Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, June 20, 1949, Page 11, Image 11

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    'TrSDOGO Brookyn Dodgers' first baseman Jackie Robin
IIUppVU(oa doesn't know which way to turn at Chicago
Cubs' catcher Rube Walker (left) and third-sacker Andy
Pafko (fight) cat him off between third base and home in
fourth inning of game at Chicago. Walker pnt the ball on
Robinson, but the action did the Cubs' cause little good as
they dropped the game, 2-1, their sixth loss in a row. (Acme
Feller Whips
To Prove Experts Wrong
Bob Feller is up to his old tricks
pastime o' making the baseball
It was only a couple of days
for the upmty-upmth time, that
pitcher was through finished as
on all previous occasions, ine
10-vear-old righthander has
proved them wrong.
He stilled them yesterday with
a brilliant 11-inning pitching
performance as the Indians de
feated the New York Yankees,
4-2. Feller allowed six hits only
one In the last seven innings.
Feller's victory yesterday was
a very Important one for the
fourth place Indians. It gave
them the series from the league
leaders two games to one and
moved them up to within five
1 and a half from the top. .They've
now won seven of their last
eight and trial the third place
Philadelphia Athletics by only
one game.
A home run with one on by
First Baseman Mickey Vernon
broke up the game In the 11th.
Joe Page, who had replaced
starter Allle Reynolds in the
seventh, was the loser.
Aided by homers by Ted Wil
liams and Dom DiMaggio, each
with two mates aboard, the Bos
ton Red Sox walloped the Chi
cago White Sox, 9-2, to sweep
the four-game series.
Lefthander Chuck Stobbs al
lowed seven hits for his first
major league victory.
The second place Detroit
Tigers, behind the superb pitch
ing of Virgil Trucks and Fred
Hutchinson, shut out the Wash
ington Senators In both ends of
a doubleheader, 9-0 and 7-0, to
cut New York's margin to three
Philadelphia and St. Louis dl
vided a doubleheader, the Ath
letics winning the first ' game,
8-2, and the Browns taking the
second, 7-3. Rookie Alex Kell
ner won his ninth game for the
A s, scattering six hits.
Joe Ostrowski stopped the
Mackmen with a seven-hitter in
the nightcap.
Chuck Diering's ninth inning
single scored Lou Klein with the
run that gave the second place
St. Louis Cardinals a 8-5 victory
fever Philadelphia and put them
only one game behind the Na
tional league leading Brooklyn
Dodgers. Robin Roberts, who
shut out the Redbirds on Friday
was the loser. Ted Wilks, in re
lief, was the winner.
Johnny Schmitz pitched the
Chicago Cubs to an 8-2 triumph
again engaging in his favorite
experts eat their words.
ago that the experts predicted,
the erstwhile great Cleveland
a winning hurler. And as he did
o Major aTanaings vo
(By United Preset
W L Pet.
33 33 .603 New Tork
33 33 .see Cincinnati
33 36 .359 Piltsb'rah
33 37 .5S0 Chlcaeo
W L Pft.
36 31 .633 Boston
33 3 .579 Waah'toa
33 38 .553 Chlcaso
3t .537 St. Louia
W L Pet.
31 .318
31 33 .431
33 34 .404
30 37 .351
W L Pet.
38 31 .518
38 36 .500
33 36 .388
11 40 .398
Brook) yn
St. LouU
New Tork
aeealte Bandar
New Tork 4. Pittsburgh 9.
Boston 8.3. Cincinnati 3-3.
Brooklyn 3, ChlcaBO 8.
Philadelphia 5. St. Loulj 6.
St. LouU 3-7. Philadelphia 8-1.
Chlcato 3. Boston 9.
Detroit 9-7, Washington 0-0.
Cleveland 4. New Tork 3 Ml Innlneet.
over the Dodgers to snap a
seven-game losing streak for his
culb. It was the first Cub vic
tory since Frank Frisch became
The Boston Braves regained
third place from the Phillies by
taking both ends of a double-
header from the Cincinnati
Reds, 5-2 and 3-2. Bob Elliott
drove in three runs in the first
gam to help Warren Spahn gain
his eighth victory.
The Pittsburgh Pirates defeat
ed the New York Giants, 9-4, to
take the rubber of the three
game series.
Bob Chesnes scattered seven
hits in winning his fourth game.
Larry Jansen was the loser.
Mt. Angel Wins
Twin Dedication
Games, 2-1, 2-1
Mt. Angel, June 20 A
double-header baseball victory
dedicated the Ebner ball parkj
Saturday night with a crowd es
timated at 1000 persons turning
In the first game the Mt. An
gel American Legion juniors de
feated the Woodburn team 2 to 1
with Fournier driving in the
winning run in the last inning.
Mt. Angel also defeated Sub
limity 2 to 1 in a Willamette
valley league game.
Special dedicatory services
were held between the two
games. The park, one of the
best-lighted in the valley, will
be used for football in the fall.
After Sunday Washout
The Salem Senators rained
with the Victoria Athletics Sunday night, rested today before
opening a three game series with
evening. They will complete the
turning to Waters park June 27
WIL Standings
By U Associated Press)
W. L. Pet.
Yakima 1 -8
Vancouver 35 26 .574
Spokane 32 29 .525
Salem 2 30 92
Wenatchee 30 33 .478
Bremerton 28 3 .438
Tacoma 28 38 .438
23 38 J17
Sunday's Results
Bremerton 3-5, Spokane 2-8.
Wenatchee 8-3, Tacoma 4-13.
Vancouver 4-9. Yakima 3-5.
Victoria at Salem, rain.
Saturday's Results
Spokane 13, Bremerton 10.
Tacoma 14, Wenatchee 4.
Yakima 10. Vancouver 8.
Victoria 1, Salem 0. '
Golfers Split
Cash and Title
In Detroit Meet
Detroit, June 20 M" Cary
Middlecoff and Lloyd Mangrum
two of the nation's top pro golf
ers, headed homeward with sz,
250 each today after playing all
even in a unique sudden death
tournament extra.
The two were tied at 273 at
the end of the regulation 72
holes of the four-day motor city
open golf competition yesterday,
Then they set out on the sud
den death playoff that went 11
thrilling holes before it was
called by mutual agreement
with the two splitting the Cham
pionship and the $2600 and $1,
900 first and second prize mon
Local golfing authorities said
it was the first such overtime
match in a PGA tournament
here and the first time there
had been co-champions in any
PUA big-time event.
Palfon Breezes Home Mei p,tion ie,t) f th vnu
uiivbi vibviM ,,UN"' verslty of Sonthem California
crosses the finish line to win the qualifying heat in the 10
yard dash In 9.5 seconds at the NCAA track and field meet
in Los Angeles. Bob Work (not shown) of UCLA was second
and Charles Peters (far right) placed third. Acme Tele-photo)
Weaver and 'Kid'
Rassle Tuesday
Buck Weaver and the "Yaqui
Kid," Indian grappler who is
advertised as having little
knowledge of the English lan
guage, will highlight Tuesday
night's pro wrestling perform
ance at the armory. The "Kid" is
being handled by Yaqui Joe,
who made numerous appear
ances in the local arena a score
of years ago.
Frank Stojack will meet Al
The preliminary, scheduled
Time Trials 7:30 p. m. Races 8:30 p. m.
Admission 1.50 Inc. Tax FREE PARKING
Face Road Jaunt
out of their scheduled twin bill-
the Tigers in Tacoma Tuesday
week in Bremerton before re
against Spokane.
The Senators ana the Atmei
ics broken even, with the Cana
dians taking Saturday night's
engagement 1 to 0. Jim Olson
pitched first class baseball as he
walked nobody and gave up but
five hits, but four blows were
all that he and his mates could
get off Jim Propst.
Sunday night's postponement,
coupled with Wenatchee's even
break with Tacoma, left the So
lons in fourth place with the
Chiefs close behind. Wenatchee
won the first game 8-4 only to
lose the nightcap, 13-3.
Vancouver cut two full games
off the Yakima Bear's lead win
ning 9-5 and 4-3. The Bears still
remain out in front by seven full
Spokane won two out of three
over the week-end to strengthen
its third place position. The In
dians edged Bremerton, 13-10,
Saturday night and then divid
ed Sunday's doubleheader. The
Bluejackets took the opener, 3-2,
and lost the nightcap, 8-5.
Apparently the Senators will
remain with their present line
up, for the time being at least.
Dick Sinovic who came back for
two appearances in the lineup
has been sold to the Vancouver
Sander's Oaaaaa
eirst tames:
Bremerton 003 001 000 S S 1
Spokane 000 000 0113 8
Marshall and Ronnlne; Brlllhart, Klm
ball (8) and Parks.
Vancouver 040 330 1 -i 11 I
Yakima 033 000 8 6 8 1
Nicholas. Anderson (3) and aheelv;
Savarest, B. Orllllni (3) and Tornar.
Tacoma 000 040 0 4 8 !
Wenatchee 004 )03 X 8 13 :
Lazor and Sheets: Orrell and Pesut.
Second games:
Bremerton 008 000 3038 13 1
Spokane 110 001 05x 8 0
Simon and Nealt Taagaa, Babltt it)
and Roast
Tacoma 033 101 13419 19 0
wenatcheea 0)0 000 101 3
Kerrigan and Warren; Stevens, Weaver
ana resut.
Vancouver 000 101 110.
eklma 010 000 030 1
Hedseeoek and Sheelr; Bradford, Sever,
ese 181 and Tornar.
for 8:30,
Dale Riser vs. Tony
We Supply Uniforms
Shop Towels, Covtn
Coveralls, Coots
540 Mill St., Ph. 29020, Salem
Aging Walcott
Called Amazing
Specimen by Doc
Kankakee, III., June 13 V
At an age when most fellows
get winded Just running for
street car, Jersey Joe Walcott
has run 300 miles.
This road work, plus 131
rounds against sparing mates,
has left him as solid as a bull
and as fire-breathing eager as
one preparing to toss a matador.
Jersey Joe, age 35-40, is a
trim 198 pounder and confident
he will chill 27-year-old Ezzard
Charles and win the N.B.A.-ver-
sion of the world heavyweight
boxing championship.
They tangle in Comiskey
park, home of the Chicago White
Sox, Wednesday night.
After giving the Camden, N.
J., Negro a blood pressure and
heartbeat test. Dr. J. M. Hous
ton, chief physician of the Illi
nois Athletic commission, said:
"I don't know for certain
how old Walcott may be, but
whatever his age, he is In per
fect condition. He is an amaz
ing specimen."
Louis, who at 35 has retired
and vacated his heavyweight
throne, finds a guy just as old
and probably older in there
battling to gain it.
Salem, Corvallis
Golfers Divide
Week-End Match
Golf teams from Salem and
Corvallis broke even Sunday
with each outfit winning on Its
own course. A 18-man Salem
squad played a similar number
at Corvallis, losing 29 to 19.
Jack Russell fired a 74 to take
second place in the medal de
partment at Corvallis. He was
topped by Ray Babb of Corvallis
who shot a 73.
The Corvallis squad that met
Salem over the South River road
course went home on the short
end of a 38-22 score.
Plans for a ladies' two ball
tournament are in the making
for next Sunday,
Silverton Sox
Trip Bend, 4-2
Bend, June 20 (IP) Ted Kerr
drove home all the Silverton
runs as the Silverton Red Sox
downed the Bend Elks In a State
league game here yesterday, 4-2.
Kerr hit a two-run homer In
the second inning, and a two
run single in the tenth frame.
John Farrell knocked in
Bend's two runs with a homer in
the third.
Silverton 020 000 000 24 11 0
Bend 002 000 000 02 8 2
Sauvain and Kerr; Brem and
ajlvtlB)8Mt toaaatfcrsrV tl SHt flf
CJjfAP Supports
uta ftBd Ufccrtr ttt wnir
Yf I 3$ ACI 27 f 1 V. '
? J' W IV 194 WIIOH1 177 W ""
! -af '1C f eV HIIOHT ' V W',
f Ji "V 17" NECK 16V" "
I 'W BICIPS 15'." N"
I 1 13" FOREARM 12" ! '""v
I 1 12" FIST 12" ? J
; I 1 7'." WRIST 7"
I 111 40" CHEST 39" ' ' f
i m 43" CHEST (EXP.) 42" I f V
' V fW 3$" WAIST 33" f A J jT f 1
' y J1" THIGH 20" i JT I
P88m-' VM-1 14" CALF 13" ' if - I
! I " V; . -f I '" ftNKll !! f. II
I La iliJ 1 LiXN I
Salem, Oregon, Monday, June 20, 1949
Sullivan Trims Weight
For Main Eventer Here
John L. Sullivan, Portland
meet King Henry Lee in a 10
Wednesday night, weighed 168
workout Sunday and announces
he will have a little difficulty
in making the required weight.
Lee. working out in Seattle, will
enter the ring at 162.
Davey Ball of Portland, rules
a slight favorite over Danny
Forrest of Redding, Calif., for
their six round semi-final. Ball
is considered one of the better
middleweights of the northwest.
The balance of the card, all
four bouts consists of: Al Cliff,
Portland vs. Pat Kelly, Eugene,
middleweights; Don Doyle, Port
land vs. Larry Reagan, Hcrmis
ton, lightweights; Dick Collie,
Salem vs. Rafale Loera, Eugene,
Tuesday Night 8:30
Dale Klser
Tony Falrttf
The Yaqui Kid
Buck Wearer
Frank Ktojak
Al Szan
Your House Like New, Inside and Out, at a Fraction of the Regular
Cost, in This World-Famous
House PaintF
Wall Coater
Satin Enamel Pobc;XT e 4
These prices limited
time only and subject
to stocks on hand at
light heavyweight scheduled to
- round main event at the armory
',4 pounds following a strenuous
Wouldn't you rather
drink Four Roses?
Reduced in
$395 $215
Fine Blsnded Whiskey. 90.5 proof. 60 grain neutral
spirits. Frankfort Distillers Corp., N.Y.C.
(compare looks!) 4 gal.
(compare texture) 3 gal.
d LL o Ci
rurcn oc jrep rainrpabcotgai
(compare prices!)
D 0 D D I 095
uurn at rvuui rvtu patxo
(compare prices!)
CLaaasalo ft
JllsllMIW rUllll easy brushing') stgal
Why Drive All
Laundry to-Back
Junior B Squad
The Salem Laundry has tak
en over the sponsorship of the
No. 2 team of the "B" division,
Salem Junior baseball league,
with Pete Valdez as the coach.
The squad will hold Its first
workout at 5:30 Tuesday eve
ning on Leslie field.
A broadcast of the Joe Wal-cott-Ezzard
Charles heavy
weight match will be provided
for the fans who attend the
armory program. The first bout
will go on at 8:30.
n a
, PODCO (cOITipOre O 75
Over Town
H Rdm:
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