Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, June 21, 1949, Page 11, Image 11

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    Predicts All-Philadelphia
World Series is Possible
Portlanders Tie
In Oregon Golf
Astoria, Ort., June 21 (UP)
Tab Boyer and Ted Westling,
Portland ihot-makeri who fired
ene-under-par 70'i, today were
tied for the lead in the men'i
qualifying round of the annual
Oregon Golf association cham
pionship! at Astoria Golf and
Country club.
Men'a qualifyiag rounds will
continue today.
Mrs. Babe Freese Bowman of
Portland shot a 72 to win wom
en'! medalist honors. Her quali
fying round over the wind
swept Astoria Country club
course broke the women's
course record of 74 set by Jes
sie M. Hearthart in 1940. Mrs.
Bowman won the OGA title in
Other qualifying scores:
Men's round:
Ron Clark. The Dalles, 71; Sid
MiUigan, Eugene, 73; Will
. Haines, Vancouver, Wash., 73;
' John Rippett, Gearhart, 73; Rob
ert Nichols. Astoria, 74; Gene
Bates, Portland, 74; Ralph Dich
ter, Gearhart, 74? Bill Langley,
Portland, 74; (Lou Jennings, the
defending champion from Port
land, was not required to quali
fy). Women'! round:
Grace Demoss, Corvallis, 78;
Mrs. Lloyd Burgess, Astoria, 77;
Mrs. J. M. Odell, The Dalles, 79;
and Lillian Schauen, The
Dalles, 83.
Midget Racers
Roll in Holly
Bowl on June 22
Midget automobile racing will
be staged at the Hollywood
bowl, north of the city along
the Pacific highway, the night
of July 22. Time trials are sched
tiled for 7:30 with the races
proper slated for an hour later.
The program will bring a
number of outstanding drivers.
Including Cal Niday, winner of
the national 3-A title at Blooms-
berg, Pa., last year. He also was
proclaimed champion of Austra
lia in 1947 and 1948. Other driv
ers will be Lou Sherman, Bob
Gregg, Max Humm of Salem,
Russ Congdon, Larry Kezar, Ken
Gardner, John Gosi and Shorty
Tampleman. -
Cycle Riders to
Enter Race Event
At Benton-Lane
Eugene, June 21 Leading
northwest motorcycle riders
will converge on Benton-Lane
this Sunday for full program
of rasing. Ten big events vary
ing from a three-lap trophy dash
to the 13-lap "A" main event-
will compose the program.
Time trials begin at 1 p.m.,
with the first races scheduled
for 1 p.m., standard time. This
Is the first race at Benton-Lane
line April, but the track has
been thoroughly cared for by
the Eugene Motorcycle club
portion. It will be in "ihip-
Benton-Lane is located on
Highway 99W, only 22 miles
south of Corvallis, and 19 miles
north of Eugene.
Make-Up Game is
Set for Tuesday
Rock Wool and Moo try's will
make up a City league Softball
game Tuesday night on Leslie
field at 8 o'clock. The regular
schedule will be resumed Thurs
day night.
In the Industrial division
.Teamsters and Interstate are
listed to meet at 8:30 Tuesday
The Papermakers overcame a
4-0 deficit accumulated in the
first three innings to nose War
ner's 8-7 Monday. The 'Makers
scored I tallies in the 4th, 5th
and 6th as Warner'! checked in
a half dozen errors.
Warner'! 301 120 07 8 6
'Makers 000 332 x 8 7 3
Wright, Mickenham (4) and
B. Comitock; Farlow and Kep
harl ;
Kell Increases
American Lead
Chicago, June 21 W George
Kell, Detroit third sacker, fat
tened his American league bat
ting average six point! to .392
during the week to lip 30 full
point! ahead of the field.
Boiton'i Dom DiMaggio climb
ed four point! to .322 for second
place. Last week s runner-up,
Eddie Joost of Philadelphia
skidded 12 to .311. Boston's Ted
William! moved from fifth to
third with .314.
Member of t h Mayflower
class "B" junior baseball squad
have been called for a practice
aVision at 6:15 Tuesday evening
at dinger field by Coach Bob
(Unltfd Prou Sporu Writer)
New York, June 21 UJ!l-Mayb it'a the heat, maybe it'i the
humidity, but before the man cornea with reservations for that
nice padded cell, how about just considering an all-Philadelphia
world series?
The Phils vs. the Athletics.
look at the records.
Take the Phils. Since June 8
they have won 11 out of IS
games to come from a lowly spot
in the second division to a fourth
place berth, Just lVi games be
hind the pace setting Brooklyn
Now how about the Athletics?
Right now the A's are the hottest
club in the American league with
1Z wins out of their last 16. They
are now in third place, 4 M games
out of the lead.
Both the Phils and A's won
breezing last night to enhance
their contending positions. Russ
Meyer pitched the Phils to a
seven-hit, 7 to 1 victory over the
Pirates in which he mised a shut
out because of Ralph Kiner's
15th homer.
Dick Fowler pitched the Ath
letics to a 4 to 1 triumph over the
hot Cleveland club, besting Mike
Garcia in a hurling battle.
The Yankees topped the
Browns, 4 to 1, at New York on
the margin of Jackie Phillips'
tnree-run homer.
Walt Masterson pitched fine
ball for seven innings to record
hii first victory lince swltchine
from Washington to Boston, but
there was an omlnots note in the
6 to 1 Red Sox decision over the
Tigers for he had to leave the
game with a sore arm.
Young Bobby Rhawn. obtained
for the bargain counter price of
810,000 from the Giants last
week, gave the White Sox a S to
4 victory at Washington that end
ed a five-game losing streak
when he hit a two-run single to
Skits nj Scratches
IY FRED ZIMMERMAN. Capital Journal Sport! Editor
Good Selection
If past performance means
Willamette university's athletic committee turned a smart trick
in securing Chester R. Stackhous for the head football position
on the Bearcat campus. We understand one reason why Stack-
house put in his bid for the job
would bring hun to the Pacific
since graduating from Central
that could be asked of any coach. Given the enthusiastic support
of the students and the board of trustees, the new head man
should prove successful in his assignment at Willamette,
Fine Track Man
" While emphasis center! on football, It leemi iogicai to
bring in a track man of Stackhonse'i proven ability at the
time when Willamette Is perfecting new facilities for the
sprinters and long distanee men. It would have been noth
ing much short ef a crime to have introduced him to the
facilitiea that his predecessors have had to contend with. The
track that was developed daring the early spring months will
be given further treatment thia summer and it should be in
excellent condition by fall. Perhapa Coach Stackhouse will
have a few hours to spar this fall to devote to the runners.
However, he will have a busy time getting acquainted and
introducing his system ef play to young men whom he hai
never seen.
All Star Game
Tickets for the all iter game
pital are now available and may be purchased through James J.
Richardson of Multnomah stadium who is chairman of the com
mittee in charge. Reserved seat pasteboards may be had at $3
per copy. The contest between upstate and Portland high school
seniors is booked for Multnomah field, the night of August 27.
The coaching staff for the "country boys" consists of Mel Ingram
of Grants Pass, Lee Ragsdale of Medford and Harry Thompson
of Gresham. The Portland all atari will see action under the
direction of Eric Waldorf, Jefferson high; Ted Ogdahl, Grant, and
Harry Scarff of Central Catholic. .
Cow Palace Out
The bigwigs of the Pacific Coast eonference might have
tried their prc-season basketball tournament In the north
end before throwing the Idea Into the ash can. The Cow
Palace where It was stared last year was far from attractive
cither to the players er the cash customers. The latter stayed
away In droves because of their dislike of the facilities, or, to
be more exact, for the lack of them. Perhapa Spec Keene
would have extended an Invitation to hold the tourney In
Oregon State's new J1.7SM00 pavilion if he had felt reason
ably sure that the hug structure would be ready. But, there's
a big doubt that the building will be ready for the first
conference games.
Inviting A Fine?
An Associated Press dispatch out of Fall River, Mass., carries
the information that "Schoolboy star Joe Andrews 17, will leave
for the University of Washington to consider an offer of four
year scholarship. Young Andrews said he had offers from 39
colleges and eight major league
panied by Al McCoy, former assistant football coach at Harvard
and now a member of the University of Washington athletic
staff." The Husky institution for the second straight year drew
the largest assessment for violations of the PCC purity code.
Perhapa if the athlete is good
too troublesome.
Fantastic? Well, maybe, but just
0 Major Standings
(Br Unitid rrw)
W L Pet.
II 3S JOS New York
W L Pet.
31 36 .SOB
34 33 .431
33 35 .361
30 36 J4I
W I Pet.
30 31 .336
36 36 .461
34 36 .400
11 41 .366
St. LouU
34 21 .591 Cincinnati
34 30 .561 Pltubunb
34 31 .3ST Chlcilo
W L Pet.
New York 31 31 .631 Boiton
Detroit 33 3i .666 WuhlnltB
Phudlphlt, 33 36 .6S6 Chletto
Ollvllmd 36 .131 at. Loulf
BoonlU BUnior
No Tork S, at. Louli 1.
Bolton 3. ChielKO 3.
Phtldtlphlo 1, Plttieurth 1.
(Only ntnei oohodulodi.
Bt. Loull 1. New York 4.
Detroit 1. Boiton 6.
Clevolme 1. Phllidelphla 6.
Chlctio 6, Wuhlneton 4.
send in the tying and winning
The Cardinals had no difficul
ty stopping the Giants, 7 to 2,
as Gerry Staley scored his third
straight victory over them and
Red Schoendienst set the batting
pace with four hits, boosting his
average to .337, Just one point
behind league-leader Jackie Rob
inson of Brooklyn.
Eddie Stanky's double and a
single by Elbie Fletcher gave the
Braves a ninth inning run for a
to 2 victory over the Cubs at
Chicago, the ninth of the season
for curve-baller Vern Bickford.
Brooklyn and Cincinnati were
not scheduled.
Correct for Newport
16:36 n.m.
16:36 p.m.
11:61 i.m.
11:66 p.m.
11:41 p.m.
6 6 4:61 I.m. OS
6.1 4:34 p.m. 3.0
6.6 6:38 l.m. -0.1
6.3 3:13 p.m. 3.3
6:33 a.m. -0.6
S.t 6:36 p.m. 3.1
anything, then it would seem
wai the very good one that it
coast. Certainly his achievements
Michigan Teachers college are all
for the benefit of the Shrine hos
clubs . . . Andrews will be accom
enough, the fin isn't considered
Robinson Leads
National Batters
New York, June 21 0P
Brooklyn' Jackie Robinson,
seeking to become the first
right-handed hitting National
league batting champion since
1942, enjoys a commanding 11-
point edge over his nearest ri
val. The Dodger Infielder tacked
nine points to his mark during
the past week to increase his av
erage to a lofty .358 including
games through Sunday. Trailing
the Dodger Mar is Infielder Red
Schoendienst of the St. Louis
Cardinals. Red is moving along
at a .347 gait.
Boyce Slams Ace
On Eighth Hole
Chet Boyce hit the pole about
six inches above the cup on No.
green of the Salem Golf club
course over the week-end for a
hole in one. The ball appar
ently had sufficient spin on it
to drop into the hole after hitting
the pole. The drive was 152
yards Boyce was playing with
Len riremen and Don Woodry
Chicago, June 21 For the
first time since Joe Louis cor
nered the heavyweight boxing
market 12 years ago and whip
ped all comers, a real even
Stephen contest for the title has
shaped up in the Ezzard Charles-
Jersey Joe Walcott scrap to
morrow night.
Although the bout has been
dubbed the "slim pickins' "
heavyweight championship, it
sincerely presents two fired-up
contestants who are not afraid
of each other and appear even
ly matched.
Louis, before he retired and
tossed up his crown for the
Charles-Walcott winner, always
was an overwhelming favorite
who usually came through right
on schedule in cut-and-dried
About the nearest he came to
being dismantled was by Wal
cott in December of 1947. Jer
sey Joe floored him and carried
the attack through 13 rounds
only to lose a decision which
still is mighty controversial.
Walcott, the 35-year-old fam
ily man from Camden, N. J., and
27-year-old Charles, unmarried
Cincinnati slugger who has lost
only four times in eight years,
at odds of about 6-5, take your
A definite swing to Walcott
has been reported with the pre
sent odds dropping from 7-5 to
13-10 for Ezzy, indicating Jersey
Joe's late support probably will
send the two Negro heaviea to
gether at even money.
Charles' comparative youth is
being upheld by his backers as
Ride 'lm, Cowboy
"Oof!" aa he weathers thli four-legged hurricane to win the
California rodeo crown at
Time Trials 7:30 p. m. Races 8:30 p. m.
Admission 1.50 Inc. Tax FREE PARKING
Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, June 21, 1949
Salem Legion
Second Round, Wednesday
The Capital post No. 9, American Legion Junior baseball club
will open the second round of competition Wednesday evening
on Waters field at 6:30 against
the first of three games slated
for the week, all at 6:30 at
Waters park. The second, Friday
evening will be with Silverton
and the third, Sunday, brings
Woodburn here.
By mutual consent two first
half gamea were cancelled be
cause Salem had already won
the title for that period. They
were against Woodburn and Ore
gon City.
The locals have won eight
straight under the guidance of
Battle as Even Match
his most decisive edge. Those
who favor Walcott like his
weight advantage of 195 pounds
to Ezzy's 1.80.
Heavy Fight to
Be Radioed to
Fans at Armory
Listening t a heavyweight
championship scrap while ob
serving a second ring contest
first hand will be the privilege
of fani who attend Wednes
day night's Veterana of For
eign War flstlo program at
the armory. The Vet have
made arrangements to have a
late model receiving set in
stalled at the ringside for the
purpose of broadcasting the
Walcott-Charles title bout
scheduled for Chicago.
Matchmaker Tex Salkeld
report! John L. Sullivan and
King Henry Lee, principals In
Wednesday night's 16 round
light heavyweight main event
are In excellent condition. Sul
livan haa been working out
with Davey Ball who will
take on Danny Forrest In the
aix round semi-final.
Three four round prelimi
naries complete the card.
Stars Increase PC Lead
On 8-6 Win Over Padres
San Francisco, June 21 U.R The Hollywood Stan increased
their bulge in the Pacific Coast league to six full gamea last night
aa they took an 8 to 6 decision from third place San Diego in a
Gene Rambo of Shandon, Calif.,
is about to give out with a bic
Salinas, Calif. (Acme Telephoto.)
Juniors Open
Oregon City. The contest will be
Bill Hanauska. According to
agreement drawn up at the out
set of the season the winners of
the two periods are scheduled to
play a district title series July
13, 17 and 18. The second half
is due to end July 13.
The winner will then engage
the district west of the river.
Jim Rock, Bob DeGeer and
Sunny Walker have been carry
ing the pitching load although
Gordon Sloan was given a trial
against Stayton Sunday.
Walcott's only fighting in the
la year has been done in ex
hibitions. Charles has been busy
leaving the light-heavy ranks
which he dominated to knock
out such 200-pounders as Joe
Baksi and Johnny Haynes.
The big question seems to be
whether the aging Walcott, who
has diligently done 300 miles
of read work and nearly 130
rounds of sparring in prepara
tion for his third crack at the
heavyweight bauble, has enough
gas to last 15 rounds in case
there is no earlier kayo.
M'Minnville Nabs
West Legion Lead
On Newberg Win
McMinnville The local
American Legion Junior baseball
team took over the leadership of
th western division Monday
night when It edged Newberg
9-6. Th western division win
ner will meet the east side title-
holder in a series of games in
Newberg 040 020 06 4 8
McMinnville .110 160 x 9 11 6
Armstrong, Ellis (3) and
Meslplay; Beard and Beeler.
are expected to enter tne ring
battle of home runs.
The Twinks got off to a fast
start by scoring single runs In
the first and second innings and
then piling up five more in the
fourth to driv San Diego pitch
er Al Jurislch from the mound.
Gene Handley, Irv Noren and
Jim Baxes homered. Later, in the
eighth, Chuck Stevens also hit
for the circuit.
PCL Standings 9
(Br thi Aiioel.tid Prim
W L Pet. W t Ptt.
Hollywood 66 33 .633 Bieramnto 40 43 .686
Stlttli 66 36 .363 Portlind 37 46 .451
Sin Dlflf 43 43 .306 SnPrncICO 36 4T .447
Oikllnd 43 43 .506 Lot AnitU 34 31 .400
SHi Mondir
Hollrwood 6, Sin Din. S.
lOnlr iimi irhwliilid.
The Padres rallied for six runs
in the fifth and sixth innings.
Max West hit his 25th homer of
the season, routing Hollywood
hurler Gordon Maltzberger.
In tonight'a games, second
place Seattle invades last-place
Los Angeles, Sacramento enter
tains Oakland, Portland goes to
San Francisco and the Twinks
and the Padres continue their
Short icon:
Hollywood 110 500 001-6 10 1
Sin Dleffo 000 033 0006 10 0
Miltibertfr. OUrn (61; Silviion 161
nd Sindlock; Jurmch, Biviii (4 Ind
Tries Body English
pion, attempts to help hia ball aa he applies body engllsh
after making couple of shots In the Motor City Open at De
troit, Mich., In which he wa a co-winner along with Lloyd
Mangrum. At left he tries to help his ball to the left as h
approachea fifth green In regular play and at right he trie
to give hi ball a push as it stops about an inch short of the
cup in playoff with Mangrum. Playoff went 11 hole without
either man gaining an advantag. (AP Wlrephoto.)
Senators Face Tacoma
First in Travel Week
The Salem Senators, just one game out of the second division,
match their skill against the Tacoma Tigers in Tacoma Tuesday
night. The oontest will open two road aeries that will be con
cluded with a doubleheadar with Bremerton next Sunday. Th
Tigera ar currently resting In seventh place, approximately
five games out of the cellar.
Spokane will be at Waters
park the night of June 27 for its
second series of the year, fol
lowed by the league leading Ya
kima Bears June 30. Th Bears
will be here for eight games, in
cluding doubleheaders July 3
and 4.
Although idle, Yakima added
a half game to it lead when the
Vancouver Capa were nosed by
Spokane Monday night, 6-5. Th
win placed th Indian just two
games out of second spot. Bud
Sheelly hit two homer for the
In th only other WIL, scne-
duled eonUat, Wenatchee scor-
ed a 9-4 win ovr Victoria.
Coast Trackmen
Peg Victory Hope
On Patton Speed
Berkeley, Cal., June 21 U."
Upon the slender flying legs of
Pell-mel Patton, the world's
greatest sprinter, hang th chan
ces of the Pacific Coast confer
ence to whip the Big Ten in
their annual track and field
meet at Edwards stadium late
this afternoon.
Patton, who will be running
his last race in United States as
an amateur, is expected to win
the 100 and 220-yard dashes and
anchor one of the short relay
However, he complained of a
cramp when winning the NCAA
crown at Los Angeles last week
end and it is not certain that
that popular favorite of the East-
Tho Man who Caret
Dr. Cary Mlddleeoff, newly
crowned National Open cham
WIL Standings
(By th. Auoalitd Prsii)
W L Pet.
Yakima 43 19 JM
Vancouver 35 37 .565
Spokane 33 2a .533
Salem 39 30 .463
Wenatchee 31 31 .44
Bremerton 2 3 .438
Tacoma 28 3 .438
Victoria 33 S9 31
Reaults Monday
Spokane 6. Vancouver I.
WenaU-hee t. Victoria 4.
Th. Ihort Moru:
Spokim 100 010 0134 IS t
Vlnoouvir 000 100 040 13 1
Komnt. Klmbill (0 ind Roiili Ooitil
ounnirwi (6 ind ShMlr.
w.niiehu 310 030 ois-e ts 1
vioiori. .......... .io i ii-j ii
1 Wrtrk arwl Pink: PrnM. IMTal (II Etltd
Uorf aa.
Waitkus to Quit
Hospital Soon
Chicago, June 21'
First baseman Eddie Wait
kus of the Philadelphia
Phillies, shot and wounded
by a lovesick girl fan, may
be out of the hospital In
three weeka, doctors aaid
Waitkun. shot a week ago
today, got out of bed and
took a walk around hla room
yesterday. A .11 caliber
rifle bullet lodged In hla
chest haa not yet been re
moved. h will run in more than th
If Patton is unable to run, th
chancea ar that th Big Ten
will continue its athletic domi
nation over th PCC.
2p Uss