he is survived by a daughter. Kathleen, three stepchildren, all of Albany: parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Miller, Los Angeles, and live sisters and a brother. tOne Dead, Ten Injured in Week-end Traffic Accidents One dead, another critically Injured and nine other injuries was the traffic toll in the Salem area over the week-end. Howard M. Miller. 29, of Albany, who lived here for a short time, was killed when his motorcycle crashed through a bridge at Albany and 'ell 120 feet into the Willamette river. He was on his way to Corvallis Sunday afternoon and after passing a taxicab driven by Dan Dough erty, failed to swing back Into the proper lane. Calvin Cannon, 18, of Idanha. one of three brothers injured early Saturday night, is in a cri tical condition in a Bend hospi tal with a fractured skull. Rich ard Cannon, 21, was knocked unconscious but not seriously injured while Charles Cannon, 26, was released from a Salem hospital after being treated for minor cuts. In a spectacular accident near Eola Sunday afternoon two In dependence young people, De lnres Rule, 17, and Charles Hill, 18, were hospitalized here af ter the automobile driven by Hill left the highway on the Salem-Dallas highway and plung ed over an embankment. Peggy Moberly, 15, and Rudy Fryk berg, 16, were taken to the hos pital by first aid but not ad mitted. All four were thrown bruised, with Hill receiving a i i i George Irwin, Canby, Terry McCoy, 7, of Woodburn Rt. 1 and Mrs. Irwin were hospital ized at Oregon City Sunday fol lowing a collision between cars driven by Irwin and Albert Mc Coy, father of the injured boy, at the intersection of the Auro-ra-Donald-Wils o n v 1 1 1 e high ways. Irwin received head and back injuries. Both machines were badly damaged. In the wreck near Eola state police said that Hill apparently lost control of his machine while passing several others, struck one driven by Kenneth C. Bab cock, Rickreall Rt. 1, and went over the bank. The accident in which the Cannon brothers were injured occurred about 7 o'clock with the Cannon automobile headed towards Detroit. The driver is believed to have been partially blinded by the sun and on a curve hit a truck belonging to the Harris logging company. Miller was born at Hoqulam, Wash., Nov. 1, 1B20 and went into the army in 1943 at Los An geles, being discharged in 194S. After living in Salem and Eu gene for short periods he went to Albany about a year ago where he married Claire Mann, June 6, 1948. Besides his widow Freezer Clinic Here June 21 Leila Knight, graduate home economist, will be in Salem for a home freezer clinic sponsored by the Yeater Appliance com pany June 21. Miss Knight will have a mar ket basket full of suggestions for the harried homemaker who is struggling to provide her fam ily with nutritious meals in these days of budget - bursting prices. The demonstrations will start at 7:30 p.m. at the VFW hall, 630 Hood, and everyone is in vited to attend. There is no charge, and there will be a question-and-answer period aft er the demonstration when Miss Knight will be glad to an swer your questions. Yeater Appliance company ex tends a cordial invitation to all housewives In Salem and vicini ty to attend this demonstration and clinic, where they will see the latest methods of preparing foods for freezing, storage and demonstration of approved cook ing methods. Many fine prizes will be giv en and Leilla Knight will be glad to answer all questions about selecting, preparing, stor ing and serving foods for health and economy. Father Tries to Save Twins; All Die Follansbee, W. Va., June 20 ) A father climbed into the burning attic of his home early today after his three-year-old twin daughters and died along with them. Norman Long, 38, was found near an attic window with one of the twins in his arms. Defective wiring apparently started the fire in the atic, where the little girls slept. American Radiol Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Monday, Junt 20, 1949 7 under tne field! sored by the Rolav leaeiie day plan, sets were operated MoyOT Smith QljitS only wiui emergency power m; CU-.iJn,, D... from batteries or portable gen- ",s Sheridan fOSt orators. Sheridan In a letter tn the equipment under conditions T,T . . w . '""' letter read as follows: "Effective munrll. miani won in ini tvenv ok a flood or similar disaster. I Paul Brandon, one of the many hams engaged in the field trial, said it would be months before postcard replies tn teat contacts confirmed the week-end work of the operators through out the nation. Flash Flood General View This is a general view of the outskirts of Moorefield, W. Va., after a flash flood inundated a good portion of the community. Stranded autos can be seen surrounding the large building in lower center. More than a dozen persons reported missing. State Police Capt. Basil . Wright said at Elkins, W. Va., that indications were that many hundreds were made temporarily homeless and that property damage was heavy. (AP Wirephoto) Hobby Show Here Thursday A hobby show on wheels will be here Thursday with models and equipment for model air planes, autobobiles, boats and a complete running railroad lay out. The display is free and will be stationed at 21st and Market streets from noon to 9 o'clock. Offered for inspection will be models on display at the eighth annual trade show and conven tion of the Model Industry asso ciation held at San Francisco June 13 to 17, according to El mer Roth, head of the Cherry City Model Aircraft club and regional chairman for the Oregon- Washington- Idaho district. Roth and Mrs. Roth returned to Salem Saturday after attend ing the convention, the first he had attended though an associa tion member since its organiza tion. The convention featured dis plays by 45 model railroad, air plane, race ear, engine, boat and handicraft manufacturers to gether with publishers of trade journals and dealers. The next local contest will be at the West Woodburn airport July S under the direction of the Portland Stardusters with members of the recently organ ized" Woodburn model club as sisting. Entries are expected from both Oregon and Washing ton clubs. Committees Named For General Hospital Committees to serve this year have been appointed by M. L. Meyers, chairman of the Salem General hospital board of con trol. They are: Executive committee M. L. Meyers, chairman: W. L. Phil lips, Allen G. Carson. Ralph Skopil, C. W. Paulus, Miss Eliza beth Putnam. Building and grounds Co burn Grabenhorst, Mrs. G: C. Bellinger, Miss Elizabeth Put- at once I resign from my po sltlon as mayor of the city oi Sheridan, irrevocably. I iro now and shall remain politl- aUu K1..4.1.. II A .1 The radio men set up theircjty council. Mayor W. H. Smith ,. mayor will he Francis O. Livestock Is produced by 5,- 000,000 independent growers. rHamr Operators Stage Test Some 20 members of the Sa lem Amateur Radio club exer cised their talents In a 24-hour week-end field day test design ed to prove their equipment un der field conditions simulating disaster work. The local "ham" operators were busy from 5 p. m. Saturday night to Sunday evening atop (anno mountain east of Valsetz contacting radio operators of an estimated S000 other clubs throughout the nation who were operating under simlliar condi tions. The 24-hour test was spon- nam. Finance W. L. Phillips. C. W. Paulus. Robert L. Elfstrom. Auditing T. A. Windishar. Asel Eoff, Harry H. Belt. Publicity Governor Douglas McKay, Rev. George Swift, Mrs W. C. Dyer. Tirst in AMERICA! FIRST IN MOVING Mayflower Warehousemen offer the finest and most dependable moving ser--vice. FIRST IN STORAGE Protection and cars are as sured for your possessions when you store In a May flower Warehouse. FIRST IN PACKING "Packed with Pride" Is not Iust a slogan of Mayflower ut an earnest interest Id the Job at band. A Jl ' mj IIU1UU THI OUHfS Toilet woter and atomiser uit Ilk Mom's How gift-wonderful for your favorite tittle girll She'll love Its tingly roie-tcented iproy ti smart grown-up look on the dressing table. Set Includei plastic etomlier with rub ber "iqueeie me" ball and a full four ounce bottle of toilet water. Capital City Transfer Co. 230 S. Front St. Phone 2-2436 Tftir cosncsi COOtl t COMMf K3M Mill MI0IC4I CfNTfl IIWCM optrtltt m em At New Low Prices! All Brand New in Original Crates! Refrigerators Electric Ranges Utrao StfDee-Ffeeser e Olees-topped e a wot-proof shelves e Double- Model ML-60 easy, Ootckvbe Trays Miser ins ill uiilsm. 9 models, 3 types of these Frigidaire Refrigerotors to choose from ... all of thexn backed by the Frigidaire 5 Year Protection Plan. Com in todoyl "" Meter. NW LOW Pr'lC 19475 Bra, Ken-Heat Oven e ttmpll Merit Oven Control e 5-tseed Redlontube Units e Thormisor Cooker e Storage-Drawer Porcelain Inside and evt. ' 7 models of met beautiful new Frigidaire Electric Ranges . . . all with famous Frigidaire fea tures, style, dependability! Se them todayl Model tr-10 New Low Pric 18475 LAMP EXTRA Com In Todayl Atk Abovt Convninf Nw Trm . . . Lthwal TroJt-lntl Friendly Service Free Delivery lIlUNEmTtLlirilUIIICIfrllX'CttlOMirillllltll I I SALEM OREGON CITY j OPEN 'TIL 9:00 P.M. FRIDAY EVENINGS KM? HURRY! SALE ENDS SATURDAY, JUNE 23th WHILE THEY LAST! 25 Cotto Dresses n$ Ea. Just 80 LEFT! So Hurry! Cottons Rayons Sheers Wide Selection Colors Sires $795 ) C A Real Value! Cottor Dresses : 295 SPECIAL! GROUP! COTTONS $5 Limited Quantity! DRESSY 200 Sizes 9 to 44 DRESSES Coble knit FROM Print, ttOQC Bembergs JiHkJ Sheer, W' ,9-9S SHORTIES LENGTHS V2 LENGTHS Lightweight 100 All Wool First 14 Pnrrhasem el Shortle ( net One FRF.E! Handbag REG. 39.95 VALUES! u1 01 95 SPECIAL! HATS 5fift Values to 6.9S While They Last! 2 PIECE SUITS Royen 9 Gabardine t) Some Lined Reg. 26.9S $1495 A TREMENDOUS VALUE! Just 20 Left!! DRESS SUITS Top Quality 2-Piece Wert 19.95 $0 Full Charge Accounts: Jlie ed.il I fe French 115 N. HIGH Dial 3-7070