Testily Hiss' Output of Peas Character Good Near Last Year New York. June 21 W De fense attorney! (or Alger Hiss introduced stream of charac ter witnesses Monday in an at tempt to refute charges made against the former high state de partment official by Whittaker Chambers. Chambers, confessed ex-cour ier for a communist spy ring, is the government's star witness In its trial on Hiss on a perjury indictment. Chambers has ac cused Hiss of filching highly- secret government papers and passing them to him for transfer to a Red spy group. A spy probing grand Jury indicted Hiss after he denied Chambers' accusations. The government rested its case Friday after 14 days of in tense court action. The defense began its rebuttal today, confin ing itself mainly to witnesses who testified to the good char acter of the 44-year-old Hiss or cast doubt on some parts of Chambers' testimony. One witness, under direct questioning, swore that Hiss was at a Maryland camp in 1937 dur ing the period Chambers testi fied he and Hiss went on a mo tor trip to New Hampshire. Charles F. Darlington, one time associate of Hiss in the state department, praised Hiss' work foV the government r1 said he had the "finest reputa tion anyone could have" for in tegrity, loyalty and veracity. Kin of Kaiser Wed To Texan Decorator Hechingen, Germany, June 21 U.R) A granddaughter of Kaiser Wilhelm and an interior decorat or from Texas were married twice today in 1,000-year-old Hohenzollern castle on a moun tain top overlooking this quiet village. But Princess Cecilie of Prus sia, a refugee from the Soviet zone of Germany, did not prom ise to obey former U. S. Army Capt. Clyde Harris of Amarillo, Tex., in either the civil or the protestant religious ceremony. "That word," she explained, "is not for us." The Oregon-Washington pack of canned peas for 1949 is likely to be almost as high as last year's, according to preliminary crop estimates forecast by the agrono my division of the American Can company. The estimated output will rank the Oregon-Washington area in the naton's highest output bracket, second only to Wiscon sin. If good crop conditions con tinue farmers of the two states will produce 5.400,000 cases this year, as compared with 5,699, 540 in 1948. The total U. S. production of peas for the year is currently cal culated at 27,850,000 cases an increase of roughly 4,500,000 cases over last year. Lincoln Bonds Voted Newport, June 21 W Lin coln county voted nearly $2, 000,000 yesterday to bring coun ty schools up to state standards. Reversing an April election, the voters passed a $1,350,000 bond issue, 2276 to 873; and a $598,049 special tax levy, 1947 to 788. Thomas Swing, first secretary of the Interior, was appointed in 1849. SALEM LAWN SPRINKLER CO. Salem's Own . . . Salem's Exclusive '. . with the experience that counts Phone 3-4537 734 N. High St. IrSTREAMLINwS CHICAGO 1 EMPIRE BUILDER Cro NnUnft OrMt.it Trab Chicago is just two nights away from Portland on the fleet new Empire Butldbr. For only $2.13 mora than a standard Pullman lower berth, enjoy the privacy and comfort of a Duplex-Roomette. Lm rVW atfr t Ml for information or lorn vjtiunt C. L. BucBor True. Pom. Agrnt 07 a W. Wufcimrtoo St. PortUod 6, Orqroo PbonK Bmoob 727S GREAT NORTHERN KAISER-FRAZER Invades New Price Field See the BIG BIG New Kaiser Drastic Low Prices 24 Months to Pay Teague Motor Co. 355 North Liberty, Salem, Oregon Phone 2-4173 .ft HARV8QARD BOARD NATURES WOOD IMM0VE0 100 fOlB STRONG YET WORKABLE AN0 BEAUTIFUL EXTERIOR Shtathlni , concrtt. form liners, for farm build ings, garage doors, and for exterior uses whtn painted. INTERIOR Wall board, partitions, flooring and subfloors, fixtures, furniture, cab inets, table tops, sheWes, COMPMI CHAPCO SOAIO POI UIAIIIITT, OUAUTY AN0 MICI (INIIIT IOCAI PtICII J.W. Copeland West Solent Yord 520 Wallace Rd. hone 3-6627 SEE CHAPCO BOARD TOD AY I DlmMdMil-4'll' Hi Htm HikknMIM-ll", 114", 14 Tapllal Journal, Salem. Oregon. Tuesday, June 21, 1949 IS You can't judge a book by its cover. Neither should you judge food savings by week-end specials alone. Thrifty shoppers know that the way to real savings is to shop at a store where every price is low all the time. It's the total that counts. And . . . the total is less when k every price is low. Compare the prices listed here! We believe you'll Be sure . . shop uomDare me uru.es usieu nere: we ueiieve vvuu m b . . J agree that you save more on your total food bill by shopping regularly rTQQ rOrRltlCj! at Safeway. A Few of Our Low Prices-Effective Through Saturday, June 25 Shortening 3c MILK TALL CANS 10c Crisco Spry Snowdrift Cherub Brand. Safeway Guarantees it! Limit 12 cans UHZ c 29c MILK 2 23c The Whole Family Will Go for Ritz Buy Several All Other Brands Evaporated Milk BISQUIICK 39c CHEESE 79c For Biscuits in a Jiffy There's Nothing Like It Breeze Brand. American Cheese Food -mmmmmmmm-mmmmmmmmmm-T--- tra-mmmmmmmmmmm SIe FLOUR 49c CORN 10c Sperry's. Just Add Water and Mix. Good! Gardenside Brand. Cream Style . ' KADSBMS a 19c PEAS 3 25c How about a Raisin Pie or a Batch of Cookies? Gardenside Brand. PEAKS 25c Jell-Well 4 25c Highway Brand. Pear Halves in Syrup A Flavor to Please Every Taste. Sparkling Good Apricots 15c SUGAR .' Rio Rita Brand. Canned When Tree-ripened 100 lb. bag 8.59 Mayonnaise 43c Dog Food 3 19c Yes, lt'$ Best Foods! Pint Jar Playfair Brand. A famous brand a low price 02? Proper trimming gives you more good-eating meat for your money PORK SHOULDER ROAST , 39c BACON 3x xlHn Pork Steak Tender Nice Cuts lb. 45c Pure GROUND BEEF lb. 35c Medium weight Any Size Piece lb.J9c Frank furters lb. 39c Priced by the pound so you get full value for your money TOMATOES 19c Canta loupes Sweet, Ripe Cantaloups, Just Arrived! lb. 8c New Potatoes Thin Skinned Good Cookers! SPECIAL: 10ibs49c Sweet Corn Full ears. Tender, Meaty Kernels lb. 13c Five Convenient Safeway Stores 2120 N. FAIRGROUNDS RD. 245 COURT STREET 935 S. COMMERCIAL 1420 STATE STREET 1230 N. BROADWAY for the convenience of out-of-town and late shoppers, SAFEWAY STORES at 2120 Fairgrounds Road and 1420 State Street are open until 8:00 p. m. EVERY EVENING EXCEPT SUNDAY. t