknr Sort Pf Kdwtfl Mwtw st i altar " Brand MatltiJ CrklU CindlelUbl ni Kau HiiiIm l B -Bar Bran Hulcal Cacktall Silvtr Blab :M TBA Alaa ! Rba Ntwa Cbcl Bullty :U Ta Mil Alaa Imn$ Shaw liaab WIU Sewt 7:M Gabriel Hralltr TBA Nal Air Bhit Lrna CaU It Nartbwm Nw TBA Kdalt UNu Bab faaa Ibaw lM Mud KlBf'a Mrs Tb Ban4 Htrlka II Blah M Nuala Kla'a Mw Tap Band Slrlaa It Bleb 41 :M Mlelnt Drama Hllrwa4 Thaalrt Bandstand Hit the Jack Ml I J Muilt Hollrwaad Thaatra Bandiland Htt tba Jakaft :ko Riders to tba Skr In Tear Haada Oufoal Dopa Paaa Iba Bach M mdari In IhaSkr In yar Maadi Baaeball Faai tba Baeli 9:00 Monta Urriia Sappar Clab Baseball Lowell Theaua IA Mania Crista Newa mt Warld Baseball Jaek Smith Sbt :M Favarlta Starr Hocan'a Daafhtar Baseball Mr. St Mrs. Narth Favarlta Stery Boraa's Daaihtar Baseball Mr. Mrs. Narth ajjfc :X s'ewa Newa Baieball Flra Stai Pinal IlV1 Newa Sparta Paca Pinal Baseball Mvatary Thaatr 1J:M Beleel Laal Ntwa Bands af Land Vewa -l'a Daaoa I :i5 Muale Band Wajan Traeh liM Serenade mm 0 Fattan Lewis, Jr. Sam flares Tracm MM Ton Iba WarM II la Bob Feola Shaw Wax Maaeasi Tracb MM Orebtatra I I :$o Bob Faala Shaw Wax Maaeaas Track MM Orchestra i Masie Wax Mase a Trach M9S News ll.M Sim Ofl Sim OH Slaa Ofl Silent WEDNESDAY 6 A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. m 'M Newa Hodra Fads Newa e ift Yawn Patrol Hodae Podaa KOlN Eleeh W N. W. Newa News KOCO Kloeh KOIN Kloeh :A Mareh Time Hodao Fadfa KOCO Kloeh KOIN Kleck T6f Yawn Patral Farm Tlma Tex Bitter 50IN .1(1 Yawn Patrol Farm Time News Sports Nw ;M Yawn Patrol The Old Bonn To O' Mornlna News Newa News Newa Fred Bach " :M News Fred WarlnaT Western Melodies Consamar Nawa D i:, Breakrast Oani Fred Warlns Western Melodies Ar Bahor :S Breakfaat bans Rldera or Saa Westers Melodies Robert Lewis ! :u top Trades Sam Hayea Cbarch In Wild Robert Lewis , 9" a Barcala Coantsi Second Cap Melody" Time Vocal VarieUaa ,. Victor Undlabr Second Cap Melody Ttma News ;30 Sons al Planters jt(M Berch Mails Grand Slam :4A Muile Newa Maalo Rosemary v .00 Newa N Y Boneymoon Colfea Cap Wendy Warns) ill 'A lt Ba,,,h N T Honeymoon N.W. Report Aant Jenny Ml SO Faatar's Call Tommy Doraey Rbapsodt la Helen Trent J V;45 Wiles Walls Tlma Tommy Dorsey Rbytbm Oar Gal Bandar ;00 Kewa Tommy Poraey Glaas Wax Bl Sister 11 ii Gospel Slnsers Tommy Dorsey Glaas Wax Ma Perkins T I SO Marnlnf Special Today'a Children Glaas Wax Yonnx Dr. Malana I 0 .45 Walts Serenado Brlxhter Day Glass Wax Guiding LUbt m :aa Top Trades Double ar Nothing llollywoodMaslo News 1 0 IA News Doable ar Notblni Hollywood Masla Come Gel It I SO QttMa D' News Sows Sorab Drake J .,B Qaeen for a Day Light of World Ted Dale Fresents Makes Top Tick io Ladlea First L)(t Bcasllfal Mac's Melodies Jnd Mrs. Burton (6 Ladlea First Ma Perkins Mac's Melodies Perry Masoa :30 News Pepper Yoani Mae's Melodies Pat O'Brien :4S Bob Eberly Show Happiness Mac's Melodies Atr-flo Tell Nelxbbor Baekstaro Wlfa Mae'a Melodies Newspaper of Air S Johnaos family Stella Dallas Mae'a Melodies Newspaper af Air :X0 Orxaa Bcverlea Lorenia Jonas Mae'a Melodies Winner Take All :4S Bma Slnss Wldder Brown Mac's Melodies Tunefully Tears A tt$ A1" lb ' A Girl Marries Mae's Melodies Newa 1 u Asalnal tha Storm rottim Facet Llfa Mac's Melodies Meet lha Mite as X 10 " Jaat Plain BUI Mae'a Melodies Meet lha Mlssaa -4S On Parada Front Paxe FarreB Hac'a Melodies Arthar Godfrey 0say It with Masl Bead of Life Women'a Fata Arthar Godfrey l A Say It with Masla Lara Lawtoa Friendly Arthur Godfrey M Sonrs af Times Ann! Mary Spotlite Masla Arthar Godfrey :4S I Newa We Lore A Learn Spotlight an Arthur Godfrey DIAL LISTINGS: KEX. 1190; KOAC, 550 1 rV Tuesday P. M. S:M, Squirrel NCA Csse i 11:50, Sky Klnn 6:00, Keep ing ap With Sportsi :!. Home Edition; 6:S0, Green Harnett 1:M, Id win C. Hlllt 1:15, Elmer Davlat 1:S0, Mask by fioneroi 8:00. Counterspy I 6:30, Town Meet ing: t:S0, Monitor News; t:45. Book Adr.i 10:00, Blebfleld Reporter! 10:15, Internes a; 10:30, Concert Hoart 11:S0, Memo to Fomorrawt lt:00, Ztra Hoari 1:00, Sign Off. If C V Wednesday. A.M. ta 4:46 P.M. ICA , Early Birdi 0:45, Dirt Doctor;, 7. McCatl Newai 7:1B. Bob Johnson Showi 1:S0, Bob Bason Showi 7:46, Farm Newa; 8:00, Myrt and Harget S:1B, Martin Arronskri 6:80, Keka Manners) 8:46, Easy I Aces i :00. Breakfaat Clubi 10:00, News: 10:15. Stars af Todayi 10:80, Kay Krser's Kollege; 11, Ted Malonei 11:16, Galen Drakei 11:80, Traa Story i It, Betty Crock art 11:16, News; lt:S0, Baakbagei lz:48, Naney Cralxi 1:00, North westerners t (Listed as Paelfla Standard Time) lfA" le- F.M-6:00 Ol lai Op IWMV beKt 6:50 Sports Clubi :, Tha Newsi 6:15, Dinner Melodies 6:66, Bound lha Campflrai 7:16, Farm Hour! 8:00. Artistry In Classiest 8:80, Great Songs i 8:45, The Newai :M, Masla That Endareai 6:46, Evening Medftatlonst 10:00, Excaraiona In Science; 10:16, Screnadai 10:45, Newst 11:00, Slga Oft. (Listed aa Paelfla Standard TIbm) lfAf Wed. A.MlO, Newsi Itilt, iwMV Eapeclally far Wamapi 11:66; Concert Hall: 1C:00, Newsi 11:18, Farm Hoari 1:00, Rldo 'cm Cowboy; 1:16. Va rlety Timet 1:30, This Day) 1:46, Melody Lane i S:00, 4-H Club Assembly) 3:00, News. 1:60, Kay Westi 1:06, Breakfaat m Holtyywoodi t:60, Talk Tear Way Oat af Iti 8:00, Surprise Package; 6:30, Bride and Groom t 4:00, Welcome Traveler! 4:80, Art Llnklettey. Legion Plans Dance Woodburn Another dance and entertainment is planned by the Woodburn American Le gion at the Legion. hall Satur day night, June 25. Members and associate members are invit ed to attend. The hall will open at 9 p.m. and dancing will be gin at 10 o'clock. ACROSS 10. Animal 1. Bounder ancloaura t. fall at brldgo II. Light helmet 7. Marlonettea K Sunken fenca U. fa mall flah 13. Infatuation Obliterate 14. Firat name of 33. Half boot a Dick en a 40. Escape by character trlcltery 16. In j urea 44. Stage player 17. Part 46. Black 15. Individual! 47. Mexican 16. European pancake) blackbird 60. Tell IX French 62. Down quilt annuity 63. Vine It. Parapet 64. Scotch caa 37. Pertaining 65. Fat to love 66. English Mver It. American 67. Uascullna enerai name A U Allu R A LC U I Ol C U P I P I T yIIt A F eIme r c k H L O tJ Tjjl Blmml ilJmf VA11 AIL IP SW opAlt CRT L B J nalMr i a a v i n ABiBBlvlNiq RlR-lc O VERjEpg3 C3t wfjRil6 AiPiTISl CAP W WIRIL A Tj I nJ one v NnA r A 8olutlon of Yesterday's Puule DOWN t. Apple juice 1 Proverb a f3 "if 5 4u vm, 75 mmg Zl 21 7 23 Z4 iS il 30 n pa . jj m w jf T j ';';,:.'- .' 47 Ui so si I Ji ''3 pAsi JJ 0SZ p Sy t. Imp 4. Sack 6. Article C Abandon T. Exact copy 6. Bay window I. Untruth 10. Reolnoua au bat a nee tl. Pronoun 16. Fall flower 10. Lift S3. Root out 11. Sick 15. Born 26. Obtain 2S. Fragrant 20. EnglneerB shelter 11. Exclamation 12. Rodent 34. Uechanlcal oar 17. November meteor 19. Narrow fabric 41 Lessen 43. Pertaining U dowry 41 Foe 46. Talk lira. tlonally 17. Fusa 4. Chafe 45. Period precetf Ing an event 61. Cereal ROOM AND BOARD By Gen Ahern , YEP -"VOUXL FIND THTS WUAT IT IS - A KITCHEN GADGET fDR CORING OUT VEGETABLES SAY FOR INSTANCE, TCHVKTDES " OR IT COULD BE USED FOR CORiNS MELONS AND PITTING OTHER FRUIT LIKE CHERRIES AND PEACHES J COULD BE U BUT IT ISNT VERV SENSATIONAL' THERE WERE IOO CAN OPENERS IN UNCLE WOLFGANGS TRUNK,- I CAN SELL THEM " BUT THERE ARE A THOUSAND Of THESE BLASTED THINGS A HOPELESS JOB,- n S I -4