n lie ff qp$ Kief cs r if E ..i III fill lll'fl -1 Interior View, Tavern car, Southern Pacific s streamlined Shasta Daylight to go Into service between Portland and San Francisco, July 10. iSouthern Pacific Cars Get .Design From Timberline Timberline Lodge, mile high on the slope of Mt. Hood, furnishes the design theme for the tavern cars on Southern Pacific's new streamlined Shasta Daylight trains which will go Into service July 10 between Portland and San Francisco. Native woods, wood carvings, brilliant reds, deep blues, spark ling mirrors, high intensity lighting all combine to provide a vibrant color scheme. Decorative feature is the bar section occupying nearly 18 feet at the central portion of the car. The bar, brilliantly illuminated from an overhead canopy, has the top done in real redwood burl. The front and canopy have wood panels showing animal life of the Pacific northwest hand carved in oak, separated by red panels on which a pine needle design is painted in black and silver. At the back bar, between glittering display cases, is an il luminated transparency in full natural color of Timberline lodge. At the ends of the car are huge natural color pictures of Crater lake and Mt. Shasta, il luminated by concealed lights and so arranged that it appears the passenger is looking at them through huge windows. On a large wall opposite the bar is a huge hand-painted mural of Mt. Hood. Two sections, each having 27 seats, occupy 19 feet on either side of the bar section. The ceil ings are in pale yellow, walls have a grayed Monterey finish, the seats are finished in cedar tone leather, table pedestals are hand carved in oak and the floors covered with deep blue carpet. Draperies in blue and cedar stripes cover each pier between the huge windows. Gervais Group Meets Gervais The meeting of the Clara Jones Missionary Society was held in the Presbyterian church social room with Mrs. Buford Brown, vice - president presiding. The meeting opened with Mrs. Clara Jones giving the year book of prayer and Mrs. Robert Harper the devotional? Mrs. Donald DuRette led the topic. Refreshments were served at the social hour by Mrs. David St. John and Mrs. Ernest Trem blay. Abe Dung, up from Santa Clara's freshman football team, is a native of Honolulu. Buses in North Remain Idle Seattle, June 20 W) North Coast Greyhound lines buses lay idle for the third day today as a result of a strike which follow-! ed a collapse of negotiations be tween the company and the AFL. Motor Coach Employes union, I local 1384. Pickets appeared at the Seat tle central bus terminal when the company called in supervi sory personnel to handle depot duties. Non-striking drivers on other lines refused to take their buses into the terminal and pas sengers boarded and debarked in the street. The union has asked a 10-cent hourly increase across the board and retention of working condi tions granted in the contract that expired May 1. John D. Parker, union business agent, said the company wanted to pay drivers by the mile rather than by the hour. Honey Colored Oil in Alaska Washington, June 18 WP The' world's largest oil claim, on the northern shores of Alaska, has produced a honey-colored oil thaat smells like gasoline and, will pour at 70 degrees fahren-j helt below zero. The oil came from a test borei In the navy's 85,000-quare-mile petroleum reserve No. 4 in the Point Barrow area, the bureau! of reclamation says in its first! report on Alaskan resources. Pointing out that no oil in commercial quantities has yet been found in the reserve, it said: "In the event that pools of sufficient size to warrant de velopment are found, engineers have already roughed out pipe lines, highways and possible railways linking the fields with Interior Alaska, and eventually the ice-free coast of the gulf of Alaska." The report added that oil shales assaying from SO to 100 gallons and more a ton have been found near the mouth of Alaska's Noatak river. It said Alaska's coal reserves of more than 110,000,000,000 tons may be found to justify construction of at least one syn thetic oil and gas plant. Two Drowned Coos Bay, Ore., June 20 W) 14-foot boat capsized near here yesterday afternoon and two of its five occupants were reported drowned. The coast guard listed the vic tims as Judy Moore, 7, of Bay City, Ore., and Chester Shoema ker, Coos Bay. A bridge tender rescued one survivor, and the others appar ently swam to safety, the coast guard reported. Strawberries for the Picking Strawberry growers, with the the home of Edison Virkrr InTapltal Journal, Salem, Oregon, MontTuv, June 20. 1949 . Irianha it 10:30 a. m. There were 13 girls and three assistant lead- piace to be decided upon at a Hansen. It was decided at the ers in the group. The hike aside iat(.r time. The August meeting last May meeting to have these from the fun was planned for wl be an overnight trip for thcimonthly meetings during the various nature badges which the pntir0 lroop Tnc ,nrc,e awi,ant summer. A number of the girls girls are earning. loaders In charge of the hike from this troop are planning on The Julv meeting will be a wore Mrs. Roselle Virkrr. Mn l.it.nHini f.irl " i. -nr., cook oui mr ine enure iroop. me cnarioue retersnn ana wrs. silver Creek falls this Auaubt, opening their fields to people! - " who with to pick their own fruit at a substantial discount over re tail prices. Advertising columns are filled with such notices but there is a wide spread in the prices asked,1 possibly depending upon quan tity and quality of the fruit on the vine. Choice ranges upwards from S to 12 i cents a pound, the latter price quoted for redhcarts. Prices in the Hazel Green-Middle Grove section are around 8 to 10 cents with the lowest quo-1 tation in the Liberty area. One offering is a straight $1 per crate while some others fail to quote the asking price. Cherry growers are now join ing in the sales campaign, withi a similar range In price. Lowest quotation is 1 cent a pound in1 the Salem Heights area up to 5 cents for both the sour (pie) cherries and royal annes. Other advertisers do not quote the ask ing price. Though the season Is just get ting under way, pickers are in vited to the Liberty district to help themselves to red raspber ries, at 10 cents a pound. Pickers are almost unanimous ly requested to bring their own containers. Detroit Girl Scout Girls Get Training Detroit The Girl Scout troop of Detroit and Idanha held a hike to Mud Puppy Lake, leaving OLD Hermitage Kentucky Musky -A Blend Gentleman's Whiskey irOIll M'lillKK) 1 1 J - T ' i IN"t"0N N.lloml DiOillrra Pmhirl. f"nrporlion. New Yorl WS Proof 6Vfc Crtin Ventral Spirit Advertisement Now Many Wear FALSE TEETH ' With More Comfort FA8TIFTH. a pleuant Iktltn Inoo icldi powder, hold file Wth moif (Irmly. To ctt and talk la more com fort. )tut aprlnklt ft Uttlt FA8TIRTH on your plitrj. No mmmr, tootr, put? tut or fetllnc. Check "put odor" (denture breath) Oct PASTKETH at anr truf atort. Only improved Com -fit Fads mve . PRICELESS COMFORT Your False Teeth Pit Either Plat Star toft in plate I cnew anythlnt. new avery lo-M day i or teat result. 59c at Fred Meyer Stores and other Drue Stores Clip tbla AdT'l. for a Reminder! Salem Lawn Sprinkling Co. Our Price Is Right Our Work Is Right Our Estimates Are Free 10 years of exclusive experience in Salem area. Call 3-4537 . 734 N. High. St. New Out-A-Sight Hearing If You Have Hesitated aecurtn better hearlnt becaua yon did not want to be aeen wearlnt that little hearina "button" in your ear, hesitate no lonieri It' out of alihtl Mail Coupon Now SONOTONE 1933 State St., Salem, Ore. Wtth.ut .bllt.tler. I W..1S Ilk. m Hnme tryflut of Invisible He.rlni. Pie... furnl'h me with farther Inform.tlov. .b.ul lnrliibl. B..r- Ini. NAME ADDRESS CITY TIE NEW WITH THE MILLION DOLLAR VIEW U DOLLAR TRAIN...... STARTING SUNDAY, JULY 10 , Southern Pacific is happy to announce that Ameriea'e newest and moat beautiful streamlined train make its "maiden voyage" to San Francisco cm Sunday, July 10, leaving Portland at 7:46 a.m., (PSD and arriving in San Francisco that evening. Simultaneously, the popular Daylight fane will be extended to Portland a new, luxury train at a new, low fare. Running tune of the Shasta Daylight wOl be 18 H hours fastest in history between Portland and San Francisco. The Shasta Daylight is brand new from stem to stem. Its luxurious appointments benefit from everything we've learned in a dozen yean of designing and operating streamlined trains. Perhaps mon than any other train, it is custom-built for the route It serves. Each Shasta Daylight consists of 9 chair ears, diner, coffee shop car, tavern car and parlor-observation car built by Pullman Standard Car Manufacturing Company, Diesel-electric locomotive. The two trains necessary for daily aervice cost nearly $6,000,000. See the dramatic Shasta Route by day tight the verdant Willamette River Valley, the high, tree-clad Cascade Mountains, Odell end Klamath Lakes, Mt. Shasta, the Sacra mento River Canyon, Shasta Dam's LaJte and Pit River Bridge and Lassen PeeJt. TO SAN FRANCISCO $12.00 Flus Tax l f) A NEW FAST C S S SOUTHBOUND Dally 1?) ii The frier, dly Southern Pacific C. A. LARSON, Agent Phone 3-9244 Lv RttMtnf k Otrrl 'lul MnMCttM Is SscfimsrSf) , ttlsrkltty trOlMMS'lMl SI), , It MN IMNCISCO iFsni lieu . . . tiMWi Bfl , V.Ut.m. 1:00 in. I ll l . 10:lli e. : se. inta la. 10 Ji I a. 10 la. 11:1) ML SCHEDULE NORTHBOUNO-Diltj i STANDARD Tmn li SAN FRANCISCO Furyliari , , , 7:4Si.e. L Oakland dltb St.) . . I Hie. ItCltHHM 1:1) ML Li Dull i lul Irtsi SKriswiltj . t:S) ItltMliif 11:21 ml Ai Kimitt ftil ... , 4:11 ml At EutM I'M B. At AlbMl i ll ML At SIM t M I B. Af PORTLAND . . . .11:19 p a. NEW LOW FARES To SAN FRANCISCO To LOS ANGELES . 1200 2160 19" 3450 in chair cmn on th Shonta Daylight nd other trains. (Xht Federal taieitm.) All neat iwervfNrl, but no chary for aeat reaervationa. Children under 5 free, 6 throufh 1 1, hiilf fare. Fare in Parlor Car higher. Fare ax alao reduced to many other California point. sMEVBsTaarTV STORE-WIDE FURNITURE aaeaeBBBBBaauaHeTegtleTaBCaS'JMai ft an GMED Q33HEEP "A Little Down on a Big Bill" FURNITURE CO. 275 N. LIBERTY DIAL3 4615 4 4