Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, June 18, 1949, Page 6-7, Image 13

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    It's June, the Month of Satin and
MONG traditional social events
given preceding the annual Cher
ryland Festival will be the
"queen's tea" next Sunday afternoon,
June 26.
Thli year's affair, honoring Miss
Patricia O'Connor, who is the queen will
be given at the home of Mayor and Mrs.
Robert L. Elfstrom.
Members of the Salem Zonta club will
be hostesses for this year's event.
Hours for the tea will be between
S and 3 o'clock.
Members of the festival court this year
are Miss Jeannlne Bentley of Lyons,
Miss Patricia O'Connor of Stayton, Miss
Grace Kirk of St. Paul. Miss Dorothy
Neufeld of Dallas, Miss Catherine
Epecht of Jefferson.
By Marian Lowry Fischer
"HJ-'WELVE guests have been bidden
I by Mrs. D, E. Gray and Mrs. Har
old Heiserman for a bridge party
Monday evening at the Gray home com
plimenting Mrs. T. G. Wise, who is leav
ing next week with her family for Seat
tle to live. Following the bridge games
a late supper will be served. Sweet
peas and carnations will decorate the
Guests will include Mrs. Wise Mrs.
Harvey Harmon, Mrs. C. L. Neel, Mrs.
Roger Hoy, Mrs. Charles R. Shaw, Mrs.
Roy Todd, Mrs. Milo Taylor, Mrs. Har
old O. Schneider, Mrs. Ed Goeckner,
Mrs. Alma Everhardy, Mrs. P. C. Ander
son, Mrs. Arthur Erickson and the two
Leaving tomorrow evening for Hono
lulu will be five Salem girls who will
be in the group of 40 Oregon college
women taking work during the summer
session at University of Hawaii.
Those going from here are Misses
Roberta Tussing, Suzanne Muggins,
Patty Wilson, Geraldine Woodruff, and
Marianne Bonestecle. Miss Tussing and
Miss Huggins are University of Oregon
students, the other three from Oregon
State college.
They are making the trip by Pan
American Airlines and expect to be gone
even weeks.
Announcement is made of the, en
gagement of Miss Lillian Gregg, daugh
ter of Mrs. Annie Gregg of Nyssa, Ore.,
to Leo L. Baton, son of Mr. and Mrs.
W Mason Bishop of Salem.
The wedding is planned for the latter
part of July in the First Baptist church
here. Miss Gregg is a graduate of the
Multnomah School of the Bible. Mr.
Baton recently was graduated from Ore
gon State college as a civil engineer.
Visitor here from Canyon, Texas, is
Mrs. Rhea Robbins, who is guest of her
nn-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
Wakefield Walker. She plans to bt
her a month.
A wedding planned for the evening
ef June 23 is that of Miss Joyce Houtz
of Barstow, Calif., and Edward Willis,
also of Barstow.
The ceremony will be at 8 o'clock in
the garden at the home of her brother,
H. T. Houtz, south of Salem. A recep
tion will follow.
Mias Houtz Is the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. David S. Houtz of Salem and Mr.
Willis the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Willis of Barstow.
Delegates named by the Salem Rotana
club for the national convention to be
held in Salem July 22, 23 and 24, are
Mrs. Fannie Douglas, Mrs. Lester
Thomas and Mrs. Alfred Lane with Mrs.
Herbert Miller as alternate. Miss Vada
L. Hill of the Salem club is the national
Rotana president. Mrs. O. L. Donnelly
Is general convention chairman.
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NNOI'N 0 ''"'! thf rntatrmrnl f Mii Hoirnr. ttf,. hl-r of Mr.
ami m M. r. nnff. In John , Horlnn, ton of llr. anil Mrv H J Hnrlon 4 Biker. Ore.
Tka ntiii Is ataniMa lw Um awlr teU. tkatuMU-UU stuaie ptcturai.
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THE MARRIAGE of Mrs. Rob le Smith, who was Ruth .loyrf Ilughlett wa solemnized
last Saturday evening In the First ('ongrrgalional rhurrh. The bride is the daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Hnrttin W. Htighlett, and Mr. Smith is the son of Mr. and Mrs. R. S. L.
(smith of Portland. (Jesten-Miller studio picture).
Miss Fischer Will Be Bride
A profusion of early summer blos
soms and lighted tapers in candelabrums
will decorate St. John's Lutheran church
this evening for the wedding of Miss
Norma L. Fischer and Delton C. Trink
loin o Portland. White stock, delphin
iums, orange blossoms and carnations
make up the floral sotting. Candles
tied with white satin bows will be ar
ranged down the aisle. Mrs. Erwin
Nickodemus and Miss Mary Heenan.
wearing identical white faille dresses,
will light the tapers.
The service will be solemnized at 8
o'clock, the Rev. Herbert Trinklein,
father of the bridegroom, officiating.
For the music, J. Einwaller will sing
and P. J. Hjllman of Oakland, Calif.,
uncle of the bride, will be at the organ.
The bride, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
William H. Fischer, is to wear a bouf
fant style white satin gown designed
with marquisette overskirt and yoke.
The dress is made with a full train of
satin and marquisette trimmed in
French lace, the lace also outlining the
yoke and trimming the sleeves at the
wrist The lace aUo trims the skirt in
front and a row of tiny satin buttons
extends down the back of the dress. The
fingertip veil is caught up on both sides
with clusters of orange blossoms For
"'?,-' i '. .
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her flowers the bride is to carry a cas
cade bouquet of gardenias and steph
anntis arranged with lace and satin rib
bon. For something old the bride will
carry a handkerchief belonging to her
great aunt. Mr. Fischer is to give his
daughter in marriage.
Attendant in Pink
Mrs. L. I. George is matron of honor
for her sister. Her dress is of pink
organdy, fashioned similarly to the
bride's gown but made with hooped skirt
that is caught up in front with tiny clus
ters of orange blossoms. Her nosegay
is of deep lavender sweet peas and del
phiniums with gardenias in the center.
Miss Patricia O'Day, Mrs. Howard
Hochhalter, Portland, and Miss Joan
Trinklein, also of Portland and a sister
of the bridegroom, are the bridesmaids.
Their gowns in pink organdy are iden
tical to that of the honor attendant, and
their nosegays are of pale lavender
sweet peas and delphiniums with car
nations in the center.
Young Miss Jacqueline Trinklein,
niece of the bridegroom, is flower girl,
wearing a floor length dress of pink
organdy and carrying a nosegay of pas
tel flowers. Dick Hoffman is to be ring
Brother Best Man
Donald Trinklein Is to be best man
for his brother, Robert Schlewitz, Rob
ert Dressier, HiHman Fischer, brother
of the bride, will he the u.hfrs.
For her dauchter's wndrtine. Mrs.
Fisrhet is In rrr an aoua lace Eovn
with rep pink roes and gardrnias at
the wai.-l. Mrs. Trinklein. mother nf
the bririeGroom, is to v ear a dusty ro-e
sheer crepp gnwn wilh corsage of gar
denias and yellow roses.
A reception v ill fot'ow the FTvirc.
Mrs Herman Pehorn of Hillsboro i to
cut tl'.e cpke. Mr. Honr" Ht'ecker will
pour and culling ics will hr Mrs. 'Vil-li-nn
K'nz. Tall basl-cls of flowers nre
to he arranged about th? rooms The
briHe's tnHe is to lie set witli n '-"p
cloth the cH;e arrvirvd nt onr ' 1 . rn
an;iti t-nii'iit of gardenias at t''? i.t'.r.
Assisting at the reception will lie Mrs.
Jni'k Brown, Mrs. l.rHoy Mitlrndnrf,
Miss Hulda Schultz, Mrs. Marie Hierse-koi-n.
Miss Lorraine Saul. Miss Lois
Ruecker Is to pass the guest book.
The couple will go to San Francisco
on a trip and will hp at home in Salem
after July 5. For going away for bride
Is to wear a gray dressmaker suit with
Chinese rpd coat, navy blue hat, navy
accessories and corsage of gardenias.
Mrs. James B. Manning, grand royal
matron of the Order of the Amaranth,
state of Oregon. Is leaving Monday on
the Empire Builder for New York City
to attend the supreme council of the
order, June 28 to 29. She will be regis
tered at the Stafford hotel. Miss Edna
Mae Manning will accompany her moth
er on the trip. Visits will be made in
Washington, D. C, and other places of
Interest, the two returning by way of
Vancouver, B. C, in three weeks.
The wedding nf Miss Virginia M Hales
and James V. Moser is planned for next
Saturday. June 2.V the ceremony to he
solemniied at 10:30 a m. in St. Joseph !
Catholic church.
The bride-elert is the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. John H. Hales and Mr Moser
the son of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Moser of
Cincinnati, Ohio.
a r r'i i
Orange Blossoms; Brides and Brides-Elect Take the Spotlight in Social News of Early Summer Time
T A simple ceremony planned for
tomorrow afternoon, Miss Ger-
'aldine Gardner, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Ernest A. Gardner of Tilla
mook, is to be wed to Vernon L. Emra,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Willis Emra of
Portland, the rites to take place at 4
o'clock in the First Congregational
church with Dr. Seth R. Huntington
Salmon gladioluses and lighted tapers
will decorate the church for the serv
ice. Miss Edith Fairham is to be solo
ist and Jean Hobson Rich will be at the
The bride has chosen a tan suit with
brown hat and accessories for her wed
ding costume, and she will carry a cor
sage of gardenias and white gladioluses.
Miss Sylvia Lee as honor attendant
is to wear a soft green suit with black
accessories and natural straw hat and
she will carry a bouquet of yellow hoses.
Willis Emra. Jr., Portland, is to be
be1 man for his brother.
Ushers will be James Garrow and
Harold Swiniord.
At the reception following. Mrs. P.
E. Car'son nf Astoria, aunt of the bride,
and Mrs Willis Emra, Jr., Portland, will
pour. Mrs. Barbara Paleman, sister
of the bridegnoom, Portland, is to cut
tiie cake. Assisting in the srvin will
be Mis-s Mrie Bcsch ?nd Miss Mary
Among othrr out-of-town guests to
be here for the wedding will be Mrs.
R. W. Setzer and son. Ernest, of Redding,
The couple will mnl;e their home in
Portland The brMe has been on the
staff in the state treasury department
in Salem.
Two affairs are on the calendar next
week to honor Miss Elizabeth Nelson,
who is to be married June 25 to Scott
Adams of Milwaukie.
On Monday evening, Miss Carroll
Gragg and Mrs. Douglas Armstrong will
entertain at the home of tht forniei for
Miss Nelson. A linen showei is planned
for the bride to-be The two hos1eses
will be assisted by their mothers, Mrs,
Albert C. Gragg and Mrs. Walter D.
Guests for the evening will include:
Miss Nelson, her mother. Mrs. George
Nelson: Mrs. Irwin Scott Adams and
Miss Ann Adams of Milwaukie, Mrs.
Leonard Odom, Mrs. Carroll Roger Nel
son Mrs. Leonard Rinearson, Jr., of
Corvallis, Mrs. George Schroeher Mrs.
Wayne Struble of Eugene, Mrs. Barry
Lambert, Mis. Robert Busick of Forest
Grove, Miss Margaret Jane Cooley, Miss
Marjorie Tate, Miss Jean Fidler,. Miss
Janet Kirk of San Francisco Miss Rob
erta Meyer, Miss Addyse Lane, Miss Car
olyn Carson, Mrs. Don Preiss, Miss Jean
Claire Swift, Miss Connie Cocking,, Miss
Shirley Lukins, Miss Phyllis Schnell,
Miss June Young, Miss Mariann Croisan,
Miss Jane Carson, Miss Suzanne Small,
Miss Betty Jean Manoles, Miss Mary
Lou McKay, Miss Joyce Reeves, Misa
Marilyn Archibald, Misa Edith Fair
ham. For Wednesday
Mrs. Walter Kirk and her daughter.
Miss Janet Kirk, will entertain on Wed
nesday evening at their home at a aup
per and shower for Miss Nelson.
Invited to the party are Miss Nelson
and her mother, Mrs. George W. Nelson;
Miss Sara Bjorset of Cottage Grove,
Mrs. Donald Preiss, Miss Beth Basler of
Portland, Miss Carroll Gragg, Miss Ro
berta Meyer, Miss Marjorie Tate, Miss
Jean Fidler, Mrs. Douglas Armstrong,
Miss Margaret Jane Cooley, Miss Edith
Fairham, Mrs. Irwin Scott Adams and
Miss Ann Adams, both of Milwaukie,
Miss Jean Claire Swift, Miss June
Young, Miss Carolyn Carton, Miss Su
zanne Small, Mrs. Barry Lambert, Miss
Jane Carson, Miss Joan Randall of Port
land, Miss Mary Lou McKay, Miss Betty
Jean Manoles, Miss Addyse Lane, Miss
Shirley Lukins, and the two hostesses.
Honoring Miss Janice Myers, who Is
to be married July 17 to Lloyd V. Lewis
of Eugene, and Miss Margaret-Jane
Emmons, who is to be wed Sept;mher
1 to John Syme of Parma. Idaho, Mrs.
Harold Gardner (Jeanne Demytu will
be hostess Monday evening at a doul t
miscellaneous shower. The evening will
be spent informally, a late supper to be
Bidden In honor Miss Myers and Miss
F'"mons are their mothers. Mi- Bui 'on
A Myers and Mrs. Carl W. F.mmi.i.s,
r -octivcly; Mi's Jrrnne Myers. Mv
Anita Hager, Miss Grace Shields. Mis
Pcqsv Mori' 7., Mis-s Marilyn Hiort Mi...
Jane Walsh. Hiss Pev.-rly McMillan
Ms C irinne Wr. Mrs. Robert Siddn
va of Portl,m'J, Mrs-. William Dunn if
' V-idt.irn. I'aio'd Nc'son, Mr.
Gerald Rubison.
Miss Sylvia Clnggett has an Interest
ing year ahead in England. She is leav
ing here in mid-July to sail from New
York City on July 19 for Manchester,
England During the coming year Miss
Cloggett is to teach in the Sland school
for girls in Manchester, a school corre
sponding to a junior college in this
country. Miss Claggett has been teach
ing at Oregon College of Education and
is going to England under the teacher
exchange plan.
Mr and Mrs. Karl Becke and their
daughters. Miss Marjorie Becke and Mrs.
William Shinn. and the little grandson,
Michael Shinn. will spend next week
at the beach at Neskowin,
Saleir .Zonta club Is to meet for Its
session next Thursday evening
at ti.,rhome of Mrs. O. A. Melgaard,
route S Dessert will be at 7:30 o clock.
Mist Kathryn Carthew and Miss Hazel
Roenicke are co-hostesses.
Nebraska auxiliary plans a meeting,
for Wednesday, a no-host luncheon to
be served at 12 30 o'clock at the homt
i Ura Goi Clark, 430 Chamawa.
, ATE for the wedding of Miss Bar
bara King of Portland, formerly
Salem, and Donald Crouch of
Portland, is announced for Friday,
August 12. The announcement was told
last evening at a shower and party for
which Miss Suzanne Huggins and Miss
Roberta Tussing were hostesses at the
home of Miss Huggins' parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Charles H. Huggins.
The wedding will be at 8 o'clock in
the evening in St. Michael and All
Angels church. Portland.
Miss Suzanne Huggins of Saiem is
to be maid of honor, Miss Patti Ray of
Salem and Miss Patricia Cook of Port
land the bridesmaids. Taper lighters
will be Miss Marilyn Morse of Astoria
and Miss Janet Paulsen of Seattle.
BRIDE AT A wedding of June 5 was Mrs. David
ifi- i. tu' " u"
"'-T - .uk ions mi ahiki ior ine summer,
St. Joseph's Catholic church was the
scene for a wedding this morning when
Miss Mary O'Connor, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Francis J. O'Connor of Stayton,
was married to Robert Glen Krechter,
son of Mrs. Phillips M. Krechter of Sa
lem. The service was solemnized at 10
o'clock, the Rev. T. J: Bernards officiat
ing. The mass servers were brothers of
the bride, Don and Francis O'Connor.
For the music, hymns were sung
throughout the mass and Wayne Meusey
was at the organ.
The bride wore a beautiful wedding
gown of white French lace. The dress
was designed with a high neckline, a
yoke of marquisette with a bertha of
satin. Satin encircled from the waist
to a bow in the back. The dress was
designed with a train. The three-tiered
illusion-net veil, fingertip in length, was
arranged from a crown of seed pearls
belonging to the bride's godmother, Mrs.
A. C. Kirwin. The bride carried a
white prayer book with white orchid,
the streamers being caught up with
stephanotis. Mr. O'Conor gave his
aMhter in marriace.
Miss Patricia O Connor was honor
attendant. She wore an orchid taffeta
rirc.--s fashioned in off shoulder style and
with full skirl. Her flowers were green
Er'her Peed dairies.
Miss I.'ary McNamee. Mi-s Lucille
ATius end Miss Mary Jean Wegrr were
the bridesmaids. All three wore gowns
T'cnti-al to thrt of the honor attendant
e cent they were in apple srecn. Their
flowers were ore'; id Esther Reed daisies.
i-ninr aitendr.nls were sisters of the
bride. Pcgr-.y and Maureen O'Connor,
both wearing orchid frocks and carry
ing creen Esther Reed daisies.
Clarence Krechter was best man for
his brother. The ushers eie Robert
Stanton and Edward DeBuys of Los An
ge es and Keith Evans.
The bride's mother wore a two-piece
navy erere drpss with flowpred blouse
and a corsage of orchids. Mrs. Krecht
er mother of the bridegroom, wore a
lignt blue suit with corsage of orchids.
The reception following was at the
Saiem Woman's club house.
Mrs. A. C. Kirwin cut the cake and
pouring were Mrs. William Brinkley
and Mrs Raymond Hartmann and Mrs.
Richard O'Connor assisted.
For gping away the bride wore a
navy faille suit dress with navy and
while accessories and picture hat, and
a corsage of white orchids.
The couple have gone on a wedding
trip to Canada. They will be In Salem
for the summer, then will go to Los An
geles, Mr. Krechter to finish his work
at Loyola university. Both young peo
ple were graduated from Sacred Heart
academy The bride is a graduate nurse
and Mr Krechter attended Willamette
university before going to Loyola.
Sigma Kappa Mothers club is meet
ing next Thursday for a 1:30 p m. lunch
eon at the home of Mrs. V. D. McCullen,
Mrs. Robert Schroeder assisting . All Sig
ma Kappa moth in in Invited.
Loren Hewitt of Portland will be best
The bride-to-be is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney A. king of Port
land, for several years residents of
Salem, and Mr. Crouch is the son nf
Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Crouch of Portland.
Dr. and Mrs. Norman Huffman leave
nest Saturday for Chicago to be gone
for the summer. ...
Mrs. Huffman has an interesting pro
gram ahead, planning to teach in the
summer session of University of Chicago
in readings in modern art, the cour.e
featuring photostatic and microfilm
work in sources of modern art.
The Huffmans will return in mid-Scp.
Key, the former Shirlee Kinnane. daurh-
rj . ine sn oi mr. ana Mrs. v.
(J esten-Miller Btudi
Rites Today
Sojourners club's semi-monthly after
noon card party will be Thursday in the
Salem Woman's club house, dessert to
be at 1:15 o'clock, followed by cards.
Mrs. Walter Toy, Mrs. Allan John,
Mrs. M. B, Rudd, Mrs, Loren W. Lewis,
Mrs, Leland Mackprang, Mrs. W. J.
Regular meeting of Chadwick chap-
ter, No. 37, Order of Eastern Star.
, will
be held Tuesday evening' in the Masonic
temple. There will be initiation
WF.rt THF. morning ef .lane 11 was Mm.
.lamps Birpy, who i. Flirahrth
iBpttPl Slaati brfnrp her marrinre, Hicht"
f Mr. and Mrs. Ferd fub. Mr. Bj" t
the sen of Mr. ind Mrs. n 1. Bslrpy, all tt
stem. (KeaiwU-ElUa stadia plctura)
' ' L 1 WlCi I
' Iff
A BRIDE last Saturday evening was Mrs. Owar C. Christrnsen. Jr., the fnrmrr Mary
Edith Rpimann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I,en I). Reimann, The rpiemnny was snlcmuizpd
In the First Baptist church. Mr. Christensen ts the son of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar C. Chris
trnsen, (McEwan studio picture)
Preiss-Acton Wedding Friday
Pink and blue in the flowers and in
the gowns of the attendants provided
an attractive scene for the wedding of
Miss Jane Acton and Donald Preiss last
evening in the First Methodist church.
The couple were wed at 8:30 o'clock, the
Rev. Edward Gebert of Longview,
Wash., reading the vows. The bride is
the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul H.
Acton of Salem, Mr. Preiss the son of
Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Preiss of Vancouver,
Ocean spray and pink, blue and white
blooms, together with lighted tapers dec
orated the church for the wedding. Miss
Edith Fairham was soloist for the serv-,
ice and Miss Jessica Kinsey was the
Lighting the tapers were Miss Caro
lyn Carson, wearing sea foam green or
gandy, and Miss Carroll Gragg in a gray
organdy gown.
The bridal gown was of white slipper
satin, designed with marquisette yoke
with satin applique trim and scattered
BRIDE ON JI NF. in was Mrs. Brurf Allan
Frickson, the former Barbara F.llfn SmMh.
rjhp is the tlanihter nf Mr. nd Mrs. 'rl F.
HftMh ef Kalpm snd Mr. Frirk'in Is the
srffi of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Etirkson
of Milwaukie. (Kenn.U-EWt stadia pic tun)
' AY- I
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pseudo crystals. The sleeves were long,
coming to points over the hands. The
dress had a fitted bodice and full skirt
with train. The fingertip illusion veil
was arranged from an open crown head
piece. For her flowers -the bride car
ried a cascade of stephanotis centered
with a white orchid. Mr. Acton gave
his daughter in marriage.
Sister Attends
Miss Margaret Acton was maid of
honor for her sister. Her gown was of
pink matelasse organdy, fashioned with
a bertha collar, fitted bodice and flared
skirt. She carried a fan of blue blooms
and in her hair were clusters of the
blue flowers tied with blue satin rib
bons. The four bridesmaids were all in pink
matelasse organdy, their gowns being
styled identically to that of the honor
attendant. Their fans were of pink flow
ers and they wore clusters of pink
blooms in their hair. The four were
Miss June Young, Miss Connie Cocking,
Miss Addyse Lane, Miss Nancy Christen
sen, the latter of Beaverton.
Young Miss Darlys Thomas was flow
er girl, wearing a pink organdy frock
and carrying a basket of blue flowers.
Michael Preiss, young brother of the
bridegroom, was the ring bearer, being
attired in a white Eton suit.
David Melson was best man for Mr.
Preiss and the ushers were Dan Montag
of Portland, Frank Bales. Ben Lambert
and George Jueba, the latter of Portland.
The two mothers wore gowns in the
pink and blue shades. Mrs. Aclon was
in rose crepe and Mrs. Preiss in blue. '
Their corsages were of mixed pastei
The reception following was In the
Carrier room of the church, where anain
the pastel blue and pink flowers and
white Woods were used in decorating.
To CtO East
Mrs. Zepha Coddington of Glenria'e,
Calif., cut the cake, assisted bv Mrs.
Emmett Welling. Mr.-. Charles Boclens
and Mrs. Waldo Zcller were at the cofree
urns. Mr-. Wayne Siruble and Mrs.
Douglas Armstrong at the puneh howl.
A istinc at the reception wire Miss
Margaret Jane Cooley. Miss F?tty Jean
Manoles, Miss Roberta Meyer, ?isv ,le;n
Fidler. Miss Haliey Ahton nf 5-nripg-ficld,
Mrs. Richard Jtnning. Miss Caro
lyn Lee end Miss Lorraine Wpiini! v,,
in charge of the pi ft table. Mis; ludith
Hume had charte of the guest honk.
Passing the bridrsronm's rahe wp:-e
Miss Clop Ann Morrell and Miss Tam
ara Morrc'l. Drring the reee.-iion. Mrs.
Lloyd Lee and Miss Carolyn Lee pre
sented the music.
The couple left on a trip to the coast,
the bride wearing a navy l ine suit with
while accessories and white orchid. They
plan to be in Sa'em for two months,
then go to Newark. N. J Mr. Preiss to
study fr.r his Ph D degree at Univer
slty of Delaware. He is a graduate of
. Longview high school and Willamette
university and is a member of SiRma
Chi fraternity. The bride attended Sa
lem schools and Oregon Stnte college
and Is a member of Delta Delta Delta.
Central WCTU has planned a meVting
for 2 p m. Tuesday at the houp of Mrs.
Miles Henderson. 260 South 15th. Mrs.
L. G. Prescott, vice president will be in
charge, Mrs. Floyd White is to lead the
devotions. The Rev. Orville Jenkins is
to give the talk on "Our Moral Gain and
Loss Resulting from Recent Legislation."
riT. LUKE'S Catholic church in St.
Paul was the scene for a wedding
' of interest this morning when Miss
Patricia Ann Brown, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. William A. Brown of Aurora,
was married to Carl Eugene Smith, the
son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl F. Smith of
St. Paul
The service was solemnized at 9:30
o'clock, Rev. Father Hanley officiating.
Solbist for the wedding was Bernard
Smith with Mrs. E. S. Donnelly at the
Orchid and white delphiniums decor
ated the church for the wedding.
Given in marriage by hei father, the
bride wore a dress of imported three
dimensioned lace, designed with man
darin collar, a row of buttons down
the front- to the waist, long sleeves and
a court train. The elbow-length veil
was attached to a wreath of tiny ivory
rostbuds. For her flowers the bririe
car-ied a hounuet of ivory bride's roses.
Honor at'endant was Mrs. Wayne L.
Trachsel. who wore an orchid gown and
a heade'ress of baby pink and while With tiie dress she wore short
white gloves and carried three large
pink roses.
Miss Ann Freilinger of Milwaukie,
Mrs. John MeKillup. Jr., Mrs. Lindy
Phillips. Mrs. Elmer Ernst (sister of the
brdegroom), all of St. Paul, were the
bridesmaids. Their gowns and flowers
were the same as for the honor atten
dant Thomas W. Brown, brother of the
bride, was the ring bearer.
Thomas E. Smith was best man for
his brother. Groomsmen and ushers
were John Kirk, John MeKillup, Jr.,
Wavne L. Trachsel, James Ernst, Robert
Kennedy, Jack Smith, William Manegre.
The bride's mother wore a navy blue
dress with blue and pink accessories and
a purple orchid corsage. The bride
groom's mother wore a beige dress
with brown accessories and a corsage of
gr"n orchids.
A wedding breakfast followed the
ceremony, given for the bridal party and
families of the couple At 1:30 o'clock,
the wedding perty journeyed to Maryl
hurst college, the bride leaving her bou
quet on the altar of the Blessed Virgin,
a tradition for all brides who have at
tended Marylhurst.
Guests were invited to call between
2 and S o'clock for a reception at the
home of the bride's parents.
Mrs. Thomas Osborne, aunt and god
mother of the bride, cut the bride's
cake. Mrs. Victor Maggi and Mrs.
George Vlahos poured. Assisting at the
reception were Mrs. Ray Manegre, Mrs.
Jesse Manegre. Mrs. William Manegre,
Mrs. Robert Manegre, Mrs. Kenneth
Bothum Miss Shirley Brown. Miss Pa
tricia Smith, Miss Mary Caruso. Miss
Nancy Smith, Miss Patricia Kirk, Miss
Zeta Kirk, Miss Elaine Smith, Mrs.
Harry Rider, Mrs. Ben Keungsting.
For traveling the bride wore a lilac
suit with cocoa shoes and bag, natural
colored hat and gloves, and her orchid
Following a wedding trip to Califor
nia the couple will be at home in St.
Silverton Mr. and Mrs. Sig Moe are
announcing the marriage of their daugh
ter, Miss Marilyn Moe, to Fred Frick,
son of Mr. and Mrs. John Frick of Mo
lalla, in a church wedding with the Rev.
Brooks Moore of the Salem Methodist
pastorate, reading the lines of the double
ring ceremony.
.A reception was held on the church
Mr. and Mrs. Frick will be in Silver
ton until the autumn term of school at
Oregon State college, when they plan
to move to Corvallis, where Mrs. Frick
will study music and Mr. Frick will
complete his senior year.
Many outof-town guests attended the
wedding and reception.
Plans for her wedding are being an
nounced by Miss Virginia Carda.
Her marriage to Donald Mcithof will
be solemnized the morning of Saturday,
July 2, at 0 o'clock, in St. Joseph's Cath
olic church, the Rev. T. J. Bernards of
ficiating. Miss Doris Meithof, sister of Mr. Mei
thof. will be honor attendant for the
bride, and Benny Braun is to be best
Tiie reception following will he at the
Mcithof home. The bride-to-be is the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Carda
and Mr. Mcithof is the son of Mrs. Marie
Mcithof and John Meithof, all of Salem.
A rccenlion for relatives to honor
Mrs. Kate Scharf, who is observing her
COth birthday, is to be given Sunday at
the home of Mr. end Mrs. Dan Scharf,
North Lancaster drive. Hours are 2 S o'clock.
Friends called to greet Mrs. Scharf at
a reception given yesterday afternoon
at the home of the Rev. and Mrs. Gerald
Among Salemites to bp in hu.pne
Sunday to attend the University of Ore
gon commencement will be Justice and
Mrs. Arthur D. Hay. whose son. Doug
las, is to receive his decree: Dr. and Mrs.
Waldo Zcller. their son. Robert, being
one of the seniors; Mr. and Mrs. John
H. Carkin, their son and riaughter-ln-law.
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Warren Carkin,
both graduating.
A combined meeting of the National
As ocialion of Letter Carriers and the
Ladies' Auxiliary will be held at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Taylor.
Roule 4. Salem. Tuesday evening. June
21. beginning nt 6:30 o clock, with a no
host supper. The women are to bring
a warm dish and salad.
Arriving Saturday were Mrs. Jon
Trost and daughter, Lynn, of Rochester,
Minn., to spend the summer with her
brother-in-law and lister, Mr. and Mrs.
O. H.-Winj.
Legion auxiliary, is meeting Mon
day evening at 8 o'clock in the Sa
lem Woman's club tor a business ses
sion. There will be reports by the girls
attending Girls State, election of offi
cers and election of delegates to the
state convention to be held in Salem in
early August.
For the music. Miss Barbara Miller is
to play piano numbers. Hostesses for
the evening will be members of the
unit board, Mrs. Helen McLeod as presi
dent. Willamette shrine No. 2, While.Shrine
of Jerusalem, announces its regular
meeting for 8 p.m. Monday in the Ma
sonic temple.
AMONG JUNE BRIDES In Mrs. Paul Cortland Rodger, the former Artie Ma Phillips,
daughter of Major and Mn. Robert N. Phillip. Lt. Rodger is the ion nf Mr. and Mrs.
Cecil P. Rodger of Salem. The wedding wm June 11 (Jesten-Mlller studio picture).
Miss Halvorson to Be Wed '
Miss Evelyn Halvorson, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Elling Halvorson, will be
married this evening, her marriage to
Herman Hanson, son of Mrs. Amelia
Hanson of Portland, to be solemnized at
8 o'clock in Central Lutheran church,
the Rev. G. B. Rundstrom officiating.
The service will be a candlelight one.
Baskets of white and yellow snapdrag
ons and orchid delphiniums will decor
ate the church. Mrs. Robert F. Ander
son is to sing preceding the ceremony
and William Fawk will be at the organ.
Lighting the tapers will be Miss Clar
ice Nelson and Miss Anna Hoiland,
both wearing yellow marquisette gowns.
The wedding gown is of white satin.
It is fashioned with a fitted bodice, a
row of buttons down the back, long
sleeves pointed over the hands and a
full court train. It has a high neckline
and a yoke of marquisette outlined in
seed pearls. The very long veil of tulle,
lace-edged, cascades from a half crown
of seed pearls and is enhanced with in
sets of the lace. A short over-veil falls
at Ihe back. For her flowers the bride
w ill carry a fan-shaped bouquet of white
roses and bouvardia centered with an
orchid, the shower of ribbons caught
with bouvardia. Mr. Halvorson is to
give his daughter in marriage.
Miss Evelyn Boe of Ottawa, III., will
bp the honor attendant. Mrs. H. Halvor
son, sisler-in-law of the bride, Spokanp,
Wash., Miss Sigbrit Ogren .a cousin of
tl-e bride, and Mrs. H. Ncuswanger are
to be the bridesmaids.
Miss Boe will be in aqua, thp other
three attendants in orchid colored gowns.
The taffeta dresses are identical in style,
designed wilh marquisette yoke and
brrtha. fitted bodice and full hooped
skirls caught up, wilh flowers in front.
Each is wepring mitts matching her
gown. Mis Boe will wear a crown of
p-arquisci'e matching her gown and her
flowers will be a crescent bouquet of
yellow and white carnations. The three
bririesmair's will wear headbands of
marquircttp matching their gowns and
their flowers will be crescents of yel
lo carnations.
The two flower girls, Heidi Halvor
son and Cheryl Halvorson, nieces of the
bride, will wear orchid floor-length
frocks designed wilh very full skirls and
aqua sashes. Each will carry a basket
of rose petals.
Paul Hrgstad as the ringbcarer will
be In all white.
August Hanson nf Ann Arbor. Mich.,
will be best man for his brother. Karl
Olson of Englewood, Colo., cousin of the
bri-legroom, Elling Halvorson, Jr.,
brother of the bride. Johan Halvorsen,
cousin of the bride, will be groomsman.
Ushering will be Carl Halvorson and
Halvor Halvorson, brothers of the
For her daughter's wedding Mrs. Hal
vorson Is to wpar a navy blue shppr
gown with navy accessories, and the
bridegroom's mother will wear a print
In white and lavender with white ac
cessories. Both will wear corsages of
roses and gardenias.
The reception following will be in
the church parlors. Mrs. S. Holland ii
to cut the cake, assisted by Mrs. O. Mick-
The Past Presidents club of the Veter
ans of Foreign Wars met Thursday night
with Mrs. Russell Mudd.
A picnic was planned for the past
presidents and their families for July
21 at the home of Mrs. Ed VanSantcn,
Rt. 1, Turner. They discussed the Veter
ans of Foreign Wars convention which
will be held June 22 through 24 at Coos
The climax of the evening was a sur
prise shower for Mrs. Dale Mauk. Those
present were: Mrs. James Beall, Mrs.
Dave Furlough, Mrs. Ed VanSantcn, Mrs.
Clarence Forbis, Mrs. Ivell Haley, Mrs.
A. D. Davis, Mrs. Willy Boone, Mrs. A.
D. Atkinson, Mrs. Marie Hansen, Mrs.
Dale Mauk and the hostess, Mrs. Russell
I !, I
elson. Mrs. Carl Halvorson, sister-in-law
of the bride, is to pour. At the
punch bowl will be Mrs. Karl Olson,
cousin of the bridegroom. Miss Doro
thy Engelbart is to have charge of the
guest book and Mrs. Kenneth Eilert and
Mrs. Royal Hayes will be In charge of
the gifts. Assisting In serving will be
Misses Ellen Walla, Anna Marie Rund
strom, Videll Koenler, Solveig Ogren,
Erma Rundstrom, Alice Waters. Miss
Mildred Hoiland is to pass the dream
Decorations for the reception will be
all roses.
For traveling the bride Is to wear a
beige suit with Kelly green and brown
accessories and corsage of orchids. The '
couple will go north on their wedding
trip and for the summer will be in Idaho.
The bride attended Lutheran Bible in
slitute at Seattle and the Augsburg col
lege in Minneapolis. Mr. Hanson at
tended Portland university.
,- , - , .. ...... I,,, , , imii
THE ENGAfiEMF.NT f Ml.. Pnllr Pollock, riaiuhter nf Mr. anil Mrs. Dean Pollork
f Portland, U Allrpd M. rwlh son of Dr. and Mrs. Rot A. Fcrtle of tialrm, wm announced
Metntlr at Willamette anlveralty. (Jeiten-Miller studio picture)
MEW officers are to be Installed for
Job's Daughters, Salem bethel,
Monday evening, at 7:30 o'clock
in the Beaver hall. Members of tha
DeMolay Order for Boys will officiate
at the crowning ceremony.
Miss Marilyn Reay. retiring honored
queen, is to be the installing officer, and
will be assisted by four girls from In
dependence. Miss Ann Thompson at
musician. Miss Dolores Kletzing as
guide. Miss Ann Baker as marshal and
Miss Margaret Ames as recorder; also
by Miss Adeline Smithson of Salem
bethel as junior custodian; Miss Carolyn
Eckersley, chaplain; Miss Allie Lou
Ohling, senior custodian.
The new officers to he installed in
elude the following: Miss Jean Herrig,
honored queen; Miss Ann Gibbens, sen
ior princess; Miss Harriet Hiday, junior
prncess; Miss Mary Campbell, guide;
Miss Jacqueline Jones, marshal; Miss
Barbara Phillips, recorder; Miss Loyca
Taylor, treasurer; Miss Phyllis Scott,
chaplain; Mis-s Shirley Bier, musician;
Miss Roberta Graham, first messenger;
Miss Janet MacDonnld. second messen
ger: Miss Nancy Moreland. third mes
senger: Miss Marianne Aston, fourth
messenger; Miss Mary Schrunk, fifth
messenger; Miss Jean Harlwcll, senior
custodian; Miss Patricia Snyder, junior
C"s1o'i:T: Miss Putricia Todd, inner
gu.-rd: Miss Parb.-ra Scaber, outer
guard; Mi Brrhara Anderson, librar
ian: Miss Fnliy R?smussen. historian;
Miss Shirley Poostrr. lady of the lights;
Miss Dawn Jones, soeiahilitv.
Four circles of the Woman's Society
of Christian Service nf the Jason Lee
Methodist church will meet Wednesday
for a dessert luncheon at 1:30 o'clock
as follows:
February-August etiele, with Mrs.
George Pro. 11)15 Maple avenue.
March-September, with Mrs Lulu An
derson 2S10 Cherry avenue.
April-October, at the home of Mrs
Lee Haskins, 1410 Nebraska street.
May-November, at the home of Mrs.
W. W. Chadwick, 1300 North Winter
June-December circle, no meeting.
The January-July group Is to meet
for a no-host luncheon at 12 o'clock at
the home of Mrs. Robert Klemple. 32U
Center street.
Silverton I. B. Alfred is announcing
the marriage of his daughter. Miss Mary
Alfred, to Robert S. Strong, son of Mr
and Mrs. G. H. Slrong of Milwaukie,
Ore. The wedding was at the Sunnyside
Methodist church in Portland Sunday
evening. June 10. the Rev. Dr. Edward
A. Wolfe officiating.
Mr. and Mrs. Strong plan to make
their home in Portland.
Announced for Sunday, September 4,
Is the date for the wedding of Miss Ann
Conley and William Petersen of Salem.
The ceremony will be at 4 o'clock in
the afternoon in the Chapel by the sea
at Nelscott.
The engagement of the couple was
announced last winter. The bride to be
is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bryan
H. Conley of Portland and for many
years residents of Salem. Mr. Petersen
is the son of Mrs. Arthur Petersen of
Irvington, N. J.
Cosmis Dance club announces a sports
dance for next Saturday evening, June
25, in Mayflower hall. Dancing will be
gin at 9 o'clock, Claude Bird's orchestra
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Port, chairmen,
Mr. and Mrs. Desmond Daue, Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Enyeart .ind Mr. and Mrs.
Edgar Lloyd are the committee for the
The regular weekly golf day for tha
Salem Women's Golf association will bt
Wednesday, golf at 9 a.m.