Senators Skid to Second Division on Double Loss ; Salem's slipping Senators ruled in the second division of I Western International league standings today, after dropping a couple of close contests to Vsncouver in Waters park Thurs day night, 2 to 0 and 3 to 2. Victoria and Salem open a four- ' game series with a single game in Waters park at 8 o'clock Friday night. Just two nights previously the Solons were perched in third place. Then Wednesday night a Inu in Vancouver skidded them ! into fourth spot, and Thursday's !double heartbreaker shoved the Solons down another notch, into fifth position, just a single per centage point behind the fourth place Wenatchee Chiefs. Hunk Anderson and Bob Cos tello, whose control and "stuff" were strictly on the smooth side. twirled the Capilano victories 'double beyond Cherry in center Friday. And on the other side J field. f the ledger, It was Hank The Senators never threaten Sciarra and Stu Fredericks who '4pd after that, suffered the losses. Peterson had the rare and tin- Anderson, an old timer i desirable experience of being WIL Standings 9 By tht JUaoclattd Freaai W L Yakima 40 17 Vancouver 33 24 Spokane 39 38 Wmatchee 39 30 Salem 28 29 .49! Bremerton 27 33 .450 Tacoma 25 35 .417 Victoria 22 37 .37.1 Results Thursday: Tacoma B. .Spokane 5: Vancouver 2-3. Salem 0-3: Yakima 11. Victoria 4: Wenat rhee 14. Bremerton 8. Pet .702 579 K of C Team Tops Marines, 7-3, in Make-Up Contest CITY UAdl l O P P. ., ftjnotry'a ... PHaarit ,, X of C ... Rock Wool , Randl . . l)ih trt Mann .... Knights of Columbus beat the Marine Reserves, 7-3, Thursday night as the two clubs made up a game from an earlier post ,509 ponement. Parton pitched three 4M'hit ball for the winner. Pash's of Portland dropped a 4-3 decision to Mootry's as Raw lins held the visitors to three blows. It was an exhibition con test in which Al Wickert and Salem, Oregon, Friday, June 17, 1949 LaMotta Wins Upset 1(0 Over Cerdan for Title Detroit, June 17 U.R Jake La Molta, long an "ugly duckling" who wasn't considered a fit challenger in his native New York state, was implored today to make a return defense in New Clancy Applegate hit triple. for!Yorlt f the world middleweight crown he wrested from Marcel Leraan on ait upset irtumiai .huiauui nBfe i Cerdan at Yankee stadium in La Motta, who has been trying, c,Ke AnH FHHi. Fn for 10 years to get a shot at the ;cna:rrnan ,he New York Box- the Papermakers will go to Al nrrmnrl ih W1I. oirp.iit Ihm wailhnntaH nut nf hnlh onmoi Tin. I"1' r'"'"v a Senator in the early part of .kindly conversation with urn Warner Motors and Lake La the 1948 season) was poison tolpires resulted in his being eject- ish have an Industrial division! shoulder. Salem batters throughout the ed in each instance. Warren to Coach ren, a 14 graduate of Wil lamette, who majored In Phy sical education, has excepted a coaching position at Lead High school in his home town f Lead, 8. Dakota. He will be head basketball coach and assistant football and track coach. While at Willamette he earned three letters, one In tennis and two In basketball, Tom. his wife and their three month old daughter will leave Monday. Salem Legion to Ploy on Angel Diamond Friday The Salem and Mt. Ango! Am- game scheduled for 6:30 Friday twilight opener. Anderson, usu ally plagued by wildness, gave up only four hits and walked none. In nine years of hurling in the league, he had never be fore tossed a walk less game. ftalem made only one serious threat to score in that game, in the first inning. Wayne Peter son, who had gained life by vir tue of an error, was thrown out at the plate on a beautiful toss from Cap Center Fielder Hank Fernandez, who had fielded a base hit off the bat of Larry Or teig. After the initial inning. An derson pitched to only three men in any one frame but the fifth, and nobody got beyond first base then. The Canadians blasted Sciarra for six bingles. They scored in the first on a walk to Fernan dez, a double by Len Tran and an outfield fly. Their other tally came in the fourth, when Charlie Mead beat out an infield roller, went to second on an error, and scored on Bill Bren ner's rap to left field. trican Legion junior clubs will! ' sond (tame . . it titi a i ji .iwas Mr! Waslev's line drive tangle on the Mt. Angel diamond; nome run over (ne riRM fjcld it o'clock Friday evening. Thewan It waj? the third four-bag- rnntest was originally booked! iter tagged by a Senator this sea- Tor Salem but a change was madeson. and came in the second in- because of inability to secure a Meld here. The Snlem juniors svill be enntondipg for their sev nth consecutive district win. Mt. Angel was heafen by Salem, S-2, as the result of an earlier clash. Salem-Corvallis Golf Matches Set Salem and Corvallis will en gage in gnlf competition Sunday with 40 men from each city tak ing part in the program. One team of 20 men will go to Cor- rallis while ' another group of to 1. ning to give Salem an early 1 to 0 lead. ! Vancouver tied U up in the top half of the fifth. McLean was hit by one of Fredericks' pitches, advanced around to third on a pair of fielder's choices, and romped home when Fernandez lined a single to left. Hank Sciarra, who had been called in to play shortstop for Salem when Bud Peterson was sent to the showers by Umpire Bus Bigham, drew a walk in the bottom half of the fifth, and later scored on Bob Cherry's hit to put Salem back out front, 2 ons in fourth place by collecting a 14-8 rain splattered win over Wenatchee. Yakima downed Victoria, 11-4, while Tacoma beat Spokane, 8-5 as Vine Lazor stamped out a ninth inning In dian rally. Official Box Flrat amtv VutHTir t ) B H O A BHOA Robiiuion.l 4 1 a 1 W Pftran.I t t 4 Pernndx.m 2 111 B Pet ran .4 I I 1 L. Tnn.l 4 13 1 OrtHf.rf-j 111 ld, r t 1 t 9 Wulfr.lf S 3 1 R.Tran.u I 9 2 J Cherry. m 3 t 1 0 Brnnr,e 3 14 0 HdinBtn,J 3 t t 4 OAnvder.lf t 1 Kruc, 1 3 1 10 1 MrUm.l 0 11 9 Beard, C 113 0 Anderaon.P 3 10 1 Sciarra, 3 9 1 1 O Ptrn.rf 9 0 9 0 Tollli l f 11 19 Total 34 31 II alm WW WW 00 I 3 Vancouver 100 100 03 I 3 PCL Standings B United Preu, W L Pft. W I Pet. HollvwAftd M 30 .6X4 Oakland 42 .41 8attlF 41 1 .Sfld SnFrncAr.o M 4ft .444 Aan DIao 4.1 17 .M Portland M 4H .431 Saerammo 38 40 .431 LoaAnicU 34 41 .430 SMtrita Thuruta VaHl 3, flan Franfw 3. Portland t. Lo AnMtj 4. Oakland I. San Dit 3. Rnllwood 4. arrmnt 3. By United Pre; NATION Ali LRAGIE W L Pet. W L Pet, Brook I vn 32 .800 New York 38 25 M8 St. Lou it 31 22 huh Cincinnati 22 31 .415 BoMon 31 24 564 PltUburih 21 33 .389 PMldlphit, 12 25.561 Ctllraao 10 35.352 AMERICAN LEAttt'l W L Prt W L Pet New York 35 19 .148 Wahtnttn 38 36 510 Detroit 31 24 .564 BoJmn 25 27 .481 PhtkUphli 30 25 .545 Chlcaao 33 33 .418 lfin nnliriJ ti4l- hPpam. world . , . .'Cleveland 37 34.520 St. Louu 10 38.296 160-pound title. Decame wona inR commission, congratulated , Ml ThndaT NATIONAL l-FAfil Boston 1. Pituburah 3. Brooklyn 3, St. Lntiu 0. Philadelphia 4, Chiraro 3. New York at Cincinnati. - both tame poitponed, rain. AMERICAN l.EAGI'K Cleveland 6. Bo ton 3. Detroit 3. Philadelphia T. Chicago 10-4. New York 6-5. Rt. Lnum 0. Washington 5. the winners. The Teamers blanked Paper mill, 12-0, in an Industrial di vision contest. The City league will remain idle over the week-end although; champion when 32-year-old Cer- B x j ke on becoming the Joost Contends for Homer Record to Lead A's to Win New York, June 17 U-R Eddie Joot, tall, akinny, and be spectacled, ' fellow who doesn't look ai if he could even lift a ball bat let alone awing one, wa an amazing but deadly aeri oua battler for the major league home run championship today. The Philadelphia Athletics' shortstop is a neighborhood sissy type if ever you saw one. But in spite of his Frank Sinatray physique, Joltin' Joost has smashed 15 home runs, more than anvbody else in the majors except Vern Stephens, a much more robust chap, who is short stop for the Boston Red Sox. He has 15. too. Major Standings U an was uhhuip 10 ai.awn , new world champion. I bell for the 10th round because! CotracU( for last night's sched of a pulled muscle in his left uld i5round bout that drew a disappointing crowd of 22.183 and a paltry gate of $159,762 provided La Motta, in case of victory, must give Cerdan a re turn title shot before October 1. And La Motta will be required to deposit most of his $17,000 purse with the National Boxing Association to guarantee the re turn. Cerdan will receive about $51,000. Cerdan scaled 159 V to La Motta's 158 V4. Long before the 10th round. it was apparent that the bull shouldered challenger from the Bronx would win the crown from Marcel of Casablanca, who was making his first defense. Cerdan was thoroughly beaten before the end of the ninth. Harry Mnrkson, boxing direc tor of New York's Madison Square Garden, asked La Motta to make a return defense against Ptlrher Anderson Sciarra ,. IP Ab RHIrSoBb ,.7 34 I 0 0 3 0 ..1 36 I 3 1 3 3 lft on baaex: Vancouver S, Salem 3, Error: L. Tran. Krua, Wajtley, R, Tran. Two bax hit: L. Tran. Run batted in: Mead, Brenner. Double plav: L. Tran to Mr Lean; Roblnxnn to t, Tran to McLean. Tlma 1:13. Umpire: Youni and Buham. Aecond fame Robin on.3 Pernndz.ef L.Tran.3 Mead, rf Rliran.aa Sheely.e O SnTdr.lf Mrlean.l Coatello.p (3) PCL Leaders Win Tight Ones; Bevos Climb Again San Francisco, June 17 u.R The pressure is always on the front-runners, but that seems to be the way the Hollywood Stars and the Seattle Rainiers like it. The Stars won their contest in the final frame when young Jim Baxes pushed out of the park for his ninth homer of the year. The blow gave the league leaders a 4-3 decision over Sacramento. Seattle's winning run was walked in by San Francisco Pitcher Jack Brewer in the same circumstances. With the bases full and the score tied Brewer SLATES GAME IN ALBANY pany, class 'B' league baseball ome" ,by Cass Michaels and Joost's homer with a man on base put victory beyond reach of Lefty Hal Newhouser of the Tigers yesterday as Lefty Lou Brissie went all the way to score his sixth win, 7 to 3. The ' pepped-up Indians won their fifth straight, sweeping their three-game set with the Red Sox at Boston, 6 to 3. The White Sox cashed in on 11 walks and 11 hits including two games of second place at Chicago, putting over three runs in the eighth and the winning tally In the ninth off Relief Pitcher Jim Konstanty'i single that gave them a 4 to 1 edge over the cubs. The Cardinals so rallied late, getting two tallies in the sixth on Eddie Kazak's double and four more in the seventh to make it two out of three over the leading Dodgers, winning 6 to 2 at St. Louis. Right Hander Vern Bickford won his eighth game, a nifty five-hit 7 to 2 decision for the Braves over the Pirates. The Giants were rained out of a doubleheader at Cincinnati. BISHOP ELECTRIC 'C TEAM PRACTICE CALLED Gilbert Jones, coach of Bish op's Electric class C junior base ball league team, has asked all players assigned to his team to turn out for a meeting and prac tice Saturday morning at 9 o'clock on the dinger field, West Salem 60 Sport team has scheduled a game at Al bany for Sunday at 2:30 in the afternoon. The team will prac tice Friday night on the Leslie field at 6. t Saleaa j 3 l 3 t a.peirn.s 301 0: fired four wide ones to Pinch 4 13 0 Orteia.rf 4 3 10 4 3 4 0 Waley,lf 3 3 4 0 3 0 4 1 4 3 3 1 4 0 4 3 Hedlnitn.3 3 0 9 3 4 3 10 Krut. 1 3 1 f 1 3 3 11 Beard, e 3 0 4 1 3 0 0 0 Prdrclui.p 3 0 0 1 Sciarra, at Olen- 110 0 Total 34 10 37 13 Total 31 137 0 'Balled for Frederick In 0th. Ab H R Er 8a Bb 31 8 3 3 4 34 10 3 3 3 1 Pit char IP Ctwlello 0 Frederick 9 Hit by pitcher: McLean. I-eft on baxex: Vancouver S, Salem 11. Home run: Wait lav. Two bae Alt: Xrua, Robinson. Run titled In: Waley, Fernandea 3. Cher ry, Roblnjton. Sacrifice: Hedtnaton, Beard, Jiien. Kit ran. Crwteilo. Double play: Cherry to B. Peterson. Time 1:45. Umpire Biitiam and Younc. Attendance: 9M. the same numerical strength will remain here to entertain a team from the Benton county metropolis. But the visitors went out In front to stay in the seventh as Orrin Snyder and McLean sin gled and Jim Robinson sizzled a Mt. Angel Field to Be Dedicated on Saturday Mt. Angpl Dedication of the remodeled and improved Kbner Park athletic field will be an event Saturday night with a douhle-header baseball (tnme between the American Legion luninr teams of Mt. AnRrl and- tVnndhurn and Mt. Ansel arid'.. g . (Sublimity in the Willamette Val-jYvalCOtr, tnOrleS ley league at 9:15 o'clock. All . f . Business hnuses will close. I QK6 I CSTS TOT Improvement of the field ex-"., I D tended over two venrs with the HeCIYy WeiQ ht DOLlt Mt. Angel recreation committee orovidinB the finances and con- Kankakee. III., June 7 if Itruction. l.Khts for;y in. a.c m .nn r. kHd ,, .SMem m0VM jno fhf Tht linecore: Tacoma .001 103 330- 1 13 1 Spokane 000 000 3035 11 1 Herman. Lasor H and Warren; Co nant, Kimball tlj and Rout. Victoria ooo 000 311 4 10 3 Yakima 130 310 01a 11 13 0 Vercuravich. Laua 3, Drew and riraan; O. Drllltna and Torner. Bremerton 300 001 005 t 10 4 Wen a tehee 300 034 33x 14 13 0 Prrack, Lemay (71 and Nl; Melt and Peaul. Hard Punchers Get Top Billing For Fights Here Two hard hitting scrappers will clash in the armory arena the night of June 22 when the Veterans of Foreign Wars stages one of a series of monthly fistic cards. The match, featuring King Henry Lee of Seattle and : tLni John L. Sullivan, means, in theD"hl " words of Matchmaker Tex Sal- '" "'- '. l. M.t BIG SIX ALL-STARS Bit Pi. N.m. School Yr. Av. Hitter Heinz Becker and gave Se- v.nLo.n. corviim. sr., ju ... - Piwher Gore Simon. Sr. .345 attle a d-Z Win. P:tchpr oen Lu. Eui.n. Jr. .060 Portland wasted no time in 1 "rt b Jim Roc, s.i, jr. .417 taking care of the Los Angeles : si-.omtop-jim Brn. Eu.cnr' sr.- !iw Contingent. The Beavers, Who Third BMC Byron Robinson. Alb.. Jr. .130 are lighting hard to get out of Eugene Leads Big Six Stars; Viks Rate Three Eugene, June 17 Eugene High, which finished second in the Bix-Six League and then went on to finish second in the state tournament, dominated the Bix-Six League All-Star team named by the five coaches. Cat Metkovich to defeat the Yankees, 10 to 6. New York re taliated for a 5 to 4 second game victory in which Johnny Lin dell supplied the victory margin with a homer. Pitcher Sid Hudson hurled five-hit ball at Washington as the Senators scored their sec ond straight shutout over the Browns, 5 to 0. The sizzling Phillies made it five in a row to move within Utll. Inflcldcr D. Prikp. Eus., Sr., 330 Lett Field Jim J.nkjt, Albany, Sr. .314 Crnlcrlicld D. Slr.mund, Eu.rne, Jr. 360 Rllhttlcld Prank Oftborn. Sal.m, Sr., .348 Utll. Outfielder N. Jeffrie. Kill.. Jr. .333 Corvallis Stops Albany Legions Albany Albany's entry in the state American Legion junior baseball league in its first home appearance Wednesday night was stopped by Von Summers, Corvallis Legion pitcher, 4 to 3. Both teams made a total of seven errors apiece. Cub Sexton was Albany's losing pitcher, allow ing but five hits. Score by innings: Piche of Corvallis, Harold Hauk of Salem, John Young of Springfield, Rex Hunsaker of Albany, and Duane Mellem of Eugene. tgLf yap cqi Five Eugene players made; the 12 -man team. Albany's league champions could place only three. Salem also had three and Corvallis one. Albany's hard - hitting pitch er George Simons was the only , unanimous p lection, althniich ! cho"e,. ,her' wer top heavy Your Life Depends Salem's "handy -man" Jim I 0" GOOD BRAKES! I Rock was placed at first base, aa Rock, who can play every posi-jl tlnn n 4kA 4b. U.... 11.. . , i : a a. . iiiubv ul ins nine vn me rnouna or at third this season. Bud DuVal of Salem the topi"" hitter with a .458 average eas-'a ily copped the second base spot, i" while there was no question as Zi to the all-star outfield. Jim I1 Jenks of Albany, Don Siegmund of Eugene, and Frank Osbornl" aV!-i. the basement permanently, and did it again last night by a half game, pounded out IS hits to lead the Angels all the way and win, 9-4. George Diehl pitched h 1 s third Pacific Coast league win for the Beavers against one loss, while Tom Kelly, the first of three Angel hurlers, was charged with the loss. Two Los Angeles home runs were in vain, both coming with the sacks empty. Meanwhile, Oakland cooled San Diego, 5-3. Official Box Los AnielM Portland - Ter.,n,r.i a 4M.r, it 31 .L ,f. Dy I to the plate to post his .458 aver- hiwe with faulty, nn- M.urortM j i , . shup.. i 4 i io i Corvallis 001 003 0004 age for oarticioatine: in 1 I.'rU'n. ? T"1 B; - 'inemu.i a a a AlDany UUl linn 002 S ; " .. . m oww moiorp raciorr- Malone.c 4 110 Brovia.tC S 4 1 0 Moran, 1 I 1 IS 0 Balnki,l S 1 I Abfraon.rf I 0 0 oiaM, c S 1 S 0 Schiuirr.u S 0 1 1 Aiultn, 4 3 1 1 Kfllry.p 110 Diffil, p I t 1 1 lhdf. p 10 0 1 10 0 0 Damalo.M S 3 1 1 CllortJop 10 0 0 Rmm?rch.p 0 0 0 3 MrLiah 10 0 0 Tola la 311014 11 Tot a la 1113 37 10 -OIiwop arotindrMl out (or lhdt In 1th. McLijiIi iroundtHl out (or Emmerich m 01 h. OREGON TIDES , Correct for Newport June 11 m a.m. 0.1 1:37 p.m. 1.3 June 10 13R a m, 5 8 8 21p.m. 7.S June 30 I (S a.m. 3.8 9:04 p.m. 1.7 Juna 31 8 57 a.m. 5 7 0 47 p.m. 7.0 I Juna 10 .. a.m. 81 10 38 p.m. 8.1 1:10 a.m. 3.0 1 :04 p.m. 1.3 3:10 a m. 3.4 1 :S2 p m, 1.8 3:08 a m 1.8 3 41 p.m. 3.3 4 01a.m. 1.3 3:34 p m. 3.1 4 SI a m. O S 4.34 p.m. 3.0 of Salem easily made the grade. DONT DRIVE WITH YOUR I DuVal had 11 hits in 24 trips'" FINGERS CROSSED! . . . ge for players participating in at least six games. Corvallis I trained brake specialist rhrrk I " wipin v,uie- - " . wuat aim i rri man had an even .500 average, SA"Bj, winy fjiH.vea in xive contests. Rock had .417 for second, and f, Siegmund .368 for third. I Making the selections were Al' State Motors -i S4 North Hirh Be a plPIOMAX get the finest pay the least 58? MumdWwhis"' . OvNkRT MR DIPLOMAT M rS-HVt ki NrM saVftl OM Hriktrf CMrrMni etrf. &. H. Lot AnaflM Hit Portland HtiJt Lrwtnc Patentr, K'lky. , ,T, , 3S 11 001 001 101 4 103 Ml 30310 033 130 111 t 03 331 331 lft R H Br So Bb qui i, StiiiiX. Ttiomj, ftrovla 3. .ikl 3 Austin. Error: Moran viifliio. nmi win mrri iir mr( ;..;- . ... . j ; BjtnAki Ruiu bat (Ml In: Raxiruki NBA heavyweight crown In ' , Olado. Matiro. Thomaa 3. Marmirt, A11- Chirasn's romiskev nark nexi enla. ,,n Mionf. Damato. TerwiiUa. Two 1. f vomiSKey pTK next !baj. htta Olaod. Krr. Firovia. Thorn w. Wednesday niKht, rame up for "Kn 10 m thw ba htu: rhiiuhi. Hoiup run 1 iJuiitMiK inr mr OlMll, Hi 1 noma, Miionf, mmiin. riripn ow weight that he say, will not lTrl difficult to reach. Lee expects I Umpire: Runa and aomrra. Time: to Rive away four or five! 3 u A,tn1"" " innpection before the men with aijiht piny. IKpeakers at the ft o'clock cere monies will he George FmiRh, Biminess niannjter of the Salom Rnatnra anH PrrH Slnrrptt Hi- rrict manager of the Portland ftl"'"Pes today Reneral Flertric company. Jo-1 Walcott and Charles, their leremnnies with welcome to be in their ramps also were to be J ' . , U.Vr'a"?" .. riven bv Mavnr Jaroh Berchlold.i briefed on the rules governing n"1"" "'" '"r seaiiie Music will be provided bv the the l.l round bout bv Joe number of weeks to line up Mt Amel hand Triner. chairman of the Illinois " "ble opponent for Sulli- Otlo L . Wellman on. of the alhletic commission, and his v,n' contacting Jack Snapp. .', t,... rranKif i-timoie, nonoy volK IHWI (Hi oofl- 3 4 1 000 000 301- 3 13 0 areaer and JarvUi Srtiana, Hoffman and While. aders in the park improvement aides. srogram and a director of the' Walcott. weighing IRS. boxed "! 'f " 'h rh"p who rerreatlon committee, will throwi five rounds with sparmalea n 'hilled Bobby Volk in 5,1 the switch turning on the flood a big hayloft yeslerdav as rain "'cond in W rn "bout J: . ! .., . a vear am. i nanis. winrr nirrciors are jo- irnrn nis pearemi vauey irain-' leph L. Warhter. president; Vi. ing camp. He Is slated to box The seml-windtip will bring! Ham Bean. Drexel White, and again today and tomorrow and together Pavey Ball from Bak Hv. Cyril 1-hold, OSB. Walter, wind up heavy training Sunday, ersfield and Danny Forrest. Kruse l secretary. At Charles' training ramp. 12 Indian scrapper from Bedding The field, one of the best light- miles from here, the Cincinnati Cal. and a stable mat of Dick td In the area, will be used by contender skipped boxing drill Wolfe. the Mt. Angel Treps for football 1 yesterday but was to go four; The four round bouts will lhl fall. Irounrts today. Icomplete the card. .... ooo Ml- s a 1 Oakland IMI a)3 01a- a 11 Reealano anil Moore, Toot and Padeett. ....000 003 001- 1 001 010 til- 4 13 Oilleeple and Ralmondl: Renudrl! Inulder and I'nerr. Did you knew you con buy on Indian for ai little as $9.39 weekly? MVT HtTlMm 4SM. ttm tyUVMf Ask TED STARCK 45k .101 TOU1 SIOTICTION.IC1TIII IN Mpfe friends with m iii vnr mulct uime asmrrt Hkaei ntoVa rViends aKoreremkally wit Guild MuKotel. Goiden-hved. with a tweet, delicote flavor It's o bia favorite with women. Taitet wonderful with "tweets". CallfOINIA IT WIN! IIOWIM U lAtl. V - J MAKE DAD GLAD with a Pair oi WWHROPS! 111 1 1 W V!- u ii i a s i i i at-s'' j . a 4 l vn i uk.r . if A WlNTHROP 11 m. mr- HAS THE fump Alia Winfhrop Jrs. for loyi See thi new styles for summer now on dis play. Wt hovt ttyltd-riBht WlNTHROP for every eeeosion. ON STYLE COME SEE FOR YOURSELF MARILYN'S 387 Court St. Ph. 3-8155 INTHROP Shoes