I East Salem Fruit Harvest Now Enters Second Phase East Salem. June 20 The picking of trwbrriM in the largrr were 21 present and at the socUt hour Mrs. Samuel Eshleman was; honnrwl with a surprise shower. The annual family pic nicA'ill be held the last Sunday inr July at Stayton park. The house guest of Mrs. Wikoff, Mrs. Gant, was a special guest. The last regular summer meeting of the Merry-go-round club was held in the home of Mrs. Ernest Crum with Mrs Clyde Gotchell assisting hostess. Officers for the new year were elected. Mrs. Sam Rehfeld was elected president, Mrs. Ernest Crum secretary-treasurer and Mrs. Melvin LaDue vice-president. The annual family picnic will be held the second Sunday in August at Paradise Island. Present were Mrs. Harold Holler, Mrs. S. Rehfeld, Mrs WiKon Titles. Mrs. Gordon Be croft, Mrs. R. M. Proudfit, Mrs. Sides. Mrs Jack Lindeman. Mrs Oscar Fm-gard and the hostesses Birthdays nonored at the June meeting of the Middle Grove Boy Scout committeemen men and their wives held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bas set were Ted Kuenzi, Hubert Asp in wall and Mrs. Lewis Pat terson. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hanson nf Auburn community were in Portland on Sunday to attend the Hanson family reunion. Mrs. Stuart Johns entertain ed members of the Monroe Sew ing club at their home Wednes day afternoon. Present were Mrs. Loran Richey, Mrs. Paul Gilmer. Mrs. Henry Hanson, Mrs. Warren Shrake, Mrs. Wil fred Wilier and the hostess. Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon. Monday, June 20, 1949 S Salem's New, Modem CUSTOM CANNERY NOW OPEN Bring your fruit, and vegetable, into our modern , pot let, kitchen; wash them, blanch them, and prepare them for canning on our tpecial table, ... in few hour, we leal them in tin can, end pretiure cook them for only a few cent, a can. For canning hour, and other information Ph. 3338 J BLUNDELL KANNING KITCHEN East Salem fields finished and cherrv harvesting in the lnrfirr orchards including the Harold Bunn orchard on Hollywood drive will be taken care of this week. There were several social meetings in Middle Grove commun ity this oast week. Mr. and Mrs ' Fred Scharf entertained with a reception Friday afternoon in honor of the 90th birthday of his mother, Mrs. Katherine Scharf. Over 60 of her friends called in the afternoon to offer dle Grove community and from the state house department where she is employed surprised her with a shower at her home. Hostesses were Mr. Melvin Van Cleave and Mrs. Mildred Ham mer. Mrs. Leonard Peterson assist ed by Mrs. Jack Wikoff and Mrs. Herman Smith entertained for the June meeting of the Ametie club at the Peterson home on Lard on road. There their congratulations. Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Dan Scharf enter tained with a family dinner at noon and held open house for friends in the afternoon. A large group of the friends A chigger or red bug feeds on and digests skin, and not blood. South 13th and Wilbur Telephone 33582 of Mrs. Harry Wilson from Mid Denies Charges Former Justice Department employe Judith Coplon (right), accompanied by her mother, Mr,. Rebecca Coplon, arrive, at Federal Court in Washington, D. C, where he denied charge, of espionage. (Acme Tele-photo). .Aurora Really Deals Reported Aurora Several property transfer, including title to two farm, on Meridian road east of Aurora, and sale of a modern pumice block residence in Can by. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Peter of Lone Elder have purchased the 135-acre A. J. Zimmerman farm on Meridian road, one and one half mile, east of Aurora. In the same vicinity, four miles from Canby, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ragan have sold their 25 acre improved farm to George Schmidt of Champoeg. The Ragan's plan to return to their former home in Oklahoma. Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Decker have traded their duplex at North Third and Jumper streets In Canby, to H. M. Hartnell for a five-acre tract on Ferry road. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Ingalls have purchased the modern ranch- house type dwelling of pumice block construction from Mrs. Edythe DeMerritt in Canby. Mrs. Marion Anderson is com pleting her house on upper Main street in Aurora. Mrs. Grace Armstrong is oc cupying her newly constructed residence on Liberty street. Mrs. Armstrong recently moved to this city from Dallas. Oregon. She is an aunt of John McCrone, Aurora dairyman. Contrary to common belief, chigger, or "red bugs" do not burrow underneath the skin. "Vince's Electric" Vacuum Cleaner SAI.F.S SERVICE REPAIRS RENTALS On All Types Household or Commercial . Also Waxers ALL WORK FILLY GUARANTEED Free Fick-l'p and Delivery PHONE 3-9239 HOW TO STEAL THE WEDDING MARCH ON ALL THE JUNE BRIDES (WITH A CLEAR CONSCIENCE) OUR Wedding Collection is eomplete, right now. The selection is rich ond voried. Don't wait in choosing ... for your trousseau, for the Great Occasion itself. The FROST is a Trousseau Treasure. It's a spectator, and it comes two ways . . . wheat linen with brown trim and white suede buck with brown trim. The PINNA is e high heeled platform with open toe ond sling bock, in breathtaking white suede buck. Sizes in both are from -Vi to 9, N-M. The Salem Shoe Store That the Brides Adore X WE'LL uLADLY CHARGE IT TO YOUR ACCOUNT AT PENNEY'S h ERES WHAT WE MEAN BY SALEM, OREGON (CASH AND CARRY) JZ.U .fi Wal K It S 1 R Vl fa'V Vs; ia,4 ILdJnf 1,-4 r :' i -. 4 ! ' i I . j , J 4 I ' I tri t; A" i Is -i k V" 1 The fabric you want . . . in the styles you like... QSUDA AND at the thrifty price you look for TOESSY loon? 11 GW i)r r V I atasPV junior rixt Yes . . . right new at the start of summer, Penney'i has these smart new styles; in your favorite fahric, "RAYON CREPE" ond at a price that would ha pretty special even at the end of the laaion! Tlee lovely, light dresses are juit ubout tha smartest coolers ever. Controit-color trimming gives a special touch to eriip, cool rayon crepes. You bet they're BUYS! SECOND FLOOR ...,"t,i. -J M.rX. PAY CASH ... CARRY: IT... YOUSAVEiy