10 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Monday, June 20, 1949 Belated Degree To Scio Doctor Sixty years after hii gradua tion from the University of Ver P b b n i i H o tl h. t n tl "J fi T H r w bi Ml to A th h o q tr P tli P' bi on P ev f w: l P bo .... i, 'ivi; P. - 2- 7, t VvJ mont Dr. Albert G. Prill, 80, re tired Scio physician who had practised 99 years until his re cent retirement was Monday granted a degree of doctor of medicine. He was unable to at tend and was awarded his degree in absentia. Dr. Prill was a member of the graduating class of 1889 but was unable to take his final examina tions because of illness. He at tended the University of Buffalo I medical school for three years and transferred to the University of Vermont at Burlington for his final year. Unrior the then current med jcal practice act he became a li censed physician in Oregon and began his practice here in 1890. He is a member of the Oregon omie Mtruicui society ana me American Medical association. For 53 years he served as sur geon for the Southern Pacific railroad ai.u also holds member ship in the association of Pacific Coast Railway Surgeons. 'Look, Boss, What Ma Brought Home' Champion "Chief of Staff," 7-year-old schnauzer, was on hand with his master, Bobby Burns Berman, Redwood City, Calif., at Mills Field, in San Francisco, to greet "Zaba of Selby," valuable show dog recently lost in Chicago and found in a park with six newborn pups. Mother and pups arrived by air, and since they had traveled in separate cases were quickly reunited for feeding while "father" remained in the background. Berman said the pups are 20th generation descendants of the first schnauzer that he brought from Germany many years ago. (AP Wirephoto). Detroit Doubles Workers' Shift Mill City A swing shift has been added to the Detroit Dam site workers following the in stallation of lighting facilities. The swing shift men relieve the day shift at 5 p.m. making con tinuous work at the site. Now In construction is a bridge down stream from the dam following the completion of the bridge upstream since May 18. Excavation is in progress for the diversion tunnel for the North Santiam River, the dig ging of which has been sub-let to the Shea Construction Com pany. Some of the digging will be through solid rock. Excavation is also being done now for the Consolidated Build ers Inc. main office and machine shop building at the damsite. At the present time the main offices are located in the Presbyterian Church recreational building with the engineers located in the upstairs firehall building. Some of the supply men are In the field now working In tem porary buildings. Vincent Palmer, head engi neer for the dam states that C.B.I, employes about 300 men here at the present time.. Work on the housing project was held up to a certain ex tent of late due to the mill work ers strike. The holding up of windows was one of the main things deferring the work, how ever, it was thought that these were being shipped and would arrive the last of this week. Several officials In the C.B.I, main office stated that the mov ing of their families to Mill City has been delayed now about 60 days and family men are con cerned as to whether their homes will be completed In time to get their children In the schools here. Only two families among thosa occupying the 19 hornet do not have grade school chil dren. Plastering was completed on at least four of the homes last week. Ground was broken re cently for two more homes In the same area which were re quested of late. Houses have all been assigned as to occupancy Distressed Vessel Rescued Off Coast Nchalen, Ore., June M (Pi The distressed fishing vessel De fiant was rescued off the Ore gon coast yesterday after two crew members fought through high waves In a six-hour strug gle to reach shore. With the vessel battered, Its radio and engine useless, the two set out in a 12-foot skiff to get aid. They finally emerged through the surf onto a beach nrar here and notified the coast guard. One was Identified as Heinle Sorcnsen. The other's name was not learned. Adams; Lion Tamer, James Chan; directors, Clarence Mor-4 ley and Murl Anderson. r ktiu; of invUH ARTHRITIS RHEUMATISM If you are the victim of and suffer from the tortuous pains of Arthritis and Rheumatism, you owe It to your self to try the new product, ALFA NAL. We invite you to write for our new folder and read what many satisfied users of ALFANAL have to say. Health Specialty Shop 885 N. Winter St. Ph. 26835 i hi ; 1 flilf KEEP PESTS OUTDOORS! Here is best assurance of summer - long comfort Screen Doors for making indoors airily livable! Built to stand up, year after year, in service. Designed to ad mit plentiful air and light while barring the way to winged pests! Priced low enough to let you replace old warped screens, easily, economically. SALEM WOODWORKING CO. I- 1225 Cross Ph. 3-3953 (m) ROEBUCK ANDCa Now in Progress 50c holds your choice until Oct. 1st ONCE-A-YEAR SAVINGS! 9.90 HARMONY HOUSE A I All Wool Blanket Save 1.02 Now 7' FT. LONG 6H FT. WIDE! Plenty of extra material for warmth, tuck-in! (5)88 Wouldn'i you rather drink Four Roses? Reduced In price! $395 I $25 43 QUART PINT Fine Blended Whiskey. 90.5 proof. 60 irtin ntulrti spirits. Frankfort Dutillen Corp., N.Y.C. rowr 2 rs Packed in Re-Usable Plasti-Case Eugene Smith Named Lions Club President Silverton Eugene Smith was elected president of the Lions club for the coming year at the Wednesday evening meeting at the Double J Cafe. Offirers are to be Installed June 29, with members of the Lions auxiliary as special guests. Assisting officers elected arc first vice president, Ernest Ek man; second vice president, Lowell Taup; third vice presi dent, Fred Evahs; secretary, Phillip elites; treasurer, C. B. Anderson; tail twister, Ralph! YOU CAN'T MISS WITH A SAVINGS ACCOUNT Sight as your target education, business, travel, security, a home-and you can't miss, if you save for an opportunity. You'll find satisfaction and security in savings account here. WILLAMETTE VALLEY BANK Salem's Independent Bank (rz) V Intern! J 1990 Fairgrounds Rd. Phon. 3-9281 GUARANTEED! 5-YEAR WRITTEN GUARANTEE AGAINST MOTH DAMAGE ON ALL. WOOL BLANKETS VAVIMfiS 14 fee f SMrl lay-nray Sal 7 quality jr"r.r $ Cft I f D a wlnbow of bMuttful .JLJK partti, I. ehooi from "o make your ? CONVENIENCE gfcztf Save now on this all wool 80x90-inch jumbo blanket. Famous Harmony House sold only by Sears! Plenty of comfort built into its 33i pounds of soft, thick wool. Comes untouched from factory in new transparent, re-usable Plasti-Case. Blue, rose, green, gold pastels. 50c hold it until October 1st. 6.90 all wool Blanket Save 1.02 Now jj.88 Your chance to buy a FIRST QUALITY, deeply-napped 100 wool blanket and praise yourself for a smart pur chase! Three-lb. weight; 4-inch rayon-satin binding. Gor geous rose, blue, green and gold pastels. Lay away this beauty now for just 50c. Gay Indian Blanket Bold Bright Indian Patterns 64 x 76-inch Siz. . . 2.59 Idool for gam room, picnlci, camping, wmntar homos. Whipped ondi; IH-lbs. of cotton In rod, bkro, green, or orongo. White Sheet Blanket Extra Long 1.79 Priet -thrifty, croom whito cotton blank-1 shoot. Reinforced lock stitch nds for long wear) Extra long 70x95-in. for moro service I Plaid Blanket 70x80-in. Summer Weight Cotton Sears Price Is. . . . 1.55 Added winter warmththe right weight for summer. 1 00 cotton in rose or btoe and white plaid. Select yovrsl Blanket Pairs 50 Wool and 50 New Cotton 72x84-'m. Size 7e90 Rose or blue plaid on white bound whh sparkling rayon satin. Gives you Mm warmth of two full blankets In onel 5 Wool Blanket Tone-on-torws in 3 Postals 72x84-inch Siza 1 1 1 3.98 Low prfe. for fin qvolltrt 5 eol, 95 cotton. Full 2H-fc. wolgM. Chotct of roM, Um, or growl poit.lt. pi m ..jMH i. I V W W V. ,vjr o. Pari Wool Blanket 72x84-In. Doubl. Thicknais full 3-lbs 6.79 loveh rose, bhjo, green, cedar pastels, 4-ta. ototching reyoA-sotin binding. 25 wool, 75 cotton. Our beet quoltty. Pure Wool Blanket Shaggy Nap Adds Warmth 72x0-inch Size 8.88 Exdviivo Soon' d.iign . . . four-color vori.d widlti bord.r Mrip.1 on inowy wkiM. Iirra llooqr ikaggr oop. 3.4 Ibh 3-Pound Blanket Ton.-on-Ton. Florol Border Fluffy Nap 4.98. M 7I(4 bKooi, 1 0 ool 25 coh on, tl royan. 4-lndl bindino. wim, rwo, cooor. Qvoliry ot . toraiWo prid J Cotton Plaid Pair 70x80-in., Double Thiclcnest All New Cotton.. 2.98 Too onoBrr touch, smooth nd white or r cotSon sort to th nop. Lovely bhM Part Wool Blanket Plenty of Extra Tuck-In I 72 x 50-inch...., 6.90 A thrifty price for comfort, wornthl 3) wool. 41 rayon. 25 cor. ton. lor.lrpoilolilreroe-lali. binding. r-. J? i x - . sw. vi m m. hew i is- x .m as m&M km i riSnStrtsi: i All Wool Blanket In R.-Usabl. Plaitic-Coe 7-inch Binding . , .9.90 Itve-yf. ffvorontee agolmt etorh dom gel 7290 in, 3 lbs. of soft wool m hre, rote, freen, gold, pooch, white Cotton Blankets lovely MUri. Color Patterns 70x80-inch 3.98 eevtiful In your bedrooml Sofriy nap ped, smoothly blended ant. colors. Hemmed endsj unusual ombre pleid. Soft Sheet Blanket Fin, for Cool Summer Niahh) 80x5-inch Si2, .... 2.29 Pure white, to ft f -flapped cotton, dofeh woven for th-engtb, long wear. Uie hsf beet m winter, cover In summer. Plaid Auto Robe All Virgin Wool 6.95 Perfect foe gu.tt room or tummer cortaget. Cofy worm red, green or blue wool plaid. Fringed edge. SO I 70-indi site. Sav. nowl Many-use Blanket 72x84-in, Doubl. Thickness Rayon-satin Bound. 4.98 fine for iprin, and fol or on ostre for 4nm. 5 toft wool. 93 irrong cot ton. Rom, bkte. greon, end grey. ot yew nottey Jac6 484 STATE STREET PHONE 3-9191