AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES WANTED MISCELLANEOUS I WANTED MISCELLANEOUS ' Capital Journal, Salem. Oregon, Monday, Jane 20, 194917 THESE CARS HAVE BEEN "ON ICE" TOO LONG WE'RE THAWING THEM OUT NOW WITH Some "RED HOT" Prices TERMS - TRADE OR CASH DRIVE ONE AWAY WITH THE SAVINGS IN YOUR POCKET 1941 Nash 4-door Sedan, mechanically good ..$725 1948 Ford Station Wagon $1645 Use lor business or pleaiure, famous 4M H P, V-l engine. 1946 Ford Station Wagon $1449 Pull reconditioned and luirintacd. 1941 Ford Tudor, a real bargain $675 1947 Ford Sportsman Convertible $1495 Luxurious Perfect condition. 1941 Mercury Convertible $795 We'vi never had a better bur. ' 1948 English Ford 2 Door $995 Very few mile. 10 to 40 miles ptr fal. A MOO lavinaa. SEVERAL OTHER EXCEPTIONAL CARS PRICED TO SELL Valley Motor Mart CENTER AT HIGH NEW and USED Truck Headquarters EVERYTHNIG TO FIT YOUR TRUCKING NEEDS NO JOB TOO BIG OR SMALL FREE ESTIMATES ON YOUR PLANNED BUILD-UP EXPERT TRUCKMEN READY TO HELP PLAN YOUR. PROBLEM TERMS CASH TRADE You Take Your Pick PROMPT EFFICIENT SERVICE Low Money-Saving Prices Valley Motor Truck Dept. LIBERTY AT MARION OPEN ALL DAY AUTOMOBILES 41 O.M.C. Equipped with Bauah- m. lima apreadar. PH. 3-03M. all- OLD DODOI Sedan. Ml Stattiraan m. 17 WWTTAO aadan. Orltlnal owner. Ia aellent eond. Mechanically nearly a oon al new. Prlcea to aell. Sea It. drive It ISO W. Owene. Ph. 1330. 0" U JEEP lor aale or trade. 10.000 mllea. Pullr aoulpped top. lit. . Boi 300. Ph. 33303. Eisner Motors to Sell ZEEB'S USED CARS BUT . SELL TRAM Tiiuta Ml HJnrwioda lloaJ t-hoo. - used nil Bob Mart Tht Tlma It'a HUDSON) Service Salaa Parta Home of Good Died Can 8HROCK MOTOR CO. Onnreft Ch'meketa Su Pb. S-tlol Eisner Motors to Buy Eisner Motors Fine Cars PONTIACS 47 Sdn. cpe $1445 41 Spt. cpe 895 '47 Ford D.L. spt. cpe. 1395 '39 Nash coupe $395 36 Chevrolet sdn 295 TERMS TRADES . Herrall-Owens Co. M N Liberti Pb MOTORCYCLES. SCOOTERS Indian Cushman Mustang Whiner Shrock Motorcycle Sales 3007 Portland Rd Ph I-H33 pa' Cl'atTMA SCOOTER. Motor overhauled. Maw tarakea. Good cond.. 131. Ph. 37718 OB 118 OATS ft Trailer. 3383 M. FINANCIAL PAJtU AND CITY LOANS 44 and 1 foam OWN TERMS of reparnant within raajon Caab for Real Batata Oontracla and Second Mortaaaea CAPITOL SECURTTIKS CO toi Pioneer Truat Bldi Ph 8-7183 r $ CASH $ $25 to $500 FDRNITTJRE. LtVEHTOCH EQUIPMENT LOANS DF TO 8300 0r loan up to BIOS Com is or pbotM Hollywood Finance Co. 1M1 Fairground Road. Aeroai street from bank Ko Parking problems Phone 17031-Lit n M3s-3tl Fiord Kenya, Mgr. f Buy Real Estate Mortgages for Your Savings Investment 5o net Properties Salem & Vicinity. See State Finance Co. 133 S. High St. OENEJtAL nSANCl CORP. LOAN ue a-ui ans y-m and ROT ft SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS til S Cemmtrci S; Tti 1-tlM Journal Want Ads Pay PHONI 1-3147 SATURDAYS PH. S-3147 FINANCIAL PRIVATE MONEY Special rate and urns f od larger loan loai tod short tlma payment ROT H SIMMONS 131 Sor'h Commercial St Phone S-S181 AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. 183 S Church Parking i Plant Ph. 1-34S7 Lie No U-1SB S-1S4 ' SEE OS FOR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ONLY 4 OR 4H INTEREST I to W Tear and No Comrnlssloa. Leo N. Childs, Inc. I Stat St TRAILERS MODERN TRAILER. light. iu, water In eluded, sia per wees, oreen appis Trailer Court, 1 mile north on tvE. tMI1 19it tl-ft. Alrfloat house trailer, dollr. 3 room. PhlllpplDt mahogany finish, butane range, oil heater. Priced lor quick sale. Very good condition. R Jefferson. acroM from Talbot store, US! It FOOT Trailer House. 1395. Elbert Col 11ns. 1MB Front St.. Woodburn. tl47 FOR RENT: Trailer space. 110 month with al; modern convenience. Riant acroM the meet south of Paulua cannery. Lou of room for children. No pets. Rath Trailer Camp. 1740 Oxter. Ph. 1-8885 tl46' 13 Air. tUO1 TRANSPORTATION LEA VINO for Kans. July lit., fl p.m. take one or two. snare expenses, 3-5(195, 8:30 to 0 p.m. a OIRECTORt 4DDINO MACHINES All makes need maehlnea teM. rented repaired Roan 4M Court hone tTI3 ALTERATIONS Dressmaking ft alt. 360 State St. olOS APPLIANCE SERVTC ELECTRIC HOME appliance repair service Fret astimatea Trade-in accepted on new appllancea Vlnce'e lee trie Phone 1-833 157 8 Liberty St O AT L'R DOOR GRINDING and repairing ALTO RADIOS Authortred Warranty Repair Station for all makea of Auto Radloa Morrow Radio Co.. 153 S Liberty Ph S-S9SS i MARION MOTORS NASH SERVICE Towing service day phona 1-9188 Nigm 3-1804 333 Center o Mike Panek. 371 S Com'l Ph. 1-8181 Braka and Wheal aligning ipaetaiute el5f Bt'lLDINO CONTRACTORS Alt Bros Also houses raised New foun dations Phong 35909 OlS7 BILLDOEINO Dean Roblnaon. Ph. 36537 Bulidorlng. leveling, road bldf clear ing, teeth for brush Virgil Huskej. 1010 Fain-lew Ave. Ph. 3-3148. Salem. e-I80 Light crawler dosing. Ph. 3-3330. olM Instam delivery of rea retuter A) mages eoid or -ed Roen 456 Court RCA cash renied. Fl 3-6773 EMENT CONTRACTOR Oeneral cement cont. Honest work at Bonaat prices. Ph. 1.1144 r 1-7481 164 CHIMNEY SWEEP Furnace chimney vacuum Enaiey tfl B. 31st. Ph. 1-1171 CEMENT WORK Riiildlng foundations, remodeling, paint Ing. Kiang Bros., Ph. 3133 olM Let ua do your eeaenl work NOW Diivewara. aide elk, patio. W Ph 1-4411 0148 KLKCTRtf At CONTRACTING Vlice' Electrie for tleetr.eal :rlng eon i r art int. repairing 1st B. Ubartr P. 1-6319. CHERRIES WANTED For Brining Purposes . Royal Anns 5V cents. Bings, Lamberts, Black-Rep., Waterhouse. Deliver to 1460 Tile Rd. Kelley-Farquhar Co Ph. 1-41 J) Luis can be obtained at O. E. warehouse on Locust and Laurel Sts. .na1 DIRECTORY EXTERMINATORS Cockroach. Moth, Exterminator Service Ph. 3-3050. Lee Cross. 1555 Pearl. ol5o Breltbaupt's for flowera Dial t-91TB o' HOUSEHOLD PRODL'CTS watktn Co 11 LI Center products Pre Ph 3-5385 LANDStAPr Nl'RSERT A Doer tier aft Sons. Ornamentela. 150 Lancaster Dr at 4 Cor Ph 3-1331 o LAW NMO WEBS Sharpened, guaranteed service New power and hand mowers. Call Harry W. Scott. 147 So. Com'l St 0155' LAWN MOWER SHARPENING. At roil! door lawnmowcr abarpenlni Dexter tba lawnmower man Pb 16833 Fireplaces, Ph. 35981. ahlmnen block laylna. MATTRESSES Capital Beddim. Phone 3-4088 MUSIC LESSON'S Spanish and Hawaiian Oultar. Mando lin, Banjo, ate. 1B38 Court St. Ph. S-7588. 0163 OFFICE rORNITURB SUPPLIES Desk ehalra, (Uaa and flllni supplies, safes, duplicators and auppiiea. desk lampa typewriter atands. brief cases Flarca Wire Recorders. Roan. 456 Court OIL CIRCULATOR SERVICE Call Cy Younicr, Ph. I-W73. PAPERHANGINQ Expert Paperhamlnt and palntlni. R J. Woodworth. Ph. J-8868 Free est. 0l48 TOf Strom's ara equipped painting Pbona 3-3493 to do four PAINTING AND FAPERUANGING Call 33808 for your Painting hanging. Attractive rates. Palntlni pactrhanging Ph. 85533. Painting and paperhan icing. Fl mate. h. 3-9513. 857 Shipping. PICTURE F RAMI NO Picture framing Phos I-6B87 Hutch eoe Pain Store PLUMBING Fisher. 844 8. Com'l. Ph. 1-3019. Q154' PRUNING SPRAYING L. W. Caudle. Ph. 3-7900. Philip W. Belike. Ph. 3-1308. RADIO REPAIR Oeneral Elec. home appl. repairing, also radio repairing. Broadway Appl. Co. 453 court St. saiem, tn. z-ibdu. o.oj Complete serv., reaa. rates Free pickup tfe est. John'a Radio Shop, 350 Court St Ph 30715 ft 23418. O150 RADIATOR REPAIR. Cleaned, repaired. J. C. Balr ft Son. Pb 31193. By Drive-In Theatre. Sine 1911. 0149 REFRIGERATION ft APPLIANCE REPAIR SAND ft GRAVKL Oarden SOIL crushed rock Shovel and dragline eicavatlni Walling Sand ft Oravei Co Phone 8-9349 o Valley Sand ft Oravei Co Silt, aand ft Ml dirt Excavating 10B shovel ft cats Tractor acoop ft trucks for dirt moving Ph. office 34003. res 97148 e" SEWERS AND SEPTIC TANKS Elect) la Roto-Router Exclusive Patent Raaof fharp Steal Cutting Blades Clean Sewers or Drama Sept la Tanks Cleaned Reaa Ph 9-1111 a 1-9468 SEPTIC TANKS K. F. Hamel. Beptle tanks cleaned. Electric machine service on sewer and drain lines. Ouaranteed work. 1143-Bth St.. West Salem. Ph. 3-7404. 0171 Hike's Beptle Service Tanks cleaned. Roto Rooter Service on Sewers. 1079 Kin Bt. W. Salem. Ph. 8-8466 1-5327. 0156 SEE MIKE'S SEPTIC SERVICE about In ataulni tha new approved 500 gallon concrete septic tank. We lay drain lines BUo. Ph. 3-9466. 0149 TOOLS FOR RENT ' Howaer Bros. Tour power too rental head quarters. New addrtae 1410 B 13th Ph. 3-3848, 0183 TYPP.WF ITERS Smith Corona, Remington Royal, 0 rider wood portable AH makea used machines Repairs and rent Roen, 458 Court o TRANSFER a STORAGE 'ocaI Ji Dtance Transfer, storaie Burner oils coal orlouet Truck to Portland daily Agent for Br kins House hold goods moved to anywhere In O 8 o. Canada Larmer Transfer ea Storage Ph 3-3131 Oa VENETIAN BLTXDS afsde In Salem Free ast Phona 87338 Kimer the Blind man o WELL DRILLING J. A. flneed Bcra. well drilling 3505 Brook Bt.. Salem. Ph. 8-0aOi. ol53 W EAT hVr STRIPPING WINDOW SRADII washable Roller Made to ordrr 1 Offl Reinholdt Lewi Ph 31438 WINDOW CLE A NINO Acme indow Cieanera Windows, walls Br woodwork cleaned Floors cleaned, waied and polished Ph 8-3337 147 Court Laatdoa. Culbertsoa and Ms titer WOODSAWINO Atkins as Cross. Pb. 1-4874 or 3-8178 WOOD 4 SAWDUST Wejt Salei FuM Co Pn 3-4011 LEGAL NOTICE OF INTENTION TO IMPROVE JAP.ON STREET FROM CENTER STREET TO A POINT 78 FEET NORT8J Or NO IN LINE OF OREAR STREET. Not Ire nerebr given thst tha common council of the city of Salem, Oregon. dem It necessary and expedient anfl her-by declares IU Purpose and tnieniinp tt Imprnv Jasnn Street from the north line f Center Street to a point whicn is H laat aorta f tag aorta Una t Oteer LEGAL Street In the City of flalem, Marion Coun ty. Or non. at the expense of the abut ting and adjacent property, except the street and alley Intersections the expense of which will b assumed by the city of ftalem, by bringing said portion of aald street to the established irade. eon structlni cement concrete euros, and pav ing aald portion ol said street with 3's inch axphaltlc concrete pavement 34 leet wide In accordance with the plane and pacific at Ion therefor which were adopted bv the common council June 13. 1949. which are now on rile In the office of the rlty recorder and which by this reference thereto are made a part hereof The common council hereby declares Its purpose and Intention to make the above described improvement by and throuah tht- street Improvement department. By Order of the Common Council June 11. 1149. ALFRED MUNDT, City Recorder Date oi first publication hereof la June . 1949. June 15, 18. !0, 31.1). 33. 14. 15, 37th. 1949 NOTICE OF INTENTION TO IMPROVE WESTERLY ALLEY. BLOCK 1. THE OARS ADDITION. FROV BELMONT STREET TO MARKET STREET. Notice hereby is given that. the common council of the city of Salem, Oregon, deems It neciusary and expedient and hereby declares 1U purpose and intention to Improve the westerly alley In Block 1. The Oaks Addition, from the north line Belmont Street to tha south line of Market Sreet. in the City of Salem, Mar lon County. Oregon, at tha expense of the abutting and adjacent property, except alley intersection the ei Dense al which will ba aasumed by tha city of Sa lem, by bringing aald alley to the estab lished grade, and paving said alley with a 8-Inch Portland concrete cement pave ment 10 feet wide, in accordance with the plans and specifications therefor which wera adopted by the common .ounctl June 13. 1949. which ara now on file in tha office of tha city recorder and which by this reference thereto art made a part hereof. Tha common council hereby declares Its purpose and intention to make tha above described Improvement by and through the street Improvement department. By order of tha Common Council June 13, 1949. ALFRED MUNDT. City Recorder Date of first publication hereof la Junt 15. 1949. June 15.18. 33. 33. 34.35.37th. 1949 RIDS FOR PAINTING BROOKS SCHOOL HOI'SE. DISTRICT Na. 81. Two coats of paint, siding nailed and cleaned. Bids closed June 37th. 1949. Con tact A. C. OUchrUt, chairman. Phone June 30, 31. LODGES I.O.O.F. meets every Wed nesday night Visitors wei come. A Alnsworth Lodge No. 201, A.P. 7tySc A.M., Tuesday, June 21nt P.C. Degree, 8 p.m. UV flalem Lodge No. 4. AT. it A A.M. F.C. Degree. Wednesday. June 22, 7:30 p m. 148 C. E. Williams Dies af Hospital Charles E. Williams, late resi dent of 1875 South Church street, died at a local hospital Sunday after an extended ill ness. Williams, who was born In Illinois July 31, 1869, came to Oregon in 1890, and had resided in oaiem ior aooui iu years, lot 77 " . c"'""3'e .Ul Umatilla county he made his home at Pendleton. Williams was a member of the Elks lodge at' Pendleton. Surviving are three daughters. Mrs. Earl Viesko of Salem, Mrs. Gladys Edwards of Portland and Mrs. Juanita Gal legos of Denver, Colo.; three step-children, Mrs. Bryan Branstetter. Earl Mil-1 follow in the City View ceme born and Tom Milborn, all of 'tery. 9 fft J f 1 .-ea.a. gRt) i j ftf ism a Tribute In tribute to a loyal admirer, four U. S. Murines (above) act as pall bearers for two-year-oid Tommy Faber of Seattle, Wash., who died of a fractured skull suffered in a fall. The Marines are, front, left to right: L. Jackson and F. Sanchez. Rear: T. Ferguson, hidden, and R. Urends. In background is mortuary official. (Acma Telephoto) a, - . - j i i ' . p . . i Calf Gets Haircut for Show Barber Dumas Fields (above) Rives calf a haircut for the calf show at Paducah. Ky. Miss Euleen Hamilton is ready to give a manicure if "customer" is willing. Calf is one of several produced by artificial semination through auspices of Kentucky Artificial Breed ing association. The Junior Chamber of Commerce is sponsor ing the show. AP Wirephoto) Stocks Advance Up to 2 Points New York. June 20 WPi Hail way and air line stocks pulled the market ahead today. Gains for favored issues ran to around 2 points. The balance of the market showed rising tendencies but advances were mostly fractional. Intereat in the rails and air stocks became a trifle more ag gressive late in the day and was accomnanied by a meager pickup in trading activity. De spite larger demand, however turnover was at the rate of only 700.000 shares or so for the full day. Brokers reported nothing par ticular in the news to account for the pronounced upward trend. If anything, business re ports veered to the unfavorable side. Steel stocks improved. though, in the face of a reduc tion in scheduled steel produc tion this week to a 14-month low and the 10th weekly de cline in a row. Among the gainers were East ern Air Lines, United Air Lines, Santa Fe, U. S. Steel, Texas Co., Chrysler, General Motors, Good rich, Sears Roebuck, Woolworth, consolidated Natural Gas, Am erican Smelting, DuPont, Amer ican Woolen, and International Paper. Poland Takes Over Catholic Prinfshop Warsaw, Poland, June 20 MP) The Polish government an nounced today It has nationalized one of the largest Roman Catho lic printing plants in the country. An official spokesman said an executive instruction was Issued under which the state took over the presses which had been oper ated at a Franciscan monastery near Warsaw. Government auth-i orities have taken the preses to Krnkow. The nationalization law of 1946 empowered the slate to as - Sume control of printing shopSjpring June sn Ai yet the op aiong wnn oasic mauiir.e, em - i '"" shift. Pendleton; three grandchildren and two great grandchildren. Funeral services for Williams are to be held at the dough- Bar- 'rick chapel Wednesday, June 22, I at 1:30 p. m. with Rev. Dudley Strain officiating. Interment will STOCKS smartest Pow ft Lt t Tel ft Tel 138'. Anaconda 36l flendlx Aviation 37 S Beth Steel 14 i Boeing Airplane 19 Calif Psctini 31 U Canadian Faclfl 10' case J I 31. Caterpillar 2'i Chrysler . 4fl' Com with ft Sou 3' Cons Vultee 9S Continent) Can 33 C:wn Heller bach 33 Curtias Wright I i uoutlas Aircraft 91 upon I de Nrm 48 S Oeneral Electrie 354 Jeneral Food 41 'i Oeneral Motors 54 Goodyear Tire 3' Harvester 24'. Int Paper 4S't Kennecott 44 Ubby McN ft L 7 Lon Bell "A" 11 Montgomery Ward 49; Nash Kelvintaor H Nat Dairy 30' NT Central Northern Pacific . Pae Am Pish ... Pae Ou ft Flea , Pae Tel ft Tel ... Penney J C Radio Corp Raronler Rayonler Pfd Reynolds Metal ... , 13 'i . 11 , 30 H . 89 Richfield . Safeway Stores ., Sears Roebuck southern Pact f la . Standard Oil Co .. Studrbaker Corp , Sunshine Mining , Transamerica ... Union OU Cal Union Pacific United Airlines .. U S Steel Warner Bros Plo Woolworth 2S Striking Miners Return to Pits B. tha AMOrlat.ri Pr.aa) A week's walkout of John L Lewis' coal miners ended today and negotiations for a contract approached showdown stage. Contract talks also occupied the attention of the steel indus try and the Ford Motor com pany and its union workers. Lewis' United Mine Workers hailed their "stabilization" walkout on schedule but only a week'a work is in store for the 480,000 diggers. On Saturday their 10-day paid vacations be gin Whether they'll be back In the pits at the end of June depends nn th niilrnm. nt talk. h,.l i nir.t i .i... erator, don't know exactly what j Lewis wants in his new pact Miners now are paid an average ui an.uo a nay. It may be that he will ask for a cut in the work week from 40 to 3.1 or 30 hours at the same rate of pay as a "stabilizing" in nuence against reduced con sumption of coal. U.S. Steel corporation and the CIO United Steelworkers called another contract negotiation meeting to try to settle their dif ferences over whether pensions will be discussed. There was no sign either part would compro mise on the issue. If the Issue isn't disposed of, the steel Industry may have its first big strike since 1940. The contract does not expire until next year but It has a clause permitting reopening to discuss wages. Hickenlooper Hits at School Washington, June 20 Senator Hickenlooper (R-Iowa) said today a Junior hijrh school built for the atomic pnrry com mission at Hanford, Wash., cost approximately $2,000,000 more than the original estimate. He called it Just "one example of a number I will no into of unexplainable costs." . The Iowa senator hss accused the commission of wasting tax payers' dollars as part of his general charge of "incredible mismanagement" against the ARC and its chairman, David E Lllienthal, The Joint congres sional atomic committee is now in Its fourth week of hearing on the charge. Hickenlooper said tht cost of MARKET QUOTATIONS Salem Llveeltteg Mmrke IB) valley Caching Company. Spring lambs 13100 to 133 00 Feeder lambs 114 00 to 118.00 1 fcaea . 11 00 to 15 00 ' Cutter cows 18.00 to 111 00 Fit dairy cows IU 00 to 113 00 Bulls 113 00 to I1VOD Calves, good (300-430 Ibs.i 111.00 to 119 00 Vra.1 O50-300 lbs.) good ..13000 to 123 00 f.jg.i price paid within Ikr ot Port nd prices tor each ipe Top. 170-335 .ba Part la no Frewew BvMertal 1 entatlva. u)ecl to Imma oiaie change .'rtmlum quaint maitmum ; to .39 to 1 percent acidity dellverea is , Portland 61 -84c ib. f.rti auali.y 9-63r I b econd eusllty a"-CPr Vallr? routes i and country points 34 lets map fir it Rnller Wholesale row aula auoes to wholesale:! irade A A 93 core :-63c-A 93 score 60-6tc: B. 90 score. 97e lb.; C. 69 score. 86c lb. Above prices ara strict ly nominal Cher -Selling price to Purtiano whole sale Oregon sragles I1 4le Oregon 4 lb loaf. 4H-W-; triplets ie Met than ingles fgie tTe Whvleealerai a graoe targe S-.S6',; A medium, MViJ'; grade B. taree, 48'i-M'.r Port lent Dairy Market natter Price to retailers' Orade A A prinu 6c; AA cartons 6To, A prints 66c, A cartons, 47c; B prints, 63c. tin Pri.e te retailers a largo Stt, certified A large, S8r; A large .S8c: AA medium. I7-A6c: certified A me dium 57c; A medium. M-"c; cartons 3c sdditlnnal Cheeie Price to retailers. Portiaai Jreton slneles 0' i0'o Oreaon loal 434-53. irlpleu lSa ie than sin gles Poultry- Live chickens no. i auaiity ron plants. No l broilers under 3l lbs 33-38C b : fryer 3'-3 lt. 31-33C. 3-4 10. 13-llc. najttrrA 4 lbs. and over 33-33c lb.; fowl. Leihornx under 4 ttu. 3t-33c : oi er 4 33-24c; colored fowl, all weights, 36c. roojtei. all wrishts. 18-19C. Rabbit Average te growers; Hve whites. 4-3 lbs., 19-21C lb.; 8-8 lbs. 17-19c lb ; col ored 3 cents lower; old or heavy does, 8- ic: drewcd frrera lo butchers. e-ie. TBrkeve 'Price quoteo art IOI to the oiucer on a dresxed weight oaelei -8 grade A young toms tl 63e lb - No young hens nominally gOe O retted tarkeya lo retailer, tiiade A young bens 70-7U New fore style draae A graoe trung .one w-aaa Portland Miscellaneous taseara Bark Pry ime ib.. green 4c lb. Wool Valley eoarta and medium grades iae ib. Mohair 3ie 1. on 13-montb growth. nominally. Hides Calves, 80s lb., according te weight, klpa 30c lb., beef 9-lOc lb., bulla 6 -7c lb. Country buyers pay 3 lata. Nal Qaetetloae Walnuts Franauettes met oualiu lum do. 34 7c, large. 33 7c; medium, 37 3e; sec ond quality Jumbos. 10.3o. (arga 36 3e, medium. 30 3e: baby 33.3c, 10ft thel first quality large, 39 7c; medium 36.3c; sea onfl Quality large 37. 3o: medium 34 7a: naby 33 3c. rilber te Jumbo, 30e 9 ; large. IBa medium 16c; mall. 13c Quotations abova supplied by Rorth Portland Grain Portland. Ore. June M iA Cash wheat bld: Soft white 3.3; soft white ei- cluding Rexi 3.35; white club 3.33; west ern red 3.33. Hard ran winter: Ordinary 3 35; 10 per i . nt 3.38; 11 per cent 3 36: 13 par oent 3.35 Hard white Baart: Unquoted. Today car receipts: Wheat 78: bsrley 4; flour 11; corn 10; oats 3; mill feed 33. Portland Livestock Portland. Ore.. June w iufi Liveiioca: Cattle salable 3000; holdover 390. calves to, market extremely slow on largest cattle Aupplv in recent months: buyers Rene rally talking one to two dollars lower on all r laines: few sales good light steers and heifers and ranner to cutter cows only SO centa lower; part load good around 850 Ib. tea steer ib; loaa ngnt experlmentallv fed". 335 with hrlfera at 35.75. Oenerally talking below 36.00 on good fed oteeri. Culter and common steers 15 00 to 31.00; practically no sales or bids on beef type rows early; few canners and cutters 10.00 to 13 50 but most bids below 13.00. Bulls not moving early. Oood to choice veslers 35.00 lo 36 00; common to medium 15.00 to 33.80. Hogs salable 1000; market onlv moder ately active; 80 to 76 cents higher Fri day: good to choice 180-330 tbi. 33 50 to 33.75: one lot 3.1 00: 345-370 lbs. 30.00 to 30.75: sows steady good 3M1-350 lbs. 14.00 to 17.00; good and choice feeder pigs 33.60 10 33.50, Sheep salable 1300: market rather slow but early sales strong lo 80 rents high er; good and choice spring lambs 36.00; feeders 30 00; good and choice old crop lambs and yearlings up to 33 80; good light awes 6-66 to 1.00; heavy awes 5.00 down. Chicago Uveaterk Chicaeo. June 30 (USDA Salable hoas 7.000; fairly active, 33-50 cent high er on both bu tetter and sows; most ad vance no lietitwetihi both classes early; closed If as active, very uneven on sows: top 31.50 sparingly; most eood and choice 170-350 lb. 30.75-31 35; 350-3R0 )b. 19.75 30 50: heavier weight scarce; lew 350- 330 lb. 18 50-18.50; few lots up to around too lbs, as low a IB. IS; fat ns under .75 tb. 17.00-18 35; few II SO; 400-450 lb. 15.00-1 50; 475-550 lb. 13.75-14.18: heav ier well lit down to around 13.00 for 800 Ib. average; aood rlesrance. Salable cuttle 8 500: salable calves 100 unevn but averasins steady on ail xlsiishter rla-ue; lop 38 00 for two load ills her cholre around 1.350 Ib. steers snd for load 890 lb. helfrrs; bulk mod and choice fed steers 35.00-37 50; losd or so 37.75; medium to low-good steers 33.00 34 78: load of choice around 1,100 lb heifer 37.35: moat medium and good leifera 33 00-30 00; common and medi beet cow 15 50-10 00; canners and cut ler 13 50-15 35: medium and mod asusage bulls lD.30-31.50; motlv 31 00 down; com mon to choir vealers 18 00-35 00. lop 35.00: stacker and feeders alow, steady lo weak; load choice 783 Ib, yearling feeding Meera 35 35 Salable sheep 300: native els m titer lamb in meager uppl. sieadv to small killer at 38 00 down, top 38 00; ewe dull at mainl" 8 oo-fl oo Salem Markets Completed from reperte el Sales deal are far ll galdanre i Capital Jaaraal BeaOra. tRevlaed dally). Retail Feed Frteee Meih--I5 05 Rabbit Pelieit 14 18. ' fielrr feed 13.38 fealtrti n ivma rea Orade A eoio ed nens, 35r: grsde A Leghorn hens. 33 rent: Orade A colored fryers, three pounds and up. He. Orade A old roosters 18 -en I Sgge Raring Prices Intra large AA, He; large AA, 53; large A. 5t-54r: medium AA ilr, medium A. 4!-ftnr: pullets Ifl-lle. Wholesale P rleee ftet anoiesaia prieei t t cents aOote tnese prices aoe ('de A generally ejuotstl at 68ej m rllum 5M, Batlerfai tie. Na. i, llgi No. 1 88 8f 'outing prices) Bailer - Wholesale grad A. 88a; re .all lie the Carmichael Junior high school was originally estimated at $1,780,000. But he said he had, been informed by Edward Hel ler, a member of the Joint com mittee staff, that the final cost was in excess of S3.ff00.000. The tchoolhouse, he said, was built under a contract allowing the contractor cost plus fixed fee items in some phases of the "It seems to be a completely inexcusable expenditure of gov ernment money, Hickenlooper said of the $2,000,000 by which (he cost exceeded the original estimate. Harry A. Winne, vice presi dent of the General Electric company of Schenectady, N. Y., ihe prime contractor for the Hanford plant, testified "the es timate was very low. There is no question about that.' Grains Boosted In Monday Trade Chicago, June 20 VP) Grains edged upward throughout the session on the board of trade to day. It wasn't a spectacular ad vance, but It left cereals with worthwhile gains at the close. With July leading, wheat jumped more than 2 cents at times. Mill buying helped. So did more reports of disappoint ing yields in the southwest. Lo cal traders generally took to tht buying side. Hedging pressure was negligible. The advance in wheat futures came in the face of a decline in premiums for new crop cash wheat at Kansas City. Other cereals mainly follow ed wheat. Trading was not par ticularly active. The main fea ture was a lack of selling pres sure. Wheat closed 2-2 higher, July $1.97 -4 . corn was i IW higher. July $1.31 Tg-J.32. oats were S-a higher, July 604-", rye was 1 Vi higher;; Ju ly $ 1 37 1 , soybeans were 2 to 84 higher, July $2.32, and lard was 7 to 10 cents a hundred pounds higher, July $11.37. - Badges Presented - To Mill City Cubs Mill City Den No. S of Mill City Cub Scout... with Mn. Arey Podrabsky an den mother, won the Cub Scout pennant for (lav ing the most cubs and parent! (on a percentage basis) present at the June pack meeeting. Den 3 will keep the pennant at their place of meeting until lt la won by another den. There are 19 cuba attending the pack meeting the pack meet ing thli week and about 30 parents, also brothera and-slater. a of the cubi. Following a number of contest games perfomed by the cubs and the presentation of advance ments with Arey Podrabsky and other committeemen In charge, '.here was a welner roast. Food was furnished by committee men and den mothers. Presenta tion of badges and wards was made by George Dltter, Cub- master, assisted by Harold KUe- wer, Committee Chairman and Al Haun, advancement chair man. Each boy receiving his ad vancement merit was congratu lated by the committeemen. - Receiving wolf badges were: Johnny Roten, Terry Mulr and Larry Howe. Bear badges: Larry Receiving gold arrows: Larry urban and Charles Martella, Bennett, Keith Powelson, Ar thur Webb, Ronnie Williams, Harold Kliewer, Larry Kanoff, Rodney Goble, Jimmy Balti more, Richard Ziebert, Lonny Podrabsky. Silver arrows: Lau rin Dart, Jimmy Baltimore, Lon ny Podrabsky, and Richard Zie bert, who received two silver arrows. The July pack meeting sched uled for Thursday, July 14-at 6:30 p.m. will open with a pot luck supper for cubs and fam ilies, held In the city park. The first use of American railroads to communicate news was in 18.18 when copies of presidential speech were sent from Washington to Baltimore in one hour and 13 minutes. DEATHS Mrs. Latin da Enslln In this my June 18. Mrs. Luclnda Zna lln. Surviving are a daughter, Mary Ens lln of Salem: a son, Nelson Enslln: I brother, James W. Lane of Dayton. Ohio; a sister, Ross Lane of Dayton, Ohio, and five grandchildren. Services will ba held Tuesday, June 31. at 1:30 p.m. at the W, T. Rudon chaptel with concluding ervle4 in the Leg Mission cemetery. Mlt Vera Jaeaaellna Canlway Una Vera Jacqueline Uacoutei Cant way, at the residence, 1415 Nor if street. June IB. at the ate of 33 years. .Survived bv Daren La. Mr. and Mrs. Law rence J. Cantay of Ralem: a sister, Mia ' arol Ann Cantwer of Salem: and grand father. Ben T. Harrison of Wichita. Kans. Chrlanen Science servtres acre held MOn- dar. June 30. si 1 id p m si ine fiougn Rarrlck chapel atth interment In Bat' cheat Memorial park. -a Jaha C. Berry John C Barry, late resident of Salem nine 3. box 80. at Onoway, Canada, June '8 at the ae of 14 years Survived by a .n j Alhrrt Rirrt of Salem: Six dai tors Mr.. Sttiel Morlarty of Salem. 81. ir Marv t.uella of Ihe Holy Nam-a Comm, m. Rnrii.nji i:r Rarrv. Mrs Katherina Sanmier and Mrs. Orace Marklln. all of Euaane and Mrs. frlltf. Patter of Ann- way, Alberts, Csnsds a brotner. frank nrr of Cloverdele. B. C : nine grand- -tti.ra.n ani several neuhews and nieces, including Bernard and Jack Cu.Mng and Mrs Cliff Read, all of Salem. Rentstlnn of the rosrv will be in Hnwell-BdwMdg chapel Mrntav, June 30, at 8 p m. wltn funersl service Tuesday. J'lne n. ai ' a m. al St Vincent d Psul fathnlla rhurch in Sslem. Interment in Belt real Memorial park, , Fred P.. Miner In Portland June IB, Fred E. Miner .atg resident or 588 8 I3ih street, at tha" aaa of 84 years. Announcement ot service! later by W. T. Riadon company. Charles I. Wllllame " M Charles I William, late reorient of 1875 South Church street, at a loral hos pital June 18, at the age of 78 fears. Survived by three daughters Mr. tarl Vieafeo of Salem, Mr (itadtn Frtwerrti of Portland and Mr. Juanlia Oallriee t Denver, Colo : three neprhllrlren. Mrs. Rryan Branitetter. .rl Mllhorn and Tom Mllhorn, all of Pendleton; thre trandthlldren and two great trandrhil dren. Rervires will be held Wertnaartee. June 33 Bt 1 10 P". al the Clnuah-Ber. r!rk rhapel with Rev. Du-ley fttrain of ficiating. Interment In tha City Vie lemetery. Geerge W, Bfeel Ai the renirjrnre a' 4818 Ellishe'h Street. June 18. (leorge W Brcrk. at tht age of 93 jean Surivrt hv five dauh ler, Mip. riher Oo(le of Salem, Mrs, June Holllifheai nf BtaMrm. Mrs. Bdi'll Hpoon of Bandon. Ore , Mr. Dora Wilder of Vancouver, Wah., and Mrs. Laura Lot tin of Portland: a ion, Harland O. Bro-k of Sslem : a brother, Samuel Rrook of Wasro, Ore : and lour slier. Mia Mert ler nf Pnrtland. Mollis Hit!e of Long Reach, f'alif Minnie Brock of ooi River and P'ora Brock nf C'noki. Wish. Member of the Preahv nan fhurrh. Ma sonic order and the IOOr lodte. Pervlces will be held Tueadar, June 1. at 1:3S pa. at the W. T. Higdoo ah a pal.