14 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Monday, June 20, 1949 THar CAB DRIVER IS " WUH TUN ISN'T COM 1 1 TAKING HIS OWN SWEET BACK. CHARLIE THE WHEN HE PHONED. BALDY i TO LEAVE THIS DUMP RADIO PROGRAMS Only the Brave By PAUL EVAN LEHMAN TIME ABOUT COMING VDFFICEB JUST r-fST A CLEAN OF CLUES CAN'T SEE bm.k, S I tVE r7 REBOOT OF AN ACCI DENT A THING IVE CVERLOOKEO- i-Ainsi MAUt CHO" 5UEY OF ,5TT-- tvh;s cab. MONDAY P.M. KSLM S KGW K0C0 T 'K0IN NG Ul WERE GO! NO OVER TO THE KWSTSn . um-n up Dunwpn n&i rw 1 I EMERGENCY WARD NWtato J SAID TO LEAVE THIS DUMP A EfflWftl' W fiT 3rVL g 5 f CLEAN Or CLUe5""CAITT 5EE r-Mt 1 THAI MADF CUCQ SI IPV nc mA I r 'J m 1 -.1 i N v . . (Chapter 11) He discovered the trap too late to avoid it. One glimpse he hao of a atrip of blue sky beyond the opening, then came the freezing realization that the trail droppec away to nothlngleas. Bed aouealed In terror and squat ted in a desperate extort to atop. Hi hoofa plowed furrows in the hard ground aa his momentum car ried him on. With a frightenec aoueal he went over the edge, ano Jeff kicked iree of his stirrups ant Hung hunseU backwards. The rock his fingers closed on came loose and he fell, clawing at the hard smooth stone. He die. not look down, but he had had a glimpse of that awful depth a they went over and knew thai the drop was at least a thousand feet. -He brought up so unexpectedly that he Jell to his hands and knees. He had landed on a ledge so narrow that even now his left foot hung over its ede. There was a niche to his right and he tbrew himself into It and presseu a Kama t the hard rock until It hurt. The cold sweat broke out, and he huddled there rigidly without dar In? to move. The reason one of those bullets hadn't hit him came to him as clearly as though it were In printed words for him to read. It wasn't poor shooting; It was exceptionally good shooting. They had driven him Into the trap much as a wild horse is driven Into a blind corral, forcing him on with their rifles, preventing his turning to right or left, careful not to mark him with a bullet. Very careful! A bullet hole would have been evidence of murder; a mangled body at the bot tom of a thousand-foot cliff could only be the result of an accident. He heard voices and movement above him. They seemed very close. "Rep anvthlnff?" 'Naw. Yeah I Yeaht Down there through the trees. Hoss, ain't it?" "Yeah. Can't see Tyler, but he must be somewnere arouna mere what's left of him." "Thought I saw him Jump Just as he went over." "He did Jump; but It was too late. He went over, all right. Too bad. ain t nr There was mockery In the voice. "Yeah. Awful bad. You know. there oughta be a sign here at the jumpin'-off place to warn all snoopers like him." They laughed callously and Jeff heard the crunch of their boots as they moved away from the edge of the cliff. On his hands and knees he crawl ed out on the ledge, and now he law that the edue over which he had fallen was not more than ten feet above his head when he stood erect. Ten feet, but It might Just kb well have been as many miles, for the rock face was eroded as smooth as glass. There was but aoe way out and that was by rope. And that meant somebody interest ed enough In his welfare to lower that rope and then drag him over (he edge. He cupped his hands and shouted aiore In desperation than in any hope of hearing a reply. Then he tot up so suddenly that he nearlv lost his balance and fell off the ledge. From the distance had come a faint answer. He called again at the top of his lungs, and now he distinctly heard the carrying cry, "Jeffl" The pitch and timbre of that voice Ihrllled him to the toes. onmei it couidn t oe Connie. Onoe more He was going batty. pe snouiea. jr Presently he heard the hoofs of her pony above him. then the t thud of her booted feet as she i hit the hard ground. He saw her hand against the sky as ahe looked J (aarfullv down at him. r j He felt like singing. Instead, be asked as calmly as he could. Oot a rope on vour saddle?' 'Teal Oh. Jeff, be carefull It's " TTm all right. Connie. Listen. J fie half a dozen knots in one end about two feet apart. Tie the Other end to the horn and be sure the saddle's cinched on tight. Then b m the knotted end down to me." t He heard her run back to her pony. There were a few minutes Of silence while she worked; then the reappeared at the edge of the tUff and the rope came slithering tmne put nis 1001 on me end "Take up the alack with your hands, then lead your pony away irom the edge until I stop you." ahe obeyed In silence and halted the pony at his call. He put his weight on the rope, raised himself irom the ledse. took another hand hold and a deep breath and started to ciuno. anon as was me dis tance, it seemed an eternity before he pulled nimsell over me edge and lay lor a moment sweating it out. 3he ran to him and grasped an arm and tried frantically to drag him farther away. He panted that he was all right and staggered to uia leet. Her nerve broke then. "Oh. Jeff I've been worried sick! I followed you and then lost you. and then I heard shooting, and and " Sobbing hysterically, she threw herself into his arms, her hands clutching at his coat, her head buried against his breast. Jeff tenderly gathered her close and pat- tea ner snouiaer, wnne nis smn lng face was turned to the stars. He was thanking God, not for his miraculous escape, but for the mem ory of this moment that he could carry with him through the years. (To Be Continuedj Church Society Picnic Wood burn Members and friends of the WSCS of the Methodist church will met Tuesday afternoon June 21, at Settlemier park for a 1 o'clock picnic lunch. Those attending are asked to bring a covered dish and table service. ! 3042 SIZES 12 44 Suited for Summer The two- niece look for Summer! The belted jacket has the flattery of a hip rounding Denlum. the comfort of cap sleeves; the skirt, an easy flare in six (tores, mree-ouarter sleeves aiso inciuaeo in pattern. No. 3043 li cut in sizes 12. 14. 1 is. jo, se, 38, 40. 42, 44 and 48. a lie is, 4 '4 yds. 33-ln. 8end Jrc for PATTERN with Name, Address and Stvl. Number aiait tsize aesirea. Cottons again strike a his fash- Ion note. They are Inexpensive to make, easy to hand'.i send now for the SUMMER FASHION BOOK wnicn includes in Its ISO nattern designs, a big selection of alluring suggestions lor cotton lasnions lor every ag and occasion Price lust 30 cents. Address Capital Journal. ooa Mission at., &an Francisco 6 t-t F.J V-J... to. .j O "t', 'r-Y'''''Jiy,iCi wwoppwri 'see? tre wotowltobgT f rr tke6 a "Vo. k.-ugsa m olho) I kvj! ten thou6 1 moneV can crrv will ee able to make a beoutful I lot of cosh- I another loca here n th R MEN NO .JUST LOOK t ACCOMPLISH fcv A RCOUTV VB? CXECM OOME TRUE-TRUe I WET WM I MCttNNQ NOT A DENT I I rflU.rH-- WONDERS LSSJ VERS- 600N- J F--)R THOUSANDS f KTOS I A UTILE SHORT-1 IT SO J r V MfiCHNES- l( ANM1E- JT WTTH NO PAREKTB NO" M y ' H - - 0-,-rf 1 sTl NOTHtN TILL fl K 7 f i SrWULDwr 1 KIM SMELLTHEM ORANSE Y HELLO,AMBROSE-l'M T VOO A1WT UALF SO X I 1 OF WAITED SO BLOSSOMS AlBEATJr AN' TUIS 1 GLAD 'lOU CAME "KII6hTJ I LaO AS ME.ROSIE 1 I LOMS TO PERPOSE. J OL" EVELL SOUNDS JEST LIKE I6IRL-1 NEARLY RlW J I I tVO KEELED OVER.r PlSM'H I KEEUEO OVER kawaJ THE OCAO S EMPTV THE I I A CAR.V-V1F A PORTV GAL K.I MEBBE lO'rS WEAK,fU1 ) -JCV," I I AOIN-T-AH BETTER I FISH-MADDENED WILDCAT I I IN IT-ASMIUN' AT ME.r THET 1 I- I UKE ACHAWO'THIS fl 64SPrl FASTER WAV TtjIT tJ M KNOWS ME MUST KILL. THE I I ME. FO' A RIDE. . 1 1 K EX I nsH?-- .-i "lj R y "Si ajlr SIIS 'M raltM Uwli It. Waa't Ihn4 LUrtha. Cart HiiHr 1 V j Frtnk BanlAiw innmr lite mbrtha lua IIHU Sbw J :M PcwlBf rrs4 Nm Blai CfMB- Clvb 1ft, CBS J Crw CTtUtf H. V. 1Ubt wrt rt, Edwar4Msrrw m flMpcrtBtsB Kultil lirM Cn4lllfhl A Knei MftBataj ilft flu . MaiUal Mm SlltH BiUb (1 ft T B A Vic f Nm CbH HuUtf :W T" m rim t Trwiim Ntw 7: OftbrUI BaatUr Talavfaaaa Baar Bart'a l Vala ftUtlla Tbaatra lift Nartbwaal Mawa Tthabaaa Baar Caaataal taraetat Madia Tbaalra :M Maala Dr. L Q. Bandtland Badla Tbaalra ' Maala Dr. L Q. Bartdalaai Eadta Tbaatra Maala CaalaaUd Baar Sladla Parlr Mr Prlaa4 Irma :1ft Maala Caataatad Baar Sladla Partr Mr rrlaad Iraia :U Claca Eld Badla City lladla Party Bb Bawh Shaw CUca Eld Ptoybaaaa Stadia Parlr Bab Havb tba 9:- Lai Oaarca Da It Baaaar Clab Stadia Party Lawall Thaaiaa " :1ft L Gaarta Da II Navi af WarU Sladla Party Jack Baillh Sha :t Mardar by Eipart Cavaleada Sladla Party Talaal Saaata ' Mardef by Eiytrt Caalaada Sladla Party Taint Saaala 1 A Nawa Naan Ntwa " Plva Star Piaal Ml1 LacaJ Nawa Saarta Paaa flaal Track 14M laaar Saaataa 'J7:M Nwa Orabaatra Track 14M Inaar Saaataai v ' Maala Orchcatra Track UW Lal'a Danaa niM Paltaa Lawla, Jr. tea Bwaa Traak I4M Scraoada I Aaiar. Paraai a Wai Maaaaal Traak MM yva M( ffsru :M at tba Alt Was Maaaaai Traak UN Orcbaatrs Thla Day Wa Maaaaai Traak HW Nawa itm sim Off 'ira Off aim off ViTaat TUESDAY 6 A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. 6:M Nawa Hadca Fadta Nawa to Yawn Patral Hadaa Padca EOIN Blaak W NW Pam Naws Nawa EOCO Elah EOIN Black M March Tlaaa Hodga Padxa EOCO Eieck EOIN Black 7! Tawa Patral Pam TIbm Tea Elllar EOIN Black Yawn Palral Farm Tlrna Nawa Sparu Nawa tM Yawn Palral Tba Old lann Ta a' Marata Nawa lift Nawa Nawa Nawa Fred Back New Fred Warlat Watttrn Melodlei Coniamcr Nawa ' ;U Braaktart Gaai Frad Warlnf Waatcra Malodlaa Art Bakar :Su Braakraal Gana Bldar af Ban Homa Blaicra Eabart Lcwia M Toa Tradaa Si Bayaa Charcb la Wild Eobart Lcwla 9'ft Bargain Coaster Scrond Cap IlaTen af Beit Fiara Siar ' :1ft Vkur Llodl.hr Sceand Cap Manet, af Beat Nawa :0 Sona at Piaoaara Jack Barca MuiK VYilboat Grand Slaai i ttwt Ward. Baacmary a :M Narlba-aal Nawa N T Bonaymaaa Caffaa Cap Waodv nimi ' 11 1ft Katr ftVnllb N I Bonaynoai N.W. Barart Aaat Jann. lfl:S0 Paator-a Call Ton my Deraay Rbapaody Rbrlhm .,.. T"", 1 ' : Cbarlla Bplrak Tommy Daraay Bhapaady Bbythm oil 8 on day jbj :00 Newa Tommy Dortay Olaea Waa Bla Slalar 11 IB Thraa Sena Tommy Dortay Gla.a Waa M. p-.i... "f:M WHoa Or.an.L Today'a Chlldraa Olaaa Was d, m.i '" i4ft Walta Bcraaada Brltbler Day Glaaa Was Gaidtna Lithl a:00 Top Tradai Donbla ar Nolbior Hollywood Mailt nDncan MrlT Jaft Newa Doabto ar Natblas Hollywaa4 Maala ca Gat it ! Qaaa far a Day Newa Naw. Na"i Drabl '4ft Qaaan lot a Day Lliht af World Tad Dala Pmenta Makaa Ion Tick 1100 Lad lea Flrat LI fa Saaallfal Mae'a Melodlaa id Mr. nn4l It LadlM Flrat Ha ParklBt Mae'a Melodlea F,m :0 North-. Nawa Pepper Saau M' Melodlea p.. O'Brlea h M Bob Ebcrly Shaw Happlaeaa Mae'a Melodlea Air-fla r, .-00 Tell Nelabbara Baekataca Wira Melodlea N,w...r ... : Johni.a Family Stella Dallaa Melodlea NewDalI !r ill , iu On.n Bcrerlea Loreaia Jaaaa Mae'a Malodlaa w, ' " tIi,. ... tt'm Slata Wlddat Braw Mae'a MaUdlaa TaBrtaUy Y.iH A lOt AgafBSf tba Steras A Glri Marrlaa Mae'a Melodlaa Htwm " :16 4aiBBt tba SUrai Portia Facet Ufa MM'a Melodlea m... thm mi.... 5: Maala Jn.t PI.Ib BUI ' Melodlea mZi H w " " Frant Page FarreU Mae'a Mtlcal.a Arlhar Godfm 4 Bay II With Maale Bead at Life Womtn'a Paaa 77, h. .6 Say It With Maala Lara Lawt Pbi""pba, JSj S" M Son.. f Time Abb! Marr Spetllahl M..I. JShS Z??. " M W. L.r. A Leara Bpalilgh, MbS: i'MH DIAL LISTINGS: KEX, 1180; KOAC, 65 llCY Monday P.M. :fl IV LA cage. ft:. Jahun; Sqalrrel Johnny Lajaehi l;M, Beeping Up With Sparta l 1:18. Bam Edlllaai :. Cballcnca at Takant f :0ft, Edwin C Hllli 1:15, El mar Davlei T:90. Prealdenli S:M, Lone Kaareri aiaa. I Dream Ctrl, B:4ft, Arlhar Gaethi Railroad Hoan 9:50, Ella Mae Monet 9:45, Henry J. Taylari 10:00, Richfield Be port - en 10:15, Inleracaioi 10:M, Concert Bonn Memo ta Tomorrow. U:00. Aira Hoan 1:00, Bin Off. Taeaday A.M la 4:45 P.M. :00, Early Blrdi 7:00. McCall Nawat 7:19, Bob Johnaam 1:S0, Bob Haien Bhawi 7:48, Time Tempo: ft: 00, Myrt and Mariat 8:1ft, Martin Agranahri 8: SO, Zeke Mannorat 8:4ft, Eaay Aeeat 9:00, Breakfatt Clabi 10:00, The Newt 10:1ft, Start af Today i 10:80, Bay Eyaeri U:b0, Ted Malene, 11:16, Galen Drakei 11:90, My True Storyi ItiOO, Betty Croekert 18:18, The Newai 1:80, Baahhaga Tafclnaj :4B, Clab MUTT AND JEFF ARE LOST but don't worry, only In the mail. As soon as they are found, they'll be back in their usual place on this page. BH Pf Mill iS U-"1"" -'- ) irauanyewvwYeoMEBavY- KVV A (y)Od KfvtV R BECAUSE THERE'S A LN'SIW? S Vi'P BETTER SET f . J ". Z ' N.-Bar Cutwurk-Evm a novice 1 aa. rZf -TTifeS - ri wlU lnd thrse kvly cutwork 0 h2P 4$- I T l i U"5 1 t irVZl f?f VjS (" d I t motifs asr. as only buttonhole and TlCtJ'fvJJ -l"iT Ad. iwT J ' 'if J Al 4i PIlH "" . ar. ul. Tot a LvVCT WdMi T Cjf IHd 1 L?T te)'- I J itrlklnRly dtttfr.nt rHect. us. JJ Qf dt S I fjl M Pattwn Envrlop. No. W4J3 con- K ' .' " cL O C "u! "S"" ' X. JC? m Uln hot-iron transfer mollis, Z-JT V J L-" w'V ' 1 I I try, V two ""'h Pictured; cmbrold.r' . . V ' J i" I f I ". X.1 stitch lUustrallons: material re- '.Taj.C-T' rw-j w w v I It, W QUlremsnu and color sunsestlons. f Astk y To obtain ttm wnern send JOc ACOlTrtH " "'Hr' T 10 c1?!' w tON'--tlf VOU lA fl 4siivI 1 aoi vnn unt aiuAiwrr, NOT AT ALL, MY J ' l COINS mn patwrn number MiWP AMuwa f V1 n 'fflSiS SWEETl-ROBIN fVifSs'K Fn nam., address ana son. num- w THt DANCt a Bt ALl RI0HT-,N TOR SEVERAL 1 A ( 1JU Vt mfmtaVbIXhOOO MAOt A L Hh PCW Hoberts CaplUIJour- M rtbStMlFT 3 TIMETORTHtNUtT ,7 MtENOOTi'l ) V Tltt wwo T HIT OF STEALIN6 KGAC Moij r.M.-8:00, On tba :00, Newai 8:1-, Dinner Melodlea: 8:8, Dinner Melodleat 8:89, Maala af Ciecba elorahlai 1:15, iTanlng Parm Bean 8:08, Tha Bearer Talei 8:18, Great Son gat 8:48. Tba Newa; 9:00, Maale That Endareai 9:4ft, Evening Medltatlenii 10:88, Hlgb UghU ar the Week t Newat 10:18, Sere nade: 10:48, Tha Newai 11:00, sign Off. (UaUd aa Standard Tlme LfOAP Taaaaaa a aa. ta 8iU .m.t 11:88, Caneert Hall, 11:00, Newat 18:18, Naoa Parm Roan 1:00, Blde'em Cowboy; 1:18, Variety Timet 1:80, Melody Lanci Tbbj Day i 1:48, Melady Lanat 8:00, 4-H Clab Aaaamblyi 8:00, Tha Nawa. Timet 1:08, North waiter nam 1:88, Bay Woati 1:00, Breakfaal In Hollywood) 1:80, Ladlea Be Seated, 8:00, Bararlaa Paekagai 8:30, Brlda and Groom i 4:00, fVelcoma TraYQlera. 4:80, Art Llnbletter. Post Office Enlarged BrooksA 14 by 18 foot addi tion is being added to the Brook? post Office, to take care of the increase in business. This office will step Into second class July first, under the supervi sion of Postmaster Homer Eg an. New equipment will be had and the building made modern. ACROSS L FaU behind 4. Beaeacbaa 5. 160 aquara rode of land 11. Wins 13. Ru talari rlyar 14. Hunt of history Id. Avarlca 17. Buftla call 18. Coma out Into lew 1. Clumey fallow IU Hawaiian basket It. Revolrea 26. Swles moun- talna SS. Exclamatloa 19. VlttHant i0. Baca u a 11. Pertaining to punlehment SL Lona; narrow Inlet tt. Genua of oata 18. Typo tnaaaura ST. Enrjtah general IS. Qet back 40. Exlat 41. Pitcher 42. Inaartafor growth 41. lfohamroadaa Judge 48. Connection 80. Individual IL Heated cham bar 81. Turklah title 82. Par acroaa 64. Part of a abo 88. Follow P A PflElTlClHflglPlAlt A L T jlf Q WCA R I A T c vil a bj jj Tu mm I ii I kyak Qto pMi rr n o vie Bpun Bew uk I r m o i npo g U M I NT A LB SlTjE R a t I U eekWa V A AwTsUsANleUAlN Solution of Saturday's Puxzla OOWN 1. Imerwearo X. Aftrlngaot aalt 2. Vawo 7z r5 m ml m Z T- r TT I LX. zn i ciBS J'W 4. Motb 8. County 1b Ohio 8. Channel Inland from tha ahora T. Craftily 8. Heal . Nolay 10. Tear 11. God d sb of dawn 18. Flower 20. Spoken 21. Una lost beyond recall: alang 22. Tha Emerald Ile 24. Male deer 25. At or from a dlttanc 26. A flection 27. Occurred first 28. Pronoun St. Surface a etreat 32. Article 35. In no way 27. Patrolman'8 aKffigninent Sfl Mistake 40. Trade-mark 42. Pmall Talley 42. Edict 44. Roman aena- tor'a garment 48. Difficulty 46. Dairy animal 47. Tropical bird 41. Uncle Tom' pet ROOM AND BOARD By Gent Ahem Fl DID as cu SUGGESTED. ROBIN TOLD UNCLE VOLFSNS THAT MRS. PUFFLE HAD RENTED HIS ROOM. AND HE LEFT LAST NGHT BUT GETTING HIA AWAY COST ME 575 HE DIDNT HAVE ' HOME SO HE SOLD AAE HIS TRUNK OF FOR 75 WHOLESALE .' THE TOP LAYER WAS CAN OPENERS. BUT THE REST OF THE TRUNK. WAS FILLED WITH THESE WHATEVER. THbr ARfe.' LOOKS TO ME LIKE A HCKEY FOR. CORING FRUIT I WAS FILLED WITH THCsF II I I