JO I6 Wi.O" 1 a ex ( Iv.l 12 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Saturday, June 18, 1949 ClJtMiriEO ADVEBTULNOl Per LIU IN Per Una 1 Umu 40e Par Uni 4 time ....40 Par Lint 1 month 82.00 Outside f laleae, Ifta per Una pet day Mtn Met 1 times Din Ma time mln SI JO No Refunds UADIRt la Local Nawa Cat Oalrt Par una - 0 iTo Place an Ad Phone 2-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES iv DWNtti Larta no use. 6 rnu. down, up. 4 lot, trull nut tree. Could ba made Into apta. Prlca 44400. Mr .Sack Scbell. P. O. Box 336. oerveia. FOB SALE BY OWNER: Mew 2 bdrm. bome.F.HA. term, fit owb. rnone 3-2880. Ifl0 EiMrTwrwin htr. z bdrm. home. base- ..ment, rumpua room, oil hat. two fire places New carpeting. FH.A. Call own- "ar 3-4343. niw LEAVING t FOR CALIFORNIA SACRIFICE NaTW 4 BEDROOM HOME Tile kitchen, bath upstairs and down Hardwood floora throufb out. Full plaa tared garage. Lota ol at or age apace Terraced back yard. Coat over 118. n 000 to build. Will aell for 114.000, aome terms. Alao will corulder cheaper home In trade. For mora Information Inquire at Stevana Uaed Cara, 471 I. 12th Bt al54 CANDALARIA, 1 bdrm. home. By owner. 330 Cinrfalarla Blvd. Ph. 31241. alfll aT RM HOUSE at Woodburn. Wired for electric range, tot ouxou. rnce fw. H.rr rniiina. 3330 Hyde St.. Balem. ' a!48 LOOK, YOU House Buyers! I have a new rl2 bdrm., llv. rm., aiienen, cam, unuj, 11 niBiti-rt nt. hllnda. 12x20 garage Only 11400 down. Bal. F.H.A. Would ntake a building lot or car aa a part down payment, en. a-oe-i. BY OWNER: Enf. atyla 4 rm. he. S B R., ,,brk. nk.. F.C.B.. auto oil, 1800 So. Htsh ,,rnone anion. BY OWNER, 4 rm. houae. Lot 80x168, prl "vt will. Prlea 12000. P.O. BOX 43. 'Lyons, Ore. 14 " WALNUT PARK ?; BY OWNER ' Nearly new home. Full baaement. Fire 'place tn baaement living rm. Lane lot. Plenty ahruba St ftowera. Over 1.400 ft floor apaca. Beside aerate. Immed. 'post. Prlca low. For appointment Ph 3-3134. ' SI 400 DOWN. Modern 3 barm. home. Lie. lot. Buc. 3810 Monroe. el47 BEAUTIFUL VIEW HOME on Klmwood Heights. Reasonably priced. Ph. 3-3378. 147 . OPEN HOUSE By owner. Wednesday thru Monday. ' New, plastered, well com true ted, nicely I arranged home. Oak floora thruout, all copper plumbing, auto, oil heat. 2 bdrm. '"Lane attached garage. 3844 N. Church. al44 gfY OWNER: New FHA built haa. Hdwd. , lira, through out. auto, oil hrat, Insulet ,'ed At weathersl ripped, 2 bdrm. down 'atalra, unfln. upatalra for 2 bdrm. St " lota atoraie apace. Larae llv. rm. Si din ette, lovely tlla f'placc, bit kit. with ;iota of bullt-lna. Bli aervlca rm., att. ar., lane lot Juat out of city limit "aouth. Orand place for children. Small "amount down, balanca monthly pay. " menu. Ph. 3-8329. a 145" BORbAI.E BY OWNER: New 3 bdrm. home. Cloae In St well built. Ph. 25438 . or caU at 800 N. Cottage. a!48 -TODAY'S BEST BUY 'Ownr leaving. Dropa prlca to affect Im mediate aale. Modern 3 bdrm. home. Hardwood floora. Both electric St oil heat. Nicely arranaed rma. Attractive ex terior dealan. Excel, location. A better deal at 18.000. Walter Musgrave Realtor BY OWNER: 9 bdrm. houae. Good loca tion. Completely remodeled. OH heat. lUttllty room. Oood buy. Phone 3-9540. xt ai48- h?F YOU ARE INTERESTED iln a well built S bdrm. home, nlca dis trict St well priced phone 3-1314, ft 500 CASH. Bal. aaay terma. 4 BR houaa. 'Newly decorated. Bath both floora. Oil hi furnace. Full baaement. Lana lot. On mbue line. Price $10,000. Will take amall ' houae In trade. M. B. Sterner 1147 N. "Coltege. Tel. 3-401)2. a!4S ti BY OWNER LEAVINO STATE 48500 nearly new 3 bd rm. M acre, lota ouilt-lna, pecon floora, att. Bar., cement drive bua by door, cloae to achool St h lores Terma. No reasonable oiler re fiuaed. Rt. 5, Box lit on Garden Rd. , Phone 28224. al4S HEW 3 Bd Rm. houaa on larae lot. Llv 'ini, dining rm., kitchen and nook. Hard "wood floora. Montag oil furnace, V. blind. 830 Illlnola off Center at. et48 LOTS Any alia In fine realdentlal dUtrlct. New addition to city above W. Salrm on "the hill or south In Salem Hta. dUtrlct. ' Priced to aell. Eur terma. CaU owner, 'Karl Kelder. Daya call 33444, ava, 33081. aal4l 4 ACRES. 3 In timber. Lovely view. 3 bdrm. houae. Newly remodeled. Recently paint - ed. exterior. New 164 ft. well St pump. 3 atovea St daveno io. I mlka from Ladd At Buali bank on tha Battla Creek dr. 43975. Ph. 3-3029. aUS You Can't Beat This! ' ONLY 15250 for a view home on Ter "raca drive. Lee. lot. Bamt. apt. 41230 dn. will handle. $6800, Wallace Road '1 ACRES, corner lot. Near Lincoln. Oood home, modern, 3 BRa dn. Could ba mora. 'Dole, aaraaa 4k work It op. Oood terma. B. Isherwood, Realtor . ttOT M. Cplto! et. I Olfle. Ph. J-1HJ. Iv. 1-1147 or 1-MM ,??? DOWN PAYMENT ' If you are a raaponalbta party and can pay 470 per month Including prln- ' clpal, Interest, taxea and Inaurance, ' you can name your own down payment ' on either ona of these 3 auburban mod- ' em 3 bdrm. houaea with hdwd. floors, flrt place, ven. bllnda, unfinished up- ' atalra St larae lot. Ona aella for $1100, the ' oiner for 14500. Call at 3704 Bunnyvlew mv. St we'll ahow thrm to you. a 145 SOAAO. Clean 3 ZR home located" 110 N t 33rd St. Immediate poaaaaalon. 41,000 l down. Call Stanley Brown with STATE FINANCE CO., Realtors 183 . Hlih St. Ph. 8-4131 Eea. 3-4501 ' al44 fDftO. H A. with clean 3-BR home Cloae win. Barn. Chicken nouaa. 0000 well. H aiblk. to city bua. Call Stanley Brown wiui TATE FINANCE CO., Realtors 143 S. Hlth St. Ph. 34131. Bvaa. 353l a!40- Q l.ooa. Clean modern 3-BR home. Holly .wood dint. Cloaa to Cathoite achool. H W. a floora, fireplace, party room in baaa ament. tWH down. Call Stanley Brown It ATE FINANCE CO., Realtors afcll S, Hlth St. Ph. 3-4131. Kvaa. 3-3341 a!4 YtRlY NEW attractive 1 bdrm. home Fireplace St V. bllnda, all modern. Large gar. ror quiri aaia iram. rou. ""Terma. I400 down. 100 Lana Ava. Ph. 3077IJ 1TR. CAPR Cod. Built 1941. Nr. Buh urn. H blk. to but. 3 bdrma. dn., I up Dlwd. flra. dn., oil fir. lurn. In. A Twrathentrlpped. Nearly fenced back "yrt. 47140. 11389 down. Bal. F.H.A. 1134 wia. en. au At RI, houaa started, rou finish. Well water. Full prka 31.050. Rt. 1, Box p30 K. ml. aaat of Totem Pelt, turn tjieft, 4th houaa and inaair. Henrv -rt'tward. a 141 P RPRM. houae. 3 yra. old. Oood floora. rtewly paved at. 13950. Small down pav ement. Ph. 3-0319 attar 4 9 m. a 149 B.TM. bdrm., living room, kitchen, nook" -a oath. infinUhad apautra, room for 3 .court, off Dearborn, Ketser Dut. a 143' Wt OWNER. Hollywood dial. I BR, ranen typa. 104 South St, tie FOR SALE HOUSES OOOD BUSINESS location with a 3-bed room house. Has bath, living room, din' Ini room, kitchen, full basement, auto matic heat, attached garage, cloaa to schools and buses, aaasg. imm. posa. t-BEOROOM HOME With bath, living room, dining room. kitchen. utility room, garage, ciosa to scnooia. city sua. Jmm. posa. 84000. P. H. BELL, Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. Ph. 3-1448, 3-4494. Ivaa. 2-4444. 3-7848 PRICE $9500 W. G. KRUEGER These Things Mean Home lit, MAO Large lot, well landscaped. New district. Beautiful living and dining rooms, x nica oearoomi ana nam. mien an has lots of built-in. Full base ment with auto, oil furnace. Fireplace. House la well-built and nicely arranged. 3 years old. Insulated and weather atrlpped. A real buy. Call or aea Andy Halvorsen Office Phona 3-4420 or home. 3-7143 McKillop Real Estate Center and High BEAUTIFULLY LOCATED Four bedrooms, very attractive older type home, lovely yard. Bush school oisirici. iin axceuen vaiua at saouu. SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 149 North High St. Phona 37640. al40' BY OWNER: Small house to be moved. 4rm. Ac bath. Corner of Hollywood Dr. St Bunnyvlew Ava. Rt. 4. Box 705. al9 One Acre Bargain Business location and 3-bedroom Boot less home. Oood for any business, plus room ror extra rentals or trailer court. The address Is 390 S. Lancaster Drive. OLAF THON8TAD. REAL ESTATE 041 North Capital St, Ph. 3-7903 al44 LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS HARD TO BELIEVE! ft rm. home. Extra large living room. Cement basement; furnace. Oarage. Close to store and bus. Paved street. Price onlv i63S0. KXCFXLENT VIEW. 3 yr. old 8 rm. bunga low, iarge rooms. Fireplace: carpet wall to wall. Full cem, basement; oil lurnirr. rrw mij.&ou. BEAUTIFUL DEMON, ft room home. Fire place; now. noors; stairs to Iloored attic. Dandy cem. basement: furnace. Fenced back yard: lot shrubs. Engle wood Dlst. Price 115.400. Leo N. Childs, Inc., R'ltors 344 State St. Phone 3-30S3 Evenings call: 3-4007, 3-4810, or 3-8103 al4 WEST SALEM All modern 3 bdrm. bungalow built 3 yra New 34x34 ft. gar. framed but not fin ished. Cloae to ach., bus St atorea. Own er wants place In county. A good vai ua for 83500. HOUSE AND 3 LOTS Very clean 3 bdrm. home with lane att. gar. Price lust been reduced 81,000. Call Bon Clearr. Walter Musgrave Realtor 1311 Edgewater Ph. 3-5109, Eve. 3-9939 al49- NORTH EAST 13730 New modern 3 BR houae. Lane LR. DR. and kitchen. Detached a a rase. Oar den spaoe. Easy terms can be arranged for veteran under Oregon Veterans loan. KEIZER DIST. 11.000 DOWN Larxa rambling 3 BR house. LR, DR. Plenty of bullt-lna In kitchen. Elec. heat. Laundry room, attached garage Nice alxe lot. Paved road. Full price 18,750. Abrams & Skinner, Inc. 411 Ms sonic Bldg. ph, 3-9217 Real Estate Mortgage Loans - Ina. Priced to Sell By Owner 4 BR. aewlng room, double plumbing, LR. DR. kitchen, nook. auto. heat, full bsmt.. larae enclosed back yard. Oood location. Muat be aeen to appreciate value at 384 N. 21at St. al45 $4750 t Bedroom older houae, cloaa In, on paved atreet ex large lot. All In good con dition. $8900 Klngwood heights, 4 bdrma, my at li act vie decoration. LR, fireplace, din ing room, bath, large lot, outside bar becue, fruit, large trees. Owner leaving slate, selling below hta cost. Chas. Hudkins & Son Over 37 Years In Salem 230 N. High St. Phone 3-4134. al46 1. 43880 trailer house to trade on house around 44000. 3. Nica l'i yr. old. trailer hie. price 41000, to trade as down pvmt. on home up to 48000. Substantial monthlr pymla. 3. 3 year old 3 bdrm. home with utility rm. and attached garage. Prlca 43950 8IBOO down. 4. Possible 81000 down buve this fine old home with upstairs rental. Located close to State Bldg. Or will trade on small 1 bdrm. hse. around 33000. . .u, ( uiiwn Buys iiiia rune, 3 bdrma., hdwd. firs., choice district. Possible 8550 down buvs this unfin ished hse. In city. 3 bdrms.. unfln. up str wired for range, elec. wtr. htr. 33150 UnIln' i0' W "" PrlC 7. Full prlca only 83800 buya l'i yra. old smal hse. with LR, kitchen, bath. Com pletely furnished. No bdrms. . Full prlra only 11950 buvs S yr. old 1 bdrm. home with attached garage north, all modern conveniences 4. Only 810 down and 910 month buys you nice lot NE. Price 8350. (Better ,h'"- vrn ,old ! wffk.l COLBATH LAND CO. REALTORS .... 'Open Evenings Till g.MOt I88J Center Bt. Phone a.ssui .111 r hi- m0,v' Bm" ho""- "n"nlhfd but 83250. Owner. Phone 3-3303. aua CLOSIE TO new Medical Clinic. Modern - mr-mim. mow. nra., lull basrment. Beautiful yd. Piped oil heal im.Td-Jpo"- c"rn Ave. Piv 3-3389 daya. .ia. KNC1LEWOOD DIt7nEAR HI SCHOOL bdrm. home. Fplace. v. blinds, ecretns hdwd. (Ira. Flowers ahruba. Kit you should saa. Don't delayi 730 N I4ln. Owner, t-BDBM. modern home, aaa ranae. auto. . - (ctm. Al Bail. man. Oervat. tl47 MWrTlNT0WRR0w' I1WW down. Apprcwlmitalr fjte pfr month lor IhU lart, j.reom horn, bout I T..r. old. c. nlc, cor. I .bu b' ' 'U P"- no. 10.. A. Reimann for Real Estate 1AI Sa.,1), Ui.h a. ...... ni. rnone a -130 Bun. Eves, 3-J734, J-4341, l-0, J-3533 FOB SALE: Comfortable room horn Una garage, woodshed. In good con dition. Lot 40x300. Desirable neighbor hood. Close in. 11900 down. Dale herwood. 410 Miller. Dallas. Fh, 3348 i ai48 A RIAL BI'Y In the Englewood dlatrlcf B R,, double Plumbed, hdw. Iloora flreplaco. basement, aawdtut heat, large lot. fenced backyard. Only 18750. Goodwin and McMillin Realtors Ph. I-470T 484 Court Eve. J.47T3, t-7383 tl48j IN KEIZER DISTRICT You'll be proud to an this attrartlvr country home m IU aettina of tevelj oak and ahruba. g rooms down, un finished upatalra; double teres, chicken house, ft acres, garden In. and Iota of fruit. City and achool buses put your doer. Located in our finest auburban district on pavement 1 mile east af Reiser School. At 114 000. compare It with anv suburban home for salt toda Pnaaes1nn July 30. A N. DUNCAN. 13 Lsrid Bush Bids PH. 1-9454 or I-U19 all! (FOR SAL! HOUSES Grabenhorst Specials SERVICE STATION Oood location. I homes. acres af land, welding and repair shop, fuel oil business with truck. Oood income. 84500 will handle. Call Roy Far r la. LOCATED SOUTH New 3 bdrm. home. auto, oil heat, hdwd. flra., lga. lot. Prlca only 17000. Call Richard X. Orabenhorat. 12th STREET Corner lot No. 3 business tone, lot 45x133. 8-bdrm. with bamt., auto, ell heat, wired for range. Oreat possibilities. Price only 44000. Call Richard B. Orabenhorat. Grabenhorst Bros., Realtors 134 South Liberty Street Sundays and Evenings Call Roy Ferris 28010 Peter H. Oelaer 3-9968 Earl Weat 2-1233 FOR SALE HOUSES OPEN HOUSE by owner. Sun., 1 to ft p.m. Quality built auburban home, 15x31 llv. rm. overalaa B R. a. large eat window, baaement. party rm., auto, oil furnace. 1', A. tract of land, water system, bua at door. 812.650. 814 Morgan Ave. al45 BUILDING SITE 3 lots ft6 x 105 each, located comer of Cross St Davidson; both streets paveo. Price for both lots only 1900. SUBURBAN EAST Located app. 1 mile east of Swegle achool on Pratum Rd. Vj acre with a small, neat 3-bedroom home: elec. cook ing St water heating; excellent well. Owner wants an offer. Call Mattson & Roethlin REAL ESTATE Ph. 3-5838 331 North High Eve. Ph. 3-7534, 3-1724, 2-7423. a!46 LARGE HOUSE. Newly remodeled and re decorated. Oood neighborhood. By own er. H. L. Stiff. Phona 3-9185. a!46' VIEW HOME By Owner: Candalaria Hts New 2 bdrm., lge. liv. rm., din. rm., kitchen and nook, dble. garage, auto, oil furn. Immed. poss. Reduced to $13,900. Terms. 345 Alice Ave. Out S. Com'l., turn west at Dairy Queen. Ph. 3-4408. 3 BDRM. plastered houae. Bath, garage. 50X100 lot. 15500. GROCERY STORE and as station. Cor. lot 172 ft. On 99E. 117 ft. on paved at. Will aell or trade for Salem property. THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 433 N. High Ph. 2-47S3 Eve. Ph. 3551436378 al43 OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY AFTERNOON ISA, PEARL ST. New 3 Bdrm. L. E. Klumpp, Real Estate nortn or ureynound bus Depot Ph. 3-7642. Eve. or Sunday Ph. 3-0126 a 143 FOR SALE LOTS 410 DOWN! LOTS WITH WATER, BUB SERVICE. CLOSE TO CHOOL. Balanca 41ft per month. Sea them today! Reimann for Real Estate 301 South High St. Phone 3-9203 Eve. 4k Bun., 2-3734. 2-4341, 3-3532. 3-5905. aai9' a-T. OB DUPLEX SITE Od. location. 5 blks. state bldsa, 12000. Walt Socolof sky. Real Estate. Ph. 3-8835. aal4S VIEW LOTS. 800 blk.. Vista Ava WOOD ED LOTS. 400 blk. Ratcllff Dr Re stricted, city water Ph 3-4284. aa CCU'RT OR HOME RITES, TREES, amall STREAM across back. 188x218. 13700. Walt Socolofaky, Real Estate. Ph. 3-8833. aal46 tWINtO, BEAUTIFUL high, view, building a i tea. N. end croiaan Canyon. Abundant apr. water. About 8 A. Ivan Martin 3-4418. salSO' FOR SALE FARMS Today's Best Farm Buys ao acres, grade "B" barn with II stan chions and drinking founts, grade "A" milk houae, two tile chicken houaea. three bedroom house, modern kitchen and bath. Buildings all good. Very pro ductive Willamette soil, crerk through pasture, 33 acres cultivated, family fruit, plenty of good pure water; 9 good dairy cowa, one heller: full aet farm equipment including tractor and hav chopper, all Items of machinery. Full price 119,000. It's worth your time to Inveailaate. SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 140 N High St. Phona 3-7600 Eve. Ph. 2-4391. 3-6603. b!45' 50 ACRES with some very good bottom ground. 7 acres of blackcap. Year round stream. Older type. 4 -bedroom home. Also modern prune, nut and berry drier, with lota of biwinr.vv Will trade for city properlv, Onlv 810.500. No. 871 HIGHLY PRODUCTIVE IT acres 1n strawberries and bovsen berries. Attractive 3-bedroom farm home. Buyrr will get boysenberrv crop. Located in Lb blah Center. Price 370,000. No. 873 Reimann for Real Estate 301 South Illsh Rt. Phnnn 1.8301 Eve. St Sun., 3-2332, 3-8241. 3-6905. 2-3738 bl45 81 A. FARM. Will take trade. Ino.. 407 N -apuoi Apt, a. DI49 SPECIAL! 1 11 ACRES ' OM.Y lAMt, Mr. Bargain hunter, here'a your deal This lge. gen. farm. loc. few miles from good valley town on mail. milk, achool St phone line muat be sold AT ONCE because of accident to owner. Oood rolllna prod, loam, woven wire lence. spring es creek. 3 A. In alrawber rien. family fruit. Attractive 1 rm. home, wired elec. range, good barn. 230 cap. pttry blda. Elec. wtr. ayat. pltry. Cowa, St too 1a extra at bargain IMPROVED RI'Rl'RRAN FARM. This 10 Acrea. on pavm t near Salem, ail In fine Boraens es nuts ta the best Investm't for tha future you'll find. Oood 3 B.R. hse., new barn, aarage St pltry. hse. IF SOLD NOW owner will Include profl table crops. Everything for 39834. Term. HIGHWAY FRONTAGE YR. TtOI'T cmhkam UQUU URAZINO LAND. These era features that add to real living on this 37 acres near Bclo. i la cult, bottom land. bal. pasture, woven wire fenced. Oood 3 B R. home. bath, ft cap, cow barn, 20x40 pltry. bldg. A lovny spot for onlv 14300 Terms. IRRIGATED BFAN LAND. Abaentee own er says SPXL my 44 acre fall rich black loam. Lee. Plaat hja 40x80 barn. Oood 33x130 pltry. blda. (piped hot wtr. heat. Farm la only I. miles rrom senool mkt.. on mail, milk achool m. May be your Meal for grow ing high priced trurk erona plus dairy ing St poult rv (tooo Dn. will move you In. bal. of 49000 on good terma. PS. Act now set ah a re of crone. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Lutings Personal Sen tee 144 S. Cora 1 St. Ph. 3-4389 bl4S FOR SALE ACREAGE ItGIIWAY FRONTAGE 4 , scrM on HE S J1! m. Rs?m I bdrm. hoiutr Other bldaa 80500. Terms. Trade for Portlsnn property. At, 4, Boa 444. owner. at 141 I FOR SAL1 HOUSES Office Phone 3-3471 FOR SALE ACREAGE 5 ACRES Juat out of Mt. Angel, 3 bdrm. house. Land all cultivated: trade for bouse in Salem, or sell for 34500. SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 149 N. High St. Ph. 3-7660. bbl4ft li ACRES on Baxter road. Unfinished houae beautiful view, good well. Price 13,300. Phona 3-7923 after 4 p.m. bbl48 REAL ESTATE FOR YOUR SAVINGS Investment buy a firat mortgage on real estate. Salem St vicinity. Examine security youraelf Amounts 8500 to aeveral thousand dou lara. net investors 4 Wa make all col lection for you If dealred. STATE FINANCE CO. 183 S High BEST BUYS 84500 TOTAL PRICE 4 rm. hse. close In N. Close to bua. Will accept trailer hse. as part payment. Terms arranged. Eva. Ph. 30473 or 33S54. 4 BDRM. Almost new, located N. Of Englewood, electric heat, spacloui rms., corner lot, 3 blks. to bus. Well worth 410. 500. F.H.A. terms. Eva. Ph. 30473 or 33854. FARMS 30 ACRES 4 rm. modern home, private well, ap proximately half has been cleared. Bull ding site with excell view. Total price 45400. Will accept homo In town of equal or better value. Eva. Pb. 39403 or 33558. Al Isaak & Co., Realtors SPECIAL !!! ARE you looking for a good buy In a good farm? Here Is one that will Interest you. 80 acrea all fenced St cross-fenced. New elec. water system, new machine jhed, new barn, new cattle loafing ahed. On paved road. Oood location with 3 BR home. Will take a house In fialem In trade or will take a amall down pay ment. Priced at 416,500. For Informa tion call at our office. HERE la a good stock farm with 320 acres. 135 acres cultivated, balance pasture St timber. With new 4 bdrm. house and 15 atanchton barn, poultry house. This farm can be bought all stocked St equipped Including 30 head Her fords. For more Information ask for Mr. West. SUBURBAN HOME 1. acresvon Lancaster dr. with large frontage. Very good soil with a variety of berrlr At gardening. 4 BR home St 3 stanchion barn. Poultry house. Nice lawn St lota of ahruba. Price 89,800. Would take 3 BR home as part payment or In trade. George W. Hubbs Co. J. Zeeb, Manager 1833 N. Capitol Ph. 3-3031 Evening phones: 3-5491 and 3-6862 cms- WANTED REAL ESTATE WANT THE best acreage 41000 down will ouy. capital journal box 498. cai44 NEEDED IMMEDIATELY Homes for 41000 or less down payment. COLBATH LAND CO. OPEN TILL 8:30 1083 Center St. Ph. 3-4553. cal4 1 OR 3 LOTS that will pass FHA. City wat er, in vicinity of 1800. Ph. 2-7743 after 5 1' p m. or Inquire at 1925 Maple ave. cal4Ba WANTED: 3 BR home. Not over 3 yra. old. Small down payment, balance monthly payments. P.O. Box 493, Salem. cal43 WANTED ACREAGE 1 to ft acres within t miles Salem. Box 40ft Capital Journal. cal47 WE ARE In need ol good house to aell In or near Salem If rou wish to Hat your property lor aale see GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 s Liberty St. -Phone 3-2471 ca NOTlCEt If your property la for aale, rent or exchange, list It with as We have all kinds of cash buyer STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS 133 8 High Bt ea BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES TAVERN Club privileges, restaurant, draught beer, good building, long lease at 17ft monthly rental: all good equipment; fine business and possibilities. Ask Mr. Bean to tell you about this place. SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 149 N. Hlth St. Phona S-7480 Eve. Ph. 2-8603, 2-4591 cdMS' EQI'ITY In Rood going restaurant. 431 rrom vvooauurn. cdl4S COMPLETE un equipment and atock for Tune-up Shop. Everything brand new. Has other Interest. Phone 3-9600, I a m to 4 p.m. or 2-7864 evening. Ask tor Tom. cd!49 SMALL FABRICS Infant Wear Shop for aale. Redmond. Oregon. Tel. 363W. One lady can handle It. 82.200. Call 363W or writs Helen R. Dugaer, Redmond. Oregon. cd!43 9475a. CABINET Shop and equipment, close In on Winter Bt. 43500 down. Will take trailer house in trade. STATE FINANCE CO. Realtors Call Stanley Brown with 153 S. High St. Ph, 4131; Eva. 35541 cd!46 Business Opportunity Are you ready to retirat Thla ta ona of the flneat 8 unit courts In the city. Located at 741.718 Mo. Cottage St. 4 units furn. All furn. with range and Ref. I garage, utility rm. and f ator ase lockers. Built-in water system 155.000. Keizer Real Estate & Ins. Ones S. Olson C. R. Rickard 463 Chemawa Rd . M Ml. West of Reiser School. Phona 31384 or 2-4312 edl45 ARE YOU interested In tha service sta tion oualneas 1 have one for sale at Inventory price In Monmouth, ore. Con tact Warren Doollttle. Distributor Gen eral Petroleum Product Plant No 34619. cdl47 Moni'.RN, insulated an-untl auto court. 100 It, from beach, paved street, com Pletely furnished, hardwood floors. Fin est automatic ail furnace, reasonably priced and wil Itrade ta residence tn Saiem. Tom chance for an easy lutni and Income oeeidea. Write Box TO, NfU cott. Ore. cdl47 SERVICE station for lease with tnverT lory and equipment. Roll' wood district United Petroleum. Call RAst 1104, Port land, Ask (ar Ur. Moore ar Ur. tykes. To place classified ads Phone 2-2406 (WANTED MISCELLANEOUS CHERRIES WANTED For Brining Purposed Royal Anns 5l2 cents. Bings, Lamberts, Black-Rep., Waterhouse. Deliver to 1460 Tile Rd. Kelley-Farqhuhar Co. Ph. 3-4133 Lugs can ba obtained at O, I. warehouse on Locust and Laurel Sti. na BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BEER TAVERN Doing a good Business In one of the Uvltect logging towns in Linn county. Owner muat sell on account of outside Interests. Total prlca 814,000 or will trade for houae In Salem. For mora In formation see Pat Jarvlll with Rostein & Adolph, Inc. U0' N. Commercial St. Phone 3-3030. Evra. 3-6369. Cdl45 FURNITURE FOR SALE SAVE $40 Beaut. 4 pc. aolld oak bedroom suite consisting of roomy chest St drawer, full slse bed. vanity with landscape plate mirror St vanity bench. A reg. 513S.95 value at the sensationally low price or 399.95. 410 down, 18 mo. Free delivery. WE GIVE 8A.-H OREEN STAMPS H & H Furniture Co. 1550 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 3-3797, dl44" 7 FT. RE FRIG., good condition. Call evea. or Sunday. 823 North istn ai. ua 4-PIECE maple llv. rm. suite. 3 yr, old ex cell. cond. no. rn. 3-nsoo. oi' UNPAINTED furniture, cloaeout prices WOODROWS. 450 Center St. Ksese ssxseeee WANTED FURNITURE HIGHEST PRICES paid Phono Olenn at Woodry Auction Market, pn I-Mio. aa- AUCTIONS CAR AUCTION Sat. night. 9 p.m. You buy or sell. Aumsville Sale or Service. Aumsvllle. Oregon. Phone 1081. dd!45 FURNITURE AUCTION every Tuesday. 8 p.m., Olenwood Ballroom, 500 yes. n of Chemawa 4 Corner on 99E. No Junk, all sells. Sell on commission or pay "U" the cajih. OLENN WOODRY. AUCTIONEER ddI43 FOR SALE LIVESTOCK HIGH-SPIRITED 8-yr. old roan mare with 4 wks. bay colt. Ph. 2-1303. ei4S SADDLE HORSE AUCTION Sun., June 19. 3:00 p.m. Joe Burke'a aales barn, 3410 811 vert on Rd., 1 ml. past state fair grounds, Salem. 30 good aaddle home. Several Pinto and oth er color, among them one child' sor rell St white pony, 1 black St white 2 yr. old stud colt, 1 black St white 4-yr. old atalllon. Several good western aad dle. We will take good saddle horses on consignment for thin aale. e!45 LIVESTOCK WANTED BONDED St LICENSED livestock buyer. B. C. HcCandlUb. 1127 S 35 Ph 3-8147 ealSS PETS FOR SALE: A.K.C. reg. Alrdale pups. Will Lux. Star route, box 80A. Sllverton. eel 48 WILL GIVE 8 mo. dog for good home. Ph. 22720 or 38201 except Sunday. eci4T BOSTON Bulldog Pupa $15. 8 wks. old. Ph. 2-2643. ci47 HOLMAN'S Pure Bred Cocker puppies. Rt 1, Box 143 DD. Stayton Near auction ecl54 FUEL PHILLIPS BROS. Old fir. oak. Ph. 48F32. GOOD 16 In edging. 35.30 a toad Double load 910- Oregon ruei uo rnone 3-5533. e144 FRESH CLEAN aawduat. Phona 2253 Dallas collect. Summer rates. ' ecmo TRI-CITY FUEL Fresh cut sawdust. Prompt delivery. Fh 37442. We give 8 St H Oreen Stamps Green 16 in. mill wood ee CALL HIGHWAY FUEL FOR Diesel and Stove Oil. FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Dry Plainer Ends Block Wood. Ph. C6444 ee" WEST SALEM FUEL CO. Biock. planer St slab wood St saw. dust. Ph. 34031. ee" FOR SALE POULTRY NEW HAMPSHIRE chick every Thur- aay. rn. if-noi. wr miciirir, i- PRODUCE RASPBERRIES 82.00 crate. Rt. 3. Box 390. north Chemawa. Ph. 2-1386. II189' STRAWBERRIES, U pick. 7c lb. Bring container!. Kennein uayne, ni. i. box 301. Hood v if w Road. ffl45 CHERRIES: Royal Anne St pie cherries. ftc lb. U pick. J. C. Savase at Wa conda. J. C. Savage. Brooks Rt. I. Itl47 STRAWBERRIES, you pick. Ir tb. Plenty or berries, joe Henny, i miia eaai or B rook s. V mile north. ff!47 Wanted Cherries For Barreling. Hudson, Duncan & Co. For Information, Call 3022 Dallas ft 144 PIE CHERRIES, 5c lb. you pick. Bring your own containers. Oo to Pen Four Corners, turn right lt mile to McCIar Rd.. out three mile on left. R, M Lhealey, Rt. 5. Box 476 ffl46 Royal Anne & Lambert Cherries V pick them e bring containers. 4e lb. 3344 4V Com.. Saiem. Kate Higgloboth. am HI 4 STRAWBERRIES. U-PICK Oood berries while they last. Bring con tainers. No Saiurdav picking. Ed Sprotd. 1't miles East of Kelier. tfl44 IT9UWBERRIEA. U Pick, lc V. Oood picking. Clarence Zlelinakl. Rt. t. Box 1611 mlla east, mile north at totem note tll4V R,PRFRm. 13 00 per crste Piv J.;o7 ffH.i V-riCK BtUnBUBIasTsWl M.Rivai (WANTED MISCELLANEOUS I PRODUCE rd. Clean patch. Oood picking. STRAWBERRIES. U-plck. 4c per lb. George Chris toff erson farm, on Portland high way, 3 ml. north. ffl45 FOR SALE STBAWBERBIES, U-PlCk, 9c lb. R. P. Barnwell, 4930 N. River Rd., Keirer. ffl47 STRAWBERRIES -U-pict 10c. Bring con tainer. Out Sllverton Rd. 2l, ml. to Middle Orova School. Turn right k ml. Herr es Rlenache. ff Ph. STRAWBERRIES U-PICK, 8c LB. Good Berries, Not Scattered 1 Mile East of Totem Pole. Box 241 C. A. Zielinski CHERRIES U-Plclc. lc lb. Din Zeh, 535 Sal.m HU. Ave. Pt). 229M. fflSO' HELP WANTED WOMAN FOR general work, man for Jani tor. Methodist Old People's Home. 1625 Center St. 146 WANTED Cherry Pickers: ft ml. W. of Salem. Orchard Heights Rd. Start June 20. Phona 17P13. James Beat, Rt. 9. Box 422. (149 CHERRY PICKERS! Good orchard, tow trees, level ground. Ph. 3-4449. S. A. Wheatley, 725 Court St. (146 CHERRY PICKERS, Rt. 3, box 463, L ml. N. off United Growers cannery. Call eves. 3-3C43. tl40 CHERRY PICKERS, good crop, now pick ing. Asplnwall Orchard at Brook. (ISO CHERRY PICKERS wanted. Oood picking. Ph. 22F32. (146- WANTED: Cherry pickers starting June ijtn. oooa camp ground. Ammon once Rt. 8 Box 893 Orchard Height Rd. Ph. 16F15. (147 IF YOU like to draw, sketch or paint see Taient Test aa in Education column. (143 HELP WANTED MALE YOUNG MAN under 25: Neat. sgl.. tree to travel. Ore., wash. St Calll. and return. Mr. Collier, Grand Hotel. I: to 9: p.m. Don't phone. gal45 COOK; Man to cook for large (roup. 1190 mo., less maintenance. Perm. pos. Oregon State Training School, Wood burn, ga help''wantedemale"x SILK FINISHER to work In dry cleaning piani. Apply rarxa Cleaners, ltonmoutn or Ph. 442. gbl4S ASSISTANT to bookkeeper., Some dictation necessary. Beginning wage 4178. Reply Capita) Journal box 401 abl43 EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES OFFICE AND CLERICAL POSITIONS CONTACT Commercial Placement Agency 360 State St Ph. 3-1448. ar- WANTED SALESMEN EXP. TIRE Salesman. Must be acq. tn Salem. State age ex exp. capital jour nal Box 402. gglSa WANTED, an aggressive young man, ex perienced In selling real estate. Muat have ear. P. H. BelL 361 Chemeketa St (g ATTENTION 8 ALES MEN Old established national food concern destr the aervlcea of an experienced salesmen to aell to the grocery trade In Salem and vklnlty. Must live In Salem. Muat be between 33 and 40 years of age, have good car, furnish bond for which we will pay. Position pays salary and expenses. An excellent opportunity for man who can qualify. Application will not be considered unless following In formation la given: Age, married or single, experience In detail, and salary expected Write to R. C. Crampton, 203 S. B. Alder St., Portland, Oregon. tgl47" WANTED POSITIONS WANTED Several hrs. work evenings. Rrftned young women. Ph. 3-449S or 3-35(5. h!46 CHILDREN cared for. In my home. Prefer day time, I day a weak. Ph. 3-5117. hl46' PATCH plastering, cement work and gen eral repair. O. E. Ray. 1073 8. 17th St Ph. 2-64T6 after 8 p.m. h!47 TYPING In my home. Neat work guaran teed. Call 3-3911 day or eve. hi 70 EXPER. TRUCK mechanic, combination welding and Irame man. can give excell. ref. Call Ed Stubba, 2-4391. or write box 797. Rt. 3. Salem. h!49 CARE FOR children tn my home. 35 yrs. experience, rn. a-esw. nw WOULD LIKE full time Janitor work or gooa waicnman joo. Exp rei. Pn. 3- 3801. hl44 BABY SITTING, day or nit. Pb. 3-0B2I PAINTING & DEC. txpert color harmonising. Ph. 8-7i!SS. h!66 DAY AND night nursery. Excel, care. rnone j-jiu. Reasonable rates. M44 R4.RY SITTFR. Ph. 3-0580. CHILD CARE, I1H Shipping. Ph. 3-9914 hl4 MOWING St (MM Ml. New power mowVT P.I 3-7133 or S-1404. hl9l I CUSTOM BAY balelag, raka Witt job alao will mow. Ph. 37103 M42 PLASTERING, PATCHWORK and chim ney buikUag. Ph. 3-444. Free estimates M6ie CARPENTER WK. New, repair. Ph. 1-2093 nl4' I.AWN maintenance RebutiiVna and put ling ta aew eoee. Pa. 1-3604, B184 I WANTED POSITIONS OBADEB WOBK by the hr. or Job Streets, roads, subdivision. Ph. 39318 or I3B9T eve. niaa1 FOE'S mimeographing, typing service. Prompt service, quality work, lower price. MS N. 16th. Ph. 3-3643. IU Si' TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN. 34 hr. aerv. ice. Former phone opr. Ph 3-5073. h!52 LANDSCAPING Pruning Rototllling. New lawns, tree work. Richard Borer. Ph 3-8110. M49' INTERIOR PAINTING. Bxp. Fa. 3-6736 h!48 SEWINO and alterations. Ph. 3-4854. hl48 AUTO PAINTING luat a shads setter by Ray ctter Call Sorock Motor Co 3-9101 EDUCATION IF YOU Ilka to draw, swatch or paint wriw i or isient lest no res), uive age ana occupation. Box 393 capital journal. nnna ARTISTS MAKE MONEY. Do you Ilka to arawr sena name, address, aae and oc cupation for FREE ART TEST to find out your ability. Box 391 Capital journal. nnMS' FOR RENT APARTMENTS t RM. Ft'RN. ant. Kitchenette, nrlv. bath reirig. bus at ooor. Adults, 1310 Madi son oi. Jpl45' LARGE t-RM. furn. apt. Ground floor. umioren u.n. loo union. 3-9835. jpi40 SMALL APT. with bath. Close In. H. L. atlir. pnone 3-9186. Jpl46 SMALL, NICELY furn. apt. Reasonable, mptojea person. o . winter Bt. JP4- 4-RM. APT. with bath. Newly redecor- aiea. n. ntirr. pnone 3-9185. )p!46' ? RM. APT., hot St cold water, refrlc no cnuoren. nets or drinking. 449 Division St. jpiis FURN, S RM. Upstair Apt. Ph. 30858. JP147' I RM. APT. 2nd fir. Ph. 31330. CLEAN, QUIET 1 rm. Apt. Middle aged iMuj preierrcq. wa ferry, 1P1451 4 FURNISHED suburban rentals. Week or monwi. m. a mox aaa. en. 3-7026. Jpl46' FURN. 1-RM. apt. wilh alnk, elec. range, refrlg, and davenport. 835 N. Winter. JP145 Ft'RN. Basement Apt. for working man. 12512018. Com'l. St. Jpl45 FOR RENT ROOMS SLEEPING ROOMS. Hot and cold water. ni n. nign. JkI48 WELL FURN. sleeping rm. Close tn. HJtC wen oniy. 131 center. Jkl45 FURN. BDRM. with home privilege. To re nned Christian woman or girl. Ph. S-3330, Jkl45 3 BDRMS. Ground floor. Modern home. un ou line. pn. 3-7990. 745 Hood before 9 a.m. or after 4 p.m. Jkl50 SLEEPING ROOM, close In. Close to cot fee shop and bu line. Ph. 38526. Jkl41" SLEEPING ROOM. Ph. 3-4333. LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING room for gentle man. 617.50 month. Ph. 3-3028. Jkl50 ATTRACTIVE rms. 2038 McCoy Pb. 3-4093 Ik 145 BUSINESS DIST. Nice sleeping room. Hot ' ton i.cnwi. jxier NICE SLEEPING room (men). 444 Cen- ROOMS TO RENT WEEK OR MONTH HOTEL SALEM Tel. 9-3161 FOR RENT HOUSES 6-RM. MOD. house. 3 bdrms. Rent 1 vr nuuiia wmy. oa mo. mt mos it. em. Owner at 490 N. 21at. Jml46 4 RM. UNFURN. house. July 1st. Suitable ivr a. vjoie in. nox tse, capital journal, ml48 3 RM. GARAGE House. Shower hath, elec. range, water neater, break last set St bed furn. Want reliable couple that will care for place. Ref. required. Ph. 35964. Jml45' PRIVATE rms. St partly furn. apt. 1935 wortn uapitai. JmI47 2-RM. MODERN furn. cottage. Ph. 2-6418. 4 RM. house to rent for party who buys muse, pec ii. at iiea jenerson. jmno' NEW 1 RM. houae. Phone 3-8731. Jml4g XL HAVE a new 2 bdrm. suburban house iwr cent ounaay. Has nowa. Iloors and elec. heat. 670 mo. Poaltively no dogs or cats. 4585 State 8t. Jml45 3 BDRM. house for rent. 830 Cascade Dr. n.inHwooa MIS. SB3.W. FH. 2-1235. Jml48' FURN. CABIN for adults. Shower, quiet uii.ioi), bum service, ireier steady renter. Ph. 3-3414. Eve. or Sat. p.m. Jml45' I RM. for employed middle aged. Near c.nnery X ous. Alt. privilege, 1751 N. Fron Jml45 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS WARE HOUSE 31x27. Ph. 3-3605. JI46 RENT Singer electric sewing machine by monin m jour noma, no extra charge for delivery A pickup of machine 36.00 per mo. Ph. 33313. J166 OFFICE spaces and desk spaces. Pb. 15603. GROUND FLOOR rooms, eu I table fox of. uce or stores. STATE FIN A NCI CO. Ph. 34121 U DRIVE trucks cara Ph 2-9103 y uuAiriKi use Dowser Bros Pa 8-3646 TRAILERS 12.00 per day Howser Bros m o. din, west Balem BUSINESS RM for rent. H L. Stiff. i GOOD USED PIANOS H L. Stiff. J FLOOR SANDER for rent Montgomery TO DO a good Job rent a good floor Sand er, we eu everything to complete the HOWSER BROS Pn 9-3646. WANTED TO RENT 3 BDRM. furn. or partly furn. hae., chll- oun. taw eimpaon. jaUO 8-BDRM. HOUSE, Will furn. damage bond u oesireo. rnone 3-3353 or 3-7922. Jel49 SINGLE WORKING girl desires small fur, or partly lurn. Apt. Close In. Reason able rent. Ph. 34041. )al48 1 OR 3 Bedroom House, unfurnished. Reas. rem, a-soii aner 7 p.m a14S LOST AND FOUND LOST: Blue shell rim glaj Moore. 2-2441. LOST: Bike still missing. Roadmaster a . no. F-I41S3. Reward. John Soco lofaky, 1310 Market. Ph. 3-6433. kl46 LOST Lunch kit. Initialing E.E.A. or outside, pn. J-MU. xl46 NURSERY STOCK PETUNIAS. SALVIA. 6 dOl. II, GERANI UMS. 11.50 .do. M. .WASHINOTON GERANIUMS, 35c each. MUMS plant. 10c each. Merrill' Oreen House, Brooks. mbl4S MISCELLANEOUS LES SPRINGER, men hatter. 484 Court. we cloae Saturdays 13:30 mt56 DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 3 HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR HARRY SEMLEH DENTIST Adolpb Bids. -State St Commercial St SALEM Phone 3-I3U m HAVE YOUB SINGER Sewing machine repaired by a qualified Sinter represen ts" e Pb 3-3318 for free pick up and delivery service on al makes of ma chine Fre estimate given before work Is started Singer Sewing Machine Co ISO N Com'l m BUILDING MATERIAL $8.50 per square No. 1 eedar shinties No. 3 15 cedar wan snakes and undercourse. 313.40 painted No. I an painted t 04. No I 440. Ted Muller. Fh. Salem 3-1194 ma' SHFETROCK. new shipment. H" ir 'v" See us for new lew eaab price. Keith Brown. Front St Court. ma . MLOR Z ALl'MTNliM LOCF SHINnLE Tue modern oermanrm root log. Sea your dealer at Call Dut 3-omi ma IK- BUILDING MATERIAL 4EW SHIPMENT Piaat board " ftfll enei . H" 4a a. it Rock latna 81.78 MONTOOMERt WARD IlLEU ma IKIL-TOOL rental service. Vally Farm Store. 4348 Sllverton Rd. rnaUO SAVE ON ROOPINO Let Ward give you complete in STALLED price on your roofing needs. Wide range of colors Call our outside salesman for frar estimate Phona 1-3191 MONTOOMERT WARD OO 8ALKM. OREGON DOORS. INTERIOR 2 panel doors, at the great apecial purchase bottom price, bargain of only 16.60 aaeb. Keith Brown, Fornt St Court SuM Salem. ma ALUMINUM ROOFINO 1 rt. width la the following ienttnai 6 8174 r 3.33 10- 2.90 IT 8 48 Ask about Installation aervlca MONTGOMERY WARD 4 CO. SALEM. ORSOOH ata FIREPLACE MATERIALS Superior Heatform and Bennett-Ireland fireplace circulator. All fireplace and masonry material. PUM1LITE WEST SALEM mal45 REINFORCING STEEL! Blok-Mesh In 4", 4", 4" and 13" widths. PUMILITE WEST SALBM mal45 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS BABY BED with mattress, Cool era tor lea box, both sllihtly uaed. Make reason able ofler . Phone 3-4713. nt46 ONE 4-WHEEL trailer, 613. 1018 E. Rural. ni46 SALEM SAND St ORAVEL COMPANY Contract Work Road - Clearing Ditching Sewer ex Basement Equipment Rental 14 B H yds 12.00 per hr. 10 B yds. 9.00 per hr. D-7 Cat St Doxer 10.50 per or. D-6 Cat St Dozer 8.40 per hr. D-4 Cat St Doaet 7.00 par br. Phone Daya 8-9408 Evas. 3-824 or 2-4400 Salem Oregon n USED TIRE BARGAINS Because ol the great demand for Ward's new Air Cushion tire, we have accumu lated a large atock of unusually good trade-Ins. Montgomery Ward Tlra Store, Trade Jt High. n!46" GOOD USED Kelvlnator refrigerator over I cu. (t. recent model reconditioned j guaranteed. RALPH JOHNSON APPLIANCB 335 Center Ph. 3-3139. n!46 ABC SPIN dry washer. New, never been used. Was given to a hundred-year-old lady by Kay Kyaer'a program. Can ba had for 1135. lea than wholesale. See at 1715 N. Winter fit. Alao else, range. nl4B USED aewlng machine. Ph. 33139. nl44 SKILL type portable saw. Cheap. 960 Cedar Way. Ph. 2-3790. n!47" EASY Splndrler washer. 4803 Bailey Rd. 3-0102. nl47 MUELLER furnace. Suitable for 8 rm. house. One year old. Including motor St blower. Also grates for wood St gaa conversion unit. Prlca ISO. 605 S. Commercial. n!46 FENCE POSTS, ooiea, all types. Shingles, fertilizer es flatrock. Phillips Bros., Rt. 6. Box 118. Ph. 68F22. n" I OLIVER No. 20 Combine. 1 Ford buck rake, l Ford mower. 1 Ford post digger. 35 weaner pigs. 1 Dodge 4 wheel drive Pickup. A. V. Jack Gilbert. Ph. 321, Sweet Home. nl45 ancea, Rug. What have "D"T OLENN WOODRY, AUCTIONEER n!46 FULLER brushes. 1748 Grant. Ph. 38357. nlM FARMERS ATTENTION Fence controll ers, mllx pasteurizer, at close-out prices. Yeater Appliance Co. nl48 NO WAXING REQUIRED when you use Plaatl-Kote, the cellophane-like finish for your floor or linoleum. Yeater Ap pliance Co. n!48 DEEPFREEZE home ireeier. 8139.93 and up. Yeater Appliance Co nl4S ELECTRIC SEWINO machines. Fre-Wa-tlnghouse) Yeater Appliance Co. nU8 EXHAUST FANS Close -out prices. Yeawr Appliance Co. n!48 USED REFRIGERATORS, washing ma chines, ranges, water beaters. Yeater Appliance Co. nI48 STEEL clothesline posts, 11 St up. Ratl ines in aiocK, copper lanterns St vanea at reduced price. 1143 N Liberty. n!53 PEAT MOSS with turxey droppings 95a ci. s sacxa valley rare Store.4345 Sllverton Rd. Ph. 22024. M40 GENERAL ELECTRIC Crosier. Olbeoa and Montag Appliance at Gerurta. n GARDEN SAND, gravel, crushed rock. onovet a orag-nne excavating. WALL INO SAND dj ORAVEL CO- Ph. 3-9349. U CU. FT. CHEST fraaaar New 333000. CRUSHED ROCK for roads and driveways wimruk, icn7 nu concrete, garden sand. Bulldozing, drainage and ditching, ti-rd. shovel and drag line Pb. 1-9240. ALMOST NEW AxmlnUter 9x12 blue rug fiu. r,m wm sacriiice lor 175. Call 3880 Center St. ni45 FOR SALE OR TRADE: Oood daveno. 845 ni45- tSRD RE FRIG. 1129. 1 apt a lie, 883. Wal lace naraware, rn, 3-0877. n!43 1-H.P. EVINRUDE trolling motor. Run 60 hrs. Weight 19 lbs. 164 Pb. J-J J 77 after 4:30 p.m. BUS 150 BASS PIANO ACCORDION Ilka new In coiKuiion. win aacrlllce. 253 Front St., Woodburn. n!45 DROP HEAD treadle sewing machine. 630. jdou jenerson ot. nl4a FOR SALE: Aster plants, 25c per dozen. w -. a-v4a. nits SxlO BERKENWALD walk-In cooler and comprrxor. i id- ft 1 ' meat case. Oood condition, I750take all. Term If desired. Call Columbia Food Store, Leb anon, Ore. nl47 FOR SALE: Eureka Vacuum Cleaner, 110 110. A nl4g -... w.iuti nrn, rn, ni41 ARE vnil lni.t.)ui t. ik. ... ... nun oiwinessr i nave one lor aale at in ventory price In Monmouth. Ore. Con tact Warren Doollttle. Distributor, Gen eral Petroleum Products, Plant No. 34619. .,7. USED WASHERS, varlrm. ..w.7 ' ' u"' ...3 00 to 54 50 Used Refrigerator 99 50 to 114 84) New OE Refriieratore, I eu ft 189 78 New Pacific apt. Size Electric Rang 129.98 New Wedgewood Oas Range With OrkMU ima fiA ...... i i. ... CloaeiOut Popular Brand Oil Heater uoor sampie. Reg. 128.50, only 74.50 Uaed Electric Rnnie .27.80 to 49.50 Ued Console Rsdlo, a dandy 33.00 UEVUHTZ 375 N. Liberty pj,. 3-461B nl47 rvnvn tr . ".' -T ' " "- acte oy June jo. mviuni, omce inter-corn, ap pliances, furniture, fixtures, safe, etc. Bargain prices. 357 Court St. n!47 SAVE MON-ET!1 Buy good clean used Yn,B enap. uarment Bazaar, 3020 PEAT MOM: Full bales. 13.88." N. W. ""'") "wa rront. nlTO SEE oi'R Firth Carpet Samples. Cut ar. . : rnce reason able. We give Oreen Stamps. SALEM HOME FURN. CO. 137 BO. Com'l. 11148" MAHOG. VENEER Ber y -desk. Reg. MM. "mgeo. Reduced to 49 8 7 ar. wal. ven. waterlaU desk, special at 44.93. Maple fin. desk, eenter dr.. shelves on ends. Reg. 31,70 Clear ance sale price 16 89. Oreen stamps BALEM HOME FURN. CO. 137 Bo Coml. n)44 1 FT. LATE model refrte. rumku k 37092. -isA COMB. FOLDING criVplay yard". Natural fin. ttw it tA .(. u Oreen Starrpn. SALEM HOME FURN. CO. 1J7 Be. Coml. ais" hnutere with needle point. 940 each. , 43ft I nKersiH. nlaT (Continued on Page 13)