AUTOMOBILES ORVALS at REAL VALUES 1941 FORD Super Deluxe Tudor $695 Raoio, Heater. New Tire 1941 PLYMOUTH Special Deluxe Sedan $795 Radio Heater 1941 DE SOTO Custom Sedan $995 Radio A? Heater 1940 OLDSMOBILE "66" Tudor .....$695 Radio & Httr 1940 OLDSMOBILE Station Wagon $695 Radio ft Heater 1939 DE SOTO Custo mSedan $595 Radio ft Heater 1939 PLYMOUTH Coupe $495 Htler 1939 CHEVROLET Coupe $495 Ratio ft Heater 1939 FORD Deluxe Tudor Radio ft 1938 BUICK Specail Sedan . . . Radio ft Heater 1940 BUICK Special Sedan . . . Orvals Used Cars (THE LOT WITH Center & Church St. FOR SALECELLANEOUS II LK DRESSES lUei 13 ft 14, iemi like new. 5 each. Sea Scout uniform, size la. 10. 455 University. n!48' PRISM BINOCVLARS, 135.00. Ph. 3851b. IABY CLOTHES. Handmade dresses, In fant thru size 1. J1.1B and up. SIESTA GIFT BHOP. J' ml. M. Ol underpass. Phone 2-0088. n!4T Motorola Car Radios - $39.95 MARR IJADIO Fits Most Cars 2140 S. Com'l. Ph. 2-1611 mw BARGAIN: Praet. new davenport and chair. Moving, must sacrifice. J. 8. Wh match, 4 miles east of Marlon on Marton-Stayton Hwy. nl48 U. W. 1 -WHEEL trailer with side rack, 140. Plat top 8-drawer mahogany desk ft lamp, Ilka new, 140. Ph. 3-8737. n!46 t PAIR of bunk beds. Can be used as twin beds: new paint. Also 2 nearly new mattresses. Reasonable. Ph. 3-9849. nl46 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS AT ONCE. Urge quantity used Ph. 35110. WOODRY. nans fTE WANT strawberries Market price Id cash. Contact Jory Packing Co at Ter minal Ice. 248 D 8t Phone 3-4880. pa' WANTED furniture to Hue repair Le Broa Puru Reflalahlni Co po 8-7001 na na PERSONAL will, not he rexnonslble for debts con tract cd other than mr own after June 17, 1949. Gordon W. McMorrls. pl46 STANLEY HOME Products, 888 Cross St Ph. 2-544. PIM' IT'S NO SECRET" Glenn Woodry pays mora for used furniture A appliances than any other dealer. Ph. 28110 for CMh In a Plash. Pl' ALCOHOLICS Anonymous Bos 734. 1-6134 Pllt AUTOMOBILES CADILLAC 1940 8 pa, sedan. Details on request. Priced to fell. Call 1-8358. q!48 1919 DESOTO 3-dr. Excel, running eond. No tade Ins, no dealers. 908 Marlon. ql4' 1947 BL'ICK 4-dr. super sdn. Perfect eond. Low mlleaie. RAH. Must sell thU week. Ph. 3-9849. itn mrvsnilT ftedan. rood condition 915 South 13th. )1 model A Roadster. A-l eond. Oood tip. nmm hatter. . 1100. Ph. eve. 3-3987. TTMrn TRUCKS ion int'l Plrkun I T80 1S43 Federal wlih body and hoist 9 900 1943 Federal with logging equip. I BOO 1940 Whita with logging equip. 1947 motor 1130 1817 CMC 2' ton 2 350 1941 Tnt-l.. lone wheelbasa with body tllOO 1948 Int'l. KS-5, long wheelbaia 11250 1041 Int l. K-5 39 Passenger Bus 11350 1941 Diamond T IV Ton 1480 JAMES H. MAD EN CO. 2958 SUverton Rd. Ph. 9-4133 Salem, Oregon ql48' WANTED TO BIT: ' pickup. Ph. 482RX wheel drive Jeep Newport. ql47 '48 CADILLAC "83" 4 door sedan. 800 miles. 13495. By owner. 1535 Norway. ft US AUTOMOBILES BY ORIGINAL owner: 1948 Chev. Conv, Like new: low mileage. 81898. Call 1 evs. 979 N. Liberty, Apt. 9. q!49' P 1M2 CHEV. truck with -48 motor.' 301 Patterson Ave.. West Salem. ql48 BY OWNER: 1941 Packard "8" 8-pase conv. R&H. W.S.W.. low mileage. ceptlonally clean. Ph. 3-1837. ql48 '48 CHEV. Dump Truck, 4-5 yd. box. Leas than 5,000 miles. Job with big company oca with truck. Ph. 3-3588 eve. or any lime Bat. 533 N. Hlih. ql45' 19X1 CHEV. 2 dr. rdn. Complete, recondl. tloned motor. 80 rubber. R.AH. 8198. 2395 Fairground! Rd. Ph. 29091. ql Special Offer This Week 1911 Chev. 4 Ton Pickup 9198.00 Many Late Model Truck at New Low Prleai Truck Sales & Service Co. ' Phone 18111 858 N. Front St ql45 "Can 14t PRIV. OWNER. '85 PORD 4-dr. aed. Heet er, aeal beam lit, new tires, good mo tor. Body in perfect eood. Very ciesn 1195. Ph. 1-5913. el 48" '48 NASH Amtt. Fully equipped, like new. 10,000 ml. Priced to sell. 308 S. 18th. ql4t' 1847 STLDEBAKER ton Pickup. 11,180 Vincent Oersch, Rt. 1. box 188. ftcotu Mill. Ore- on Crooked Pinter road. 145 FOR SALE OR TRADE: 1948 1 ton heavy duty Ford truck. Stock reck, flatbed New tires. Radio, beater. Low ml lea Aniu Leffler. Rt. 1. Boi 12, Sclo. Ore ei49 1929 CHEV. 4-Dr. Sedan. Oeneral over haul. Oood tire. 1333. See Bert Dots, 3800 State St. ei48 inn ford pick i f ' ton. Inquire it house trailer at rear of Central Howell Sto-e on Stlverton Road, eve, or Bun qi45 '41 TIDE. Chan ipion I-Door. Ph. t-7119. Heater Oood cond. t ton. ql47 1941 PACKARD Sdn.. new paint. Bala or . trad cheap car or real aetata. Call fc -l4l ql4V t; CHEV. Con. RAiH. 11550 TakeVai la Wade. UH Tea A. PS. 8 744 IAUTOMOBIIIS .$495 Heater ..$595 ..$895 THE TURNTABLE! Ph. 3-4702 q!49 AUTOMOBILES BUICK'S THE BUY 1949 BUICK AS LOW AS $2312 Completely Equipped Delivered at the Factory Save from $272 to $293 OTTO J. WILSON CO. Commercial at Center ql54 EXCEPTIONALLY CLEAN 1931 Wtllya Knight sedan, 1 owner, 198. PH. 3BS24. O.I47 We Still Have Some Fine USED CARS These Cars Have Been Thoroughly Reconditioned They Carry Our Guarantee Come Take a Look Convince Yourself We Are Going to Sell 'em 149 KAISSR 4 DOOR 4T PRAZER MANHATTAN im KAIAER SEDAN 4T PORD SEDAN 1M7 CHEV. SEDAN 1M MERCURY TUDOR IMS PLYMOUTH SEDAN lit) OLDSMOBILE PASS. COUP! 1141 OLDSMOBILE PASS COUPE 11 NASH 100 I PASS. COUPE 141 PLYMOUTH TUDOR SEDAN 1S4I OLDS TUDOR SEDAN till CHEV. I PASS. COUPE IM CHEV. 4 DOOR 40 DO DOE 4 DOOR 140 PLYMOUTH 1 DOOR 1917 CHRYSLER SEDAN 1VST WILLYS SEDAN 1117 GRAHAM SEDAN I LOCATIONS tSI N. COMMERCIAL STREET MM PORTLAND ROAD TEAGUE MOTOR CO. PHONE 2-4173 BY OWNER 1141 Chav. 2 dr. R&H. crltent motor. Alttr 4:10 p.m. 123S lath. Ph. 1-7444. 4145 It G.M.C. fi. Equipped with Baufh- man llmo apraadcr. Ph. 1-0394. Qltl l-OB SALE or trada, 14 rord. RiiH. Pn 2-4189. qliV Eisner Motors to Sell ZEEB'S USED CARS BUT SELL . TRAD I TERMS 333 Fairground Road Phone 484 Wanted clean 3180 ft Oom l uaed ear Sob Man. This Time It'a HUDSON! Sr?iee Sale Parte Home of Oood Ojc Care SHROCK MOTOR CO Chorea Chemeketa Sta PS. Eisner Motors to Buy Eisner Motors Fine Cars 4T PONTIACS '47 Sdn. cpe $1445 '41 Spt. epe 895 '47 Ford D L: spt. cpe. 1395 '39 Nash coup $395 '30 Chevrolet sdn. ... 295 Terms trades Herrall-Owens Co. 000 N Uberty Pfc Hill MOTORCYCLES, SCOOTERS Indian Cushman Mustang Whlzzer Shrock Motorcycle Sales 3007 Portland Rd. Ph 1-1433 aa FINANCIAL tI.ENN WOODIY pars top cask prices far furniture ft appliances. Ph. 35110 for immediate result, no haagitng. ri4S FARM AND CITY LOANS 41 and 8 TOUR own TERMS of repayment witmn reason Cash for Real Estate Ooatiraeu and Seeortd Mens as a CAPITOL OtCt'RITTES CO lot Pioneer Trust Bids PH 1-7101 f PERSONAL FINANCE CO 118 State Room 138 Ph 3-3464. AUea, Mgr. Lie, 8-131, M-100, C H tiu FINANCIAL $ CASH $ $25 to $500 furniture, livestock equipment loans cp TO 8300 Oar loan up to 1800 Com to or phone Hollywood Finance Co. 1991 Fairground Road Aero street from Dank No Parkins problems Phone 37012 Lie N M 3 69 -t 391 Fiord Kenyon, Mcr. r Buy Real Estate Mortgages for Your Savings Investment 5 net Properties Salem & Vicinity. See SUte Finance Co. 133 S. High St. OENERAL FINANCB CORP. LOANS Lie 8-138 and M-33B and ROT R SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS 139 S Commerel St Tel 3-0181 f PRIVATE MONEY Special rate and tern on target loan long and short time payments ROY H SIMMONS 138 Soh Commercial St Phone 3-0181 AOTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. 183 8 Church Parking a Plenty Ph. 3-3457 Lie No M-159 8-154 SEE OS FOR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ONLY 4 OR INTEREST 0 to 40 Year and No CommLvlon Leo N Childs, Inc. REALTORS 944 State 8 Phone 1-SMS FARM EQUIPMENT TTRKD MACHINERY jW-C Allla Chalmera with mower 81350 lT-30 TracTractor 81850 jTD-0 With dozer 83350 1 Farmall 'H" with new rubber 81500 i Mrtrfi "A" Tractor with Dlow and wood saw 31300 i Pr.rtip.iiv now No. so Oliver Tractor 018 1 No. 80 Oliver Tractor 8 900 1 TD-9 1685(1 1 Farmall "A" Tractor -8 850 110-20 Tractor on Steel 8 300 l 1047 Tn-U with Isaac doier and drum WOOO 1 TD-3K with Isaac Doter and drum 5M 1 Cletrac 8 150 13 H.P. Garden Tractor wiw plow, cult, and disc 8 300 1310 John Deere Plo 9 175 13 14 David Bradley Plow .8 175 1118 Plow 8 135 1 53-R Combine. 5', with pickup. Used one icaion only 81300 11948 Hyster Logging Arch 8 700 1 8' Hamilton Lime Spreader....! 100 JAMES H. MADEN CO. 3955 SUverton Road Phone 3-4133 Salem, Oregon obl4S AIRPLANES FOR SALE: 1D48 Ercotcpe. Onlv 350 hm.; hour meter; sensitive Altimeter: 3-way Bendlx radio. Always ha no red. Call James H. Marten Co., 3955 SUverton Rd. 3-4123 or 3-3SS3. Sl45 TRAILERS L'SFD Columbia trailer house, almost new. Sleeps 4; Beautyrest mattresa ana springs: oil heat : gai cooking: both elec. and gas lights; water under pree sure; eelc. brakes. Price 91500. See at James H. Maden Co.. 3855 SUverton Rd.. Salem. Oregon. Ph. 3-4133. tl45 MODERN TRAILER, lights, gas, water In cluded, 113 pr week, areen Apple Trailer Court, 3 miles north on 0BE. 1148 It FOOT Trailer House. 1395. Elbert Col lins, 1009 Front St., Woodburn. tl41 FOR RENT: Trailer apace, 110 month with al. modern convenience. Right acroM the trert south of Paulua cannery. Lots of room for children. No pet. Rath Trailer Camp. 1740 Oxford. Ph. 3-8885 tl48 V04I. CLEAN, newly done. SI. float. Ivan Martin. 3-4419. 8. 13' Air- TRANSPORTATION LEAVING for Kans. July 1st., 6 p m. Will take one or two. Share expense, can 3-5695, 8 30 to 9:30 p.m. Xl48 DIRECTOR! ADDINO MACHINES All make Died machine sold, rented repaired Roen. 458 Court Phone 3-9773 ALTERATIONS Dressmaking ft alt. 380 State St. ol88 APPLIANCE SERVICE ELECTRIC HOME appliance repair service Pree estimates Trade-ins accepted on new appliance vine' Electric. Phone 3-9330. 157 S. Liberty St. AT-CR DOOR GRINDING and repairing AUTO RADIOS Authorised Warranty Repair Station for all makej of Auto Radios Morrow Radio Co.. 153 8. Liberty Ph 9-0955. o MARION MOTORS NASH SERVICE Towing aervice day phone 1-1366 3-1804. 333 Center. Mike Panek. 375 8. Com'L Ph. 1-5161 Brake end Wheel elixmnf epeelallau 0158' BUILDING CONTRACTORS Alt Broa AJso houses raised, datlons. Phono 35909. BULLDOZING Dean Robinson. Ph. 36537 Bulidoalng. leveling, road bide., clear Int. teeth for brush. Vlrcll Huskey. 1010 Falrvlew Ave. Ph. 3-8146. Salem. o-lOQ' Light crawler dosing. Ph. 3-3330. 0166 CASH REGISTERS Instant delivery of new RCA cash register Al males sold, rented, paired Roen 456 Court Ph 3-6771 'EMENT CONTRACTOR Oenrral cement cont. Honest work at honut prices. Ph. 3-1585 or 3-7487 0164 CHIMNEY SWEEP Furnace chimneys vacuum Fn 771 B 31st. Ph. 3-7170. DIRECTORY CEMENT WORK Bulldlnc foundation, remodeling, petnt- Inr Klsnt Bros, Ph 33393 OlM) Let us do your cement work NOW Drleewaya. aid walks, patloa, etc Ph t-4413 0148 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING Vine' lleetrle for electrical wiring contracting repairing 187 8 Liberty Ph 3-0318 FXTERMINATORfl Cockroach, Moth, Exterminator Service Ph 1-3056 Lee Crow. 1555 Pearl. olBO BreuhaupV for flowers Dial 8 3170 o nortrnoLD products J R iery products Free Ph 9-S39S LANDSCAPE NCB'KBT A Doerfler ft Bona, Ornamentals 110 Lane iter Dr at 4 cor ph 3-1333 e LAWNMOWKBS Sharpened, guaranteed service Ntw power and hand movers Call Harry W Seott. 147 Bo Com ! 8t ol5 LVwV!WOWraPsRBPPN!NO At yout door lawnmower sharpening Detter the imnoeir met Pa tstlS eh: inner ft block laylne ATTBMM Capita aetfdiw. PtwM I -toed. DIRECTORY Ml'SlC LESROM Spanish and Hawaiian Guitar Mando lin. Banjo, etc. 1531 Court St. Ph. I-7M9 0183 Nl'RSES' REGISTRY Practical Nunoa. day-night Ph. 35073 OFFK'E Ft'RNITI'RE M SI'PFLirO DeAk Chair, flits and filing luppllea, ates. duplicator and auppliea de. lamp typewriter stand. Oner eaaea Clarce Wire Recordera. Roen 458 Court OIL CIRCt LATOR SERVICE Call Cj Younier, Ph. 3-8073. PAPERHANGINO Expert Paperhanglni and painting. H 1 Wood worth Pn. 3-8888 Free et 0148 Ylfatrom'a are equipped palming Phone 3-3493 PAINTING AND PAPERHANGINO ft paperhanxing Painting end paprrhanglnr. Free esti mate, h. 3-9513. 857 Shipping. ol83 PICTURE F RAMI NO Hutcheoo Paint Store PLUMBING Plaher, 344 S Com'l. Ph. 3-3019. 0154 PRUNING, SPRAYING Philip W. Belike. Ph. 3-1308. L. W. Caudle Ph. 3-7900 RADIO REPAIR General Elec. home appl. repairing, also radio repairing. Broadway Appl. Co. 453 Court St. Salem. Ph. 3-1505. ol83 Complete aerv., reu. ratei. Free pickup A eat. John' Radio Shop, 350 Court 6t Ph 30715 & 33418. olM) RADIATOR RKPAIR Cleaned, repaired. J C. Balr Se Son. Ph 3U03 B Drive-tn Theatre S.nce 1917 ol49a REFRIGERATION Jb APPLIANCE RKPAIR SAND Si GRAVLL Garden Soil crushed rock Shovel and dragline excavating Walling Sand ft Oraval Co Phone 9-9349 o Valle Sand A Oravel Co Silt, aand ft I II dirt Excavating 10B ahovel A cau Tractor scoop ft truck for dirt movlni Ph olflCD 34003. res 37140 c SEWERS AND SEPTIC TANKS Elec tile Roto-Router Exclus've Patent Raeor harp Steel Outtlne Blade Clean Sewera oi Drains Septie Tankf Cleaned Rtaa fh 3-5337 or 8-9408 SEPTIC TANKS M ke's Septic Service Roto Rooter Service Bn 8t W. Salem P Tanks cleaned. n Bewers. 1079 I 8-9468 8-5337 O150 SEE MIKE'S SEPTIC SERVICE about ln- atallint the new approved SCO gallon concrete septic tank. W lay drain line also. Ph. 3-0468 0149 K F. Hamel. Septic tanks cleaned Electric machine service on sewer and drain lines. Guaranteed work 1143-8th St.. West Salem Ph S-71U4 ol4S TOOLS FOR RENT Howser Bros, Your power tool rental head quarters. New address 1410 8. 12th Ph. 3-3640. oiea TYPEWRITERS Smith Corona, Remington Royal. Under wood portables All makes used machine." Repairs and rent Roen, 436 Court o TRANSFER A STORAGE .ocal St Distance Transfer, storage Burner oils, coal A Briquets Truritx tc Portland dally Agent for Beklna House hold goods moved to anywhere In U 8 o. Canada Larmer Transfer ii Storage Ph 3-3131 VENETIAN BLINDS Phono 17338 Salem Venetian Blinds mad to ordrr bi rf In tahed- Relnnoldt Lewis 3-3819 WELL DRILLING J. A. Bneed Sons, well drilling. 3AM Brooks St.. Sslem. Ph. 3-6809. olt8 WEATHER STRIPPING WINDOW SHADES Washable. Roller Made to order. 1 Del Relnholdt ft Lewis Ph 31639 WINDOW CLEANING Acme Window Cleaners Windows, walls A woodwork cleaned Floors cleaned, waxed and polished Ph 3-3337 347 Court. Langdoe, Culbartson and Mather WOODSAWING WOOD A SAWDUST West Baler. Fuel Co. Ph. LODGES Q8fx LOOT, meets 9vry Wed nesda night. Visitors wel com. ' LEGAL NOTICE OF INTENTION TO IMPROVE IASON STREET FROM CENTER STREET TO A POINT 78 FEET NORTH OF NORTH LINE OF OREAR STREET. Notice hereby given that the common council of the city of Salem. Oregon, deems It necessary and expedient and herebr declares IU purpose and Intention to Improve Jason Street from the north line of Center Street to a point wnicn 7J feet north of the north line of Orear Street tn the City of Salem, Marlon Coun ty. Oregon, at the txpenA of the abut ting and adlacent property, except the xtrrrt and allev Intersections the expenae of which will be assumed by the city of Sslem, by brlnilne aald portion of said xtreet to the established grsde, con structing cemmt concrete curbs, and pav ing aald portion of aald street with 3'v Inch esphaltlc concrete pavement 84 feet wide In accordance with the plane and specifications therefor which were adpted b the common council June 13 1849 which are now on file in the, office of the cltv recorder and which by this reference thereto are made t part her The common council hereby derlares its purpose and Intention to make the short, described improvement b and throueh th- ft Improvement dpartment. By Order of the Common Council June 19. 1949 ALFRED MUNDT. City Recorder Date of first publication hereof is June 18. 1946. June IV!" 17 18 30 31 33 33 34 91 97th. 1049 VOTICF OF TN'TFNTION TO IMPBOVF WROTFRf.T AM FT, M-OCR 1. THF oak Annmnv rnny belmont STRFF.T TO MARKFT STRF.F.T. Nollre herehr Is tlven that the rnrnmrtn counrll of the city of Blem Oreson detn U neceasary and expedient and hereby declaraa It purpose and Intention to Improve the wenterW all' In Block 1 The Oaks Addition, from the north line "f Belmont Street to the south line ef Market Breet. in the City of Balem. Mar on Count. Oreeon. at the expense of the abutting and adiarent property, exrept the a i lee Intersection the expense of which will be assumed bv the rlty of Bs lem, br bringing ssld alley to the estab lished grade, end pavlnt aald alley with a -inch Portland concrete cement pe ment l ft aide. In accordance W!tn the plans and specifications therefor whlrh were adopted b? th common ouncll Juna 13, 114. which are now on rile in the of the eitr recorder and which by this reference thereto are made part hereof, The common council hereby declare lu purpose and Intention to make the above 1e.eribed Inm rove ment b and through th street improvement department. Bv order of the Common Council June 13. 1M ALFRED MUNDT. City Recorder De'e of first publication hereof it June II. IM. June II 1 It 113ft II 31 31 14 II 17th, 1MI To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 Grains Move Upward Today Chicago, June 18 P) Grain! moved upward in fairly brisk dealing! toward the close on the board of trade today. Early easiness in wheat and a ragged appearance in corn and oats was followed by a show of strength in all pits. Wheat led the advance, gain ing more than a cent at times over the previous close. Buying followed a financial service dis patch quoting an agricultural department source as denying recent trade rumors that the 90- day temporary storage plan would be . limited to certain states. Previously, the trade had heard that the emergency sup port loan program would be con fined to Texas, Oklahoma, Kan sas and New Mexico. The new est declaration on this subject was that the program would be extended to any area where it is needed. " Also influencing the wheat price rise was a gain of 2 cents a bushel in the trading basis for cash wheat at Kansas City and a report the Commodity Credit corporation there might take a little cash wheat for Immediate delivery at Gulf of Mexico ports. The CCC has not bought any wheat for weeks. Wheat closed i.-lVi higher, July $1.94'"b-:U, corn was i lower to higher. July $1.31 l4, oats were i-Vt higher, July 59 Vh, rye was 4 higher, July .4, soybeans were la- higher, July $2.28-1,-2.29, and Lard was 5 cents lower to 2 cents a hundred pounds higher, July $11.30. Columbia River Flood Now Ended Portland, June 18 The Columbia river sank below the flood mark todav and ended the spring freshet without any seri ous damage. The river dropped below flood stage of 18 feet at Van couver, Wash., this morning for the first time in 31 days. That put an end to any danger for this season. The crest this year was 22.5 feet highest in a decade ex cept for last year's disastrous peak. It was not high enough. however, to do anything worse than flood a few pastures and roads, and close some water front plants. Contractors Lien Filed on Annex to Senator Hotel Notice of a contractor's lien county clerk's office Saturday Inc., and W. W. Chadwick, covering part of the Hotel Senator property on -High street, by Edward Viesko, Marie B. Viesko and Claude H. Post, doing business as Viesko & Post. LEGAL EXKCITTRIX' NOTICE NOTICE 18 HERKBY GIVEN that PBAHL GERTRUDE OWEN has been, by order of tha Circuit Court of the State ol Oregon for Marlon County, appointed executrix of the estate of ALBERT EL WYN OWEN, deceased. Any persons having claims aialnat aald estate are requested to present them, with Proper vouchers, to said executrix at 316 Pioneer Trust Building, Balem. Oregon, within jlx months from the date of this aotiee. Dated thU 31st dar of May. IM. PEARL OERTRUDE OWEN Executrix of the Estate of Albert Elwyn Owen, deceased. R HOT EN ft FHOTEN SAM F, BPEERSTRA Pioneer Trust Building aalem, Oregon. Attorneys for Executrix. Msy 31 31, June 4 11 1 NATIONAL FOREST TIMREI FOR SALE Oral auction bids will ba received by the Forest Supervisor, New Post Office Building, Engine, Oregon, beginning at 3 00 pm., Pacific Standard Time, July b, 104B, for all the live timber marked or designated for cutting and all mer chantable dead timber located on an area embracing about 110 acres within portions of Beet Ion 14. 33 and 3. T. I 8 , R. t E. W W. BreiUnbush River Watershed, Wills mette Nstlonal Forest, Oregon, es timated to be 4.000.000 feet M.t more or w. of Douglas-fir, 10.000 feet BM. more or leas, of western redcedar, 10 000 feet B M.. more or leas, of western white Pine, and 110.000 feet B M. more Of leu. of western hemlock and other a pee I of sawtlmber. Sealed bids accompanied by the required payment reeelvsd by the Forest Supervisor prior to 3 00 p m.. Pacific Biandard Time. July I, IMf, will be considered the equivalent of an oral bid and posted for the information of all bidders. No bid will be considered which la leas than 1100 per M feet for Douslaa-flr 11.00 per M feet for western redcedar. IS 00 per M feet for west ern white pine, and 10 Ml per M feet for a extern hemlock and other apeclea. tsnwi oe o be applied on the pu renew price, refunded, or retained In part as liquidated damages, according to tha con dition of ssle, must accompany each sealed bid and must be shown to be In tha possession or oral biddsra as a euali flcallon for auction bidding. If an oral bid la declared to be high at the closing of the auction, the bidder must immedi ately make the required payment and confirm the bid by submitting It In writ ing on a Forest Bervice old form. The runt to reject anr and all bids la re curved. Before bids are jmbmlt'ed, full information concerning the timber, tha conditions of sale and the submission of bids Mould be obtained from the Forest Supervisor. Fusene, Oregon, or the District Ranger. Detroit, Oregon June nhsaOpors SALEM WOODWORKING CO. 122SCron Ph. 3 5953 t L Salem Markets Cmleled Umm tefarte el Seism dee. rt to Ik gvlOaftr w Capital Jeirial aara,Rv. 0 dallyf. tall Psd Pvsmo Ess Mih ti.04. Rabbit Pellets 14 36. Dalrr Fm 11.8. Pveltrti b'.vini oneas Ored A color ed nens, 38c; grsde A Leghorn hens. 39 rents; Grade A colored fryers, three pounds and up, lie. Or ad A old roosters 16 -nt r Baring Pries litre large AA. 64c; ) AA. 63c; large A. 81 -; medium AA. 61c; medium A. 49 -80c; pullets 30-3e. WkaUaal Pries Bsi wnoiesate pneej 8 le 1 eents above inese pricw abo Grade A generally euoted at 88c; me diums IM. BalUefal Premium. Ole. No, L 6 let No. 3. 68 6c buin prices). Batter Wholesale srade A, 06e; re tail 71- Planes War on Grasshoppers B7 tha Unltad Praia) Airplanes loaded with poison bombs struck out again today at hordes of young grasshoppers threatening to wipe out a large share of the nation's corn and wheat crops while rains swept toward New York, promising an end to a record drought. An armada of 28 planes, most of them flown by ex-combat pilots, dropped bran laced with the chemical 2, 4-D on thous ands of acres of Wyoming fields They hope to kill the young insects before they sprout wings and invade the rich fields of the Dakotas, Nebraska, Iowa and Kansas. Some of the fields in the 1, 000.000-acre area set for the bombings contain bi many is 1,500 'hoppers per square yard the highest concentration ever recorded. Farmers battled insects on two other fronts. In South Da kota there was "green bug" plague. In Mississippi, crop ex perts feared the boll weevil might be ready to sweep through the cotton crap. The South Dakotans said they would welcome a little of New York's dry weather. The be lieved lack of moisture would bolt development of the bugs. Mexican Peso Cheapened Mexico City, June 18 ) Mexico cheapened her peso to day to attract tourists and sell more Mexican goods. The government reduced the peso value from 12 cents U.S.. to 11' cents yesteday. With the aid of foreign funds, the gov ernment will pay 8.64 for a dol lar and sell dollars for 8.65 pesos. Before the announce ment dollars were selling at 8.03 for $62,447.43 was filed in the morning against Hotel Senator, The lien is claimed for work labor and materials allegedly furnished in construction, alter ation and repair of the building between August 1, 1648, and April 27, 1949. The claimants aver that under an agreement, copy of which is attached to the lien notice, that W. W. Charwick and Hotel Sen ator, Inc., agreed to pay $109, 483.74 for the work, labor and materials, and that $47,038.31 has been paid. The lien is claimed not only on the building but upon the land on which it was construct ed, "together with a convenient space about same, or so much thereof as may be required for the convenient use and occu pation thereof (to be determin ed by the circuit court at the time of the foreclosure of this lien)." It is further asserted that "the whole of said real prem ises hereinbefore described is necessary for convenient use and accupation of said building The property involved is the new four-story annex to the old Hotel Senator building. The upper three floors are devoted to the hotel. On the ground floor is the Senator Food shop, three storeroom and a large storage garage. The main Hotel Senator property at Court and High streets is property of the late Frank N. Derby and Mar ion Derby estate and under stood to be not Involved in the proceedings. lliukjr Twin Born Navan, Ont.. June IB r A even-pound ion waa born to Mn. Lucien Clfroux lat night, 47 houra after the birth of hli il lix-pnund twin lulcr. SOUND-VALUI DOORS! Here are the Donn you'll want tn your builflinn Indoor of out. And Door that will nerve you well, and long. Doon that are built well, will not warp or creak or itick, once they are properly hung. Doom for every opening, Garage Doora that even a woman can open and ahut with eaae! Capital Journal. Salem, Oregon, Oregon Grange Places 22 Legislators on Purge List Coos Bay, June 18 i) Twenty-two Oregon legislators foun I themselves on the "purge" list of the itate Grange today. In its first such action, the Grange voted to go out after th; defeat of the lawmakers who attempted to revise Oregon's ini tiative and referendum last spring. MARKET QUOTATIONS i LiveslMk M tract i By Valley facklng Company sprint .amb .112 50 Ft?dr lambs Km , Cutur row . . . . Fat dairy cows .116 00 to 111 OA . . .12.00 10 tl.OU , ..M.oo to iu.oo ,11100 to 112.00 Bull .11500 to 11000 Calvrs, good 300-JO Ibs.i 117.00 to 119.00 Vfal (150-300 Itu.t food .,120.00 to J3J 00 , pticw paid ettnin Ibe of Pori Mid prices for each trpa Top. 110-321 .bs trtlani Fret as Buiurfal TtntatlT. suiajm to twos mat chant Prfmtum quality maximum to .31 te l ptrctni aciauy a.irco Portland II -64c tb. tirsi quality l-63r b. second quallt 7-l0e Valley route and country points Se lei thar first Batter Wholesale FOB bulk eubes M l.olejale.i trade AA It :or 61-62C-A 02 acor M-SPic: B. to score, lie lb.: C. 0 score. 56c lb. Above price arc miot ty nominal Cbeeat 8I1IH price to Portland Boie tale Oregon aniilta. 3l't 4 We Oreton lb loaf. m60Ha; St laar than tnffle Kit ITe Wholesalers) A grade tare JS.55'ir:.A medium, H'i-M'tc; trade B. a te 48-50'iC. Portland Dairy Market Bailer Price le retailers Orade AA prints oc; AA cartons lie. A prlnU tie. A carton. 1e; B prlnU. 62c. Ens Prli te retailer AA large Aftc: certified A Isrse, Air: A Isrte Sic. AA medium. 7e: certified A me dium SBe; A medium Sa-5c; cartons 3c ad ditional. Che Priee te retailers: Portieiw Oreton tlntlea 40'fc-SQ'ic Oretoo loaf, i .b 43b3c; triplet me lev than alB glee Foal try l it ("hie kens - No 1 quality FOB plants. No I broilers under tv lb ST-36c lb: fryers 34-3 lbs 30-33c; 3-4 lbs 31-12c: roasters 4 lbs and over ll-S2e lb.: fowl, bethoi na under 4 lbs. 32c: over 4 lb. 34c: colored fowl, all welttits, 26c; roosters, alt weight. 16-19C. Rabbits Averata to trow in: live white. 4-4 )tu.. 21-33c lb: 5-6 lb. 19-31c lb.: col ored 3 cents lower: eld or heavy does. I- 14c: d reused fryers to butchers, 17-S0e. Tarheye iPrlee quoted are tol to tnr producer en a dressed weight basis! - trail A youna tome it aa ; no l young hens, nominally OOe urease raraers retailer, uiao young hens 70-71e New Vorr style, areee A grade jcunt torn ei-an Portland Mlacellaneawa Cascara Bark Dry 124c lb., green 4e In wol Valiay eoerse and medium grades tfic I Mohair Ib. on 13-month growth, nominally. Hides Cslves, 30a lb., according to litu, kips 30c lb., beef t-lOo lb., bulls 8-70 lb. Country buyers pay 3o leas. Jut Quotations Walnut Franouettea first qua lit) Turn oo. 14 7c. tares. J3 7e: medium. 37 3c: see ond quality Jumbo. 30 3c. iarg II 1c, medium. 30 30: baby 13 3c; oft thel first quality large. 7c, meaium io m; m and quality large 17 3e: medium 14 le bv 33 3e Filbert - Jumbo, loe i large, lie medium He: small. 13c Quotations above supplied ay North Portland Grain Portland, June 18 Wheat futures and cash grain unquoted, Cash wheat (bid): Soft white 2.25; soft white (excluding rex) 2.25; white club 2.25; western red 2.25. Hard red winter: Ordinary 2.25; 10 percent 2.25; 11 percent 2.25; 12 percent 2.25. Hard white baart: Unquoted. Today's car receipts: Wheat 45; barley 3; flour 5; corn 3; oats 1; millfeed 11. DEATHS I. llllf Adeline Hauiles 1,1 llle Adeline Dousls, at the family residence at 104S Seventh street. West Sa lem. June U, at the age ef 16 yesrs. Survived by two sons. John A. Douglas of Eugene and Chester O. Douglas of West Salem. Also surviving are three grandchildren and three great grandchil dren. Member of the Fist Christian church. Services will be held at the HoweU-Ed-warJs chapel Monday, June 10, at 1:10 Dm. with Rev. Dudley Strain officiating. Shipment to be made to Clarkslon, Wash., for service and Interment. Family re quests that flowers ba omitted and that In lieu of flowers donations ba msde to building fund of the First Christian church. Mrs, Win da Knilln In (hut city June II, Mrs, Luclnda 1ns lln. Surviving are a daughter, Mary Ens I in of Salem: and a son, Nelson Enslin. Announcement of services Utar by W, T. 't'gdon company. Katie Pelkoff In this city June II. Koala Pelkoff. An nouncement of services later by W. T. R la don company. Mlu Vera Jecaaellne Cawlway Mus Vera Jacqueline i Jacqulel Cant way, at the residence. 1415 Norway Mreet. June II. at the ate of 33 years. Survived by parenui. Mr. and Mrs. Law rence J. Cantway of Sslem: a aister. Miss nrol Ann Cantwav of Salem: and grand father. Ben T. Harrison of Wichita. Kans. Announcement of service later by C lough -Uarrick company. Mrs, Fannie A. BevtrlJte Mrs. Fannie A. Bevrldge. latt resident of 1403 Center street, at a local hospital, June IS. Rurvlved bv a dauahter, Mrs. Helen B Law of Salem: a sister, Mrs. Laura Harlow of nreham ; two grand sons. Bobert Beerldge Law of Fusene and Joseph Edward Law, Jr., of Salem, and four great era node us liters. Private eruces will be held at ine chapel of St. Paula Fpiropl church Saturdsv, June II. at 4 pm With Rev. Oeore H Swlfl offlciallna. Direction Clougn-Barrtck com panv. Pf, ntmt rower TRUSTED EMBEZZLERS If embezzlers were not trusted employees at one time they could not hove had access to company funds. A bond written by SALEM'S GENERAL OF AMERICA AG ENCY will reimburse you for fidelity losses. CHUCK Is W INSURANCE n SALEM AND COOS BAY CUSTOMER PARKING AT OUR NEW LOCATION 373 No. Chunh St. Dial 3-91 if Saturday, June 18, 194913 The measure which would have enabled the legislature to fix the number of signature! necessary to place an initiative on the ballot did not pass. But it made Grangemaster Morton Tompkins fighting mad. He called for the defeat of those who tried to tamper with the initiative act, often used by the Grange. Delegates to the annual convention here respond ed yesterday with a resolution endorsing the purge plan. In other resolutions the dele gates gave tentative approval to the Brannan farm program, call ing it "deserving of our study and consideration." The resolu tion did not go as strongly for the program as Tompkins did in an earlier speech. Oregon State college and the extension service were asked to withdraw from the field of farm administration, concentrating in stead of education and research work. Other resolutions: " Advocating ralsinf lettilaton' pay to I6O0 a year. proposed to make the stata aunerln. tendent of public In n ruction a member me stat land board. .-, Urged an Incraaeed severanra tax on timber from the preient 8 cents to II rents a thousand board feet to ftnanco adequate reforestation and timber conservation" program. nerommenaea tnai aog and Dorse racing venues not be used for stale mi( ... fair appropriation. Pledged opposition to any attempt la leiallie glot mirhlnei. upheld congressional filibusters as iecessary to defeat "dan serous laeliu. tlon." Called for a lieutenant governor In On. ton. ( opposed daylight saving time again. Alked that Ornn henW nmai. Saturdays. Rejected a nronAKil In limit ii4. officials and state legislators' aervice to two terms. Urged strict enforcement of logging urk speed and load-chaining laws. OBITUARY ffle Mawd Johnson Aurora Mrs. Effla Uaud Johnson TC Clackamas county resident for xearZ died Wednesday at her home tn Canby after a long Illness. Born November 11, 1173. In Warren county. Illinois, ah cam to Oregon with her parents, Bamuel and Lucy Smith, In U7, and settled in the Needy district. She was married to Her bert Johnson In 180 and the eoupla mov ed to Canby In 118 following many years residence In Needy. Her husband died In 1938. Mrs. Johnson operated the Canby Inn for several years. Survivors Include son, Clarence Johnson, Portland and a daughter, Mrs. Rdlth Mahlum, Canby; a brother, Fred Smith, Molalla, and a sla ter. Mrs. Myrtle Cummlnga, Canby. Fun eral service were Saturday In the Canby Funeral home with Rev, D. D. Priest of Hubbard, officiating. Burial tn Zlon, Me morial park, Canby. Oanblld Melaaa Aurora Funeral services for Mrs, Ouu hlld Melum, 06, widow of the lata Lara Mrlum of Canby, ware Tuesday afternoon in Zoar Lutheran church. Rev. A. J, KmiUen officiated. Interment was In Zoar Lutheran cemetery. Richard Melum of 8w lem, a grandson, sang "The Lord's Pray er." Mrs. Oordon Undland. and a quar tet rendered two numbers. Pallbearers were three grandsons, Richard Meum, Marvin Melum and Arnold Melum, and the husbands of three granddaughters, Oordon Llndland of Canby, Sanford Wrol stad of Yoder and Carl Ousts (son of De ls. Mrs. Melum died In Hutchinson hos pital, Oreson City, Saturday, Born la Sklen, Norway. Nov. 30. 1863. Mr. Melum came to tha United Stales in 1884. The following year. In Wisconsin, aha waa married td Lars Melum, with whom ah moved to North Dakota In HIT. In 1006 the family moved to Canby. She had been a member of Zoar Lutheran church la Canby 41 years. Surviving are one daugh ter. Clara Masnuxxen of route I, Hubbard, and two aorta, Oeorge Melum of Toledo and William O. Melum of Canby. Two sons, Nels and John, preceded her In death. Sho also leaves a brother tn Nor way, eight grandchildren and 10 great grandchildren. Opal Mas Hanler Stayton Funeral aervlcea were held Wedneeday, June 18. at 3 p.m. from tha Weddle Funeral home In Stayton, for Mra. Opal Mae Hunler, who passed away at her home in Jordan, June 13, her 30th birthday. Mra. Hunler died of complica tions during a slea of measles. Rev. Wll lard Buckner of th Stayton Baptist church officiated and burial was in BU yeu Den. Opal Mae M one ornery was bora at Srie and she was th daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Darrel Montgomery. She waa married to Karl Burton In August 1937, and to this union two children, Ronald and Karlene Burton were born. Mr. Bur ton paved away in September 1041, She wa married to Fay Hunter In July 1041 and they had two children, Darwin and nary Hunter. Mrs. Hunter's entire lira waa spent in tha vicinity of Sclo. Besides her husband, children and parents, Mra. Hunter la aurvlved by a aiater. Mrs. Marl on fthelton: her gcarKtmoiher, Mra. Ma mie Bates: a niece and a nephew and other relative. $$ MONEY $$ 44 Reil EiUta Loam Farm or City Personal and Auto Loanj State Finance Co. IM 8. Hlh 8t Lie. fill 1-5111