OJ.O to.O 0 O.0 M.O OOO O-J I i 10 Captfal Journal Salem. Oregon, Saturday, June 18, 1949 Only the Brave By PAUL EVAN LEHMAN Chapter 10 Jti f otartpd uie repair of the leixe as oon u it iKni im iu-xl muiiUiit. He aw at once tna. the destruction k-bi not me reuu oi accident; some post had oeeii . anappea oil. but outers had oeen Gia"Ked (rem u ground. Inat U had been uone by Chuck Oale he did not doubt. Jeff didn't worry unduly about the catue; they were purebieu. well branoed and eannarked, anu entirely too hot for a mailer to handle. So he worked all day Mon day and Tuesday until noon. It wasn't until Wednesday aiternoon that he started the search tor hi misMna Hereford. He rode about hi ever widening circles the whole of the aiternoon without KiKhtine one oi them, ana it vm with some apprehension tha. he turned in that night. Thursda found him uo beloie down, and he rode almrwt to Cougar in order to start at that end of the valley anci work toward the Crown. He didn't afop for dinner, and when dusk fel. was near the Crown headquarters. He rode to the bunkhou.se as the crew were coming in and askeo them if they had seen an JT cattle in the upper valley.-They hadn t. Connie saw him and come out and he told her what had happen ed. "You'll find them." she assured him. "Nobody would steal them became they'd be too hard to ge, rid of.' On Friday he began the search where he had left off the day be fore and covehed the rest of the vallev. Not one of Lne Hereford did he find. . He finished his search at noon and dejectedly rode into (he Crown yard. Connie was watchlne tor him She took one look at his grim face and said. "You didn't find them." "No.'1 His Jaws were set and the mile eves were anything but warm "Connie, there's only one thing left iff believe. They were stolen. And mv hunch tell me that it wa Churk Onle who stole them." "Jeff, what are you going to do?' "Find them. I'm going back to the house and peck a saddle roll and ride up there. "It's a terribly risky thing to do." she said worriedly. "Chuck doesn't like visitors, and If he snot you he'll know what you're looking for." "There's nothing else -I can do. I can't make a complaint against him without proof, but if I can locate those Herefords on his place I can get a posse and have a show down with him. I Just can't afford to sit down and do nothing. I'd br rulned. Right back where I was ten years ago." He looked away, hts face drawn and miserable, then swung Into the saddle and started at a sharp lope for home. Connie, after watrhlng him until a ris hid him from sight, turned auddenly and went down to the corral. She caught up her pony, saddled him and tied him to a poet, then went Into the house and apoke to her mother. "Jeff can't find his Herefords anywhere and he's sure Chuck Gale stole them. He's doing up that way to scout around and I'm Eolng to follow him. Make up a anket roll for me, will you. Mother?" Ten minutes laser Connie set out. When she reached the branch which led Into the hills. Jeff was not. in sight. At the top of the trail, mean while. Jeff rode slowly and cautious ly, for this was unfamiliar territory. When, toward the middle of the afternoon, he halted on a ridge and ?llmpsed between the ahoulders of wo hi lis the dlstanct ranch build -infra, he immediately bore off to the left, keeping the ridge between hlm aelf and the house. Now he found some faint cattle sUn and continued onward. Pres ently ha came to a wall of rock with a ten-loot wide cleft In It and knew ha was looking at the entrance to one of those hidden parks for which he waa searching.: He urged Red toward the opening ' A puff of smoke came from the fissure and Involuntarily Jeff duck- ir.vui.szszESKSK.iirffisSf . i ruvmf a i m issw&ta mini Aftii a jbt v. nmmm-mmm . &&mm set jb vb&k rsttprn No. rU.S3B Prlae Pup Ftlel This Mlet ohsli set mill protect preolmu upholatery a, and Add beauty at the awme ttmi The BppMtltng little puppy li tun Lo rochft snd. of courM, evprvonp knows thst filet Is so simple It's fun to rronhet. Psttern Rnvlooe No. con- Ulns omriplptr rroehetlng Iwtruc- ROOM AND BOARD By Cn. Ah.rn L Opip jj j (gf ' I ffV' fi rf fines try noow ua 'v'" Y I'M ladcing funds to T l5-1!j f I "7 r Pir itlite'" rTlLiirl f BEEM RSNTtD AND J REACH MY UOE TOWN AND '77iT C"Sr 1 ' , tL1S? 17ict SJTJM z4tXH-)J J ( 1 MUST ttWS IV Z. RATHE. THAN ASK YOU rXX 0 S. i H I 7H r-i-e- flZsiS ?IVf - I V tomorbovm, Tmkwt i a loam will you buy my f J prC7 t I 1 iffcf.lfv'j'r cyv- 1' . ,,lf r C'AsC' I -V AS WELL BE ) TRUNK OF CAN OPENERS AND ) '. U (MVTiirr H Trl Jr II - , FRANK WITM I KITCWEM GADGETS FOR THE C W '' Srf R I V-Wf' " -T A jKrSaA. I UW YOU, MY DEAR. 1 VwHOLESALE PRCE R x" IfiT? I ' 1 'Or 1 ' iLSJ 3! 1 He wheeled Red to the left and wave him Uie spur, only lo Jerk i nm to a quick halt as a mother puff blossomed from behind a ciump ot rocAs directly ahead. He sent Red racing back in the jhectiou iroui micnce he had originally come, only to meet with another ot ino.se pufls irom that point, of the compass. Escape in three directions was oiocked. There was nothing to do but wheel the .oriel once more to the leli and set out on a course parallel with the cliff. He urged Red to his bet, notic ing as he crouched in the saddle that another cliff had risen on his right and seemed to be converg ing with the one on nls left, It dis turbed him: there was the making of a trap In this, but when he attempted to swerve, the bullets came closer and he had no choice out to keep on. The walls on either side grew closer and Red began to encounter piles of stone and rubble. He drummed on courageously, the bul- ietx now kick ig up dust on both sides of him. There wasn't a rock or a pile of stones large enough to afford Jeff shelter while he turn ed and hot it out. An then, where the two converg ing cliffs were about to meet, he vaw a narrow cleft. Just a crack in the rock wall It was. but wide enouch to permit the oassage of man and horse. He risked straight ening in the saddle and sent Red lunging toward it. To hr continued) I tonisutstme"! PTtllbeniceto have " I surs. A I f q p&v Tue bills. A FSS5 1 1 11 4XV l!foJ,vUi- A HOUSE TO LIVE WAND A ) BUTWHOU) tS" VOU NASTY PIXIE.' i: ' f4 T prl ISnrlf, 3o PLIBTV WIFE TO COOK FEB J I F TME tffeJEN AMD I MISHT EYEW LEAWO i ' 8 'H f '' 'V f fJ' ' STBONS REMINDER THET CARV JV J, MJKllhSff SON.'V thAMK) rA.R( DOME TELL 'HiL ORANITE,TH'SU.PraR,NUMMi;m "XKfi !W H " 1 AS--.'.'- SOMEITHIN' MUST OF V fWP' L BECU3E HE GOTTA HAVE AMWICA'S mtJfiU tl JkVI I f T Htrrff &ODDEK1LV VJOP-E1 J . j QTWCWUV cue I. .Add contrastlnff poclcet-tyM u tfTM I '' 'J H H j ! - fl"s1 fln(.onthe.hlrt-ljvouchoo.( N VVTSr JB "jfflJ A wiltxaT wfvamed BV ill MLjL-. THT I unmake, 'pRay' toand'" Send no . . , for the SPRING FASHION BOOK JEFF IS VRV SAO, MISS DEE! ) , tried BUT IMAVBE IT'S ONLVr AHEM--MAVBE VOOO yoORE BARKIN9 I 7 r l".cltf.M.J !," !? 1S? P,!"rn U Hl 6.''!t2S,?"?!1NT4 W0N TJ ITS HOUSE' PUPPV LOVE! ILL .T2TieAcT. fOPTHCWIMMS w 1 c, I 111111 BWW I if lwlil-nr ii I II iii ' ' 1 ' tluiu, Illet chart, atllch Uhutra- i 11 i i- ,11 1. -; 1 ; 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 11 , mi i i tloiu, material requlremenu and U L' I -sA 1 K SO.A - stS- JOE i-CCSjfc in coins nviiif patum numMi Ihaest CL VV JTi S'l.'J I i 'VT-- -aJ tf-'yVWrr vout name, addrraa and aunt num- 0 . BT O" ft- I 'fn V' . 1 L. - VT. T anoornTX yl7V oe. to Pe Roberta CaplUl Jour- " $-'Af ,) W 4 J! fsSj Til t L U ojo 02Sa 1 I (Wj 1 na. 828 MlMlon Street San Prui- N Tt hOL!!' fjf y Ay ,Yi I I l!i V mb inkMT V r-Vltt GOOO BREAK, CHABUE' BEFORE SAVihjft VMI IRRV ruiWF;F rTARAlF" THF DAM AT THE LICENSE BUREAU $AlDOU MEAN WUN TUN HE 5 WITH THE BLUE COMRANW f M CALLING THEM 0 v " i ( WHEPE- HOLD IT, ONMI6 ( TTC BG STOP IS HOW Tllr AMUrT 1 WONT STJES, ( ITS A HUOPEO MILLION 1 I I THE CM' I AHjPINE ) 1 VOUT36 TO gP!JP ( THE HUES IT OR 5Q& IT- ' (GREW STOOV-J t DOLLOP6- J I V . ( IT-BUILO THe MOST J, ON A ). I FOUND IT- I COULD FINISH OUR LUCK COMES IN THE LA DOE ECONOMV SIZE DISPATCHER IS AND WHITE HO THE WIVES' NOW" y I in HIS) DRAGON- WAGON r i. , TTU . 1 J i I J siSS.fA TONI6HT. CHUCK THE GOING TO SEND A MESSAGE HE HA 5 TWO-WAY KADIO pO THE DRIVER' HE HAS TrtOWAV RADIO J Iff I if XV&SSSjil 2k7l v I I II I amawaeaaane RADIO PROGRAMS 1 1 SATURDAY CM. 'KSLM J." KGW ciKOCO T KOIN 5 :M Prlrri PUrhavia TRA Kon4 I'f Tina Crew frrllw, .It I Prank HVnlrtflarar THA l' TiHia I'. A. :U iHmoki mi Hand! f Lan Curlaln Calli Haniar Abal itt IHnaka Rlnaa BaiiiU al U CiTlata Call! OrchMlra 6M Hawaii-Calla RaWaa l Lan tl CandialifBI O" ;li I Hawaii Call Banda l Land llar na Birf :MMhI Hvra'a ta Vala Nawa Orrhtitra :4Mutie flmar Palaraaw Tf'enUaiis w", 7:w ' Mla Hit Paratta DrWar'a Plavhaaaa Pblllp Marlawa ilt rabrrnarta Iflia Hit Parana Tampa Tiait Pblll Harlawa :M (', plavhauia J4v Canaaa T Band Maala Utrnmnm ' Cmm. Playhw Jadj Canava Ta Baa Manna 8m Taka Nvaibar DtnaTliT Da? ihaw Baaakall Aim It Asali Taka a Nam bar Daanla Dar Baaaball Hint It Atalat lM Valra af Tritk Graa4 Ola Oary Dataa-t Dap Pint It Atala : Valra af Traill Orani Ola Oary Baaaball Wln It At a la 9: L,7f7fctl lia- at"" Via Damana fbaw Baaabatl Vaatha Maara 11 l ift Bttlna at W Via Banana Ihaw Baatball Vaatba Hanraa ' Meal tha Praaa Trath ar Baaaball flanf Baa tart I Maal tha Pran Caataaaaaaaa Baaaball Gang Baitart 1 A VpTWi' rddta CanUr Baaaball flva biar PlaaJ III " It'a Iha Tap Idila Cantar Vawa Kaanal Vm BPlka Janaa Ntwa RUr Ttaaalra Oaaalaa Party "lka Janaa ' Mula liar Taaalra Danclnt Parlr Janltaa BaaaB n1 Oaan Haaaa Currant a Oalaa Daaalnc Party Jaattaa Baaeh I Opan Haaaa Marian Dawatr Daaelaa Party ffarn4a :M Oprn Haaaa Waalara Caravan Danelnf Party Orehattra Oprn Baaaa Wratarm Caravan Daaelaa Party Orrhaalra !: iumcYf BUn Oft ! Off Ha.Q SUNDAY 7iM j Nawa Nawa ill diary ta Ortfar Bltta, Oranlal tt Caajaai af Matla Bltta, Orasltt t45 Camaaa af Maila Trinity Chair iat Haala nibla Hlrhllfhta Data ftlrar '"' iayi Chareh af Iha Alt :lt Muila Blbla Blrhllchtt Nawa Charah af tha Air :M Muala Charah In Haaaa llavahla Valaa Chareh af Iha Air :U Canl. Lalharan Charah In Haaaa PaUawahla Valaa Charah at tha Alt 9:a Iat BaalFit Ch. , Nawa Chaaal af Air Nawa :1S lit BaatUt Ch. Mara. laranaAa Clark Dana la Howard las it a M Voiaa af Praphaey Jaba Daat Ava Maria Haar Oallary Oaaalp ii5 Valaa af Praphaey Matla Ava Maria Haat Nawa m iM BadTa Blbla Claaa LUIat Wt Chareh la Wild. Invltatlaa g1:ll Bdla Blbla Clan Uvlnf IMa Ernaat White la Leaning llliU Lutberaa Hoar Rlaraal Utfet Wayna Bint Paaple'a Platfaras :4t Lalharan Hear Eternal Lit hi Wayna Blag Previa 'e Platfaraj anaj :M Nawe atana SI allay PirH Bayllrt Ch Rail Lake Taker. 11:18 Orrhettra (liana I be I lay Plral Baptlat Ch Salt Lake Taker. I :M Newt Chlaata Baa ad Plral Baptlat Ch, Srntapallen Plata :A Mill Berth Tria Table rai Baptlat Ch. gvneanatlaa Plaea jax :00 Time TaaMtrlaa Nawe leraaade far Rrmpbanatte Tana Tapaalrlae David Raea Oreh. Stria at lymahanalla R:M Rundar Favarltee Tnlv. Theatra Nawa Matla la Matla :U Canary Pet Shaw Ha I v. Theatra Pay Umbarda Nawt 1:M Nwa Univ. Theatre ' Warda Ma ale CBS Srmphany :16 Volee ar Army Dalv. Theatra Warda m Maata CBS Srnphany M Juvenile Jarr Man't Paailly Ward Muala CBS Hrmphany i Javrnlle Jury Man'a Pamlly Wardt A Maala CBS Sympbany 7;M Haaaa ar Mralery Qala Etda Samny Kara CBS Srmphaay " ;1 Home af M rat cry Qala Klde Sammy Kara CBS Rvmpbear M True Dctectlva Jena Plckena Sunday Maale Orrhaalra ill Trae Datacllva Jane Plahea Snnday Muala Orrhaalra 3:0 I'ndrr Arrrat Sarprlie Serenade Warwick Theatre Cherellare :lt I'ndcr Arraal Sernriae Serenade Warwick Theatre Cherallen :a Mr. Pla-H Jamca Mall an Sunday Serenade Newa :U Muala Janaa Mrltaw Sunday Serenade Mr Serenade 4:W B'ey Batrra Maala af Hattert Denald Stewart Family Rear :S0 Bar Rote re Maala mt Maeiere Donald Stewart Family Hnar 18 Mck Carter Marlta Lawlt Danatd Stewart Ottle Harriet : Mck Carter Martin m Lawlt Denald Stewart Onle m Harrlat 5:S0 Muala for Sunday Dick Powell Dallai Mlnlaterlal Hit Parade " .IS Moilc tor Sunday Dick Powell Land af Free Hit Parade ..1ft For Chrlat Harrla eh Fare Muala for Amcrlea Call tha Pntlre For Chrlat Ht,rrlt d Fara Maala far America Call the Police 6:M Winta of Hcallnr Fred Allan Baaaball Rocky Jordan " :U Winga of Heallnt Fred Allen Baaehall Rocky Jordan M Orrheatra NBC Symphony BaaebaH Nawa M Nowt NBC Symphony Baaaball Geerte Flahtr 7,S Sfrrel Mlnloa NBC Symphony Baaaball Earn "Vacation ila Secret Mlnlan NBC Symphonr Baaaball Earn Vacation ,-St Gratory Hood Album Familiar Bandaland Oar Mitt Brooke :6 Gratory Hood Maala Bandaland Our Mitt Brookt 3:0 Mayor af Town Take ai Laave It Dutout Dope i.umn' Abnev :1S Mayor of Town Tt '- " Baaaball Lum 'n' Abnar ;M Medleal Hllilot Rraea Heldt Baaaball Hll Parade 145 Norlhweat Newt Horace Haldt Baecball Hi! Parade 9:M Twenty Qaratlana Rama Allen Baaaball Lift with Laltl :1 Twrntr Quaatlont Burnt Allan Baaaball Mfa with Luifl M Waller Winchall Symphony Roar rUtrball The Whlillor :45 l.ouclla Pomona Symphony Haar Baseball The Whlitler aj :M Nawe Symphony Roar Newa Five Star Final JTIrlS Muaie Symahony Hoar Sunday Reveriea Sam Spade 11 ! Muala Calhollo Boar Sunday Bavaria Sam Spade J ' : Newa Catholle Boar Sunday Reverie Hr. af St. Francli r "" Nawa sita Off Serenade :IS Mary Ann Mereor Nltht Editor i !li Warn Maeeam Orrheolra i Waa Muaeam Orcheatra II tf) sitn Off SUn Off SUOff tCY Ratarday P.M. :M. It'a ha tha IL-V Family) I; 1 5. Lt Fraadom Bingt 3:M, Teen Tanet; S:M, Herea la Vatti :lft. Homo Edition Newai t:M, Dlxle landi ?:M, Matlcal Ilrhlntat 1:M. Johnny Tbomnaoni 1:tlt. Bart Andorwat :l0. Lone Ranien S:M, Thli la Tear FBI; t:00. Break the Bankt f :M. Pat No vak for Hlrei 1:0A, Kewei 10:1S, Dance Orrheatrai .!:, Same Like It Hot ll:M, Beverly Hlllt Orch.i JX:80, Xtra Hori 1:IM, Sltn Off. If FY ""day A.M. 1:M, Morn in t Mel. IN L diaa; 1:00. Muala Tinei t:M, Fine Arte Quartet; ft:R0, Hoar af Faith i ln:ftfl, Cenatant Invaderi I0:an, Moeeate of laraali II :M. Jamee Booaevolti llilB, Romance af the Hitawayei Na tional Veapera; lt:WI. Parade of Hilt; lt:0, Piano Playhaaaet l:M, Idltar al Hamai I: It, Soolety Newti 1:M, Braathoff Orcb.i t:ftfl, l1. 8. Navy Bandi t:M, Op era Alhamt l:nO. Thla Chanting Warld; S: IK, Honey dreamerei l:M, Sander With Toai AM, Muie Moodat :&, Oreatott Story Rver Toldi :M. Slap the Mualei :0, Little Herman; Think Faati 1:00, Walter Wlnrhelli 7:11, Loatlla Per- eonai 1:SA. Theatre Oalldi :, Jlmmla Miss Geddes Honor Guest on Birthday Mill City The birthday n- niversary of Mm Daisy Geddes was the Incentive for a dinner dessert al fresto, on the Geddes home by a group of friends and neighbors. Present were Miss Daisy Geddes, her mother and brother, Mrs. Ida Geddes and Al Geddes, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Shepherd and Bill, Mrs. Leland ACR0SS L Bipanrt with nttdleaa material 4. En t rare with aHd I. Biblical tower 11. Turklah name 11. Front 14. Operatic solo II. Scar 17. Beginning II. Cook elowiy II. Dlmlniehed II. Own: Scotch 13. Pokewoed II. Eskimo hoaut variant 1. Summit SO. Sin 11. Wandar 11. Play an words Great Lata Wrath Kxcavato hertra aaelitina; forca la of uaa Thret-toed eloiht Of Iha mind Small laland So be It Raattra Pave Onlonllkt vegetahla Topax hum. mlnoibird Branchet of learning Rational Wast quit krjr I 1 c , f . Jt ft tf " , apf r""5 sr :ir rir n jr (Llatad aa Pacifia Daylight Tina) CO AC ' iNWrtV Upbeati S:M. , Oa tha Upbeati S:50, SM Sporla elabi :, Newai :lft Look at Aaatrallai ' :M, lndon Letter) I:4B, Holland To day and Tomorrow i T:IW, Maaleal Com edy Favoritoei 1:W. 4-H Prorramt S:nft, Grand Opera Tenlghli t:4ft, Newai IB: (Ml, Dance Parade; 1:4B, Newai H:M, Sign Off. (Llatad aa Standard Time) LftAf Sunday A.M. SI IWJMV Maalai lliAO. 4-1 Sign an and H Club Serv ice t lt:al. Unlverellr af Oregon Oan- meneoment Baeealaaraata Sarvleai lim, Sign Off. T:W. P.M. Sign On and Maalai t:4S, 4-B Clah Sander Evening Aatamblyi S:SA, Tha Newai l:4fl, I'nlveraily af Oregon Commencement Oraduallon Kieralaaei ll:M, Sign Off. Pldlari S:4R. Roadtlde Chauoh Drew Paaraoni till, Monday Morning Roadllnaei :. Walter Wlnchelh S:45, Intarmaaaai ia:aa, Rlehfleld Reporter i 1t1a, Drew Poareoti I t:M. Jantaen Boaeh Oreb.l ll:M, Noetnrnei lt:M, CI are moat Orh. Ittlm, Xtra Roan 1:M, Sign Off. Kaplinger, Mr. and Mn. Martin Kelly. Miss McDowell, Franklif) McDowell, Eldit Turn id ge, Mr, and Mrs. Curtis Cline. Mrs. J. F. Potter, Mrs. A. A. Holthouse, Mrs. Bertha Shepherd. Mrs. Harry Mason and Mra. C. E. Mason. Roberts Miss Barbara Dawea of Portland is spending the sum mer with her grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. George Bressler. Solution of Yoittrday'c Puzxla DOWN u Uoceulna S. DlimouBtadj MASHljAfTAlVAiU-4 Eb1m BE jOl Aliwtg PUE N DTS oit tm M"wnT cie D 9-Rttj TTnTcTeIil aw o v i rB a Utk b7ia v e" R H R eApffjg TT t ITf "fT ij"- MP 1 O R gygRiuiLi, r" Bojf 1 Z itt OF 5 k I tlllTlsUTOiDUER gji I. Small euhco 4. Balamanday L Kaat Indlaa tataway f. Infant t b4 f. aix-afdad flgura 1 Avid I. Sprinklers 10. Mannar 11. Majeahaap 11 Not staaplnc 19. Spigot IS. Exiata 14. Oodeaa a diaeord St. Woody plant 14. Malayan dagger 17. Time long gono 1ft. PotitWa ataertlon t$. Harbor boat 12 Kirearma 11. Ro't-red dyo i. Lair II- J umMed typo 11. Ontlata II. Foreign 41. Opan court 41. Hoadllnar 44. Molten roeB S. Ardor (4 BrntlMan J 47. arti 4ft. Piaoo oat