WIMW lt-V .. -ii ) "iu- iiii-i - i i. ii. i -IMMMM fc ' ' ' ' ' School Election Set for Monday ' The names of three men will be on the ballot Monday when voters of the Salem school dis trict go to the polls to name a successor to Donald Young, who is resigning after 10 years of service. The successful candi date will serve a five-year term. The candidates are: William Hall, Croisan creek resident, senior member of the Your Town firm; H. H. Harris, 2455 Trade street, builder and machinist, and Roy Stewart, Four Corners resident and office manager for the Valley Motor company. Each candidate has announced that his only objective in seek ing the position is one of serv ice to the schools. Hall has said that since service men have largely responsible for the pres ent congested conditions of the schools, they should be repre sented on the board. Harris de clares he is interested in edu cation as well as the taxpayer. Stewart, a former director of the Rickey district, says he has no axes to grind and is interested only in seeing good schools and economical operation. The polling places, open from 2 p.m. to 8 p.m., daylight time: Administration building, 460 North High, for all Salem north of Mission street, from the river to the east city limits. Leslie junior high school: All Salem, south of Mission street from river to east city limits, including Pringle and Liberty. West Salem school house for all West Salem. C. 4c K. Lumber Co. office, 650 North Lancaster, for district east of city limits, including Middle Grove, Swegle, Auburn and Rickey. Aurora Residents Victims of Mishaps Aurora Shirley Anderson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arth ur Anderson, north of Aurora, suffered a broken upper right arm in a fall at her home. Posible vertebra fracture and and shoulder injuries were suf fered by Robert Myers, 52, Vale Garden road farmer, who somer saulted from the hay loft onto the barn yard floor, while put ting hay into the barn. He was taken to the U.S. Veterans hos pital in Portland by ambulance. David Staehley, 2, son of Mr, and Mrs. Merle. Staehley of Au rora, was rushed to Canby physi cians for emergency after he had swallowed several sleeping , pills. Robert Netter, son of the Ben Netters of Aurora and Forest Mills, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arth ur Mills were operated on at a Portland hospital during the Daddy's Inside Why Ain't I? Tearful Gail Yarbrough, 4, sits outside the Louisville, Ky., auditorium while her daddy, Dr. Frank Yarbrough, receives his doctor of medi cine degree at University of Louisville commencement. An overflow crowd kept Gail out. With her are her mother and grandfather, Dr. H. M. Yarbrough. (AP Wirephoto). Millers Soend Over $350,000 Contracts have been let by Miller Mercantile ?ompany for new hardwood fixtures and modern lighting for the entire second floor. This represents further step in (he second phase of Miller's three-year re modeling and redecorating pro gram begun last year. Earlier activity this year con sisted of extensive work on Mil ler's third floor furniture de partment and installation of & large public rest room and lounge, still under construction on their second floor. Last year Millers installed a new automatic, self-leveling ele vator and completely remodeled the basement, converting it into a modern downstairs store com plete with an air conditioned cafeteria. The modern beauty salon installed on the second floor at that time is among the most complete and most beauti ful on the west coast. The plans for next year call for complete remodeling of the first floor and windows, and possible improvement of the building's exterior. It is antici pated the three-year program will cost between $350,000 and $500,000. Work already com pleted and presently under con tract amounts to well over $200 000. XL. ) East Salem Women Honor Guests for Gift Showers East Salem, June 18 Several East Salem women have been honored guests for gift showers the past few weeks. Friday Mrs. Henry Preim entertained the Brown Road neighborhood club and Mrs. Williams Henderson and Mrs. Donald Trembly were the honored guests for showers. Present for the afternoon and dessert luncheon were Mrs. John Swanson, Mrs. Henry Mehlin and son, Michael, Mrs. Raymond Benson, Mrs. George Brown, Mrs. Gladys Currie, Mrs. Smith Wilson, Mrs. Wallace Seguin who was welcomed as a new member, the honored guests and hostess and a special guest, a former neighbor, who now lives at Cut ler City, Mrs. Ella Brown. She has been visiting in the home of her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. George Brown, having just returned from a visit with her daughter at Harlan, Lincoln county, and her brothers at Shedd and Albany. Marion L. Jayne of Aberdeen Wash., is visiting for about ten days in the home of her son Charles Jayne and family on Lancaster drive and with his two brothers. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Blanchard have returned home from a va cation trip into eastern and sou thern Oregon going by way of Mt. Hood and seeing Crater lake. Mrs. Harry King of Swegle community, Garden Road, is in Salem Memorial hospital having undergone a major operation on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ricket have returned to their home on Garden Road from a month's visit in the homes of their daugh ter and other relatives at Ban don. past week. Lodge Has Initiation Falls City Magnolia Rebekah lodge has initiated the following new members: Mrs. Pearle Em bree, Mrs. Helen Ferguson, Mrs Freda Shoemaker, Mrs. Mary Savage, Mrs. Virginia Black ley Refreshments were served. Mrs Marie Lytle, Mrs. Ruth Morri son and Mrs. Nellie Mack of Valsetr also attended this meet ing. Mrs. Nellie Mack is captain of the team work. Mary Enfield Virginia Grad Charlottesville, Va., June 18 Four students from Oregon received degrees from the Uni versity of Virginia in the final exercises for the class of 1949, the largest in the university's history. President Colgate W. Darden conferred the degrees and Sir Oliver Franks, British ambassa dor to the United States, ad dressed the graduates. Oregon graduates include the following: From Corvallis, Howard Clar ence Aylesworth, master of arts in education. From Salem, Mary Sullivan Enfield, bachelor of science in nursing education. iCourtur lndep.nd.nt Frank P. Doerfler New Woodurn School Leader Woodburn Frank P. Doer fler of American Falls, Idaho, who has been appointed super intendent of the Woodburn dis trict public schools, will take over his duties the middle of July, succeeding Dr. Robert E. Lantz, resigned to take over a similar position at Concoran, Calif. Doerfler was graduated from the state teachers college at Mi not, N. D-, in 1929, and received his bachelor of arts degree from Montana university in 1935. His work was completed on a mas ter's degree in education at the University of Iowa in 1945. Since then he has taken grad uate work at the University of Oregon. He has served as prin cipal and superintendent since 1930 in North Dakota, Montana and Idaho and in rural schools in North Dakota from 1926 to 1929. He is a native of Willislon, N D., is 43 years of age, married and has two daughters. Member of Kappa Delta Pi education honorary and a number of fra ternal organizations. The insect, the chigger, if only 1 100th of an inch long. Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Saturday, June 18, 1949 S Strawberry Harvest Three Fourths Usual Stayton With the strawberry crop arriving at the Stayton can nery in full swing, the pack has been estimated by I. E. Parberry of the company, at about 75 per cent of normal. About ten days more will be required to com plete the harvest, he said. Cherries are now arriving at the cannery and growers are be ing informed that they must be picked with the stems on, and be brought into the cannery not la ter than 4 p. m. on Saturday and not later than 7 p. m. week-days. Next week will see the begin ning of the Loganberry and red raspberrey pack. There is a need for cherry and raspberry pick ers, while a few strawberry growers are in need of help. If interested, turtner information may be available by calling at the cannery. Jury Finds Secretary Guilty of Manslaughter Riverside, cai., June la mmu Dark-haired Mrs. Agnes Gamier will be sentenced Wednesday on her conviction of manslaughter for the shooting of her employer. millionaire realtor John B. Owen. An all-housewife jury return ed the manslaughter verdict last night after deliberating seven hours and 14 minutes. The con viction carries a maximum sentence of 10 years in prison. Chiropractors Meet Portland, June 18 W) The an nual convention of the Oregon Association of Chiropractice Physicians opened here today. Oregon Democrat Sold to Sweetland Portland, June 18 W) The Oregon Democrat, a political publication that appeared on an occasional schedule in the past, may reappear soon. The First National Bank of Portland disclosed yesterday it had been sold to Monroe Sweet land, Oregon democratic nation al committeeman. A bank offi cial said Sweetland planned to get out an issue soon. The late Vernon P. Williams left the publication to the bank to dispose of. The bank said it was sold to Sweetland for $1,750. Eugene Sewage Plant Given Final Approval Portland, June 18 M) The projected $685,000 sewage treat ment plant- at Eugene got final approval yesterday from the state sanitary authority. The plant will be financed by $250,000 already raised, and an expected bond issue of $400,000. Chiggers or red bugs usually live low to the ground near rot- ton logs or tree stumps or black berry brambles. Saddle Club Plans Fourth Trail Ride , Silverton Larry Carpenter, secretary, is reminding his fel low members of the Silverton Saddle club and potential guests that the Fourth Annual Trail Ride will be Sunday, June 26. The start will be an 8:30 a. m. breakfast at a nominal charge, a real buckaroo affair, at the Union Hill grange hall, special program of music, and award ing of prizes will be featured; Lunch is furnished to all rid ers at noon and a choice of the long, or the short, way home after lunch. All riders in whatever club are welcome to participate. The secretary has sketched definite directions to Union Hill i grange, 16 miles east from Sa lem straight on Silver Falls loop highway 215; five miles south from Stayton to highway 14, a right turn at the four-way cross roads; from Silverton, 11 miles over West Hill, to the four cross roads with a left turn and around three miles to the grange hall. Plot on Salvador Foiled by Military San Salvador, El Salvador, June 18 (PI The ruling militarv junta said last night it has un earthed a plot to overthrow the government and has taken steps to deal with it. The communique said a "re actionary group" had plotted to kill government leaders, release former officials convicted under the present regime and place col Osmin Aguirre Y. Salinas, a former president, in office again. The government said it had learned the names of the alleg ed plotters, including "some for eigners who promised help." Dances Postponed UNTIL SEPT. 10 GLENWOOD DANCE Aumsville Pavilion Music by Larry and New Wonder Valley Boyt In Aumsville 9:30-12:30 DST 10 HI. S. of Salem DANCING T0NITE to Wayne Strachan's Music VFW HALL Hood and Church Sts. Enjoy the Best Dane Floor In Salem The itching sensation from chiggers comes from a tiny spurt of saliva which the insect injects when it bites person. OLD TIME DANCE Every Saturday Night Over Western Auto V Court St Jolt. " crowd and have good time. Music By BEN'S ORCHESTRA PI'RI.ir DANTE IV Adnutilnn 60c. Inc. Tax Hear! Hear! Hear! Here at Sloper Hall In Independence, Ore. JOE LANE and Hit Western Dance Gang Celebrating the 3rd year at the some locotion. Record crowds every Saturday night. For nite of fun you won't forget come on down to Inde pendence. Fisi Ont Privilege Sponsored by American Legion Post 33 IZZA (Served Nightly) Try this tempting delicacy In the clean atmosphere of the Salem Supper Club Nick Marino, Chef RAVIOLI NEOPOLITAN Freshly Made with Ricotta Here is another taste pleaser. Try it. You'll Like It SALEM SUPPER CLUB "Every Meal a Pleasant Memory" Club Privileges Entertainment and Dancing Dial 2-9242 Two Miles from Salem on Dallas Highway FATHER'S DAY Special I Roast Turkey And All the Trimmings! For Only2.00 Child's Plate, tl.00 Treat Dad to a REAL MEAL This Sunday! DINING DANCING Every weekday, 6 p.m. to 12 a.m. Closed Tuesdays. Sun day dinner served 1:30 p.r. to 8:30 p.m. Colonial House TRY OCR DK1 K IOI S PAN-FRIED CHICKEN AND SI OC BASKET lJ DANCE TONITE H Mile South of 12th St. Junction on Highway 89E DIAI, 2-U9I , -1 , - "m"m . I 1 3 il CRYSTAL . fc "V sGZSi 411 GMDBNS yX . Ay3 "if Old Time and Modern Music by Pop Edwards Admission 60c including tax Camfield Weighs It In Milk delivered to Curly's dairy is received by Otto Camfield, 3580 Wiona ave. All receiving tanks at Curly's are stainless steel and sanitary. Otto has been with Salem's home owned and friendly dairy for 8 years. If you haven't guessed it his hobby is flower gardening. 4' Pod send Podars down fte drain AUTOMATIC WASHER with the AMAZING "SUDS-MISER" Re-uses the Same Sudsy Water for 2 or More Loads. Saves Up to Vi on Soap Va on Water-Heating Costs. Washes dainty fabrics or dirtiest overalls completely clean with gentle, thorough agitator action proved best through use in 30,000. 000 American homes. Rinses ttvtn limit four spray rinses, one deep agitated rinse, two more spray rinses. Every trace of soap is rinsed away your clothes dry soft and fluffy. Select your own wishing time ind water temperature. Start it, stop it, or open door at tny point. Repot or omit any part of cycle. Completely flexible completely automatic. REQUIRES NO BOLTING DOWN INSTALL IT ANY PLACE 29995 Completely Installed "Suds-Miser" $20 Extra WHIRLPOOL World's finest for 50 years ASK FOR YOUR PERSONAL DEMONSTRATION TODAY M O. Furniture 1425 Edgewater St. in West Salem Phone 2-5456 Open 9:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Phone 2-4413