Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, June 18, 1949, Page 11, Image 9

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    mrw?-mmm :mt '"gaawmajsiBk '. : . -. "w
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Slain The mutilated and strangled body of Mrs. Louise
Coulter Springer, 28, pictured here with her 21-month-old
ion Larry, was found in the back seat of her car parked on
a residential street in Los Angeles, a short distance from
the spot where the "Black Dahlia" murder mystery present
ed itself two years ago. Police believe Mrs. Springer was
the victim of a sex slayer. She had been missing for several
days. (Acme Telephoto).
Judith Coplon Tells Jury
Took Notes Ordered by FBI
Washington, June 18 W) Judith Coplon told the jury trying
her on espionage charges yesterday that her justice department
boss insisted she take the notes from an FBI "decoy memoran
dum which were found in her purse when she was arrested.
When the trial resumes Monday for its ninth week, Miss Cop
lon will return to the witness i-
stand to finish her denial that
she ever engaged in espionage
She testified yesterday that
William E. Foley, chief of the
justice department's foreign
agents registration and internal
security sections, gave her the
"decoy" paper the morning of
March 4 as she was about to
leave for New York.
"He said it was 'hot and in-
leman's name," she said. "He
told me he wanted me to make
notes on the highlights in con
nection with the possible prose
cution of Amtorg."
(The memorandum said Isi
dore G. Needleman, general
counsel of Amtorg, Soviet trad
ing agency, and another high
placed Amtorg official, had be
come FBI informants. Govern
ment witnesses have called this
deliberately false and designed
to catch Miss Coplon's eye).
Acting at Foley's direction,
Miss Coplon said, she wrote out
long-hand notes from the me
orandum. She said he returned
to her office later and asked if
she had done this.
When Foley told her he want
ed her to work on it over the
week-end, Miss Coplon testified,
she reminded him that she was
going to New York that day.
She quoted him as saying he
wanted her to take the notes
with her. Foley also suggested,
she related, that she put the
notes in a wrapper. When he
saw the tiny package she made
he said "fine," she testified.
Foley, when he appeared as
a government witness, said that
he showed the "decoy" to Miss
Coplon before she left for New
York and remarked that it was
"hot and interesting." He said
he directed her to give it to an
attorney working on the Am
torg case when she had finish
ed with it.
f 4
Old Noble School
District Passes
The old Noble school district
lying adjacent to Scotts Mills i
will go out of existence June 30
after an action by the district
boundary board late Friday
which annexed the remaining
On Trial Judith Coplon
appears calm as she adjusts
a lock of hair before entering
the courtroom in Washington.
The 28-year-old formir jus
tice department political ana
lyst is on trial for espionage.
"I was never, and am not a
Communist," she replied to a
question from her attorney,
Archibald Palmer. (AP Wire-photo).
Lebanon Will
Extend Sewers
Lebanon The city council has
turned over to engineers two low
bids for installing lateral sewer
extensions in west and south
Lowest among the eight con
tractors when bids were opened
were P. F. Lord, Portland, $70,
231.04, and H. Den-Herder, Leb
anon, $71,962.90. The two bids
were sent to the engineering!
firm of Cornell. Howcland,
Hayes and Merrifield, Corvallis,
for study preliminary to the con
tract award.
The council announced that
bids will soon be called on pav
ing SO streets in the west and
south areas when sewer installs
tions are completed. The lateral
sewers will provide storm drain
age. Nearing completion is the in
stallation of the city's main sew
er interceptor system. Finished
toil n-lun th - A
nnrtlnn n4 It in Zrntm Mill Hi. I ...
. street Improvement began was
L ,, the paving of 40 city streets. I
There has been considerable Award of the bid for the sew
trouble trying to erase the Noble I er extpnions wjlI mBrte ,t
district from the county school , T.: ,...,. ii,. I - ........... .
The matter or oividing it up
a third each to Evans Valley.
Scotts Mills and Crooked Finger
came up some months ago. The!
third each granted to Scotts!
Mills and Evans valley wa ac
cepted by the respective district"
but Crooked F'ngrr folks voted
that they didn't want the third
allotted to them. So to finally
clean the matter up that one
third was turned over to Scotts
Mills district Friday which now
h two-third of the old district
aid Evans valley the other third.
Retail Trade Group
Formed at Woodburn
Woodburn A retail trades!
association was organized this1
week by 20 local businewmen at!
a meeting tn the fire hall. Pur
pose In to promote retail trade in
downtown Woodburn and to;
consider local retail problem.
A five-man board of directors,
including Bud Forward, P. L
LaBarr. E E. Piper, Floyd Ber-
June 18 key and Clarence Ahrens, was
fUP) Augustus Marcellus Staurielected to draw up a constitu-
rit Wever, la., was relected for t ion and by-laws and to outline
Jlce in the Civil war because a prosram, The next meeting of
of physical disability. ithe group will be June 28 at 8
Wrong Guess
Fort Madison,
He died yesterday at 103.
1 o'clock.
III oecordsne with th pvllon o th "Local Budget Law" (Section 110-1301
t 1 to-11 11. O.C.L.A.), nolle i hereby given that the budget commit tM of th City
ef Salem, Oregon, In compliance with ald ) prepared and adopted en June 11,
1041, Iht budaet utlmatw for the City of talam, Otmob tor tht naulni fUcal yaar. i
July 1. 1 to Juna )0. ltftO. aa aat form. All Praona ara haraby not if lad that on i
Mood?. Julr 11, llt, at 1:00 am. (DJ.T.I 1b tna room of tha Council Chamber.1
City Hall, aalam. Oraton. aald budtat aallmataa may ba ducuaaed with lha Common
Council, tha lavylni board for tha City of aalam, Orocon, and any paraon aubltct I
to tha propoaad tax lavy or tax latlaa vUl ba hard In favor of or aialnat aald
propoaed tax lavy or tax Itvlaa or any part thcraof.
(Alfnad) R. L. ELPSTROU. Mayor
ALFRED MUNDT, City Racorder
Actual for Actual for Budtat for Bat. for
PiacalYr. Pucal Yr. Currant Yr. Jueal Yr.
T-I-Mto 1-1-47 to T-1.4ltO 1-l-4to
10-41 .0 U I-10-4S t-JO-W
Manatar. Salary $ .4l.M I I JM.S4 4.000 M I 4.000 00
Malntenanca Man, Salary ... 3,315.14 1.JM.J4 S.SOO.OO . 100.00
L:htina Ranwiri, Beacon,
Hanaara SK IT S.041 14 100 M 1,000 00
Bqulp.. Ualnt., Lllhtlnf ! 33 431. it 100.00 BOO 00
Gu At Oil, OPr. Equipment . 4 M 11 01 400.00 400 00
Opar. Iqul., Parti Ma let. 441. 14 H.3 400.00 1.000 00
Fira Inauranea. Hanaar 040.50 1.111.10
Fire Ina.. Hancar. form, army 1.4M.M 1.40000
Public Liability Inauranea ... 313.01 310.U 1M 00 350.00
Olfica and Haniar Buppllaa .. 14114 It 3 100 04 loo 00
Mlscellanaoua 104.11 1,111.01 400 00 400.00
wtar 8rv. for Army Hanoar (U N SMt.oo
Telephona 04.43 0100 1100
Rep, to Runway A) Aprona . 3.033.31 3,310 00 3.310 00
Stata Ind. Acc. Comm 13. 41 tt.OO 19 00
Pub. Imp. Ratlram t Byatm . 1U.U 110.40 111 00 111 00
Car Inauranea 11.10 14.00 1300
Oiftea 131.00
Total a.lOa.U ll.H1.01 1 11,001.00 I 11,300.00
Salary, City Attorney 4.110.00 1.100.00 3 1. 140.00 1.310.00
Salary. Secy. 4 I1H.M .... 3.310 00
Offica Supplloa Ill It 311.14 350 00 350.00
Law Booka 3.10 35.00 30.00
Total 1,051.31 I 1.131.54 t 1,50.00 I 1.110.00
Audltlni City Booka S 300.00 t 300.00 1 00.00 I 1.500 00
Total I 300.00 I 000.00 I 100.00 t 1,100.00
Sifppliea, Prlntlnr, Btc I 134.07 3 113.04 t 310.00 I 300.00
Total 1 134.07 1 113.04 I 350.00 1 300.00
Emergency .. 0,411. 41 I 10.000.05 1 11.100.00 1 43.341.06
Total 0.4M.48 I 10. 000. IS 11.100.00 43.141.61
Entlnear'a Salary 3411 3,110.00 f 4,100.00 4,910.00 3 4,980.00
1 Draftsman t till 3,110.00 3.430.11 1,300.00 1.300.00
1 Inat rumen t Man 9 1311 ... 3.130.00 3,300.00 3,100.00
1 Rear Chainman 3.700.00
1 Computer Q 1350 1, 000 .00
1 Offica Aulatant 4J till ... 3,160.00 3.400.00 3.580.00
1 Fid. Insp.. Blda. Dpt. 1371 3,700.00 3.130.00 3.300.00 3.300 M
1 Plan Checker Imp. ft Mil 3.5S1.40 3.300.00 3.300.00
Telephone ExpenM 150.00 ' 141.51 3 TT.OO 100 90
Auto Xxpenae 1,350.00 119.01 150.00 10000
1 New Car 1,413.50
Pub. Em p. Retlrem't Syatem . 311.31 1.030.38 1.341.00 1.350.00
State Ind. Acc. Comm 141.00 150.00
Total I 13,441.30 I 34,331.03 I 30,310.00 I 30.510.00
3 AJJ't Enalneera 1S50 ....I 3,300.00 $ 0.1!!. 55 $ 7.560 00 8.400 00
1 Head Chainman 1355 .... 3.400.00 3.113.00 3.000.00 3.000.00
1 Draftsman 4 1315 3.300.00
1 Stenoarapher O 1111 1.740.00 1.930 00 3.100.00 3.100.00
Offica Suppllaa ton 00 1.136.U 1.600 00 1.S00.90
Survey Inatrumenta 1.000.00
Total .'. 3 1.140 00 3 13.144.43 I 14,330 00 I 10.360.00
Hith St. widenini.
Chemeketa to Parry 3 I 10.401.11 I I
8. 13th St. Widening.
BeUevue to MUslon 15.355.10
R!cht-of-Way-North Com'l .. 3.000.00 10.400 00
Rl!ht-of-Way-North Broadway 3.000 00 1.500 00
Center St. Reaurfaca 1.053.00 0. 300 00
Resurface Varloua ittftU 0,450.00 11.000.00
Alley Block 15 075 00
Alley Block 5 194.00
Hunt St. Widening 4.451.00
No. 11 h St. Reaurfaca 1.355.50
Equipment 3.500 00 3,500 00
Varioua St. minor patch.) 3 031.30 10. OO0 00
Gravel Unimproved Sti 0.350.53 0.000.00 1.000. no
Brtdic Conat. Ualnt 0,131.11 0.000.00 10,000.00
Total .01,41141 0 51,096.91 I 13,708.00 51.000.00
Labor 13.135.51 I 11,500.00 I 1,930.00
Matarlal. Gravel. ec 1,003.50
Repair Serv. of Equlpm't 1,163.11 3,500.00 3,500.00
Dsn Uaed by Department .... 12.40
Keroaena 111.00 100.00 100.00
Oil and Oreaae 100.30
Aaphalt 101.00 1.000.00 1,000.00
Iniurance on Equipment 3.35 500.00 600.00
State Ind. Acc. Inauranea .... 315.01 113.00 115.00
Pub Imp, Ratlrem't Syatm . 114.41 144.00 846.00
Car Insurance , 350.00 350.00
1 Com put o- 0 1350 3,000.00
1 Office Aaclitant 42 1311 .... 3,510.00
Total ..'..! 37,114.34 I 10.534.33 10.861.00 I 16,110.00
Salariea 1 Fluaher Man ....I I 3,456.01 3 3,300.00 I 3.64000
1 Sweeper Man 3.431.80 3.500.00 3.640.00
1 Truck Driver 3,303.30 3.500.00 3.580.00
1 Helper fPlckup Truck) .... 3.0S0.17 3.360.00 3.400.90
1 Fluaher Sweeper Man .... 1.349.00 3,400.00 3.040.00
Extra Help 3,810.94 4,560.00 3.400.00
1 Part Time Foreman 1.111.30 1,435 00 3.000.O0
1 Down Town Sweeper Man .. 8 014.37 3,310.00 3,400.00
New Fluaher 1.745.38
Acc. Ins. Liability 110.87 380 00 300 00
6u ppl lea 883 93 3 50 00 1 ,000 00
Pub Emp. Retlrem't ByaUai . 111.34 101 81 059.00 1,400.00
Car Inauranea 14 30 105 00 350.00
Repair At Serv. of Equlpm't .. 3.301.01 3.711.00 f 3,100.00
Total I 33,411.01 I 31,133.44 t 34.180.00 I 36.070.00
1 "i-ton Pickup 1.443.13 I S
3 Trucka 0.569.07
1 Loader 1.965.00
1 Motor Oradar 0.853 10
Labor 1. 000. 00 0.04000
Pub. Emp. Retiremt Syatem . 113.34 068 43 749.00 149 00
Car Inauranea 471.41
Total I 111.34 t 30.010.77 I 1,740.00 I 0.710.00
New Equlpm't At Upkeep Shop 113.10 f 1.674.10 3.000 00 t 3.000 00
Warehouaa Improvement ... l.Ro.lit 3,000.00 1,000.00
Stata Ind. Ace. Comm II 01 144.30
Mechanic' Labor, Mlac. Rep. 1 311.34
34x60 Storage Btdg. at
Bellevue Yda 3,403.37
Telephone 03.30 311.71 371.00 370 00
Storage Bldg. 32nd Street .... S.SOO.OO S.5OO.0O
Water (Warehouaa) 36.03
Total 306.34 7,071.13 0.171.00 1 0.170.00
Cutting Graaa Private Lou .1 1,004.17 t 1.003.10 I 1.500 00 I l.ioeoo
Construction of Sidewalk .. 110.80 3,347.45 3,500.00 3,500 00
State Ind. Acc. Comm ' 13.30 10.00 31.00 31.00
Total I 1,103.00 S 4,300.14 I 1,033.00 I 1.031.00
Pickup Truck Xxpena $ 14411 f 161.50 I 300 00 I 300 00
Traffic Sign and Material .. Ill II 1,146.07 1.100. 00 3.400.00
Traffic Paint 1.169.19 190.41 150.00 1.300.00
1 Sign Painter ; 3,143.33 , 3,136.61 3,830 00 3.000.00
Accident Insurance 31.11 11.10 13.00 100.00
1 Helper Traffic Sign Man
1330 3.339.11 3.400.00 3.040.00
1 Helper Traffic Sign Man
1211 3.800.00
Pub. Emp. Retlrem't Byataaa . 351.01 146.10 311.00 400.00
Total 3 4.49104 1.117.41 1,011.00 I 18,830.00
1 Head Mechanic 0 1371 .. I I 3.11134 I 3 300 00 3 3.300 00
1 AAit. Mechanic 1,149.41 3.180 00
1 Mechanic Helper 3.110.00
3 Aaaiat. Mechanic 1140 . 1,100.00
1 Laborer O 1211 3.115 99 3.310.00 3.180 00
Oaa. Oil. Miterkal and
Mie. Supplla 1 01 J 70 T.433 00 7.400 00
Stat Ind. Ace. Comm 14400 141 00
Pub. Emp. Retirem t Syatem 316.01 350 00 361.00 400 00
Total I 311.11 I 10.313.43 t 11.883.00 I 10.111.00
Labor Cutting Orau on
City Property I 10104 I 179 11 I 000 00 S 000 00
1 Power Mower 1,374 01
Mower Ex pen 00 40 300 00 300 00
Stat Ind. Acc. Oomm n.oo n 00
Total I 10104 I 1,04101 I 01100 I 011.00
Interceptor Sewer (Plant
alte to Columbia St.t 3 I 100.71 I 151.100 00 I 4)0.000.00
Interceptor Bwr (Columbia
to Union 8t. I 311000 00 tisooooo
Lateral Extension 0ft 143 08 00.000 00 48 500 90
Storm Drain 34.696.04 11.000.00 40.000.00
Interact en 1311.000.00 Bond
at 34 11.000 00 0.100 00
Total I 40.11 31 01.111 tl rioi.MOOO 3 3 70.000 00
Pavtnt Coruitructian
Street Altera 3 III 130.00000
Machinery, too' and
Overhead (10) 11.000 00 11.000 00
Total I I I 11.00000 101.000 00
Chf 1180.00 I 1,11116 I 4 016 14 4.300 00 t 4 540 00
I Bat. Chief 111! 00 I 053 tl 7 330 00 11.140 00
13 Crpta'n 41 im 00 Ml 14 81 400 00 41140 01
3 F::.'t A a OfflOra 1390 00 - 1.120 00 0.363 61 0,720 00 6.960 00
I. Mm 4) 1333.00 M.lbO OO
Vacation 4 949.4 I itti 00 I IBS 00
Repiin. Equip. Jk Tiraa 1 1,6 11 1.609 31 1.400 00 3 130 00
Laundry 313 11 414 60 600 00 100 00
Kmc, 1000' 3,111 H 1,000 00 1. 110 90
3 Fir Alarm Circuit 100 00
Equipment for 10 new man ,, 1416 90
Lit At Power and Fuel 1.106 03 1.11 00 l.KWOO I WO
Oarbag 44 31 V) TO V) no 100 r"
Tw'a ar.d tqutoment 1 1 45 1 ftO 00 1 150 1 1
Eqiipmni AUowbik 3.60411 3.100 00 lD"
Dr.ll Tower 3.100 0'i
Off;c BupplM 06 40 300 00 300 00
Suoocrapoer 311.50 100.00 110 00
Actual for Actual for
PiacalYr. F acal Yr.
1-l4lto 1-1-41 to
0-10-41 6-30 48
Car Inauranea 6H.93
Hydrant 1 038 91 1.070 01
Hydrant Rapatra and Inat. 516.15 4.151.13
Service Retirement 11 141.11 18.011 00
Death after Retirement 1.146 60 3,494 00
Death before Retirement .... 657 70 715 00
DJiablllty Retirement 111 93 60 00
Admlnlatratlon Coat 316 93 600.00
Deficit 1946 1 600 00
Total 41190 19 106.150.11
40 Men tj 1360.00 1 11.113.31 104 140 91
Oa and Oil 031.10 1.016 9
State Ind. Ace. In 1.910.61 1. VII. 63
Supplle and Muc 1.964.31 1.069.81
Telephona and Telegraph .... 091.93 1.363.64
Radio 3 Bat 3.453 39
Mainl. Aj Repa. Station ... 1.571 00 1. 419.17
Total 1114 61 111.359.11
Btlny 1.146 01 1.148 II
Siata Ind. Aee. Comm 11.81 14 30
Pub. Emp. Retlrem't Syatem . 113.01 00.43
Total 1.713.71 0 1,751,71
Poataaa and Printing I 010.96 169 91
Supplia Offk 000.30 019.46
Telephone Seme 313.34 341 91
MUcellaneeu 411.13 1M 44
League Dues 037 34 1.336 13
Notice of Budaet 70.15 341 30
Election Supplla 3.435.11 3.344.04
Total 1.011.33 1.141.10
City Contribution I I
Total t I
Health Officer (Part Sal.) .1 3.000 00
Nurae Clinic t Full Sal.) .. 2.191 00
Milk Inspector (Full Sal t ... 3.806.00
City Sanitarian Full Sal t . 3 686.18
City Nuisance Off. Fu11 Sal.) 8.600.00
Rat Control Off. (Full Sal.) .
ReceptlonlJt-Bkpr. (Fart Sal.)
Clerk Supervisor (Part SaU
Clark -Ste nog. (Full Sat.) ... 1,500.00
Salaries 1.750.93
Rent (Part) 8 100.04 I 000.00
Printing, Post., Sup. (Part) 10.34
Laboratoryi Part 999.91 1. 000 00
Transportation (Part) 616.00 160.00
Medical Service (Part)
Medical Supplies (Part) .... 38100
State Ind. Ace. Comm. (Parti
Pub. Emp. R't'rmt By. (Fart) 150 01 233.34
Miscellaneous 111.66
Cai Insurance 30.00
Medical Aasiuant 300.00 141 03
Police Emergency Surgeon ... 409.93
Rodent Control Supplies
Car Ma Int. Nuisance Offiear
Cat In. NuUanca Officer ..
Total 8 10.141.13 I 10.114.11
Booxs 3.161 31 I 3,49 MB
Periodical 506.67 146.91
Binding 630 II 550 91
Salariea 11.014.10 11,111.51
Head Librarian 01 1110.00
Asst. Librarian O 1331.00
Children 'i Librarian 0 1311.00
Cirrulatlon Librarian e 1311.00
Chief Desk Ass t. e 1170.50
S Desk Ass't e 1110.50
1 Book Mender H Tim 4x 377.00
Pages 300 Hr. .00 per nr.
1 Janitor 0 1110.0011,320.00
Water 37.15 4 93
Heat 301.76 102 87
Light 338.IT 391.05
Building 416.11 1,113 61
Supplle 666.00 830 60
Postage and Telephone 151.31 213.40
In. Inal. Stat Ind. Ac. Com. 351.01 161.31
Vacation 150.00 165.10
Miscellaneous 83 50 55 08
Oil Burner iEM. Cost Com pi.) 1.14100
Pub. Emp. Retlrem't System . 133.00 011.10
Building Renovation
Replacement of Lost Book ..
Total 14,000.15 I 31.030 14
City Shop 3 44 I 356 68
Comfort Station Marion Park 151.80 31.48
City Hall 111.53 111.23
Cost of Wilt. Bridge as
Signal Light II 40 18.18
Watt Memorial Fountain .... 74.10 00.44
St. Lighting Incl. New Light 38.898.40 31.465.06
Total Lighting 31,030.13 I 83,040.05
City Manager' Salary 8 ) I 1,500.00
Secy. A Stenog. Work for 3,711.001
Fir Department ) 3,130.00
Pub. Emp. Ratlrem't Syatem 100.00 413.07
Car and Misc. Expense 1.00 197.02
Stat Ind. Acc. Comm
Total 1,13140 11,351.60
Salary, Municipal Judge I 1,241.11 I 3.610.00
Salary, Stenographer 066.07
Salary. Judge pro tem )30 day
vacat'n per. Or emergency . 310. 00
Miscellaneous Equipment .... 03.44
Stationery end Supplies 107.41 151.37
Witness Faea
Total 1,337.41 I 4.071.01
Superintendent I 3.094 .00 8 3 338.34
Labor ft men 0.046 93 0.403 00
Labor I men 0.054.01 O.M200
Maintenance at Ralr Mi so
Stat Ind. Acc. IruT 311.94
Fertiliser 36 30
Plant and Flower 111.90
Malnt. Raat Room Mar. Sqart 131.11
Car Malnt. and Equipment .. 13.54
Oen. Imp. on all City Park 3.001.70
Power Mower .... 113 41
Pub Emp. Retlrem't System 194.31
Car Insurance 31.00
Oras Seed
Total I 0.011.13 I 11.101.14
Concert 1,609 09 I 1.000 00
Fountain Operation aO 00
Re pa Ira to Fountain 11.38
Total , 1 1.800.00 I 1.017.33
Clty a Share I 6.11018 I 11.071.11
Total I 1.810.11 I 13,011.71
Printing coda Mlac I 133.13 3 41.61
Survey and Vlc.nlty Map ... 3.40
MicelIaou 30.00 71.41
Total 111.31 I 131.41
1 Chief (b 1400.00 1.416 31 6,01111
1 Asst. Chief ) 1360.00 8.060.31 1,410.14
8 Captain J 1135.00 8.146 91
1 Matron 42 1310 00 3. 111. 61 3,111.45
I Sergeint 4 8310 00 11,346.11 11,811 63
13 Patrolmen 9 1310.00 18,008.81 11.11011
10 Patrolmen 1341.00
1 Stenog. 'Clerk 1100.00 . 1,897.81 450 00
I Detective 4 1100.00 11.118.07 11.536 45
I Juvenile Officer 4 1300.00 . 3.653 60 3,116.14
Postage 1110 t 3151
Printing 304 21 1 149 71
Oa and Oil .... 4,506 91 1 108 33
Auto Equipment and Repaint 7.179 51 1.439 ll
State Ind. Aec. Comm 3,101.00 3,400.00
Office Equipment
Supplies and Miscellaneoe 111.41 3.11413
Telephone and Telegraph . ..
Telephone and Radio Inatal. . 308.04 14.814 II
Car Iniurance 690 40
Pub. Emp. Retirem t System . l.ltl.lT 1,134 01
I New Cars 11000.00
Meal 1.139 41 I 4.01100
Laundry 13 00 8 61
Repairs 361.10 018 01
Sanitation 10 87
Peundmaster 4 1360 00 ....I 1,564 31 I 1.91000
Oas Oil Maint. en Car 11.10 1967
Accident St Liability In II II II 44
DOC Food 144 18 163.15
Water 38.11
Telephone Hit
Feb Emp. Retirem t Syitem .
Total 194 111 00 103.001 00
1 Chief operator I I 1416 14
4 Operatora 'Inc. Relief) .... 11 111.01 11.108 01
1 Maintenance Operator
3-3144 3-4111 (10 Trunk) I I
3 Radio Circuit
Rid 0 Bet Car 3l
Rsd:e Bupplle 1,100 II
Parkino Metera 'Supplies) ..
Traffie S.gnala fNewi I 810 OA 1,34111
Traffic aianil Supplla) .. 116.10 111)1
Signal Oenerator
Tote) 11.119.11 34.041 33
3 Jenltora -Sal, plo Vacation I 1101.50 I 1 389 11
Supplle , 445 41 1.391 18
Repair and Pa in tine 1,148.47 I.410 5B
Fuel 1.031.44 1,146.56
Stite Ind. Aee In 11.34 14 93
Rpelr to Meeting P!tnt 415 50
Iw iro-emen' 1. 15 14 4.416 11
Pub ii'p. Retirem t S-tm . 109 50 19 46
!r,;iirnca 1.409 00
Total I 1.40 00 I 14,11111
Budget for Eat. for
Current Yr. Fiscal Yr.
1-1-41 to 7-1-49 to
1-30-49 0-30-50
540 00 100 00
3 .500 00 3 SM 00
3.500.00 1.500 .
11.111.00 33.351.00
3.494 00 1.144 00
115 00 1.901 00-
660 00 1.66 00 1
500.00 500 00 I
I 05,000.00 I 111.30000
130 000 00
100 00
1.413 00
1 018 00
1.000 00
3.500 00
I 130.000 00
1.000 00
3 000 00
1.500 00
1,500 10
I 120.143 00 I 129.000 00
1.081.00 8 1.866.00
500 00 I 115 00
475.00 000 00
100 00 150 30
150 00 250 00
1. 1ST 00 1.231.00
115.00 175 10
1.500 .00 1.150.00
4.111.00 I 4.837.00
1 3.300 00
I 1.300.00
3,065 00 8 3.063 00
3.401.50 3.467 40
3.887.50 3.387.50
3.611.50 3.987.60
1.130. 00 3,3)0.00
1.063 50
635 50
532.50 3.344 00
510 00 8 050.00
302.50 425.00
1,448.50 1.450.00
880.00 000 00
381.00 000.00
315.00 400.00
56.10 100.00
969.30 1,200.00
600 00
300 00
I 33.720 16 I 32.040.60
3.000 00
450 00
230 00
141 00
400 00
500 00
110 00
747 00
400 00
34.410.00 I 11.933.00
90 00
15. on
3 000 00
10.4O0 00
10.400 00
000 00
100 00
800 00
114 00
40 00
300 00
3 600 (I
14.028 0
050 00
100 00
I 31.SO0. 00 I 8310000
I 1.051.00 I 351.00
8 13.311.00 0 13,13300
I 11.311.00 I 11.913.00
t 100.00 1 100.00
' 300 00 300.00
100.00 100.00
400.00 I 400.00
4.360 00 I
8. 600, 00
10.090 00
1.990 00
16 .800 00
00 00 I
300 00
4 500.00
1.000 00
3.000 00
000 00 '
0.014 00
I 3 000 00
100 00
600 00
100 00
I 3 000 00 t
360 00
33 00
136 00
4 .800 00
4.330 00
39.400 00
3.360 00
00 00
250 00
0 000.90
3.340 00
3 332.00
1.000 00
1.600 00
1 015 00
0.000 00
1.000 00
300 00
100 00
100 00
3 .000 00
250 00
31 00
I 150.100 00 I 304,063 00
3 100 00 I
10 0I0O0
3,100 00
1.900 00
14 400 00
3.000 00
t I 3.600.00
610 00
1 900.00
1.600 00
13 000 00 10.5IM.00
1.000 00 500 00
300 00
30.100 00 I 40.010 00
I I 49 1 00 I 8.000 00
1 100 on 1.500.00
3 500 00
1.800 00 3.500 00
14 00 1600
3 MM) 00 1 000 00
l.soo 00
13100 110 OO
1 500 00 1.500.00
10.000 00
I 11.11100 I 11.146.00
Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Saturday, Juna 18, 194911
Actual for Actual for Budget for Bat. far
Fiscal Yr. Fiscal Yr. Currant Yr, rue Tr.
1-1-41 to 1-1-41 to 1-1-41 te 1-1- f
0-10-47 1-10 41 I-I0-40 0-10-60
Recorders Salary 3,110 00 I 4,010.00 4.30000 4.004 00
Ami, Recorder Secretary . 3 500 35 8.000.00 1.140 00 1,100.00
Bookkeepers Salary 1,611.10 3,100 00 3.110 00 3,000.00
3 Stenographer 8.150.00 3.114.41 4,340.00 4.500.00
I Clerk typist A aitra help ,, 3 300 00
riT,nmm-winrpri Bona ... IM P Ji 00 44.00 46
rostaie and Printing 454.00 500 00 too 00
Supplies 483 11 600 00 000 00
Telephone Service ui 91 161.00 10104)
ooBeping HBcnins, repaira
and supplies ao 33 151.41 100 00 100 00
run mp. nuremt system . 4034 111.11 719.00 000
maie ma. acc. comm 16.00 11.00
1170 716.0
Typewriter 300 01 lU.O
2 Steal Filing Cabinet im to 3)6 99
Dw 1M.80 103 00
TRrJuR S OFFICB- " " ' " " ' " " "
Salary Treaaurer I 1.400 00 I I.T30 00 3 1.000 00 4,300 90
Salary Clark 3.838.00 3.640 00 3,629.00 1.090 00
Office Supplle no 130.00 16000
Premium on Officer' Bond .. 100.00 110 00 130 00
Telephone to 20 71 00 OO 90
Pub Emp. Retirem t Syatem 160.11 323.50 310 00 3400
Stat Ind. Ac. Comm jo.00 S0.0S
Total I 1.914.11 I 1.011.14 S 1831.00 I 1.100 00
Installment on Oaneral Oeii
ligation Bonda. Refunding
Bridge. Scweri and Drain
age. Airport Park Bond.
Principal on Oaneral Obliga
tion Bonda I 73.00000 13.000 00 11.500.00 f 16 500 00
Int. on Oen. Obligation Bonda 11.310.61 0.117.00 0 011.88 I 111 00
Bonded Street Intersection . 074.71 1.191 40 1,300 00 0,04 1. IT
Interest Street Intersection . 114 43 313.30 300.00 3.100.11
. Totl 1 14.441.00 I 43,14)14 II 411 15 4J.030.1S
Cash Balance a 10.OOO.OO I 10.000.00
Amount to be Levied ....3 I 41.011.11 I
na , 3 S 17.000 00 I 11.064.17 I
in"" 1.106 00 1,331.83 S.U4.03
r.7-.'. 1 UM0 13.317.53 3 11.001.00 1
TOTAL BUDGET 6 104.413.01 3 001,710 00 11,360.110.00 11 614 1 51 30
Recorder Estimated Rev. .1 11.101.10 11.111.44 00.140.00 I 100.040.00
Treasurer's Estimated Rev. .. 11.041.10 110,025.10 136,514 00 193,110.00
Airport Estimated Revenue . 13.51. 03 14,094.99 11,110.00 11 300.00
Enalneertng 11.113 43 10.459.00 18.365.00 30,416.00
State Tax St. Est. Revenue .. 01.919.89 112.118.26 ' 110,000.00 113.000.00
Delinquent Tate 15,357.66 33.301.61 31,000.00 18.800.00
General Fund Cash Balance .. 55,000 00 36.000.00 43,000.00 16,000 00
Sewage Treatment Balance ., 199.481.01 156,001.28 118,600.00 60,000.10
Put War Pro J ecu Balance .. 14.634 11 64.634.11
Oeneral Tax-1949-1950 148.409 00 373.338.50 301,031 00 33l.O0l.lf
Street Repair Tax 3 Mill ... 11 614 41 31.416.10 41,000 00 11,000 00
Fire Tax-3 Mill 13,166.99 36,431.10 41,000.00 11.000.00
Fire Tax (Hour A; Tax Lavyi , 71 400 0
Park Tax-1 Mill 10,340 01 31.500.00 11.400 49
Principal It Int. on Bond .. 73,400 00 11,198.10 43.111.11 11,131.11
Sewer Service Charge 00,000.00 91.00000
Improviment Fund tl.OCO.OO 1M.0M.0S
Intercep. Sewer 8al of Bond 115.000.00 311,000.00
Minor Lien Revenue Fund ... 334 53 4,005.07 1.031.00
Total I 111.907.01 11.100.651 03 11 110 0116 11 414.168 30
Genera Obligation Bonda 346,000 00
Street Improvement Bond 314.440.34
Water Bonda 1.603,000.00
Total Bonds 13143.44914
Estimated Balance Operating
Cash and Invest menu 8 I 445.000.00 t 300 000 00
Operating Revenue 113.330 10 131.14141 330,000.00 160 000.90
R"" 198 00 1.111.31 3.000 00 3.000.00
Interest on Invest menu 0,311.11 1,011.30 0.600.00 0,609.90
Profit on Disposal of Aaaeu .
Loaaee Recovered 1.00
TMal I 330,413.30 I 313 509 1 I 171.800 00 8 068,300.04)
City Manager 1,600 00 1.80000
Manager--Base 1416 plus
Cost of Uvlng Item. 3 Jit .40 f 00 00 1.318.00 0.33190
Assistant Manager 1350, ..da. 1.411.40 3,194.90 4.311.00 4.126.00
Accounting 1221 do. 1.064.40 3.309.90 3.019.00 3,335.00
Service Manager 1300, , .do. 3.094 40 3,869.90 3.418.00 3.131.00
Billing Clerk 1110 do. 3,134.40 3,139.90 8,318.00 3.16.00
3 Junior AcccuntanU 1145, do 6.320. 0 9.359.60 1,016.00 1.405.00
3 Ledger Clerki 6115 do. 3,391.10 4.000.00 1,156.00 1,731.00
Op. Malnt. Foreman 1200, do. 3.084.40 3,61100
Jr. Ualnt. Foreman 1115. do, 3,914.00 1.840.10 3,331.00
Sr. Maint. Helper 1165, 3.644.40 3.049 00 3.19100 1,191.00
3 Malnt. Helpera 1 150 do. 1,151.00 1,641.11 1,914.00 1.141.00
3 Night Watchmen 1145, 4,80110 1, 419.9' 1,911.00 1.115 00
Senior Service Man 6110, 1 534.40 3,0f . 3,361.00 3,106.00
Junior Service Man 1186, do. 3,644.40 t, 49 3,196.00 3,045.00
Shop Foreman 1115 do. 3,164 40 3,069.90 l.lll 00 3.236 00
Junior Repairman 6136, 3.534.40 3.139.90 3,018.00 2.965.00
Meter Render 1165 do. 3,104 40 3,119.00 1,431.00 1,105 00
110 Car Expense 340.00
Jr. Meter Reader 1150, 3,936.00
ouurr 01 ouppiv Auenaent ,. 2,934.40 1,407.09
Jr. Source of Sup, Attendant 3.464.40 111.40
Chemist 180.00 390 00 990 00 390.00
Jnl'Of 600.00 fOO.OO 100.00 100.00
Laborers Ai Mlsc 11,411.41
1 13.00 Hr. for 100 Hr 11100 J 300 00
1 12.00 Hr. for 000 Hra. ... 137.00 1,300.34)
1 4k 11.75 Hr. for 100 Hr. ... 111.90
lo er ti 35 Hr. for 1200 Hr. .. 101.11 1,790 00 11.000 00
4) 11.16 Hr S4I.1S
16 4i 11.13 Hr. for 1213 Hr. .. 89,991.44
ft " M Hr till!
4 1101 Hr 114 07
1 " 5 Hr 1.300.83 3,141 00
103 Hr 1,061.34
3 J 11.00 Hr. for 3333 Mr. .. II MO 00 4,444 00
I 98 Hr 30.843 IS 1,14190
I 05 Hr 70O.4S
4 1 .90 Hr. for 3233 Hr. . 1.086 00
3 .71 Hr 1,811 M
Total I 14143.31 I 00,307.17 I 137.073.40 6 140,401.44
Source of Supply:
Pumpln Eipen I 010 07 I 1.399.84) I 1.00000 S 1.9099
Truck Expense 149 41 004.13 800.00 000.00
Island Repaira and Eipen 1.140 00 147.03 1,500.00 1.600.90
Pumpln Expense:
Cone Valve House Expanse ... 09 10 11104 110 00 160 90
WelU Expense ... 483.71 340 03 000.00 000 00
Malnt. of Pump Bide. At Equip. 381 03 :H.30 300.00 S00.00
Chemlcai and Material ... 1.701 OS 1,313.30 3.000.00 3,500.00
Maintenance of Chlorlnator
Home Equip 154.40 336.41 300 00 300 00
Transmission At Dlst. Expense:
RemoUng and Setting Meter 004 11 400.03 000.00 000 90
Shop Expense At Watchmen .. 196.56 161.13 100 00 000 0t
Reservoir Control Hse. Exp. . 116.13 399 00 400 00 400 00
Power High Level Tank 114 10 019.18 0O0O0 '1,000.00
Mainl. to Diet. Main 1.131 40 818.10 3.906 OO 3.000.00
Malnt. to Serv. Lines A Con. . 1.866.18 1.416.74 ' 3.400.00 3.000.00
Maint. to Meter At Mtr Box 1,416 01 1,164.40 1.600.00 3.000.00
Melnt. to Mise Equipment ., Ml. 14 300.00 100.00
Oeneral Expenses:
Automobile Expense 1,01191 031 17 1,400.00 1,500.04)
Insurance 115 II 354.81 300.00 300 00
Meier Reading 71.14 106.54 00 00 190 00)
Office Exp. and Supplla .... 8711 l.lll 17 900 00 1,300.00
Maint. to Office Equipment 349 00 311.64 350 00 360.00
Posla 1,349 31 1.634.13 1,300.00 1,500.00
Telephone and Telegraph .... 317.53 311.13 350.00 300 00
Janitor and Suppllaa 12. II 30.11 10.00 60.00
Auditing 096 SI 1,000.00 1,000.00
Malnt. of Office Building .... 194 1 4 100.00
Lltht and Heat 690 9 7 706.49 1,000 00 1,000.00
Printing IM 10 444.10 600.00 000.00
Ind Acc. Insurance 066 30 711.71 000 00 300.00
Pub. Emp. Retirem t SysUm . 1,681 60 1,806.00 4,600 00 0,900 00
Maintenance el Oreund .... 11.14 41.48 50.00 60 00
Miseellaneou 101.11 101 13 000.00 0)00.00
Capital ImprovemenU:
Property 100 00
S'ayton Island 14.148 60 1.100.00 1 600 90
Pumping Plant 0 401 II 1,000 90
Distribution Main (Const.) .. 11,141.11 131,111.31 311,100.00 360,000.00
Service Line and
Connection (conit ruction) 4,199 II 10.371 00 10,000.00 10.000 00
Storaea l.lll 68 30.000.00
Mrters at Meter Boie 0.343 38 11.101 61 1 600 00 1 000 90
Machinery and Equipment ... 16.ll! 1) 1.600.00 10,004.04)
Small Tool 11100 411 34 160 90 160 00
Mips and Record 1. 131 01 14 14 1 600 00 1.600 90
Otfic Future At Equipment 111 80 814) 3 000 00 0.3O9OO
A itos and Trucks 3.914 50 4 956 11 1.600 00 1.000 04)
Nin-Operallng Expense .... 660 07 441 31 1 900 00 1.000 90
Bond Interest 00 305 00 00 060 31 04 000 00 01.110 00
Bond RetlremenU 40 000 00 43 000 00 44,000 00 41,000 00
Work In Proares 10.031. 13 11.011.51 44.911.00 11.111.50
Total I 114.11111 I ill 914 II 111.50000 I 051.10064)
We. tne'vnderalgnedl Chairman and Secretary of the Budget Committee of the
Ci'v of Selem, State of Oregon, do hereby certify that the aatd Budget Committee
prepared the above estimate for the budaet of aaid City ef Salem for the period
beginning July I, 1941, and ending June 19 1950. in accordance with tha prevision
of Title 110. Chapter II. O. C. L. A., a amended, and that aald estimate and the
whole thereof re tru and correct and do not exceed the limitation Imposed by Mi
Charter of the taid City of Salem, ner tha Constitution or Law of the State af
Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 13th day of Jun. 1941.
DAVID O'HARA. Chairman
J W SIM ERA U Secretary
R L Elfstrom. Jemee Nlcholeen, Albert H Olll. Claude Jorgensaa. Daniel J.
Pry, David o Hara. Tom Armstrong. Howard Meal. Sephu Starr, Charles S.
McElhlnney. George Hull. Rei RtmmalL J. W Simeral. Paul Hendrkk, Fred
Paulu and Dr. E E Boring
Will Rent or Lease spoce in your itore for mdse. dis
play on shelves and islands.
Desire attendant available No selling required
Will share store or bldg. with any new business if com
patible. Must have space by July 1 st
All replies confidential
lex M 406 Capital Journal