to 1 Pi ti P bi oi r fs 16 Capital Journal, Salem, ClJUIiriKD ADVEBT181NQI Pot Lin . 1M Pet Us I Mme ....0 " Pet um 6 Udm 40 :, Per Lloi 1 month 43.00 ' Outside f CUUn. 15 pet Una day I Mta. 40ei I tlmM Bin 8 f 43 time mln 1 1 JO. No Refund . tADtKft let Lea Newa CL Oalvi 1 ret um " T Pisco an Ad Phone I-J406 1?0R SALE HOUSES -SgB ACRES OF Howell Prairie Land, all -.. under cultivation, woo. nou njl building. Imitation runt In Pudding liver. Equipment ft om atoek. Thl 1 . 01DU7, " p you have auburban or city noma to I- trad for 7iA larm cios vo o.iriDt . v Ask u about this. . Geicer Real Estate UM Portland Rd. Ph. 31071. Eva. 38163 OvJ a US '1.V nWNKR' La. a no UK. 1 rm down, UjI P. lot. Iru't "ut trrea' Could M made into apt, rnw u. ' tw.k BehelL P. O. Box 339. Gervai. "'.toft" SALE BY OWN KM New 3 bdrm home.? H A, term, down. Phont noon 160 RINGWOOD IITS. 3 bdrm. home, base vent, rumpua room, oil heal, two fire . w place. New carpeting. F.H.A. Call own--r 3-8343. LEA VINO I.- FOR CALIFORNIA SACRIFICE NEW 4 BEDROOM HOME Til Kitchen, earn up-Mair ana uun. 1 Hardwood floor through out. Pull pl- tered arise. Lota ol storage apace. . Tfti-rifed b&ck yard. Coat over 000 to build. Will sell for 114.900. iome ..term. Alao will consider cheeper house fen trade. For more Information Inquire at eta vena used uar, o s. win v 154 MNDALABIA, I bdrm. home. By owner 330 canciaiari mivq. rn. ami. T OWNER: Ent. atyla rm. hie. S B R, brk. nk., F.C.B., auto oil, 1880 So. High Phone 38788. BY OWNER, 4 rro. house. Lot 80x168. prl .t. l) Pries. 82000. P.O. Boi 53, Lyon. Or. 16 WALNUT PARK BY OWNER "Ifearly new home. Pull baaement. Fire--- place In baaement ft livlni rm. Large lot. Plenty ahruba ft floweia. Over 1,400 It .Ovf nxr apace. Beside araee. Immed - pass. Price low. Por appointment Ph 3-3734. ' ' YuM DOWN. Modern 3 barm, home. Lie lot. Bus. 3810 Monroe. n7 fcCACTlFUL VIEW HOME on Klngwood -Helghta. Reasonably priced, rn. j-mm el47 OPEN HOUSE i...Jt nwner. Wednesday thru Monday .-Olew plastered, well constructed, nicely .. granted home. Oak floora thruout. aU oopper plumbing, auto, on neat. wrra. ....t...... aaraaa. 3S4ft N. Church. alts Via RALE RT OWNER: New 3 bdrm -'nbme. Close In ft well built. Ph. 2M18 ,- or call at BQ9 . coiiane. lZ '.'TODAY'S BEST BUY Owner leavlni. Drope price to efft Im i .fiiata aale. Modern 3 blrm. home. ' Br1wood (loom. Both electric ft oil beat. Nicely arranaeo rma. Aiiracuve " 1 tenor deiun. Excel, location. A better r 1 at 8.000. Walter Musgrave Realtor $J OWNER; 3 bdrm. house. Good loca tion. Completely remodeled. Oil heat. hi tftility room. Oood buy. Phone 1-B.mio s . 0148' flEW I Bd Rm. home on large lot. Llv kif dining rm., kitchen and nook. Hard wood floora. M on tag oil furnace, V. . bJlnda. 830 Illinois olf Center fit. al4B ACRES. I ln.timber. Lovely view, t bdrm. ioiuie. Newly remodeled. Recently paint- ' d exterior. New 164 It. well ft pump. VV t atovaa ft daveno bo. S mllea from Ladd ,il Bu&h bank on the Battle Oreek dr. ' K- Pn- raM9 ., fuVM). Clean I ZR home located ISO N. . ''i"JSrd Bt. Immediate pOMeaalon. 11,000 H down. Call Stanley Brown with STATE FINANCE CO., Realtors ' MI ft. High Bt. Ph. 1-4131 Evea. 1-8581 vni - aMfl' Me. H A. with clean t-BR homo eloae 1 ' tn. Barn. Chicken houae. Oood well. 4 , blk. to 4ty bua. Call fttanley Brown with STATE FINANCE CO., Realtors '"ll.wM. Clean modern t-BR home. Holly wood dlat. Cloae to Catholic achool. H.W. floora, fireplace, party room in baae stent. tliOO down. Call Stanley Brown with STATE FINANCE CO., Realtors ( - - Ktt ft. High St. Ph. 3-4131. Evea. ' 1' ACRE, houee alerted, you flnlah. Well water. Pull price tl,0f0. Rt. 1, Box t it fjo K. ml. eaat ol Totem Pole, turn Uft, Ith home and inquire. Henry Steward. I BDRM. home, t yra. old. Oood floora Newly paved it. Small down pa- wtent. Ph. 3-03H after 5 p.m. a!4 - - RT OWNER, Hollywood diet, t BR. ranch type. 7B1 South St. BUILDING SITE I kits 16 x 105 each, located corner "4f Cross ft Davidson; bolh streeU paved 1 Price lor bntti lot only 1900 SUBURBAN EAST ' located app, 1 mile east of Sweale achool on Pratum Hd li acre with a mall, neat 3-bedroom home: elec. cook ing ft water heailna; excellent well "Owner wanU an oiler. Call I. Mattson & Roethlin REAL ESTATE ph l-Ull 131 North HUh Bre. Ph. 8-1534. 3-1714. 3-74J3 a!4 : LAKH ROI'ttE. Newly remodeled and re .u,. decorated. Oood neighborhood. Bi own er. H L. Still. Phone 3-9185. 146' eSoOD-Bt'Rlxrt)! location with a 3-bedroom house. Has bath, living room, din T xng room, kitchen, full basement, auto- il matte heal, attached garage rlose to S.hnol and hu-es. 4t0. Imm. po t-nUKOt)M HIIMI with bath, living room, dining room, kitchen. utility room, garage. Clnte to schools. City bus. , r lajm. dom. gnmw. I r. H. BELL. Realtor rs , 381 Chtmeketa St. W P. t-1846, J ll'6. Kvei. 3 6686. 3-1M ' aU6' Thwe Things Mean Home ' tt.M I arf lot well Isndirarted. New ditrUt. Iti-AHtiful living and riming ynowis t nlre be!ronnM and bath K.trh gtn has lota of buiU-lrm. Pull baie anent with auto, oil furnace. Firepiare roue la well-built nd nuelr amused years old. Invnlated and weather artpped. A real buv. Call or sea Andf Halvorsen .,, Office Phone 3-8IU0 or home, 3-7163 " McKillop Real Estate Center and Hiuh a 146 , BKATTriPUl.LY LOCATED pour berlroomi, very altrartive older -tvpe home, lovrly yard Hnr, irtmol -dlitrtet. An excellettt value at HStH) :SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 4t North Rith Si. Phone 3-7Mn - al46 : ,LE0 N. GUILDS, INC. ' REM TO HA BARD TO REIIMF.: 4 rm. hnme Ritra large living room. Cement banement. furnace, (laratie. Clone lo store and bu Paved utiret. Price onlv ai6 BXl r.LI.ftST VII W. 3 yr. old 8 rm. bunsa- li. lree roomi. Plrrolare. rarpet ' wall to wall. Pull reim basement; oil ''fiirnare 1'rlre 111,500. ' BiRM TIIt L HEsKlN. I room home. Plre- flare; hdw. doors; at airs to floored at tie. Dandy tern, basement' furnace nred hack yard, lots shrub. Engie ood Dlt Price 115.500. ;"Leo N. Ghilds, Inc., K'ltors Jt4 Btate St. Phone l imit call; 1-4007, 1-4M4, or 1-810.1 ' 144 Oregon, Monday, June 20, 1949 FOR SALE HOUSES BY OWNER: Small houM to be moved. 4rmi. bath. Corner of Hollywood Dr. tunnr v it V Av. Rt, CL Boi 704. 141 One Acre Bargain Builneaa location and 3 -bed room pot leu home. Oood for any builneu. plus room for extra rentala or trailer court. The addreu la 3B0 ft. Lancaster Drive. OLAP THON8TAD. REAL ESTATE 41 North Cipltai St. Pn. 3-7903 a 141 WEST SALEM All modern I bdrm. bungalow built 3 yra. New 34x34 ft. gar. framed but not fin- lined. Cloae to ach., bua ft atoraa. Own er wanu piaco in county, a gooo val ue for issoo. HOUSE AND 3 LOTS Very clean 3 bdrm. home with large att. gar. Price )uat been reduced 11,000. Call Bon C leery. Walter Musgrave Realtor NORTH EAST IS7M New modern 1 BR houae. Largo LR, DR, and kitchen. Detached garage. Oar den apace. Easy term can be arranged for veteran under Oregon Veteran loan. KEIZER DIST. 11,000 DOWN Large rambling 3 BR home, LR, DR. Plenty of built-in In kitchen. Elec. heat. Laundry room, attached garage. Nice alae lot. Paved road. Pull price 18.750. Abrams & Skinner, Inc. 411 Maionle Bldg. Ph. 1-9317 Real Eatata Mortgage Loan - In. al4S $4750 I Bedroom older home, eloae In, on paved atreet ft large lot. All In good con dition. $8900 Kin i wood helghta, 4 bdrm. very at tractvle decoration. LR, fireplace, din ing room, bath, large lot, outalde bar becue, fruit, large treea. Owner leaving elate, eel ling below hla coat. Chas. Hudkins & Son S?QO DOWN. Small home, unfinished but livable. Vacant, move right In. H acre. ai50. Owner. Phone 3-3303. al48 CLOSE TO new Medical Clinic. Modern 2 bdrm. late-built. Hdw. fir., full baaement. Beautiful yd. Piped oil heat. Immed. poaa. 433 Catterlln Ave. Ph J- MB9 day. 150 ENOLEWOOD DIST. NEAR Ht SCHOOL Leaving town, muat aell. 3-yr. old 3 bdrm. home, r place, V, blinds, ecreeni, hdwd. fir. Flower ft ahruba. Kit. you ahould gee. Don't delayl 730 N Uth. Owner. also 2-BDRM. modern home, gaa range, auto. water neater, isaao. Terma. Al Bau man, Qetvala. a!47 A REAL Bl'Y In the Ent 1 wood district, a U.K.. double plumbed, hdw. floora. fireplace, basement, eawdust heat, large lot, fenced backyard. Only 18750. Goodwin and McMillin Realtors Ph. I-470T 444 Court Eve. 1-4773. 3-7383 A148 IN KEIZER DISTRICT You'll be proud to own this attractive country home In It aettlng of lovely oak and ahruba. I room down, un finished upstair; double garage, chicken house, b acres, garden In, and lota of fruit. Ctty and achool buses past your door. Located In our finest auburban district on pavement 1 mile east of Keixer School. At 114.000, compare It witn any auburban home for aale today,. Possession July 30. A. N. DUNCAN. 13 Ladd ft Bush Bldg. Ph. 3-9858 or 3-9319 al47 BY OWNER: 3 Acres. Near Brush College nrnooi. o Km. House, varietv or irult. Price $6000. 43000 down. Ph. 3-6369. al47 NEW t bdrm. home. Small down pay- mrm, oat. on lerma. uail 3-0JU1 or anaaa. aisi 110,(100. NORTH Englewood. Nearly new a oearoom nome. Living room, aining room, iiienen, n replace, on furnace, F.H.A. terma If desired. n-non. new 3 bdrm. with unfln. attic, nice lne. L.R.. kit., dinette r li lot. Name your own down payment within reason. I7M0. RUB. N. New 3 bdrm.. nlre L.R.. aucnen, nooa, utility, nawa. fire. Oood terms. KMto. $7000 Down. 450 per mo. New 3 Darm. nome. l.K., tit., utility. Good terms. 4MWI. I..R., kitchen, bdrm.. bath, nice '' v wmi .re ana lawn. OMKH8 REAL ESTATE 460 W. Uth Ph. 35091 al48 Attention: Doctors Beautiful 5-B.R. Home Located at 1000 UcOIIchrUt. nverlnnk. Ina Salem to the East. Wonderful view on 4.13 A. tract. Living and dining rm comb. 14x38 ft. wall-to-wall carpel. Pull cement basemnet with auto, oil furnace and parly rm. Nice fir tree grove. Othei nlre bide, lot on the place. You ahould see this fine home to really appreciate It. Ideal quiet home for buMnesx or pro fessional man. Owner will consider a .mw on a amaner nome. Shown by ap pointment only. Ktgglns. Burt Picha, Realtors J79 N Hlah at. Phono J-S84t. a!4 Wallace Road Special 3 Acrea. modern 4-bdrm. house, large earair and work shop. 16 800. Terms. B. Isherwood. Realtor 1007 N. Capitol St Office Ph. 1-3883. Eve. 3-3147 or 3-8838 ! $1,500 DOWN New 3-bdrm. hnme. Large llv. rm.. din rm . kitchen, utility rm , coved ceiling Large, beautiful kitchen, as clean as a whUMr Total price 7 SM. Call Beraland. Art Madsen Realty Co. 1338 Stale St. Ptt 3-6813 or 1-5580. Eve. 3-6418 a 18 FOR SALE LOTS POR Ml.R Choir lot King wood Drive Unobstructed View. Ph. 3-3667. aal49 818 DOWN and 115 per month for lots witn line water. On Silver ton Road close to school. General Real Estate ISS Cnt.r t. - Own ffv,nln,a o,14. OT. l!TH. ksimi. ,1 tor ouirk ..I. Ph . ul LOTS Anv use In fine residential district New addition to city above W. Salem on Che hill or south In Salem Rts, district Priced to sell. Easy terms Call owner Earl Kelder. Days call 33484, eve. 3.1981 aal48 lfl DOWN LOTS. WITH WATER, BPS: HmVIGE CI.OHR TO CHOOL. Balance 618 per month. Bee them today! Reimann for Real Estate 301 Pouth Hlah Rt Phnn i-afrt Eve. A Hun., 3-3718. 3-4341, 3-2533. ,1-MWB aal49' VIEW IOTV 6ftft blk.. Ywta Ave WOOD Ell LOTS. 800 blk.. Ratcllir Dr Re trleted. cit? water Ph 3-4384 aa CHI'RT OR HOME RITES, TRrFAmali STltEM across back. 166018. mno Walt Socolofsky, Real Estate. Ph. 3-fl,t a 16 mom. BrAI'TIFl L high, view, buHdine sites. N nd Crnlsan Canyon. Abundant pr water. About I A. Iran Marlln aal50 FOR SALE FARMS "CHICKEN RANCH 1810. Wallace Rd 3 A berries and frutl 6-rm. house 3 rhtcken houses, Oood Well. Phone 3-1JM General Real Estate m 15 Center bl46 MODERN HOME It A att tillable on highway. New wind em l-rm. hnme. Corn more than total priced ot I9O0O Term STROUT REALTY m . iu rbaM i mm. am- IFOR SALE HOUSES ONLY A Real Buy, brand new I B R. Home. Hwd. Fir., attached utility room ft garage. Oil fir. lurnac. New ouburbtn daitrict. KWgtna. BUSINESS LOT ON No. FRONT ST. ftixe 13x144 ft Three House. lt,000. Kit gin. FINE SUBURBAN 4 B.R. HOME ON 5 ACRES Bayaavllle District. Owner purchased larger farm and will aell at g, good prlot. Let aa show you this fine place. Kigalna. ENGLEW00D Solid 3 B R. home with full baaement, fireplace, dining room, lot of atorase apace, n'te back yard, only I49U. 1 H A. terma If you deaire. Call Crawford. LOW N RANCHY 3 B R. ft den. fireplace, hwd. fir. elec. heat. Insulated, double garage on I acre. 10 minutes from town on good road. It g buy at 1800. Take good lot in town in trade. crawiord. KEIZER - Over 13 Acrea good soil. 4'i Acres In strawberries, I Acre beans, beautiful bldg. alte In fir timber, good well, I rm. house, private drive. Just ni0 on good term. Crawiord. A GOOD BUY Strictly Modern, double constructed, one B.R. home, new, plastered, garage, utility rm. with elec. hot water heater, wired for ranae, you will like the arrangement, lovely back yard, one block aouth of State Bt. Price 15900 and 11600 will handle, balance 150 per mo. tit appointment call Johnson. BURT PICHA, 379 N. High St. Eve.: 2-5390 GRABENHORST SPECIALS SERVICE STATION AND. CAFE . Located In thriving valley town, excellent corner location at highway Intersec tion. Major oil products, splendid cafe. Shows large return. Owner must aelL For lease and equipment 16,500 plus Inventory. GOOD HOME SUBURBAN 3 bdrms., llv. rm.. din. rm., hall. bath. Inside utility, attached garage, built In 1941 by present owner. Large lot In excellent Icoatloo. Priced right. Call Roy Perria. LOCATED New 3-bdrm. home, auto, oil beat, hdwd. Call Richard E. Qrabenhorat. GRABENHORST 134 South Liberty Street Sundays and Evening Call Roy Ferris 3-8010 Peter H. Oelser 3-9961 Earl West 3-1233 FOR SALE FARMS WELL IMPROVED 44 Acrea all tillable, 1 Acre walnuts, bal ance In crops. Excellent 4-bdrm. mod ern home, fireplace, etc. Lawns, ahruba, a very neat white barn and larace. Pally equipped at J14.5O0. Terms. STROUT REALTY 959 6. 13th Phone 3-3333. b!46' 86 A. FARM. Will take trad. Xna. 607 N Capitol Apt. 6. dim 46 ACRE FARM All In crop, owner 111 and forced to re tire. Willamette Clay and Amity Silt Loam, lovely 2 B.R. moder nhome, at tached utility rm. ft double garage, on milk route ft achool bus. 31 A. Barley, IS A. clover, 10 A. Wheat. 10 A. Oats and Vetch, 1 A. Pasture, garden ft gome fruit. Sale price Includes all farm ma chinery, milk machine, furniture. drapes, etc. Oh yesl also Included are two fresh Jersey cows ft 40 chickens. This Is strictly a first class farm and well worth the price asked. We will be pleased to have the opportunity of showing you this. Bring the wire along. Klailna. Burt Picha. Realtors 379 H. High St. Phone 2-3849 FOR SALE ACREAGE HIOHWAY FRONTAGE. 4'fc acres on WE. S. 3'i ml. Salem. 1 bdrm. house. Other bldgs. 16500. Terms. Trade for Portland property. Rt. 4, Box 496. Owner. bb!41 m ACRES on Baxter road. Unfinished house beautiful view, good well. Price 13,300. Phone 3-7813 after 4 p.m. bbl46 fti ACRES with 500 feet hlway frontaxe on So. 99. Older type home with out buildings, fruit and shade trees. 94950. Phone 3-8110. bbl.M REAL ESTATE BEST BUYS 4 BEDROOMS Older type home in a select location Walking distance from State House. 1, baths, very clean. Will exrhangr for equal value In suburb)). Total price only 46500. Eve. Ph. 20473 or 3.1556. 47500 BARGAIN New close In N. Elec. heat, attached garage, private well, corner lot. Well worth the money. Eve. Ph. 30473 or jjaaa, KINO WOOD Select View, about 4 years old. Oood condition. Owner leaving citv. Reduced to assoc. Reasonable oiler accepted. Eve. Ph. 20473 or 33558. FARMS 30 ACRES Select view, choice building alte. If vou are looking for auburban acreage close to eaiem tnis Is It. A bargain for 88000. Terms. 150 cherry trees. 10 apple. 60 pear and 300 prune trees. Eve. Ph. 39403 or 33558. 5 ACRES EAST Almost new 4 rm. hou.te. Excellent soil, choice for berries. Only 15 minute from downtown. Well worth 68000. Would ex change lor cttv home with 3 or 3 bed rooms. Eve. Ph. 39403 or 33558. Al Isaak & Co., Realtor 3025 Portland Rd. Ph. 37830, 24596 Cl46' EOR TOUR RAVING Investment buy a first mortgage on real estate. Salem ft vicinity. Examine security yourself Amounts 8500 to several thousand dou lars. net investors 5 We make all col lections for you If desired STATE FINANCE CO. 153 ft High WANTED REAL ESTATE NEEDKD IMMEDIATELY Homes for 61000 or lee down pavment. COLBATH LAND CO. OPEN TILL 4 30 168S Center St. Ph. 3-4552. ra!46 I OR tVoTS that will pesniAc7ly"wat7 er. In vicinity of 180(1. Ph 3-7743 afier ! pm or Inquire at 1923 Maple eve cal48" WANTED ACREAGE 1 to iacres" 'within miles Salem. Box 40S Capital Journal fa 147 WE ARE in Deed oi good houses to aell In or near Salem If row wish to list your property for aale aee GRARKNHORRT BROS,, RR 4.1 TORI 1 S a Liberty St. Phone 3-3471 c a NOTICE! If four property la for sale rent or exchange, list It witn us We have all kinds ol cash buyers STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS 153 S Hleti St ea EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE Trade for Apts. or INCOME PROPERTY 91 A. near Jefferxon. Irrigation sys tem Pine for truck driving or dairy Term. House and barns Price 433.500. What have you Ph. 3-328 General Real Estate Co. 355 Center 61. cbl46' CAl ir. TRE-J bedrm . din. rm.. llv im, pienerefi. narnwooa firs . etr. Re stricted location in West Co v Ina, 30 mln, bus service to L A. Want Salem nrooer- tv bus. bldg. or residential. Must be good. Contact us before Prl r. O Box 496 or Phone 3-6515 and leave meaiaae for occupants of Collage No. 14 cb!46 To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 (FOR SALE HOUSES $6000.00 CHEMAWA REALTORS Office 2-3649 or 3-7451 0148 SOUTH firs., ige. lot. Priced only 17,000. BROS., REALTORS Office Phone 3-3471 RESORT PROPERTY IDEAL VACATION SPOT. Ocean View Beach Cottage. Completely turn. Ac commodates famllv of 4. Roads End Beach. Near Ocean Lake. Weekly or monthly reservation 647.40 per week. Call at 336 N. Capitol or Ph. 3-2537 after 6 pm. ecl46' BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES INVESTMENT PROPERTIES HOME AND Income. I seven rm. house, newly rirr-orated and a 4 rm. cottage. 3 lots. S90O0. 11 APTS. all furn. except caretakers. Bu siness location. Nearly 400 mo. income. 424,000. Terms. B. Isherwood, Realtor 3007 N. Capitol St. Office Ph. 33862. Eve. 22147 or 38836 cd!48 REAI'TY SHOP for sale or lease. Very reasonable. Call 36704 or 20953. edl49 EQI'ITY In Rood going restaurant. 431 rrom bi., wooaourn. ccmo COMPLETE sun equipment end stock for Tune-up Shop. Everything brand new. Has other Interest. Phone 3-9600, 4 a.m. to S p.m. or 2-7664 evenings. Ask for Tom. cdl49 I47!M. CABINET Shop and equipment, close In on Winter St. 43500 down. Will take trailer house In trade. STATE FINANCE CO. Realtors Call Stanley Brown with 153 S. High St. Ph. 4121; Eve. 35561 Cdl46 ARE YOU interested in the service sta tion ouslncju? I have one lor sale at Inventory price In Monmouth, Ore. Con tact Warren Doollttle, Distributor Gen eral Petroleum Products Plant No. 34619. cd.147 MODERN, Insulated aix-unit auto court, 100 ft. from beach, paved streets, com pletely furnished, hardwood floors. Fin est automatic oil furnace, reasonably priced and wll Itrade in residence In Salem. Tour chance for an easy living and Income besides. Write Box 70, Nels cott. Ore. cd!47 SERVICE station for lease with Inven tory and equipment. Hollywood district United Petroleum. Call EAst 1106, Port land. Ask for Mr. Moore or Mr. ftrkes. cd FOR LEASE separate rm. 660 aq. ft. floor apace. 12th St. Paint Shop. 1095 S. 15th. cdlil RIC It FIELD OIL CORP. offers for lease new station in thriving coastal com munity. Low Inventory. Rental arrange ment. Por retails see Mr. Holden. Ph. 3-9533 rauB. FURNITURE FOR SALE 7 FT. RE FRIG,, good condltior. Call eves. or Sunday. 623 North 15th St. d!46 4-PIECE maple llv. rm. suite. S yr. old ex cell. cond. 175. Ph. 3-9660. dl46 I' N PAINTED furniture, closeout prices. WOonROW'S. 450 Center St d WANTED FURNITURE HIGHEST PRICES paid Phone Glenn at Woodry Auction Market. Ph 3-6110. da auctions FURNITURE AUCT. TUPS JUNE 3 1ST I P M. OI.ENWOOD BALLROOM 5O00 YDS. NORTH OP CHKMAWA 4 CORNERS. HIGHWAY 99E. CONSISTING OP NUMEROUS ITEMS Or FVRNITURE ft APPLIANCES AS, FOLLOWS: j A B. Apt. Range. Hot Point elec range. Elec. washer. Vacuum cleaner. Mr. and Mrs. bedroom suite, bleached walnut. Walnut bed suite. Hollywood bed in cluding Simmons springs ft Innersprlng mattress Rest-a-Ouest daveno. love seat sire. Maple cheil. 3 floor lamps. 4 piece breakfast set. Ore. chair. Coil epring coi 5 piece walnut dinette set. 4 piece chrome dinette set. Uoed beds complete, linoleum, rugs, new daveno suites, awing rockers. 6 piece bleached dining room suite. Maple lanhtnn flow dek. Table radio. Cabinet radio. New boxsprlngs A innersprlni mattress deluxe. 3 4-drawer walnut chests. 1 6-drawer chest. 3 4x12 Axn.lnster rarpeti ft pads, Manv other Items not llnted Don't mln thla aale. All goei. no reserve. GLENN WOODRY. AUCT. PH .15110. "BELL ON COMMISSION OR WILL PAY YOU THE CASH " ddl4T LIVESTOCK WANTED BONDED A LICENSED livestock buyer K, C. McCendltsh. 1137 ft 15 Ph 4-6147 eal53" PETS ROLLER CANARY birds. 110 00. Ph. 15919 ecl57 Wil l, GIVE 6 mo. dog lor good home. Ph. 31730 or 36301 except Sunday. ecl47 BOSTON Bulldog Pupa 111. wts. old Ph. 3.344I. ocl47 HOLMAN'ti Pure Bred Cocker pupplea, Rt 1. Box 141 DD, Stayton Near auction house. tclH FILL COC KER pupa. Black ee brown Ph. 34978 OCI44 OIRMAX SHEPHERD does. 7 months Res ARC ch. stock. 160 t 165. Ph l-"B after p m ecl46 FUEL OOOD 16 laj. edttng. 15 Mi load. Double load IIS, Oregoat Fuel Co. Phone 3-eAJs. eei44 FOR SALE HOUSES OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS Ideal Opportunity to bur 1 arr, o( t.n4 on tht Cl,itr Itosd wttn . out 4 room horn, with buem.Dt. for only IMOO. Tn locotloo u food, hu ow.ll lftmlly orchard and a aood cn)ck.n houM. Drive By and See This large 1 bedroom home with the 14x30 living room, 14x14 dining room, kitchen and bath, floored attic, basement and furnace, all room are apaclou. the lot la Mx30S. The address u l73 Slate St. Pleaae do not disturb the tenant. Lots of Atmosphere Here Lovely secluded getting, lota of trees, shrubbery and flower, rustic 3 bedroom home, attractive and roomy, ha good dark room, am all chicaen house. Only 17000. Small down payment. Spacious Family Home Ideal location to grade. Jr. HI and Hi School (within B blocka, 4 huge bedrooms, double plumbing, large basement with swell play room, exceptionally good hard wood floors, corner lot. Top in location. Englewood District Drtve by 1150 N. 13th St, and look over this modern 6 room home, complete w;tii full basement, furnace and fireplace, well-kept yard, extra deep lot, tiled kitchen and bath 112,000. Please call and let us show you thru. Income Property 3 complete units, each with 1215 living-room, 1 bedroom, kitchen, utility room and bath (third one Just being completed) lot Is 53120 rent for 8200.50 month a sound Investment located at 1670 to 1490 N. 6th St. OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS 477 Court St. Phone 24115 - 24r6 Eve. Phone 28053 - 25996 - 33632 - 23488 FUEL FRESH CLEAN sawdust. Phone 2253 Dallas collect. Summer rats. eel 60 TRl-CITY FUEL Fresh cut aawdust. Prompt delivery. Ph 27443. We give S A H Oreen Stamps Oreen 16 In. mill wood ee' CALL HIGHWAY FUEL FOR Diesel and Stove Oils. FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Dry Plainer Ends ft Block Wood. Ph. 16444 WEST SALEM FUEL CO. BiocE. planer A alab wood A aaw dust. Ph. 24031. ee1 FOR SALE POULTRY NEW HAMPSHIRE chicks every Thurs day. Ph. 2-2HQ1. we a rtsicnery i- PRODUCE RASPBERRIES, Frlgaard's Fruit Stand, Vk mi. N. Reiser School. Ph. mawi. iiiji GOOD Q CALEFY MARSHALL STRAW BERRIES U-FICK. Al BC LM. VJU ' ON 99E TO TOTEM POLE. EAST V MILES TO NEXT 4 CORNERS. NORTH ON VAN CLEAVE RD. ta MILE. PH. 25165 OR 31907. ffl48" STRAWBERRIES U-Pick. Last chance. 7C. mile N. of Silverton Rd. on Lancas ter Dr. W. D. Oardner. 1(148" RASPBERRIES 62 00 crate. Rt. 3. Box 390. north Chcmawa. Ph. 2-1386. moS' CHERRIES: Royal Anne ft P'e cherries, 5c lb. U pick. J. C. Savage at Wi conda. J. C. Savate, Brooks Rt. 1. 11147 STRAWBERRIES, you pick. Sc lb. Plenty ol berries. Joe Menny, l mm cxki oi Brooks, mile norm. iiht FOB SALE STRAWBERRIES, U-Plck, 8c lb. R. P. Barnwell. 4930 N. River Rd . Keixer. 147 CHERRIES, U-Plck. 3 cents a pound. Bring containers. Marshall farm, ml. west of Keixer school. Phone 1-1163. 11148 RASPBERRIES, U pick, 12c lb. 4'i miles east Totem Pole on N. Pac. Hwy. Rich ard Tuve. Phone 39F13. K146 STRAWBERRIES -U-plct. lOo. Bring con tainers. Out Silverton Rd. 2H ml. to Middle Orove School. Turn right ml Herr ft Rlenxche. II ROYAL ANNE cherries 5c lb. or pick b lbs. take 3 free. Rt. 6, Box 802, Dallas Highway. ffl47 HELP WANTED RASPBERRY Pickers Sc a box. 6 ml. out on the Salem, Silverton Rd. H. P. Han sen place. Rt. 6 Box 397. M0' WANTED: SAWYER for small mill. Pippin Mill, Independence. gl4B WANTED Cherry Pickers: 5 ml. W. of Salem. Orchard Heights Rd. Start June 20. Phone 17P12. James Best, Rt. 4. Box 622. 149 CHERRY PICKERS! Oood orchard, low trees, level ground. Ph. 3-4469. 8. A. Wheatley, 725 Court St. fltfl CHERRY PICKERS, Rt. 3, box 463, ml. N. olf united Grower cannery. Call eves. 2-2C43. gl46 CHERRY PICKERS, good crop, now pick ing. Aspinwall Orchards at Brooks. also CHERRY PICKERS wanted. Oood picking. Ph 22F32. gl46' WANTED: Cherry pickers starting June um. uooa camp ground. Ammon urice Rt. I Box 593 Orchard Helghta Rd. Ph. 16P1S g!47 CHERRY PICKERS starting now. Ph. 3-4279. gl48 HELP WANTED MALE RELIABLE MAN with car to call on farm ers In Marion county. Wonderful op portunity. 815 to 120 in a day. No ex perience or capital required. Permanent. Write today. McNESS COMPANY. Dept. B. 3423 Magnolia St., Oakland 7, Calif. gal46 COOK: Man to cook for large group, 8190 mo., less maintenance. Perm, poa Oregon State Training School. Wood burn, ga HELPWANTED FEMALE BIG CHRISTMAS CARD VALUES 50 FOR II WITH NAME Make big profits on quick sales! 21 -Card II "Leader" Assortment sella on sight pars you up to 100 cash profit! Re ligious. Humorous. New PLASTICS, Fi esta. Everyday, others. Imprinted Nap kins. Floral Notes. "Leader" on approv al, plus FREE Smprlnt samples. 8TYL ART. 1310 Santee, Dept. 32. Los Ange les 55. Calif. 8bl46 WOMAN OR girl for housework. 4D5 N. Liberty, can mornings. goiaf LADY TO sell lovely guaranteed Nylon Lingerie. Hosiery, etc., direct to irienas, neighbors. Big Earnings.' Our 27lh year. Write THOOERSEN HOSIERY CO.. Wll mette. 111. gbl46 EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES OFFICI AND CLERICAL POSITIONS CONTACT Commercial Placement Agency 360 State St Ph 3-1488. at' WANTED SALESMEN WANTED, an aggressive young man. ex perienced In selling real e.tate. Muat have car. P. R. Bell 361 Chemeketa St gg ATTENTION SALESMEN Old established national food concern de.itr-a the services ol an experienced salesman to sell to the grocery trade in Salem and vicinity. Must live In Salem. Must be between 35 and 40 years of axe. have good car, furnish bond for which we will pay. Position pars salary and expenses. An excellent opportunity for man who ran qualify. Applications will not be considered unless following In formation l given1 Age, married or single, experience in detail, and salarv expected Write to R C Crempton, 301 B. I. Alder St.. Portland. Oregon. gtI47 WANTED POSITIONS EXPER1FNCFD WOMAN mania house work In Salem. Permanent if possible Write Capital Journal Box 499. hlt6 WOM4.N 17 with girl 7 wanti housework id motherless home. Pauline Carter, Y WCA. M4T WANTED Several hrs. work evenings Refined young women. Ph. I-4494 or 1- J.M) 11148' CHILDREN cared for In m home Prefer day time. 1 daa a week. Ph 2- 5117. hl46' TTP1NO In my home Neat work maran teed. Ceil l-HU 4&r r era. bin) IFOR SALE HOUSES WANTED POSITIONS VACATION LOANS Your Way and Fast Oet a vacation loan from Personal Fi nance Co. where it's "yes" to 4 out of 6. Cash on salary, furniture, or car. No eo-slsnera necessary. Phone or visit the YES MAN TODAY. You'll appreciate the consideration he'll show you. PERSONAL Finance Company 114 State St.. Rm. 135 Ph. 3-2464 Lie. 122-M-165 C. R. ALLEN, Yes Manager hl PATCH plastering, cement work and gen eral repair. O. E. Ray, 1075 8. 17th St. Ph. 2-8876 after 6 P m. hl47 EXPER. TRL'CK mechanic, combination welding and frame man. can give excell. ref. Call Ed Stubbs, 2-4361. or write box 797. Rt. 3. Salem. hl49 WOI'LD LIRE full time Janitor work er gooo waicnman joo. cxp.. reis. rn 2-2M1. M46 PAINTING & DEC. Expert color harmonising. Ph. 1-7552. h!66 vn i nnu niRni nursery. s.xcei. care. BABY SITTER. Ph. 2-0580. CHILD CARE. 1180 Shipping. Ph. 3-9924 hi 66 MOWING ft RAKING. New power mower Ph. 3-7133 or 3-1404. bl51 CCSTOM HAY balelng. rake with job also will mow. Ph. 27103 hlflS PLASTERING, PATCHWORK and chim ney building. Pb. 2-4389. Free estimates hl6l LAWN maintenance. Rebuilding and put ting In new ones. Ph 2-2608. hl58 GRADER WORK by the hr. or job Streets, roads, subdivision Pb. 39315 or 33897 eve. hi 58 POE'S mimeographing, typing service. Prompt service, quality work, lower prices. 665 N. 16th. Ph. 3-3643. hl55 TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN. 24 hr. serv Ice. Former phone opr. Ph 3-5072. hl52 LANDSCAPING Pruning Rototllllng. New lawng, tree work. Richard Boyer. Ph 3-8110. hl49 INTERIOR PAINTING. Exp. Ph. 3-6796 hllR SEWING and alterations. Ph. 2-4854. h!48 FOR RENT ROOMS ATTRACTIVE rm. private home. Oentle man. 685 N. Summer. Ph. 36368. Jkl48 SLEEPING ROOMS. Hot and cold water 461 N. High. kl48 S RDRMS. Ground floor. Modern home. On bus line. Ph. 3-7990. 745 Hood before 9 a.m. or after 6 p.m. Jkl5D SLEEPING ROOM, close In. Close to cof fee shop and bus line. Ph. 28526. jk!47 SLEEPING ROOM. Ph. 3-4335. LIC.HT HOUSEKEEPING room for gentle man. 817.50 month. Ph. 3-3028. k!50 B1-8INESS DIST. Nice sleeping room. Hot s uoio water. 350 center. JK147 NICE SLEEPING room (men. 448 Cen ter St.. rear Woodrow Bldg. Jkl47 ROOMS TO RENT WEEK OR MONTH HOTEL SALEM Tel 1-3161 FOR RENT APARTMENTS LOWER FLAT. 2 bdrm. and partly turn 450. Adults. Ph. 34697 alter 6. Jpl46 3 RM. furn. apt , ground floor, private entrance & oatn witn utility. 674 n Church. Jpl48- LARGE t-RM. furn. apt. Ground floor. Children O.K.. iw union. X-8B35. jpus SMALL APT. with bath. Close In. H T Stlff.Phone 3-9185. Jpl46- SMALL. NICELY turn. apt. Reasonable. 1 employed person. 435 N. Winter St. Jpl6 4-RM. APT. with bath. Newly redecor ated. H. L. Stiff. Phone 3-9185. Ipl4 t RM. APT., hot ft cold water, ref rig no children, pets or drinking. 449 Division St. pl46 3 RM. Unfurn. Apt. upstatra. Prlv. ent 1045 N. Cottage. Ph. 35998. Jpl48 FCRN. I RM. Upstairs APt Ph. 20858. ipl47 FCRNISHED suburban rentals. Week or onth. Rt. 6 Box 822. Ph. 3-7626. 1pl46 FOR RENT HOUSES FI'RN. CARIN for adults. Shady, quiet. bus service. Ph. 33814 eve. mt47 6-RM. MOD. home, 3 bdrms. Rent 1 yr. Adults onlv. 865 mo. at 2265 N. 4th. Owner at 490 N. list. mI46 4 RM. CNFI RN. house. July 1st. Suitable lor x. Close in. Box 494, Capital Journal. Jml46 PRIVATE rms. A partly furn. apt. 1935 North Capital. Jml47 4 RM. houe (o rent for party who buys range, see it at nu jenerson. imi46 S BDRM. home for rent. 830 Cascade Dr. Kins wood Hts. 183.50. Ph. 1-1235. Jml44" B.R. HOl'SE for lease 4 miles S on Crotsan Creek Rd. Creek, spring, fam ily orchard and acreage. Capital Journ al Box 497. jml44 FI'RN, COTTAGE. 3215 Portland Rd. jml71 -.MALL MOD. house. Poes. Aug. 16th. Ph. 57098 )mlM FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS WARE HOl'SE 31x27. Ph. 3-3605. 1146 RENT Singer electric tewing machine by month In your home. No extra charge for delivery ft pickup of machine 16 00 per mo. Ph. 33512. J166' OFFICE apace' andTeskiaree. Ph. tftKW. GROl'ND FLOOR rooms, suitable for of fice or stores TAT I FIN A NCI CO. Ph. 34111 U DRIVE trucks cars Ph 3-1103 POWER TOOL rentals Tor borne ft rn dustria. use Bowser Sroa Pb 1-1646 TR 411 EES 13 00 per day Howser Bros 1416 S. 11th. West Salem BI'SINESS RM for rent. H. L. Stiff. 1 OOOD ISED PIANOS. H L, Stiff. lOOR SANDER for rent Montgomery Ward ! TO DO a good lob rent a good floor land er We tell everything to tomoleto the BOWSER RAOaW Pn, 1-1444. HELP WANTED 200 CHERRY PICKERS WANTED To Start Monday Morning - June 20th Good Picking ROSS W. CLARKE Orchard Heights Road Dial 24265 WANTED TO RENT t B.R. modern furn. house by Sept. 1- Couple with 10 mo. old eniia. xxceueni Ref. Call 38648. Jal48 4 BDRM. furn. or partly furn. ho chil dren. 3590 Olmpson. man 3-BDRM. HOUSE. Will furn. damage bond if desired. Phone 3-3353 or 3-7932. jai4- SINGLE WORKING girl desires small fur. or partly lurn. Apt. cioie in. mason -able rent. Ph. 34041. ja!48 LOST AND FOUND LOST: Btke still missing, Roadmaster 24", No. F-14163. Reward. John Soco lofsky. 1310 Market. Ph. 1-6835. 1(146 MISCELLANEOUS LES SPRINGER, men's hatter. 464 Court. We close Saturdays 12:30. miso- DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 3 HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY SEMLER DENTIST Adolph Bids. State ft Commercial Sts SALEM Phone 1-3311 tn HAVE YOUR SINGER Sewing machine repaired by a qualified Sinter repreeen ta' e. Ph 1-3513 for free pick up and delivery service on all makes of ma chines. Pro? estimate given before work la started Singer Sewing Machine Co 130 N. Com'l m BUILDING MATERIAL INS l' LA TED side wall shakes, I colors. Willamette Valley Roof Co., 30 una av. mal46 STEEL and Aluminum Window Frames. Casements, .Double Hung s commercial Typea. PUMILTTE, West Salem. ma!44' FIREPLACE MATERIALS Superior Heatlorm ft Bennett -Ireland Fireplace Circulators. All Fireplace ft Masonry materials. PUMILTTE WEST SALEM ma 146 CHIMNEY Blocks ft Foundation Blocks. PUMILTTE WEST SALEM ma!46 ROCKLATR, Plaster and Stucco Mater ials. Complete Line Quality Materials. P UM I UTH WES T SALEM mal46 $8.50 per square No. 1 cedar shingles. No. 3 15 cedar wall shakes and undercourse. 813.80 painted No. 1 unpatnted 19.00. No. 3 16.60. Ted Muller. Ph. Salem 3-1196 ma SHEETROCK, new shipment. H" A M see ua lor new tow caan prices, nenn Brown. Front ft Court. ma AH' MA - LOCK ALUMINUM LOCK SHINGLE. The modern permanent roof ing. See your dealer or Call Diet. 3-6401 mel56 "JEW SHIPMENT piast board V 6Uc: V. 6o aq ft Rock lathe a aq. ft 11.76 MONTGOMERY WARD SALEM son FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS USED PLUMBING FIXTURES. Cheap. Judson's, 279 N. Com'l. n!46 ROOFING Wills mette Valley Roof Co., 10 Lane av. nl40 SAVE ON ROOPTNO Let Wards give you eompleto Ot STALLED price on your roofing needs. Wide range of colors Can our outside aalesman for free estimate. Phone 3-3191 MONTGOMERY WARD A CO. SALKM. OREGON mm DOORS, INTERIOR 2 panel doors, at the great special purenase bottom price, bargain of only 16 60 each. Keith Brown, Fornt ft Court Sts., Salem. ma ALUMINUM ROOFING 2 ft width la the following lengths. 6' 11.74 a 3.33 Iff 3.40 IT 144 Ask about installation service MONTGOMERY WARD A CO. SALEM. OREOON BABY BED with mattress. Coolerator Ice dox. ootn aiigntiy used. Make reason able offer . Phone 2-6713. nl46 SALEM SAND A GRAVEL COMPANY Contract Work Road Clearing Ditching Sewer A Basement Equipment Rental 16 B H yds 13 00 per hr 10 B S yds 0.60 per br D-7 Cat A Doeer 10.50 per Br D-4 Cat A Doier 1.40 per br D-t Cat ft Dose i 7.00 per br Phone Days 1-9408 Eves 3-42-0 or 2-4400 bxlcm Oregon a USED TIRE BARGAINS Because ot the great demand for Ward's new Air Cushion tire, w have accumu lated a large stock of unusually good trade-ins. Montgomery Ward Tire Store. Trade ft High. n!46 GOOD USED Kelvlnator refrigerators over 6 cu. ft. recent model reconditioned ft guara oteed. RALPH JOHNSON APPLIANC1 335 Center Ph. 3-1139. nH6 ABC SPIN dry washer. New, never been axed Was given to a hundred-year-old lady bv Kay Krser's program. Can be had for 1135. less than wholesale. See at 1714 N. Winter St. Also elec. range. nl 6 L'SEDicwlng ma bine. Ph. 33139. nl64 SKILL type portable saw. Cheap. 960 traar way. in. z-3790. ni47 EASY Splndrler washer. 4805 Blllry Rd. SLIGHTLY ISED Kenmore Washer with pump. Spotless. All enameled. 155.00. Ph. 34975. nU6 MAJESTIC REFRIGERATOR. Inquire at Hopewell store. n!47 COWL1ER KENMORE baby buggy. Reas onable. Ph 33423. nl48 M TELLER furnace. Suitable for 5 rm houe. One year old. Including motor ft blower. Also grates for wood ft gas conversion unit. Price 190. 405 8 Commercial. nl46 FENCE POSTS, poles, all types. Shingles, fertiliser ft flatrock. Phillips Bros., Rt 6. BOX 116. Ph. 66F23. B FULLER brushes. 1741 Grant. Ph. 36357 0156 FARMERS ATTENTION Fence controll ers, mllx pasteuriser, at close-out prices Yeater Appliance Co. nl44 NO WAXING REQUIRED when you use Plastl-Kote. the vellophane-llke finish for your floor or linoleum Yeater Ap pliance Co. nl44 DEEPFREEZE home merer. 1124 45 and up. Yeater Appliance Co 0148 ELECTRIC SEWING machine. (Frtl-WM-tinxhouse) Yeater Appliance Co. n!44 EXHAUST FANS ctose-out prtcoa. Yeater Appliance Co, n!44 USKD REFRIGERATORS, washing ma chines, ranees, water beater. Yeater Appliance Co. nl44 STEEL clothesline post. U A up. Rail ings ib stock, copper lanterns A vanes at reduced price. 1145 N Liberty n!53 PEAT MOS1 with turxey droppings tftc Ser lack sacKs 64 54V vaiiev n tort.4341 SllTortoa Rd. Pn. 83034. B140 GEVER4L ILECTRIC Croaley. Gibson and Monta Appliance Oevqru II CU. FT BUI tnuai. I1U M n. . (HELP WANTED FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS GARDEN SAND, gravel crushed rocL Shovel A drag-line excavating. WALL LNO SAND A O RAVEL CO. Pb. 4-9349. WALLING SAND ft O RAVEL CO. CRUSHED ROCK for roads and driveway aement, ready mix concrete, garden and. Bulldozing, drainage and ditching, K-rd. shovel and drag line. Pb. 4-9249. 8x10 BERKINWALD walk-In cooler and compressor, 110' ft 1 6' meat case. Oood condition, I750take all. Terms If desired. Call Columbia Food Store, Leb anon, Ore. n!47 ARE YOU Interested In the service sta tion business? I hive one for sal at In ventory price In Monmouth, Or. Con tact Warren Doollttle, Distributor, Gen eral Petroleum Product. Plant No. 34619. nt47 USED WASHERS, various make. rrom 5.oo to 59 so Used Refrigerator 99.50 to 114.50 New OE Refrigerators, 6 cu ft 189.76 New Pacific apt. Six Electric Range 129.96 New Wedgewood Oa Range with Ortddle. 1948 floor model, aa 1 ..166.60 ClotelOut Popular Brand Oil Heater 1 floor sample, Reg, 136.50, only 74.50 Used Electric Range 37.50 to 69.50 Used Console Radio, a dandy 35.00 GEVURTJS 271 N. Liberty Ph. 3-4616 nl47 REMOVAL SALE Must vacate by Juna 30. Haoios, recorders, oirice Inter-com, ap pliances, furniture, fixtures, safe, etc. Bargain prices. 357 Court St. n!47- FEAT MOSS: Pull bales. 13 96. N. W. rouiiry. 1305 n. rront. nl70 3 ANTIQUE chairs, 1 fire side bench up- nowerea wun neeaiw point. 100 each. 455 Unlveralty. nl48 4 ROAN Heifer. Team of bay horses. Good woraeri. rresn miix goal, model JJ John Deere tractor. L. C. Edwards Rt. 7. Box 407. nI46 BUNK BEDS. Oov't. 8urplue 30 Inch. complete wun sp. ft Mattresses 422.95. Oreen Stamps. Salem Home Furn. Co. 131 So. Com'l. nl48 THOR Automatic Oladlron. 1684 N. 18th. ni47 RICH MAHOG. finish corner cabinet. uiass aoora. neg. 879.50. To close out at 859.88. Green Stamps. Salem Home Furn. Co. 13T So. Com'l. nI48 COMB. Radio-Phono. Portable. Tan leath erette case. Reg. price 855. Close out at 437.88 Only two In stock. Oreen Stamps. Salem Home Furn. Co. 131 So. Com'l. nl44- SILK DRESSES eliea 13 ft 14. some like new. as eacn. sea Beout uniform, else 14. 46. 455 University. n!48 BABY CLOTHES. Handmade dresses. In- inv wiru size. .. ii.iy ind UP. SIESTA OIPT SHOP. 3' ml. N. of underpaid. Phone 3-0068. nl47" Motorola Car Radios Fits Most Can $39.95 MARR RADIO 2140 S. Com'l. Ph. 1-1611 nl4 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WB WANT strawberries. Market price ln nasa, ivoatacs jory racxing uo. at Ter mtaal lea, 249 D St, Phone 3-4590. na WANTED furniture 10 glue A repair. Let Bros. Fuxn. Rellnlshlng Co Ph, 3-7001. BO USED FURNITURE. Phone 8-4148. PERSONAL PRO FEU 8 ION A L advisor Mr. Phillips To turned to Salem. Appt. dally. 330 S. Uth St. pl44 I WILL NOT be responsible for debt con tracted otner man my own alter June 17. 1949. Gordon W. McMorrls. pl4l STANLEY HOME Products. 151 Cross St. PP. 1-6440. p!66 ALCOHOLIC! Anonymous. Box 734. 1-5234. P185 AUTOMOBILES Precision Rebuilt Motors With New Motor Guarantee Also new motor. 25 avtaga on aU car repairs. See us about our monthly pay ment plan. Amundson Garage 600 Idgewater West Salem Phone 8-7133 qI46 -40" FORD COUPE, A-l cond.,' R. A H? Make olfer. Ph. 30853. 1930 S. 13th. ql46a CLEAN dependable "31 Che. Recently re- con onioned motor, uooa urre. ins. nee at Silverton Rd. A McCain Ave. Box 404. Ph. 35153. ql48 1947 PONT1AC I Sedan Coupe, very clean, low mileage, undercoatlng. new Air Ride tire, many other extras, original owner. 11775.00. 171 Grant St., Woodburn, Or, er phone Main 120. qis 1 CADILLAC 1940 4 pas, sedan. Detail on request. Priced to aell. Call 3-6256. ql46 1M DESOTO 2-dr. Excel, running cond. No tad Ins, no dealer. 065 Marlon. ql46 1947 BUICK 4-dr. super sdn. Perfect cond. Low mileage. RAH. Must sell this week. Ph. 3-6849. ql46 19X7 CHEVROLET Sedan, good condition. eia couin qui MODEL A Roadster. A-I cond. Good tires, new battery. 4 100. Pb. eves.. 3-3987. ql44 WANTED TO BUY: 4 wheel drive jeep pickup. Ph. 48ZRX Newport. 0.147 BY ORIGINAL owner: 1944 Chev. Conv. Like new; low mileage. 61895. Call eves. 679 N Liberty, Apt. 0. J ql49 BY OWNER: 1941 Packard "6" S-pass. conv. rah. w.b.w., low mileage. Ex ceptjonally clean. Ph. 3-1837. qUO PRIV. OWNER. SA FORD 4-dr. edT Heat er, seal beam lltes, new tire, good mo tor. Body in perfect cond. Very clean. 1395. Ph. 3-5812. ql4B" "48 NASH Amb. Fully equlpped.llke newT 10.000 ml. Priced to sell. 361 8. 16th. qU7 FOR SALE OR TRADE: 1946 1 tOB heavy duty Ford truck. Stock rack, flatbed. New tires. Radio, heater. Low mileage, Amu Let tier, Rt. 1, Box 12, Sclo, Ore. ql46 19.1 CHEV. 4 -Dr. Sedan. General over haul. Oood tire. I22S. See Bert Doss, 3600 State St. q!46 '41 STUDE. Champion 2-Door. Heater. Oood condition. Ph. 3-7319. 147a 194 1 PACKARD Sdn., new paint. Bale or trade on cheap ear or real estate. Call 3-6481. ql4T 47 CHEV. Conv. RAH. 11550 Take car in trad. 1300 Tea Av. Ph. 3-4744. 147 BUICK'S THE BUY 1949 BUICK AS LOW AS $2312 Completely Equipped Delivered at the. Factory Save from S272 to $293 OTTO J. WILSON CO. Commcrtlal at Oiitr alM KXCCFTIONALLT CLAf ma WlUra Knlartt acdao, 1 o.n.r. $19. Ph. IM14. (Continued on Page 17