Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, June 17, 1949, Page 6, Image 6

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    Capital Women
Capital Journal. Salem, Oregon, Friday, June 17, 1949
farewell for
Friends and relative have
been invited to a farewell recep
tion for Rev. and Mrs. .John W.
Nicholson (Marguerite Orriway)
who are sailing around July 1
for Japan.
Going to Roseburg
Mrs. James B. Manning, grand
royal matron of the Order of the
Amaranth, state of Oregon, will
be in Roseburg Saturday night,
June 18, for the organization of
Douglas court there. A no-host
dinner at the Masonic temple
will precede the meeting. Others
The reception if being given from Hanna Roa court, Salem,
at the home of Mr. Jennie Love-
all, 201 Mission atreet. hy Miss
Film VanArsrlale and Mrs. Nor
man Clark, on Saturday night.
June 18 between the houn of
8 and 10 o'clock.
Standing with Rev. and Mrs
Nlrholson In the reception line
will be Mrs. Nicholson's par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Ord-
attending will be James B. Man
ning, grand marshall, Mrs. Wil
liam P. Ellis, grand lecturer,
Malcolm MacDonald, grand
sword bearer, and Mrs. Mac
Donald, Mr. and Mrs. Claude
Lester, Mrs. lva Bushey, and
Mrs. Lyle McCaulley.
way of Portland, and Dr. andj I -J. i.
Mrs. Charles S. Durden. He- I III I I U I lUl 1 (Jl
Family Reunion The family of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse For
ster was all together recently for the first time in 15 years.
Mr. and Mrs. Forster and their children are shown here.
Front row, left to right: The twin sisters, Mrs. W. E. Hea
cock and Mrs. Clarence Brenneman, both of Eugene; Mr.
and Mn. Forster; Mrs. Ellen Jordan of Salem, Mrs. Frank
Marino of San Francisco. Back row, left to right: Frank
Forster of Bend, Mrs. Walter E. Martin of Salem, Mrs. Rell R.
Main of Salem, Logan A. Forster of Salem, Mrs. Jesse
Juarer. of Salem, Mrs. Robert D. BaughmBn of Hnllister,
Calif., H. Ford Forster of Salem. The reunion was held at
the parents' horn in the Roberts district.
celving guests at the door will.pjnlj. nn(4 PnrtV
be Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Gilman. dgnr OHU TUIiy
Pouring at the punch bowl
will be Mrs. Wilma Wright and
Mrs. Charlotta Murney. Serv
ing the cake will he Mrs. Jennie
Loveall and Mrs. Kinley Adams.
Assisting In sprving will be
Miss Helen Randle, Miss Ciara
Isaak. Mrs. Ivan Bingenheimer,
Mrs. Gordon Randall and Mrs.
Glenn Wagaman.
Mrs. Spence Feted
At Recent Shower
Mrs. Leo M. Schnierier was
A formal initiation was held
Wednesday evening in the May
flower hall for five new part
ners of Marion County Salon
412 of the 8 and 40, the honor
society of the American Legion
auxiliary. Those receiving the
official welcome were Mrs.
Frank Zinn, Mrs. G. W. Dejar
din, Mrs. Beryl Porter, Mrs. By
ron Lieuallen and Mrs. Walter
G. Miller.
Elected to carry on in 1P.49
19S0 will be le petit chapeau
hostess at a shower at her Evansi Prjdent) Mrs. W. O Green of
avenue home in honor of her
niece, Mrs. Joe Spence. Pink
nd blue sweet peas and roses
decorated the home for the
party., A late dessert supper was
Bidden to honor Mrs. Spence
were Mrs. John T. Sizemore,
Mrs. Irving Sizemore. Mrs. Jack
H. Kuhn. Mrs. Allen C. Soworia
rf Seattle, Mrs. Simmons. Mrs.
Antone Sowboda, Mrs. Ben Wal
ling, Mrs. Frank Shilling, Mrs.
Toe A. Kammer of Seattle, Miss
Jerry Howard, Miss Shirley
Rwoboda, Miss Loretta Sizemore,
Mrs. David Doughton. Mrs. John
L. Keller. Mrs. Hall Morris and
the hostess.
AI'MSVIIXK Aumsville
Woman's Hub held its annual
guest day in the school dining
room Mrs. Mae Lamb had
charge of the program which
Included numbers by Mrs. Frank
Ferrin of Salem on the vlbra
harp. Piano solos hy Janice
Riches, and songs by Miss Grace
Ashford. Guests present were
Mrs. J. Ashford of Salem, Mrs.
Glenn Munhers, Mrs. Ethel
Wright of Salem, Janice Riches,
Turner, Mrs. Frank Ferrin, Sa
lem, Mrs. Philip Gearhart, Seat
lie, Mrs. Herbert Toland. West
Stayton, Mrs. Joe Nicholson
and Mrs. Theo Muyskens. Re
freshments were served hy the
committee. Members present
were: Mesdames Hugh Craig.
Mary Heen, Mae Lamb, Bland
Spear, Charles Wright E. To
wle, Ivan Putnam, Elmer Klein,
Fd. Hnlmqulst. Mae Lamb, Roy
Hough, Guy Shields, Miss Min
nie Peterson. The next meeting
on June 24 will be with Mrs.
E Towle.
Woodburn unit; le demi cha
peau premiere (first vice presi
dent), Mrs. Ben Kuensting of
St. Paul unit; le demo chapeau
deuxieme (second vice presi
dent), Mrs. Fred Lucht of Mt
Angel unit; 1-archiviste (histor
ian), Mrs. Beryl Porter of Capi
tal unit; l'aumonier (chaplain),
Mrs. Jennie Bartlctt of Capital
unit; la concierge (sergeant at
arsm), Mrs. Harry Humphreys
of Stayton unit; pouvoir board
(executive board), Mrs. Earl T.
Andresen, Mrs. Frank Marshall
and Mrs. H. H. Henry; alternate
to department pouvoir board,
Mrs. Ben Kuensting. Elected to
attend the annual marche in Sa
lem August 2 are, as delegates:
Mrs. W. O. Green, Mrs. Walter
Miller, Mrs. Fred Lucht, Mrs.
G. W. Dejardin and Mrs. F.arl T.
Andresen is automatically a
delegate as outgoing chapeau
Alternates are Mrs. Harry
Humphreys, Mrs. Frank Zinn,
Mrs. Malcolm Cameron, Mrs.
Ben Kuesting and Mrs. Byron
Out of county guests were
Mrs. C. H. Roland and Mrs. Es
ther DeYoung of Salon 183
Portland: Mrs. B. F. Updike of
Salon 362. Toledo, and Mrs.
Caroline Campbell, Portland.
The July meeting will be in
the form of a picnic supper with
the husbands and frienfls as
guests, in the gardens of the
home of Mrs. Frank Zinn.
Light refreshments were ser
ved by Mrs. Ben Kuesting and
Mrs. W. O. Green. The initiation
was in charge of Mrs. Malcolm
Cameron and Mrs. Mem Pearce
Local Folk
At Review
Several Salem women left
Friday for Fort Lewis to attend
the Governor's day review of
troops of the Washington and
Oregon National Guard Satur
day and to take in other events
in conjunction with the day.
Among those from here to be
there for the week-end are Mrs.
H. G. Maison, Mrs. William
Hugh Adams, Mrs. W. C. Dyer,
Mrs. Jerry Anderson. Mrs. An
drew J. Brown, Mrs. Fabian
The national guard is in en
campment at Fort Lewis until
next week-end.
Tea on Tuesday
Five hundred members nf Al
pha Phi international frater
nity throughout the state are in
vited to a tea given by the Port
land Alumnae chapter on Tues
day, June 21, at the home of
Mrs. J. Henry Helser.
This date is to be called Al
pha Phi day in Oregon and the
guests of honor will be Mrs. W.
H. Hutchinson of Seattle, who
is the international president of
the fraternity, and Mrs. Bruce
Pickett of Oswego, district gov
ernor for Oregon, Washington,
and British Columbia.
Out of town guests presiding
over the tea table include Mrs.
C. J. Hjelte of Eugene and Mrs.
Joseph Schulein of Corvallis.
spending a few days with his
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
Gene Vandeynde, while his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Van
deneynde, are on a trip to Seattle.
sisted with the serving. Original
contributions were a dramatic
play by Perry Reigleman; hu
morous reading by Mrs. Jessie
Singleton. Those offering origi
nal verse were Mrs. Lynn For
tch, Mrs. E. M. White, and Mrs.
Blanche Jones. Hostess for the
July meeting will be Miss Ren
ska Swart.
Shower for
A shower was given Wedneg
day evening for Miss Mary O'
Connor, bride-elect of Robert
Glenn Krechter. The wedding
will be Saturday morning, June
IS at St. Joseph's church with
a reception in the afternoon.
The shower was given by Mrs.
Robert Meier and Mrs. Bill
Brinkley, at the home of the
Invitations were issued to
Misses Mary McNamee, Margar
et McNamee. Patricia O'Con
nor, Carol Willesen, Annabelle
Wheelan, Margaret Allen, Ann
Conley, Mary Jean Weger, Ce
celia Green, Rose Ann Hanks,
Lucille Albus; Mesdames Blaine.
Hanks, Mike Innocenti, Earl
Crain, Eldon Griffin, Robert
Brentano, Ernest Schnider, Ar
thur Tackmeier, Phillipa M.
Krechter, Frances O'Connor, W.
A. Kleinke, James Smith, A. C.
Kirk in and Marguerite Simon.
Art Exhibit
An exhibition of the work of
Charles Heaney, Portland artist,
opened Thursday at the Elf-
strom Art galleries and will be
up for two weeks.
Mr. Heaney Is a widely known
northwest artist. He was one
of 10 northwest artists whose
work was chosen for a select ex
hibit in New York City, the
collection later being taken
through the country. He has
been up in such magazines as
American Artist and American
Magazine of Art.
The current exhibit comprises
oils and lithographs done by Mr.
Heaney. The oils represent all
periods of his work, including
the realism type such as an old
Portland street scene the at
mospheric landscape types as in
his views of mountains and des
sert scenes in eastern Oregon,
and some of his fossil paintings
for which he is most noted. Also
there are tome of his map
type paintings. In the print room
are some of his lithographs
which follow the same line of
interest of his fossil works,
being of small living and grow
ing things.
Also in the print room are
reproductions of Mark Toby's
work, the gallery having a port
folio of the works with a select
number chosen for exhibit.
U TESTS in the city for sev
eral weeks' stay are Mrs. J.
Thomas Lewis and children,
Stephen and Kathleen, of Eure
ka, Calif. Mrs. Lewis will be re
membered as Elsie Tucker and
attended Salem schools and
graduated from Willamette uni
versity in 1929. Rev. Mr. Lewis
will arrive In Salem the last of
the month.
VISITING, here for two weeks
afa Ml inrl Mr FlItTPrtP F.l-
phick (Barbara Ryan) from Los
Angeles as guests ot ner mower,
Mrs. Bessie Ryan. The Elphicks
have been attending school in
I the south.
Hollywood Lions
Auxiliary Installs
Dr. W. Wells Baum was guest
speaker for the meeting of the
Hollywood Lions club auxiliary
when the group met Wednesday
evening at the home of Mrs. R.
A Forkner. He presented a res
ume of health legislation now
before congress.
Other guests at the meeting
included Mrs. Axel Jacobson,
Mrs. Mildred Eckley and Mrs,
Ellen Douglas, all of the West
Salem Lions auxiliary; Mrs.
Wayne Doughton of the Srilem
Lions auxiliary; Mrs. Hilda E
Smith and Mrs. Katherine Eggi
man of the Silverton Lions aux
iliary. Mrs. A. J. Crnse officiated at
the installation of officers for
the Hollywood auxiliary. They
are Mrs. R. I. Hanna, president:
Mrs. P. W. Hale, vice president;
Mrs. C. A. Lantz, secretary; Mrs.
C. D. Cox, treasurer. Each wa?
given a corsage made by Mrs.
J. E. VanWyngardpn. Decora
tions for the meeting .featured
the Lions club colors, purple
and gold.
A gift was presented Mrs. R
A. Forkner, retiring president.
The meeting was the last for
the summer for the auxiliarv.
Mrs. P. W. Hale, Mrs. C. W.
Robbins and Mrs. C. A. Walden
were hostesses for the meeting.
hostess to the Salem Writers'
club Wednesday evening In the
YWCA. Mrs. N. F. Anderson as-
AMNOI'M'EMENT has been
received of the birth of a daugh
ter, Catherine, to Mr. and Mrs.
SILVERTON A group of'Edgar Framm (Margaret Lusk)
American Legion auxillarvlln San Fransiseo on Wednesday,
"Voice's Electric"
Vacuum Cleaner
On All Types
Household or Commercial
Also Waxers
Free Pirk-l'p and Delivery
PHONE 3-9239
Remember Him Next Sunday
Downstairs Oregon Bldg.
State and High 3-8fi2
members drove to the country
nome nf Mrs. Joe Renault Thurs
day afternoon for a surprise se
rial affair and the presentation
of a shower of gifts.
June 15. Grandparents art Jus
tire and Mrs. Hall S. Lusk of
Salem. Mrs. Lusk is leaving next
week to visit at the Framm
wsJP '.! I" J
tile ell General Electric Coffee Molt
en, Ihii model featurti viiible cup
marking,, wide-mouth bowlt, lay-on
lid and the txctutlve Taitegard. Com
plete with coffee maker, chromium
itovt, cord ond
filler rod.
t I I H &Dn
LUMBER w"vrv
solid COLORS
s,NtJ v O o y
Tn Utf. All New Merchandise
b r, fi nA
Vv3n1 O r Jr. .'
O-vV ( 1 Values that cannot be dupli-
lu "" Cf V ' cated in much higher prices,
S",Sl. sPeca' event at only
kAs " 1