Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, June 20, 1949, Page 13, Image 13

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    marked on the outside end of
each case or half case, ai well
as on the top of each carton.
This provision does not apply to
any producer who sells eggs of
that person's own production at
the premises where produced.
Every retailer of eggs is re
quired under the amendments
to retain invoices of egg pur
chases, regardless of where pur
chase was made, for a 30-day
The state department of agri
culture at Salem or its branch
Jake Bird to
'Appeal Again
Walla Walla, Wash., June 20
W) "Hex" murder Jake Bird,
now under his fourth sentence
of hanging, once again has dived
into his legal bag of tricks in an
effort to escape the gallows.
His date with the noose only
25 days away, the 47-year-old
convicted slayer said he planned
to again appeal his case to the
Washington state supreme court
Found guilty of the ax-murder
of Mrs. Bertha Kludt of Tacoma,
Wash., almost two years ago,
Bird has used his prison-acquired
knowledge of law to delay
his execution three times. His ap
peals have been denied by the
U. S. supreme court, the ninth
circuit court at San Francisco,
and the Pierce .County (Wash.)
superior court as well as the state
' supreme court.
Bird's appointed attorney,
Murray Taggert, said he plan
ned to appeal this time on the
grounds that a confession by Bird
to the murder of Mrs. Kludt was
beaten out of him by police. He
appealed to the state court on
several other points before. Tag
gert said he would take the ap
peal to the U. S. supreme court
once again if the state supreme
court denied it.
Mother Tries to Comfort Girl Held in Shooting Mrs. Edrth
Steinhagen (right) raises her hand to comfort her daughter,
Ruth (center), 19, as they sit in anteroom of felony court
where Ruth appeared on charges of assault with intent to
murder in the shooting of Baseball Player Eddie Waitkus,
in a Chicago hotel room. At left is the girl's father, Walter,
and in background is Deputy Bailiff Jennie(Du Bray. (AP
Wirephoto). '
Four Corners Church Ends
Bible School With Picnic
Four Corners, June 20 The Four Corners Baptist church
daily vacation Bible school program was presented on Thursday
evening. The opening number was the pledge to the United States
flag, the Christian flag and a salute to the Bible. The theme of
the program was "Time and Talents" closing with the parable of
the talents. There were 54 en-3
rolled for the school with a daily
Indian Boy Wounded
By Cougar Dies
. Vancouver, B. C, June 20 VP)
Wounds inflicted by a cougar
took the life of a seven-year-old
Indian boy last night at an
Indian village 217 miles north
of here.
A plane carrying a doctor and
medical supplies failed to reach
the village in time when it was
delayed by bad weather.
The boy was Identified in
sketchy reports from the village
as the son of Dominic Taylor, a
average attendance of 41. On
Saturday they had a picnic at
the noon hour in the church an
nex, Rev. Julius Herr as pastor
Miss Shirley Lukens, daugh
ter of Walter Lukens 115 N
Lancaster drive will be gradu
ated from the University of Ore
gon on June 19 with the degree
of bachelor of arts. Miss Lukens
was honored by being elected
to the Phi Beta Kappa honorary
Hostess on Friday at a dessert
luncheon and pinochle, Mrs. C.
R. Osborn invited the following
friends, Mrs. Margaret Willis,
Mrs. Elizabeth Pugh, Mrs. Stan
Braden, Mrs. Earl Kasson, Mrs.
Blanche Gaines, Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Knight and Miss Shirley
Quinn of Culver, Ore.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Smith,
4140 Durbin ave., sold their re
sidence to E. W. Schwitenberg
of Salem. The Smiths have pur
chased a residence at 1285 Park
ave. Salem. They are at home
Steel Kitchens
Free Estimates
Expert Installation
Ota D. Binegar, Jr., son of
Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Binegar, Sr.,
160 S. Lancaster drive was
graduated from Willamette Uni
versity with the degree of ba
chelor of arts.
The belief that ciggers or red
bugs don't bite at night is falla-
Beds Calls Attention to ,
Changes in State Egg Law
O. K. Beals, chief, division of foods and dairies, Oregon state
department of agriculture, calls attention to the Oregon poultry
industry to changes involving the sale and handling of eggs in
Oregon provided in amendments to Oregon's egg law made by
the 1949 legislature.
Mr. Beals emphasizes the
fact that the changes incorpor
ated into the law were spon
sored before the legislative ses
sion by Oregon's poultry Indus
try working through its estab
lished organizations.
"It is believed," said Mr
Beals, "that the changes made
in the law will make possible
more comprerensive scrutiny of
trade in eggs on a state-wide
basis as well as provide for
greater efficiency in the use of
personnel working on this mat
Licensing requirements are
on a state-wide basis ana De-
come effective on July 1.
The new license schedule pro
vides that all holders of egg
dealer's permits pay a minimum
annual license fee of $2, plus 3
cents per case or unit of 30
dozen eggs, for each case or unit
over 200. These fees are to be
paid each January 1 and July 1
and based on reports provided
to the departments on those
A credit will be granted all
holders of egg dealer's permits
now in effect. This provision is
part of the amended law.
No changes in grade and size
standards were made in the law.
Under the egg law, every re
tailer, wholesaler, jobber or
other dealer in eggs must have
a state egg dealer's permit if
eggs are to be candled or graded.
Another important change
includes the wholesaler in the
labeling provisions. This re
quires that all eggs sold, offered
or moved for sale to any retail
er or consumer must contain
certain information on every
case, carton or other container
of eggs. The information re
quired on this labeling must
show (1) the grade and size de
signation in conformance with
these provisions of the state egg
law; and (2) the name and ad
dress of the producer, whole
saler or retailer by or for whom
the eggs were graded or packed.
This information must be
Kids'. ink!
FREE BALLOONS on opening day MONDAY, June 20th! 3
All Types Signal Fireworks Available
3805 Portland Road
"Ask for Mae" Dial 21619
mill i iiiii
office at Portland will be glad
-o answer any questions or sup
ply any additional details rela
tive to the amended state egg
Barnhart Noble Grand
Of Dallas Oddfellows
Dallas Calvin Barnhart was
elected noble grand of Friend
ship lodge No. 8 IOOF, at the
semi-annual election. He re
places J. Marion O'Brien, past
noble grand. Martin Bond was
elected vice cranri M V Wnl-
verton will be recording secre
tary ana A. M. Larsen treas
urer. Albert Burelbach was ap
pointed district Hpnilttr ni-nnH
master. Installation will be held
the first of July with Burelbach
in charge.
Natara's goy, Natura 's of ptoyl Praia
and law, sna'l drauad p In aar
bright!!, livaliast oormmhl Kmp la
tun sand as your sport shirts
locks, swaatart. print dratsas. tmm
mar twits! Wall daoa than sofaly,
ratum 'am bunting with crisp color
and "bewnca'1 Try us enca, and kjefc
smortar oil svaiaiarl
ClMfrfll Sa'fH
coioti if sroif oi
Palmistry Readings
Will tell your past present
and future. Will advise on
nrun ft a m.
rn,j fv to 10 p.m.
Moved from 466 Ferry to
173 S. Commercial
Capital Journal. Salem. Oregon. Monday, June 20, 194913
na io dii r.iM.... ... D.r,.:. c: d.wi...
yvi vii wiuiio in i Dbv a (. wwiiitj
Today 1
More for your money in taste and
value. That's Pepsi, America's favorite
big bottle cola. Pick up 6 Pepsi's today!
Hilllrri in Knlrm h R'm;nf'i I'ndfr nrpnlfimrnl friit lrr i-( ola Co., Sew York.
"Listen lo 'Counter-Spy,' Tuesday and Thursday evenings, your ABC .lotion"
S65 Highland Ph. 3-4821
Did You Know
Minimum Charges
O Fast Service
Superior Workmanship
Let us solve your drapery problems for you. . t Free estimates gladly given on
any job, large or small. Consult our drapery department now about those odd
sizes extra sizes swags, etc.
Select your fabrics from Salem's largest stock of fine quality draperies Now
at lowest possible prices.
Downstairs Store
Now is the time to order that new roof before the
busy summer season.
Expert workmanship with the highest quality
Free estimates without obligation.
McGilchrist & Sons
255 No. Commercial Street
Salem Phone 38478
Chrysler Offers You
Over 50 common sense advances that give you more for your money in
safety, performance and comfort.
JVU VaUtm In Satmtvf Rlnw t(r
nd Chrysler's Safety Kim Wheel holds the
tire on. Stop suddenly Safety Cushion Danh
protects the child on the front seat. Electri
cally operated, constant speed windshield wiper
assures safer vision. Power annlied to tha
engine doesn't slow it. These typical Chrysler
"first" mean more for your money.
f ,
fJJ4 " j
. r..n.VM(Mn -WaiiV V' Z
r ' VaUtm in Ptrfarmancv! New High
Compression Spitfire engine features exclusive
Waterproof Ignition. You can drive through high
water, start in dampest weather. Driving is easier
and safer with sensational Prestomalie Fluid
Drive Trin Amission. A mining new -nter Control
Steering gives new handling ease, no road shock.
KHZ , Vohim In Comfort! You can't appre
ciate how much more you get for your money until
you step inside. Seats are wider. There's more
headroom, legroom, shoulder room. Wider door
ways! Women enter with dignity. Seats are chair
height. M catch this ear dollar for dollar against all
others. Phone for a demonstration.
f yrel Fluid Drive
lit ifrTi-)fritf it'll
The Greatest Car Value
7:30 P.M.-V.F.W. HALL
Hood and Church Sts.
Bread :
Pastries I
Unbaked Fruit Pies i
Left-overs " j
Meats M
Fish j
Juices Ij
Soup Stock : )
Fresh Fruits &
Will Be Explained and Demonstrated by
Home Economist, Leilla Knight
This Is your opportunity to learn the odvantages of frozen food processing.
Learn how to save, not only money, but also time and labor which are wasted
in the old conventional methods. Bring your special food problems as Leilla
Knight will conduct a question and answer period.
o Free Door Prizes
' v . (
i f- sc.;- .
435 No. Commercial St.
255 No. Liberty St.
Dial 3-4311
Salem, Oregon