IS J8 Capital Journal. Salem. Oregon, Monday, June 20. 1949 MM ii X Family' Size Home Freezer! ooo 00 I l r- if I I T n O Only 20.00 Down 8.40 per month i c Delivered Installed and Ready-To-Serve You! Here's the kind of value you haven't seen in years. Compare it with other freezers on the market her is no comparison! Built to meet the highest standards of quality and performance, the Amaa 6 is the only. freezer that offers you all these "extras" at this unbelievable bargain prlc 50 MORE CAPACITY THAN SIMILARLY PRICED FREEZERS! 5 YEAR FOOD PROTECTION PLAN! 5 YEAR WARRANTY ON SEALED REFRIGERATION UNIT! ADJUSTABLE TEMPERATURE CONTROL to 20 below zero for fast freezing! 100 SIDE WALL FREEZING SURFACE! BUILT-IN LOCK! - AUTOMATIC LID HOLDER! MODEL 18 UPRIGHT y mono FREEZER On of the many quality-made, economy-styled home freezers we carry to fit the needs and the pocket book of every size family. Complete selection of all standard sizes and models. LIARN NOW AN AVCKAGf fAMILY CAN SAVE $10 A MONTH f OR CVIRY FAMIIY MEMBER ON AN AMANA "6" at a demonstration of freezing, preparing and planning meals the modern way with a home freezer! Just check and return the coupon below and you will be Informed when Amana's home economist will speak In your neighborhood! News you'll love is how this amazing Amona poys for itself within a year! Average family food savings amount to $10 per person add up to over 20 of the total food bill. Then after a year, YOU pocket the savings for years to come. Simple to see how, too when you can do BULK-BUYING at BAR GAIN PRICES, pile up economical stocks of in-season foods for luxury eating later when prices go up. You can freeze fresh produce from your own garden , . . serve healthful fruits and vegetables all year round . . put an end to food waste by turning leftovers into "planned-overs." Cut down on your kitchen duty prepare a whole week's meals in one afternoon, then just heat and serve them In a matter of minutes each day. Cut your shopping time down to practically nothing too fill your freezer up once every two weeks ond have an hour a day extra to yourself. t Live better . . . spend less . , . save more with the Amano 6 no other opplionce hos ever offered so much for so little! I would like to attend a demonstration of the advantages a freezer offers me. Please notify me when an Amana home economist will be In my neighborhood. Please send me full information. There are adults. .children In my family. NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE