- ii iict iuii icu ovmv Sigma Kappa alumna met last evening at the home of Mrt. Thomai Wright with Mn. Allan Johnson as co-hostess. Plana were made for a pic nic In Dallas park in August; also for a mothers' tea to be given June 29 at the home of Mrs. Fred Viesko. Mrs. Leon Everitt is chairman from the alumnae for the tea. Attending the meeting last evening were Mrs. Frank De Witt, Mrs. Stuart Compton, Mrs. Leon Everitt, Mrs. Delbert Hunter and Miss Virginia Holmes, both of Dallas, Mrs. Luther Jensen, Mrs. B. W. Sta rey, Mrs. Bert A. Walker. Mrs. George Robinson. Mrs. E. E. Beckman and the two hostesses. AT THE summer session at Pacific university in Forest Grove will be Miss Roberta Me yer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Meyer. She left Thursday. Miss Meyer is to attend the drama workshop for the sum mer session, part of the court to be in Forest Grove, the re maining session at Newport. Miss Meyer was among grad uates of Willamette university last week-end and was active In dramatics on the campus here. . ... FALLS CITY A bridal shower was given at the Free Methodist parsonage honoring Miss Donna Luhde. Refresh ments were served. Invited were Mrs. Phoebe Ward, Mrs. Bertha Harrington, Mrs. Jessie Moyer, Mrs. Fred Trueax, Mrs. Fred Luhde, Misses Dorothy and Margaret Dunaway, Alice John son, Janice Dennis, Dianne and Alice Luhde, Mrs. Catherine Page, Mrs. Gilbert Johnson, Mrs Anna Sorenson, Mrs. Leslie Grippinauf, Mrs. Vernon Mur phy. ... VISITORS in Salem Wednes day were Mr. and Mrs. Ray mond Van Valin of Philadel phia, Pa., and Mr. Van Valin's brother and sister-in-law, Dr. and Mrs. Ralph Van Valin of Newberg. They visited with Mr. and Mrt. George W. Ailing while here. ... DANCING and cards will be enjoyed Saturday night at the Masonic temple by members and guesta of Hanna Rosa court. Order of the Amaranth. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Barker are chair men of the committee. ... Plain baked custard becomes party fare when it is served with a sauce of canned red cher ries. Thicken the Juice from a can of -sour pitted red cherries with cornstarch and sweeten with sugar. Cool and add some of the cherries before passing with the custard. BE r r i a AVt it r l Dinner Party Saturday Eve Supper Precedes Wedding Rehearsal ' Honoring their daughter. Miss Jane Acton, and her finance, Among informal dinner Donald Preiss, Mr. and Mrs.1 satherinas on the social caln- P""' H- Acl" hs,s last1 dar for Saturday evening will evening at a buffet supper at Wed June 11 The marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wayne Price was solemnized the evening of June 11 in the First Presbyterian church. The bride is the former Irene Hamilton Barbour, recently of Portadown, North Ireland and formerly of Scotland. Mr. Price is the son of Mrs. Wayne P. Price and the late Mr. Price. With the couple are their altendents, James Zigler and Miss Marjorie Price, sister of Mr. Price. (Jesten-Miller studio picture). be one at the American Legion tne r.nfarsi (or th1 wedding of! Guests '' M" E A. Hud club for a group of 18, the wo-. Miss Acton and Mr. Preiss. Thcid!'',un- M- L.rry.,Can"'n'er' men who are in I bridge club couple will be married this eve- Arthur Dahl. Mrs. Blanch rtintr in th. Virtt M.t ict : Howell , Mrs. Perl Bye, Mrs. enteraining for their husbands. IJ" ,he Flrst Me,hodls, Harvey Lively, Mrs. Lester In the group will be Mr. and, ... jWitlork. Mrs. 6. S. Hause. Mrs Mrs. Emerv Hobbs. Mr. and Mr.. ,. ."J,'"-V .'upl!r Orlin .Tnhn Unohx M- .nJ XMwm Tnk w a a n . . m, -... ..., .......,, . rreisa oi vancouver..jonn Dvbevik and Miss Stella vuiiuiign, mr, ana Mrs. jonn msii., iiimmT oi mr. I reiss. me Steelhammer. Mr mnit Mr. I Rev. Edward Gebert of Long AnHv h.i,, w. , .... 'view, who is to officate at the ... Andy Halvorsen, Mr. and Mrs. ....jj. .,, . ..-nov ,;. :n:- ncuutnH, nnu iiib. vft-ut-i b. mi,, nni", lime Rask of Salem is spending the SII.VKRTON Present and summer at the home of rela members of the Adams street , tivea. club with Mrs. Mahlon Hnblitt and her daughter. Miss Louise Capital Journal, Salem. Oregon, Friday. ,un 17, 1949 T Hoblitt as hostesses, planned a ; : pre-nuptial affair compliment- graduating class of the Salem i consecutive year at the Silver ing Miss Lucille 1 arpenter college and academy. Her moth- Falls recreational YMCA whose betrothal to Arthur Dahl. er. Mrs. Mary Rask. is assisting Miss Elaine Zenor Jr.. has been announced, the Mrs. Mary Zenor for the sixth ulsn. wending to be Wednesday eve ning, June 29, at the First Chris tian church. area. assisting Smedsted, Mrs. Theodore Grace. Mrs. O. E. Russell, Mrs. Dybevik, FOLLOWING a two months' Washington, D. C, New York trip Dr. and Mrs. W. H. DarbyjCity, Boston, and on into Can and Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Bogart ada to Quebec and Montreal. have returned home. They went'They returned home by way of through the south, stopping at I Kansas City, Denver and Salt New Orleans, then went on to! Lake City. Coburn Grabenhorst, Mr. Mrs. Richard Grabenhorst, and Mrs. Jack Price, Mr. Mrs. Richard L. Cooley. and Mr and Miss Rask is a member of the BEGONIAS 2 FOR 1 SALE Yes! We are having a two for one sale. Salem's exclusive Begonia Gardens are having this big sale starling on Friday, June 17th, and running three full days. However, may we suggest that you shop early. Just imagine, you purchase 1 doz seedling plants at the regular price of $2.50 and we will give you ABSOLUTELY FREE another dozen Begonias, in all colors. It's the buy of the year, so let's all take advantage of it. Remember for finer Begonias, it's Salem's only Begonia Specialist , . , D-VISTA GARDENS 3225 D Street Solcm, Or. CAMERA DEPT. Main Floor A FREE DEMONSTRATION in Your HOME Will show yw how Easily , Economically YM cm havo SOUND or SILENT MOVIES at awy Him, with 1CT 4r mm MOTDE-MIIYE MmM 63LMI 16mm Projector Far Sownd er Silent Film To ntobo knows eondusiVsly' to nroapoctivo bwyor of 16 ma pro) set on. tho rsnMrkablo porloraianco of m Ik mw Modol ULMB Movis-Mlo. wo will, tor m lirrjitod tioM. oi datBODstiahona is bp MM. witheitt cblitttioa to anyon. W premiss thai dvmatutra kom win SURPRISE rul Mail tb cm pom. In mmr 19 Utt mt mmrthmtm mt4 rMmt tHmt idtml UflM Wttflil, High Owl Hy, ICMomkol Prt ctof iwr vt ki HOMES, CHUICKES SCHOOIS ni OfFICIl. Entire pTfctf weighs only SB lbs- cotnpl ts with spsaksr. Exeptio ally wall Biacbiasa. Gits top results In SicrniM and sound. 1 capacity 2000 h. Univarsal A.C. or D.C. 105-120 valt operation. rttCT COMflETI OMIT 198 50 MILLER'S, Salem. Oregon I wowU Nko to how dstnoiMfrortow of Movto-Mtto In our homo. Would mtttf KaraTfe'to rftol Kj Rm1 sf hntftr In& " iMr 00 ass j 176 N. LIBERTY iaVBBBBiaaVaVillaVaaVaValHiHHHHaVBnaltanananannas Mw -YEAR C GOOD QUALITY BARGAINS! A W PAYHKI PEQUOT SHEETS, CASES! SILK YARDAGE! RED CROSS FOOTWEAR! 7 MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS! MEN'S RAYON PAJAMAS! ALUMINUM HOUSEWARES! WOMAN'S COATS! DRESSES! LINGERIE! SWIM SUITS! FOUNDATIONS! WOMAN'S WOMAN'S WOMEN'S WOMEN'S DRAPERY FABRICS! AND MANY OTHERS IN THIS STORE-WIDE CLEARANCE Don't forget Father's Dar! Ml Gifts TV m m a tm 64V t..1 a km I t5v I P m m m m 5v-i m A' i I 1 J0w