Klan Initiation Dr. Samuel Green (unhooded, with sabre). Grand Dragon of the Georgia Ku Klux Klan, ini tiates a group of kneeling candidates during mass ceremonies held on Stone Mountain near Atlanta, Ga. Other officials of the Klan are in background. (Acme Telephnto). Bluff of Eastern Cherry Buyers About to Be Called The bluff of eastern buyers who .re trying to hammer down the price of cherries to be paid Oregon growers is about to be called. This is indicated In a telegram to the Capital Journal from Senator Wayne L. Morse, who says he will disclose before the the senate the tactics of the east-' em buyers. ! any of the trade agreements can- He adds that the scare aooui not be given out in advance. But Italian cherries being dumped on the burden of his letter indicates the American market because of there is no reason for any scare tariff cuts is groundless, From information given him by state department and agricul tural officials Morse says "I am satisfied there is absolutely no about a wholesale dumping of Italian cherries on the American market because of drastic tariff cuts. "The trade agreements com possible trad concession made I at the negotiations." Before Senate Friday He says that as a result of this letter from Mr. Webb and con ferences with other off-ripl V will go before the senate Friday and make a public disclosure in the information he has at hand and says he is satisfied that the bluff of eastern buyers will be called. He suggests that the growers try to work out an arrangement whereby the price will be a rea sonably higher figure if there is no drastic cut, and a lower figure on a sliding scale if there is a tariff cut. combined. Assisting with thei work has been Miss Alice Smith, Mrs. Herbert Schroeder, Mrs.1 Lester Hathaway, Mrs. Mclvin I.aVine. Mrs. Elmer Shaw. Mrs. Ed Conke. Mrs. James Swan, Mrs. Charles Kelly, Mrs. Vern Clark, Mrs. Milton Roten, Mrs. Arthur Robinson and Mrs. I)e los Hoeye. M'RC Plan Convention Lebanon At a short business meeting of the Women's Relief corps at the Methodist church, credentials were distributed for the state convention at Portland, June 21 to 23. An excellent rep resentation from Lebanon will attend. Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Friday, June 17, 1949 9 basis in fact for representation imittee must of necessity keep in being made by eastern buyers toi mind the statement made by Oregon cherry growers that they I President Truman to the effect cannot pay more than 4 4 to 5, that the trade agreement author cents a pound for cherries be-ity would not be used in such a cause of a threatened 50 percent way as to endanger segments of cut in the cherry tariff in any national reciprocal trade agree-: ment." Webb Letter Quoted Senator Morse in his telegram sets out in full a letter he has received from James L. Webb, assistant secretary of state, American industry, American la bor or American agriculture," says Webb's letter to Senator Morse. "A record of 15 years of careful administration does not support the claims of eastern buyers of Oregon cherries that the market will be flooded with Mill City Closing Bible Study Course Mill City A program will be given Friday night at 7:30 o'clock at the Church of Christ which will close daily vacation Bible school here for this sea son. The school has been held during the past two weeks by the Church of Christ and Pres byterian church Sunday schools 0 flavors; REMEMBER FATHER? Maybe He Likes to Fish hive Him the IDEAL GIFT! JOHNSON 5 H.P. Motor WILL ADD TO HIS FISHING PLEASURE iTf!S Moon. I $ 175 SO ONLY lJ TERMS GET IT AT THE SALEM BOAT HOUSE 100 CHEMEKETA which the secretary says that Italian cherries as a result of a Four Corners Business House Js Opened by William Powers Four Corners, June 17 A new business in Four Corners is the Battery and Generator Shop Just opened by William Pow ers next to his home at 370 South Lancaster drive. Powers has been in business in Salem for 30 years before moving his bus iness to Four Corners. Mr. and Mrs. F. I. Mooers of Richland, Wash., are newcom ers to Four Corners. At present they are staying with their son's family the Leory Mooers, 860 Brink avenue, while they look for a new location. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Flood E. State St., and Mr. and Mrs. A. E. LaBranche 12S S. Lan caster drive are spending a week at Diamond Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Schweig ert and children, 3620 La Branche ave., visited her moth er, Mrs. Martin Cummings in Corvallis for several days. They also visited friends in Hubbard Mr. and Mrs. Jess Mcllnay and sons Gary and Ronald, 3730 Mahrt ave.. spent a week in San Francisco and Oakland Calif. They stayed with Mrs Mc Ilnay's sister, Mrs. Larry Sni der while in Oakland. Mrs. David Behm and daugh ters, Davene and Barbara, left Monday for a few weeks visit with relatives in Gering. House guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Mooers, 860 Bring ave. were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Moo ers of Seattle. The Leroy Moo ers accompanied the visitors home for a visit there. The men are brothers. Mrs. Teddy Leavitt and Gor don Leavitt of Thorp, Wash., and Mr. and Mrs. George Hen shell of Portland were guests in the F. A. Boyington home. 3776 E. State St., this week. Mrs, Leavitt is a daughter of the Boy-ingtons. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Arneson of Salem entertained the Rickey Garden club and their families and friends on Tuesday evening with several reels of moving pic tures in technicolor, taken by them while on a trip to Nor way last year. Mrs. Arneson explained the scenes as they were shown. The midnight sun scene was especially striking Refreshments were served. Victor Point Club Has Benefit Dance Silverton The Victor Point club is sponsoring a dance Sat urday evening at the Waldo Hills community hall as a bene fit for their hot lunch pioject for the union district for the coming school year. The club is planning "open house" as a social event shortly after the autumn term of school starts in September as a further effort to increase the budget for the lunch project. Wouldn't you rather drink Four Roses? Reduced in price! $395 $215 45 QUART PINT Fine Blended Whiskey. 90. 5 proof. 60 grain neutrtl spirits. Frankfort Distillers Corp., N.Y.C. WHY BUY! Wt) Supply Uniform! Shop Towels, Covert Covtrolls, Coots NORTHWEST INDUSTRIAL LAUNDRY 540 Mill St., Ph. 19020, Salem Gold encrusted, gem-set or glomorously colored glasses frames to enhance your looks on special occasions. Dr. E. E. Boring 38S Court Dark Frames Are Dramatic Optometrists AT BORING OPTICAL Dignified Credit Dr. Sam Hughes Phone 1-6506 Here At Last The Cars You Have Been Waiting for NEW DODGE Lower Priced WAYFARER Now on Display THE ROADSTER THE 2-DOOR SEDAN THE BUSINESS COUPE With the same Dependable "Get-away" Engine and Gyrol Fluid Drive as our Coronet and Meadowbrook Cars. And Just A Few Dollars More Than the Lowest Priced Cars See Them Now STAN BAKER MOTORS DODGE - PLYMOUTH High end Chemeketa Sts. Dodge Job Rated Truck Phone 2-2468 nrTmnrrtTiBBii -....a,...,,.. ... tsettMMMejM v iTTll IrC Thrill to 8 new high in beer enjoyment! SICKS' SELECT Extra Pale will win your favor for flavor with each smooth, distinctive taste. Buy-Try-Compare and you'll make SICKS' SELECT your choice every time. WHEREVER BEER IS SOLD with ANY BEER from ANYWHERE! (S QUARTS CANS STUBBIES and tht handy 12-PAR race Btu.ik.r'. rnklBaidv M tutu - n r - . "siiissbsbbbbbbbbbb. Does Someone Sleep in the Bathtub When Your Summer Guests Arrive? Why Not Buy a Good SOFA VXr AND LJ& your Jf TROUBLES ARE OVER A Triumph in Low-Cost "Convertible' Comfort 5995 6.00 Down 5.00 Per Mo. The ever-popular armless style that will fit in with any decorative scheme. Here is extra sleeping comfort at a very minimum cost. It is one of the best selling numbers in our entire display. Its large bedding compartment is so practical and you can choose your color. The Traditional Charm of Early American 9750 9.75 Down 5.00 Per Mo. It looks like a fine Early American Sofa . . . and that's what it is! But it's more than a sofa, it's a full-size, comfortable, spring-filled bed that sleeps two. Up holstered in typical Colonial pattern tapestries in sev eral shades. Sofa Bed Suite 17950 17.9$ Down 7.56 Per Mo. wife fW'1l fete?''- to This conservatively styled 2 piece unite would be t home" In any home. IU gracefully tapered arms with mahoiiany trim are the essence of fine design. Flfx-O-I.ater construction means extra buoyancy, no sasRinn, and elimination of any "coil-feel." tr X3ED (jf q r3ocn m 4UM, OREGON