Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, June 20, 1949, Page 8, Image 8

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g CapHa! Join-mi. Salem. Oregon. Monday, June 20. 194915 SECRETARY OF STATE
TO- ' t $k
x I I j I it , ? 4" vLm.
Wedding Plana Completed Clyde Harries 'left), former
U. S. military government captain from Amarillo, Tex., and
his fiancee, Princess Cecilie, granddaughter of Germany'
lnle Kaiser Wilhelm and the great-great-granddaughter of
Britain's Queen Victoria, pose together in the library of her
ancestral home at Langen, Germany, after completing plans
for their wedding. The couple will be married June 21.
They plan to live in Texas after their marriage. (Acme Tele-photo)
Pop's Getting More Play
Each Year for His Day
Hollywood M.) Pop's edging up closer and closer to mon in
popularity, greeting card expert said today, and he thinks it's
became of "mom's guilty conscience."
Giva the old
4 J
mort years
says Hal Baker,
and he may
tack up more
"happy F a t li
ar's Day" loot
on his day than
the little wom
an does on hers
i "Mother's day
has always been yinim. nriii
third In sales,
next to Christmas and Valen
tine's day," Baker explained.
"But father Is getting up there."
Mom used to out-sell the old
man 20 to 1 when It came to
fancy-colored paper fripperies.
This year, aays Baker, who's
west coast aales manager for
Hallmark greeting cards, the
odds were down to 1 to 1,
"I think the sudden surge of
Father's Day sales was due to
women's guilty consciences," he
added. 'They've always had the
best of everything with Moth
er's Day.
"People wear earnations In
their honor. They get taken out
to dinner. Ministers dedicate
apeclal church services to 'em.
And nobody expects you to get
through Mother's Day without
shedding a sentimental tear
somewhere along the way.
"But who the heck can
squeeze out a tear for pop?
"So the woman of the house
tries to make it up to him by
splurging on cards."
But they have a practiral ap
proach to this new-found "sen
timent." A man buys one ex
pensive card for the missus. She
buys two or three all cheap
"A man thinks nothing of
pending a dollar ... or maybe
even three or four on a big
fancy Mother's Day card." Baer
ays. "He wants it loaded down
with perfumed cushions and
glittery folderols and lacy pa
lljStayton Organizes
illr fi.- n I
tommumiy Dana
Stayton Organization of
band for Stayton was brgun
when 28 people turnrd out. It
is hoped the band will ultima
tely number 40 pieces and new
music has been ordered and is
here for use of the band.
Dwane Burgess of Lowell,
who has been engaged to teach
music to Stayton public schools
next year will direct the band.
Burgess will commute to re
hearsals during the summer as
he is attending summer school
at the University of Oregon.
Rehearsals will be each Fri
day at 8:30 o'clock at the high!
school and anyone interested, is
invited to attend these meet- j
ings and Join.
Motorcycle Rider
Plunges to Death
Albany, Ore, June 20
Howard M. Miller, 2B, crashed
through a bridge guard rail on
his motorcycle yesterday and
dropped 120 feet to his death.
Dan Dougherty, taxlcab driv
er, said Miller passed him on the
bridge over the Willamette riv
er here, but apparently lost con
Miller, traveling north, struck
the ground below. He died in an
ambulance en route to a hospital.
Newbry Spreads Out
To Cover 10 Divisions
When you think of the office of secretary of state, spread out!
You think of the secretary of state's office as a small cubicle
at the northeast end of the Capitol building. That's lust the be
The depart-
merits in divi
sions sprawl
through most of
the basement of
the c a p 1 1 o 1
building, and
spread out to a
structure (auto
licenses and
drivers' licens-
" J" east Port- mmm
It spreads out through depart
ments ranging from the elec
tions division to the department
of financial responsibility the
latter a sort of public private-
Through this meeting with every
segment of the people of the
state, I am getting acquainted
with Oregon."
Since Newbry became secre
tary of state, his family has
moved from Ashland to Salem.
All except his son, Lyndel New
bry, who is managing the family
orchards and the packing plant
at Ashland. Mrs. Newbry and
their daughter, Shirlee, live in
Salem. Shirlee graduated from
Salem high school this year, and
plans to follow in the foot
steps of her mother by enroll
ing at Oregon State college.
Newbry's favorite hobby is
He also likes to
h L
Amity Starts
Amity Nursery street from
Oak to the city limits joining
the Hopewell road is being re
surfaced. The street at that point
was badly damaged by the win
ter freeze. Excavation and grad
ing on Trade street from 8th
South to Ash Sevale bridge is
complete with a wide fill on the
west side of highway 99W, and
ready for the crushed rock
foundation and black top which
will extend to the curb.
The Hopewell road construc
tion has progressed to the point
that the sharp curve near the
J. W. Vesteeg place has been eli
minated and travel Is being
routed over the new cut off.
That part of the road Is ready
for black top. The road bed
across the fill on North Trade
street has been completed and
the top surface will soon be ap
plied. Landscaping of the new play
ground for the Amity grade
school is under way under the
supervision of Art Anderson. A
patron of the school paid for
the property which is so situa
ted that the slight rise at the
east and west sides provide na
tural bleachers for the play
ground in the center. A tract
40 bv 100 feet to the north was
! ntiirViari from the late J. H.
Rlchter. The filbert and fruit
trees have 'been removed and
buried at the far south of the
grounds. School authorities hope
to have the grounds ready for
football practice this fall.
Ellerys to Replace
J . . .. hn.E. rirtina
i.i Th. riivi.inn of nudits' hunt and to play golf. But since
your secretary of state is also comin to Salom to lsk on the
the state auditor. The motori"""' ' r-"'"'. '
(,i. inn Hii.ionvour h" '"nd little time to pursue
gas tax money back, if you keep,1" ot his hobbies.
off the highways logging
farming, marine, air.
These 10 divisions are under
the administration of Earl T.
Newbry, and although each has Dllr-J Cl . --
its head, he is responsible and DUIIIcQ UllI jIOlC
answerable for all of them. j
Aurora Mr. and Mrs. James
Newhrv considers his Breat-lE"'''y P1"" to build a new fur-
est problem is the proper op- niture store in the very near fu-
eration of state institutions. e win not duiio oi
These come under his care, wd either," Ellery said, as he
partlv as secretary of state and!recall"d the roaring flames that
lroe"lv thronirh the lm hoard i defied the tons of water hurled
of control, of which he is alat tnem bv wven fire engines, in
Romance Rumored Pub
lished reports linking the
name of Suzanne Perrin
(above), 28-year-old New York
girl, with the name of Frank
lin D. Roosevelt, Jr., could
not be verified as efforts to
reach Miss Perrin were un
successful. She is the daugh
ter of Mrs. Lee J. Perrin,
widow of a New York lawyer.
Roosevelt in Washington said
"I know nothing about it."
(AP Wirephoto).
women have told us they get
'Happy Mother's Day to My
Grandmother' cards from their
But females shop for cards
. . . maybe even read doens be
fore they find one that fits the
old man. They may even buy
two or three but it's a rare day
"Two to one he never even j for the budget when they
bothers to read the verse. This I splurge more n a dime on each
we know, because plenty of lone.
Newbry's chief aid is William
E. Healy, assistant secretary of
state. His duties are defined by
law as the same as those of
secretary of state, so when
Newbry has to be absent from
the capitol, Bill Healy can sign
the several documents and carry
on the other chores.
The important election bu
reau is headed by Dave O'Hara,
who doubles in brass as a Sa
lem city councilman and who
knows more about elections
laws all observers at the capi
tol say than any other person.
He is the man who worries
about whether an initiative pe
tition has enough valid signa
tures, and the man to see when
you want to start a recall
against somebody.
The department of financial
responsibility, headed by Harold
McCoy, receives reports on all
persons involved In accidents in
Oregon where showing of finan
cial responsibility Is required.
It receives and matches, or
files, notices from insurance
companies that insurance was In
effect to cover accidents, and
certificates of insurance for those
required to keep proof of fu
ture responsibility as result of
uninsured accidents, convictions
or Judgments.
It Issues orders to suspend
motor vehicle registration and
drivers' licenses of persons in
volved in accidents who were
not insured, or for other cause.
It keeps files of persona whose
licenses have been suspended or
revoked and works very closely
with the mora generally-known
auto license and drivers' li
cense divisions of the motor ve
hicle department.
It also supplies stale police.
local police, and the FBI with;
Information for use In law en
forcement activities.
Quite a responsibility, has the
department of financial responsibility.
The Job of being secretary of
state keeps a man busy, but
Newbry says:
I enjoy the Job very much.
The most interesting part Is the
challenge to employ every re
source at my control to do a
good Job for the state.
A man who has to travel a
lot in performance of his chores,
and make many addresses, New
bry says: "My duties make an
acquaintanceship with every
part of the state automatic.
the fire that had demolished his
furniture store building at
Mr. and Mrs. Ellery bought the
buildings and the furniture store
in March, 1843, from Ed and
Otto Krueger, and they expect
to erect their new building on
the same location.
Their apartment being soaked
with water from the fire hoses,
Mr. and Mrs. Ellery spent the
night at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Albert Berg.
Several truckloads of furni
ture and household equipment
rescued from the fire by scores
of volunteer workers were pick
ed up by trucks loaned by local
business men and stored tempor
arily in the American Legion
Thoma Again Heads
Caseys at Lebanon
Lebanon Officers of the
Knight of Columbus will be in
stalled here July 1. The new of-
ncers are Leonard Thoma, re
elected grand knight; Bernard
Alexandria, deputy grand
knight; James MacDonald, chan
cellor; Albert Neuman, finan
cial secretary; L. Hackett, rec
order; William O'Brien, warden;
vince nacKeil, treasurer; Lloyd
Anderwent, advocate. Pat Mc-
Gory, outside guard; Melvln
Hainz, inside guard and Will
iam Merezenich, Sr., trustee for
three years.
Golf Play Interests
Women at Woodburn
Woodburn Twenty - eight
women were out for golf and
luncheon at the Woodburn golf
club Thursday. "Bingo, B3ngo,
Bungo" was the featured play
with Mrs. Deon Bishoprick win
ning the first prize and Mrs.
Henry Miller second. Hostesses
at the luncheon hour were Mrs,
Marion Henning and Mrs.- Clyde
Cutsforth. Guests were Mrs.
Nell Seely. Mrs. Glenn Schwen-
ke and Miss Gladys Adams.
A flag tournament is planned
for next Thursday and the hos
Marjorie Chriatensen and Mrs.
Leland Plank.
A jamboree for men and wo
men is planned for June 26, golf
to begin at 1:30 p. m., followed
by a no-host dinner.
Nathlnff Down Pay Monthly
And Shade
W ,1.. Wft.h. NUM. Mlal ul Mill lt f.a.ll.a MIoS.
ELMER, The Blind Man
Call anytlma for Free Estimates
Phone I-7MI
145S Rure St. West Salem
We give S&H Greea Stamps
Free Estimates
Phone 2-5643
Pumilire - West Salem
'100 1. '1000 si..
Aute or Personal
N. Church 81
Ph. J-4161
I 'to Tu I
I iV04 ' i ' I
Outdoor Wife
She likes the sun, the wind, the
water tha outdoor life. Her hus
band does not like "outdoor" skin
weather-beaten, dry. old beyond
Its years. That's why she uses
Endocreme, the hormone cream
originated by doctors. The hor
mone cream that works beneath
the surface to help offset drying
and aeeing of skin. The Arst suc
cessful hormone cream proved
in fresher, firmer, younger-looking
skin of many thousands of women
since 1937. Try it. Endocreme,
13.50 plus tax at "
Wouldn't you rather
drink Four Roses? !
Reduced in pricel fQ
$395 $25 $ J
Pint Rtenifed WW4fcty, K).$ Bftwf, M ftm neutrti f j
ipinti. Fnnktort OitMUn Cotp., N.Y.C. ??JLr I
' - aCBtiBiBt i
I This name assures FQICMLDICR A
KA J It f'y- Tr. "ravkMlftt
- V -j 'V V Urtali. fr rrMinf." I ll'l JT
s N 1 i ' a. ih. I w. fL FyF FTM mf fj.M A
" " "a4 p- I iLUMJLkJ!z
m! J-" ih Mrr I .tULar
"Old yeu ever think at look
ing Into lhasa between
calls? Than aur friends will
hava chanca ta g us."
Polks can reach you eaaiet
when the youngsters space
(heir calls. The Pacific Tele
phone and Telrgtaph Company.
All broadcasts are held In
Oroa tn for rotfee
the G. E. Model Kitchen at Eltstrom'l
and listen to the Interview.
CfhreeDaiis OrlqP E
Mercury Reconstructed W'BVaHBlBlBlBiaBaBliaa'
This la riia
ig Modal,
Complete with
Out of Town Cus
tomers Writ Per
Free Homo Demonstration.
111 S.VY. 5th Ave. AT. 2319
Portland, Ore, '
r TstnwwtTwmarrw
a I v
aeiii v. ! .fXT!ll 1 m
you're choosy
You'll want to to
our hundred
of new pqtttrnt
...priced to fit your
decorating budgtt
Let Mrs. Ingersoll, our wall
paper stylist, show you how
easily you ean select a new,
modern deep wall color from
the Fuller Jewel Case which
will blend with and enhance
the beauty of your wallpaper.
Just South of State St.
V v ftSiiff
mnti&i twin
15 Months to Pay
to wear your plates IMMEDIATELY after teeth are
extracted. NOW you don't have to go toothless
while waiting for Dental Plates! Modern, convenient
"Immediate Restoration Service" eliminates the em
barrassment and annoyance of "Toothless Days"
prevents loss of valuable time from your job.
Ask Your Dentist
Coma to the office when convenient for on ex
amination. Credit terms apply to all types of
dental work... Plates, Extractions, Fillings,
Crowns, Inlays or Bridgework. Get needed
dental work NOW... use your CREDr.
Now associated with
Dr.Poinless Parker, Dentist
125 N. liberty Street
Salem, Oregon
125 N. Liberty Street, Salem, Oregon
Telephone Salem 3-8825
Offices in Eugene and Portland
also in all principal Pacific Coast cities